Pee-wee Herman Complete Collection on Letterman, 1982-85 Recut

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Reddit Comments

So incredibly wholesome, and yet a little bit subversive…. Perfect for genx. Early 80s was just the weirdest! In a good way!! Also, after spending the day with my grandson, it’s so obvious that Pee Wee’s original persona was totally that of a seven year old boy. I’m lol’in.😆

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/lisaferthefirst 📅︎︎ Jun 29 2021 🗫︎ replies

This man made me laugh when I was little and as an adult.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Lauren12269 📅︎︎ Jun 29 2021 🗫︎ replies

Letterman’s disdain for pee-wee is palpable through-out

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/CommonShower9005 📅︎︎ Jun 29 2021 🗫︎ replies

You have to see Paul Rubens on "The Dating Game" that was surreal.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/GreatGreenGobbo 📅︎︎ Jun 30 2021 🗫︎ replies
we have a keen honestly here is it I'll give you a second to wake up the kids we have quite an interesting combination on the show tonight we have two gentlemen both of whom well maybe you don't know so much about one a comedian who is uh you're not going to see anything like this gentlemen anywhere in the world pee-wee Herman is here tonight and and if you don't know much about him you're going to and also a gentleman who you probably know a little bit more about him I don't I think this is the first time he has appeared with pee-wee Herman the Commissioner of baseball Bowie Kuhn is here tonight fine program it is tonight we have the Commissioner of baseball Bowie Kuhne will be joining us later and also Oh a rare behind-the-scenes glimpse a profile of our audio man Howard Vince key sound effects man Howard vinnitsky so that'll be coming up soon my first guest tonight is the host of his own children's program and he is also he also has a large and enthusiastic adult following please hang on to something welcome pee-wee Herman [Applause] [Music] you look great you look you look terrific thank you brought are you you're not nervous are you no you have your own show and yeah that's right now you brought some toys along I know you have a lot of props that you stole a story first like whether that happened to be yesterday that you this is a surprise I have you doesn't all gonna do this but okay I came yesterday I came a day early as most of you probably don't know I come from Los Angeles is where I make my home and so the summer just ended there and I run a lemonade stand out front of my house there that's all I kind of you know make my money when I'm not do with big stuff like this so I so so I came out here a day early and I came in and I will take it out here I was in the writers room we met a couple years ago remember when we met and and so he came in this guy mr. Letterman came in yesterday and I will sit there and he goes like how you doing I said fine mr. Letterman are you and he goes good and then he goes while you're in New York why don't you do the show I couldn't believe it cuz that's what I was here for I mean what else would I haven't even been doing here crack me up yesterday I tell you so I thought I'd you know you like you like New York City yeah crazy about it's exciting is I'm gonna try Quebec and be one of those Green Beret guys here now those are the guardian angels actually red beret that boo yeah yeah those are those are tough gentlemen you don't want that why is off to those from now no now yeah you have some toys huh yeah shows a budget oi at this pirates or right here [Music] laugh or you get it okay boomerang right here I used to use this I'll be sure and it's lil the diet eagle [Music] okay wait look we we have some film I understand you brought with us P week well it's right here on the note so you understand you got a film about lunchroom manners right inside the film you're actually going to appear in the film mm-hmm okay know what what do we need to do in by way of setting this well all's I need to do is just get up and go be in it all right are we all set for peewee to get up and go [Music] [Applause] got there he saw some boys he knew at the front of the line I felt they waved for it to go up to the front with them but bill didn't want to break into line this mr. bungle bit so Phil went to the end that was the fair thing to do he put his knife fork and spoon neatly on the train and then he slit his tray along enjoy good food in the cafeteria it tasted good and was good for him too instead of having a sandwich today Phil decided to take the hot lunch bill took some bread and butter too and he knew what else he wanted maybe there was more milk so he said may I please have some milk Phil remembered to say mail and please that was very polite yes there was more milk night at our Living Dead Phil remembered to say thank you when he took the carton of milk Phil that good manners he didn't want to be like mr. bungle an electron Phil didn't want to forget his dessert the cake looked delicious at the end of the line the less room supervisor said she have noticed how polite Phil was and she smiled he wouldn't smile at a mr. bundle Joe went to the table where his friends were [Applause] [Music] [Applause] very nice you know the thing the thing that I liked about that it was entertaining as well as informational it was a lot of fun for me to do - yeah yeah and yeah you have some more toys that we're gonna that's nice [Music] [Applause] we'll get pee-wee's and darvon we'll be right back [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] welcome back to the show a pee-wee Herman is here and later the Commissioner of baseball Bowie Kuhne will be joining us now we didn't plan any of this but you dance I remember you as being a very good dancer anyway without throwing everybody here that you can show us a little of that well pull that leg a little I think this is what you refer to it it requires a lot of concentration so if you just be quiet for just minute [Music] [Applause] you are yeah I have another one - I've been working out this is my devil dancing the donkey and the devil hey I think I'm gonna call the devil doggy dance though not sure now in addition to showing us all these wonderful toys you have some thoughts on as to how you can have fun without toys yes I do I'm glad you asked me that I I have some stuff that you can kind of do right around the house if you don't have toys of your of your old like like this you could play disguise you know you could just you know do stuff like this where's pili if your mom or dad's fat okay shut up okay if that's a big Underpants lying around the house you know you'd be surprised what you can do with this if you can you can fill up the whole hour just play the big like like look you can you can do cut it so you can like you can do this kind of thing where you can make you know he can make kind of a vest or you keep the Baker you can make a turban out of it there's so many useless world you know besides wearing them I can see where the hour would just fly by without this is something that I figured everybody can do this I kind of like to think up stuff to make people go about you don't go crazy you know kind of obnoxious kind of stuff to do around the house like if you have a younger brother or younger sister you want to make them go crazy so they have this this can you know it's just a nut cat any kind of cattle do it's just got some nuts inside of that and put the top back on it like this okay this is to make somebody go crazy okay slow and it works every time what you do us is your system makes the story okay well suppose that I wanted to make you go crazy okay your other one since you're right here okay so we'll use her name just because you're here okay so so data letter bits those names so that's what we'll use it you look substitute your brother or sister or mom or dad for this okay so you go like [Applause] [Applause] [Music] you're gonna sing in addition to all of these other things you're going to sing for us tonight I know why I'm gonna say no always wanted to be out of show like this would just be Kali sitting here and have that view or somebody else go you know I know you have a song for us okay you know I know you have a song prepared for us SOP with you and I have gone over there all introduces okay pee-wee Herman in 1840 we took a little trip down the Mississippi turn on the mighty Mississip we took a little bacon I'll be cooking little be doing plenty British at the town of New Orleans well we fired our guns and baby I wrote it in Boston s that answer was a while ago who fired what's more a baby that Ronnie [Music] which is all Clippers they may be right back [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh yeah you have to do is put it on your head just put your hand out like you know kind of like that and just stick your head in this is moist in here I'm shaving just like that I know that in addition to your your kid show that there is talk now I guess there is gonna be a pee-wee Herman movie well there might be a human movie we just spent meet me and the guy who designed and set for the peewee movie we wrote