Late Night with David Letterman 1985 02 26 John Candy, Eugene Levy, Rocky Dellutri, Bryant Gumbel

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Interesting that Levy and the other guy in the audience, Chris Elliott both ended up on Schitt’s Creek decades later.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/iPodDad 📅︎︎ Jun 24 2020 🗫︎ replies
New York don't call us we'll call you it's Late Night with David Letterman tonight the shrinkie brothers orange magic with rocky to the tree and Today Show host Brian Gumbel also we make giant hand shadows of the RCA Building and now a man who always has a team of skilled physicians standing by Hey thank you very much ladies gentlemen welcome welcome to the program thank you I appreciate that I I'm very excited but also I get I get admit something I didn't sleep too well last night I go to bed and I'm sleeping for about an hour and then suddenly I sit up bolt right or bolt upright however you do that uh there's no point in sleeping with hardware because that'll happen yo so anyway uh and if you've ever sat on a bolt I think you all know painful that can be well anyway so I can't sleep you know what it's troubling me I read a report yesterday in the New York Times and according to this study now in this country the population is 237 million people 237 million people now all of these folks and Edie Meese is the best we can do for Attorney General we have a show to end all shows not that this oh gee I hope it doesn't will it no that's it with NBC called it was just too good Dave you're done this is gonna be exciting Bryant Gumbel is here from the Today Show the schminke brothers John Candy and Eugene Levy and what else Oh a man who has invented a solvent that removes graffiti from subway cars mr. rocky della terry is here dilute rhe rocky Dellucci I'm sorry rocky dilute REE and not that these aren't great guests and and in and of themselves comprise a wonderful show but tonight ladies an gentlemen I think this is history we are going to make hand shadows on this very building thanks everybody David big night tonight shrinky brothers are here swaggy brothers and they're doing another big hit record and audiences have been known to go nuts when these kids come on it's really true you you and the boys in the band will be performing with the fringe manky brothers and it's a big thrill for us yeah we're having a hit record an audience's go crazy when they come in how are you are you all right yeah I'm great I'm looking forward to tonight so but are you really alright I'm yeah I'm finding everything in your life is okay yeah why something wrong with your with yours no no why have you heard something no I am having the way around the office you know no don't listen to that that wasn't true that do you can you tell I have a cold or not no I couldn't tell really tell you feeling a little under the way yeah on the inside it's just everything is echoing and kind of reverberating in well it's this crazy weather it's horn it's hot it was 70 degrees over there over the weekend and you're out there and you said it was nice just to let the heat rush over me yeah got out you said and now look you got a call the reunion I got a call were you nude or something that sign in your place yeah that's it I was nude outside thanks for telling the entire country I was naked in my front yard uh nobody you got sick where we nominated for any of these Grammys yes yes we are we are now best packaging do we care about the Grammys uh we really we had it with the you know Dick Clark Dick Clark's scoop the Grammys didn't he with his American any awards or whatever those are tomorrow ladies and gentlemen it'll be a good time to tune in tomorrow's gonna be another special program it's for people who videotaped this program at late at night because they can't stand because they have regular jobs or whatever I guess maybe they just don't care so we'll be doing a special morning show for you folks tomorrow that'll be tomorrow night we'll look forward to that won't we we're doing a morning show the morning show tomorrow night yeah this would be the lane our regular time slot though it'll be on a regular time slot but when the people who videotape it at night when they get up in the morning and they're having their little breakfast there and they play the show back it'll be a morning show all right good idea isn't it perfect for the disco crowd in New York you know they're just getting up surely who's gonna have a little breakfast then they go out to swing you know they do - they'll be tomorrow that'll be tomorrow so all right yeah I guess ladies and gentleman this is gonna be a great show let me introduce you know the man who is going to be casting these hand shadows and then also I believe he's gonna teach me how to do a few of them he is one of America's foremost magicians and has performed in every imaginable show business setting he too has been nude in his front yard in addition to magic he is also an expert in the ancient art of hand shadows please say hello to mr. George Gilbert George can you hear me sir yes David hello David how are you George nice of you