G.E. Patterson.... Give God Total Praise

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only give him praise given give him a truth thankful free thank you Jesus Lord hallelujah thank the Lord thank you lord thank you long and Lord we do thank you on this Thanksgiving Day for every day with us is a day of Thanksgiving we praise you that we live in a land where that annually by annual proclamation this the fourth Thursday in November is designated for our nation as a day of Thanksgiving and we praise you Lord that we do not live in one of those countries where people have to worship afraid but for the freedom to give you the praise all we just want to pray hallelujah and then four-wheel and a design to give you the praise and for mind that recognize that it is right to give you the praise we just want to thank you today yes yes so Lord let your word go forth with power today and we take no credit nor glory but we give it all the the in Jesus name a man and a man give the Lord another have the praise and you may be seated I want to get immediately into the Word of God on today now it's still morning many of us have already worshiped the Lord at the earlier worship celebration at 8 o'clock and our Whitehaven locations but I'm just a little bit curious about how many of you there are here present now who were not present at 8 o'clock this is your first worship celebration I just want all of you first-timers for the day to stand up on your feet let me see the first timeless oh my god we got a whole new house free he's alive well give God another hand of praise [Music] since the third Sunday Sunday November 16th every worship celebration we have focused upon the theme of Thanksgiving and then this is our fourth worship celebration in a series of four that have been designated as Thanksgiving revival crusade God medicine in a tremendous way on Tuesday night and at our White Haven location last night and also this morning at eight o'clock and now we are blessed of God again to be here that we might give Him praise I want to get immediately into the scriptures because I don't want anybody to cut me off mentally and start wondering whether that turkey is ready all that duck that chicken and God bless even those who not happen to do that you just don't go home and fry hamburgers but whatever may be the case at least you stopped by to give God praise amen [Music] we want to allow God's Word to speak to us today basically this message I delivered maybe about eight or nine years ago on Thanksgiving Day but I feel that there are so many things here that we need to not only be reminded of ourselves but there are always those who do not understand why we worship the Lord as we do they can understand why they do all of the stuff that they do at football games and basketball games how they scream and holler until they get hoarse and how they wave in their hands and going on and standing up cutting the G you know all the stuff that's well and good but for us to do it in the house of worship it's so unintelligent what is wrong with you people I think every once in a while we do need to go back and look at the scriptural foundation for us praising the Lord as we do let's begin in Psalm 103 and I certainly hope you have your Bibles with you on today because we go into a number of passages the Book of Psalms Psalm 103 and I want to use one verse here that will give us our theme and from there we will go further if you have Psalm 103 say man alright verse 1 let us just kind of read it aloud with clarity and with excitement come on bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me yes holiness I particularly want you to pay attention to the phrase and O that is within me turn to somebody and tell them give God total praise hey man total praise oh that is within me I don't want to give God half-hearted prayers hello I don't want to do this as though God well since you were extracting it from me I'm gonna just give you a little something but he wants us to give him total praise bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me bless His Holy Name in the word of God we are exhorted to praise God with the whole of our being the more we read God's Word the more we discover that serving and praising God is our only reason for being I don't care what else you accomplish in life if your life is not being lived to the glory of God and if every fiber of your being is not involved in giving him praise then you are not fulfilling the reason for which you were created well I think that's borne out in Isaiah chapter 43 verses 1 through 7 and I'm just gonna start reading it then you find it and if you find that you can't keep up with me you know what to do that's right by the tape Isaiah 43 verses 1 through 7 says but now thus saith the Lord that created that thee and you got to remember that God created you now you're not somehow a link in a long chain of evolution one day a monkey instead of giving birth to another monkey gave birth to a man and that was your great great great so many times great-grandfather I don't care how we look in the mirror and see resemblances to the monkey the chimpanzee or the orangutan I am NOT an offspring of the monkey God created me now you can have the monkey in your ancestral line if you want him but I dismiss all of that don't go there thus says the Lord that created the old Jacob and that formed the O Israel fear not I think you've got it now right Isaiah 43 1 through 7 come on read it for I have redeemed thee I have called thee by thy name thou art mine when thou pass it through the waters I will be with thee and through the rivers they shall not overflow thee when thou walk it through the fire thou shall not be burned neither shall the flame Kindle upon thee for I am THE LORD thy God the Holy One of Israel thy Saviour I gave Egypt for thy ransom Ethiopia and see before thee since