Gary Busey Collection on Letterman, 1983-92

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] my next guest is a fine actor there's no getting around that he was in the Buddy Holly story a terrific movie and he was great in that he been in many other motion pictures and recently he filmed a movie entitled DC cab which will be released shortly and has been hired now I'll tell you what he's been hired to do this is another interesting thing that he's involved in and now ladies and gentlemen to explain why he hangs around the Trancas market Gary Busey Gary [Applause] all right hello the folks know you and love you hello New York yes sir this is uh this is my dog chili and uh very sensual dog one of her favorite things is sitting in front of television when Bob shows his films that's a handsome looking dog this dog has never been loved it's a young lady dog that adopted us from the beach and she sent this picture to Bob - Bob dog love chili dog oh that's that's very nice yeah maybe we could get him together when you come back to the market well Bob's missing some of the original factory equipment so it wouldn't it wouldn't do really yeah it would never know that no that's a great-looking dog no that dog I don't know if she just showed up one day and said what are you all doing with you been there ever since yeah it's just a prototype of Pluto the funniest dog I've ever had second can we keep this here that's for you and Bob all right thank you very much Gary that's nice of you now I mentioned this a couple of times I keep running into you at the various supermarkets in the neighborhood in California didn't it fine that's the only place to go to have fun social activity that's where the bus stops doesn't go any farther uh-huh I love the supermarket and you smells in there back where they packaged those little you know the chicken packages and think they smell better than your face so you just go down there 4:00 in the afternoon and uh oh I haven't been going down there much lately because I've been eating fish I've been training Franco Columbu now all right yeah now tell the folks about that I mentioned this is a really phenomenal undertaking for anybody to be doing well this is another American legend isn't it yeah it is but boy when we talked about in those terms it's like you're gonna play Mount Rushmore you know in 20 minutes we just kind of like that but I was you know like a potato in a leotard I weighed about 200 and had to get back down to wait and I hadn't walked in a while I just sat around play the guitar so Franco Columbu mr. Olympia their doctor contracted in nutrition I'll face it well don't know what's gonna do whatever you want Oh Gary that's better he's the best trainer in the world the former mr. universe mr. world of manipul and he came did it when he was we could probably be all of those yeah ladies training me and I'd like we've got about 15 20 more pounds to lose this is really fun this is the first late-night thing I've done I mean no it's not the first late now tell the folks the part you didn't mention the part you're gonna be playing well we're gonna go down to Tuscaloosa Alabama and come out of the tongue with a Crimson Tide and talk about Bear Bryant yeah now you're playing him from the time he was working on the voice what he's it's a great voice although I it takes is short it still hurts I've got four weeks or five you're playing his entire life from what ages 1968 now how can that possibly be you're a young man you can't I'm gonna get it number 40 grocery sack and put it over my head and just draw a picture you know we're gonna get the best makeup man we can find because that's what's gonna do it you know what I mean I've got to look in the mirror and be able you know yeah it's four different looks we opened up with a little boy wearing he wears pleats the church and dedication and then we see me when we go in to wrestle a bear I can't wait and then we have many as at Texas A&M gets a little older and then he goes to Alabama and gets a little older and then later ninety you see you mentioned wrestling a bear is that that's how I got it that's how I got his name see the days there when they didn't have much money these guys and bring these bears around to town and for every minute you stayed in the caves that Barry dollar will mr. Brian made $4 Wow but before he got his money that damn bear skipped town and there's a scene where Falls running after the bear never got his money but he got the name in fact in Bala Bama when you come into Alabama there are signs that say you're now entering a bear country well there this man is seriously a legend run for God in there Obama and the closer I get down south the more my head gets bad you know I've got it I've got to get Ken you know it's not just like Steve rash the guy the director Buddy Holly said no we can't take this serious just have to go out and do it I said okay now what was that like we're getting ready did did you would talk to people at the Buddy Holly y'all I talked to his family at all no I didn't have time I was in the water surfing there that big Wednesday deal the big news day surfing movie and I got out of the water and came home they dyed my hair curled it gave me those glasses and said it hit it so you didn't have any research at all you didn't tell well I was in the fifth grade when Rock and Roll started back in Oklahoma in Texas I got back in the mirror and pantomime those Buddy Holly records and Larry Williams and Elvis and Roy Orbison mother would run me out of the house but I stuck with it and all of a sudden we the movie came around you know and there's a we get it live did it for about eight hundred thousand dollars in six weeks it turned out very nicely of course as you know what about is Buddy Holly's family did they like the film did talk to them yeah well they you know you they're the family so and it's impossible 114 minutes time to tell the utter truth so we had to take an account well that it was a show that energy and essence what he was what he was I think looking at that they sure do what are you doing musically now I know well I have a plan that I'd like to uh I'd like to come back in October when it's a little cooler and I'd like to play some music on this show and I haven't shown any music of mine since Buddy Holly I'm not yeah and I'm ready to do that alright what could we look forward to just high-dollar Bob it can and you work alone now oh no no no I don't well no it's every time it's different I've got sixty fifth grade tap dancing girls in black and pink hot pants and then there's Jim Keltner and then there's Billy Burnette and there's George Hawkins those are the human Rockets know will they be here with you when you come back well for this special thing here I've got two boys out there they're doing a picture now in town with Katharine Hepburn and I'm not gonna say their names but we have a situation that we want to talk about later okay so we'll look forward to that let the folks circle their TV Guide yeah and again this is not the kind of thing folks are gonna get on cable that's right it's only gonna happen for the right time what's right here now I'm having fun yeah you also it looks pretty cheesy [Music] goodnight dad cuz we like that I didn't make that we have a staff of high paid designers and darn good-looking Widow it's it's sure it's you know I know look Gary you're looking at see you on the monitor it looks great yeah it's very nice yeah now you look like you look like you know the I've lost 20 pounds in the field no no but you know you look like no no no you look like you'd like to turn the dump over sure you know I mean a guy who says high dollar Bob high dollar Bob turn the dump over you everyone write a song maybe we caught a little later good we call you now you're also in the depo turn the dump over boy that's good now do you tell me about working with Jerry Lee Lewis boy that Mick Fleetwood yeah Keith Richards that's correct now what is this this is a show there are some guys who could turn the dump over yeah they have turned it up over several times and it's a show called salute it's gonna be on I think September 25th syndicated and we put on pink and black tuxedos and got out there and sang high school confidential and a lot of fun Little Richard and Ruth Buzzi and Emmylou Harris and Fleetwood and Keith myself just offer some Dick Clark ask us some funny questions you'll do that yeah now you're coming back for sure right yeah all right you come back but listen I'm gonna you told me I was gonna fly out here this time well I got enough money and you told I came in my Jeep I blew three tire Oh we'll take care of it I would like to be able to fly and we'll take care of Gary Busey [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] go back to the show ladies and gentlemen my first guest tonight he's a very exciting actor and if you get a chance to go see the new movie that he's in he's a terrific it's a lot of fun to watch this man he is starring in a new film it'll open the September 28th to cross this fine country of ours called the bear he's a very talented actor a pleasure to welcome back Gary Busey nice to see you you look terrific thank you what are you doing thank you what are you waving at who you waving it I was waving it will Oh our bass player Paul shape my favorite drummers in the world up there Steve get yeah we are in the same business you know that guys from well Oklahoma Sam Harris oh really do you know Sam I don't know him but I know where he's from he does look like he's struck by a blunt object like somebody just maybe tapped him on the head with a tuba six by two by Sarah or a 12 by 12 but he's from San Springs he just won that start yeah oh yeah it's a big deal got a hit record and everything and you're giving this away is the prize tonight that's a good prize I'm in the same position I was the last time I was here where uh I feel like I should be facing you you're fine I can't you're fine you know we hear this a lot people come out and they say I'm uncomfortable in the chair and you're