Competition style spare ribs smoked 3 ways : wrapped vs unwrapped foil vs butcher paper best recipe?

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hey guys welcome back to baby back mania today I'm at Roy's house and we're gonna cook a rib wrap test first time I was here I got to meet a lot of youtubers and we did something similar with Brisky in fact some of you guys may notice in the comments there that some people call me Jason that actually started from something that happened when I was here with the guy named James from a man claiming smoker Justin I got here I got here I think it is named wrong at all I think the stud thinking in that's okay Bob no problem who actually happens to be here I'm very excited that he's gonna be in my video oh look there is troy whatever your David whatever [Music] [Music] okay to bring James over there setting up the other Wichita let's go take a look and see what's going on here all right well we got got a Yoda Wichita she's smoking you know why why I just get in there and it's full of bark all the way around so this is creating a lot of smoke right now but once it gets going it'll be all right so once it burns through the bark yeah that's what stop smoking yeah yeah okay so look Tim you think we should use for this I think we get together that you add 250 and it'd be absolutely perfect for what we're wanted to use the forum James is my technical consultant he's a competition cook darn good at it what's the name of your team same name as your channel that's right all right under team Tito's team Tito's so Tito's a sponsor good oh when I cook under them it's team T those numbers are all right under my own name I don't have no team yeah if we can set this at 250 that will be the absolutely adult temperature that we want to cook at and I think we're actually pretty close to that so all right I think we're gonna be good to go here let's go get those minute let's go get those ribs or anything let's do it so we're using this Texas best rib rub by having made products I heard this is really good James still showing up these ribs so you just cut all this off what do you do here like what are you thinking if you're in a competition what is your son a cop if you look here I mean you hear some meat here but you also have a lot of fat and that fat actually runs underneath the meat so in a cop I would kind of trim this back just just to remove it but ultimately what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take these ribs flip them over and probably about you normally come in about one sometimes you have to come in about two ribs and in a comp depending on on how how far back this fat runs I will either cut off this first rib or come into the second rib and cut that off so that way if we go into that second rib we're cutting right about in here so what we're doing is removing all of this part all of the fat and I'll also come in on this backside or this bottom side up in that is and yeah this this part is really really bad well the most part is going to burn off so I would come in here trim in here and trim it probably right about here and in comes what I'm choosing from it's gonna be right in here so I'll take normally that to turn in nine ribs so I'll take three ribs from here and I usually cook pretty racks also so I'll take three ribs from this rack three ribs from the other rack and you know put your ribs from the third rack right in that middle that that's that's your sweet spot so you don't want any edges on any no edge pieces no no I mean did this in part right here like I said they're gonna burn off right this in is gonna burn off and you know if you want it to leave it on you could but I like to just go ahead and cut them off and make the rack look nice from the very beginning the way you cook it is the way that they're gonna turn out so you know I'll trim it up kind of push it together make it a little thicker and and again like rub out right there it's what we would take our and then pull the three part runs out of the middle correct try to get something that looks as though you'll actually be able to choose from about five ribs here when you do that and then I'll take the three best out of those five yeah from each rack so that is that ring right there is that from winning the rib national championship if you see that it really was well lace ribs I actually thought I was making a joke [Music] alright guys so it's been about 30 minutes the Rope has started to sweat into the ribs so it's nice and even cookers up to temp we're right around 225 250 let's go take a look at these ribs now so these are some beef ribs that James is cooking I can't wait to try those good yes the Chairman stricken those two don't cook straight like that there you go so the plan is we're gonna cook these for about three or four hours just like this we're gonna keep an eye on them and then we're gonna take one of these and put it in foil another one put it in paper and then the last one we're gonna leave naked the whole time we'll probably have to move these around I don't know we'll keep it on them and make sure they're cooking evenly and then at the end we'll pull them out sauce them down and do a little comparison test so just like last time this is just like what we did with the good thing yeah there's gonna be a fun day I mean I can just tell we did Dave here earlier from adrenaline BBQ and he had to leave he had a flight to catch but this has been kind of laid-back great having here Dave yeah yeah nice to meet you brother yeah he's a good dude yeah yeah did you good dude man let's do it let's do it [Music] okay guys it's been about an hour and a half I got my lovely assistant Troy behind the camera we're gonna go ahead and spritz these according to James we should use a 50/50 mix of apple juice and apple cider