GE Patterson Stay Under The Blood

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but we are grateful for the privilege that you granted us once again to be at the Assembly of the Saints and to prepare to partake of your broken body and of your shared blood pray that you would anoint these lips of clay and allow us to speak again as an oracle of Christ and we give you praise and we give you glory in Jesus name Amen give the Lord a hand open your Bibles to the book of Exodus and we want to go in the book of Exodus to the 12th chapter second book in the Bible you [Music] I want you to look with me to verse 13 Exodus chapter 12 verse 13 and have it's a man let's read it aloud together and the blood shall be to you for token upon the houses where ye are and when I see the Blood I will pass over you and the play shall not be upon you to destroy you when I smite the land of Egypt now just want you to again look at the first portion of this verse and the blood shall be to you for a token up on the houses where ye are not the houses where ye were now the houses that you periodically visit but the blood that was struck to the side Pope's and the upper posts the doorway through which they entered that into the house that blood shall be a token upon the houses where ye are where you stay where you abide I'm saying to you that they stay this Old Testament passage calls to remembrance the deliverance of the children of Israel from the house of bondage and it is actually a vivid picture of the night when God would deliver his people from 430 years of slavery bondage in the land of Egypt Sarah reading of this chapter will say to us that the Lord gave honors upon a certain day of the month which was the tenth day that they were to select a lamb well it first talks about a lamb later on it refers to it as the lamb by the time it would be the 14th of the month 5 days later when they would kill the lamb he is no longer a lamb of the lamb but he is your lamb he was a lamb they select it but he was a lamb that they kept from the 10th to the 14th for five days that the lamb was no longer just a lamb in the flock but he was the Lamb that they had become acquainted with as their own and on the fourteenth day of the month all of this is in this same chapter they were to kill that lamb in the evening often we use this passage to show how Jesus Christ our Paschal Lamb our Passover lamb that was sacrificed for us had its emblem in Israel's lamb but the fulfillment in Jesus Christ and you never really get the true essence of the scripture unless you're able to read it and understand how Jesus fits the Bible is almost like a giant puzzle that has one centerpiece the centerpiece of that puzzle is Jesus Christ and basically what you read in the Old Testament one way on other points to him there are some prophecies that were made in the Old Testament that are yet to be fulfilled but most of your prophecies from the Old Testament especially many persons and many acts were symbolic emblems of Jesus Christ had that fulfillment in him so everything before him points to him everything and the new testament' points back to him and also follow it to his soon coming so the Paschal Lamb of Egypt was a type of Jesus Christ so he had to be without blemish he was to be no older than the first year for he had to be young and in his prime and in his strength but the blood of that lamb was going to be the only thing that God would recognize on that night when he would allow the Death Angel to pass over Egypt smiting the firstborn in every Egyptian home I don't think that in this day when so much of the Word of God is being taught and preached I don't think that we really are queuing in on that which affects us most today we're getting ready September 4 soul winners conference and that is basically to focus the body of Christ back on the fact that we still have a job to do in winning the lost we are like a group of greeting children that we are so busy eating that we forget about the hungry and I'm talking now not in the natural but in the spiritual you know Mol's folk that in the natural have everything that they need they don't do a lot of thinking about the have-nots all of the cumference is basically that of being conducted in the body of Christ across this country they are designed for the believers they are designed to give us more of the word so that we can keep on getting fatter and fatter and fatter and fatter and while we are busy learning how to operate in the gifts of the Spirit and how to have the deeper life the world is getting worse our children the greatest fear that we have you know how to fear that old man walking down the street you used to think about the heart and criminal but it's the teenagers now the terrifies you and God is doing some things now to try to get our attention we think that this is just by accident that the weather is like it is you know blame it on El Nino [Music] everything is El Nino but I was doing some reading just yesterday and several of the Old Testament books whether Lord talked to Israel about when their sins got to a certain point he said he would make the land desolate he said he'd make the highways desolate wimping intention of the fact that all those fires in Florida that they shut down Interstate 95 one of the major thoroughfares in the nation had to shut down over a hundred miles of it because of how the the great fires and the smoke but God said I'm gonna do that kind of thing in order to get your attention well it happens in Florida so it doesn't mean the judgment is on Florida but Florida is the vacation spot one of the main vacation spots of the land so if he does it in Florida it gets all of America's attention but he's saying that all of these kind of things are gonna happen you're gonna have desolate land you're gonna have empty highways you don't have all of this he said but I'm just trying to get your attention amen and we're in that day now that those persons who don't know the Lord if by chance they happen to stumble into the church and hear the word and get saved if by chance they are fumbling with that dial and happen to catch a Word of God on television or radio then well and do it but not many of us are putting ourselves through any trouble in order to get folk to Jesus Christ our whole thing is you know the message for the healing of the hurting I'm a member of the body of Christ and when I go to church three to put some salve on my soles he my hurts no I know y'all don't want to hear that but the Lord is saying I'm soon to return and not on their do the hurting need to be healed you need to get out there and get to the real hurting folk the folk that are hurting and don't know Jesus oh you don't hear what I'm saying bring them in to enjoy some of what well let me put it in the words of the syrophoenician woman when she was trying to get to Jesus remember she was a syrophoenician a Syrian