fine I'm fine yeah you look good I look good yeah I feel pretty good good you have a good trip in alright it's better look who you're talking yeah all right congratulations on go that's very nice for you thank you very much look we look silly but anyway you look like he's running them riders to shape they're real quick we do that occasionally now Gary you have a good trip in you come in from Los Angeles yeah now the last time I came in I was sent enough money to drive my Jeep mm-hmm and I blew out three tires yeah and I picked up some Jehovah Witnesses this time I had hitchhike halfway and I would appreciate it the next time I do the show and I want to do it again because I love this television show you do that's very nice and if you could just fly me out here now you're making this up last time you hitchhike you look like a guy who has done some hitchhiking I have done submit when was the last time you actually hitched a ride anywhere I was on an icy road Highway 169 between Tulsa Oklahoma in Coffeyville Kansas and I was standing on this little icy Knoll and a 18-wheeler came by and blew me off into the ditch yeah and that's the last time I decided I'd hitch how long ago was it that was about I was 1964 for so you weren't a movie star then these questions better Getti [Laughter] just just go ahead and relax Gary and tell me about the bear I meant it when I said this I saw the movie the other day I went to a screening and I really got a kick out of your performance you do a nice job it reminded me you got a kick yeah I enjoyed it I got a kick it was pleasant I thought you were fine thank you very much it reminded me of well I don't want to say that but again it's another character part like the the Buddy Holly story where you actually become the guy was real entertaining tell the folks about the movie well tell the folks about the movie I think the most exciting part of the movie was having to wrestle the 600-pound black bear oh yeah and they covered me with chicken grease so the bear would lick me all over and I was allergic to bear spit they took me downstairs and washed me off and wrapped me up in saran wrap and I went right back up to wrestle a bear now the noise the bear makes is like like that when the bear saw me come back up he was very excited so I wrestled a bear for about six hours I lost seven pounds yeah I recommend it highly as a diet so so they they cover you in the saran wrap and put the chicken fat on top of it you just wipe the grease on your arms stand up and you say with two little chicken necks in your hand you say break up and the bear goes that's just cute you need to start licking how much is the bear weigh 600 pounds or more I've never encountered this load answer as strong as that put you on the floor and start licking in there yeah no is that dangerous god I guess so there could be did he did the bear did the bear smell yeah yeah yeah the bear smells a bear was pretty gaming yeah I don't know what kind of Cologne that bear lacked in ahead of time you know tell though tell the folks why it is that you did this now this was part of the movie right yeah well it begins when the coach Bryant Bear Bryan who coached at the University of Alabama he got his name by wrestling a bear that came to town and if you stayed in the ring with him for one minute you got a dollar mm-hm and we started out wrestling the bear and we take him to 20 68 years old and that's how he got his name nearly had me wrestled this damn bear for two days yeah yeah it's a good scene they had two bears I think one was on Downer's cuz it never did get up [Laughter] now what is it what does the chicken fat smell like chicken fat yeah is that Alright it smelled bears in the bear yeah but now you said you were allergic to the bear saliva the Bears saliva now how does that manifest itself no no I know that oh but you know if you're a did you break out in a rash did your oh I had welts on me like a big silver dollars and pancakes mm-hmm and the trainer was from New Zealand he said I've got an idea let's wrap him up in saran wrap yeah well that's strange that's what you do make a movie sometimes what is that this is a sponge this is one of the prizes and tonight's a mystery September contents listed in the birth control devices [Applause] we'll be right back here [Applause] [Music] thank you I know that but I thought she working in her it was she you know okay even he had a try okay but she got her hands full and then Jill she does I'd like to give you this before we get back okay on television here thank you ma'am we are [Applause] I hope this movie does really well for as AM is very entertaining we're gonna look at a couple of minutes of it you know the scene we're gonna see you know I don't know if I've been briefed is this garys might be the one you're supposed to know well I think it might be the one where we're throwing where the team is throwing little Lorraine frogs against the garage door do you don't know what it is is it necessary to know what it is it's in the locker room sorry but seriously the next time the next movie know a little something about the clip all right I'll come better prepared jee-m'nee all right here it is the mystery clip a few minutes from the motion picture the bear starring Gary Busey it's like I said it's a lot of fun to watch you do that that's a real nice nice job Thanks now last time you're on the show you said you were gonna sing you said I'm gonna come back and tell you said I'm gonna bring people and we're gonna sing who are you gonna bring Oh a lot of folks were asking a couple of guys with me who Billy Carson Nick Nolte but they've since been run out of the country no that was ice got started to this project coach Brian I moved Alabama and started meeting people that knew him tell me the stories about him so I could kind of gather some inspiration to you know put him on the film yeah so what's that have to do with singing you can't sing now because of this no I left my guitar in the truck well you put me on the spot here I could sing a song now let me let me ask you this are you sure you want to sing are you absolutely positive because if you don't want to you can sing the next time I was just saying that we were all a little well we were we were disappointed Gary when we were kind of looking forward to you singing and then it didn't happen this is an interesting way to build tension in here I think probably be best to sing the next time I come in it seems to be a popular decision all right so the next time the film opens September 28th that right September 20 it's called the Bears [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] why speaking of guys with nothing to do take a look at this photo can we show this this would be who is this Gary Busey and Robert do valve if you get the feeling they've lost their minds altogether I sent that in to us I guess they're on a location somewhere filming a motion picture yeah that's what it looks looks like it's gonna be a really good film too doesn't it yes sir ooh can we get tickets now is it too early can we there wasn't chips Moman again with all shipping oh he liked now you just finished doing another movie with this man here and you sent us this photograph yeah yeah we did we took that picture because I hear you always talk about him you've seen that the trackless market that's right Gary so we took I go up shopping yeah Trancas market and there's Gary Busey sitting in the grocery carts frightening people away so yeah so we just took the picture thought we send it to you okay Joe very nice yeah and what is this film is about you telling it just briefly said an adventure film about five plumbers who's one of one of the plumbers brother's been kidnapped by a terrorist in South America so the hire of mercenary take them in there together to get the guys out this sounds like a great story it's ah yeah it's super good night you know did it turn out well I guess I haven't seen it [Music] [Applause] yes it is time for another guest on gosh we couldn't be happier coming up now on 7/7 past the hour 7 pass fear is the correct [Music] you know our next guest is a terrific actor this man was nominated for an Academy Award a few years ago playing Buddy Holly in the Buddy Holly story he can soon be seen in two brand-new motion pictures one is called eye of the tiger and the other one is called let's get hairy and he is also as the distinction of being the very last person killed on the television series Gunsmoke please welcome a handful of trouble Gary Busey Gary [Applause] I enjoy a fine cigar thank you very much Brenda they're going when I need an ashtray good problem I'll get you an ashtray right here don't worry about a thing right on now right on New York I'm getting with it yeah that's good is it true that you were the last character on the series Gunsmoke to get shot killed oh I didn't get killed I was the last guy where did you get that what's that record out oh this is an old it's an old carp that's the right hand yeah and I went to count is something I was listening to earlier today and what you were you getting dressed or something yeah I want to just kind of relax get in the mood for the show and is good music listen carp you think this guy is trouble now look at this there he is right there yeah yep yep I can beat any state in the Union yeah what was Kirk I wonder who's laying out my clothes there well we were from Oklahoma and played rock'n'roll music that's a trip on the Delta Queen we wrote a song called save the Delta Queen enough the owner heard it and put us on the boat huh did you sell any of these records I think a few at some roadside souvenir places in the south you know kind of taffy records hey there's nothing wrong with that record you know it was it really hopes up today yeah now did did you at one point think that the music was gonna be your end road to show business well it was that's what got me out to California was a rock and roll band and everything took off from there yeah in fact the last time you were here I said I was gonna say you said you were gonna