vinegar so that's what we have in here let's take a look and see what see how these are looking let's do it oh yeah they're looking good [Music] you can't over sprits you can't you can't over spread did you know ribs over here either his beef ribs cookin yeah this smells good does alright so good we'll put these back to bed we'll bring you guys back in another couple hours when it's time to wrap all right guys it's about three and a half hours in we're starting to lose light I wanted to give you one last shot before we put it in the wrap we'll probably which we'll probably do in the next 30 minutes or so let's take a look okay here they are as you can see we've got a really nice color here they look really good [Music] so we're about an hour and a half into the rap portion of this cook and let me show you what we've got here I'm about to unwrap these but let me show you what these look like right now here they are you can see we've got some really good color on these ribs we got some pull back I don't know if you can see that at the end they're nice and floppy here's our foil the paper didn't get as greasy as I thought it might but I'm gonna go ahead and unwrap these we'll take a look at them and then we'll let them keep doing their thing okay brother Troy's gonna help me I'll say however other torch everybody so these are Nick comes over here I'm just gonna unwrap these yeah look at that pull back on that bone y'all that's cool isn't it yeah it is awesome all right stick these over here get this out of the way do you see people like that it's crazy how much different than what it is it is alright so I'm gonna take these out over here there we go okay so these have a lot more pullback on the bone these are kind of pulling back that were in the paper yeah these are paper foil naked these are the foil ones here's the ones that are in the they were never wrapped and you can they're darker and you would expect that because they've been in the smoke a lot longer we're gonna get these a little more time in the cooker kind of tighten up and then we'll do a taste test and see what we think [Music] [Music] at the end of the cook here brother James is gonna sauce these up for us so we're just gonna move these over just because the right side is a little harder just to set that sauce right so it's gonna set this off a little quicker okay so those are the ones that were wrapped in paper no those are the ones wrapped in foil the ones on the right are the ones that were wrapped in paper all right and then he's gonna move these these are the ones that were wrapped at all we're never wrapped now remember it was four hours all of them were naked that then at the four hour mark is when we wrapped them we left them wrapped for about an hour and a half and then we pulled him out of the paper and let them tighten up a little bit and now we're in the last that was probably 20 minutes now in the last 10 minutes of our cook brother James is gonna sauce these up and then we will take them inside and give them a shot once or twice maybe we are using Tim bucks sauce and actually let me I'm gonna have the four little more this bowl here so might as well show you what it is what we're using here so we're using this this Tim bucks barbecue sauce the hot this is some really good salt it's it's it's more on the thinner side but it's actually in my opinion it's more it's really like uh it's thick quote-unquote Texas sauce it's actually really really good yes it's good there's some good stuff for sure alright we'll get these sauced up and give them about ten minutes to set and then we'll meet you guys when these are ready to eat [Music] alright guys we pulled these off the grill back in the kitchen obviously we're gonna take a look these ribs Troy GigaPan down here ok so this is the one that was in the paper this is the one that was in foil and this is the one that wood that was naked the whole time now the interesting thing look at the pull back on this yeah definitely and then here mm-hmm and then here much more pull back there's a little bit more on this side I don't know if you can see that Troy yep yep we got definitely got more pull back on the ones that are wrapped now what we're gonna do is we're gonna go ahead and and cut these up and and take a bite and see what we think we'll be back in just a second [Music] alright guys this is the moment we have been waiting for it's really great all day yeah all day alright let's start off guys let's try these these the ones were naked the whole time it's always great final would you tell oh yeah appreciate you coming over James you too man appreciate y'all coming over and hanging out as always yeah it's always a good time thanks for hosting us really appreciate that anytime you guys go subscribe to these guys this is team Roy cooks this is England clam them we're gonna need some ribs now cheers brother I do I've been waiting all day all right killer burger party did I say this was the one that was not wrapped the whole time yeah so it's completely unwrapped oh my gosh we got two more oh we're doing yeah so don't don't fill up on that okay all right these were the ones that were wrapped in foil correct I think yes the government order so we would move sorry yeah cheers whoa that's beef market power party foul the other fight went on the floor long enough y'all five-second law I cannot believe you're doing that yeah do it go for it man your vows come floors clean you know exactly how clean your I see myself buying across this one bite through this did the same thing I think the flavor for me at least on this one was a little more predominant than first ripped I agree this with this one just a little bit it's not as tender yeah this one is a little more time than the first one this is the foil in - I wanna hug it up a bit more