the script we've it took us about seven months that we sat this rule that we went okay what do you do now what's the next thing okay what happens next and we wrote it every day and it came out really great it's an epic adventure story it's called pee-wee's big adventure it's sort of like like The Wizard of Oz kind of thing and it's really swallow he turned it into the movie studio Paramount Pictures and he turned it in and they went well well what have you been doing it for seven months you haven't been doing anything but writing nobody knows who you are yet a bit out there doing anything it or anything it's like oh well god I was I was writing a script what am I supposed to be doing and they go well I don't know you're supposed to be doing but nobody's heard of you ever or anything so I go what if I go on David Letterman and they go well that would that would be helpful you know yes now I have this all helps grip threatened for pee-wee's big adventure and it's a really swell fella but it'll probably be better than et I don't even know if they're gonna make it now cuz now they go well you're really a nobody and nobody really knows who you are or anything so you know Sophia you know if you know who I am then I don't know what yeah that's too bad that's too bad you you went to the meeting with the executives yourself yeah i sat in there and pitched it you know let you say yeah how about your folks who your parents are proud of you yeah yeah they're real proud of me they know that'll tell a whole bunch of people that they're my parents but no can we ask you what else is in the box you have anything else you know stick or anything is just the puppet that's right okay so I was bug right here this beetle look is get it beetle yeah look there it goes well it's you know it's it's actually it's been a delight having you here and whenever you're back in New York City I want to invite you to drop in and keep us posted done on how things are going for a pee I think I'm gonna be back here next week [Laughter] [Music] quite a man [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you very much and welcome back to the program we have a fine show for you tonight Devo is here also a tour of Central Park and my first guest who has been here before he is the host of a popular children's program the pee-wee Herman show which elicits giggling everywhere in North America we're delighted to have him back with us tonight for his second appearance on late-night welcome please pee-wee Herman [Applause] nice to see you again yes sir first of all here is your there's your cranberry sauce you you have a did you get this do you want this back yes now sauce oh okay that's very nice good I appreciate that no Greta Hawaiian vacation well not really see all the surfers in Hawaii invited me to come come - why because they thought it was really cool and everything so so they called me up but they said a people have to come - why and learn how to surf and I do water dive and all that kind of stuff so so I did mm-hmm a lot of fun wasn't yeah well is it it was really fun I was pretty scared to go underwater though that's pretty scary cuz cuz I've never been in water except for the bathtub you know I never even been in a swimming pool or anything so you know they maybe go underwater and I learned how to go underwater and then then I went all the way underwater and then after that I got out of the pool and I went in the ocean I don't know if you can see this or not right here one surfer on it and then look inside I got this little white right inside look magnum p.i identification your folks must be really proud of you that's just a joke I'm just joking I'm an orphan no David and then right here is your wedding Kawika I'll be sure to do that okay I'll be sure to check you're proud to have this on now we have we have this film we're gonna take a look at the film now yeah we're gonna look at this is from Hawaii we're gonna look at it in two parts first we're gonna just see me in Hawaii and then we're gonna see me learning how to just be underwater in the swimming pool then I'm gonna play with some more toys for a little while then I'm gonna come back see this play I knew I could stretch the whole thing out a little bit more huh and show me actually skin diving with scuba text everything under the water yeah so this could be almost too much entertainment fast okay some more cranberries peewee there you go yeah baby you wanna look we gonna look at this now okay fine if you just watch the monitors a great deal narrate the film right over the okay at home use your TVs that should help pee-wee Herman in Hawaii the beautiful island of hawaii there's be right there so you see it's really brightening the lies you have quite a tan [Music] [Applause] this is unbelievable stuff I am learning to breathe underwater the nose flips on smelling my finger underwater [Music] now did you produce us there with a grant from the National Geographic Society why was that exciting stop I'll just put this over yeah I do get it I think what we're going to do here is I [Laughter] think what we'll do is pause here and strangle pee-wee [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi there and welcome back so we have pee-wee Herman with us also Devo coming up in the next half hour do you like good Devo pretty well feelin I like him really swell I feel really great thank you very much do I have to put it on well you don't have my guess I don't [Laughter] reef lockers with different walk around on the rebook yeah I think you okay okay now where if people are wondering we are gonna have the second half of the pee-wee Herman Hawaii film you want to do that now or do you want a few things here first that's great I got a little bitty baby that's great maybe you can help me with us if you just hold this guy right like this okay all right okay we're good okay we're gonna make you make this little thing right here okay okay this is GI Joe hey these are macadamia nuts from y-yeah you have any sodium pentathol in there [Laughter] [Music] butter margarine margarine cie do I get it I get it you want to go you want to take a look at the rest of the Hawaiian soul all right all right you were sort of in a holiday mood here the festivities of pee-wee's vacations unfolding before us this is back in Hawaii now this is this is after I've been in this would be pool and I've learned how to go underwater now I'm gonna go out and go underwater so that's will be seeing now here we go [Applause] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Applause] very careful [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that was great that was great you you do you write a lot of this stuff I made this all right no now we're gonna have to go away here peewee okay yeah and then no for station identification and then you'll be here yeah I'll be here we'll pause them to return after a station identification [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so let me tell you about the course of the Devo will be joining us and on Monday legendary film director Frank Capra will be here also act actress Carol Kane and comedian Jeff Altman and tonight of course we have mr. pee-wee Herman and we're certainly Nicolas Constantino dick Colorado's by chord Steve and Clarita burger for helping me with the movie are you're familiar with it with that with that symbol the Chinese symbol for yin-yang simple I thought this symbol if you're young yeah and look it's two fish else before I leave and I'm not leaving until I do this [Applause] [Applause] this is Wanda Walker yeah I bet you're good on a rainy day aren't you can do on a rainy day if you're all by yourself and dead you don't have anything do it it's rated to board up you can pretend that your hand is a monster let's try to get you you're the dirtiest joke in the wrong sure two white horses fella the bud G peewee I can't believe our time has finally come to an end it was a great deal of fun for me okay well we'll have you back [Applause] only things appealing okay we have to have to do something here run it was just okay goodbye appealing that's alright we'll clean this stuff up pee-wee [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my next guest ladies and gentlemen is the host of his own popular children's show it says here and always a welcome visitor it also says here at late-night welcome please for a return engagement mr. pee-wee Herman [Applause] okay hi everybody before I came down and talk to mr. Letterman so why doesn't everybody just go harp you me okay medium crummy okay we are gonna do this till everyone participates so you might as well just do it right now okay okay Marilyn okay what brings you to the show oh really I love that story okay what's your name Gerrard okay for the duration of the show your name's gonna be Gerardo okay okay what's your sister's name Noreen Noreen oh okay maryjean oh okay okay what's your name Tom oh okay we're gonna play a little game called peewee says okay it's really simple okay shut up okay it's just like Simon Says only it's PV says okay okay okay everybody ready PV says put your hands up in the air very good okay babies that stick them down