to help us out tonight in the introduction we I guess I guess first of all what why don't you explain why it is we're looking up your dress like that it's you're on your elevated platform right George that's right that's you're going to be on here in a few minutes you know yeah and why did we have to elevate the platform god knows David I okay and and the light will be shining on the RCA Building is that correct George well we're across at the Exxon building and we're going to have this tremendous spotlight uh-huh it's a it's a Zeon Super Trouper and it's good it's a follow spotlight well there it is sure right now that's going to be shining on the RCA Building across the street uh-huh and we'll be on this self-propelled work platform it reaches a maximum height of 11 feet as a platform capacity of sounds like I'm going to sell this thing a maximum capacity of 500 pounds now George is there a crowd gathering yes we're getting a huge crowd here now estimate that crowd for me will you Merlin it's about 300 okay I tell you what George show us now some techniques with your hands that you will be using there later when we cast these shadows on the building all right well here's the way we would do the rabbit see doesn't look like a rabbit I know now in the hand shadows I hope it will so thank you very much for being with us and we'll check back with you a little bit later when the Sun Goes Down and it's completely dark outside that's mr. George Gilbert he'll be doing the hand shadows for us and now ladies and gentlemen I almost forgot it's time once again for the lucky number see tonight's first lucky number is three our second number is a nine and the third number is a four yes the lucky number for the night and as always if you're the winner keep an eye out for the bonded MVC correct congratulations and keep watching oh hey hey I got the lucky number well okay sorrow and Chris Elliott the the guy under the seats Chris congratulations that's great you got the lucky done anything in my whole life yeah terrific well that's we're all very excited for you that's that's great I feel great I'm gonna I'm gonna go on a vacation maybe buy a car what do you think of the odds of something like that Chris before we get into that now you're you're a member of the staff right yeah that's actually the the luckiest thing that's ever happened yeah well I'm glad you feel that way but but not really because members of the staff and their families are ineligible to play the lucky number 4s oh I'm sorry I have to be disqualified Chris what are you trying to tell me well take take a look at the rules for yourself because you are a member of the staff but you're clearly ineligible for the drawing I'm sorry about that Chris all right all right I see your rules you're not gonna take this away from that Chris it's the rules it's not me my hands are tied believe me the rules are rules and there's rules rules rules let me tell you something about rules mister one of these days when your little comedy career is on the rocks and you've resorted a professional wrestling to make a buck I'm gonna put you in a sleeper hold you'll never wake up from your little rules aren't gonna help you then mister no sir but until then I'll be right here making your life a living hell watching you watching you do what you do so well whatever the hell that is doing your little numbers okay we'll be right back with his new brothers John Candy and Eugene Levy I think I think we have an inspired program for you tonight after a 20-year career unparalleled in the Polka field my next guests have retired a documentary film of their legendary final concert called the last polka as its world premiere on HBO March 14th here performing now the cabbage rolls in coffee polka are Yash and Stan schminke Abbot was a coffee let's listen working over back at the swing we brother nice to see you guys the slinky brothers now help me out whose Yahoo's stand my gosh here's Josh and I guess understand that would make you stand you guys really ignite a crowd you know that was really one of em er well you not that the funky music has been tsundere the baby about that when it's played properly that you get the people up on their feet you know where where are you gentlemen from I guess I don't know a lot about your background but what what part of the world you come from we're from Lithonia countries on the throne yeah this fits your small country right laughter pervious yeah located on the dark side of the bunk you know excited evocative let me ask you kind of a personal question have you guys had those things on your faces check oh yeah they're alright you know we came over here you know they didn't see too many people the bees are there but I you know it's the more you have on your face they do my press did you have in your neighborhood yeah except came from a poor family you know but you should see lots of Lamia I never covered with warts on his face Mira papi well uh you're doing a special a television show on HBO now you've had other shows I know well I the show's you know I not curry how many of you had all together we had their strikes parents