Teri Garr Collection on Letterman, Part 1 of 5: 1982-1984

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Dave was really in love with her. Was always great when she was on.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jan 07 2020 🗫︎ replies

Don Giller is a national treasure for recording all these and uploading them to YouTube.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/jbiresq 📅︎︎ Jan 07 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/issamsoouf1 📅︎︎ Jan 07 2020 🗫︎ replies

Thanks for sharing this, I went down a rabbit hole of their interviews, including her final one in 2008.


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Ohsocool2k5 📅︎︎ Jan 08 2020 🗫︎ replies
there'll be plenty of surprises when David Letterman comes to CBS but we can probably expect plenty of appearances by Teri Garr now recently I asked her why she and Dave have this mutual admiration thing I have great respect for David Letterman because he's a he's a he's an artist in his own way and he's a very talented and smart guy and he works his butt off you know it works very hard you know some people let him in throws people sometimes on the show but he never the never has thrown you not literally but I mean in a figurative but he tries too doesn't it yes he does I think he does too people tell me that okay so hard I go well I didn't notice that I don't notice it we just have a conversation but then I doesn't just a conversation is it no it's something else but you know I'll tell you why I admire him too is that he really has some guts to stand up for himself because look at this situation I'm not saying anything bad about any particular networks or anything but here NBC had him for so long and they said no no you're not getting this this Tonight Show spot we're giving it to someone else and we're just gonna leave you right in there and you're trapped as a prisoner in that time slot and he had to have the guts to say no I'm not I'm gonna move on I mean that takes guts if you really have to be strong for that not and then when he did it they said well we're just gonna make this really hard on you you can't take any characters that you've created you can't have anything that you did on our show anything you did in our building you can't take with you and you leave your clothes there too I heard that they can't think any of his clothes well I mean that's you know so they're being a little bit eighth grade about at all when you walked out that first time to sit in that guest chair what was going through your mind do you remember well I think I was very nervous although I had done the show before with him and not at his show a show when he was in the radio in Indianapolis and I was promoting you know Young Frankenstein I drove through there and I met this guy out you know and I'm radio station and so then when he did that show is do you remember me do you remember me I was the girl that she what kind of car you got so yeah yeah I remember he even sent me the tape of the show that we did so I thought it would be I wasn't nervous I was much more nervous to the Tonight Show I think well this no one's gonna watch it within 15 how many times have you been on the David Letterman Show do you know 106 106 no I'm just making that but let's see the show's been on for 10 11 years or something 11 years when I've been on at least three times here so what is that 33 33 times embarrassing why do you think you've been on the most on the show I mean kind of checking on the mouth no okay why do you think you've been on in the top three because I'm a nice person and because a lot of times they call me up you know and say can you do the show on Thursday and then I go well who died no no no and I we just like it they call me on Tuesday and I'd say well what the hell I'll do it I don't care I like I like to do it it's fun it was like an experience like a Disneyland ride I'll do that one sure people told me don't do this you're just ruining your career by doing this show too much and I think you know I don't care I'll do it you know as I did it cuz it was fun because they asked me I'm sure they asked a lot of other people who had more scruples than I did how do you think he's gonna do at an earlier time slot oh I think he'll do very well he's pretty good with this or what he does I really think he's created a whole new life and a whole new art that wasn't there before it was like Marlon Brando recreated acting in this country David Letterman recreated a like a host there was never anyone like him before or anybody like him since we know now so he it's interesting to watch I'll watch it it's like watching a train wreck not really now it's watching something very you've never seen before an alien believe I'm not terry has not been days most frequent guests that honor goes to sportscaster Marv Albert and she's coming to CBS as well she's gonna be on good advice with Shelley Long this season's gonna play Shelley sister so we get Dave on this network we get Carrie honestly the right neck network to park your body and she's a lovely lady oh honey lovely lady way to go Terry let's see how many weeks it'll take to get her on the show maybe the third day what's it five minutes before the hour we'll be right back the appearance is on Letterman I mean it's it's no secret that you're one of Dave's favorite guests it's a secret to me is it a secret and why the hell does he invite you back 60 or 70 times because no one else will do that show in their right minds or don't tell them I said this there are some people who won't do it because they're afraid of you no really he'll make them feel awful I always did that show because it's fun to do and he's just so much fun I mean for years now years we're adding up I just did that show because they'd call and say oh yeah I'd love to do that show I'll do the show and people say don't do that show don't do that show unless you're gonna plug something cuz you don't want to do this nothing well I don't care I like it but now I'm only doing it when I'm plugging something that I want to have people to have people say do you get self-conscious when you're on shows like this or on Letterman's or whatever of course I do more and more you think yeah I do more you think than the average person does ah then the average performer I don't have a guy Des Moines Iowa doesn't come on the Letterman Show well no I mean I guess I've become used to it maybe you're too used to it when I just feel like I'm talking to you and now especially on this show because I think well they'll just edit out all these laws and so we'll just sit here until we figure out what we want to say until the height of our hilarious conversation and that's what they'll use the rest of this stuff they'll just cut it out that's what I think so I'm very relaxed yeah when you walk it when you walk out on the Letterman Show though in front of a live audience and the thing is live on tape I mean the impression would be here's a woman who's done this so often and she's such a favorite of Letterman and of his audience that she can just glide right through this without a care in the world true or order you still get the butterflies do you know it's it's a very strange thing on that show I do kind of figure out I want to talk about stuff or some kind of jokes or some kind of notes and I get them all figured out and the minute I walk out there I know David so well but it's like I'm talking to him in the hall and I said well what about your hair whatever it becomes a conversation that's just been uh Oh someone I recommend mind I think there's cameras on and we're on television but it doesn't really register totally that if that's what we're doing it's funny I don't know I really should prepare an act and go and let him show but then what for I don't care I mean you know it's not what I do really I just like it I shouldn't do it so much [Music] [Applause] this next Alice well she rings the bell she was in that last Coppola film it didn't do well ladies and gentlemen miss Teri Garr [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] very nice of you to come out after that introduction Harve man Teri Garr you have you have things there on your head yeah well you I mean you knew that didn't you no now you have those opposed yeah how are you nice to see you again nice to see you too I haven't in Lanka in a while hasn't I know you live and now let's get this straight you're not living in New York I'm not at liberty to say where I'm living I'm sorry but for legal purposes or yes no really no no I'm well yes as a matter of fact did you did you wear those on the plane coming out no I bought these right out on the street every corner sells these you can get little stars or heart to think that another reason to be captain in New York isn't it yeah yeah they sell these the guy that invented these said I got an idea I'm gonna make a million bucks we're gonna put these stars and I'm not a delivery this two sets of them for $5.00 any kind of guarantee they're no guarantee now when you when you're out walking around on the streets do people recognize you pretty much I mean you've been in a lot of big-time motion pictures it would seem so yeah but no no I know I'm not recognized a lot I bet you are though but you know I don't don't know it doesn't happen you don't go out there I go out occasionally I go out sure I do go out of the belly you'd have to go out of the belly yeah sooner or later you got to go out now so what do people say anything to be on the streets other than would you like to buy some stars for your head no well they say most people think they know me from someplace mm-hmm and they they say did we go to high school together I don't think so I'm an actress no no no it's not that yeah I'm an actress I was this I was that no what else were you a nice end up standing there telling total strangers long list of credits and each thing I say those blacks tell you like oh no no it wasn't that I didn't see that well how about this no no it wasn't that I know we went to high school where do you live with cleaners they say to me so I guess I'm just one of those well that's nice of you to though to take the time and talk with them it is have nothing else to do yeah you may you know just let me address myself to that what Harv was singing earlier what is that like when you work a long long time on ammo on a motion picture what are you doing oh yes part of the special it is fabulous the whole show is fabulous isn't it now you work on a film a long time and it doesn't do that well is not a runaway hit what does that do to you personally professionally I don't know nothing I don't I'm never I let's