Roll for Adventure - GameNight! Se7 Ep54 - How to Play and Playthrough

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[Music] gay night tonight on game night Nikki Deborah Lincoln and myself Dave are going to play roll for adventure a game for two to four players published by cosmos and designed by Matthew Dunstan and Brett J Gilbert so let's roll for adventure hey Dave Lincoln we teach its role for adventure roll for adventure is an adventure game with dice rolling roll furniture is a cooperative game where we are trying to win brilliant Hey roll for adventure in this case the adventure we'll be playing is the sword of saints and in order to win the adventure of starter states we need six stones that are over here innocent storage area right thankfully they're all in one place the stones does not matter we just have these six of these stones move them to here and we win or in other words all six of these stones we put out what you need the chefs as you can see it's the most adventurous player goes first no that's never actually chose here's how it works on your turn you are going to take all of the dice off of your card and you are going to roll them all right you are then going to place one or more dice all right you want to wire to do all these things pandemic flashed when you is it is a time Dave would you place dice the only requirement is first placing dices you can only place dice that are of the same value all right so from the role that I just did I can place a two or a four or three fives or two fives or one five I don't have to place all three fives if I roll them all right so you're gonna play a die and let's say for sake Margaret I placed a - hey look I'm gonna put this two over here where it's a two and I'll explain this in a second if you have more dice you must reroll them and then you must again place dice and you're going to do this until you have no more dice in place all of your dice there is a one exception to that which I will get to later so let's find out what we're placing dice and how that works and what good it does let's start here in the desert so the desert can only take ones and when it has three of them they're right when you place a third one in the desert which could be maybe you roll three ones then one of them moves over to the enemy spaces and the other to go back onto the players card alright whoever's ice they are and I say that because let's say at the end of my turn it looked like this and then on Lincoln's turn he rolled a one so you would placed it there Lincoln as the active player could choose where it goes which one it goes over here it could be one of mine or his let's say he puts mine that goes back on his card this goes back on my card dice on your card cannot be be rolled because beginning your turn you take all the dice off your card and right on the table and then you keep rolling them so your own dice can never be rear old again all right when this has three ones on it one of those moves to here everything goes back to the card and that gets us a stone right here but that diet is probably devoured by the desert and stays there for the that is the desert alright next is the fortress the fortress is where the twos threes and fours ago and again you can when you place them they go in their little appropriate spaces when four fours ago here this barrier is removed they actually for moral reasons they put in the store yes I don't know why and these dice are all returned the players go back in the card you can no longer play for is there all right when all three barriers are removed that gets us down yeah and all the barriers magically returned okay all right in that resets okay okay the forest in the forest we are adventuring down this jungle path the forest can each of these spaces can take either fives or sixes right again you can't place a five and a six because you can only place numbers of one value but you can place five here and then a six here and then a six here and then a five here it doesn't matter and the minute you reach this little didn't want to call this they don't call it a barrier they call it something bub minute you reach this little marker that gets us a stone in the marker then moves to here mm-hmm and then I move to here and then it moves to here so it gets progressively harder to get that stone all right that's how the first works the ice cave the ice cave does not get us any stones but it gets us stuff the ice cave wants up to six dice of a single value in each square so if you hold five it goes here and if you roll a one it goes here you do not have to go in order when a six they can just go in any available slot if you are the active player you're never placing more than one die in this space right because two threes don't help you here if you place the fourth die in this space you have a decision to make you can then cash those out or you can wait if you place the fifth die you can cash them out or wait and if you play the sixth eye you can cash them out and then you wait hey what do you cash them out for well if you can't wait after the sixth sign well the six die you're gonna catch them out yeah thank you I just whisper PA yeah so if you catch them out when there are four dice there then any player who's part of the four dice will get one of the is craziness these are bonus dice that you can roll alright so if I'm here and Nikki's here and Link Infinite and Lincoln plays a die and then he rolls again he plays a die he can't if you want cash that out and if he does that Lincoln and Nikki and I will each get a bonus die your diet has not in that array and that Eddard I will just stay there it can be God that's a good reason to wait right so cash it