Gas Mask Safety advice

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I wanted to do a really long overdue video on gas mask safety so this video is all about what dangers could you encounter if you bought gas masks and as a collector or if you support one a friend on gas masks so I'm going to go through the most likely scenarios that could be bad for you to the least likely the order might not be in totally that you know linear order that we should hopefully get through all of them and I'm aware I'm probably not the first person to do a video like this on YouTube by Freud to sum it up for everyone and go for all the points I think are important so the main one is obviously asbestos which most of you are probably all aware of hopefully in lots of old gas masks especially if you go back to World War 2 or 1950s special officers used in the filter the filter obviously being the unit that keeps the gas out now the British World War two masks are even worse because some going to have an arsenic pre-filter which is this so you both have poison and less bestest inside your gas moles filter now when the masks were made this was absolutely fine because the idea was that the asbestos couldn't leak out when it was built the filters are all intact so you were prevented from inhaling the asbestos obviously because the filter is intact so it saved your life because the asbestos works as a particulate filter over time obviously any filters degrade like anything wears down over time so you run the risk if you wear the mask when you breathe through it the asbestos dust comes through the filter and you inhale our specialist dust obviously inhaling asbestos dust the more you inhale the worse the scenario is but regardless inhaling asbestos dust or asbestos fibers can lead to asbestos lots of a lot of problems such as asthma shortness of breath up to death from methylamine Eeyore Haaretz planks which is the one where it's basically a nasty form of lung cancer so for your Health's sake do not breathe for decimals filters now I'd like to extend that to also say even if it's the mass sorters it should have been perfectly safe if the filter is quite old where you want to draw that line is up you I personally say probably more than 30 years old for me and obviously it does depend a bit from filter to filter but still if you've got the very old filter I would also not trust it for that reason not because those are festus in it that simply due to the fact that you could be inhaling lots of the filters content due to it breaking down so even if it's just an activated charcoal on paper or cotton filter you still don't want to be inhaling that cotton dust can lead to lung conditions inhaling charcoal can lead to lung conditions so pretty much any filter if it's broken down will cause you lung problems if it's asbestos that will be compounded having to that there's a material rings chromium chromium sorry chromium I've gone into this before because there's a lot of misinformation about this and a lot of people perpetrating misinformation about this because they don't read up properly on what chromium actually is but basically chromium is poisonous in itself but when it's used in the gas mask filter acts as a catalyst so again like the asbestos it keeps the user of the mask alive because once you're wearing a chromium you have the chromium in the filter normally brothersu layer or as dust mixed in with a charcoal when certain gases and vapors hit the chromium they get neutralized by the chromium it extends the life of the filter and you know does a lot of good to protect the person with the mask on unfortunately a lot of people seem to just think chromium is really bad . then they should never have put it in filters that's not true again as long as the filters not leaking it poses no risk to you there are US studies that have been done live cited than before where basically you'd have to wear a gas mask of the chromium filter for hours every day for several years probably about 30 years or so you know hours a day for 30 years before you even have a 1% increase in risk of lung cancer and it was found there was no increase in the risk of thyroid cancers so basically what it's saying is if you went out on a day where lots of pollution and took in big levels of the air you'd have done more damage in years of wearing a chromium filter so again the common sense logic is it's not leaking it poses no threat but again don't be wearing the old filters now problem is with asbestosis while I said the you should have stopped in World War 2 to the 1950s the Soviet Union and most likely the Warsaw Pact satellite to the Soviet Union kept using asbestos in the filters we know now the famous Soviet gp5 mask or SH m62 whenever it's real aim is used as vessels in a filter its filter looking like this now lots of people had a bit of a panic when we were discussing this cuz I said I've worn the still troubles don't worry too much if you've worn the filter and you're really worried to get a long x-ray done for asbestos damage to your lungs but for most people obviously don't worry about it and just don't use the filter again so well everywhere else stop using asbestos 5 1950's for mask filters the Soviets used it in every single one of those filters from what I can understand the only one it's not been confirmed on is the EO 19 filter and PM k filters but I would take it on good advice that because every other filter they made had asbestos in not to use those filters for the same reason I know polish bill vo 14 filters contained asbestos I don't know if polish built domestic small mask filters did the same as a Czech ones but I would go by the logic which I think everybody should use that if the Soviets perhaps baseless in these filters and everybody else in the Warsaw Pact made things for the Soviets standard that you should not trust polish your Czech Slovakian cold war filters either simply because there's too much risk in my