see you know when I read that thing in The Rolling Stone where you said a tribesman and remote islands of Borneo or something to say you know David Letterman's show failed his morning show that's what you feel like you feel like everyone says this all day long the Coppola movie it didn't work it didn't work and I I mean that was had a penny for every time someone came up to me and said what happened there why didn't it work do I know I don't know I went there I did my job I did the best I could and I left and I I wasn't gonna say I took my money but I didn't even do that but you know that's right the good sport know when you go into that you're going you're working for one of the best ever yes and and your ear your hopes must be verges sky-high when you start yeah it was any point along the way did you get a hint that maybe it wasn't gonna be great yes I what am I supposed to say hey this isn't gonna work out I'm leaving no I understand you gotta you got a stick there and do your best actually I didn't no he Francis was on this show ever shortly after it opened wasn't I didn't get to see that but you know he's he's a very smart and brilliant man and he was experimenting he was doing a lot of a highfalutin things that just had no business being done but it was you know it may go down in history as being one of the great classic cult experimental films or something huh oh it definitely well did you see it yeah I know I you know I would have seen it but it was here so short and then I know I was oh don't do that no wait a minute let's see this let's pause here and take care of this business when we come back Teri Garr will do the entire movie in ten minutes ladies and gentlemen 10 seconds [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi there welcome back to the show this is course is very bird you want to watch so take these off well I don't know what do you think I think oh that's very nice let me see that you can wear them I wish boy this is you know we're just looking at it I thought it was just some kind of cheap but it's not it's really high-quality nice stuff here that's very nice now you were gonna do the 10 second version of one from the heart well I was I've never I've never done that before but I give it a shot what the hell oh no I can't no you can't do it no no this is 90 minutes special how did you choose the people that we're gonna hire I get picked for this because in our estimation and in the estimation of North Americans you are special somebody Elizabeth Taylor wouldn't return our calls no we would rather have you any day over it not the well Elizabeth Taylor's of course always welcome here but you know her personal no no now you're not gonna do the ten-second what kind of a person were you in high school you get good marks good marks grade oh great let's see well I did but I know I picture myself as being like a rebel without a cause or maybe even Hells Angels tough it was tough except that I don't think I really was I think I just pictured myself that way and I was really just shy and scared and what kind of tough things did you do the jackets you were a leather jacket yeah I would be cross I wore these these shoes that we had in those days they were called bunny shoes I've got to wear bunny shoes yeah they had taps on the bottom of the back and so when you walk they made a noise you always slouched and it was tough uh-huh now I read about you in high school wait a minute where did you get an arrested the stuff in high school oh no no no I was too scared to do that and I was also very studious I mean I was into my dance I was a ballet dancer and I was in my class every single day and I was going to auditions for things like that I was I was into another life outside of school but in school itself I was tough you liked the facade of being a a hard guy huh yeah yeah now you later earned your living as a dancer didn't you were on some fine programs as I recall you were on shindig yeah and no was that the one with the you weren't the girl with the big eyeglasses in the were you no no was that a different shape it was no zoom show that girl Carol yeah and what did you do exactly what did a shindig dancer what were their requirements I mean that's why I studied ballet for 10 years for what do you think I got out yeah that's that was it yeah and you danced in Elvis Presley movies which ones were you in I was in them the first one I was ever in of course this dates me but you know I don't care how old are you I'm in my early 50s no no I'm guessing you and I are the same age probably know you're probably younger than I am no I think yes how old are you I'm not saying don't you know this is show business you're not supposed to say that well let's trash let's put Dave Dave Dave show business is not trash no I don't mean that but I mean the theory that if you're in show business you gotta lie about your age that's trash it's 1982 come clean no no no I don't know it just makes me nervous 24 all right you well anyway I was in this movie I was in Viva Las Vegas oh that was the first one and I was in um kissing cousins and roustabout and clambake these are all Elvis movies I was in what a way to go that was with Shirley MacLaine John Goldfarb please come on these are big dancing parts now this would be just at the malt shop where where Elvis would break into song and the dancing girls would have it would appear yeah yeah was that fun yeah it was a job you know and I was checking out you know looking at the set and how they did the movies and did you get to meet Elvis Presley oh yeah yeah was he and fun nice yeah yeah did he know you by name is oh good yeah yeah he did you know why I know that because um I you it was trying to be an actress right away and I started doing commercials and whenever uh his boys these guys are with him all the time would see me on television he'd see me on television a commercial goes why there's our Teri Garr see I was are Teri Garr oh you he was a paternal he was taking credit for your success than that yeah looking out for you he's a nice guy you know victim all that stuff they've written about it yeah now what are you working on a film wise presently recently I'm working on um Tootsie this movie with Dustin you guys say last names an Academy Award winner by the name of Dustin uh-huh starring in this movie and the movie can you tell us what this was oh it's called Tootsie and I please girlfriend and we play these aspiring actors in New York and I auditioned for a soap opera and I don't get the part so he says I'm gonna track this part and he dresses up as a woman and he gets the part so then he has to go every day and do this soap opera as a woman it's very funny great idea gonna be a big hit well you're very funny and great and I appreciate you being here on our special Terry it was very nice to see you again ladies and gentlemen Teri Garr will [Applause] [Music] Oh welcome back to the show ladies and gentlemen Emily Levine will be joining us later and my first guest tonight has been with us once before and it's a pleasure to welcome her back again tonight she is a very talented actress whose screen credits include Close Encounters of the Third Kind Oh God one from the heart and classics such as my personal favorite Viva Las Vegas clambake clambake and kissing cousins that's Kissin no G in the word Kissin cousins ladies and gentlemen please welcome the multi-talented you know where you love her you can't live without her Teri Garr [Music] nice to see you how are you all those dogs yeah great a lot of fun and we enjoy them they freeze up though when they get on TV right occasionally a dog will not perform I think is supposed to I'd like to see a singing dog come out did you get one of those yet no I haven't yet what no singing dog that would sing I talked to the trees gonna be good that would be okay now be interesting and clever what well it would give true meaning to the word juxtaposition extra position yeah thank you go what is the the meaning of juxtaposition as you know it I have no idea well now see you shouldn't really be use it well it doesn't mean that the something like it shows extreme opposite or extreme I don't know what is it see I don't know you you were the one who brought it up you you came out here and said that what we have here is an example of juxtaposition I'm sorry I'm sorry I ever brought it up you were the one that came out with the dogs no no they came out with their their owners it's always always nice to see you on the show that's a great-looking dress by the way thank you very much it's very expensive not very expensive how much was it you always ask these personal things well now again you brought it up what I know heavens now settle down for goodness now we have to go away for a commercial but no but no we're coming back no but we do want to know the price of the dress since you brought it up okay right now yeah maybe now we can have it no I won't give it to you all right we'll have to get rough with her during the commercial right back [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so tomorrow night the Monty Python the from Monty Python Michael Palin will be joining us also limited perspective this will be good I know exactly what that is but but I can't tell you about it look like defining the word juxtaposition also tomorrow night Robert Klein will be here and as every Thursday night we'll be answering our viewer mail Teri Garr is here this evening Emily Levine will be joining us and what do you think about the price of the dress you're not gonna say or do you want to tell them how much $80 $80 yeah that's not bad that's it it's expensive isn't it 80 bucks for a dress I don't know I don't I wouldn't probably spend 80 bucks on a dress but no I knew shouldn't no it looks good on it it looks very nice huh thank you nice drink very much now in addition to these movies I mentioned in the beginning you were also in the monkeys motion picture head yep see that no I don't think they could have seen it cuz it only played for a week but I was in it you know I was in this acting class and at the time and Jack Nicholson was in this acting class but he had never worked as an actor and he was a writer and he wrote all these movies these independent movies who arrived to karma and he wrote this movie called head so a lot of the kids in the class we all got to do these one little scenes in that movie and my the scene I did was I was I was bitten by a rattlesnake and I died yeah it was a big part my first day I only had one line what was the line you recall that Oh probably something like mm no no no it was I had my finger the snake bit me on the finger and they run