out so that maybe they think it's to die because it's kind of fish already can be gotten later it's still there and they'll return I'll explain both dies later but the point is and you can have more than one of these you can get a bonus die on a turn you can get a bonus by later on another turn right it's not one per player necessarily it's just that's how many you're in the thing so that's four for dice if you wait though and cast out into five dice you get the bonus die plus you may defeat an enemy you may immediately defeat an enemy these enemies I haven't explained the upper they're gonna come on and be bad of course because that's how cooperative game work and if all six dice were there then you can distribute bonus dice to the colors that are there and defeat an enemy and you can reset one of these damaged skull markers all the way back to the beginning okay all right that might be important yeah because if any of these four reached the end of the game is over I'm in this or deed okay so those are what those do hey Dave you said enemies let's talk about that so there's an enemy deck here I have not set it up yet but the enemy deck is six cards of enemies for all four areas and they are three ones to choose and one three so there's one desert three theres two desert twos and at the end of every turn after you've done all your dice placement the turn goes take the ice off your card roll them keep rolling them till you place them all and then you're going to turn this card over all right the first thing you do when you're trying to cut over is you're gonna check the number of value in the top corner if there are any enemies still on the board that are lower than that value those enemies all attack not just in the forest in this case but any then the current enemy will also attack here the tree trick is gonna do it's gonna pull a single and a single six from this board and then will shore it up so it's a cohesive path again all right if there is not a five but there is a six with the other way around then it will just pull one of those all right but if it can't pull any dice that takes damage okay so the damage only happens if there are no dice for the tree strike to grab okay let's see if I okay this minute or so that's a three which means it's going to activate all ones and twos on the board hey here's a one so this is now going to take a five and a six and then this is gonna show up and it's gonna take a five and a six and maybe there's probably not one but now and that's gonna take a damage all right this white wolf that's a one so it doesn't activate anything else the white wolf is going to take the highest single diet can so if there's a six it'll take the six if there isn't a snakes will take a five and like the tree strike and the Minotaur they all work the same if the enemies cannot take a die then that area takes one damage let me just go through this the sand devil all right the sand devil is going to take a single one die from this row only dice here are safe but if there are no dice here to take and it's no take to take some damage that's if we plan the B side of this board which we're not playing okay we're playing the a side of all the boards okay and the fortress villains a single two is single three of single four so one from each area again that may only be one die if we haven't filled up all of the areas and as long as it takes one die there's no damage when dice get taken they go here into the vortex of oblivion all right and they are a lot there and cannot come back unless we release them by placing dice in the vortex of resume okay the vortex of resurrection works like everything else in the game you can place as many dice there as you want on your turn but only have a single value so if I were to roll this I could place this one or this three or both of these twos or one of these twos and if I placed the three there I could roll again and now I could place this five there right you can as long as you keep rolling the minute the vortex of Resurrection adds up to 10 or more face value then all the dice in the vortex of Resurrection and the vortex of living are returned to the cards of those players so that's how we get dice back okay the exception to that is the bonus dice are essentially one use dice so when a bonus die is play as long as you roll it it's yours but the minute it's placed somewhere let's say it's placed here or it's placed over there or I haven't explained how to defeat these yet but the minute it would normally be returned instead of returning to a card it goes back here where it can be retrieved again if we fill this up so then question yep are there rules whereas as they're taking these do they have to take the ones furthest along like how do you choose whether it's a bonus die or you're die it doesn't matter because those dice are all locked up anyway until this thing is finished right so it won't make any difference it wouldn't I mean depending on whether it's your die that's stuck here or a bonus die no it won't make any difference okay and last but not least how to defeat enemies and enemies are another place you can place dice so if I roll this one two three four five I could put this four on this tree strike or if I roll two threes which would be nicer I can put two threes on this tree strike and the reason that's nicer is when an enemy has dice on it that equals six or more it is defeated and it goes away so these would go back on my card and this would go out of the game okay now that's so now you know this is just defeat an enemy it just goes away and as I said this is a reset of thing and that would be the fact that this is tougher than this mission they're all six and that's