thou was precious in my sight thou has been honorable and I have loved thee therefore will I give men for thee and people for thy life fear not for I am with thee how bring thy seed from the east and gather thee from the West I will say to the north give up and to the south keep not back bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the ends of the earth even everyone that is called by my name for I have created him for my glory I have fallen him yea I have made tell somebody God created you for his glory hallelujah verse seven says I have created him for my glory and you got to understand that if you are not glorifying God you are not fulfilling the purpose for which you was created now remember that's not just on Thanksgiving Day but that's every day now the Apostle Paul said in Romans twelve and one I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that you do what that you present your bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service now as you would continue to read we're not going to read it here but in your home study when you go back to Romans chapter 12 and begin to read verse 1 and continue reading on it will be obvious to you that the verses that follow in Chapter 12 of Romans that this sacrifice refers to holiness and godly living but the term living sacrifice also refers to a life of praise God wants us to live before him a life of praise all we sing it ever wants to while we bring the sacrifice of praise into the house of the Lord we bring the sacrifice of praise into the house of the Lord and we offer up to you the sacrifices of Thanksgiving and we offer up to you the sacrifice of joy I praise to God must be with our total body well let's start him we've got to praise Him with our voice tell somebody you've got to praise the Lord with your voice now there are really two or three ways how God expects you to praise him with your boys psalm six - six and eight says Oh bless our God ye people and make the voice of his praise to be heard don't sit here talking about I don't believe in all of that shouting you understand that I sit quietly and reverent to live in the house of the Lord and I praise Him on the inside I praise him with my mind and with my thoughts and I seek to have a pure heart but the psalmist says make the voice of his praise to be heard I can't hear you man [Applause] I'm not going to take the stethoscope and put the thing in my ears and put some up on your chest so I can hear your heart for me to know what's in there and God who knows the thoughts of the heart he knows what's in there but he still says make the praise the voice of his freeze to be heard well Psalm 109 and verse 30 says I will greatly praise the Lord with my mouth yea I will praise him among the multitudes in other words well you should hear me when I'm in the shower God how am I when you in the shower he says among the multitude when I get in the midst of the people I'm not gonna let the folk that's sitting around shame me out of praising God a man well in Jeremiah chapter 33 verse 10 and 11 when Israel was held captive down in Babylon and as they left from the holy city seeing the gates burned with fire the walls destroyed the temple that had been first of all pillaged had now been torn down and burned with fire the city lay in ruins but God through the Prophet Jeremiah in chapter 33 verse 10 and 11 promised that he was going to restore his people and the way to know when they've been restored goes something like this Jeremiah 33 verse 10 and 11 if you haven't read with me so saith the Lord again there shall be heard in this place which ye say shall be desolate without man and without beasts even in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem that are desolate without man and without inhabitants and without beasts the voice of joy and the voice of gladness the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride the voice of them that shall say praised a lot of hosts he said right here in this desolate place you're gonna hear it again you're gonna hear the voice of my people shouting praise the Lord of Hosts for the Lord is good for his mercy endureth forever and of them shall bring the sacrifice of praise into the house of the Lord so I will cause to return the captivity of the land as that the first saith the Lord and God is saying that to somebody else that used to be on side for him and look like the enemy have sapped out your spiritual life all of your joy is gone and people said pole thing had so much trouble that they don't shout no more they don't praise God no more but I hear the Lord saying that in this place that's desolate right now hallelujah you may have gone through so much until you think life for you is over but God said I'm gonna restore you and again they're gonna hear you shouting praise the Lord you got to let the devil know I don't care what you've been doing to me hallelujah you counted me out but I'm coming back not only must the boys be heard and saying praise to God but the voice is to be used to praise God in singing can I hear somebody said singing oh I know a lot of you said well you see I'm not a singer I can't even carry a tune in a bucket but God gives you permission that if you cannot sing in the choir and if you don't want anybody to hear you cracky voice trying to sing in church listen at what he says here in the book of Ephesians chapter 5 verse 18 and 19 and be not drunk with wine wherein is excess but be filled with the spirit and listen at this speaking to yourselves now this is where you can praise him in the shout if you can't sing in the choir you shame to sing in church speaking to yourselves in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord all glory to God if you don't think that you are singer then learn how to sing in private let the melody come out saying speaking to yourselves in Psalms what do you mean in