sing in not only were you gonna sing you weren't gonna bring a lot of luminaries with you to sing along to remember that who told you that you told me that what do you mean who told you that you told me you remember who's gonna be here I remember who I said yeah I didn't say it on the air Laura tell him who you said I didn't say it I'm telling it's all right Gary forget about that you you weren't under oath then and don't worry about it this is what it's like being under oath up here no it's not okay I forget who is gonna be here to sing with Gary Busey yeah Nick Nolte was multi Keith Richards Mick Jagger Dom DeLuise sisters is that still a possibility do you think not those guys those guys are in another band so I got to get a new band now what I was speaking of bands what happened to the other guys in carp did they go into the successes in music they're all three here in New York working mm-hm as musicians they do a lot of jingles and they're great session musicians John Crowder Ronnie Gedman and Glen Mitchell are those boys you know you look so much different from the last time you were here you've lost well anyway I am so much - how much weight did you lose 60 pounds what did you put it yeah what silly what was your what was your total weight at the time - 40 - 40 and you drop 60 wha why did you do it and how did you do it well let's see I was just uh I was too fat I took off all my toes Monday and just sit in front of the mirror uh-huh and stood there as long as I could and even then some and and I wasn't feeling right anyway my I did read the instructions first time out of the shoe business what did you miss by not reading the instructions nothing so you you had maybe a meet I had an idea what the instructions were and I got pretty close to some of the connections but it's like I never read the instructions when I'd make a model plane when I was a kid I had to not enough patience and I'd always end up getting to just about fixed then I'd leave out something so the plane wouldn't work so this is your way of telling us that maybe you had a little too much fun somewhere along the way no I'm having more fun now more fun now yeah compared for us your lifestyle before the dramatic weight loss and your lifestyle now well that was kind of uncontrolled danger yeah um I've got control danger yeah when you're still reckless momentum yeah we don't we I can sense that describe for us what it was like before what are you doing you've tried to improve that since I was here well no we've we feel that it's just fine the way it is and there's more high-tech yeah now maybe you don't remember exactly how it was when you were here I do yeah so you know beforehand you were you were trouble weren't you yeah was trouble no it's true you just give us a sampling of what your life was like there it's like a mutant birthday clown somebody shows up each other a lot of birthday parties dressed as a clown Gary let's talk about the movies now you got two brand-new films right on this relate not on there how did you at all know how did you write on how did you lose the weight before we get to the films was there a special diet or you just said discipline that yeah it's everything I started a built a gym at my house yeah and put in free weights and started doing free waist but how did you drop the weight itself did you cut down I didn't ever think at once oh yeah I went on a low carbohydrate diet I didn't eat more than 50 carbohydrates today and I stepped with fish and I stopped eating bread and drinking and all of that and sugars sugars the worst thing for for you that all of that was in the instructions if you just read I know well I know that now okay now on to the films one with Robert there may be one more there may be more than one set of instructions to the show business game you think so yeah you implying the perhaps I haven't read everything I should have read before you and Robert Duvall were down in Mexico that's oh yeah Veracruz yeah what's that one of us is that the let's get here let's get Harry tell us what I was in Jack I was just in Dallas where let's get Harry open we opened the paper and there's not one add four let's get Harry I'm looking all over I finally sit down there these little multi-screen things yeah see and then they say it doesn't do business well maybe they should put an ad in the paper yeah you know give the people the idea that this is yeah now that's so that's a good picture to a good movie so it's gonna be all over the United States yeah soon it will be it's for plumbers that have a brother kidnapped in South America and they go back to they want the State Department to help him that the State Department won't happen so they go down themselves how our mercenary takes a law into their own hands yeah but which is the kind of thing that you might do yourself really any minute yeah Robert Duvall down there in Mexico there you are that's now there you much heavier there weren't you yeah that's about 220 there how does uh tell us about that photo Gary what what does that mean to us we were going to market you'd been in the I know why you took that I know why we took the picture because you were making cracks about me at the marketplace in Trancas that you people were seeing me sitting in a shopping cart inside you're not different sir I got word of that Mexico City was in the picture now where are you uh no but you and Robert Duvall lessness I can't believe that they wouldn't be advertising this film yeah no well I guess we're doing it now yeah along the dye the tiger and I other ties what's the other I had the tiger where the tiger comes out November well it's about it's an underdog picture you know a underdog I'm so nervous I'm stuttering no no you're fine just really everything's fine you're coming off very nice okay very nice plain underdog yeah plain underdog yeah and it's a guy with a family and he's uh guys back against the wall and it's an action picture we made a 40-day picture in 20 days yeah that's the way to do it it's fun yeah something real exciting here in your app you count your money on the plane yeah that's right yeah you know who you they just had a nice shouting you know you look a little bit like now as Lloyd Bridges you know who now that you're a little thinner you look like Lloyd Bridges maybe we ought to go air up the tanks and get in the pool so how are things back there in the neighborhood I used to see all the time you know what happened they uh the brothers this is wonderful little place on the corner Pacific PCH and Trancas and it's a restaurant and it's a bar and there's a disco room in the back for the church students and go to Pepperdine and then there's a rock and roll Club which anything can happen it's right there on the coast little place nice little dance bar the family got into dispute one brother against the other brother I guess and they wouldn't renew the lease so there we are all of us out there with no place to go and they had a good breakfast there yeah great food Paul's been there you've been there as a matter of fact we went there on here yeah New Year's Day a couple years there's been a lot of outrageous people play in the room too yeah a Fleetwood yeah made Fleetwood was just there we just played together with this place is closed now they won't reopen it I don't know maybe you ought to take your show out there and do a local alright like this well this is it this is if you're ever out that way well it's closed now but you would have enjoyed you jeez I'm glad things are going so nicely for you you look great and you got two films coming out and and I hold any state the weapon with Mel Gibson so you're working more than ever yo [Laughter] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I have this scales I'll save this a little later I'll weigh myself good scales of justice that's right we'll let it just to the proper barometric pressure and then and then a little later we'll find out if in fact that way I mean it should be a decent scale look should be accurate it's a detecto our first guest is a talented actor who as men was nominated for an Academy Award by the way for his role in the Buddy Holly story and he has a brand new film out called the neon Empire and that will premiere on Showtime on December 3rd ladies and gentlemen please welcome back here Gary Busey [Applause] oh man that smells great you know I gave them up but I'll keep it because I'm a start again but depending on my depending on my weight I may start a dog hey nice to see a congratulations have a seat you know tell us tell us update us it was almost a year ago right soon before December 4th December 4th last year I hit the concrete going 45 miles an hour mhm on your bike no motorcycle yeah you weren't jogging I wasn't jogging yeah I had a little bit of sand and gravel and went fishtail and hit my rear brake and I smashed in the concrete and I don't remember seven weeks in my life and I was in the hospital for two months and they opened me up from here to here and split my skull and scraped a temple side of my brain drilled two holes here and I had blood shooting out this far Jesus it's a shame you didn't bring any photos Gary they actually opened your skull yeah to the and fill it full of what helium is that whatever you were let me just ask you one more question about the procedure and then did they put bolts back into your skull to sort of grows and then they take those out or not no they sewed it up with hamster feet the Jerrold hamster beaten man and what they did I don't remember I wasn't better get easier yeah but but the good news is everything is fine but you were in everything it was touch-and-go for about a day and a half wasn't it is touching that they gave me 48 hours to live and a 90% chance to die instead in 72 hours if he's alive he'll be a vegetable or a left-sided paraplegic and they don't know how I got back to normal and I don't know I don't know either yeah I was on my motorcycle man you were turning left to go up the hill that's right that's right I know when even before the act before yeah acts before