very good Mimi says left me alone okay okay standing ovation [Applause] nice nice to see a P week how are things good you seem to have settled down considerably since the last time I saw ya now we have a little we have a list here of things you've brought the show and demonstrated to kind of explain about my new pants a lot of people watching me on your show before and telling me you know people you look kinda you know nerdy and stuff so I decided to go for kind of a more hipper you know my kind of look so so I'm growing my hair longer and I got these long pants and stuff what you might mopping me Donald yeah no that's her when she's go ahead and maybe get a squeegee for you later yeah now we have we have this list of stuff here which which do you want to get to that that I'm much more comfortable with my big shoes on right now all right you slip into those shoes you know what I even have a big a big shoe dance would you would you like to see that [Music] okay okay ready [Music] Jenny cat [Applause] [Music] you are one peculiar son-of-a-bitch [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] pee-wee Herman and I are here and what do you want to do peewee I just want to grab a real quick bite because I didn't get the eat very much before I came on the show I remember these kind of you mind just feed me a couple spoonfuls Levin first human I've fed I'm flattered you're flattered okay okay a little music okay okay ready [Applause] why don't you go ahead and finish up probably full now anywhere okay it's Christmas okay look this is Casper the Friendly Ghost okay watch this [Music] [Applause] would you like to be blood brothers I know that's very very sad recently a [Applause] little piano [Applause] how old are you I never give my age away baby could me because cuz because I never do not you like to take some dolls right now take all you need there maybe take some for later the gloves are so small we'll skip the you know I'm just I'm just gonna give you this and if you could just fill this up after the show now mind out of the gutter I understand the last last time you visited with us you received after your appearance kind of kind of an interesting letter I'm a viewer from Colorado who is watching your Thursday 18th November show which included mr. pee-wee Herman as a medical specialist in endocrinology that is that Andrew endocrinology I could not help noticing that mr. Herman appears to be suffering from a relatively rare genetic disease one in 1 million called Erik anomaly or or shut up before or Marfan syndrome since this disease is often missed in routine physical examinations and since it has potentially serious consequences when it goes unrecognized and untreated I'm very much hoping you will kindly pass this note on to mr. Harmon well we did and have you talked to a physician about are you kidding okay we have to go away for a commercial but the telephone will continue [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you very much welcome back we're nearly at the end of our epic journey here tonight I want to first of all thank mr. Bob Costas from NBC Sports for helping us cover the taxi right okay nice job nice job is always Bobby let me thank the participants in the competition Marilyn Keller by the way who finished third Marianna Bala which who was our second place winner and our champion Vincent Pisa Lizzy congratulations to everybody who helped us out here tonight I'd also like to thank Chaka Khan for being here mr. pee-wee Herman peewee thank you very much good luck with that painful series of injections I know you'll be undergoing shortly also my thanks to madeline kahn for being here hope to see her again soon and Larry bud Melman always a joy to have mr. Melman with us Paul and the Paul in the band Paul can we have mr. Sanborn back occasionally do you think be terrific David Sanborn on alto saxophone I'd like to thank bill Wendell and her studio audience Monday night Jerzy Kosinski and jeff hoffman will be here have a good weekend thank you folks [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you ladies and gentlemen my first guest tonight is the host of his own very successful children's television program although it's hard to prove he will also be appearing here in New York at Caroline's from June 7th through June the 11th please welcome back pee-wee Herman [Applause] okay okay okay what let you take a picture it'll last longer [Applause] okay so funny I forgot to laugh okay okay I miss what you named Nancy was just a no-brainer gonna let you just give you a kiss okay okay thanks x1 okay what's your name I'm just kidding okay okay I got a little thing that I'm gonna do right now real quick so so so okay okay I want to just take a picture of everybody right now because cuz this moment I get home and something need alternative okay okay so if everybody could just like cuddle you know switch it together okay okay and you if you could just fix yourself up a little bit back there okay okay now they got a movie camera right here so so this time everybody has to be kind of animated okay okay okay no no I need some but I need a volunteer from the audience okay okay you stay right there in the red cool come I got here [Applause] [Music] okay what is your name sir Howie Holly okay Holly would you just put these on right now could you take a little longer okay what we're gonna do is we're gonna we're gonna reenact the scene from The Creature from the Black Lagoon and this right here it's the creature mask right here and you're gonna play it something funny yeah yeah you're gonna play the creature right here so so just stick the slide over your over your face okay I'll do the jokes [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] nice to see you back here we have to go away for a commercial peewee but we'll return all that money [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] great having a soothing beverage are you okay now it says you are the host of your very own successful children's program now where would one go to see this Pinocchio Oh Pinocchio shall we do you know my father did you enjoy that yeah yeah it's really really fun so how are things going really really swell good look I brought I brought you I brought you one of my t-shirts look yeah because because you wear t-shirts all the time and because I've wandered hasn't it peewee peewee press there's a newspaper I have a club and everything and look here's a secret wallet card and and it looks it looks like just a regular old business card but then look and I wrote your secret club name in their days Oh [Music] why is it Dave oh they Oh well that's your secret name cuz you're rolling stage so Dave oh and then you know nobody will know it's you I can travel incognito with the aid of this you know travel incognito but I don't want anybody to know I am these are fascinating little little things you've brought us here tonight now you can you have other things we're gonna go away for a commercial station identification and then we're coming back and you can [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what am I gonna show pee-wee Herman is here dr. Demento will be joining us and tomorrow ladies our gentleman author Rita Mae brown I can't see that far who is it Johnny winner will be here tomorrow and Kirk new rock and his singing pigs that'll be tomorrow ladies and gentlemen pee-wee Herman is here tonight I was just looking over this issue of the peewee press peewee fun fan stats I didn't realize this of course your full name is pee-wee Herman but it says right here that your nickname which I am surprised to know is P also did I see you in the hall smoking earlier P way before that I know I've looked at me like you had a but going really I thought you well this is quite a nice little uh newspaper you have your photo here with the go-go's and Lou Ferrigno so that's that's a very nice noxious unlike the rest of us so far tonight [Laughter] anything I say yeah and then how long will the game door hey there's nothing put your hands the back of you like that okay look take me downtown oh yeah you means it's just a second ago down here for a second this is called fun with cats okay because I do a lot of silly shoes number of ever less the moles on had that big shoe dance and everything so so this time watch my shoes right now because cuz now I have another shoe that's for you with my sneakers okay ready [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let me just interrupt here you can do it all you know what you can do everything you know this next segment is called close-up with peewee and what we have to do is I have to come over to the camera and then come on [Applause] [Applause] [Music] oh my gosh is that the phone it's my fake nipples right here's my little Donnie when he ran impression of my next-door neighbor are your parents still alive [Applause] his name is Moses and they call him oh and it was looks like he's smelling something that here's what his face looks like you you going on what you got another Letterman Letterman I thought they were out of the business [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back to the program folks