on your little this explanation return card is fantastic now I said remember there was an exception to how your turn could end before you roll all your dice and that is that in fact I I actually sent a wrong thing earlier I could not place a 5 on the resurrection in religion and then place a 2 because the minute you place any dice on the vortex of resurrection that ends return which makes sense because I realize it would be too easy to get dice pretend yeah yeah there are two ways we can lose the game the way that will likely happen I guess is that one of these will reach the end and then the game but the game also ends if at the beginning of your turn and you have no dice on your card to roll oh so that might be a reason you might want to save one but again even if you have no dice if they're all on the board there's still three player turns to get this back to but this is like the best way to guarantee that you have dice because once you've placed you're done rolling right so if you're nervous about running out of diet then it's a missed opportunity maybe not placing what I really am placing your diet all right well last but not least so I said I needed to set the deck up the deck is going to have 24 cards in it right six times four and we're gonna break that into three stacks of eight you're gonna divide them up into three one stacks gonna go and then on the bottom and then in the middle stack I'm shuffling in the master of Shadows and then covering that up at the top when the master know it's bad the master of shadow comes out here's what happens the first is all enemies on the board attack I'll reveal that I'll make an attack then the master of Shadows our attacks we roll this d6 this d6 has one each of the territories one side that shows all for treasure and one side that shows nothing we want them nothing if it shows a territory that territory takes to damage you if it shows all four territories they all take one and then the master shadows is shuffle of course you can never be defeated yeah and by shuffling it back in it could be the very next card right hopefully it won't be a plan not to shuffle that badly but hate the master and that is the entire game except one more thing we all have a special all right for demonstration purposes we are using the for suggested that you use for the first time you play so Debra why don't you read yourself I get to defeat the master of shadows I'm the adventurer once per turn I may roll all of my newly rolled dice one more time the new rule applies you must reroll all of your days ok so I feel like that means on any of my roles I should just choose to re-roll but I have to do all correct may I suggest you rotate this or whatever to remember that you used it all right I am lost I am a healer I may temporarily forfeit one of my dice to reduce a 1 damage in any territory place the forfeited dice on this board but you may not use it again this turn then really remain dice so it goes if I want to reduce the damage here I'm gonna take a die and I'm just gonna put it on the board basically okay Nikki what do you got uh yes you may defeat one enemy with a total of 4 instead of 6 however you must put at least one die on this enemy yeah so that make sense still giving up a dive no big deal you know it's what it were you don't give up a dime when enemy is defeated it comes it welcomes back to your board so that's pretty good yeah well you're a fighter lover not a fighter yeah I am a ward I am the warrior heartache heartache there we go ok dudes bang yeah it's the sir now does the band know so once per turn you may place two or more dice with two different values on one territory ah one enemy or the vortex or resurrection if you place more than two dice you must still only use two values so you can place three dice but only but of two values or four dies but two values right yes three or four value it's just so you could place a four in fours and threes here on your turn if you wanted to in one mate but again only once and that's another way of ending your turn early but getting extra dice in the vortex that's also another way you could keep your bonus today right like if I roll this and I placed a 5 on the vortex that would mi turn these would all go back at my car and the Baathist I would still be with me you tell you place it on the board right ok 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Plus this guy you'll have them all right let me do it it's just terrifying ok just do this guess which one I've gotten it out of the warrior yes ok then this goes on top here we go this is the deck scandal was anything yes yes alright adventurer who oh right I'm the adventurous one alright so I start by rolling all my decks easy enough okay I have two threes a four or five and a six so I could place two threes yep pretty powerful give it give it a start sure why not I don't know we're doing we don't know so there's that and I want to do in a fire okay so here's what you might want to do yeah you might want to see if you could place on all four boards so that whatever comes up we don't get I wasn't gonna say yeah so I could basically fill everything and I think yeah cuz then a five could go there they have to be roll now yeah that's right that's right that's right up well then in which case I'd like to do the one yeah I think that's alright don't lose ya loser die but we won't his damage thank you gotta go it's hey this is good it's the desert room and it's a big one so now the three can't come up which is nice alright we there's our one that goes to the vortex of oblivion dun dun know oblivion idiot but we do not take damage your turn is over you did not use your power on I've already forgot what it was