GE Patterson Standing Fast

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in the book of galatians chapter 5 and i really will not be before you that long today but there are some things i want to say to you who are new converts and even those of you who are old converts but you have forgotten the grounds upon which you were justified before God and in Galatians 5 in 1 the Apostle Paul is reminding the churches throughout the regions of Galatia those who we just refer to as the Galatians 2 stand fast come on and read that verse with me stand fast therefore in the Liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage all right and that's what I won't talk to you about today I want to talk to you about standing fast I once heard it said that if a person does not stand for something that they will fall for anything and we're living in a day when the devil is out with all of his gimmicks and all of his tricks attempting to make the faithful fall and this is a day that I believe that Paul and Barnabus many of the messages that they preached on one occasion that they came to the believers in a certain place and exhorted them that with purpose of harm they should cleave unto the Lord and that means hang on for dear life and we have come to that time when as people of God we need to get a life-saving hold on the Lord cleave to him hang on as if your life depended on it because it really does the devil is not playing games we may laugh at a lot of things that the enemy does he might disguise it as comedy but he's not playing he's serious he recognizes that his time is just about out and the call Satan's time is about out he wants to deceive as many people as he possibly can and some of us who are not rooted and grounded in the faith pray for his devices those who have been with us under the big gospel tent these last three weeks and now we're entering the fourth and final week the enemy is not gonna back off of you because he saw you dancing in the grass because he saw you rolling in the dust hello somebody he's not gonna back up off of you at all he just recognized she's on fine now but she'll cool off in a couple of days and I'll get her and the enemy is going to try every trick that he has previously tried plus he's gonna come up with some new ones because now those who are recently saved he has been attacking you only in the realm of the carnal he's been attacked in you with natural things alone but now that you have an appetite that has been wetted by spiritual things he'll try to deceive you now in the spirit and he'll try to make you feel that okay you got touched under the tent of the other Sunday in church and you felt like you've never felt before and you are so determined to go with the Lord but now let me show you a new way and the devil he really take those who are hungry for spiritual things and start you going off on what they used to call the deep end now the deep end is not really the deep end it's just going backwards well preacher what do you mean the whole purpose of this book of Galatians while simply because Paul on his missionary journeys had brought believers into the faith of Jesus Christ teaching the theme that by grace are you saved not by works but it is a gift of God in other words you are not saved because of how good you have been you're not saved because of the requirements of the law that you have met but you are saved simply because God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth on him or in him should not perish but have everlasting life and you believed on the Lord Jesus you confessed him as your Lord and Savior and when you believe that confessed him he washed your sins away he blotted them out he wrote your name in the Lamb's Book of Life but when Paul got through preaching this the group that were called the Judaizers are the judases whichever pronunciation you prefer these people would hear about the fact that Paul had established a church and they would send their delegates to tell them now wait a minute you've got to firmly understand what Christianity is that Christianity is an offshoot of Judaism and if you're gonna be a good Christian you've got to first be a good Jew that you have got to get our lists of meats that are kosher and non kosher and if you're really saved they're certain meats you can eat certain meats you cannot eat you've got to learn the law of the Sabbath and there are things you can do on the Sabbath there are things you cannot do on the Sabbath and got to give you our list of do's and dont's Paul that preached you a saved by grace through faith that not of yourself it's the gift of God but Tolls Judaizers wanted them to know that you're saved by grace plus keeping the law and don't you know that there are some folk that would still try to tell you your salvation is based on legalism now I know that that's a thin line between what I'm preaching here and our doctrines and teachings of holiness that's why I've tried in two messages to give you some real understanding of what holiness is about because holiness is not traditionalism hello your holiness is not how long one's dress is holiness is not whether you do or do not wear makeup holiness is not a whole lot of things but yet we have through tradition come up with a whole list of things and then when we get through with it then we say that's holiness God is not far extremism in men not women but what I never understood is why that all of these laws and customs only applied to the women you know even when I was a little boy it was it was the winter women had the way of the plain dress it did not have no shape to it dragging the ground the long cotton stockings