through and I say quick suck it's before the venom reaches my heart yeah yeah did you know you grew up there in North Hollywood wasn't went to North Hollywood High the what were they Bearcats Tigers Cougars house keys yeah Huskies did you well that's why you don't know the meaning of the word juxtaposition no it's just a joke I was just a silly joke and I'm sorry I brought it up now did you always want to be in show business when you were there um yes I did I was a dancer I wanted to be a dancer so I went to dancing school and I was in ballet companies and stuff like that mmm I wanted that's what I want not far along in ballet dancing did you get well I was in a couple of ballet company so I was a little company in San Francisco and then I was in some nice companies in LA or David Lachine had a nice little ballet company but you know the first job I did was in West Side Story with the original cast it might be dating myself but it was the road company all right and I danced real hard in that but I had online when I saw the reaction I got from one line how easy it was either well I got to do this now this is and you remember that one line yes this I had a lot of good one line my first line I ever spoke onstage as I said so I think somebody asked me a question I don't remember what the question was but my answer was no thank you ooh ooh blue do you like that what is to be in English you know who blue it's like jazz talk and we went in the drugstore move being cool and it was right kind of yeah the way snotty Street kids might talk yeah well did you see West Side Story yeah it was in a vernacular that was a certain kind of thing is that little slice of history yeah you up you also had a you went to a high school where they had a teri garr Film Festival recently didn't you well oh I went to my my brother's kids a high school to talk to the drama classes which brother is this I know you have to my brother ed my brother is a surgeon this is that the surgeon yes yes surgeon since Jack the Ripper well he has but he has these two kids and they they go to high school Danny and Lisa and I went to their high school and I spoke to the drama class mm-hmm and I said please don't ever try to do this yeah and and what kind of questions would the drama class ask you well you know they all want to know and I don't know why they're asking me but they all want to know you know how do you get to be famous and how do you get to get people to ask for your autograph and what's it not like to be recognized and that's what they want to know what is that like though but I don't know I don't know I'm sure it's terrible I mean those people like you know Diane Keaton and Woody Allen are always like they're hiding I'm sure it's terrible you must get it cuz you're on TV oh yes you do oh but see those people those people go out so they can be seen doing this do you ever you ever get that feeling oh maybe they do you know because I think that if somebody is a like I'm no security risk you know and but I but you being an attractive famous world-class accuracy I can imagine drooling all over you so you'd have to be have to be careful well it's not true and I guess I'm not aware of it no I'll come back I'm not aware of it if I started thinking about that like somebody spotted me right I mean I wouldn't heal to think about what I was talking about I can barely think about what I'm talking about as it is yeah and I have to be aware of the who recognizes me and who doesn't and when someone comes up to me and starts asking me do I know you are you how where do I know you from most doesn't say you know what I go to high school right and I said no no I'm an actress what have you been in and I start telling a total stranger that I've been in this no I don't watch to be I said I was in this movie now I didn't go to that movie I know I went to high school with you I did please leave me alone I just came to the cleaners I just want to get my stuff and leave it's you know it's too tough so I do I act like I'm nobody and nobody talk to me that's hard to believe because you you're a stunning human you know well so are you David no no you are you're a Muncie Indiana pride and I spent time in Muncie is that way from not from but although something you South Bend Indianapolis Indiana state capitals for 40 art remember that the bonus thing my favorite show my favorite show it's gone now yeah tell me tell me about your new movie with Dustin Hoffman well it's called Tootsie and I play Dustin's girlfriend and I in a nutshell I audition for this part we play these off Broadway actors and I audition for a soap opera and he coaches me on the part and then I don't get the part but he says you know this part I could do this part so he dresses up as a woman and he goes in auditions for it and then he gets the partner and then it's the comic situations they're in they're out of him dressed as a woman and nobody knows how hard to believe though that that you would be turned down for a part and then Dustin Hoffman who I'm thinking is not a real good-looking girl [Music] well it's not about that it's about he's supposed to be this she supposed to be the strong woman who's the head of a hospital and there's a scene where he's coaching me to do the part and I can't quite cut it because I always go I have trouble with anger and I have trouble with with being aggressive and he's thinking I could do it I'm a man you know it has a lot of food for thought as they say but it's just it's also accommodates very funny okay it's called Tootsie yes December 17th we know you know we're gonna go away but we'll be right back to continue this is a lively discussion with Teri Garr [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he turned out to be what what do you say nothing he turned out to be hi we're back teri garr is here and [ __ ] and what this dress is distracting I'm telling you be careful there who something about the juxtaposition of that that's now when you do one of these big-time powerful motion pictures everybody get along well or there occasionally disagreements people fight like hypothetically you ever get a star fighting with the director and so forth oh do we like them to see or something did that happen until two well no it didn't they just both had their own ideas and oh hi Paul hi Paul something something the matter here ah no Dave I just wanted to come over and say hello to Terry hi Terry it's nice to see you you know we go back a long way about five six years in death truth yes and can I embarrass you can I embarrass this girl just for a moment I gotta say this she is a very happening kind of chick and I mean that sincerely I really do this is embarrassing well oh thanks Paul well and I think that you and the band are just wonderful - I really think they're great [Applause] yeah they're great yeah they're really great do you play an instrument yeah no no I didn't know I don't tarry play an instrument I was wondering Tara if you would like to just kind of split this scene and kind of just kind of hang out with us over here in the band area why don't you split the scene huh well I don't know I I would like to but I'm doing this thing I mean if you I'm being interviewed by mr. Letterman I don't think that'd be too much of a pollen Davis are wonderful you wouldn't mind would you Dev we're well you know we're just about finished anyway we were huh yeah I guess I didn't have anything else to say I was there so sure thanks oh great thanks Dave listen you are gonna have some fun come over with me yeah nice [Music] [Applause] I guess I can I can do this art card piece this will be just as funny as having teri garr on you know you know not anyone can be a guest on our program and so here's a look at uh do it cue the people you won't be seeing on our show you won't be seeing this guy he's from Royal Oak Michigan [Music] I hate to be a what do they say a wet whatever language we got a go on with the show really good guy really is thank you thank you very much my my next guest ladies and gentlemen Emily Levine is a very funny writer who was written for several TV shows and has performed on television and in clubs all over the country ladies and gentlemen were delighted that she is here tonight despite a terrible cold and despite having to follow that please welcome a fine stand-up comedian Emily Levine [Applause] thank you very much he would be appearing highly tomorrow night at Gardens and Washington through Sunday thank you very much for being here tonight and also my thanks to Carrie Garr the nicely juxtaposed Teri Garr Paul Scheer from the band mr. bill Wendell tomorrow night Teri Garr and singer Jimmy Buffett a good night folks thank you very much [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ladies and gentlemen I don't even consider going to sleep at this point because you don't want to miss mr. Fixit now my next guest has been nominated this is very exciting to have this woman here again tonight she has been nominated for an Academy Award as Best Supporting Actress for her role in the motion picture tootsies she is also on the cover of ms magazine and has just finished a new co-starring finished a new film which she in which she co-stars with mr. Michael Keaton called mr. mom were delighted to have her back again please welcome Teri Garr that's great these people are enthused that you're here yeah and see they're making that noise they're doing that congratulations on your success it's well deserved and I hope you're enjoying it yes I am yeah is is your family excited your mom must be beside herself yes yes yes and have you when is the big event when did they do this a week from Monday yeah that's all right that's right well we'll get up to speed sooner or later okay now when you go to this affair this is a global celebration do you have something to say because as soon as you get out of the car people are gonna start wanting you to say things that's true yeah do you have things to say other than you just can't show up and say yeah no yeah though there no you gotta I can do it now because there's only about eight people watching right cuz it's real late now Terry Gary yes Harry yes you forget that mr. fix-it has not yet been people are up though the lamp is the lamp is burning all across America for mr. Fixit now so what are you gonna say well I haven't thought about it now until just now that you've mentioned I suppose you're right I'll have to have something to say yeah you've thought about it well I I thought about it listen I have to tell you something it's embarrassing but I did think about something if I were to win and I figure I got one chance in five to get up there I have to