oh I could be wrong all right here I go I'm the healer I can't imagine I think I power this round so all right well uh should we just move along but we don't need to fill in something so different it's the ones back okay let's put the one in for sure right yeah okay just in case that comes up all right yeah but for three I guess three if you figured it out I'm a healer not a not a dexterous this person definitely dexterity ish ish this is bad can you do the five you only do the five I know what do you guys think well I would like to get my dice back I know this one I'm there's some days oh you have no dice yeah that's what I'm saying no dice she must we must fill it fill it at least down something in so I can have dice back but you know I don't you okay I have no dice we lose right yeah so that's why this is one way you can get dice back yeah maybe I'll go there three basically I'll just came okay I didn't know five I'm thinking of placing the five in the vortex actually right then another five and it keeps the dice I guess yes in this back right it keeps your diet you keep it die for safety yeah what do young yep okay sorry I have or Tex this goes here let's see what happens here hey wow the three that's fantastic all right but to know a three hey and four so just for the sake of argument let's get rid of mine they're not Deborah's that gives 40 chances to get dice back and that's my turn okay all right Nikki done done did you break it up yeah okay what do you mean break it up just do two or three s if you want okay so there you okay so that barrier goes away and those days go back on the players cards so you keep those going your card goes behind your car and it's still your turn and I rollin it yep and you can still use your fighter billing right now oops to defeat a thing but I don't know that we should defeat these threes yet not yet if they're ones gonna be one thing right here's another three well you can't place another three here there yeah sure we're not or what's the six doesn't I think this is better right move sure why not it may be a bonus well give us all a chance to get a bonus tight I never boss dies four per color no place the six Vegas mm-hmm on here or here I would say over here yeah okay yep but you have to keep rolling yeah you always have to keep rolling again all right so the three can't go here right and they can't go here so it has to either go on an enemy okay or on the vortex of Resurrection all right do we want an enemy or do we want because I have two online rings I think the vortex yeah cuz I'm with you though the for all the 3ds are ones yeah the the threes can't be triggered by future enemies right whereas the one there's held there yeah we've gotten very lucky in it no there's only one three in each color and then while the two of them have commanded very fortunate then I guess the vortex right yeah one tick so that's an eight now yeah yep okay and you didn't use your power yeah there's a question about this so I'm wondering about rules about in what order our dice get eaten okay because as we were whether it's my dice or your dice correct changes drastically where we go so yeah they're all right so we didn't discuss this it's a great so that's a great question and we actually didn't break any rules because I was the one that put that dice there right uh-huh all right it's the person's turn who gets to make the choice all right oh so you get to choose so since the enemy came on my turn obviously it's a we can discuss what we think is the best option but all even regardless of discussion all actions are out to the act player okay no cool we thought it was like the freshest yeah yeah we all right just a monster here we go that was Nikki's done here comes the monster hey it's the cave troll so we lose a five the highest numbered world bank and the cave troll can be triggered because there are two more threes okay so we need to attack him I'm just saying there are two more threes in the deck they might be on the bottom of the deck I'll do that okay ooh two sixes yeah maybe this is gonna be hard right we want to kind of do that one it's gonna get hurt it's only gonna get harder cuz they stay there until we or a one they stay there until we clear this well no in other words once we do it it then becomes run harder and then one harder than one harder but we have to get stones at some point right and that's what we're gonna get four of them one two three four five six right well no we can always redo these over now okay this is not a one-time thing we can redo all of them over and over and over again okay we'll do that okay and then we'll again you can place the sixes as well if you want that's just wait that's your power that's right that's true you can place the five and the sideways I'm done answered your net you can place the five and the six with your special power yeah and then you need to roll not a to the other one not a one well cuz all right so hey so our text all the dice there and here go back to the players my gosh okay thank you thank you and at the end it's not I wish you were all right well we got nowhere over here so we ticket all right Deborah okay it's gonna happen it's got like ghosts or description man ghosts knives okay ghosts not if you go there with the one we're a 5-1 here to start writing stuff along yeah are the five oh yeah they're I think I might do that okay so a one here you get to decide which die gets moved sacrifice my die to move over so thank you guys go back to your cards yep oh yeah I can't remember I can we roll all right five can also do that or this is gonna continue along that oh and I guess I could defeat but we're cool with those guys there's nobody's yet which