hello completely no makeup and then the brother fall out clean as he could afford now God is not a one-sided God and you can go to all of the ritual and all the procedure and have a certain look but if it's not in your heart you'll do with the long dress what somebody who's got principle won't do it to Sheldon I'm not gonna stay over that long I'm still but they were constantly trying to give to the churches that Paul had found it on his missionary journeys that list of do's and don'ts and if you don't watch it now God wants you to be familiar with this book the Old Testament and remember the word Testament is related to the same word as the word wheel God's old will God's revived our new wheel that is signed and the blood of Jesus Christ the old has been fulfilled and now we are living in the new hello and you have to be very careful about those persons who would carry you back into the Mosaic law and try to make you live according to that which because of fulfillment has vanished away and they'll put more emphasis on things like me Sabbath day dress cold and all of these things then they put emphasis on grace see the one thing about is when you are saved and the love of God is shed abroad in your heart by the Holy Ghost the love of God down in you constrains you as to what you should and should not do you just cannot really love the Lord and do some things because when you love God you love yourself and according to God's Word this is Jesus New Testament concept now the heart of the Old Testament law those Ten Commandments when they ask Jesus over in the New Testament which is the first and Great Commandment and you can find that over in the 22nd chapter of Matthew down around the verse 40 something down in there they wanted to know which was well it was a little earlier than verse 40 what is the first and Great Commandment and Jesus took up panoramic view of the ten commandments and all of those Commandments dealing with man's relationship to God how should not make under the any graven images remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy I shall worship the Lord thy God and him only shall I serve all of those commandments dealing with man's relationship with God Jesus condensed him into one and said thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and then he takes the next section of it thou shalt not steal thou shall not kill thou shall not covet thy neighbor's good thou shalt not commit adultery all of those things regarding man's relationship to his fellow man and Jesus said thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself because if you love your neighbor like you love yourself you're not gonna kill him you're not gonna steal from him hello y'all all of these Jesus condensed in the two so now we are under the law of love we love God that's the vertical bar huh we love our fellow man that's the horizontal bar and Christianity is complete In loving God loving by fellow man because of love there are some things you're not going to do since you love God you're not gonna bring a reproach on the church I know I don't have to tell you how to dress you love God and you love God's people you know what God is about you know what his church is about so they just not then just not gonna catch you with those daisy dukes on downtown acting loose don't nobody have to teach you I'll make a law that they to show you love God and you love your church and then you love yourself all y'all don't hear what I'm trying to tell you and login you some strange you as to how you should and should not have oh look at how some y'all looking at me the Apostle Paul lets them know earlier in the book he caused them foolish Galatians 2 beginning of chapter 3 or foolish Galatians who has bewitched you that you should not obey the truth before whose eyes Jesus Christ has been evidently set forth crucified among you this only what I learn of you receive here the spirit by the works of the law or by the hearing of faith how did you get what you got a man when the Lord saves you whether in this building under the tent of wherever how did it happen because you start digging and decided I'm going to keep the law or was it by hearing the Word of God the preaching of faith and the Word of God went down in your spirit and you realize the person I used to be I don't want to be any more things I used to do I don't want to do them anymore you didn't get where you are by the law you got here by the hearing of faith now having begun in the spirit how can you now be made perfect in the flesh I'm trying to tell you you've got to watch the devil's tricks he'll stop you at point a and instead of letting you progressively go to b c d e and f the enemy will you and you'll start at a and go backwards but I want you to know God want you to stand you ought to tell somebody that God wants you to stand don't fall for Satan's tricks but standing victory Oh hallelujah praise the name of Jesus well preacher I hear you telling me what to do but how can I do it flip the page go into Ephesians and as you get into the next book the book of Ephesians come to chapter 6 when you get into chapter 6 look at verse 10 come on and read it with me finally my brethren be strong in the Lord and in the power of his God don't want you to be a spiritual weakling and that's what you'll become going to church one Sunday a month and even going every Sunday and never going the proud meeting and never going the midweek service when God makes a way you can no more be spiritually strong going to church 1 worship service a week then you can be physically strong eating one meal a week try get up on Monday morning on Saturday morning