and it I would - I don't think this is actually cooking through as much which it doesn't make sense to me yeah I mean it's not undercooked or anything no right as you see I mean you know we take a bite I still came right off the bone okay we definitely thought the first one with a little more tender this one was a little more flavorful my finger I agree me wait you think you think this one's more flavorful correct that one has definitely has a more smoky flavor yes for sure you can taste it this is you can taste what we did to it you know you can taste the herbs and the seasonings and yes the songs I'm tasting five bucks I'm tasting that rub on there right here you're absolutely right yeah you know this whole you you could definitely taste that that wrap in the sauce or more than the first one I'm still confused a lot I know I'm still confused by the unwraps seems to be it seems to be more tender these were the exact same size when we started I mean they were within a fraction of an ounce of each other so yeah let's trust everyone okay okay so this was the one that was in paper what's your paper remember all these were wrapped for an hour and a half okay Cheers this time no dear [Music] this is my least favorite and then it's again one of my favorite this one takes complan well it tastes um it tastes chewy yeah well this this one does but the flavors not like it was on the other two I think this is the least tender for the fur yeah I agree to me and that's weird because it happens on that brisket cooked to where we haven't what didn't think that the paper wrapped one was with us we're screwed theoretically you would think it would be yeah the best of book will in naked yeah this is not what I expected you see this is why you go ahead and do these things because until you test them side by side and of course there's a lot of variables involved in this but until you do it side by side you never know what you're gonna get yeah you know our most surprising I'm not picking up a lot of the flavor from the rub or the sauce not a lot of smoke either on this one I'm actually this one yes this is not as good that's weird honestly this is the one that was naked and I just picked it up that second one that was wrapped in foil overall and the three in my opinion was a whole lot better the tenderness was there maybe not quite as much as the first one but the flavor was really honing in that second one I think the one that naked definitely has more smoke flavor yeah I think that's what it boils down to but um like oh god don't say that the one the one that was unwrapped has more smoke flavor yeah but in all honesty it's almost too much smoke flavor yeah which is attributed to the wood that we use to because the wood we with some oak no but it was uh it was totally rap it wouldn't actually split smaller logs that wasn't split so we had a lot of smoke from the bark on this cook yeah that's true you know so that's partially my fault folks know about that but this is really confusing because again this one cooked faster without being wrapped I expected this one to be the best just because paper look when we did that brisket cook the paper turned out better when we were on my channel that links up in the iCard but yeah what'd you think I was really expecting the one wrapped in which paper to be the best one and it wasn't you know actually the least for me the one wrapping for oh by far better overall yeah overall and it comes down to how much you want to test your smoke cuz that was a little bit overpowering it's almost bitter yeah it was yeah but it definitely had a different flavor profile was the most tender though yeah and this was the cleanest but again the one that was naked was closer to the fire at the beginning of the cook so it probably did cook more than the other two right yeah and then we you know James earlier flip flopped him around and the one that was naked towards the cooler side of the pit yeah so it's not because this morning yeah so this is why I love these experiments this is really why we do it I mean you can read about it and you can listen to other people but until you do a side-by-side comparison and truthfully you know what we will we've learned in the past is you can do this in a different situation with a different cooker different you know yeah different set of variables and you don't get a completely different result your mileage might vary absolutely guys thanks for watching this video I really appreciate it go check out James and hang them and claim them smokers T Roy cooks you got it I'll put a link to the last cook that we did if I can put it on there where we all got together and and did this with Brisbane the first time if it'll let me it's not that'll be in the description in box below and thanks for watching guys I love you all thanks for having this joy you better we'll see you guys in have you man Oh appreciate y'all joining us we'll see you guys in the next one cheers a girl that surprised me other Road expecting this one to be a whole another me to announce the least favorite burger that's crazy man
Channel: Baby Back Maniac
Views: 727,895
Rating: 4.8098841 out of 5
Keywords: competition ribs, competition style ribs, ribs wrapped vs unwrapped, Competition style spare ribs, smoked spare ribs, smoked ribs, rib wrap test, foil vs butcher paper, butcher paper vs foil, paper vs foil, foil vs paper, wrapped vs unwrapped, ribs, spare ribs, ribs wrapped in butcher paper, st. louis style ribs, offset smoker, Yoder, smoked, Yoder Wichita offset smoker, wrap test, spare ribs smoked, bbq, ribs wrapped in foil, bbq ribs, Baby Back Maniac, ribs on the grill
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 41sec (1361 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 22 2018
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