my first guest tonight has completed a very successful engagement at the Tyrone Guthrie Theater in Minneapolis and begins a run at Caroline's here in New York City that's tonight welcome please pee-wee Herman [Applause] nice to see ya thanks how's it going doing pretty well mr. Letterman for first of all I wanted to bring you this it's the 4th of July gift and and it's for you and it was made by my sister was expressly far for you that's very nice your sister is she older or younger younger and what is her name her name is her my Anu Harmon age my grandfather's Herman Herman my dad's Herman Herman my brothers Herman jr. my mom's name is honey Herman you know and what about you your peewee well I can't give away what my real name no what's your really no I can't give it away no no I really can't because because what does the P stand for well pili is just a nickname oh so it's not P period we [Laughter] [Applause] years I thought it was pee-wee Herman but it's not it's pee-wee Herman well duh David yeah pee-wee as in diminutive yeah yeah this is very nice peewee and I will open especially for you a deja vu I hope you like it this is very nice this is this is nice this is tissue dispenser [Applause] no that's beautiful yeah you don't see you don't see craftsmanship like this yeah yeah that's beautiful we'll put this right over here we'll leave this on our set and if any of our guests need a tissue all I'll be able to offer them one out of that head right you know I gotta show you one thing here that because you mentioned that I was just in Minneapolis and and this is this newspaper from Minneapolis it's a you know like it tells what's what's happening in Minneapolis and stuff like that and it has these these ads in the back you know you you've seen these kind of things that says eligibles you know like like for you know to meet people at least I want to read you this a BB cut because I I just do so if you are not afraid of commitment and if you believe that relationships are like everything else worthwhile in life requiring time and effort then read oh I'm a non-conventional quality oriented handsome graduate student 30 with eclectic and semi bohemian tastes I'm sensitive intelligent sincere loyal and very nice I seek a lovely like woman 24 to 34 companion significant other and lasting relationship someone who responds to cinema theatre cafe sitting dance Tom Waits BB King neon sculpture Doctor Who junk shops neon sculpture inner cities unusual stuff outrageous stuff yeah that's well let's see now people are really beginning to work you know it's from your show to the sky made me right here [Applause] like this yeah how do you do you want to go to over here peewee yeah we have this really swell special effect all set up so so you and they can go for a little cruise in the countryside cuz you know I know you had to work on 4th of July can I appreciate you coming by so we go over there no you have to go I'm on this side cuz I'm gonna drive should I bring the tissues peewee in case we have an accident in the car if you just add up okay lame-ass sedan here we go now here we go [Music] I'm gonna walk back you know I always liked it you know II tried to figure this thing out I was like talking about this joke and everything and and I couldn't figure it out or anything well you going out or anything so this guy's rap okay [Applause] ninety-nine bottles of beer on the wall [Music] the gas pedal [Music] good you take the will again I wear a peewee and I are gonna go look for a good price on unleaded Walter do that you take a look at this we'll be right back [Applause] [Music] [Applause] welcome back to the program right if you get on the pee-wee Herman is here and Marv Albert Wilbur and also PJ our luck will be ready [Music] [Applause] kleenex how do you how do you like being in New York City for the 4th of July [Music] start tonight and how you mentioned your family earlier how are they doing they're doing great to tell you this other thing too because I'm playing in this club in New York now you know and it called karolides and they have a lot of food there and everything so so I have to wear this thing because when we're playing around with food and stuff that they you know the Health Department has these laws so they make me wear this thing [Music] and so it sort of looks sort of spazzy these things could come back you know I'm good you know the time of the beads and stuff that could you know but that's a cool thing because see this this is this one over great in Minneapolis because this is made in Minneapolis and this is a thing thanks okay this is a thing that's called fun with tape and you can you could play around the tape if you don't have anything to do at home you could take like a piece of tape like this and you can make it like just [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] all right now yes one other thing you're going to do for us is that correct okay we have to go away here for a station identification when we come back [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Haeju Paul and welcome back to the show tomorrow Don King will be here also millionaire philanthropist Percy Ross and comedian Bill Maher a pee-wee Herman is here you just finished at the Tyrone Guthrie Theater in Minneapolis and now on plan with my will Oh what kind of a show do you do when you go to the Tyrone Guthrie theatre this is a legitimate big time place isn't it legitimate theater yeah well it is till I get there and what sort of a show do you put on well I just you know I do stand-up comedy I just go out in that funny hey I got something I got to show you right now this is a fun choice to see this with a monster guy right here you pull this thing out like this and you probably if you know about this don't give it away look ticket you get this other camera [Applause] [Music] okay shut up you have a heart attack I want to show you this to kick in you get a little closer on this thing so he could see it real close look inside here at this little fish swimming around I thought something else is gonna happen this is certainly plenty there's good enough for the folks at the are low are at the view artist models for men only for best view hold close no no I know this is put a silly little mark on my head here you eat them you try it no no you got the wrong end because because I've been rehearsing and everything for it I'm gonna be making a surfing movie pretty soon myself in shape because I'm gonna be doing this surfing movie pretty soon so I don't know too many stuff yet but I know two tricks all its gonna do a little trampoline let me see them I'm gonna go right over to the trampoline right now I will [Applause] okay these are my spotters that were just selected from the audience so if you could just take your positions around the around the trampoline and this this is my trampoline tank right now so you know you just gotta watch out just you know like spot me okay you know Kay it's like I start like flying off the trampoline or anything okay so here's here's the trampoline I have to get up here so I don't bring myself okay no just completely quiet here okay because this is pretty difficult for me knees drop seat up need a seat no don't applaud I plugged it up [Applause] we'll be right back [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you let me let me cheer you folks up you sound like you're a little down I'm not sure exactly what it is my first guest does but we're always happy to have him do it here please welcome back to the show pee-wee Herman [Applause] okay [Applause] okay hi everybody okay I'm gonna start out tonight by telling everybody a joke because I don't know very many jokes and I hardly ever told one so so I'm gonna tell him right now okay okay so this guy he's sleeping and while he's sleeping he has this dream because that's when you dream when you're sleeping and he dreams wise Gina he dreams that he kills a deer okay so that's the only bad part of the joke okay so okay shut up okay okay so when he wakes up when he wakes up he goes one dream die kill the deer this must mean something pretty heavy so he decides he's going to go out and go deer hunting for real so he gets up and he any beYOU know puts on his clothes and stuff and he goes out into Aska ROG and he gets his gun and he puts it in his station wagon that comment you know has a wood-paneled stuff on the sides and he gets into it and he he pushes the garage door opener and he goes on in these on the street and each traveller so daddy's driving a bucket he drives way way out into the woods okay so he gets on into the woods into the woods into the woods clearing another clearing he decides he's gonna blow the deer away okay so he goes over to where he shot the deer and he takes a deer and he throws the deer over one shoulder and his gun over the other and and he walks back way out through the forest till he gets back to the clearing so when he gets back to the clearing words cars he looks and right against his car he sees a big giant huge giant humongous jumbo big huge forest ranger so you see supports danger in the forest rangers standing up against the sky and the forest ranger