Psalms the word Psalms capital P sa L M asam the Greek word Samos is taken from the Hebrew word mismo meaning song or instrumental music Webster's new world dictionary defines a psalm as a song song to a harp in other words that if you're really going to sing psalms you do need a musical instrument I know that there are those who say that God doesn't want you to use musical instruments but a PS ALM is ASO ang hu ng to a hog a psalm is a song song to a heart so I don't care how you don't like instrumental music we're not about to put them up in Colossians 3:16 it says let the Word of God dwell in you richly in all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord so your voice must be used in speaking praises it must be used in singing praises and now God wants you to praise him with your boss in another way that upsets some folk he wants you to use your voice shouting tuck somebody and tell them God wants you to use your boys shouting now I know a lot of times mistakenly people called this shouting that's not shouting that's dancing shouting is done with the voice amen shouting is a part of praise that God desires isaiah 12 verse 1 through 6 it simply reads and in that day thou shalt say o lord i will praise thee though thou wast angry with me that anger is turned away and thou toughie test me the whole god is my salvation i will trust and not be afraid for the lord jehovah is my strength and my song he also has become my salvation therefore with joy shall d draw water out of the whale of salvation and in that day shall ye say praise the lord call upon his name declare his doings among the people make mention that his name is exalted sing under the lord for he hath done excellent things this is known in all the earth then we get to verse 6 cry out and shout thou inhabitant of Zion for great is the Holy One of Israel in the midst of thee oh I can understand when some worship celebrations you go through and it's so quiet I can understand why it's quiet because shouting comes when the Holy One is in the midst [Applause] if God didn't bow you expected to be a muscle lamb but he said you alive with stones and if you were serving a living God every once in a while you have to shout now the word shout it means to scream the word shout means to holla the word shout means to yell they all inclusive in the word shower Israel had a praise that they call Shabbat and they didn't have to say anything that was intelligible to anybody else that Shabbat praise was between them and God and when they gave God a Shibata [Music] and with somebody sitting in church in there they shot me how long and you're looking around what's wrong with her it's not what's wrong with hers what's wrong with you if pod is doing anything in your mix you may not even have intelligible words that you want to say but when that something down on the inside begins to turn and when your mind be gold begins to retrospect and look back on what he's done for you and Lord I wish I had the words but since I don't know how to say it [Applause] anybody in here want to just get up and take time and shout and give him a Shabbat thank you thank you power and cheese this time I see hey that's the name of Jesus pour in a car let me go a little further here [Applause] Hey Florida cheap mm in Psalm 5 with yet on preach them with our mouth we get on shouting Psalm 5 verse 7 through 11 but as for me I will come into thy house in the multitude of thy mercy and in thy fear will I worship toward thy holy temple leave me O Lord in thy righteousness because of mine enemies make thy way Street before my face for there is no faithfulness in their mouth their inward part is Erik wickedness their throat is an open Sepulchre they flatter with their tongue destroy thy limb o God let them fall by their own counsel cast them out in the multitude of damned transgressions for they have rebelled against thee but let all those that put their trust in thee rejoice let them ever shout for joy because thou defended them let them also that love by name be joyful in thee Oh hallelujah God wants us to praise him with our mouths not touch somebody and tell him he wants you to praise him with your mouth by speaking his praise by singing his praise and by shouting his fries hallelujah now not on that does he want your mouth involved which are my total fries but he wants you to praise him with the lifting up the hands somebody I'll just lift your hands hallelujah now Abraham lifted up his hands as a sign of his covenant with God he said to the king of Sodom he said don't worry about me our progress and not through an allegiance with some evil partner but my hands are lifted toward the one who I'm in partnership with and he's the one that will cause me to prosper you know the story of how lot Abraham's nephew move close he pitched his tent towards Sodom but later on those Mesopotamian kings they swept through and conquered all of the towns and kidnapped the kings and kidnapped even lot and Abraham took his 316 I believe trained servants and when and brought back those kings and brought back lot and brought back all the possessions and the king of Sodom wanted to split the treasure with Abraham and Abraham's that I don't need that and they're in Genesis 14 verse 22 and 23 Abraham said to the king of Sodom I have lift up mine hand unto the Lord the Most High God the possessor of heaven and earth and you got to remember that when you lift up your hands to worship Him you're just reaching up to the one who is the possessor of heaven and earth he said that I will not take from thee a thread even to a shoe latchet and now I will not take anything that is dying this valve should I say I have made Abraham rich we live in a day now when people think that they got to form evil alliances and I can't seem to get ahead no other way so I think maybe if I go on down here to the gambling casino