has been nice to know you can do something there so we're covered yep okay three now I have a rear old every role sure and we have stone PO do we didn't move it we haven't done it yet nope whichever one you want oh those go back to your card that goes back to your card that goes back to your card here amid builds top okay this guy doesn't come up here yeah oh yeah yeah it's one of the other that's a one I should probably all right here we go my turn all right I don't want to six les121 I'll roll the six again right sure yeah do you think why not us common oh let's do this Deborah's not on there though that's why I kept trying that's fine okay this could work out what are you do 100 5 105 there you go okay now I have to decide before I roll again I think we're gonna do this okay I don't I don't think we have to worry about the damage so yeah so Nikki you get one of these and Lincoln you get one of these and I get one who's that I cannot roll but I can defeat any enemy let's get rid of this yeah that's a great choice yeah these go back on the card back on your card decking the card all right six let's do that so this is die there and whatever that is is going here just in case okay so like in Nikki's situation before where she rolled something she couldn't place yeah if there's nothing in the vortex can you preemptively sure sure I don't see why no only when it reaches 10 or more does it make it yeah it doesn't matter what you're always place on the speaking of enemies oh yeah you know scary all right to here does this ever Philip if we don't defeat them there's six of them in the game and they can all just be over one two three four five six so after the next to the next one in theory could be yeah master of Shadows er Oh alrighty key yeah you're Terry master including the granite shadows hey we got one of six downs this game's gonna be hard yeah pretty much there's some threes yeah yeah yeah two ones know if we're committed to that then we should do it we should probably only do it once though because when we fill this we should probably never do it again it kills a die right yeah that's right it stayed up there for the rest of the game but if I use this what happens to those on the board goes on the board but then it win it when it would normally be returned to a player gets returned here where we can get it so it goes back to the pool not back to the play of that place nokay presumably could you kill it yes absolutely good that's the one we want to do it thank you Amy if we can anyway really got an interesting idea yeah hey I can do once if you want you could finish it off you could all right let's do that okay so you go ahead which die would you like to move over permanently your card okay sorry oh you don't roll thank you hey you want to place the ghost one there but we could lose that to the model I'm not fighting monsters or should I be trying to maybe get anything I think the ones are the ones we have to care about the most although we have tutus here now yeah if a three comes up I see I see is if you want to go for it it's totally up to you if we want to try to choose a weird ghost I think although that would be lost if it went there if desert monster comes up right now we take a damage yeah because there are no dice their leaves you might roll two more ones sure yeah come on one it's fine all right you can defeat a monster if you want yeah good idea maybe hear the - yeah one of them just to get rid of it yeah look they'll all fire when the master status comes up right okay so what happens if you put it on the monster okay if it has six or more which it does you don't get to use your special power in this case but okay but whatever six or more that goes to your card yes that's right cuz of four that could have done that fine then we turn this over here we go Hey because we're no dice no no dice now this could be a problem yes right yes they're cute though all right come on anyone she always sees bats flying around in our neighborhood I know they hate it all right anyone one I don't use that one use the red one yeah and how one gets perfectly moved that goes the card goes to the card hey move over I think it's more important maybe to have our dice here baby from the vive yeah these are easier - yes I'm very ready I don't know sure I don't know hmm rump well we need stuff over here when you tell me something kid if I put something on there I'm done when I you know strongly on the resurrection so we want to kill that whatever yeah yeah that just dies anyway put that back on your card cool can I keep it as a trophy yeah that trophy if you okay and I can do is there something else we want to kill no but we want to put a four or something I'm gonna put a die here okay cuz this is where we've got damage damage right well then let's do the four it's like the one thing I can gesture to six you do a two and six right with your special thing I think I can do them in something over here mmm-hmm on wintery another one a result on one I can place two values on one but not on all right yeah weak nice to have two here in case the shadow sure guy shows up well my problem is it doesn't matter the to remember those guys take a two and A three and a four oh right that's how about that yeah sure that tells that yep roll again okay so this basic is killed and this goes back to here in theory yeah hmm five yep that's what it's going and at least I have two days do you think better one yeah I would say here yeah sure let's get to that okay card here we go right right are there any ones nope we lose one of the dice all right and then we lose a five and a six oh okay boom Forte that's easy enough all right all right Deborah lock up at two fives