and eat one meal that 11 o'clock don't eat no more till the next Saturday let mclubbe eat the next Saturday at 11 o'clock people will think you got what you don't have you won't be anything but skin and bones and then you'll be occupying a box if you do not mingle with the people of God worshipping if you don't pick up your Bible but once a week if you don't pray but once a week if you don't worship but once a week you're gonna end up being WEA K reading your Bible praying worshiping one time a wek will make you WEA K hello somebody God wants you to be strong sign of it my brethren be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might read put on the whole armour of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil you better tell somebody Satan's coming after you if you're gonna stand against the wiles of the devil you are going to have to put on the whole armor of God in order to stand read a little bit father verse 12 far we wrestle not against flesh and blood see that this is this is what we got to learn oh my god when will we as people of God ever learn that when we gonna quit fussing backwards and forth with each other when we go I would I wouldn't mind going down there but they got one oh sure every time I go i'ma run into that water sure he or she don't like me and it all becomes personality recognized people are not as independent as they try to be all of us are influenced by spiritual powers we are either influenced by the power of Jesus Christ the Holy Spirit are we are influenced by the spirit of the devil and your battle is not with that person with a bad attitude your battle is with that spirit on the inside of that person that gave them that bad attitude some you in situations where you live with a spouse that can be just as nice and then all of a sudden it's like something happens you don't know what it is especially those who mess around with chemicals I don't know what it is they start messing with that crap start messing with that liquor and they turn into another person well they tell you some of them some liquor stores called the house of spirits [Applause] they drinking liquid but that liquor it releases a spirit I remember coming right to this church the Pope it was arranged a little different before crack ever reached Memphis hadn't been long started to church in Detroit and I came here and some of y'all may remember that I told you I said that's a new drug or a new form of cocaine called crack that's in Detroit now and heading this way and they say that all you got to do is use it one time and you addicted don't you know anything that you just use that stuff one time and you are dicted it's because once you inhale that smoke or whatever it gets down inside and releases a demon and the demon on the inside calls for more I will fight you'll never win it as long as you think you got a fight with that sister of that brother we wrestle not against flesh and blood you'll tell somebody I'm not your enemy and you're not mine hallelujah we wrestle not against flesh and blood but what against principalities and I've told you time before that what unfolds here in the dialogue of Paul he lets us know that Satan's Kingdom is set up like any other Kingdom that there are ranks and when you break through one rank there's another one waiting and the first line of defence where the devil has are the first line of offense is principalities that's what you got to fight hello the first onslaught of the devil when he first comes after you and you thank my god I've had a battle with hail and by sticking with God you win but you haven't done anything but broken through the first line of defense we wrestle against principalities tell somebody when you conquer principalities powers are waiting on you hallelujah we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places wherefore off of this cause take unto you the whole armour of God you people that are members of the church yeah I joined the church thank God I'm a member of the church something happened to me now got somewhere to have my funeral just like my mom and grandma have always told me I need to be in the church and that's all you're thinking about is being in the church I got news for you the enemy is gonna do all he can to destroy you so you need everything God has to offer put on the whole armour of God it's not enough just to say I'm saved you got a lot of folks that are saved but they don't have no joy and Nehemiah told me the jar of the Lord's my strength so I need to take on some joy others when they hear your preaching and teaching about the Holy Ghost no no that's that that's what makes you talk in them tongues I don't want that you better get that to tell somebody you better get all God have doll for you because the devil is coming out to you wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places where for all for this cause take unto you the whole armour of God that you may be able to stand off the whip stand in the evil day and having done all the stinging when you've done everything in your power hello somebody when you've done everything look like you're gonna fall anyhow having done all the stand stand other words get you you ever had to go somewhere and have to stay in the line a long time and you have to count a shift and put the way over here shift and put it over here you glad when you do get up to a wall while you lean but in this wall fast hallelujah sometimes you're not gonna be able to do too much shifting you're gonna have to do like those big old sumo wrestlers and dig in hallelujah glory to God you gonna have to dig in because the enemy is coming you might have to counter you know