mangas that was the first one our first television show was dad then we've had some polka variety shows Oh two more must imagine them you know but we did the happy one to wrap in our shower that was good with some comedy which we performed ourselves wrote ourselves and we're on some of these poops now you've you've done you've sold a lot of Records now why exactly are you retiring what's what's the point in this you seem like you're hotter than ever well thank you so much but you know people have been asking us that question since our retirement and you and of course I my star gets of course is not coming huh he always says that you know just if we get so tired of that question but not the answer you properly you know we felt it was enough you know you can only play so many cultures and weddings and you know it sir we did real well you know you can baby eight albums out that's 88 yeah albums huh yeah I hear that over a year in the hair that's a variance is there impressive body of work though 88 oh yeah there's 1000 a month we were putting out for a while yeah that's tough that's a lot Oh what no there was there was a concert in it was it in Pittsburgh or Plattsburgh or what do I read something about a recent concert when the Plattsburgh collapses well it was until our best one lots of people believe that was there isn't for retirement you know but it wasn't no no you know nobody knows the reason why we retired that you know I needed some time to find myself but I did I did find myself and I was right where I thought I was but the Plattsburgh concert yes you know we wanted to change our image a little bit sure if with the kids you know and to try to get just a piece of that market you know what with the videos and everything here and we thought you know that the music of the Michael Jackson might be nice you know to update a little bit yeah and um you know he had been a whole thing down but the Michael Jackson songs but the big mistake was that we got what's they were lambasted land baby fun for putting up on the marquee that we had tonight on LI Michael Jackson but the laughter is about Michael Jackson said this man you salute but you couldn't see it sorry you know your problem was we could see with the I conceded but did people that the promoters was a difference well that's a borderline area you get into there yeah mister who's to say it's wrong to say that's right you should have been our lawyer yeah it's a cutthroat business we might have been little desperate now now tell me about the lemon twins what's what's become of them they I know they're uh an integral part of the actor they still with you guys we seen them every now and then you can party sometimes huh you know having twins used to when we had that for cab ride they are they were no they were the big act at the time you know in the sixties the lemon twins were very very hot in the Polka world and did they did they scandal thing that was going on between us I didn't realize there was a scale that wants to make it on what I mean tomorrow I didn't want to bring you down to magazines pick up on it you're not the kind I mean universe go through that yourself with the skin yeah no I don't want to go through that but but no and now would be a good time to set the record straight well I'd suppose that you could say that there was really nothing serious going on between us and the lemons it was only sex yeah you know but there was no relationship well that's why I didn't park there before no there was there was another you know now was was he innocent than not there was no commitment that just like that you made the lead David that we brought you son I give oh here it is right here let me get it for you it is it yah sure Stan I forgot to get Siam is but you're yet okay that's yeah yeah open the dock to see what they did Elissa congratulations on your on your TV show Anna and I hope the retirement is a briefly well that whole polka world is crazy now isn't aa black it CQ oh this is a goodie this is a beauty look at this strikes spares and schmemmys that was our very first television show no you mean something special it was something special to me a Stan thank you very much thank you David nice having man yeah always good luck it can be will be okay let's let's go outside once again to check on everything for our big hand to shadow display little later we want to find out if it's getting darker and it appears oh my gosh it has gotten darker unbelievable this is George Gilbert this is the man who will be casting those shadows for us on the RCA Building George everything all right it is very dark no rain everything's perfect okay we'll keep those hands covered we'd hate for a to chafe them right I will all right we'll be back to you a little bit later at George that'll be in a couple of minutes we'll go downstairs and show you shadow puppets search hand shadows tomorrow by the way is there big morning show so that will be nice Carol Channing Michael Palin and animal psychiatrist Beatrice Lydecker will be joining us that's tomorrow a few months ago my next guest was a house painter here in Brooklyn one day he stumbled upon