on there and get them back right away that would have turn get that that would end your turn it would you could do that but maybe the three the three yeah or one of the fives is it a real big decision on that I'm ready because we're in the master I'm so focused on him we're in the master of shadow zone right I feel like I want something on everything yeah so this this person can eat third won't eat so you said we should ignore this but we kind of need to have Dyson I'm there eventually yeah yeah it's a movie in row and this seems really hard yes although it's got a lot of places you can placed I say well you know what I'll do I'm gonna place two fives on here that can get another Green okay one right it's okay saves us better than a one-off I'm innocent I like it I like how you're thinking yeah you could place one three you could place both of them you could kill a monster oh that's right I could kill a monster yeah and they go back to your hands so you have to dice just cuz this is they're not coming back for a while yeah we need five more fives and sixes if we're lucky kind of want to maybe kill the cave okay well go for it I think so too okay he's dead my gun poor guy he's gonna one single eye when they're ready got rid of his number dying the - all right here we go what before I roll what do I want a roll what can i wish i yeah I don't even know what I want right I guess I want three fours we want to get out of ya befores nice bag yeah yeah three threes is so useless let's let's just do this yeah go get three more two more berries to be wanted do we want I had your bets over there sure why not right just in case yeah I can't hurt right come on or maybe no maybe not or maybe a to smell the shadow guys gone okay oh you look he'll oh yeah here we go it was a bonus right yeah yeah sorry thank you you are correct all right everything fires so misfire true there's one of these okay Wow just fine as far as we lose it for it's your turn it is my choice uh I guess it should be me yeah you don't have any dice oh but that's all bad all bad this fires that's gonna be okay but my stuffing ability is this is good believe that that's pretty fantastic all right Nikki yeah okay hopefully to fours tutus and them five minutes mom teaches teachers tutus yeah okay try to get something that's good right good progress at some point I'm sorry yeah count that there's so listen for war yeah the four yeah I think anyway I don't know I agree cuz maybe you were one for hey or and we've got backup yeah okay okay ready yeah this is good yeah what color is blue for you color yet not till we get the twos good right that's right yeah that's right now I think it was yeah oh right no not quite I roll it up is a all right it could go all kinds of places I would yeah okay get some well I only have three days so here we go hang on don't write them up oh you back hey and it gets rid of this all right this is brother James fun hmm Wow not a good roll nope well maybe one of the maybe a three here just to yeah make sure there's something there it's better than what I was thinking so okay oh so I have a suggestion but go ahead and use your power and place the two and then place the six thinking like can I do that where's the saying it says other than one Tara oh yeah I can do that you're absolutely so and my turn ends if I go here it might be worth it yeah I think it is although because look I'm hoping you never can get there as well right okay I mean the only thing is now I would have for to roll yeah and start no I think we need to agenda we need to do this because it's gonna replenish a lot all right these are you'll have four days five I get all five my nice butt off cool and hang on wait wolf went to one hey there You three goes away geez letlet yep don't forget you have reroll power if you want it and also planes are well maybe I will rear all nothing's obvious to me I mean all right so well I've got a little extra power I've used my power you know that okay sure why not well yeah but they're all the all yours over there Wow my six I think I see something yeah yes do that yeah mm-hmm desk to the puppy Android which I can do this yep here we go here we go wouldn't a fired vampire bats but you didn't know that one of those twos goes away alright here we go don't even want again it's for those games where 5.45 can never sit boy or twos yes put two twos there alright two twos come on one more - yeah alright do that are my dice [Music] alright the barriers all returned this way though if we're gonna do that okay alright at least a six please how about not I'll take the five and put it here and that too will go here all right I'm gonna get rid of that vampire bat I just feel like it's the thing to do oh no she likes the bats tree strike I didn't have to kill the bat as it turns out alright one of these fives goes away boo all right Nikki yeah thanks sure if you want to I'm sorry justice it's like I am a fighter I can fight what you can spend 60 take out that tree well just a single floor mate no it's a four I can just four she can use of force but remember you can we place in one place yeah so you can kill that with a floor right now if you want to yes please then okay you've used your power you can't use it again this turn okay exhausted two one six hmm well those are all up again so we need something where the herring sand dudes know they're in there somewhere to get some ones over but there has no damage yet like I know that's something that I focus on it I'm just saying Wow well I can put one in there to help with that okay issue sure cuz the sand dunes are probably coming and then well this is the only one that really good right so far no we defeated one didn't we