make a hole and then put your foot down in it but you gonna have to stand Satan is coming after you look at verse 14 stand therefore having your Lawrence midsection here God about with truth don't matter how full I on you you can't lie back on them to get even truth is your defense you don't hear what I'm saying glory to God have your lawns gird about with truth and then put on the breastplate you gotta have something to protect your heart gotta have something to shield ya upper part of the torso put on the breastplate of righteousness no matter how folk do you wrong you do them right but not only your rightness but the breastplate of righteousness and when it says righteousness Jesus is the righteousness of God so take him as your righteousness Oh y'all don't hear me praise the name of Jesus verse 15 says what your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace hmm don't walk in the ways of lies and gossip but make sure you walk in peace a man somebody verse 16 above all taking the shield of faith in other words I'll in front there you got to keep faith shield see they have two different kinds of shields basically the arm shield that you can move it from side to side but many of the armies in that time the Roman army they had what we'll call body shields just a little bit taller than a man just a little bit wider and each side the man on each side they would lock that shield against the other man shield and the shield was above them in front of them and all that the army would see would be all these shields the men are hidden behind them and the shields are touching one another see when God puts the church together the way we ought to be my shield in your shield my faith joined with your faith and we can move behind our shield of faith faith is out in front you gotta have faith you can't make it without faith God is going to give me every spot of brown sole of my foot tread upon God hallelujah he's making away even Beauvais no way no matter what the Devils say I believe God hallelujah taking the shield of faith wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked and then take what the helmet of salvation and then you've got one offensive weapon now you notice all the rest of it is defensive hmm Loren's girded with truth breastplate of righteousness feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace shield of faith helmet of salvation all of that to protect you but then you've got one offensive weapon and what is that the sword of the Spirit touch somebody and tell them nacho 357 nacho 38 and not your 9-millimeter but the sword of the Spirit which is the word Oh God [Applause] that's all you got to fight with that's all Jesus used when the devil tested him and tempted him out there in the wilderness every time the devil came up told him if you the Son of God cast yourself down you the son of God turn the stone in the bread if you the son of God fall down and worship Me everything the devil threw at Jesus Jesus took a verse of scripture out of the book of Deuteronomy and knocked him down with it all Jesus needed was three verses out of Deuteronomy we got six to six books you don't hear what I'm saying and if you know this book this is your soul everything the devil throw at you you can cut him down with the word hallelujah not your word but God's Word Oh glory he says how to do the helmet of salvation the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God and one more thing you need if you're really gonna stand verse 18 praying always Fran win praying win praying on the National Day of Prayer praying when we have a shut-in I Got News for you you can't just go in and have a talk with Jesus when you're in trouble but you got to pray when it's going good pray when is going bad pray when things are going your way bring when things are going the other way praying all ways and don't you know you can stand doesn't matter how the devil try to cut you down you can stand and God wants you to stand hallelujah you're falling does not give him any glory no no no when the devil knock you down and start laughing that doesn't give God glory but it give God glory when you can stand against all odds when the enemy is trying to defeat you it every round but it doesn't matter what the devil throw action hallelujah somebody said that what made Muhammad Ali such a great champion when he was the champion of the world as far as the heavyweight division was concerned said not only could he throw a punch but he could take a punch see some of us we can throw it but if a person just walk up to us we ready to fall out over anything the least little thing somebody said you fall out but you got to be able to take it not only give it out but you got to be able to take it sometimes the devil look like we'll throw everything but the supermarket action and feel like he's throwing that at you but when he get through throwing everything in your way you got to be able to take it and tell the enemy that I'm not gonna be like who was it those three baths when the big bad wolf said I'm gonna huff who was it oh yeah y'all know that don't you then I'm gonna huff and puff and blow your house down you gotta let him huff you gotta let him puff but let him know you'll never blow my house down the reason you won't blow it down is because I built on a rock on Christ the solid rock I stand and all the other ground is nothing but sinking saying but jesus said if you hear what I have to say and don't do it when the wind blows when the rains come when the flood descend your house is gonna fall and it's gonna be a great fall because it's not founded on a rock but if you hear my word and do it you'll be like a