How To Smoke Pork Ribs on a gas grill

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[Music] hey guys welcome to another episode of pit master X and today we're gonna see if we can make them beautiful smoke ring on ribs while cooking them on a gas grill [Music] of course it all starts with this beautiful slab of four grips right and I got a barbecue rub here and this is the coffee rub that we made another video which I put the link up here and but it's very easy we're gonna use this rub and to finish it off and make it suitable from the beef to use on pork we're just gonna add sugar not just a bit of sugar a lot of sugar so we're gonna add half the amount of sugar to the rough close the lid and give it a good shake we created the rub and now we want to put it on our spareribs let's just flip this because they're still a membrane here that we want to take off lift it up carefully and just and one pool remove the membrane from the ribs now she's ready to take on the rub but of course we need something to make it stick so I'm using a little bit of olive oil time to put it under up this rope is perfect for our pork ribs I'll put the recipe down below in the video description so you guys can check that out [Music] beautiful now I said we are going to smoke this on a gas grill now how are we going to do that well we're gonna use one of these tubes we'll just load it up got a handful of chips so we'll just load that up so we'll add a little bit of whisky barrel as well let's get some head in there completely fill up close it off there we go so this is the Napoleon rogue it has three burners that's also napoleon rogue but it has two burners I'm using the three birdies today and we're just gonna get there real great off and what we want to do is take this smoker tube and with the opening so I'm gonna place it over the burner and I have only one Burness set on so the flames are coming up from the burner going into the smoker tube and will start producing smoke to smoke our ribs with so we're just gonna take our slab of ribs place it over the indirect side right there it's gonna take around 10 to 15 minutes to get this smoker tube to smoke so we're just going to close the lid and set the temperature to around 110 degrees Celsius which is 225 degrees Fahrenheit [Music] it's been around 20 minutes and our smoking tube has finished smoking so let's take a look now we can clearly see that there's the beginning of coloration here smoke coloration you know really want that mahogany red in our ribs and we start to see that red color but we definitely want a little bit more so I'm gonna refill my smoky tube and ready to go back on the grill so let us smoke for another 20 minutes and then we'll start wrapping our ribs [Music] we've been smoking these spare ribs now for 40 minutes and they picked up the color that we want so it's gonna have like this beautiful nice smoke ring taking off the grill I'm going to wrap it in foil now before we're gonna wrap this we're going to add a little bit of butter now wrap it tight and back on the grill now we're gonna let it sit for maybe two two and a half hours until it's fully done and at the end we're gonna make a nice barbecue sauce to go with it we're just gonna brush it off and I'm gonna have a delicious spareribs we are almost two hours into cooking these ribs and now we're going to start working on our barbecue sauce so I have my pen right here I got an onion which we're going to dice of course [Music] so we'll put this in our pan and we'll add a little bit of olive oil then we're going to set it on our sizzles own and this is perfect you know we got this grill we got our rib smoking we'll set up the sizzle zone voila you can start sweating these onions the meantime we're gonna chop find some garlic there we go that's enough for the garlic add that to the onion then we're gonna slice a red jalapeno I'm gonna add that as well I'll add a little bit of extra butter just to give it that creamy smooth flavor the onions have turned soft we're going to add a can of pop tomatoes there we go I'm gonna add the juice of one lemon before you gonna squeeze the lemon just roll it around on your board until it turns soft that will allow the juices to come out much more easy now we're going to build with the barbecue flavor we're going to add balsamic vinegar 50 milliliters we're going to add leaper consists of our sister sauce also around 50 milliliters and then we're going to add 50 grams of brown sugar 25 grams of maple syrup 25 milliliters and I want to add 2 or 3 tablespoons of our barbecue rub just to make sure that a flavors match up well let this simmer for around 15 minutes and then we're going to blend it into a really fine sauce I'm taking the sauce off the grill be careful the side handles can be hot and I'm putting it in my blender there we go they're up Wow that's a sharp sauce but man looks beautiful so let's take a look at these ribs mmm yeah well the riffs almost seem to be done and they got a nice pull away from the bone but I just want to poke the meat a little bit to see how tender it is and if you stop feeling the resistance then they're pretty much done so we're going to place the ribs on the grill great and we got all these juices here in the aluminum fall we just don't want to waste it that's basically like a very nice broth so what we're going to do is take our jar with barbecue sauce and pour all of the juices in there now we're going to carefully stir it until it's fully mixed so we're going to brush on some of that beautiful sauce that we created [Music] close the lid I'm gonna let it go for another half-hour and with the last light of the day we're gonna take the rips off I almost say this was perfect timing look at that beautiful right and it's gorgeous of course we want to know is there smoking is there smoke flavor so there's only one thing we can do slice into it right [Music] oh yeah we definitely got a nice smoke ring beautiful well as you can see yes I can pull it off and so can you gorgeous smoke ring on a spare rib made on a gas grill it's not impossible [Music] Oh you
Channel: Pitmaster X
Views: 64,688
Rating: 4.8383837 out of 5
Keywords: pork ribs, smoked spare ribs, smoked pork ribs, pork roast, gas grill, napoleon grills holland, american food, smoked meat, brisket, pulled pork, usa food, fast food, texas barbecue, pitmasterx, bbqpitmasterx, oven ribs, crockpot spare ribs, best bbq, barbecue, bbq, копченые свиные ребрышки барбекю гриль копченая пища, Costela de porco defumada churrasco grill comida defumada, costillas de cerdo ahumado parrilla ahumada comida ahumada
Id: wnf8PS4ypdU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 03 2018
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