say something so I started thinking about all the people that I would thank and stuff like that it's how you feel foolish thinking about this that's something that you expect it may not happen and then what am I gonna do with all that information if I don't win yeah store it in my brain no no it's good it's good though too from time to time think to yourself who you would like to thank I mean just generally it really is yeah I guess you know I I start thinking about some people that I would like to not think no no you know I know yes good gracious and everything but you have human you have a bad attitude about this you should be delighted I am delighted I am are you oh yeah now have you picked selected something to wear yes I I did okay a lot of people say to me congratulations on your nomination what are you gonna wear that's what everybody says it's very specially women that's what they say what are you gonna wear so I don't know no you know it's a week away you know damn well what you're gonna you got it it's probably laid out on your bed at home no it's not true I I found this dress that I really liked I almost had a dream since I want to wear a dress like a 50s sort of punk dress a strapless dress adjust to the knee sort of tighten taffeta I was thinking this is not American Bandstand you're the one to do this this is a vo this goes all over the world don't show up in the little strapless punk outfit don't know I've already ordered this dress this is what I'm planning on oh alright you know it was probably God intervened there's somebody they don't want me to wear this dress and I was telling somebody about it on the phone how I couldn't find it and I said it's designer sister named Vicky tiel maybe she'll get some business I don't office and I hang up the phone and the guy is it was at work the guy and make him Antonia cross me says I know Vicky tiel I got her home number in Paris I got a shop number I got the country home her husband is a makeup man to Richard Burton so I feel like I should I picked up the phone in Michael Keaton's dressing room when I dialed direct to Paris sorry David Begelman sign your bill and I I got she picked up the phone and she said I was Vicky tiel I said well as Terry Garber you make me this dress she said yeah I'll make it for you I'll send it here but now here's the part we don't know it's it's a how's it gonna get here on time it's not here yet what were you doing in Michael Keaton's dressing room you're discussing the script well to tell you the truth Michael Keaton because he has a man had a phone in his dressing room and I did not have a phone in my dressing room cuz I'm just a girl you know but I don't mind I'm not bitter so important to me I'll make my phone calls where I can listen you can use our phone I you know I'm excited for you I've never really not that I know you well but I've never really known anybody who's been nominated for an Academy Award let me ask you about the were you surprised that this movie got this much generated this much heat tutsi yeah yes I was I glad you said something did I Spit on you and I said yes [Applause] I don't know if you can see it in the light I saw it coming out of the light and there was nothing I could do so I I said okay I'll try and take it in the tie in this I'm not the type of person that should be nominated oh no you know stop it no no you're you you are world class you deserve this nomination and I and I hope you win oh thank you I mean you're part of the American acting industry I mean [Applause] thank you no you really are you you really are now wait a minute wait a minute let's do you want to show a piece of the movie oh I don't know okay fine what's up to you if you would rather talk about a movie no go ahead and and screw Columbia out of this free booklet yeah okay and tell us about the scene I see I saw the movie and I thought you were terrific in it and I enjoyed the film now what are we gonna see oh okay it's the scene where I don't I think he he gives me this other girls candy and he says it's for me then I read the card and it's a guy and I say what are you gay and it's like that's the same okay that would be the scene and from the motion picture the runaway hit of the decade [ __ ] the starring MS teri garr Academy Award nominee take a look now won't she [Applause] and on the cover of ms magazine that's you must be thrilled about that also mm-hmm now tell me what tell me what you used to do with your dog and your brother no no stop it please stop it no I'm terry has something she'd like to say Terry well when we were watching that clip we weren't really watching it I was seeing how I really enjoy this man named Bill Wegman who made a booklet with his dog in different kinds of outfits in costumes Man Ray Man Ray and he yeah he's been on the show both Man Ray and Bill Wegman and I was just telling David how I used to dress up my own dog sometimes when I was a kid and I remember one time I dressed up my dog and my brothers underpants and I put his tail coming out of the you know the million oh yeah I don't know dogs like being dressed up you get any dates for a week after that yeah all right that's all I wanted to say you know go back to your questions we're out of time we are Oh for me now it's the fix-it guy right all if he's still here after that rejoinder or anyway good luck to you okay I'm sorry I'll be pulling for you a week from Monday night now think of something snappy to say when army Archerd jumps on yeah no no you're not getting it I would know you'll come up you'll do fine okay yeah nice and congratulations communitary we'll be right back with mr. Fixit [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] gentlemen Paul Shaffer and the band folks and we're happy to have them my my next guest here is it's always a pleasure to welcome her to this program she is a fine actress who was last time she was on the show she was just getting ready to go [Music] [Applause] some more trouble with Dom DeLuise who knows [Music] you get some right here I'm too worried you got some - look my show no longer ever watched Robin on this show please you didn't have to do that but I'm told you did glad I did thank you very much buddy they ever thank you cuz I didn't see us anytime you're ready all right I don't know much about medicine but those were some nasty looking bites that I have those looked into anyway as I was saying it's always a pleasure to welcome my next guest to this program she is a fine actress and recently of course nominated for an Academy Award for her role in the motion picture tootsie she is currently co-starring in a film called mr. mom please welcome Teri Garr [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this is very nice because on this program we have two people that the the audience likes really well you and John they you could tell that they like you very much thank you for being back I'm sorry you didn't win your Academy Award I know you know but that must have been a very exciting night huh it was it was very exciting yeah is it fun exciting or or not fun exciting well that's fun exciting it all goes by so fast I mean I'm just like a regular person going there so but everybody is you know in the end even Paul Newman I mean you get nominated you go yeah I gotta be nominated and then you do you realize who's gonna win it really you know but you don't really know do you we don't really know but the closer it gets to the actual ceremony the more you think you've got a chance I mean whether if you're just blindly reality is not there and I know I mean I thought I was being a fool but I'm sure they did that to Paul no man I kept thinking of him because he was working on some movie he was directing a movie and they didn't think he was probably gonna win but his his friends talked to men to it he was very good in the verdict I thought oh yes he was great just put your feet down don't be sitting down sit down like an adult thank you know is this true but I'm sorry you didn't win I saw you on the telecast you look great you look what couldn't I sit that way you're so conservative maybe maybe I'll just bring Dom DeLuise back said anywhere you like now how is the big wedding the big wedding yeah the big wedding tell the folks about the big wedding you mean the Carrie Fisher Paul Simon that's right the big wedding it was great it was great it was sweet I'd never been to a Jewish wedding before where they break the glass and they do it under the hoop up get married that is thunder though that's what it's called what is the Hupa well it's some kind of a Arbor of leaves and things like that then there was a camera carefully hidden under there with some Ivy League leaves over it I thought that was a nice touch this is big time you know Paul Simon Carrie Fisher and then they had ivy leaves on a little video camera yeah it's cute they're taping this for probably a cable special right now who are you friends with well I'm friends with both them but I'm really more friends with Carrie more friendly with Carrie we danced afterwards we had a great time we danced the hokey-pokey now how long has it been since you've done that if you ever did never did never dance put your whole self in put your whole self out it's a fabulous and freeing dance you shake it all out was it a big deal it must have been hundreds of folks there well no it's about 20 people that came to the actual wedding and then all the other all these other people came and I figured whoever was there was he the famous or rich or both or something I don't know I mean I did know but I who was now let me embarrass you here by saying who was the most the biggest person there aside from mr. Simon and Ms Fisher and yourself I just you know I can't estimate those kind of thing no no you know you can sit anywhere you want Thanks no now who was the now let me ask you well Mick Jagger was he there no he wasn't much baby yes let's see some of my favorites were uh there was a girl named Connie Fryeburg she's a good friend of mine now who else would you be interested in I don't know I thought it was a bigger deal but 20 people at eight at their own oh then lots of people you know hundreds of people came later and stuff but the The Prestige group the twenty were the ones that got to go to the world you know as the family it was Debbie Reynolds and Eddie Fisher and their grandmothers and all that sort of stuff and no it's just fun though yeah Paul's son a Harper was there he was great you know cuz he yeah Harper Simon yeah III chapter four putting out the window of the to the what a nice gesture drawing tapioca to the press no I'm not sure he did that don't quote me but that's