man that dug beneath the shifting sand that struck a rock foundation and when he built his house on a rock when the rains came when the floods descended when the wind began to blow when the storm was over my house was yet standing because it was built on a rock I'm trying to tell you is if you want your house to stand you better build on a rock but when you be on the solid rock the devil can't do you no harm he can come with his threats he can come doing all kind of things to you but when it's all over you will yet be standing in victory have you ever noticed that window stays over that the tornadoes and when they show the Hurricanes down in Florida and in the tropic regions hardly ever occasionally you see it but hardly ever do you see a palm tree that's lying down and up rooted but minute storms will pass over and that palm tree will bend over double you'll see the thing almost down to the ground but when the wind stop blowing it'll straighten back up and somebody said because as much of the palm tree as you see above the ground if it's standing 70 feet high if you could just dig down beside it the roots are going 70 feet deep too many of us want to go up before we go down but if you're going up you better go down you've gotta let your roots go down and wrap around the rock of the ages and when the storm is over [Applause] [Music] you can lift your head again and say that you tested me say that you tried but I'm so glad the soul I'm standing [Applause] god bless you I'm gonna quit but you ought to tell about five people I don't know what you're going to do but I'm gonna stand up for Jesus what you gonna do but I'm gonna stand up for Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you see [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] god god bless Bishop Patterson on today we do thank God for the message that he brought great at all stand fast [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] the Lord is worthy to be praised thank God thank God for the word about new yeah oh we praise God thank God for the beautiful message comes el valle de pinna gnosis and bam we're up in price have made on three great alone all right got a sia we go open the doors early trace now son a man Wallenberg gone saying and you're saying I want to save you right now and set you free you know how to go another day breathe alone man woman Barger go to church is open all you got do just come down and give your life to the Lord if you want to be saved free the name of Jesus hallelujah nor with the lurid design whoa Richard I pray the Lord God bless you I bless you God bless you God bless you praise the Lord dad another one [Applause] [Music] Loretta's on cinnamon wallenberg you have to live another day in you sees freeze the Lord Frieza Lord you give your life to the Lord right now God knows you God knows you but God don't love that saying that you done God loves you God love you how they'll do it to his name praise the name of Jesus Oh bless the Lord bless the Lord hallelujah thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord [Applause] the name of Caesar God want to see you right now Oh bless His name you go home another way you can go home another way hallelujah hallelujah praise the Lord so the main woman Borger want to give your life to the Lord come right now three the Lord breathing on war hallelujah yes Lord yes love yes oh yes love I think it's easy god bless his name [Music] maybe up in the balcony we were waiting on your caste elevating come now Oh hallelujah hallelujah glory to God glory to God pray the lord thank you lord thank you thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] thanks if you praise an awesome broken [Applause] hallelujah thank you lord thank you lord oh we know the law today or how do you do you sanim a woman burger breathin or oh thank you Jesus thank you Jesus bless the name of the lord blessed the name of the Lord hallelujah three the Lord Oh hallelujah hallelujah thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord [Music] maybe already saying just want to make this your church home the door the church is open you may say well all mojo and it's a tomato no no we done it say that God warned of Sir John breathe alone free the Lord hallelujah hallelujah thank you lord thank you thank you [Applause] [Applause] [Music] praise the Lord praise the Lord breathe and all baby has another man hallelujah thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Lord keyword of all the praises the name of the Lord hallelujah hallelujah thank you thank you know that another Cobra to God glory to God glory to God Oh bless the name of Jesus thank you thank you thank the Lord free the Lord there's another one give it just a few more seconds Bree the Lord don't let the damage seems right your blessing don't let the never cheat you out your blessing hallelujah be more than your heart thank you hallelujah get up in the name of Jesus glory to God glory to God glory to God pray the Lord we go exhale they ask you to go down with these we just gonna shake your hand [Music] [Music] all right Thank You Lola thank you thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] beautiful [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right god bless you the Brotherhood would be down stands ready stand boys for the seminar that they are going to have and they excited and
Channel: Gordon Palmer
Views: 95,808
Rating: 4.7169003 out of 5
Keywords: TD Jakes 2019, TD jakes
Id: ZqxU_VXNv0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 10sec (3190 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 10 2019
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