the accident with you normal was kind of a since the but congratulations now did you were you aware that you might be slipping into darkness as they say did you have any out-of-body experiences or any of that kind of thing that's amount of body experiences and I had some metaphysical doctors and psyches calling me up and told me they saw me flying around the universe with silver cords coming out of my body yeah that laughs okay with me I'm well well past the point of death right now did did this change your life is this a life altering experience when you that close to death and I'm serious about this you get a whole new introspection in perspective about things and you begin to see yourself in better life and and what things are now no longer of any importance to you Karnas your late night TV no hey [Music] [Applause] I'm very happy to be alive I wake up each day with a stamina that I didn't have before what about your family are they everything has must be much better now don't you think yeah it's much better except when I get on the bike now they go what are you doing yeah but you you really don't get on the bike now do you I don't get on the bike too much but when I do we just raise $400,000 for muscular dystrophy when honking Forbes and David Crosby right that was a California motorcycle Association but I'm working with Bell helmets on talking about a design of a helmet that's aerodynamic and it has peripheral vision so when you turn and look at this lane I can still see the audience yeah so you don't take your eyes off the road cause a motorcycle has no relationship with gravel sand rock well oil or water so you know before you were saying you didn't really want you you felt like people should choose whether they want to have the helmet or not and you obviously chose not to use a helmet I chose now you're saying that maybe you would you would wear what I think that there should be an education for helmets there should be skill tests given by law and if you make a certain amount of points or go make a certain amount of points you're supposed to wear one yeah you know I'd wear one if they could make one that had hair on it so it looked like you weren't wearing one I've got one so periodically you can comb your helmet you say look at that guy's Michael Landon on the motor side hey sir how funny you're sincere with Gary Busey [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and what were we talking about oh I know you don't know sin Konza Junior had football now or huh in concert junior huh no what does that mean that means what's good about it what's bad about it you know yeah it's uh you know what I congratulations on the success of this movie the bear that's really terrific yeah the bear right it's like the number one box office deal now again what are you two are you living that's not me that's a real bear the bear you're talking about is it's about coach Bryant I wrestled a bear I wrestled the bear and this wasn't he this was a stunt that Bear Bryant did and yes I got his name you got it in the depression they sent these bears around and you wrestled him to make money and you the way you got in for free is saying I'll wrestle the bear and so they put his name and he went in to wrestle a bear and they film me wrestling a bear what kind of air wasn't it was a brown bear and he weighed about 750 pound off and his name was Teddy Teddy and how they got you this is this is this how they got you to know the bear you put a piece of candy in your mouth and you stood up to the bear like this in the bear we go like the candy out of your mouth with the tongue they would poop and then the trainer said to me now say I said what say and the bear will get up and come over and dance with you but first let's do this and they took two big turkey necks and they rubbed them all over my body and turkey fat all over my body I wasn't naked I would head on overalls and assured enough I said what now say break up not the bear hurt it the bear goes where and so I went to dance with the bear and the bear just went what had me not him sorry then this tongue is this long going all over me and I'm going oh gee oh my gosh it's a computer dating it's like a dog I'm trying to get out from under the bear and I get out from out of the bear I don't send I'm itchy and I looked under my shirt and I'm I got welts on me this big his biggest pancakes and I'm all of a sudden uh the trainer says I know it's wrong with him you know he's allergic to bear slob he's allergic to best of it we'll have to surround him with saran wrap me down they rat me a saran wrap took me back up the bear saw me and they said okay Gary this time lay down under the Bears gonna sit down lay down on his legs and he'll put his hands over you and then when you say no don't start licking and you start running and I said oh god this is a horrible computer date and so I got down and I said I said I looked I looked to my left under the bear where the Bears legs are between the very alright Gary watch it anyway there was something coming at me oh I didn't say break up I just scramble like an otter Anton Anton what does this whole thing sound like no no no a party at Wendell's thank God window bill Wendell our announcer the other movie what it's about a bear it's called me bear I know that one but the other you said two movies you said the bear the bear and then another movie you're one of your movies yeah you said I had to hit Seth oh neon City neon yellow neon Emperor yeah yeah that's all about Las Vegas right well I'll tell you what it's about it's about it's a Americana Smithsonian kind of docudrama about how Las Vegas was built its Las Vegas in 1938 and Siegel yeah yeah it's when those guys came east and discovered this town with one casino in and said we can build a gambling place here and make a empire out of it it's a fascinating story that's very exciting do you like Las Vegas yeah yeah no I mean what it is everything's relative yeah it goes from 1938 to 1989 and I'm the one that owns the only casino there so I'll go head-to-head with Bugsy Siegel dan and it turned out pretty well for him turned out real well for everybody here talking to you is just amazing that you went through what you went through it's a testament to the resiliency of the human spirit and body well it had a lot to do with the boss yeah I don't mean Bruce Springsteen I mean boss verse is a good guy no one needs a good rocker but III didn't have anything to do and then the doctors don't know what happened and Here I am with you well good for you congratulations really feel good about like a party at Wendell's Anton good to see you and the movie debuts Wynn is a debut here Gary December 3rd and it's the neon Empire Gary Busey ladies [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let's see who's on the show Gary Busey is on the show who else is on the show who else is on the big show well school hey huh hello what testing where are we on the air who's on the show Bellamy tree and Dawn Riley sailed around the world yeah on an all-female crew on a sailing ship and if you're just joining us a minute ago we chatted with my mom back there in Indianapolis mom decided it's time to point out the fact that they're our first guest tonight was nominated for an Academy Award for his role in the Buddy Holly story and tomorrow night he will be the host of the second international rock Awards ladies and gentlemen here's Gary Busey Gary [Applause] [Music] [Applause] be back are you feeling nice time thank you very much you have one of those little cowboy deals there this is called a bull you're kind of a cowboy yourself aren't ya when I was born in Texas and grew up Oklahoma and my dad's American my mother's Irish yeah you get along well with your folks yeah I get along real well we do you have a close relationship with them the close relationship with him I'm 45 going on - and what was life like for you there when you were growing up well I worked on a ranch worked in the hay fields hauled hey I work cattle Brahma and Charolais I wrote a teenage Brahma bull when I was about 14 and got thrown 50 feet into the trees Wow I went to a cattle auction once and you don't ever want to do you if you ever go to a cattle auction you don't even want to move you want to sit there because if you move just to get a fly you'll buy something I bought flying I bought three Angus bulls when I was fifteen the kid named overalls does that made it I buy three you bought him you get up here and get him wait anguses are looking at me like wait I was scratching - fine oh you bought the three bull son you're gonna have to take him on with you now so but I didn't have to because they were laughing at me yeah how expensive were they they're pretty expensive there's something like they they buy them by the pound and these weren't little guys these were big Angus bulls and Angus there there used to breed the beef cattle is that what they're primarily as well.all bulls are used to breathe beef cattle but these guys are meeting I know the deal is that they're there to be their bread to eat and not nothing against the vegetarians but their bread to eat and have fun in the pastures yes then go down and smell one flower at a time but I had probably the heart you know you bringing up memories that uh and one of the hardest jobs I ever had on the farm was Dana with a goat in three Chester why dogs and there's a lot smaller than those Angus bulls but I never had so much problem what was the job I'm sorry you do what now the goat in the Hogs what yeah there's a goat named Charlie right I know they go and he lived there for he was there long before I was and he lived for dinnertime because my uncle had these big three Chester white hogs and they'd run him in there to eat boy I loved the trough up with corn cobs and conglomerate of soup and know who it was good-looking stuff but you wouldn't want to eat it you can smell it from smell it four blocks away and the goat would come in the back end and the my uncle buddy said okay Gary I wanted to get out there and keep that goat from getting