goes hey buddy and the guy goes yeah and he goes hey buddy the guy goes yeah well so what do you want he goes hey buddy can you read guy goes yeah I can read and he goes well can you read that bear boy right there that was a billboard right back of the car and he goes yeah I can read the billboard and he goes well lean it fan in the guy goes okay I will target okay I'm getting ready to so he starts slowly goes okay I'll read it so he reads it and it says no deer hunting allowed ever until it goes yeah so and the forest ranger goes well what's that over your shoulder then and the goggles my gun and he goes nobody the other shoulder and the guy goes [Applause] we [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] nice cool thanks I'm a break okay doesn't want to put it on look I got a camera I was gonna show you this I got this new camera like I could take a picture like this do you do you get the sense that the FBI may be following you well sometimes no in can't be too careful you know no body inspectors I've been having a great summer you know because a lot of because of this show I've been having a great summer because so many people have been watching it you know and everything that out in Hollywood now there's like you know what we call a buzz you know about about me going on out there you know in fact I was at this meeting the other day cuz I've been you know taking a lot of meetings and stuff and these people are looking at some tapes they we're looking at some tapes of you a mate or from from your show and they were going like you know maybe this guy David Letterman would be the perfect person to team you up with really I swear they were saying this this whole stuff so you know I mean if you want if you want it it's I mean you know if I get it you know you're in mentioned Hollywood do you live in Hollywood pee-wee's yeah yeah live in Hollywood and in a house yeah and your folks are where do they look they're living not in Hollywood they live in another city because I guess well I got an idea why no I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you hey you wrap the dermis is shelling you know you know what I found out right before the show you're not supposed to wear white shoes after Labor Day I just found that out today so tough break yeah but they don't look bad on you they look good on you oh hey Starck I just [Applause] yeah yeah maybe maybe I would be the perfect one to team up media period yeah look at these look at this watch this higher for England we gotta pause for a station identification will call the NBC lawyer [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we'll be here also a gentleman who runs a school for Butler's Ivor Spencer our guest tonight is pee-wee Herman also a little bit later Jim Moran will be out here do you know Jim Moran you ever seen a very interesting guy you should stick around and watch it I will in the green room yeah I was gonna do a magic trick for you right now cuz because you know I'm trying a lot of new stuff I have never done I had the magic so had this magic wand you know magic so so here's the magic trick now if you just pay very close attention I just have to say the words Abra Cadabra Cadabra Cadabra magic now will happen Cadabra [Applause] if you wanna want to play something with me and some some game kind of stuff you can play you know like if it's raining a lot you know rainy day fun and all you need for this we need a phone here that's a handsome suit peewee every time Your Honor I'm not sure where this is exactly supposed to go let's just have a place where it has to go here's what you play now yeah yeah if you want you could just just take all this stuff and just throw it on the floor like that I can do it home yeah and then but not this this you can set this up more because this is your camp chair and you can set it up right over here and and and sit in it because it's a camping with peewee that's like a headline like a headline in the post isn't it yes remember that sweet flavor you a little you get a gift sheets like this and put it over the table and then you can make a for it like this do you remember remember that okay okay so you can just sit down right here because now we're gonna play in the end this thing right here slow so I just [Applause] want me to sit down here peewee yeah you just play right in here like this remember this kind of camp no I never seen this Canyon all because like you know it's real yeah yeah pretty much the same procedure for all the colors I hate to interrupt your camping fun but I think somebody's at the door I'll just go answer the front door yeah okay you stay here in your playroom all right yeah okay hey anytime you want to get out of there it's fine nothing thank somebody's at the door [Applause] here's what you do mainly when you're playing and this thing is you know read like you're not Playboy magazines whether flashlight you can read a Playboy in magazines and stuff like that or you can you could play like with wild animals milk and you could use more candy it's one because they forgot I did [Music] [Music] I had come over here because I didn't I didn't know what exactly what you were gonna do there oh well well you just made me leaving did you no not at all in fact I wanted to show you a little toilet humor right here because let's look at look at this toilet right here yeah look look look what's inside of it well why don't you just open it okay this toilets radio so you travel with all this stuff yeah but I don't like playing with this too much because you know too smurfy kinda yeah two or three hours of that you probably get bored don't you yeah yeah okay so do we have enough time now to go to this next thing okay so I wanted to show you this one other thing real quick because you know I have a hobby I don't know if you know this but I collect tin foil and I've been doing it for about five years now and I have this ball and it's bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger and I learned you to come over here and take a look at it because it's tin foil ball yeah people send me what I worry about the tent here you've messed up the living room easy enough just come on oh yeah I just want you to you know just stand right here and I'm gonna show you this ball and keep in mind this ball started as a little tiny ball this big okay what we'll take a look at this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] go ahead or go down a dark tunnel or anything you knowing when people like you know almost get run over and stuff sometimes say you know you see you see like you know remember that movie like Beyond and back you know and they were they were you know see a glow head down at the end of the tunnel I didn't I didn't but I could use a drink come on be nice to see you again okay take a look at some international symbol [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Halloween is a very special time speaking of Halloween for my next guest and we're always excited and more than a little apprehensive when he's on our program please welcome now pee-wee Herman [Applause] you must be pretty excited about the pretty excited about Halloween oh yeah yeah I'm real excited hey smell my feet give me something good to me yeah I was off trick-or-treating tonight I really raked in the candy corn today guess what I am yeah you're a pirate too for Halloween look I got this thing right here it's come it's called advance to bite your finger it's really cool look look you stick your finger right in there huh do you want me to stick my finger right in there I promise nothing will happen yeah yeah okay let's take it out now look you have a lit-up little two holes have red blood on your finger [Laughter] Wow valuable piece of equipment yeah well worth every penny though and they had this really cool toy my friend Kristin gave me this and he would only loan it to me if I'd told his name on TV are you satisfied oh look at all the stuff that stuff look look there's a scare can you get in and close around this because what this is the scariest part look look at the roof now well it's it's certainly easy to see why your friend wanted credit for that [Music] on the road when I was just touring I'm a big you know mini national tour that I was just doing and this thing I don't know if you can see there's you right up in the corner see I'm in there here's me and I'm on your show doing my dad [Music] I'm a lot bigger than you in here you know yeah you're kind of teaming up there's a little message back here it says dear P that's right yeah dear Hey look at you doing a big shoe dance on the show on the Letterman Show but I like this dear P this in case you wanted to have silver hair tonight you know maybe later look it's Casper look oh that's cute wait wait I tell you what we got to go away here when we come back you're gonna do some other things for Halloween yes okay we'll be back folks with pee-wee Herman [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the press was pee-wee Herman and did you ever participate in the holiday of Halloween to any extent not gonna marry it but yeah because all the winter time when you can you know dress up in