a paint removing formula and he's now well on his way to becoming a wealthy man please welcome the inventor of orange magic rocky de Loup tree Araki so rocky you were your house painter you're looking for a senator kind of a paint cleaning solvent that what happened yes okay and you came up with what how did it happen what were you doing we fool around with the fraud I can turn around leader breast pipe and I start you off the guy cuz he's the breast Python clean up breast pipe and he turned the rattle okay and brand new so then we try the graffiti and they were just as good and what's in the formula that's in the Bible haha Citrix base its base with an orange base right all right we got the stuff right here and you mix it up and you took it right you called up the who did you call and said I got something that'll take paint off subway cars know what you did they wouldn't talk to me it wouldn't so what did you do that I see in an ad the paper about the quicker Church and they got shot with the PT I'm without donating my time cleaned off the paint you have a painted the news came down and they wrote a story the paper then the trinsic old yeah and so you went in you cleaned up a subway car with this doesn't and the amazing thing about it is there's not a lot of dangerous chemicals in it right you can actually drink some of this I could drink yeah could you drink a lot of it Hera try it a lot of it alright well let's let's show the folks how it works here and you're gonna be a fabulously wealthy with this stuff is this the first of its kind dino yes where's a good place to start your rocky oh no what do you want to do you showed me you would give me the demonstration you gave the Transit Authority folks well no rug up tiled he's got a salt again Sydnor off at the brother play what do we have to draw honey I need to but it what is this material then lucite Oh counter that you guys wouldn't and then it's titanium it's lucite right yellow hello blue site alright so this is the magic formula because this is ordinary house paint spray paint on there I know you guys did that too that's kind of a cream then that's boom boom yeah all right you should there's no couple use your hands doing you want it okay if we have a cloth you will use a sponge just remember what do you think is it coming off Tim love actually it is isn't it all right so it comes off it comes right off a lucite bun doesn't come right off but it wasn't it supposed to weigh three or four minutes suppose we let it sit in a sink in okay let that yo we'll come back to the okay all right now let's try what else can we try you gonna try the carpet is the carpet ready to go uh that's Gary Schutt what are we cleaning out of the carpet we'll have you put in it all right scrub that out of there I skip it have you sold this off to a big company that's manufacturing it or are you keeping the I was doing it out of the basement now I do a bit with the another company named doctor Lamine Oh dr. Demento amino doctor dimino idea and tonics they can do it they do it my producer for me and my mentoring cuz I get into many orders right now yeah never saw all right now does it does it we've seen it we've we've seen examples here but it takes things off lucite and it takes things off of a hunk of carpet but what about actual graffiti spray paint if I were to spray paint something would it clean that up well if it don't you're in jail could you just bring it see what we have this is a fluorescent spray paint what color is this Rockland that's all right all right and I bring some of this stuff let's go across a little deeper see if we can't Carrie oh this is a different studio this is hi how are you hi this is rocky de Loup tree nice to see you gentlemen that is this what are we in here right you stand by 6b yeah well you can't even see that you can't can you see that you can't even see that let me get it a little darker okay okay there give that a shot okay let's see yeah like yeah this is captain one okay there you go now will that come off all right rocky you stay there and try and get it off I'll be back okay rocky I'll have that cleaned up in no time buddy just just fine okay whatever okay well while rocky is working on the graffiti we'll take a commercial break and bryant gumbel will be here we'll be right back that works pretty impressive that the that works my next guest has been on the job at his job for three years now and seems to be pretty secure in that position he is the co-anchor of the NBC Today program and is also one of the best-dressed men on television please welcome Bryant Gumbel huh okay go ahead 6a all right what's up good finish it up no no no dub way no no no no you started it go ahead finish it you'll come on on on in the morning and you're warfare well behaved I shouldn't do it no so that's what happened you can't do it halfway Brian you've already you're going to jail finish it up you don't make any difference go ahead finish it up rocky we'll be in here and then he'll do rocky oh man give it he'll give you the supplies and then you can clean it out oh no that's all right well let it that's sorry nice piece of