those dogs and I said us 14 I said what get the goat from keep the goat away from the Hogs cuz okay he'll try to get up and defenestrate those hogs this is true I'm not making this one it was great yeah yes I said what do you mean he said well you'll say you better get in there now so there was mud and I had on boots as I'm walking out across the deal and the hogs are just will go in grabbing each other corn cobs and blowing bubbles in the slop and I'm watching her meanwhile Charlie's back there going he's lined up on what I'm about 60 feet away and he goes like a bottle rocket like that and uncle buddy says get in front of Charlie and the goat just takes a sidestep goes around me and jumps up and he jumps up he's ten feet away from the hog woods like this and he runs into the hog goes wah wah and he's off and back to get the next one and uncle buddy says yeah Charlie's penetrating the girls and so he came again I tried to get him again [Applause] you're not getting Charlie meanwhile everyone's laughing up there and I don't know why I'm there for five miss I'm going and Charlie looks over at me like it's the first time he saw me he took right off at me and hit me right here and I did a flip in the mud and he went what went right back and kept it up and I limped over and leaned on the trough and watch the girls eat his charlie did his work and they didn't even know he was there and he lived for dinner time this was a job that lasted one day oh man and then they move me to the hay fields but it was a hard job it was to keep a goat from penetrating hogs it's not anything I'd recommend anybody know who's even had brain surgery now there but now what what is that what exactly is the problem there I mean what with with the goats and the hogs I mean what what's the what's the ultimate fear what are we worried about there I guess the progeny I'm not sure what it would be I don't know if anything is I don't know if there's any zygotes that come out of this or not yeah or embryonic gestures of extra planetory animals but the goat was on and off instantly I don't know he was they know I've got some pictures although the feeling is what I'm so ho [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] by the way how long those have been since you had your accident Oh December 4th 1988 so we're good well not two years ago that yeah close to two years I'm still in recovery because it's a it's quite an injury it was nasty there there were reports when I guess you would know better than anybody else that you almost slipped into darkness I did I went to the other side I had plates of glass come up in front of me abalone light and I was out of my body and had it's quite some experiences there but my right and left side of my brain were out of saying for about seven months I went through dyslexia and I'm not joking right I know that everything's now though the wiring is backward authoring is back where it's out of it where it should be but aren't you amazed at the resiliency of the human system I you know what that's one of the things the surgeon said to me they said you had such a great element of denial in your system of your injury that's what took you through the hard part that you denied the fact that you were hurt that bad and I just learned last Easter my own self recognition that I was really hurt more than I thought I was this denial is this all subconscious or is every guy who's conscious on me because I wouldn't I didn't want to stay in there I passed a 200 point test and went through a 5 point interview with them five questions that they gave me my attention span my verbal use in my you said my temporal side of my brain with expression creativity come from and how to stay in touch with my own time element and not go too fast so my body couldn't react to it and I went through all of that and I recognized it in Easter that whoa I was hurt much more than I thought I was and now I'm working with head trauma people and going back to know what about the helmet issue for people who ride motorcycles well I'm working on the endorsement and the design of a helmet and I'm gonna recommend because I don't want kids to go to the store and get refried brains I'd rather get them refried beans and I really think that they should see better and hear better and have some airflow better but originally you felt like it should be left up to choice yeah I'm not saying it should be a law I'm saying it's up to you but I'm recommending him I'm telling him to wear those darn things and I'll get on my Harley and ride out from the street without a helmet and I go wait a minute back in the garage and I got a helmet I wear this like a bowling ball and I said I can't do that so I'm waiting on the design to come I'm working with a guy from MIT and Frank Lloyd Wright some other I'm sorry Frank Lloyd Wright is helping you design it we're trying me do a crisp and everyone you know please don't because I think you might be able to hurt me we're trying to get a hall for the show as a matter of fact I was gonna wear one out here let's talk about this international Rock award is it a good deal yeah it's a good deal there look they're looking at everybody around the world that's an international theme and they have people like David Bowie Elton John Eric Clapton Bonnie Raitt Aerosmith and a lot of people that are brand new and they're Rick being recognized and given an award it's tomorrow night on ABC it's just live where they holding these yeah where is it it's in here yeah here election in New York in New York and an armory and on Lexington Street or somewhere and there we went rehearsing today Sam Kinison and Eric Odo's oh look at Houston yeah and and what do you give out what if you win one of these international Rock deals what do you get you get a little little statue a little what do you get you get a statue of Elvis Presley in about 14 cases of condoms and this kid that's a joke yeah this is a joke show there is no statue of Elvis but let's talk about the the movie now predator - yeah number two number one what was number one what was the first predator that was in it well the first predator is an outer world life force it comes and lands on this planet they've been doing it for seven hundred years and they do it to hunt and capture the biggest hunter of man there is here that's their that's their game their athletic game it's a trophy they take them back to their own solar system I take no mag they stripped their skeleton down and hanging them up on the wall and look ooh that was nice we got that on Uranus look at this from Pluto yeah look at that from Earth right there look at those guys from Earth and the first predator movie they the one of them stock and and eliminated a Special Forces team and there were two survivors and this time it's 1997 it's Los Angeles it's 110 degrees all over the world okay local warming no more global warfare oh no will or be warming sure and the guy no I was just in California like last weekend look pretty warm no but I'm saying I think it might be something to this but was something to it was religion to the valley I'm coming he was like 85 well I'm working on environmental processes - 85 did you see the predator at Lucky's - are we gonna look at film of this we have a clip of the movie you don't have a clip we don't have what it's gonna be December 1st 1990 that's when it comes down and you and who else in this Danny Glover Ruben Blaise and Maria Conchita Alonso you know you look great you look great yeah and I'm glad they're the recovery is I would guess essentially completely well it's just about complete I'm not counting all my eggs yet yeah but yes it is I'm doing I'm doing quite better alright put my shoes on the right feet now used to put everyone on the right nice to see it thank you very much for dinner [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] our first guest is a talented actor whose latest film is called Point Break and it opens across the country this Friday ladies and gentlemen please welcome back to the program the always peppy Gary Busey [Applause] [Music] hey pretty good how's your summer going pretty good look at my shoes yeah what's the deal on that do you did you the Kiowa Indian fancy dancing shoes wow those are beautiful are those of the authentic thing or something you got at the airport gift shop now but from what part of the country do you get those Oklahoma Oklahoma oh good for you and you do you see these Indians often you spend time with them yes I do spend time with him when I'm in Oklahoma they're there gift shops not at the airport though Tulsa County yeah yeah how you been I've been good how are you I'm all right you know the last time uh well thank you very much I get this at an airport gift shop yeah the last night here we're talking about you played football and high school college high school in college yeah and what war did what kind of a student were you where'd you go to school what was that like for you uh well it was I really went to college to play football yeah and I went to junior college in Kansas cockatiel Kansas and the Kansas State College in Oklahoma State University kind of a student I was I liked first aid classes and I like species like the first aid classes were you're thinking of going into medicine no they were just these easy things to do wrap things around legs to people's chests and act like they were drowned tape up fingers and do fake burns and speech classes I love speech yeah and as a matter of fact speech classes were probably the most adventurous things that I've done in college I went to college five and half years yeah free up three dollars three or three different colleges and speech boys your favorite and you said more and more exciting more adventurous water well it's cause of what we did in this Beach class you just didn't get up and give speeches they had to think I'll show and tell oh that's very advanced [Applause] we're buddies we've known each other for a long pal I know I know so let's not let's not lose it over an adventure exactly the show-and-tell class I was