scary costumes and look real weird and be real weird and people don't even care they don't even give it a second thought yeah I was walking up here tonight in this costume and people were just going oh that's right so in some neighborhoods that wouldn't attract any attention I guess that's right hey put these these cool glasses on you look different to slip into these glasses I hope these have been boiled [Laughter] [Applause] along came a spider and sat down beside her and said hi baby what you got in the bull like a brain Oh brain we got this really cool effect set updated it's kind of a Halloween thing you know special Halloween things forever we can look different waves you know like disguise kind of stuff yeah yeah the things just about to drop off your nose I didn't really eat it I got to show you this cool effect though because I think if you if you look that way and then I looked this way then we can do this thing where where we can make each other look really spaz I know it now which way am I supposed to look I think that right here okay look here now look this way about here look you won't believe we're gonna do that I can't I can't see what we're doing [Laughter] [Applause] oh this is me yeah [Music] [Applause] it's like discount plastic surgery we can do it with the eyes still with our eyes do I can make my eyes go right on your face yeah okay [Laughter] [Applause] well that's that's certainly plenty of [Laughter] doesn't seem to work here this is what American television is all I got these cool Halloween glasses do you want to put these on there pumpkin jack-o'-lantern glad I don't well it's pretty much putting this to the other glasses on isn't it yeah kind of a deal with an optician apparently don't you yeah only crunchy yeah okay we got to do this again we're going away for a station identification but when we come back you can show us your lineup finger okay [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we Harmon is still with us Elizabeth Ashley will be joining us Frank Zappa is here tonight tomorrow on the show Bob and Ray your Big Bob and Ray yeah they will be here also cartoonist marks tamati am i pronouncing that name correctly stamatis tometi stamatis - Matty - Matty he'll be here tomorrow and you're still here as I mentioned before I'm gonna give you this bat bat tattoo I guess kids love tattoos don't but see put this one right here then you put the sponge on top you have to apply a little bit of pressure I've always thought it was done with some sort of a hot needle or something but it may be later at the party later at the big pool party yeah yeah I guess my phone must have been off hook when you call yeah probably will take to get this off of there Oh that'll be off by the time you go into your fourth season No now what if I run into a fat guy on the train tonight and he asked me about this tattoo you could just sock him in the face and then it'll be on his chin how would you like to go with me right now to a haunted mansion all right I love that come on yeah it's gonna be really scary and everything till because it's the Haunted Mansion where a scary mad scientist lives and we're gonna go right over here we have to go [Music] zombies back there maybe we should crouch no I think we just stand directly [Music] sorry [Music] yeah this is the place yeah yeah it really is what does this do that again [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] certainly had us worried there for a minute yeah now we've seen that yeah well you could put your hand under here and you could see something real big this would be good for viewing the new tattoo wouldn't it yeah that's exciting yeah mad scientist doesn't come back but would you like to drink some potion tape no that's all right jack-o'-lantern flavor don't have a little less yeah hope it doesn't turn you into a monster though it's not too bad not too bad I'll see you in the basement here we have a happy Halloween [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my first guest tonight was just Oh baby you saw this gentleman New Year's Eve he was a reporter on the MTV broadcast their New Year's Eve show and his own special will be reappearing on HBO in February we're always sort of delighted to have him with us please welcome pee-wee Herman okay I'm gonna tell the heart attack okay I got a joke to start out New Year's little okay okay all right there's this guy all right Eddie's working through the want ads for a job you know cuz you know 1983 Wilson the greatest year in the world for jobs you know duck he is looking for this job and I forgot to tell you one thing the guy doesn't have any arms okay doesn't that work so you know he's looking through the newspaper you know like this and he finally finds this one job and the job says wanted energetic young man to ring bell in church Oh giggles okay I could ring the bell goes way over to the church he walks up to the front door of the church he and the priest comes to the door yes and the guy goes yeah but kid you don't have any arms so how could you ring the bell and the guy goes down father don't you think I would have thought of that before I came over here to play where's the bell ringing the guy and the priest goes okay you'll have to prove you can rig it if he goes okay so we're Sibel anyway so they go way up to the top of the bell tower it's four flights of stairs up there's no escalate or anything no they have to go up the you know spiral staircase and they feel like barfing and stuff and then again what they get way to the top and there's this big Bell sitting there so the priest Gus okay so ring the bell so the drive back way up like this from the bells like right up there the guy backs with like this he starts running face-first right towards the Bell you went bang bang face right into the Bell and the bell goes so the priest can't believe it the priest will stand there like this so I can't even believe it he goes well you rang the bell so I guess you can have the jaw so the guy goes everything is going great for about three months about three months goes by and every day this guy climbs up worse flights of stairs twelve times a day he has to go up and ring the bell so every time he goes up he would get sway back like this he runs right to so after three months goes by me the guy looks like a pancake you know all wrecked up and all ugly and stuff but he doesn't care because he's raking in the big dull you know he doesn't care so three months have gone by one day he's growing up it's about 3 o'clock in the afternoon so he's already rang the bell a lot of times so just like this he's getting ready to do it and he starts to run right towards the bell but he trips he falls right past the Bell right out the window four stories down creamed all over the cement so this big crowd of people's gathering all around him and this one guy crowd sound like this and he's cradling the guy's head in his arms because the guys all smashed up all over the sidewalk and this big fat ladies right here and she's going [Music] and the sky is down here cradling the guy he looks up at her and he goes I don't know his name but his face rings a bell but if space rings about yeah I get it hey Dave next one this beats a monkey follow me I heard about your show the MTV show yeah it was real exciting I got to see all the big stars of stray cats and you know all those guys yeah what do they have you doing over there they had me down on the floor and the party you know with all these people like you know drunk and ick a chap here to go crazy and I was you know down there going crazy yeah did you get to get paid a lot of money for that no I didn't get paid any money for really no well that's nice that's no yeah zip zero zilch that ly nothing but you should see Ellis worth it because you wouldn't believe the twice I raked in for Christmas that's a nice thing oh I got so many cool toys I can't even believe it oh is my favorite part when you're bringing poison I got this book part-time boy yeah that's really good reading I hadn't read it yet but but it's good and look I got this Christmas card listen [Music] yeah I got this ray gun ray gun I got I got a whole bunch of et stuff to ET Christmas I got this yeah we have to go away for a commercial okay we'll be right back and here we have plenty of stuff to show us so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I didn't I didn't mean to interrupt you you had another EP dollar that's about a year whole didn't it yeah yeah that's why I got a lot of it for Christmas you know cuz it's the a year old so I get a cheap knock it down yeah this et finger you know number this commercial number when even tying a simple knot becomes a painful yeah this is the coolest thing I got look I pity the poor man of calling me a fool yeah literally let a little mr. t and big mr. t and look right here you know I gotta show you one other thing day but I got because this is so cool this I thought I'd bring this because electrical device it's called the sizzling skillet and you make you make junk out of play-doh like dusty I make this this cheeseburger right here and then you can make this kind of junk to I'll show you can