artwork childhood habit I picked up hi yeah we're all disappointed you didn't finish it but what's the matter chicken yeah basically what is this is that a yeah you're a very well-dressed man only from the waist up uh Bryant this time of year you must do you must get a little too edgy to head south to spring training like you do when you were uh would be nice with it I've had enough heading south actually on Thursday but not for spring training play dough ball oh geez relax get out oh you do being on The Today Show now what is this your fourth year you've been on yeah well you're gonna have jurisdiction to the business of sport that I certainly don't miss yeah like what oh I think I think you know in a lot of cases the closer you get to the people who run big-time professional sports the less you like it you see that it's not all fun and games it's not all terrestrial and and I'm I'm still enough of a fan that I'd like to say that oh yeah so I I did it a long time I did it about 12 years 11 years and it was time just to say that's it yeah you were really good at it too really really good at some days I thought so yeah uh now you're better you're gonna go play golf now what do you do for fun on your schedule and so forth what what other besides golf it is Rick that's what yeah but that's it yeah that's it I'm you know played my two-year-old daughter my six-year-old son that's that's about it yeah now you uh we're in Moscow not too long ago yeah what now what fun happened over there anything fun yeah looking over your shoulder the it I don't know the Soviets ever been there yeah it's a different world you go there you go they're expecting to find more similarities than differences you know the old thing about people everywhere are the same and if we all want to love one another than anything and be terrific and in in point of fact when you get over there you find out there are a lot more differences than similarities here was it I think the popular impression of the Soviet Union is it's gray all of the time a lot of heavy thick dark clothing a lot of downtrodden looking soul right kind of a musky Brown yeah it would be would be appropriate it's it's not the happiest place in the world to be but on the other hand the the people there don't seem to know that they've got it terrible sure they do in fact have a lot of disposable income problem is there's nothing to dispose it on there's nothing to buy the restaurants are there but the food isn't terrific they kind of set out the appetizers for the evening meal about 3:00 in the afternoon if you're a fly you'd love to live in Moscow and and I don't think there's there's frankly an awful lot of things to do in terms of recreation yeah they have they have a huge part that's like five times as big as as Central Park Gorky Park but it's got one entrance makes it kind of difficult to enjoy yourself ah what now what about graffiti was there graffiti over fitty no no no no that'll that'll get you a little more than a slap on the wrist there you don't want to do that kind of thing I mean if they catch you on the Kremlin wall you know kind of writing Constantine isn't my kind of guy they're in front of it yeah way was it was a real breakthrough having a regularly scheduled news information show it was the guest out of the year it was different we had we had been trying for it for a long time there's a vice president here in our news division my name of Gordon Manning who when this idea was first conceptualized a lot of people said hey it couldn't be done and Gordon figured he tried yeah and he talked and talked and talked to their ambassador Anatoly Dobrynin for the longest time until finally they suggested it to the folks in Moscow and they figure they had more to gain than to lose and so we came out of there with 10 hours of live programming one week it was the first time that it was very exciting it was very exciting to watch yeah a lot of times it was yeah a lot of times it was you know arts been a tick back there so they're talking now about doing our show out of New Jersey we're Tina yeah we well I can't say it's still up in the air give us a little give us you just you just signed a new a new contract and boy a new contract I haven't signed it yet Emily's you know it's being placed in front of you they're hoping you'll sign are you gonna do it we've worked it all out some personal minor boilerplate stink dough what's big dog oh well I don't know more than Jane to $300 a week Domeier and so that means you're gonna be with the show another four years yeah Vince I'll be able to buy the bottom half the suits yeah no no Willard must real Willard must really be getting on your nerves at this point why you say that well you know every morning with the cakes and the flowers and the vegetables and the you know and the silly jokes wouldn't you some mornings wouldn't you just like to turn his lights out you've had one here haven't you Willard I like Willard I have a lot of respect - well that's very good and we're only teasing we're only P tell him I think you guys are terrific in the morning I think Jane is the best you think you're perfect