maybe if I formed this alliance I can make it but I'm here to tell you you don't have to form evil alliances to make it you don't have to get a little part-time thing of being the drop-off point for somebody's drugs you don't have to get involved in putting your hand into nothing that is unrighteous old folk had sense enough to know that when they were in trouble and needed help father I stretched my hand to thee God wants us to worship Him by the lifting of our hands Psalm 134 verse 1 through 3 it says that behold let's see the Lord all these servants of the Lord which my night stand in the house of the Lord and then what does he say lift up your hands you want what would would they reach it cuz God said lift him up I'm in his sanctuary so he says lift up your hands in the sanctuary and bless ye the Lord the Lord that made heaven and earth bless thee out of Zion and sometimes even though folk don't understand it you just find yourself sitting in the house of the Lord and you think about how I used to be out somewhere my hands were in the stuff they shouldn't be in into stealing into puffins in the drinking into doing all other kind of things with my hands and I shouldn't have been in but here I am in the house of God and you ought to just lift those hands do you ever feel like that without anybody telling you that my hands are not involved in the junk they used to be involved in so I'm just gonna lift them up and say bless them all Paul in his letter to Timothy said I will therefore that men pray everywhere this is first Timothy two and eight and they said when you pray do what lifting up holding hands can you look at those hands that used to be into a lot of criminal activity and unclean stuff and look at them and said thank God and I got holding hands lifting up holy hands mmm maybe if your hands are yet doing the message used to do and you're still involved in your jump maybe you are reluctant to lift them but if you know that the things you used to have your hands in is there not in it no more that now God have cleaned up you ought to just lift up holy hands and bless the law come on lift them up and give him some praise [Applause] not only does God want us to involve our mouths but involve our hands he not only only want us to involve our hands by lifting them but psalm 47 and 1 tells us another way to praise him with a hand saw I'm 47 and 1 anybody got that come on read it with me o clap your hands all ye people shout unto God with the voice of triumph so you wonder you think folk of crazy because one minute they shouting it in this man now they don't think there's anything wrong if that favorite player on the team they don't things anything wrong if Michael Jordan make that basket they don't think anything wrong sitting up and as understand but when you do this in church what is wrong with these people huh well then they come from well the thing of clapping your hands this maybe while singing but it may be a part of a separate offering of praise sure when we're singing and we do this to keep the time but God not only wants you to clap your hands when you're clapping your hands in conjunction with singing to keep the time that times when he just wants you to give him a clap offering just start clapping old hands when no music is playing [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] hey Chloe [Music] ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma hallelujah well my time is hurriedly running out but can I have another 10 minutes now the hand is also necessary to praise God as these musicians do the hand gets involved david was mightily used of God to establish the ministry of instrumental music first chronicles twenty five and one more for David and the captains of the whole separated to the service of the sons of a SAP and of Heymann and of J Dusen who should prophesy with harps with soldiers and with cymbals and the number of the workmen according to their service was the prophet Elijah he used the Ministry of instrumental music to bring water into a dry place second Kings three and 15 tells the story of three kings that were on their way hallelujah and they want a seven days journey and they didn't know that they were going to run into dry land and they thought they were about to die of thirst but one of them said where's the prophet and Elijah Kane but before Elijah could prophesy he said bring me a minstrel and it came to pass when the minstrel played that the hand of the Lord came on the private oh I don't want to stand this thing of preacher preaching and then they start hitting musical instruments I don't want them hitting them too early and I don't want them too loud but sometimes you were right at that point and just like it lucious said let me hear some music and when Aniyah heard the music the spirit fell on him and then he stopped prophesying you say you're not going to hear when you're not going the see rain but the valley is gonna be filled with water so dig the ditches now and get ready for the water I want you to know all the time you don't know what God is doing but if you'll just open your blessing is on the way hallelujah now in Psalm 150 and I think all of us are acquainted with Psalm 150 and this is what the Lord says about the way he wants us to praise Him don't you be ashamed to praise him in front of your so-called sophisticated friends that don't mind yelling at a football game but they ashamed of you for shouting in church the Lord said in Psalm 50 how many of you have it come on and read it with me praise ye the Lord praise God in His sanctuary praise Him in the firmament of his power praising fire his mighty acts praise him according to his excellent greatness pray them with the sound of a trumpet do I have a trumpet I don't have no win instruments here pray them with the psaltery and heart praise him with the timbrel roll anybody got into