How to BBQ Ribs at Home on Your Gas Grill!

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hey you two today we're gonna make some ribs [Music] okay so today we're gonna make some ribs and we're gonna be doing it on your standard backyard gas grill most of the time these rib recipes require a nice charcoal low and slow smoky cook and while that is ideal you can also have delicious ribs on your gas grill at home and I'm gonna show you my recipe and this is a recipe that I've kind of come to after many you know iterations drama tribulations some successes some failures but I think we've got a recipe here that is a surefire way to have delicious ribs so without further ado let's kind of go over some of the ingredients you'll need and then we'll get to it so starting with your dry rub which we're gonna use heavily we're going with garlic powder and onion powder some cumin you don't want to go too heavy on the puna now or else you'll have taco flavored ribs which no one wants red pepper flakes this is really the star and I think it's pretty easily accessible nowadays but get yourself some Korean pepper powder red chili powder this stuff is fantastic it will give you ribs and I zing highly recommend you can also substitute cayenne and paprika if that's what you have at home this stuff's really good and then of course we have salt pepper and some brown sugar now the way that we're going to adhere this to the ribs is with your classic yellow mustard and then kind of at the very end will add some sweet baby raises my barbecue sauce of choice but certainly use your favorites and we'll get some nice carmelization right at the very end of the ribs that's without further ado let's get going okay so step one is we've already prepped our ribs we've give them a rinse dry them off with the towel this is kind of an optional thing I suppose but we're gonna remove this membrane on the back of the ribs I've certainly done it plenty of times without removing it and I just think the end result is it better when you do remove it I've noticed that the meat seems a bit more tender you can certainly bite through a much easier that fall off the bone effect is much more playing it when that's not there cooking on a grass grill this membrane doesn't really break down sir [Music] [Music] okay so our ribs are prepped and now all we need to do is get our dry rub so we went over the spices and I probably should do this at some point I haven't done it I don't have any specific measurements partly because it's slightly different every time I do this and really I don't think you can mess this stuff as long as you have the components here you can kind of do whatever proportions fit your tastes so with that said let's kind of dive in and get this going so we'll start with the garlic powder my wife Patricia loves garlic so I do go great great with this stuff that's just us you know do it however you enjoy it and we do have two racks here so this is gonna be pretty heavy on the spices pretty light on the puman just because I don't like it when it's too prominent of a flavor and finally the star of the show Korean riches you've got a mix and usually I kind of by the color of the actual dry rub on though if I have enough of the chili powder usually I want it looking pretty red so I think I'll probably end up adding some more yeah kind of trying to break up those brown-sugar chunks okay there is our dry rub let's bring the ribs back in and get them for the grill now that we have our dry rub completed let's uh let's get it on our ribs [Music] and I do a lot of mustard because I like the mustard flavor it's a nice contrast with the sweetness of the brown sugar [Music] let's turn it over and do this [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay let's get these on the grill whoo it's bright out here okay so I'm afraid of the grill and the way that I do this if we want to indirectly cook our ribs here we're not gonna put them directly over the heat so I've got my first two burners here set to medium low basically what we're looking for is once this is closed we want to keep the temperature around 225 200 225 inch now we're gonna cook flipping periodically for about three to four hours so let's get these on the grill [Music] [Music] alright let's close this up and we'll check on it and you're in about an hour all right it's been about an hour looks like they're about 250 which is a little higher than ideal but honestly best should be fine no worries it's pretty forgiving let's take a peek Oh smells so good [Music] all right let's give them another hour okay we on our numero dos let's have a look Oh smells so good we're still at - Cathy [Music] [Music] all right we'll give them another hour and then we'll go to our final step in which we're gonna crank up the heat wrap them in foil and let them kind of steam a bit I find that it makes the meat a bit more skin here that'll have to provide a half hour and then we'll saw smoke and caramelized so or on the whole trip it's been another hour and let's get me [Music] [Music] okay and for this foil step I'm actually gonna put them in the top portion of my grill the heat rises it'll get nice and warm up there and kind of written like an oven for another twenty to thirty minutes this is after about a half an hour of wrapped in foil you know it's and then I'm gonna kind of brush it evenly I'm not putting a ton I'm just enough to get a nice carmelization on it when we put it back on the grill no people want to add more they can certainly do yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yeah how nice it is [Music] success on this same [Music] okay we're just about getting here we'll let these grill for a bit and then we'll give them a flip and we're gonna get ready to eat [Music] okay it's finally time to eat we cut up the ribs and let's give them a try let's see how they turn out smells really good fall-off-the-bone tender hmm so good so good I know some reason a lot of people are afraid to try ribs there's certainly a time commitment but honestly you know with a gas grill you can make really really good ribs to impress all your friends with give this recipe a try tweak it to your own tastes it's flexible and and let me know how it turns out I hope you learned something and happy barbecue [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Fun With Fleischers
Views: 33,348
Rating: 4.8270268 out of 5
Keywords: ribs, barbeque, bbq, gas grill, cook ribs, how to, ribs recipe, make ribs, grilling, bbqing, cooking, fun with fleischers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 58sec (1078 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 01 2020
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