coming back we're in the morning well maybe when I'm invited this thing about it being doing the morning show seriously tomorrow tomorrow's our big morning show word for people who tape the show late at night and get up and watch it early in the morning we're doing a 60 minutes of morning television why come on late night Dwight someone try to take your stage let's paint some socks No I'm looking I've already got sex all right I look you look all right straight up there stick it up there uh-huh all right here we go Ashley hope it shows up they have shadow puppets to do Brian as well have you ever tried it I get rocky if you're working blood guts ah we'll uh thanks for being here I guess I guess so - what you've done mr. Ted Koppel yeah we would have all right why is Ted in the dressing room no I mean tan in here just curious about that we're gonna do a commercial we'll be right you've never really lived until you've experienced spray paint drying on your legs oh try it at your next party all right George now they've darkened your hands right yes okay that's because we were getting some reflection on I agree loves let's go up okay hot well you said 13 feet on this deal right okay and as soon as we get up there then we turn on the spotlight right right all right the Virgin soon as the spotlight hits the building where'd you go ahead okay with these hand shadows and anybody here would like to try and guess should we try and guess what they are no I think I'd better announce all right so we're almost all the way up now is it dark enough do you think okay yes it certainly is dark okay now do we turn on the light at this point yeah I think they've all right go ahead and turn on the light there's the light oh yeah that's great hey now what floor is that on George one two three four five six seven eight it's like seven eight nine up there yes okay what are you going to do first well first I'm going to show you the rabbit this is our rabbit a rabbit and here come here nice work here comes a dog after the rabbit this is a dog after the here we have the wolf he's looking all around up there - well you've got sure alright this is the elephant that's an elephant looks a little like a guy winding his watch his the the farm all right missus the pond with his tail that's a little tail her and tail is the reindeer yeah very good this would be the giraffe coming in that's a giraffe ma'am and the monkey is that monkey what was that on the dress there it's hard for me to know I think it's a month that was a month close enough I'll show you the the Eagle sitting on the branch of a tree okay that's great and his the flying bird and we can do a compete here is an Indians head wearing the feathered war bonnet there is I don't know from here it doesn't look like it looks like two hands what else have you got for us alright well I thought I should teach you how to do some hair shadows okay how do you get in there alright you just hold one hand out you know there's an overwhelming temptation to do one thing and I'm not sure I should do it what do you think George should I do it no I don't think you'd better all right hold your hand out this way bend this finger the first finger that's it come on now I'm sure I was goodness then that worse yeah the first thing get and all the others I put the thumb up the therm up right and there at close close to the bottom fingers that's and there you have a dog you see but it's like a - it's a two-headed dog isn't it he is won't out like you do the dog by yourself all right your dog dog all right yeah now how about doing the reindeer you hold your head one hand this way right hand that way and bring the other one up bend the wrist back out hold it up like that that's that's no reindeer well how we doing here we how much I said we have okay one minute what can you do in one more minute George one more let's try to do the crab you just do your hat like this this is the crab this one's the people in those offices are thinking I can't oh yeah there's a crab how would a pair of glasses I think that is a pair of glasses all right dart we can do the horse like this the horse's head yeah I think all you have to do is are you god I'm nervous I can't all right and uh let's see we're just about out of time on the dunking this way bring the two fingers up to the donkey's head yeah very nice donkey yes nice job go ahead and finish this up George I appreciate you standing out here in the cold all night well there you have it folks a broadcasting history we'll be right back would you like to see Richard do return the update first his jaw than his nose the top of his head there's Richard Nixon George thank you very much fine job Thank You cs6 behind also my thanks to Bryant Gumbel and the shrinkie brothers tomorrow this is farce our breakfast actually our morning show so join us for breakfast tomorrow night at 12:30 good night folks
Channel: jdammon
Views: 399,580
Rating: 4.7241378 out of 5
Id: UU637MfFfC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 31sec (2611 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 11 2017
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