not it that's not a tradition that's just something the kid was doing sure it my few Jewish putting to the press it goes back years and years the Hebrews used to do it all the time now how about mr. mom that's doing pretty well is it excited that I wouldn't speak about mr. mom one speakable no that's not true I haven't seen it yet so what am I gonna say something fake you know I can't you haven't seen the movie no I was there when we filmed it but I think I was what turned out very nicely don't you saw hell yeah I saw it and I thought you and Michael were terrific in it well Michael Keaton is great yeah but I am I understand he was on some talk so he didn't mention me so I'm not gonna talk about Michael Keaton either well it wasn't this one we have to go away we'll be right back you want the nurse to come in again is that Alright okay we'll be right back [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I don't know I don't know what what what celeb plane did you fly back from Europe uh uh Air France was it the no I didn't have you ever taken it no take it what it's against the principle it's still fun oh no no it's not against the principles they're aeronautics it's against the principles of environmental uh oh is it conservation yeah they say that it's burning off ozone and so forth great but I've heard the plane right but I've heard you hear conflicting evidence but it's the SS key is an experience to take just once I keep hearing they're gonna discontinue it but you should give it a shot ok then I will you'd like it not to tell me why you haven't seen mr. mom this is silly you make you make you know you make a lot of movies and I was talking to the gentlemen in the office today for somebody who makes as many movies as you do you make a lot of really hot films there are people who make a lot of movies and half of them are silly and dogs but you know no Black Stallion Close Encounters of the Third Kind mr. mom helped me out here Tootsie one from the heart one from big but it was it was regarded how was it regarded which it critically know oh yeah well I don't know there's conflicting reports I tried to read it how did you feel about it well I liked it I thought it was a great little story and looked pretty and and it's time will come maybe 50 60 years from now don't dig that up and look out - now there's a nice little movie where's that girl oh you were in Oh God yes it was C but but I mean you're making pretty good choices for yourself now why wouldn't you go see mr. mom I i I've been out of the country I've been in Portugal in Paris you could have seen it before you I couldn't have they didn't know it's not about me listen that movies about Michael Keaton Mizanin no it's about it's their movie and I know the movie wasn't finished before I left I'm sure they would have invited me you should go see how was Europe Europe was nice we filmed in Portugal and in in Paris Lisbon did you get up - Sentret yes I did get up in the center how are you yes ma'am it's a small world it's tiny little place did you go to the little royal buildings up there that's where the royal family simmered you yes I knew all about it okay know what you got I have the Teri Garr media blitz 1983 this is from a recent this is from the New York News Sunday section Teri Garr lo this is from this month Esquire magazine teri garr and Michael Keaton this is from this is from Us Magazine garv Wars no no take a look at the other one down here in the over here boys this is yeah that's no joke Terry and well I've lost my place and I can't find you in this one Glamour magazine oh here you are oh my oh my yeah and one more this months by the way this is your complimentary take-home copy of American ways the magazine of American Airlines hears Teri Garr how do you feel about all of it that's some pretty heavy stuff pretty good saturation I think it's stupid I mean I don't think it's stupid I think it's very nice but it just suddenly you put it all in front of me and my hands are sweating I don't yeah I made the mistake it was stupid of me to bring this no whoa you wanna know why why I don't know all right we gotta go away we'll come back it was my fault [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you folks we're done here I'm sorry about this this was not my idea they told me to do this there's gonna be a lot of fun I do yeah so you're alright though yes please come back again I'm sorry she's a little embarrassed so we have to go good night [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Applause] beautiful it's sinful a luxurious down here every featuring every one of you could share this what do you think Paul is this alright it's fabulous it's like a garden party you know I was on the train again last night everybody I run into asks me to give you their best there you're very popular on the train Paul thank you so much and how are you doing on the trip well it's all right it was very crowded last night and I was sitting next to one of these guys every few miles every four or five miles the guy would do this nice move I think yes yeah that's no good but it's Wow so we're gonna have to run him down to the lab okay we have some more we have more selections she and you know I don't feel stupid we may have to have another vote on that by the way okay tonight what do you think we have two wonderful guests equally fine humans in their own right would you like to see as our first guest tonight the lovely and talented fine actress nominated for an Academy Award dr. Ruth Westheimer miss Teri Garr alright or our other fine guest tonight has her own radio show here in New York City and other fine cities across the United States and Europe as well dr. Ruth Westheimer all right what is it dr. Ruth will be our first guest folks less probably seen the last of Terry well okay dr. Ruth will be our first guest let me get the information here she is the author of dr. Ruth's guide to good sex and host of her own radio show called sexually speaking she has been recently inducted into the New York Academy of Medicine and we're delighted that she could be here with us tonight please welcome dr. Ruth Westheimer [Music] we've had that idea for about seven months where we put Larry in the bear suit and turn him loose turn and I think it was well worth the way and yeah yeah I think the key phrase there was what do I do now too bad that hadn't occurred to any one of us prior to tonight's show but although I guess we still couldn't show you these these are those crazy cards we talked about this is this old man van Keller owns the local department store and his four boys are spoiled rotten they can't even have a snowball fight without showing-off they're also expensive private armored division what do we do now all right let's bring out our this is a a wonderful person that actually we're always happy when she's on this program fine actress and a lovely person she is delighted audiences in such films as twit C and mr. mom and will soon be seen on the Hallmark Hall of Fame's production of winter of our discontent please welcome Teri Garr I'm sorry we're in I'm sorry I squeezed it a little harder than I should have I'm awfully sorry clover anxious any day I'm eager eager and I don't want you to be upset nice to have you on the show again it's nice to be back the Hallmark Hall of Fame this is a very prestigious thing free isn't it I think so oh sure that's yeah yes it is yeah winter of our discontent yeah and tell me about that this is a famous play isn't it no I went to Ball State so that's well that's right Paul you asked out to Ruth ball State University okay well the blob brothers found in it you know my mother is not gonna ever speak to me again one first day did a sketch on Saturday Night Live about the contraceptive sponge now I'm on this with dr. Ruth bless her heart and looking for the g-spot and all I said and now I say that what I just said well anyway winter of our discontent is I might as well talk about it since this is the end of my career no what do you mean it's the end of your career why do you say that well you know many people advise me not to do this show no this retire this this this hurts me deeply now who told you who told you not to be on the show and why lost professional people that are in the business we not to do it that I was spreading myself too thin oh that's becoming like the [ __ ] of Babylon I'm doing all the shows no no no you were the last time you were on the show it's been four months at least no no it hasn't I was just it was a month or so but anyway I most people told me after the only person my doctor advised me to do the show so I know why did you go to the doctor are you feeling ill Wow please don't ask oh I'm not feeling well no I'm feeling fine all right look I know it's a can of peas that's opened up I might as well spill it okay okay I had these things called like Palmer's removed from my body stupid to talk about but that's why I went to doc did you have them look at it on to several doc it's nothing serious is it no is anything serious I'm sorry that you brought it up but what do you say oh you were at the doctor and let's not talk about it then it becomes much bigger than that that's right so I've done it again I've screwed this up yeah but anyway he thought that I should come on this show and boy was he wrong no no no come on being mean there's no reason for me to be so quite so hostile to you well I get the feeling the last time especially that you you don't like being on the show you don't like me and no is are you I have some lipomas I might get a look at now even there moaning back there so it's out of control but you're not mad at me are you um no I guess not I mean you only you'd only can do what you can do let me now talk about whatever I'm supposed to plug here okay but I just let me say that I think you're one of my favorite actresses yeah yeah yeah and I love you on this show and anything you do I thought you were terrific and mr. mom and I just feel like boy I didn't take losing the audience contest that well to tell you the truth I think you know I come out here and talk about my career and me me me and III people don't care they'd rather see sex stuff and jeez I got two so but anyway I took a little sort of personally oh you shouldn't we're just we're just goofing around having having fun trying to have fun yeah I know doing the best we can I loved it Larry button mate it was great wasn't it good now mr. mom turned out to be the hit of the decade the runaway hit the Smashing of the decade well no it's a yeah you and Michael deserve that don't you think it was a nice movie did you ever see the movie by the way no oh that's