from the Phoenician coast she was not a member of the Israeli nation so when she tried to get to Jesus the disciples pushed her aside and finally she broke through and Jesus tested out the woman it's not meet to take the children's bread to give it to the dogs in other words you are here seeking help and deliverance and salvation for your child that you you've after the children's bread you're not one of the children you one of the outcast nations yeah you're just one of those dolls and the Bible says when you read all the counts that she threw herself at his seat so she was really couched like a dog down on the ground at his feet looking up it's not right to take children's bread give her the dogs she didn't jump up don't you call me a dog but she just said true Lord and one passage said but the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from the master's table but another one of the writers said but the dogs under the table eat the children's crumbs in other words she said let me be a dog but let me sit under the table I know your children eat messy I know your children eat what they won't and throw away the rest I can get hold if I can how part of what they throw away and don't fool yourself those of us who are members of the body of Christ we've got so many cumference --is and so many conventions and so many television and radio preachers that we just get that part that tells us how to be prosperous how to be healthy how to achieve our dreams hello young but that part that we don't want we take that and throw it away and yet the dogs the people on the outside that don't have the experience and God that you have they said I could just get a little bit of what you were throwing away [Applause] oh let me see if I can get back the way I started here the Lord was saying to them that you have been in bondage 430 years but the night is coming when the Death Angel is gonna pass over Egypt I don't know what you think about it but the Deaf angel a some kind of angel of destruction is passing over America problems in nature problems in the great cities of our nation someone was talking yesterday about having been to Los Angeles I didn't go for that aim convention of the Church of God in Christ but we had a few people who did go and all through that basically downtown area of Los Angeles they're talking about the different gains that control different areas you've got the gangs from the black community and the Korean gangs and the Hispanic gangs and they left things operate in the daytime but at night time you got to know where you are and you gotta hope your car doesn't fail you like eNOS kasbahs car and hope you don't have to change a flat problems everywhere and we shout and dance as though it don't make no difference everything is alright some of those same folk who could potentially take your life while it's safe in the daytime you need the witness to him witness to them in the day and don't let them catch you at night [Music] and those wit for everything is everything it's gonna get better it's not going to get any better now you can you can I don't care where you want to write it you can write it in the palm of your hand you can write it on the wall you can write it in your Bible but the main place you need to write it is in your mind that the conditions of this world will not get any better the only hope for our nation and the only hope for our world is the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ things will not get better you gonna have to get a real hope to Jesus and become just as fanatical about Jesus as you are about the booze you can be a bull fanatic all you want to but it don't matter how many millions a year Michael Jordan is making it ain't helping you ain't doing a thing for you so you can be fanatical about the Bulls but you'll go to church when you feel like it you don't want to get too involved don't let don't let me get too excited hey man I just want to be able to say that I am NOT a heathen I do go to church I know y'all say they ain't preaching this text well that's alright I'll eventually get back there I don't get back today I'll get back to a few weeks from now that's the one thing about being at home I don't have to try to make no ma [Music] no matter what I say to y'all at home you're gonna get but just so excited no Hank Amen so I'm gonna stay in the word and hopefully I'll get you to stay under the blue a man I'm trying to get back into this a man in bondage in sin enslaved in Egypt 430 years but the Lord was letting them know that when the Death Angel passes over you will need to be inside of the house the house where you kill the blood the lamb in that little pit just outside of the door and the basin that filled with blood and you took it dipped in hyssop and struck the side post and the upper posts and when you went through the door stained the blood-stained doorway into the house the Lord said once you get in there stay don't go in and then go back looking out I don't see no death angel let me get on back to what I wanna do he says when you get in there stake because when the Death Angel comes death will be in the street death will be in the houses where there is no blood-stained and the only salvation for you will not only to say but I lived down the street and I went into my house no your salvation will be that you are staying that we're living in a day now with our people and and and it's so sad because so many preachers are teaching it you know once you're born again you know you can't be lost that was a time when that doctrine was not in the holiness circles there was a time when only the Calvinistic people taught that but now everybody's basically teaching that once you receive Christ you can't be lost but the Lord said Israel that wants you in the house through the blood-stained doorway the only way to keep from being lost you got to stay back if you if you go back into the streets where you were when the Deaf angel come you will be in jeopardy your life depends on staying under the blue Oh hallelujah and then if you need further proof I'm not gonna deal with it with Joshua chapter 2 and verses 8 down through 15 deals with the promise that the two spies of Israel later made to the woman called Rahab the harlot Moses had sent 12 spies one spy from each of the twelve tribes of Israel into the Promised Land the spied out and the see just what was going on oh you all know that story but later on once they got in the Promised Land there were defensed cities that had to be captured once that city was Jericho so Joshua was sent to spies in the Jericho you go and look around and see what's going on but word got out that a couple of men of Israel was somewhere in the streets of Jericho and those men ran down to the house of ill-repute now I forget the word that you all use for that starts of the beat yeah Bronco where there were women for hire and the men went looking