opinion for just wanting to look cause and also that won't really work anymore because of its age now another thing I'll demonstrate to this you now because I'm not actually breathing through the filter a risk is with old filters that not all old filters any filter you can you have a plug in the bottom when they're issued and this is to stop the sort of degrading now you can open this bit I'm still a total junk oh you still attach it to the mask now obviously the issue being that if I attach this filter to the mask and I breathe through it of this plug still on I will suffocate now let me demonstrate what happens if you do this we might soon see mass pools types your set pace and we're going to suffocate you if you've been losing oxygen for too long from having a filter or like that you won't be able to even call the mask off of your face so please please please do not put a mask on with the plugin you want to do a pressure check it's much safer to obviously take the mask off first so I don't think most got first take the plug off the filter and then put your hand over the filter intake then you can just pull your hand away when you realize you can't breathe that we've got an airtight seal but for every reason do not decide to do that like I just demonstrated in a video because there's a good chance you can suffocate yourself and people have died doing that I think during it wasn't all for Israeli civilians or handed their masks some of them didn't cool tab so worried there was a gas attack took the filter that you know if it was on the mask with a plug still in the bottom couldn't breathe and for that was gas and kept the mask on their faces and suffocated to death so don't do that on the filter now there this is a kind of few theoretical now which I'm sort of going to go into one of them is that lots of masks especially Russian masks come with lots of talcum powder inside them and that hose is as I'll from a mask so I would advise if you have a Russian mask like one of these and it comes a lot talc in to wash it out first even if you're not wearing it with the filter you can still inhaled talc Mount Elgon powder I've not seen any real evidence to suggest it can cause cancers but the general eye that there are studies done I don't know how accurate they are on how much you have to inhale quite a lot I'd imagine but I would say good advice would dictate that you don't go huffing talcum powder so if there's any loose in the masks wash them out if you inhale little bit at the end of the world but don't do it on purpose now this is where our same I'm going to get more into theoretical and other things I'm saying if the moss looks like it's all this these are grading that if you put the mask on you'll be huffing in sections a month that's probably not a good idea either but anyway on to the theoretical obviously there's a chance if you bought any old police gas masks that maybe it had like some sort CS agent on it like CS powder same would go for army masks it has been used in a sort of training gas chamber and then sort of it's not been properly decontaminated afterwards it's ended up on surplus market you put on our my eyes that or out of my lungs AB sort of thing very unlikely I could imagine that I suppose it's always possible the same would go for and this is the even rarer but let's just mention it just in case you buy an old gas mask and it's been used in some sort of radioactive cleanup or chemical cleanup operation and it's not been properly decontaminated afterwards there's a risk of course that you could get radioactivity from the mask or some sort of chemical burn again I would imagine this to be almost zero chance of this happening by four I'd cover it in the video just in case so there you go that's the list of all the things you should be careful about the dangers of old masks and filters so we have asbestos we have chromium we have leaking filters and we have all the weird fee reticles like how can powder inside that might cause you damage or um you know old chemicals on the mask but for the most part don't use an old filter when possible always put a new filter mask whatever filters are replaceable then it's sensible the some think I don't think a lot of people seem to grasp is the gas masks aren't made for people at you and me to put them on for our enjoyment they are made to save lives so because of that logic obviously masks aren't always perfectly safe they're basically the lesser of two evils you can die horribly in a gas tak radio you know radiate everywhere that sort of thing or you can wear a mask that might give you some long-term health ill effects maybe but it'll keep you alive in the short term so that's obviously why they are made like that I think pretty much anybody if you said here is my special silk GP five filter you can put this on and you can survive this chemical attack but then there's a chance much later down the line you might have lung difficulties like in 3040 years time or you can die in agony now from the gas attack everybody would opt to take the a special filter I know I would that why put that filter on today is the question what good is it going to serve you to just put the miles called over mmm-hmm moving our special filter so that's the video hopefully it's been useful as I said it's probably not the most original video I'm sure I've seen videos like this on YouTube before but hopefully people will see this and then people that were thinking of huffing the asbestos from all masks will do it right thank you you
Channel: Weaponsandstuff93
Views: 92,088
Rating: 4.9721298 out of 5
Keywords: weapons and stuff 93, Weaponsandstuff93, Gas Mask Safety advice, gas mask safety, gas mask asbestos, gas mask, respirator, gas mask filters, respirator filters, gas mask risks, surplus gas mask, army surplus, gas mask chromium
Id: FmtJn8oU5Do
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 25 2017
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