not seen the minute I saw half of it really yeah and then I fell into a deep sleep I wasn't awakened for three or four days let you see Michael but you see a lot of well actually I'll no wait here he sat next to me on the plane it was just an accident coincidence and we came together on a plane we do you fly on the try and get out of this did you ever play on the American Airlines oh yeah yeah yeah I know they did me a huge favor last time I was on that airline now you probably can't say that but they did they did well I was flying with my dogs and halfway we were over Denver and I was worried that the dogs didn't get on the plane so I contacted the stewardess and she said well let me go up and talk to the captain and the captain went up and while he should have been flying the plane he radios back to New York to inquire about my dogs I thought that was great six hundred thousand pound jetliner and he's talking about my dogs I thought that was great Kari we have to go away for a commercial a commercial we'll be right back [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] area suspect me this note a novel by John Steinbeck stupid thank you I stand corrected I'm sorry about that now this is the winter of our discontent now I'm sorry to interrupt you about your airplane story you and Michael are on this airliner flying where are you going from LA to New York he's here doing a top-secret job something for the government and Woody Allen and I know it's strange but anyway I was gonna tell this funny story and now it seems like it's probably not that funny but they serve they have to at the end of that oh so I can't do this stuff what's the matter well I mean I think of stuff that I'm gonna say and then when I have much better when I don't plan it people say you should plan what you're gonna say when I plan I'm gonna say I feel like okay here I'm gonna say a story what's fine it's going along just like aunt L just going along fine well anyway they serve ice cream at the end of the dinner on the throat on the plane and Alice says the ice cream festival right so Mike we're very happy that we were in time for the iSchool ice cream high school we weren't in time for the ice cream festival and some of the jokes that we made up about it were actually have the ice cream festival they have a conga line through the plane about the ice cream and the ice cream festival is a result of the great ice cream Wars of 1810 that lasted for three days there you go that's very nice yeah now you know I read something about you this afternoon that I thought was sweet and also kind of said your mother is a has-been most of her life a wardrobe mistress right so she's worked in show business on and on and on when you were a kid she provided you with clothing didn't she sometimes she did yes she's not speaking to me anymore they're after tonight Oh mom won't get over that I'm not sure what kind of stuff would she give you to wear well one particular thing that she got me to where this was borrowed clothing she weren't used to working the Dinah Shore show and I was going to my high school prom and I really wanted to wear one of those dresses from learner's like all the other girls were wearing it was sort of these net dresses strapless beautiful things but um she borrowed this Christian Dior dress from Dinah Shores closet okay sure I never knew and I wore to my prom yeah now that's that's probably as a kid exhilarating and in some way not so exhilarating completely you know you guys yeah I suppose I had to give it back any other dresses that you wore from I'm not so crazy about that story either it's not that trilling you know what I would like to know about love here in New York well yeah of course you do cuz you do this show here no you may not know this across the country but in the South Bronx in New York it's very um you know it looks like Dresden after the bomb it's just a mess and I've been seeing this thing on the news every night about they're going to the South Bronx and they're putting decals in the windows and flower pots and stuff now to make it look like people live there or something what do you know anything that why are they doing well it was there was a consideration for allocating a sum of money to put up these facades so that people would not be as you suggested depressed when they looked at what is not a thriving community now and they they thought by doing so now there there's not a bad reason for it but they thought by doing so that people would say oh I see it's okay and it's being renovated and we can invest in this area they thought they would be tricked into investigation but the but the problem is you're gonna take the money just to put up the decals running to take the money to actually fix up the areas yeah I wish I could've been at that meeting where someone you know like 12 people are sitting around a table and someone suggests will trick them well they're big news conference about how we're gonna treat them yeah yes good idea let's go to lunch no one thought about it you know well I don't know if that has that been rescinded is that has I've gone through all right well we'll be back with Lauren Spivak here on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the most fun now will you come back and please be on the show and you're not steamed again are you no is it this of course is the Academy award-nominated the Teri Garr Oh what are your in a new movie kosuna aren't you oh the winner of our discontent it's on the tee on TV on the TV yeah this is No December 6th I'm some other channel and it's a Hallmark Hall of Fame presentation well that's nice Donald Sutherland you like your videos yeah also thanks to Teri Garr and our own Larry moment and we have Oh Paul thank you very much for all your help and mr. bill Wendell our announcer now we have one more bit of voting is that correct am i doing this properly Terry you may vote along if you like why thank you David instead of running our regular closing credits for the program tonight this has been a custom-made show what the audience wants they get I was watching oh I see all right you have a chance to vote here now show we're going to show the names of each member of our studio audience or we're going to just end the program early and let everybody go home it's not a contest all right how do we do this is everything ready to go for this okay thank you very much we'll see you tomorrow night who's here tomorrow night Andrea Martin from SCTV & Gaylord Perry have a good night folks thank you very much [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you thank you very much okay the question is probably the most unbelievable crime of all how did this man Kip Hogan pay only $1 98 for over $400,000 worth of fresh vegetables and salad well the police investigation revealed that he would regularly dine at a Wendy's hamburger restaurant and then make several trips to the free salad bar with this device right here each time filling the steamer trunk to capacity let me show you how it would work just go ahead and turn it on if you will okay [Music] that's got a mind of its own there you are [Applause] [Music] ladies gentlemen don't get anywhere near this thing it's a little too powerful well it earlier just sucked everything up for miles around it yeah well I you know we could probably get the bugs out of this bring it back later couldn't we because it was gonna be spectacular I'm losing the will to live thank you very much but by the way you're welcome to come on down here and pay a visit to the salad bar we got a good show up for you ladies and gentlemen hang on to something because in a moment or two from now teri garr will be out here and that wonderful show [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm telling you when that thing works the big salad the sucking device it's unbelievable is it it's a it's it fills you with kind of an awe when you stand awesome awesome and then we'll try and get it fixed won't we bury and we'll bring back some salad and some condiments and so it's not like you're being cheated here if we can fix it before we go off the air and God knows we'll try you'll get to see it my first guest tonight oh this woman we always like having her here she's a terrific late Alan detectorists she received of course an Academy Award nomination for her work in the motion picture Tootsie and her current project is a film entitled firstborn which is still in production we're delighted to have her back with us tonight please welcome Teri Garr [Applause] thank you very much for being here it's very nice to be here we always enjoy having you on the show you're gonna do that trick with the hose until it goes right all right you make it sound like it's a burden to the audience but no it'll be great oh it's unbelievable we went through we sucked up two or three heads this afternoon didn't want that so it'll be exciting okay unless you want it later very Terry Terry how you doing I'm doing the last time you're on the show remember with the audience voted who they wanted to see first you or Ruth Westheimer yeah and you were you well I thought you were a terribly good sport about it because the audience selected Ruth they come on and I thought that that was very nice of you to you he played right along well it was it was fine with me because I really don't care whether I'm here or not I'm coming out mean again so I can't I pretended like I was really upset and then people really thought that I was but you were mean about being here last time I was I said so I wasn't chosen first time and then I went on that tact well you know what else she did now that you brought it up you there was this play for television you were gonna be in the the winter of our discontent that's right John Steinbeck and I said is that a play and you said of course not stupid yeah yeah you said no it's a it's a famous novel by John Steinbeck and then you made some fun of where I went to college an ordinary mood apparently but you're okay tonight aren't you yes I am I'm trying to prove to the late-night world that I am an okay person well as I mentioned we're happy to have you here now I know that you have yesterday of course was Super Tuesday and you have some observations on the on the on the Democratic campaign so far well they have they had many many primaries and important caucuses arrived only kidding no I just happened to watch the debate last Sunday I know you were out of the country sunburned and I watched this debate and I was very frightened for for us all in in what regard well first of all you know there was a cover of Time magazine that said that had Mondale and Hart and I said okay the