make french fries like this just like crank them out the jig makes yeah yeah yeah well they won't come out but we got this cheeseburger here and then you put this thing in like this look right in the skillet [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] that's terrific yeah you got some lovely you made out like a bandit did ya want some candy yeah empty empty it's okay it's okay I could have not this Jeep out or something disappointed the kids B we look up here and your broken little hearts tonight [Music] [Applause] got a lot of that stuff you know why have you heard about this new fad breakdancing sure yeah we had some break dancers on here yeah well guess what I've been practicing my breakdance no are you [Applause] yeah yeah after go over here and do my breakdancing missiles this is kind of a new new twist on breakdancing okay so I'm gonna just start out right now you say it one for the trouble - for the time I come on y'all [Music] [Applause] yeah yeah yeah I couldn't figure out why they call it breakdancing you know cuz it'll break anything flow you know wow yeah nice job now where you gonna be next B we have folks around the country would like to come and see you in person where will you be nowhere okay thanks for starting the new year [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah you need any help mm-hmm I just want you to know I think I think you're the best ever yeah you want my coke it's okay you can have it no no really you can have it okay [Music] [Music] we're out of timeline thanks to pee-wee Herman and I joke good luck to you thank you very much it was a pleasure meeting a nice afternoon here sir we'll see you tomorrow night folks Steve Sweeney and Marv Albert will be here have a good night [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] your kid [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back to the program ladies and gentlemen we got a great show for you tonight we're going to be catching fish like crazy minutes from now so wake the kids and phone the neighbors my first guest needs no introduction though he obviously needs something he will be appearing at the Park West in Chicago June 14th and 15th then listen to this Paul pretty impressive stuff here at Carnegie Hall June 20th and 21st and then at the Universal amphitheater in Los Angeles June 29th please welcome back to this program mr. P [Applause] oh boy it's it's great to see you again peewee lady let me ask you about this piece of jewelry you didn't have that the last time you know it's a big giant ruby ring it came with this say can you read that like doesn't say and mr. mr. t is cool cosmic band-aid chill right here did you cut yourself yeah cut myself on a rusty nail did you get you could always always gonna get a tetanus shot tetanus shall we back team - yeah I get a little back team let me ask you about this can't we do you mind if I call you P call me yeah Park West in Chicago is that a big place how many feet yeah 1500 seats yeah all right now that Carnegie Hall this is very very impressive mm-hmm and then Universal amphitheater those are two very impressive venues yeah I'm impressed yeah would you care for some more well what why don't you describe what those are for people well these are some more sour Girl Scout food see my sister told me about this before see what your spot see here the girls laughing up they know you had a sister like I do then and she was the Girl Scout then you know about some Morse it's melted marshmallows these I've chosen that little peewee size right and you fought the Melton you know you're a girl scout you're supposed to always be next to a campfire yeah yeah you are then you put the chocolate on top and then the sandwich you then with some graham cracker yes like that supposed to melt that up a little right yes but we didn't have any campfires and well maybe a little later what is your sister's name you mentioned you had a sister yeah the sister named Hermione Harmon her by any her yeah yeah my mom's name's honey Herman my dad's name's Herman Herman everyone in the family's name begins with an H except me ha ha yeah and your peewee hmm I got a really cool toy to show you right here davia sores [Music] I have two other things I wanted to present you with us little gift you know this this is one thing right here look take a look at this remember when I came on your show with my giant underpants pee-wee Herman souvenir giant underpants hmm now what do you get for a pair of these all right how'd you like New Orleans oh I love New Orleans slam a little bit hoarse I was going on the ride to the fair oh yeah the World's Fair yeah let me know I'm just getting the chocolate Oh care for one no I don't care okay okay suit yourself yeah that was pretty cool yeah I was screaming so loud on those rides and then I went on this one roller coaster did you see that one ride that looked like a giant couch that went up in the air yeah I went on that and I threw up all over it and it flew so far and these people were sitting at a restaurant having gumbo you know oh gosh I love that story yeah why don't you marry [Laughter] we have now do you want it you want to do your thing right here do you want to okay because you know when I came on the show a couple times ago I did a lot of shoe kind of stuff first I had my big giant shoes and then I did my toe dancing shoes where I was at my parents house the other night and I was trying to look around see if I could come up with any more shoe stuff and I have another shoe dance someone to just show you real quick okay [Applause] you [Applause] [Music] do I believe you're getting stranger we have to do a commercial and we'll be right back [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I just feel beheaded me I guess this is the most recent recent copy of the peewee news peewee press I'm sorry yeah picture you here with Andy Warhol mm-hmm pretty exciting Morgan no that's not Morgan ketchup Judy Landers you certainly get around yeah you know what else do you have for us tonight oh good show you a little scene about this astronaut played by the stall right here see this stuff can you get it closer this style looking at here look at his eyes and I finally show you this guy on another planet if you want to work the sky routes I can you know all right now Oh Jeff the duel just hold him and make him look like he's just you know hopping around like looking at stuff and if you want you can just you know make his eyes go back like that hey let me let me just let me just save my policy on this is I generally don't like to call attention to myself by doing peculiar things oh yeah I know it's me so you've just landed on this other planet this is a piece of fuzz in your hair first thing you see on the other [Laughter] then a beautiful space woman comes in sit hello aren't you Dave let it see you see on the other planet you sort of look like yourself even though you don't really look yeah then for some reason a horse comes up like that that's right sure and then this is here he's going [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] in the brain then then there's the big egg sitting here and you look at and you go I wonder what's in it then I get so excited yeah then at the very end in the nick of time one of the guys in the noodle show then then Charlie come the neuticals come on dad come on I'll show you the way home and you go there we go [Applause] we're embracing all right P wait now let's see you're going to Chicago then you come back here to New York you're gonna be at the Carnegie Hall yeah 21st could I come and see you Wow yeah yeah love way to come you know what a Carnegie Hall and and the Universal amphitheater we're doing up for Toys for Tots to fill people come they can bring toys you know any kind of toys that they want and then you know we'll distribute you're not keeping them you're distributing oh okay I wouldn't keep them all right be we good to see you again [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you [Music] Halloween just wouldn't be complete without a trick-or-treat call from my first guest making his second annual Halloween appearance on our program please say hello to mr. pee-wee Herman [Applause] [Applause] not tonight you I have an offer [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] yes I I never quite know when you're finished when you're when you're on the show so your yeah to take like years off to the kid can't hear too good with these yeah the last time yeah the last time you were here you I think your costume was a little more elaborate last Halloween yeah well doesn't kind of last minute laughs gels the pirate remember yeah that's your I was going to be Prince right before the show I decided I couldn't be Prince because I couldn't get a hold of all of junk but I needed you know ruffled shirt and I love that story well I have to do that's right the last minute and everything but let's devil with the blue dress [Music] [Applause] care for deviled egg so anyways I'm in good fine just for that nice to see you again thanks it's wonderful to be on Halloween gonna just make myself a quick little drink right here this is jack-o'-lantern