tambourines in here alright come on and let me jingle - praise him hey bless the name of the law with the timbrel and dance don't - yeah pray them with the string instruments and the organ plays here upon the high sounding symbol upon the loud simple [Applause] with your hands the instrument not something the praises [Music] [Applause] I know my time is about out hallelujah that's the most scriptures that I didn't get to but if you get home and you read from second chronicles six verses 12 and 13 you'll find that God also wants you to praise him by getting down on your knees this is a day when everybody want to come to church when the neat prayers over because we don't like to praise him on our knees but let's look here the Psalm 95 verses 1 through 6 it says how come let us sing under the law let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation let us come before his presence with Thanksgivings and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms for the Lord is a great God and a great king above all gods is in his hand all the deep places of the earth the strength of the hills is his also the sea is his and he made it and his hands formed the dry land o come let us worship and bow down let us kneel before the Lord I make up every once in a while God wants you when you walk in the door before you sit your bottom on the seat to put your knees down on the slow and in his presence why because he's a great God he's the great I am we are not the great I am he is the great I am we are his people we are his servants and every once in a while he wants us to need washable dog [Music] but I got the clothes but God wants us to give him total praise come on and tell somebody from here on out I'm through doing a part-time job from here on out I'm through with tokenism but everything I have I'm gonna give it to the Lord he has my mouth he has my hands he has my feet he has my knees he's got everything about me [Applause] god bless them don't quit right there so the next time your friends want to criticize you for the way you praise God you memorize this teeth you memorize these scriptures and when they open your mouth to tell you how foolish and how ignorant you are let them know honey I'm sorry because this book is the book of wisdom this is the book of my god and this is where all wisdom comes from and I'm sorry that you are so uneducated that you can't lift your hands I'm sorry that you think you're too sophisticated to praise the Lord in the dance but I'm glad I got my religion glad I got my degree in praise ology [Music] rage and Lockheed deserve great things great thing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] we'll give the law to hand the phrase and take a seat [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] - thank you thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now we'll see if you can those of you that are those of you that are making notes I want to just give you these three footnotes here that you can add the question is asked [Applause] oh you were that he's were that he's worthy [Applause] the question is asked when should we praise the Lord Psalm 145 and 2 says every day will I bless thee so that's the reason so many people stay behind you who praise God you don't praise Him till you come to church but the psalmist says every day will I bless thee and I will praise thy name for ever and ever then in psalm 119 and verse 160 for he not only says everyday will I praise Him but in psalm 119 164 he says seven times a day do I praise thee because of thy righteous judgments Oh bless His name Psalm 34 and 1 I will bless the Lord at all times his praise shall continually be in my mouth where should we praise Him Oh bless the name of the law well we've covered some scriptures that said praise them even in the midst of his congregation then let me ask the last question who should praise the Lord Psalm 69 34 let the heaven and the earth praise Him the sea and everything that moveth are in all creation Psalm 117 in 1 oak trees the Lord all ye nations praise him all ye people and this is one I've quoted quite often here lately Psalm 74 and 21 you got some folk who like to sit there feeling sorry for themselves cause they got bills they can't pay but Psalm 74 and 21 says all let not be oppressed returned a shame let the poor and needy praise thy name yo tell somebody your bills may be unpaid but the psalmist says let the poor and needy praise thy name [Music] [Applause] [Music] now I'm not talking to you focus got all your bills paid and hundreds of thousands in the bank but but I want everybody here now that maybe got a bill you can't pay in and you got a need and you're getting close to Christmas you don't know what to do about your children the law said you may be poor and need to get on up and praise me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] halleluyah halleluyah halleluyah halleluyah all blessed 19 the door of the church is open anyone in this building if you entered as a sinner and don't know Jesus in the pardoning of your sins I want you to get up now and step in the nearest aisle if you're in the balcony go to the elevator push one come on down hallelujah if your backs louder they'd have known the Lord and you straight away I want you to come now and maybe already saved and you want to make this your church home I want you to get up and come now the dew of the church is open thank you Jesus [Music] hallelujah glory to Jesus [Applause] somebody else the door is open setup backslider are you that seeking a church home come on the Lord loves you my my mind that person's in here you're not a member of this congregation but you depend on the word that spread on this table for your spiritual life you're just over there where you are to please somebody else honey your soul is at stake hallelujah the Lord has said to you and he's been dealing with you