How to Smoke on a Gas Grill | Smoked Ribs on a Napoleon Gas Grill

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hey everybody I'm chef tom with ATB BQ calm today I want to show you how to smoke on a gas grill now I get this question asked a lot is it possible to smoke foods on my gas grill and the answer is definitely yes so while you're waiting and saving up your money to buy that yoder smoker why a 640 pellet grill here's what you want to do in the mean time it's gonna require a couple of specialized tools but you can totally pull it off in fact today we're gonna cook up some fantastic smoked ribs and we're doing it all in the Napoleon gas grill the first thing you're gonna need is some sort of apparatus that allows you to create smoke inside of the grill now this could be anything from a boil pouch full of wood chips to something more advanced like the amazing smoke tube that burns pellets today what we're going to be using is the broiled king smoker box and I really like this for the gas grill because it sits underneath the grate it doesn't take up any great space so this is gonna sit right on your deflector bars or flavor riser bars what if you may call them fill it with wood chips as you light the burner underneath them they begin to smolder and they create some smoke all right so we're gonna place this right here on the deflector open that guy up and then I'm gonna put in some cherry wood chips these are dry they're not soaked because I don't want that acrid smoke that comes off of smoked chips I'll be happy to refill this throughout the cook as we need to but this is going to give you the cleanest smoke flavor dry wood chips all right so once you get those in there and close it up and you can actually adjust on this one how much smoke you want to let out of there which is pretty cool we'll go with about halfway for now so we'll turn that burner directly underneath on we'll just that down to about halfway for now so that's going to begin to heat up those wood chips and they'll begin to smolder I'm also going to turn on the burner right next to it so we're going to be heating half of our grill while leaving the other half completely off and this is almost immediate about thirty seconds later that's all it takes to get some smoke out of this so we're gonna turn this way down we'll move our grate into place and let the chamber preheat and the next thing that you gotta have is some water inside that chamber see we're cooking with gas now and gas tends to draw out moisture from everything as it's burned whereas wood puts moisture into the environment as its burned so I'm just gonna slide in a couple of drip pans here and we'll fill these with water and as the water warms and evaporates it adds extra moisture to the chamber to make sure that you end up with a really nice moist product in the end well we've leveled off the temperature that grilled about 275 degrees we're taking that from two different sources though so we've got our thermometer on the front of the grill that's reading at about 300 of course that's a little bit closer to the fire and a little bit higher and then down low on the side where we're cooking completely cold no burners on on the left side of this grill we're reading at about 250 so we'll average that out at about 275 which is perfect it's exactly what we're looking for you can see all this smoke rollin behind me that's exactly what we need to get this thing started so there's our set up smokes pouring out of the smoke box you can see that our water is warming up adding some extra moisture over here we've got a probe just to make sure that everything's where we want it to be I'm going to be cooking on a rib rack today which we don't always do but I want to try and fit all three slabs on this side so we're just gonna stand these up here and then I'm just gonna close this up let them take on some smoke and start cooking and just to reiterate you heard me talk about cold side hot side obviously one side is not actually cold but we are leaving half of the burners off we mentioned this within the setup process this is true indirect direct cooking so where we're putting all of our food completely indirect today and that means we don't get any scorching on the bottom of the ribs and this is really important when you're setting up to smoke on your gas grill when you get to the point where you're not producing any more smoke inside your gas grill you want to reload that smoking box so that we can get the smoke rolling once again now it depends on how hot you're running the heat underneath that box how fast it's going to burn up we got about an hour out of our first round which is pretty good what I'm going to do here is just take our water pans off then I'm going to remove the grate and then I'm going to just take this out of the grill so it's a little easier to work with we'll just add some fresh chips to the ones that have burned down close that back up put it back in place and that'll be smoldering in no time I might repeat this process of refilling the wood chip box once or twice through the cook really a couple of hours of smoke is going to be great for the flavor and as you can see it's just a little bit more work when it comes to trying to smoke on a gas grill rather than smoke on a smoker but it's still totally doable now remember to keep an eye on your water pans you want plenty of water in there so you got lots of moisture we'll be back to check on this in another 45 minutes or so we're about two and a half hours into this cook now and I've refilled the wood chips one time we've burned through those the color on the ribs is really great and that's what I'm looking for when I'm getting ready to wrap and I am gonna wrap these ribs in foil today so we're gonna get in here check out the setup check out the color and just look at that beautiful red color that's what I'm looking for today we've got a little bit of coffee on the outside of this one which gives it an even more beautiful dark into that mahogany color all right so those ribs are coming off they're gonna get wrapped in foil and we'll reset the grill which means that we can get rid of these water pans now we don't need those anymore we're going to be trapping all the moisture that the ribs have inside that foil packet I'm also going to get rid of the rib rack these are just a little bit too thick for the rack now being that they're wrapped up in the foil but we can still keep them all to the left side here keep our heat on the right side and we'll go ahead and rotate these probably here in about an hour to make sure everything cooks evenly all right so we're gonna even out our temperature again shooting for about 275 to 300 we'll be back to checking on like I said in about an hour it's been about four and a half hours now our ribs are getting super tender in the package there they're fully cooked I'm gonna pull them off and see how they taste and that is a beautiful looking rib a nice little bit of pink smoke around it letting us know we got some of that smoke on there mmm so juicy great flavor you can definitely pick up on the smoke so like I said a little extra effort you can recreate this on your gas grill and look at that bite coming right off the bone perfect quick side bar I'm gonna tell you we just took a 20 minute break before filming the ending of this video we fed all the staff here at all things BBQ and none of them could believe that those ribs came off a gas grill but I'm a true firm believer that if you cannot make good ribs on a gas grill it's not the grills fault thanks so much for watching today if you guys have any questions or comments let me know in the comments section down below be sure to hit that subscribe button for more recipes tips and techniques head over to the sauce ATB BQ comm all things BBQ or BBQ legends are made
Channel: allthingsbbq
Views: 204,984
Rating: 4.9542027 out of 5
Keywords: how to smoke on a gas grill, smoking on a gas grill, how to smoke ribs, smoke ribs, smoke on a gas grill, gas grill smoking, how to smoke food, bbq on a gas grill, gas grill smoked foods, gas grill, bbq, smoked food, ribs, ribs on a gas grill, chef tom, atbbq, all things barbeuce, all things bbq,, how to, how to cook, how to bbq, cooking, food, napoleon grills, gas grills
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 19sec (499 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2019
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