in you want to hear this I do what era we had a defensive end there's a lot of football players for the classes some of the cheerleaders and it was an easy class to have an easy credit to get because she just went in did a little speech and left for the next class show-and-tell came up and this guy came in Galen from cainy Kansas and he brought in a paper bag and some newspapers and a big box and he put the Box down and spread the newspapers out on a table with a sink because it was a chemistry class too and he said my folks run a rabbit farm in County Kansas and he opened up this box and pulled out this big beautiful white rabbit with red eyes and the rabbit was like this and everyone's going oh oh look at the rabbit and the football players are going oh gosh that's a nice looking rabbit that he's spreading out the newspapers and going now hit the rabbit branch rabbit farm we raise rabbits we breed them for Easter when kids want a little ride with pets and he's opening up a paper bag and he pulls out this leather thing wipes it down and said they're also and put pulls out a board and a little box and nails and a hammer and said also we my folks are into the pelting business which is purses handbags is a purse and muffs and so what we do is we utilize the rabbits to make these fur garments and everyone's going what's going on here Gailen picks up the rabbit by the back legs and says this is rabbit this is mature rabbit this rabbit is ready to be exposed to the fur business except the rabbit by the back legs he knows the ears and the rabbit goes like that he goes the rabbit is dead opens the leather pad pulls out a knife pulse it out stuffs the stuff in a paper bag and then takes the rabbit by the back legs and the skin and goes the carcass can be used for rabbits too puts the Piltdown on the board puts salt and salt on it and holds it up and goes and there's a rabbit pill Wow that was that was my first show and tell that you did it did he just sicken everyone oh yeah there were people who though there they were out of the class and everyone was like that and but Galen does that every afternoon he went home for school and took care of it well sure that was him that wasn't that big a deal it was it was just part of the job training kind of gruesome ah let's do a uh-huh hey hey do you like fireworks yeah yeah we got something for you hang around hang around hang on we'll do a commercial we'll be right back with Gary Busey [Applause] [Music] [Applause] surely tell that was showing Oh who sang that the guy just get the rabbit probably yeah so uh on the program tonight we have Gary Busey and Richard Thompson and Kevin Pollak and tell us what you did for show and tell Oh mine was pretty simple I made a p-51 Mustang a monogram Mustang airplane huh and uh my favorite movie one of my favorite movies when I was a kid was flying Leathernecks with John Wayne and I love the way those planes that fly through the air and blow up and so I wanted to manifest this vision in my speech class and I got a p-51 Mustang with the decals and the paint on it and I glued taped m80 underneath it and I got two grasshoppers from the yard and brought the grasshoppers in and stuffed them in the cockpit and said and did this little speech and went and here's how they do it in the movies and threw it out and boom right in the middle of space Tyson I blew the grasshoppers in the plane never were and the speech teacher said you are gonna be suspended from playing football yeah and I was kind of dismayed I didn't get suspended but I got removed from the class happily well you know it's dangerous I mean they're strictly speaking it's adventure this is a speech class and it's for credit and the kids shape tuition they don't they don't want to come in in here and have you found like words oh you asked me about show-and-tell and show-and-tell was something you show and you tell about yeah I think I think we all kind of have a grip on the concept ladies and gentlemen there might be an indictment on the Kansas Junior College system but some of us got Show and Tell behind us like in the second grade you know we've had kids from area schools commitments very short oh yeah let's talk about your film you have two big films this Point Break what is that Point Break surfers and bank robbers and FBI guys and it's an advanced adventure and adrenaline yeah it's just a wonderful unpredictable course that you don't know where you're going next and it's uh this is good for you I like the idea surfers and bank robbers you're I mean no I'm serious your your energy and your presence would be suitable for either we'll see what they did they gave me the role of a guy a Greek goddess fifty-five years old and it's over the hill a Burnout FBI that has the FBI agent that has the theory on who's robbing the banks right but no one listened to me so they give me a blue flame rookie and that's Keanu Reeves and together we infiltrate the surf Kingdom to find out who does it is this is a good movie have you seen it yes I've seen it and I like it I like it it's I don't the last movie I was talking about that I liked was Lethal Weapon that I promoted about you know yeah and I do like this it's I wasn't sure whether I would or not and I was really okay let's see this I hope this is good enough to talk about and yes it is it was fun to see and Patrick does his own skydiving and this guy does ballet in the air at thousands and thousands of feet what does this thing open up when yeah Friday Wow so it's right out there competing with all the other summer blockbusters yeah yeah well I don't look at it like competition it's just the no fighting for its niche in the movie mark and that's right and then you have another one with Dolly Parton yeah I know what does that one about it's about a lady who has a Western Swing band which is asleep of the wheel they're not asleep of the wheel and she's travelling around and she meets this guy that becomes her manager and her lover and then he beats her up and gets drunk and has a father that spits in his face and it's a TV movie for HEVC next November TV while Texas win now that would also be good for sure after everything fine after you're a motorcycle problem you know what the motorcycle problem is behind me but I am standing behind the mandatory helmet law I'm working with a man to design a man is designing a helmet that you can see and feel the air and hear better a Larry Bernstein who graduated from MIT he's an inventor and I was wrong when I came out and said never mind helmets have pro-choice freedom freedom of choice I really believe that if you're gonna ride a motorcycle down the street going 85 miles an hour you wear a helmet you wear helmets when you play football when you ride bicycles when you jump over those fences when you're riding a horse and it's just stupid not to wear a helmet when you're on a motorcycle and I'm speaking from [Applause] California and the government of Texas with governor Ann Richards and Pete Wilson and so I'm very much supporting the helmet law yeah you used to but left us when you had your little record yes I did I left my body I left my body went to that room of the whites how long ago was I've been a cop December 4th 1988 I'm glad everything's good for you well me too oh then I got to say that yeah and and we're gonna oh you wanna hang around we're gonna try to get fireworks I'll get my airplane will glue oh no no that's sad let's see we have to pause here just stay right there and then we'll [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] on the show tonight kevin pollak very funny man you ever seen Kevin Pollak work no funny guy and of course Gary Busey is here for the fireworks tomorrow on the show Ed O'Neill will be on the show and comedian Tom Kenny will be here on the show that'll be tomorrow on the big show you know over the weekend of the fourth of July rather some some people had the fireworks out where I was illegal fireworks like one o'clock in the morning that they setting them off and hear the whistle and then the explosion and then the giggling and the nolasco huh like from Mexico look into fireworks Mexico fireworks I don't know I didn't get the nation of origin Gary they make them themselves ugh anyway so I'm in bed it's like 1 o'clock in the morning and then this goes on for like 45 minutes and then suddenly I hear somebody scream call in the fire department and I think that they have set my house on fire so so now I have to go out on the deck in my pajamas no I'm just laughing like I got a deck [Music] but these these idiots out there yeah set fire to their own damn car that's what was burnin on purpose or was that the fireworks exploded in the car I think yeah yeah accidentally accidentally yeah go ahead and punch me now all right here we go now we're gonna get you some fireworks but you know that's a true story you're keeping a diary what do I get an area code this is uh Felix Grucci I don't think this went through did it well we'll see well get some fireworks and if this doesn't work we'll call him John Gotti no we're just we're just gonna hear him why didn't you come to the meeting today you know hello hello oh my god oh there hasn't been an explosion man this is smooth as silk how did I get this job okay here we go yeah middle then I had one o'clock in the morning smoking you smell that gunpowder coming through the windows and then few minutes later their cars on fire you could see the flames and the fire trucks rolled up oh well here get a pencil fireworks by Grucci oh hi Felix it's me Dave again hey how are you good Felix listen I'm here with Gary Busey Gary how are you I'm fine Felix how are you good good great Felix ever skinned a rabbit Felix no all right now Felix are you ready with the pyrotechnics there yeah we've got three great garages for you Dave okay I'm gonna put the phone down so nothing happens you go ahead and we'll just wait for you okay here we go this one's for you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay Felix happy fourth of July thank you that was that was more than we hoped for