Actor Gary Busey’s Wife On Why She Feels ‘Everyone Has Misjudged Him’

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stephanie she's so good for me and moderating my behavior she's a beautiful partner in every way even though we do butt heads a few times but that's just another visual of our love together well academy award-nominated actor gary busey says his wife stephanie is not only his soul mate but a replica of an angel that came to save him now stephanie says that gary came to the beauty shop where she worked several times but on his third visit he noticed her and one thing led to another and here they are almost 11 years later you know people say what's what's gary like i'm like gary's gary that's it what you see is what you get goes to the beat of his own drum it's a very loud drum most of the time he's a hoot very challenging he'll challenge you on every little thing in what way just anything maybe a challenge i've given you in the last four hours gary is eccentric gary's an underdog i'm individual i'm complete the individualistic gary's an interrupter no i'm just kidding i feel like everyone has misjudged him and everyone has a preconceived idea of who gary is and they don't know what he's been through they don't know what his brain has been through i'm honestly sick of it since i wrote his book and knowing his whole life story oh i learned a lot about gary his life is so fascinating he's told me so many stories and just all of the successes he'd been through i didn't know this at the time but that a little bit of an underdog and i was an underdog and i just related to him very much i felt like there was so much kindness but a lot of gobbly goop on top of that that we just needed to get to the to the center of it it's really hard to get him to talk about growing up with his dad i feel like he was raised to feel like he was a mistake and so anytime he would achieve success he would create some sort of thing to bring it down and hey dad how are you good he and luke are like buddies buddies dad in the world i have a trophy and a picture of him prove it luke well gary says you calm him down so i wanted to get you right out here now really i i'm so glad that you're here so tell me how did you know gary was the right man for you it's very interesting you asked that i really we became friends at first and one day i was rollerblading and and i was thinking about how my age and how i wanted to have a family and because i was like 39 and i thought well he probably doesn't want to have a family and i came back from rollerblading that day and i told him what i wanted and he was like no hesitation let's have a kid you're a very gentle spirit with luke yes i am and uh he's obviously very loved and a very delightful young man congratulations to both of you on having such a wonderful time [Applause] so you hypnotized gary one time though when we were in a small confined space he was having a little bit of anxiety about a lamp that made him think about being in the hospital with his brain surgery so within cancer without him really knowing he was being hypnotized i hypnotized him and i gave him a mantra to release relax and let go and he that's been his mantra ever since right that works too so what'd you discover about him when you were writing the book with him he had so many great behind-the-scenes stories of his movies like the fact he didn't have the part and lethal weapon it was already cast he had come up with the idea himself to kill the captain in dragon under siege he had all these great creative ideas and i wanted to get those stories in but then i also wanted to be very deep and i wanted people to know because he'd been telling me all the time about the abuse he had from his father physical mental emotional and i wanted to get those stories in and that was very difficult for him because he didn't want to he felt like he was letting his dad down by really not always saying i love him i love him i love him and i wanted him to just go deep but at first my dad did love me yes he did love you dad was raised us like we were in the navy [Music] i went to bed every night at 8 30 until i was graduating from high school was that regimented yeah and i had a trouble bed where there's a bed about this high and then under the bed you pulled out from my little brother well i ran down the hall airborne bam hit the tronal bed the toronto bed goes boom so my dad said you're sleeping that for two weeks so i slept there like a half upright mummy it was okay i've survived
Channel: Dr. Phil
Views: 219,605
Rating: 4.7808509 out of 5
Keywords: daytime, doctors, dr phil, dr phil full episodes, dr., drphil, help, host, illness, mcgraw, mental, mustache, news, personality, phil, psychologist, self, series, show, talk, therapy, tv
Id: yq5-k24j-8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 3sec (303 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 17 2018
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