ice yeah can you believe that no you can't believe it look I got a whole bunch of cool candy and junk for Halloween look hot dog um how about a piece of chocolate no everyone's favorite candy corn look at somebody gave me this Batman credit itical anyway I wanted to show you burnt your Halloween junk if that's okay oh I really don't think Sophie we sure whatever you have we we we we all want to see what you have well are you familiar with Barbie magazine Dave yeah Barbie magazine has a big Halloween feature in it this month it's just it's just amazing I don't know if he can you could see this or not here select Barbies trick-or-treat adventure yeah that's really funny junk in it like this look it says one of these dolls here Barbie swims gone I wonder how a princess would wear her hair and then barbie says guess what Tracy I just guessed your Halloween costume so are you gonna get just up for Halloween or anything have you ever had a date yeah you know who I had to turn up date down with tonight doesn't come to New York and be on this show I mean you know I'm dying come be Amish oh yeah I mean I wasn't dying but you know yeah but you know who Elvira is the movie the movie girl movie vampire girl yeah me and her just like this is it right yeah I'm on top we we have to do a commercial here we'll be right back [Applause] [Music] [Applause] pee-wee Herman is here and later we have a woman peewee who's she's an expert at speed boxing hitting the speed bag do you like boxing you've got yeah yeah I follow it pretty good but you know I haven't done it or never done boxing yeah speaking of boxing you know I just I just thought of this would you mind if I showed you my cool gremlin collection yeah look this is what made me think of it box you know I thought box grandma fairy oh yeah we have gremlins from the hit movie gremlins yeah look right on the back here it's the star of the new movie presented by Steven Spielberg gets his name even on the ground material by look I have a bendable poles about one you know like look hello mr. Lane I mean ya bat bat gremlin and they have this little teeny gremlin then yeah this cool Grambling right here look put this one does come yeah I've chosen orange for Halloween yeah that's the gremlin gum dispenser manly half Grambling candy per yeah then they have these gremlin things right here that you put in water and they grow big oh really how big do they get big oh we couldn't do it in here because studios do shrimpy that's the big gremlin so you got a lot of dough tied up here in your gremlin in this stuff yeah I love my grand line collection what what else you got what do you know you will you go to parties on the Halloween yeah party hardy are you kiddin ya got a party all night you as soon as I get done with the show you know get my costume switched around and junk and modify it a little for party what will you you may need a checkup have you ever thought maybe time for a checkup yeah might be yeah time for a checkup yeah you know now what what what kind of things will you do at a party she's you're gonna modify your costume there what modifications would you well I'm gonna bring a whole bunch of scary stuff to a party so when I go in at the party can make people scared you know I can scare people because I'm the devil and everything tonight huh yeah yeah well they'll be they'll be scared silly and what sort of games that we look at these I forgot to show you these look pumpkin feets jack-o'-lantern seeds right here and look it I don't know if you can see this or not right here but you can you plant these in the ground and the jack-o'-lanterns come up just like this all wrong that's amazing I know can you believe that yeah the limited eliminates an awful lot of work after the big harvest doesn't it yeah yeah yeah I got this devil cam or to look later that's the devil cam that's the devil family a double cam because it's ravenous yeah yeah well everything else was such a big hit I wouldn't worry about that time all right now now we're out of time pee-wee it's time to go is there anything you want to mention before you leave us tonight hmm not really just like you know if you're out trick-or-treating tonight don't don't eat any apples you could shave with [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right Paul and I by the way will be in Lancaster Pennsylvania toward the end of the month doing Brigadoon at the dinner theater there so I'd like to get together and made a family decision we've seen the show we hate it if he calls tell him simple as that my first guest has been here many times before this appearance but this is his first appearance as a bona fide movie star is film pee-wee's big adventure opens nationwide next Friday please welcome movie star pee-wee Herman [Applause] then I've been a long time you've been away making the film yeah I've been away making the film and congratulations I understand it turned out very nicely you're getting good reviews you got some reviews have you yeah yeah just happened to have a few of the reviews win this game all right look babe I got something I really I really wanted to show you babe you need to do that yeah let's see some of the reviews okay okay yeah yeah look this this is the Hollywood Reporter that's big you know trade industry paper it says this the first sentence of the review pee-wee's big adventure isn't just the funniest movie of the year it's one of the funniest movies ever [Applause] Porter man this one right here look look at this big that's the big advertising yeah right here is how much business you've done the first week nothing yeah but that's only the look for star rail is rating what do you say let me see this yeah highest rating a delight I like this movie so well that I've seen it twice boy that's very impressive that's my dad's repeal yeah and then look look at this still looks Life magazine magazine yeah look I'm in Life Magazine home brother yeah that's very impressive big photo spread in Life Magazine and look look at all this stuff look here's time Vanity Fair GQ Muppet magazine Muscle & Fitness Us Magazine People magazine super teen magazine magazine Playgirl now here in the August issue of Vanity Fair I don't see any movie review at all no not even not not only not your movie it doesn't appear to be any movie in this one Oh tell me about the movie well it's really really cool movie Dave I'm glad you asked about it yes it's called pee-wee's big adventure with Geordie said and it's based it's based on a true story true life adventure that happened to me and that's basically the story of what happens when my most prized possession in the whole world my bicycle which is the real not just a regular bicycle it's a souped-up special SuperDuper you know special bike that's besides my transportation it's my hobby and you know all that and it gets ripped off Oh No yeah so so that's there's the whole movie the whole it's kind of what I call a quest film you know it's all about what happens if for 90 minutes now you just read the reviews interesting peewee have you thought about this now that the film's a success that means that for the rest of your life you left a dress like that we have to do a station identification and then we'll be right back is that all right yeah okay one of the most powerful men in show business ladies and gentlemen Pam lui but let him I yeah we'll be right back folks [Applause] [Music] gentlemen tomorrow Paula Poundstone will be here and Marv Albert and singer Nina Hagen you know Nina Hagen yeah we're like this this is pee-wee Herman here let me read you a little thing here out of the New York papers about the premiere of your film when is it gonna be it's gonna be this tiny theater novel right there on Hollywood Boulevard yeah they wouldn't let me put my hands and feet in cement so I'm bringing a portable cementing so I can do it and then if they ever want to do it then I already have it yet okay among those expected for pee-wee's big night are Prince hey you won't you won't be anywhere near the place no no he is certainly personally no you don't know this guy yes he do anywhere no no he hangs out with me all the time don't know it I just went to his birthday party a month ago oh you do did so did them all right so we know Prince won't be there yeah Eddie Murphy Eddie Eddie baby I have a feeling he'll be with Prince that night okay oh no we have some we have a scene we all go we're gonna really a clip yeah you wake up in the morning and say to yourself the first thing did I take my medicine okay here we tell them what they tell them what the clip is well as they said it's a quest film and I go through all these different kind of situations to try to find the behind the bike and this is one of them I go into a biker bar biker bar pee-wee Herman in a biker bar okay here we go color color [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Don Giller
Views: 65,263
Rating: 4.8236222 out of 5
Keywords: Paul Reubens, Pee-wee Herman
Id: p66R294bDZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 146min 30sec (8790 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 31 2019
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