race is on so these guys were there and they were you know ready to fight and the two of them sat next to each other and actually did start fighting and they did those kind of smiles that politicians do when they're really very very angry the France France know you're wrong bread soup hold it just a second I think you're quite rocky they're their rage and you know well this frightens me because I'm thinking what happens someday if they have like this a big decision to make involving a nuclear attack or something and they suddenly become you know they're they're human just like the rest of Europe and they got much more involved in in each other than then any issues you know they didn't talk about them it's a little well we'll see what happens you can't really say anything about political candidates on the air Kenya I want this guy and I don't want that guy and this guy's bad and that guy's good I don't want to say that but well now one thing that I don't understand is is Walter Mondale first of all nothing against Walter Mondale but do we want a president named Walter [Applause] you know that's that sure that's the Dean of boys at Broad Ripple High School his name was Walter you know but but is his campaign slogan now is it has he adopted it really where's the beef is that his slogan he said that you know it's very yeah over and over and I know that's what all the news that they made this joke about where's the video yeah I don't know it means to watch his commercials and that that makes me secure in my country watching commercials so I like him though you know so otherwise you're doing okay aren't you yes I know how's your loud your personal life is it all right Terry I say your personal life is it all right yes my personal life is fine but you know I I really don't think I'm going to talk about it anymore because anymore who asks okay well no I just asked I know you did and in all kinds of people do but you know I saw this publicity about Lillian Gish lately and she's about 70 80 something like that why don't you get up there it's all the same with him wait until we get thing of course then it will be very important anyway she's an older woman and an actress and she gets out there and she asked even Soren Johnny Carson and I've read interviews with her she talks about making films about acting on the stage about her career about people she's worked with and in all the things I have never heard how many times she's been married whoo shoot whoo she lived with what kind I mean she's just like a craftsman the dinner work talks about her work does it leave I mean I'm sure there's a price you have to pay for that you don't get to be on the cover of People magazine because you don't wash your dirty clothes in public as my mother used to say but I don't want to I just decided it's not very nice is it I mean it would be better if I talked about I'm going here [Music] I'm very sorry about it I just don't want to make you unhappy no you name a movie Lillian Gish was in Torrance Birth of a Nation transamination right just before the buzzer to know she was married to we'd know maybe that I would remember their member she was married to Bill Cohen for a while she was Gotye forgot we have to have to go away we'll be right back we'll be right back [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hi we're back with Teri Garr later on the program Steve mizerock Marilyn Sokol is here and will get the the big salad the second device hooked up and so give you a chance to wake the kids and get some coffee down them before we turn that on so how is your how is your deal in the Europe you went over there and you did a film for HBO how did that turn out Oh fabulous it was called to catch a king luckily well it's over with now they showed it a couple times and then it's gone but it may come back to haunt me like a lot of things well you're not happy without turned out well it doesn't really make any sense I had a good time I got to go to Portugal and shouldn't notice it but it was a sort of a serious drama mystery racing thing about took place for the Nazis and stuff and the Washington Post said it should have been retitled Lucy Ricardo meets the Gestapo oops the Nazi so I didn't turn out like you had hoped not exactly this is you and Robert Wagner no no is he a nice guy a gem of a person very very nice you know in LA to have these things not to change subject you have that big hose and I only they have these blowers [Applause] thank you now it's gonna get worse wait not America in LA they have these big machines that these gardeners strap on their back and they have Moses and they they blow the leaves around because we don't have enough rain or water to actually automata Hagar so this guy Phil garner decided to get two guys together in a room and have a contest with them but that they blow each other around the room doesn't work out is it just a sort of sport for the wealthy is that sure yeah we've the age of technology has gone so far yes we'll see now ours ours doesn't blow it it inhales that device inhale now tell me about singing you sang in this picture didn't you this HBO deal sorry I did say yes I told them that I could sing when I took the job and then we went in to record have you ever tried to sing in a recording session so well and I'm singing I got a right to sing the blues and they said would you like to come in the booth and hero1 hear one they played it it was so shocking it was so bad that I did about 12 takes and they took like one or two words from each tank to paste together this song that you want to try it tonight [Applause] sure and after that I'll eat some broken glass very now we're running late here we have to go to a commercial but I do want to invite you to stay if you want to hang around to see the demonstration of the salad machine you're more than welcome I have an appointment all right stay Terry nice to see you again oh no you were fine I thought it went pretty well oh thank you very much Terry darling [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] kurz that's right first tomorrow night on this program comedian rich hall will be here and we answer our voluminous viewer mail later on in this program tonight Steve mizerock will be here a billiards champion and he's going to play billiards for us now terry is still here we have the stuff bring bringing the device in some salad and what was the problem do we know what was the matter with the big had a blockage I think we all know how painful that can be all right Terry why don't you just do it if I were you I'd start here and work your way to the tomatoes the tomatoes are unbelievable well no suckers go and then finish up with some croutons alright okay no wait a minute it's crimped here we got a look around okay now start with the head letters here [Music] [Applause] yeah get some more Tomatoes that's yeah [Applause] yeah that's very nice thank you Carrie could be it could be fun at parties this thing [Laughter] yeah right there I see that way that would have been spectacular right that was that was just amazing thank you very much now what I want to do this you're certainly welcome to stay right there though oh I'm supposed to leave no you're not you can stay right there no no see a professional can handle it so she doesn't call attention to the stakes no no you don't have to leave no it was not a mistake we're gonna do this now and then you don't have to leave it all as a matter of fact you know once a year toy manufacturers and toy buyers from around the country meet here in New York City to display the latest lines of playthings for children some are educational some are just loud and dangerous well they were all there and tonight we're gonna take a visit to the New York City Toy Fair all right this is our ferris wheel [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] welcome back to the program and my thanks to Tom Wright was the time right thank you Tom very much for help and I'm awfully sorry we had actually anticipated we knew for a fact we were going to talk to this man and the phone is still ringing so if we ever get through to him down there will at least say hello to him and thank him but no cigar for Gustavo this time how are you you're all right swinging tonight even a nice summer are you having a good summer I haven't yeah kind of a Wildwood summer I would say now what does that mean exactly when but what exactly does that mean well it's like this baby you be mine cuz it's twist in time that's the kind of a thing Wow good days okay Paul is having a wildwood summer well my first guest tonight this woman is a talented actress she was recently well not recently a year ago she was nominated for an Academy Award for her work in the film Tootsie and her latest film is first born which will be released win soon please welcome back Teri Garr you look great that's a beautiful dress that's a very summery dress isn't it you look very comfortable are you having a nice summer yeah what are you doing well I went river rafting and backpacking recently really yes I did we're nowhere knows it no yeah I knew simony or Yosemite well what is it oh my sanity what no no no I was gonna ask you where and you told me where yeah no have you ever done that before never was it fun yeah I mean I can't I was a kid yeah did you did you do a lot of hiking or just you know walk from the car to the snack shopping bag how far did you hide a couple of miles up into the hills so what elevation fine boy I can't remember where's vernal do you know what this place called vernal falls is it's out there in the wilderness it makes you be at one with them nature yeah and did you learn anything about yourself while you were out there tell me about the raft trip what was wonderful it was a dangerous if you like no no no cuz the room is very low and it's summer and just getting this raft new float down you let it take you yeah there is something to be said I think that's great now I would not have guessed that you would do that kind of activity in your free time no I probably be taking like makeup and hair lessons or something right no no it's no I didn't I didn't mean that but like I talked to you before and I said why don't you take a vacation you said oh I don't I don't need to take a vacation I travel all the time when I work so I thought well you said why don't you travel but I travel all the time when I work yeah I do I go and then it's work you know Mexico City Paris you know it's just work was this the first vacation you've taken in a while yes well that's exciting now how did you make the choice to go do that did a friend here say let's go do this or did you say my gosh that's