thank you Thank You Bailey keep up the good work thank you I'll go slow with you show all right thanks the sound like he was opening a can of peanut brittle is going here any big explosions there is it what the bad diet will do a commercial Gary you have to leave now sir I guess I'll be back with Richard Thompson yeah [Applause] [Music] ah ladies gentlemen we had a pretty good program Gary Busey will be with us and also Orville Redenbacher will be here and Charlie Watts oh the Rolling Stones will be done [Applause] [Music] Charlie Watts will not be here Charlie Watts will not be here ladies and gentlemen Charlie Watts will be here he will what you want you know he will not be will not be where ladies and gentlemen ha so let's begin the program what do I do now oh here's a good friend Paul Shaffer ladies [Applause] positive I thought Charlie Watts here about a half an hour ago he was he was built to appear he will no longer appear will not be on the floor not beyond the blues Graham deceived him will not be on the program tonight no question though when Ross Perot dropped out this morning though did he look tight was he tight what I mean I'm tired what site did he look uptight he looked up that's what I want to know why well not tight yeah uptight that's I meant to say uptight yeah I said tight Paul what do you do when you don't have material you just what yeah that's right you better get alright we have a wonderful show Gary Busey is here and Orville Redenbacher who by the way is from my home state of Indiana you know you could at least care you could pretend to care and then Charlie Watson I'm confused Charlie Watts will be here Charlie Watts will not be here Oh charlie also ladies and gentlemen when you get that television show and you have no material sound effects sound effects well today tomorrow is the last day of the big democratic national convention right over there today is the last day yeah at the Madison Square Garden so we're gonna show you now a day in the life of the convention you know what would help here Paul that's not some music a little theme music we're gonna show you [Music] you don't fade under and then you would go into the toilet I see well I wasn't here at rehearsal with Charlie was you were worried about waking Charlie Watson's home right now watching him not being here on the show well I'm worried about that too Charlie watches playing jazz now that is kind of jazz a lot of really good kind of as they as the kids say cool jazz I went to see him perform last night oh really yeah the Blue Note Club and he does a tribute to Charlie Parker oh it's quite wonderful well maybe he'll do that on the show for us tonight doc you know doc is here guess again doc is not here hey the audience both sickened and delighted there we have a I told you about this a great show Gary Busey is here Orville Redenbacher is here and Charlie Watts will not be his not here ladies and gentlemen we'll do a commercial and then begin the big program come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let me just say this one thing about Charlie Watts if you had to pick a rolling stone that you didn't want to show up I guess it would be Charlie [Applause] would that be fair well one would want any member of the rolling stars to show up in but if you didn't really want one to show up he'd be the one you didn't want to show up right I can't I cannot no we're just disappointed that he's not here because he was here that's the sad thing about it ladies and gentlemen in fact maybe some of you bumped into him in line he was here and then at the last minute he said I'm going somewhere else that's as close as I get to a British accent thank you very much thank you anyway Charlie ain't here maybe another day well we hope another lifetime we hope we hope that maybe another day yeah we just there was a problem a little was it a bug or a snafu well it was a communication was it a problem with communication the end result is Charlie ain't here that was a great movie did you see that Chevy Chase Goldie Hawn whoa what a stab ulis movie that was ah let's do our top 10 list ladies and gentlemen and get on we don't need Charlie Watts to have real TV fun the category from the home office in Tahlequah Oklahoma top 10 reasons Ross Perot dropped out of the presidential race I think I'm going somewhere else now what the hell is that that's that was even worse than the first one wasn't it I'm Ross Perot yeah that's good going somewhere else now all right top 10 reasons Ross Perot dropped out of the presidential race here we go number 10 and this is a shocker barbers orders numbered number nine afraid reporters wouldn't be able to see him behind the podium during conferences at the White House number eight found out how much the job paid number seven number seven committed one too many fashion don'ts number six number six tail pins kept falling off perot mobile number five suddenly remembered he's mexican well there was the matter with the guy to think that he had a chance being a number four nobody proof red wording of petitions George Peppard now on ballot in 24 States Wow there's trouble number three several acres of hundred-dollar bills need ironing Andrey stacking number two too many cheeseburgers now just wants to sleep and the number one reason Ross Perot dropped out of the presidential race blisters [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay all right now let me get this straight which of the Rolling Stones would you not want to show up want any member you could get that's right but if but if they're not gonna show up well nevermind that why are you a little nervous do away with some of the roadies we wouldn't have needed them let's book the roadies can we get Charlie Watts roadies here to listen nice out here Charlie had to go somewhere else beginning to sound the Eastern European almost they do have some Eastern European roadies with them this time oh it's an amazing world we find ourselves living in isn't it kids and our next guest is certainly proof of that this man was nominated for an Academy Award for the Buddy Holly story you know I have a I have a thought here a brainstorm Charlie Watts was gonna be here and play some music for us yeah I I know that Gary Busey is a musician he believes he's actually a good actor and a musician an actor slash music that's right so maybe we can coax a song at a Gary Busey it's it's all falling into place now this man also has a new motion picture which will be opening this fall called under siege ladies and gentlemen please welcome back to the program Gary Busey [Applause] [Music] [Applause] have a seat Gary whoa are you sing later sing later we will tell you what to say I better be nice Gary will have no guests won't ask you where you get your ties my ties come from a place out in the Queens attire warehouse like that the dialer mattress thing download time that's right you call them up they bring your ties I've been noticing something about your shows you always wear these very garish outlandish you don't care for the tie no I'm not saying that David let me finish garish and outlandish doesn't exactly sound like praise those two things needs to be positive adjectives that after you hear my story okay I'm sorry I was making a movie called straight time with Dustin Hoffman and there were bank robbers there on the set and they were talking to me about what they've done one just got out of prison his name is John Carlin very nice man that was writing a screenplay I asked him what did he do before he robbed a bank he said well it's really easy all you do is you were a conservative shirt a conservative coat and you were a tie that will absolutely jump off your chest right and I said what's that for he said because when they asked to identify the robber they all talk about my tie yeah how beautiful my time was so I thought maybe you were preparing for a bank robbery it would work for that time would work we say the guy had an orange tie with stripes on it it would work I like the invisible tie you're wearing Gary [Applause] let's talk a little bit about Buddy Holly now I know this is a film you made six seven years ago or is longer 179 1979 Wow it's really been that long huh yeah what is yours no help yourself tell us about Buddy Holly and what what is this I don't know it's the beverage you requested I didn't request this is a black oil oh I was up there tell us about Buddy Holly for people who don't know who he was don't know the impact that he had on earlier rock and roll in this country who were his influences what from where did he come musically Buddy Holly he listened to a radio station in New Orleans it was rhythm and blues that's Tommy no Little Richard Bob Wills Hank Williams those were his influences and he had this energy in his creative force he was the first song writer to write the songs arranged them he was the first guy to produce his songs and also do overdubbing it was called ping-ponging in those days where you set up two recorders and recorded it on one recorder then mood moved that sound signal over to the other recorder unless paul showed him how to do that he did 45 songs he had a three very very short career right every years three years yes and he was at the height of his popularity it wasn't in the early 60s there was a little bit later who's the early 50s who's 57 so those mid to late 50s yes middle 80s and he cut that'll be the day for $3.50 and sent it to Alan Freed out and feed heard and said this booked him at the Apollo they were the first white rock-and-roll act to play in the Apollo Theater and that's when not fade away came about because that's a Bo Diddley you know when you listen to the music the Buddy Holly songs now they to me are reminiscent of the music that was coming over from Great Britain about a decade later in the 60s it sounds right about that he was a head of that sort of thing Buddy Holly is Paul McCartney's favorite song writer and Lennon and McCartney were influenced very much by Buddy Holly and Elvis Presley and then they came over with that influence and what