for an extended period of time telling you that this is where he wants you to be let the devil know this is my day of release I'm set free hallelujah and I'm going where I know God wants me to be the door of the church is open this is your time this is your hour get on up and make your way right now hallelujah Saints if you praise God these yolks will breed yeah and I say to you in the balcony all you've got to do is get up go to the elevator push one come on down if you're in the wing get up step in the nearest aisle and come out here in front of me get up and come you that know you need to be saved come back slide come on back to Jesus and then you that's seeking a church home and you know this is where God wants you to be get on up and come now hallelujah or bless your name [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah come on my sister hallelujah Lord Jesus bless you miss us to come home I'll come on and keep giving God some praise [Music] or we bless your name [Applause] yeah yeah yeah yeah heaven is waiting on you [Music] come on and obey God today your peace [Music] we praise you lord [Music] [Applause] I'm late now heaven is waiting on you [Applause] [Music] bless you my brother hallelujah [Applause] and I hey [Music] hallelujah bless you my sister come on I keep telling you that's how Winfrey's you keep praising God yoke's will keep up breakin [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and I left yes [Music] pray Oh God as yet speaking thank you lord thank you lord that's right my brother come on hallelujah [Music] come on [Music] come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] krei hallelujah come on and thank God for these Souls come on and thank God for these Souls come on and thank God for these Souls [Applause] [Music] I'm not gonna take a long time I'm not gonna take a long time but I'm under conviction that even when people come to respond to the invitation that sometimes sisters the hand touch of another sister brothers the hand touch of another brother means so much we say we love you but sometimes they feel the love just through that touch your missionaries and ministers you know what I want you to do how to do that hallelujah [Music] that's right behind each one of them that's right I'm a missionary behind every one of these women I want a minister behind every one of these brothers hallelujah I want you to feel the loving hands of your brothers and sisters as we command the devil to take his hands off Satan I don't care what you've been doing in that life I command you to take your hands off hallelujah she called on CC hallelujah hallelujah all the hand of God beyond you now the presence of God be within you this day thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus we bind the enemy we cast him out thank you [Music] listen I'm gonna shake hands with and you're gonna follow elder Thompson god bless you my brother go without the Thompson that brother bear god bless you I want you to go without the Thompson god bless you my brother go without the Thompson follow them on god bless you poverty [Music] [Applause] I wanted to let you know that the beginning of the year you release and God would release in us a new thing and this year my biological father had been diagnosed with cancer and they said he wouldn't make it and I said Lord if it's your will when Thanksgiving comes you're gonna provide a way for me to get home and he will be there with me to know that I'm there with you God and then I said Lord if it's still your will my adoptive mother the one that's cared for me all those years I said she'll know Lord and I'll be there to see her in the nursing home and praise be to God God said this is your year of release to praise me to give him the glory to let him know that nothing was done in vain that I did all of this to bring you closer to me and to his bosom and I think I for that I thank God for this ministry it helps me in Cleveland Ohio I tell everyone that can to watch it we watch you at eight o'clock in the morning on B et and we watch you again on 56 on Trinity at 2:00 at 3 o'clock I think and we just we use it as a study to keep closer to God because this ministry is truly the life of God and he said I could not leave this city and not let you know what great works this church is done for those in other cities that we don't even know we've touched their lives and I thank God today for that and for allowing my family to be with me one more time this year Thank You Lord God sure I'll come on and give God some praise come on and give him some praise [Music] Majerle [Music] pray ha come on and give him a hand for listen our deacons and Usher's are gonna move among you first to distribute the Thanksgiving offering envelopes we want to give the Lord an offering of Thanksgiving they will also later make available to you the red line below if there's someone who wants to give a tithe or membership offering but this is Thanksgiving Day and we're first of all giving the Thanksgiving envelopes those who desire them Oh bless his name thank you Jesus [Music] bless your holy name Jesus what a day [Applause] [Music] [Applause] in total praise bless your pastor McGee you'll have to see you today that pod just keeps going on down in my spirit [Music] [Music] now I just want you to only lift your hand now if you want an envelope anybody that still leaves I'll write out system hands over anybody else is still back there still neither Thanksgiving envelope Oh Lord of Jesus right here mmm lift those hands again high enough where they might see who you are where you are [Music]
Channel: Gordon Palmer
Views: 53,545
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OUh-b3iAYXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 35sec (4175 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 24 2020
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