Gas Grill Ribs | Smoke Ribs On Gas Grill with Malcom Reed HowToBBQRight

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hey welcome back to how to barbecue right today I want to talk to you about cooking the ribs indirect on a gas grill now I've been getting a lot of questions since I've been using my Napoleon gas grill from guys out there that don't have a smoker that want to know how to do you know better barbecue ribs or pork butts well today I'm going to show you an easy way for you to do ribs with that to Zone in direct fire set up on your gas grill so I've got a couple slabs of st. louis-cut there's your comp Rd Rock spare ribs you can get any kind of ribs from your grocery store or Sam's Club Costco places like that already get them cut st. louis-style if you'd like but you know baby backs lower back ribs they'll work the same technique with this indirect fire setup now I'll show you how that I've got the fire set up in just a little bit we get the rib seasoned but first we've got to get you know we get a doctor on these ribs the only thing that I've done to these ribs is take them out of the kravec package rinse them under a little cool water and took a paper towel and kind of dab them off these ribs come membrane already removed like a lot you know the comp parts always do take that membrane off if you're getting them from your grocery store that's still on there it's not hard just grab a piece of paper town get like the the end of a spoon or a butter knife and raise it up to you can grab it pull it right off because it's just a barrier it's going to block the seasonings the smoke from getting on the meat and it's tough to eat once they're done you know you don't want anybody biting into that membrane pulling it off never set it aside you want to enjoy those ribs first thing we're going to do is use a binder on these ribs and today I'm going to use some peanut oil you can use a mustard if you don't like the peanut oil but there's all different kinds of things you can use as a binder I've never seen honey mustard use Dijon mustard this peanut oil is a real common one and I wanted to give it a try today on these and see if it kind of goes with these rubs I'm using so first I'm just going to brush it on a light coat of this peanut the hole on the back side the bone side of these ribs will do the meat side last don't have to be that way you just want to know coating on there so give the the Rob something to stick to so now we're going to season this side and I'm using two rows today I've got some pecan pellets and I'm going to be using as a wood source out there on that gas grill and a buddy of mine makes this notification for Victory Lane and it's really good Road I'm hearing some great things about it out there on the competition circuit so I wanted to try it you know tested in combination with mine and see with the flavor profiles like I've heard it's really good stuff this is the first time I've actually cooked with it so a little bit of experiment today but since I'm using two rubs I'm just going to go light with both on but I don't want you know to overpower one or the other I just want to get some good layer of each seasoning directly on the meat so we've got the nutty pecan on and then we've got my ruddy barbecue rub going on you can use any kind of rub you want on ribs you've got your own special recipe that you like hey go right with it and there's a lot of good rubs out there on the market I'm not saying that these are the best but mine puts a real pretty color on them I have to get got to kind of pitch that every once in a while so we've got the bone side done now we're just going to flip them over do it the meat side get the same thing little peanut oil for bonder coming back with Victory Lane nutty pecan and we'll come back and layer the barbecue rub right on top we'll just let these hang out in here on the cutting board and the plotter for a little while when I go outside and get the grill up to tell if you're cooking along with us on this one you know you got a smoker great the same technique is used on your smoker you just go bring it up to about 250 degrees throw you some pecan wood on there but the purpose of this video of the day is doing it on a gas grill to show these guys that you can you can produce good barbecue on your gas grill too if that's all you have to work with it home we're gonna go out and get a 2 zone fire going get our heat stabilized on our gas grill then we'll come back and put our ribs on get some smoke on squat side alright we're out here at our gas grill and I've done a video on how to set up this you know your gas grill for indirect cooking you can check it out on the YouTube channel but basically I've just got my our left burner going here I've got it set about medium we're holding steady at 250 degrees waiting on the meat you know this side over here is going to be our cool zone where we're going to put our ribs and then we've got one burner lit for a heat source then I'm going to add some smoke with my amazing smoke tube I'm going to get it going on a separate grill so it's ready as soon as I get the meat on the grill we can go right to smoke it all right so we've got a grill going sitting at 250 degrees it didn't take it long you know when you got the gas you turn it on about 15 minutes it's ready so now we're going to get our ribs on the indirect side I'm just going to put one in the back one kind of in the front no rhyme or reason on that we just want it away from the heat source now we're going to get some smoke on them so I've got my smoke tube going I'm going to add it to the far side here that's going to add some smoke so let me grab it real fast so I've got some pecan pellets and my amazing smoke tube if you don't have one of these just get some aluminum foil put some wood chips in it or just you can find a BBQ pellets BBQ delight makes awesome pellets but there's others out there on the market that you get find now in stores so don't be scared to make some smoke bombs guys with these gas grills they work great see I've got some nice smoke going so we're going to get the lid closed get our heat back up here so I'm going to hold it right in the smoke range here on the Napoleon and