what I'm gonna do I I wanted to go to this place the awanee hotel I hear it's beautiful it's very beautiful so I got I got my foot in the door there yeah well that's good I see you you surprised me I would not have guessed that so what are you doing in New York now well I'm doing a movie for Martin Scorsese mm-hmm is this the one this firstborn no no that was another one I did yeah why I'm doing three in a row I'm doing a lot yes I'm doing I'm playing a cocktail waitress let's sort of freeze-dried in the 60s and I have my hair in a beehive and I were go go boots and stuff like that it's kind of my look I like it and then at one point a B actually flies out of my hair that's cute thank you yeah what is the movie about I'm not sure well it's about the perils of New York it's it all takes place in one night and said this guy that just can't get home you know how it is in New York you don't know you just can't get home well sometimes things happen you can walk down the street a lot of things just happen and you can't believe it at the end of a day like six incredible things have happened so they're putting it all into a movie and people still won't believe it I bet okay but it's very fun no what about firstborn what's that about oh I don't know well it's a very it's a very serious I play a mother for a change but how many times have you been a mother I feel I lost count now let's count them up mister mom okay hey you're a mother yeah Close Encounters your mother blackstein your mother what about oh god we yeah we were a mother than that so how many of them what about the Star Wars you you weren't in that were you at least a half a dozen yeah and maybe maybe one day you'll be a mother you're not a mother all right so yeah you look forward to that yeah well I hope so too we look at one this guy is the sunglasses zon we've conduct the rest of the interview yeah if you like sure what people take me seriously it's a good look we got to do a commercial but then we'll be back and we have plenty more time to talk about all kinds of wonderful things we'll be right back with her [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] no no I slept in a cabin would you consider in a tent yes I would consider why wouldn't you I thought I'd just propose that question yeah why would why did what was that why would did you make a decision that cabin not the tent well cabins a little more comfortable had a bed and sheets and it was so was it really like camping yeah well no I think that's still very nice you got to do that thank you now what do you what do you know about what do you think of the Miss America deal see a murmur a lot of controversy but I definitely have some viewpoints some opinions all right you because you see what I think it did was um it pointed up this thing about the Miss America contest and everybody seems to be missing the point that to me Penthouse magazine and the Miss America pageant are almost the same thing you know it's like you know we are an Americans and we like our exploitation of women in a very wholesome way we like we like with their clothes on we like to drugs and baby I mean it's it's BS David that's late-night TV but it's the height of hypocrisy I mean I'm sure this this woman and I I I can't I feel sorry for her but I also defend her away because I think women are really never taught how to compete so we don't you know if you you're sort of subliminally talk when you're little you either become mrs. somebody or if you want to go out there in the world you got it you got a trial a lot of stuff because it's real hard for a woman mm-hmm manners let it go play football and basketball and there's rules and you compete in this war on this territory but women are taught to go Oh where'd you get your shoes I mean victim all right so it's not very good but when I see I generally agree with you and I think probably one day the Miss America pageant will be conducted in the nude the whole thing [Applause] German shepherds and which one looks the best it's about have you have you seen the photos in question I haven't no my but now see that's the thing that really no it's because that the winner in all this is Penthouse magazine everyone's gonna buy that magazine they all want to see pictures and that's really makes me angry because they now they get more money have you have you ever posed nude before anything wouldn't that be something well I've never posed I I have a feeling you have no I mean I I admit I was nude in some films which we know which ones were those black style you know which films did you appear denoting I believe my I had a nude scene in one from the heart from the heart there was this other movie little years and years ago oh this is the one we want to jot down like that what was that one I think it was called the moonshine war or something moonshine [ __ ] I don't remember let's know it was how did you feel about that because of course that's just the same sort of exploitation that you're condemning the Miss America for pandering to no it is not absolutely they they get it they get a dolly in the film and they say you know it'd be really nice if you could take your clothes off here and then they're gonna sell more tickets it's the same reason that they sold more magazines no I don't think so I think it's a different context you can't say thank you when you get all the inroads we're making maybe a few people will the wheels will turn they will say yeah people should be treated equally and they're people exposing women and I mean exploiting right but okay but you don't feel exploited having undressed on film but now would you undress for a penthouse or another magazine oh now what's the difference because in those magazines they just they think that women's bodies are to be photo when they're young and stuff but as soon as you get a wrinkle or old you know you throw them out the window these women and get new ones and what if they're still alive you know like some thoughts or feelings well you're not good anymore what we're seeing in these magazines is you know this is what we're there it's purely for uh you know men to look at and then they they have those interviews with the girls they're always so stupid you know my favorite singer is buried mantle I mean there I have anything about now wait a minute you think the women make that up where the magazine may see the magazine makes it up so that they are not offensive and they are not threatening in any way they are women with bodies and no minds well let's don't tell Barry Manilow well that's interesting I don't see I think you're wrong about the difference between film and magazines I think it's the same deal then no I don't cuz I think one is art what about Michelangelo painting those angels with no clothes on Luke wait a minute moonshine Wars was art Richard Widmark was in it also by the way in the 60s and in the 60s everyone was very confused I mean this is where I sort of side with this woman Vanessa because you get confused and so in the 60s everybody was doing these nude scenes I mean everybody was doing nude suits and now of course they're all sorry but I got one part in this movie it was about was about a moonshining liquor in the 30s and there was a scene in a restaurant where this man comes in and Rob's everybody and then just before Lisa's and you take off your drinks yeah well that is art now I see [Applause] we have to do a station identification all right now you're not steamed again are you we'll be right back folks [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] either tomorrow on this program Glenn Frey who used to be with what group Terry the Eagles premiere America's premier rock and roll band from California blen Frey will be here also comedian Stephen Wright and as we do every Thursday we answer our viewer mail later in this program Jim Carrey will be here and do-it-yourself demo with who Terry Johnny black well that's right he used to be with the Eagles - yeah it's a little-known fact I was surprised to learn this afternoon that you attended an event here in New York City that we've covered about four three or four times small world isn't it we both were interested in this yeah the inventor is exposition mm-hmm now why did you go down there because I like to see what people think up and stuff like that and also my favorite aunt when I was a kid just to invent things yeah what did she invent well she'd invented a lot of things she invented them onion glasses yeah you know when you slice onions and they were like goggles with um terry cloth around them so that you put them on look like you're racing through your kitchen chopping up onions so you wouldn't cry from the union's yeah do you know why you cry when you slice onions cuz it's very sad I don't know you don't know no well I know that but I mean what what what is the chemical makeup of the fumes that activates the tear ducts I think it's a much better concept to say see now I'm afraid to talk like this cause it's really negate everything I said before I think it's a much better concept to say that maybe that onion was something else in another life and that when you slice it up it's like comes back at you and yeah what would your aunt's name well what is her name her name was grace she's up in the Oh inventing upstairs now and what else did she invite she invented um this is charity to the beach people have been taking chairs of the beach for something special about it well yes you could make it sit up or lay down you could put drinks on the side you can carry umbrellas we put the umbrella up kind of like a multi-player the best part about it was that she named it the silly seps seaside son seat oh it's not really the best well but that's a great name did did it sell the chief sell any of these glasses or you never got any of these inventions as far as the Patent Office no but you know why no because she was a woman and she was scared unless you're probably right back to the same thing you're probably right you're probably right she could have done she tried is that excuse me just a second we have the Cuban on the phone all right so what should we do sue that's trying to stay here a scary - you have to leave oh we do a commercial and then we'll figure all of this out and it shouldn't be a burden to you folks at home anyway we will be right back [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Don Giller
Views: 154,518
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Teri Garr
Id: zXf9uQf6iuM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 42sec (6402 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 03 2020
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