down the rehabs house because she was the one that ran the house we were lights that came through here she's oh yeah but she had taken them up on the roof and hear them hit him under the roof structure and then she told those men and you'll read it there in the second chapter so we already heard about you we know that God has given you this city but my concern is that when you come back to Jericho when you come to take over the place I want you to spare me spare my sister's my brother my mother my father my whole family and they said all right we'll do it on this condition that you get all of them into your house we know we're not going we're not gonna come against this city and then have to spam 1012 different houses get all up in the one house and I don't care what you all say about all these other religions care what you say about Islam and Buddhism and all these other religions I believe when God picks out the house that he's saving I believe it's the house that's got the name Jesus over course my Bible said neither is about salvation in any other what are you trying to be halfway in your religion and half way in theirs you better tell them to come on him this house named Jesus the power of Jesus so bring them all into your house rehab and then take this call that you're about to let us climb over the wall with and hang that color of scarlet line that's what it says you read it second chapter down through the 19th verse and they particularly say not just a line or poet but scarlet red symbolizing the blood that when we come back everybody who's in this house well red cord where the blood line is displayed you can depend on the fact that they will be spam so but now if they don't stay here if they out there in the street if there's somewhere else we will be innocent we'll be guiltless of our oath we're not promising to protect your mama your daddy your sister your brother or anybody else that's in another house yes they are going to be sad they got to be in this house under the blood I know we're living in a day now when we got all these different religions you know mind science higher power you know a deity by whatever name you want to call him baby I'm here to tell you that if you really want to be saved you better get in Jesus house and you better stay under the blood a man anytime you get so smart that you find out that there's another way well you see we go different roads but we end up the same place now now in a state 40 we'll take you one place 75 will take you somewhere else you can get a little stay far to hit West and end up in LA but you had east on Interstate 14 hit 75 going no if you don't end up in Detroit you get on 95 you're gonna end up in Connecticut or in Florida all roads don't lead to the same place a man and if you lead if you're on your way to the father's house Jesus said in my father's house are many mansions there are a lot of mansions up there if it was not so I would have told you he said but I'm the one going to prepare place fire and I am the way and I am the truth I am the life I am the door not Me If any man enter he'll be saved climb up another way he the thief and a robber [Applause] and the last word I heard as I close here in Revelation chapter 12 when it opens with the woman clothed with the Sun that was with child and Satan is depicted as a great red dragon trying to devour the child a moment of his birth but the child was received up to heaven to the throne of God but the woman had to run into the wilderness the woman represented Israel and represented the church that brought forth Jesus Christ you don't hear what I'm saying and the testimony was this in Revelation 12 and 11 that that red dragon and all of his angels are his demons that pursue hallelujah after the saints of God that they had one thing that brought them victory over the devil they overcame him by what blood of the Lamb and by the word of that testimony but if you don't stay under the blood you don't have a testimony your testimony comes from I [Music] don't care how the enemy is trying to beckon you back into that old life I hear the Lord says stay under the blood you've been redeemed you've been washed from your sins you've been made a new preacher hallelujah but now let you enter into the house through the blood-stained don'twe trouble is hovering over but if you want to be spam [Music] somebody tell them I know you're having trouble in your life I know the enemy is trying to smoke yeah but whatever you do stay [Applause] [Music] [Applause] halleluyah halleluyah halleluyah if you stay under the blood the devil can't do you no harm don't you understand what about me when you stay under the blood when the blood is over you where the blood is around you when you're wrapped up see little every side laughter all the way the devil can get to you [Music] you step out the blood into self-heating walked through your family name what do you care about you being a Macklin where they care about me being a patsy nothing at all how they do it what do you care about how much money you got in the bank what do you care about your diseases I mean your degrees that you got on the wall he don't care nothing about all that [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's a chemical agency in the blood of Jesus that every time the devil tries to break through all of his weapons are disintegrated and dissolved as he tries to break through the blood of Jesus hallelujah don't you know in a normal healthy body that even when you get cold viruses and various things that happen you eaten properly and all of the nourishment is carried through the body and the heart pumps the blood through the body oh you don't hear what I'm saying and don't you know that that diseases that enter in to your body they can't stay that long if you got a healthy blood stream and then if something gets in there the doctors know how to give you some antibiotics and the blood tears those antibiotics through the body and Ward's off that thing that's trying to attack in the save and redeeming blood of Jesus everything that the devil tries to penetrate into your body when it wants into the bloodstream God's got a way of knocking out that thing you a foreign agent you don't belong here keeps it out y'all don't hear what I'm saying thank God for the blood what can wash away my seed nothing [Music] [Applause] somebody oughta sit thank God for the blood of Jesus [Music] not trying to somebody turn to somebody and tell them maybe I don't know what you gonna do but I've made it up in my mind that I'm gonna stay [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Gordon Palmer
Views: 140,300
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TD Jakes 2019, TD jakes
Id: tON-rbW_Ksk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 40sec (2260 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 10 2019
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