it's got it right at 250 that's where I want my ribs to be it's got to climb up just a little bit but you know you got to really watch the dial on some of the brands of gas grills those things aren't real accurate this Napoleon ones done very well I've checked it with some of my thermal work chef alarms before to compare what the dials reading actually to what the term of Chef alarms reading and it's usually just right there on the money with it so I really trust the Napoleon gage I know I'm going to be at 250 when the temp gets up so we're just going to let it smoke a little while we'll check on we might do a little based on them I'll show you that here about the hour mark but we just want to get some good heat get some smoke going remember to zone cooking so our fire is on one side of our gas grill our meats on the other we've got nice smoke coming out all right our ribs have been out gas grill for about an hour now it's getting time to start thinking about basis I'm going to keep them moist during the cooking process so I'm just going to mix up a quick baste real quick that I can put in a spray bottle where we can go out and spritz them I'm going to start with some apple juice we need about 4 ounces I'm going to add some red wine vinegar another 4 ounces then I've got it a small can of pineapple juice it's about 6 ounces but you know just put the whole can in it's okay but pretty much is equal parts pineapple apple and the red wine vinegar to give it some acidity balance out some of that sweetness from the juice and I'm just going to pour this in my spray bottle shake it up and it's good to go now I'm ready to go outside check on those ribs and just give them a good spray if they need it so let's go check them out on the grill all right you can see we're still setting at that perfect smoking range right about 250 275 right in there on the gas grill told the temp real well by the ribs they still have a little moisture on them but I want to go ahead and then spray them now I don't want to get too dry so I'm just gonna give them a quick spritz wash them up a little bit get some really good color going on for gas grill ribs looking really good just one you know another hour so it'll be time to start thinking about wrapping them alright we're going to check our ribs out they should be really close to ready to wrap now they've got a real nice color you know we've got some smoke on the smoke tubes about smoked out so you know two and a half hours that was a good job for the amount of pellets we put in it now we're going to take the ribs inside and show you how we're going to get them tender we're going to wrap them up so I'll just going to get them off here I've got a pan lined in full and we're going to bring them inside real nice color I don't want to get too dark and this is the perfect point where you can stop them they've dried out a little on top we've got a nice little bark going we're going to take them inside so far looking good on the gas grill rib alright so we're going to get the ribs wrapped I've just taken a couple sheets a full about as wide as the board plenty of left wait for the ribs we're going to put down a little parkade squeeze margarine on the bottoms a little bit of turbinado sugar and it spice it up a bit I'm using a little bit of this Texas rib Cadiz this is the apple cherry habanero brings a nice little spice to the ribs but you don't need a whole lot of it just a drizzle on each side it's plenty enough heat with this stuff habanero brings it we're going to lay the ribs and meat side down they're going to do the same thing on the back not going real heavy with the margarine or the sugar or the rib candies to light real light those there we go then we just wrap them go to the same thing to the other slab will margarine carbonado didn't line of the rib candy meat side down you'll notice the color on the meat side of state bomb down the whole first part of the cooking process but we still got a good color on them not too dark still got you know little ways to go you really want the the meat the bones almost showing through especially on the ends on st. louis-cut ribs to know they're tender so we've still got you know about two hours of the wrap the four will be done will start keeping an island I'm here about every hour these ribs are ready to go back out gas grill stay in the same temperature we've done the smoking part of the process now we're doing the tenderizing we're going to check them after one hour leaving them at that same temperature we've had it set on let's take it back outside to them right back just put them back on the far side the indirect side still got good heat close the lid we're a little cook all right it's been about hour and fifteen minutes this point I really want to look and see what these ribs are doing on our gas grill see if they're getting tender starting to see a little pullback not really seeing any disintegration yet so I know they still got a ways to go so I'm just going to wrap them back up at this point check them again another 45 minutes all right we're at the two-hour mark on our ribs so I want to take them off and they should be there man this is plenty enough time you kind of tell by bending them they feel really flexible that's the number one sign right there that they're ready but I want to take a quick peek inside to make sure I'm getting that disintegration that I need to see the pull bite and I see this is exactly what you want to look like we've got drawback on each into the bones the first couple bones that membrane was there is disintegrated I know they're tender now so we're going to take them inside show you how we're going to finish it we're going to put them in some boats and bring them back out here and dry them up a little one side I'm going to do wet then one slide I'm going to do dry spice because that's the way we shell likes it so let's get this on the rack off and take them inside so I've made a couple full boats here to hold the ribs it makes salsas amore taking them back out to the cooker to finish them off so much easier just tear y'all some full and kind of fold it up in half and then some edges just just the word you know makes a flat piece that will hold these