it did to them now was that it was I write when I said in that movie you did your own singing and your own guitar playing or not in the Buddy Holly's right and you know I tie my own ties of course they tied it Oh leave me alone will ya come on Gary don't hurt me seriously so think about a song you can do a song now we have an opening well wait a minute now okay let's do a commercial you think it over and we'll be back here with Gary Busey [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Gary Busey is here or bull Redenbacher's here do you like popcorn I I grew up on pop yeah this did really you were raised on popcorn popcorn and fried okra fried okra fried okra is is is just cut up and fried in a pan fed up and fried in a pan and it's soft and crispy and we take a grocery sack and line it with tinfoil and dump two pounds of it in the grocery sack and go to drive-in movies and God knows what would happen you get a sack of fried okra and then the fun begins it felt fun without okra your sensibilities it but it uh okra is so it was a snack food then for you well it was all things yeah where did you grow up that you were eating fried okra Texas and Oklahoma Dave Texas great what city in Texas I was born in Goose Creek it's 30 miles east of Houston on black Doug Bates called Bay town now yeah I lived in Marshall in Gladewater and then moved up to Oklahoma Chickasha mom said he tell us yeah but are these times the first one you mentioned in Texas are they as colorful as the name suggests or are if we winter would they be sort of flat and barren and and depressed and oppressed or no it's nothing like New York it's like Texas in Oklahoma there's anybody down boys yes its color is it bucolic is it beautifully you can get ties with bucolic scene way to get ties with weasels flying through the air that okra is wonderful stop isn't it but now your family and I don't think we've ever talked about your family necessarily but your your mom your dad and brothers and sisters down there no they're all in California no no no in the beginning yeah in the beginning yeah with me made a very stop make you up in a raffle I know they raised it but wait where agricultural was your dad a farmer no he was a construction and design manager for Safeway stores he was a Seabee in the Navy in World War two is it like this no why would you think you could pull a stunt like that that was March I'm Richard Simmons sweating well Richard's the kind of guy that can pull a stunt like that okay well let's talk a little bit about one of your new hobbies and I find this just a hard to believe skydiving oh yeah how did this come I'd iving if you want to face fear and apprehension like you've never faced before okay if you want to leap toward fear and doubt with no sign of no fear in space with no sign of doubt okay do skydiving you're up 13,000 feet they open the door of the plane you go through six hours of ground school you learn everything that can kill you you sign waivers to the effect that they're not they're not gonna take care of you if you're dead and then you go through six hours of it you get in a plane the Twin Otter you go up to 30 nautical stories sto L the Twin Otter ST Havilland it's a Canadian plane the de Havilland Twin Otter s tol well short takeoff and landing thank you went down a few months ago and it had bad fuel coming from the line so it went up 80 feet went boom down like that so they kind of took the wind out of us you took all the fun out of the story too now Gary I know what's sto LD haven't we did not Olivia de Havilland no no no it's the it's the name of the company that built the plane and it the engines generates 600 horsepower at the shaft that's all I know about the aircraft exactly dealing with a marmot here all right now tell us about your age I know skydiving when you get when they open the door the plane you stand here like this you have a jet mass here and one here and you're to go like this ready set go well when I got to the door of the plane I froze and they have video camera out there waiting for me to come out of the plane but I'm going wait I'm not ready I'm not ready and they're going we're over the drop zone you've got to go the drop master says theorem says save the three words what are the three words you say to get out you have to initiate the jump otherwise you don't pass the test well good and it's Patrick Swayze that took me here and say I did a movie with him Point Break when he sky dived in and I shook hands with him said yeah I'll go and then it came time to go it on oh you say pick me up at 5:00 a.m. I'll show you the videotapes of my jumps we'll go down there you go through six hours of ground school you jump out of the plane you're cool man yeah shoot okay so now your relative when I went okay ready say right there it's where all the little organs in your body run up all the little things hanging on your body run out and you go set go and you're out of the plane you're falling like a hamster on speed you have no idea what you're doing you're like this you're like this that's there oh you're falling at 120 miles an hour they're giving you signals you have any at that speed and under the circumstances do you have any honest perceptions or is it impossible to really evaluate what's going on it's not impossible to really evaluate what's going on because the grad school you went to but you don't have honest perception in fact you're so far up and your wind is hitting you so fast cause you're going 120 miles an hour you do not feel like you're falling yeah really really you don't feel like you're falling yeah then when chute opens at 5,000 feet I felt 9,000 feet and uh 55 seconds and I go pull the rip cord and go 1,001 1,002 was blue in here quick and you're pulled up 150 miles an hour up and then you float down in a rectangle chute that you guide in it's it's a feeling of freedom how do you do this all the time whereas any one time in it no I've done three jumps but I've been traveling around doing work and I haven't been able to get back I'm gonna did you sneer at me when you said this is not exactly easy here you know Gary get ready for your big number a little bit later yeah we're gonna do station engage [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm very excited for 10 years I have been dying for somebody to ask me about the twin-engine otter yeah and I said to myself if it ever comes up I'll tell you everything I know about this aircraft and it happened here tonight this have an F yes I can go home a happy man I know it's no longer I no longer care that Charlie Watts will not be with us tonight we are we still got plenty of program left here ladies and gentleman coming up in this half hour Gary Busey will be doing a song for us so that is going to be good you know he's an actor yet tonight he's gonna sing Wow that is gonna be great okay and also we have popcorn magnate Orville Redenbacher he will be joining us a little Redenbacher [Music] he's microwave popcorn yeah that's it's about all I eat that and that of course in fried okra and tomorrow on the program ladies and gentlemen we have a member of the USA basketball team christian Laettner will be joining Holley Wow christian Laettner former Duke all-american basketball player Christian Laettner is going to be a guest it's time to celebrate yeah [Applause] have you thought about a decaffeinated coffee yeah okay we have to do a commercial and when we give a show I love commercial [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well that was very very impressive the way you just came whipping through there like that I didn't know you had it in you little things little things I can do you know [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah all right I think this is going to be quite nice if I do say so myself this is a departure for us here at the program ladies and gentleman as well as for our next guest you know and he's the best known as the drummer for the Rolling Stones there is right there this is his new CD it's called a tribute to Charlie Parker with strength use me name but Charlie Watts is not I know just play a long fall ladies and gentlemen please welcome to the program the Charlie Watts quintet boys take it away [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] go throw it in [Music] to go [Music] [Music] my that's a little long Nicole you go [Music] [Applause] go [Music] [Music] [Applause] wrong [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay all right out of time Charlie Watts was not here tonight Keith Richards will not be here tomorrow night Tuesday I believe Mick Jagger will not be here my thanks to Gary Busey and Orville Redenbacher we have to leave none you know what that means Paulo just more commercial [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] our next guest is best known as the drummer for The Rolling Stones he is also an accomplished jazz musician as a new CD it's called a long ago and far away it's a great pleasure to welcome the Charlie Watts quintet featuring Bernard Fowler folks take it away [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's new how is the world treating you you haven't changed a bit [Music] lovely as ever I must admit [Music] what's new oh how did the romance come through we haven't met since then gee but it's nice to see you again [Music] what's new probably I'm boring you but seeing you with gray and then you was so sweet to offer your head I understand I do [Music] pardon my asking what's new of course you wouldn't know I haven't changed I still love you so [Music] probably I'm boring you but seeing you with grass and you was so sweet to offer your hair I understand that more than my asking of course you could it no I haven't you [Music] I still love you son [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Don Giller
Views: 41,793
Rating: 4.8005247 out of 5
Keywords: Gary Busey
Id: m6Yyho0_3NI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 17sec (6377 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2019
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