ribs so what I'm going to do is carefully since they're really tender pick them up and they're hot so you want to wear some gloves and some liners underneath them and get them in the boat now they're not going to be as pretty as they can be right now because we just nuked them basically in this wrap it really got a really tender so we lost a lot of that color we built with a rub but that's okay I'm going to show you how to get that back and we do this with every rib that we wrap doesn't matter if you're cooking on a gas grill if you're out on your smoker it's the same procedure we're put a little more rub on top of them you just have to be careful don't let them fall apart on it when you're picking them up at this stage if you pay close attention to watch the pull back and watch your cooking time they should be perfect every time we're going to take our barbecue rub doesn't matter which is once again use one of the ones that's used earlier I love the color that our rub gives meat and that's why I usually like to use it at this stage but I'm just going over these ribs real lightly with it to add some color to them there's any spots where that fats really rendered it slipped it kind of bare go ahead and hit a little extra in those and finish them off that looks good we're start to get our color back already same thing for this rack so now we've got our BBQ look back we need to melt this rub so I need to take it back out get it on the grill 10-15 minutes tops it's going to set now if you want to have dry ribs like I'm doing one of these slabs for shell I'm just going to hit them with a little bit of dry rub at the very end of that and they're going to be ready to eat now the ones we're going to glaze it's more of a competition style or wet rib a lot of people like to eat them and they're great we're going to brush a sauce on and let it over the top for another 10-15 minutes then they'll be done so let me show you how we're going to do that we're going to take these back outside finish them off all right so we're just going to get our ribs right back on the grill here the heat of the ribs has already started to melt that rub some if this additional heat will finish it off so we're looking 10 15 minutes one rack will be ready this we're going to have dry we'll just top it with a little more seasoning the other app will get a light glaze of sauce then it will be done so get the lid closed keep this heat on it alright it's been like 15 minutes on these ribs drying out and you coming here to the camera you can kind of see how the rubs kind of blend it in you can still see a little bit of it that's okay because its first racks going to beat my dry rack finish these off is dry style ribs I hit them with another good dose dry rub just before taking them in we're going to move them over to a pan that I can take them in on and just let them hang out while we glaze these I'm gonna pull these forward just a little bit we've set our rub on and got our color back after the wrap now I just need to get a little light sauce on them for for a wet style rib so I'm just going to hit a little sauce on top but I'm going to come back with my brush just lightly brush it on down these need about 10 more minutes we're still holding that heat the same it's about 250 this sauce will tighten up a little bit caramelize just a little and they'll be right on time we did her time at that point all right the glazed ribs went about 15 minutes and then I went ahead and took them off the grill that was all they needed you can see they caramelize a little the sauce started to get just a touch dark and you've got to catch it anytime your glazing anything whether it's on a propane grill charcoal grill or any kind of smoker you got to catch it before it starts getting dark we brought the ribs inside and just let them hang out on the cutting board here because just like any other piece of meat you've got to let it rest for a few minutes if you go to cutting into it you're going to lose all that moisture this video is for people that don't have a smoker now all you smoker guys y'all are going to agree with me I know there's no way possible these ribs can be as good as ribs that are on a smoker with real charcoal real wood smoke you just can't do it but not everybody has a smoker so that's why I wanted to show you how you can do these and turn out some pretty good barbecue these look fantastic I can't wait to try them now I know they're not gonna be as good is what I'm going to do out there on my egg or on my old Hickory or backwoods or any of those other girls but for a propane gas grill that Napoleon did an awesome job so now the moment of truth I've got to try me some of these ribs and since Rochelle likes the dry ones I'm just going to cut into some of these wetlands here cut a few bones off so I'm going to take me out one to try here Dino this one right here it's got my name on it juicy its moist they want to squeeze that rib all that moisture coming out there that is just dynamite I've noticed gonna be salt it's not bad for ribs on a propane grill get clean bite bugs coming clean it's got a really good flavor hey so are you guys out there with the gas grill you can turn out some great barbecue cluding ribs with that indirect heat setup just keep your heat one side cook on the opposite side and really watch those temperatures make you a smoke bomb get you some smoke flowing in there to get some flavor into and just watch those times and temps I guarantee you can turn out ribs this good hey I appreciate y'all checking out our video today if you like what we're doing subscribe to our channel here on YouTube we'll be putting out these videos all year long so come back check us out we'll see you next time you
Channel: HowToBBQRight
Views: 1,083,273
Rating: 4.8505826 out of 5
Keywords: Malcom Reed, HowToBBQRight, How To BBQ Right, smoking ribs, smoker for gas grill, gas grill ribs, bbq ribs gas grill, ribs gas grill, gas grill bbq ribs, gas grill smoking, gas grilling ribs, grilling ribs gas grill
Id: RcdNtbc59Kw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 10sec (1090 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2015
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