sixty-six here sure wait do I do we want to do the resurrection the resurrection I don't think we need to do that yeah right now we're okay they said I'm safe I just don't you know right yeah yes that's gonna tie me up well if Lincoln maybe let's do this yeah oh all right one of these one of these the highest one goes away the one goes away come on Nikki gray you can do it ah you can do it is still gonna think I'm going okay person are you okay course if you roll the one of each I'll think you're even the better person green green tick - boom boom Wow what is it to get gained life back these yeah only I can do that or we get six here that it completely resets to zero okay well so I almost feel Lincoln as a possible suggestion that you might want to just completely fire this yeah but I only have four dice that won't be able to how fair enough I'm feeling like too many dietician also yeah vortex it's one of the ways we can get Debra dice Debra dice we don't want her today okay this is bad right like you almost want I want all five of my dice on my turn but I almost want to get them back on your turn so that they're still doing right good well they were all yes I'm thinking add some thinking's four or five and then do their power and then hope and then place whatever I have here cuz I can place two values here not anymore you've already used I've done it once this is right turn yeah just roll in one or a six okay sure now try it if you roll a 2 and a six great and if you don't then all right okeydoke okay here we gonna have to place so yeah yep that's as good a place as any I think this is better we need all this back hey take a damage yeah one day you can roll hopefully it's a 2 or a 6 and then I can roll it twice if I want yep it's 2 or 6 yeah yeah I would say do it so yeah definitely let's kill the one yep so and then do you and Lincoln get a great eye as well nice all right here we go we're back in it three all the twos fire first wood demon yeah finally happened there's nothing there so damage and then roll it up what does it do we take one for roll that no that no oh three oh shut your eyes the shadows yeah yes and now is not this I might have to sacrifice a digester okay okay what do you think guys and we have no die I mean we have to get them out okay I can do it now but it ends my turn it makes no don't do it now as do I put two fives here do I just play something somewhere to five there thank you two fives you think yeah well good because then it'll just try to get this moving it's so hard to get this done so every night you have a great guy that we might be able to maybe hear that's actually great please no no I can place another five there let's do it let me commit to it right yeah yes or double it up oh my god what do you want everything on the back he will because we only need two more fines well but also you don't we have enough dice here that we could potentially unlock all those I'm gonna roll one dice I realize I'm gonna put those in the roll everything yet which then immediately kills four frees us right yes yes okay that's good yeah it makes the most sense what I really wonder what was like a pair of one so it'd have to be 406 come on - there's no one's in the boys hey we take the damage Wow that's alright we rolling up Nick okay thank you for freeing my dice yeah it makes the most sense oh sorry no worries no regard for gems so look at all those fours you could put three fours you could kill something doing want to kill something well the master of schmidty's could come up at any time sure manganese let's put the four really okay that three fours 3 floors no foreign well 5 to kill something with your special care something with my special power what do we want to get rid of what's a good or evil - I think I think you need to commit to that probably okay you know right okay and I just night for four or five or six sure come back three mm-hmm hair so sorry yes time here we go at Levin's oh yeah it came in all that wait a minute are there even any more - there's one more three right I don't know I know my look cuz I feel like that's cheating anyway alright Lincoln that was not a six um but I will put that there okay he's come into it I like it you got a six okay yeah sure just an online you need one more come on grace or you die come on great I know Wow okay uh well let's do one here oops yep uh-huh that makes sense protection one here yeah yeah although if you put the grey one there then you're not participating well that's right I mean this is likely gonna go this on the other hand this is likely gonna get this is the nice chance to get triggered right but it's okay doesn't matter I'm hoping to roll a six dude okay my dream is here not happening so maybe now great I hear there's no sense of putting a two there no or put a two here just to build it for later for Deborah well I hope you can roll up six it's been I did if she put a cheaper than she leads a for only or for for that mmm I don't know or hear either one seems like the right way to go come on yeah dragon okay I took a lot so we go back to later this goes to you guys just to me which color would you like let us what's let's go uh purple where is it no let's go this we started out it seemed so it's useless I love games like this there they wrap up right now all seem so smooth you ready yep - it's here Oh healer this game can be over yeah I roll this thing this guy goes away plus a hit this guy goes away plus a hit and 2 4 is going well 1 for 1 alright Lincoln if you rule green anything with green on up the game is over hey great hey Greg it's it it's too good sorry yes - thank you Wow alright Debra okay so what are we gonna do here we need to make sure they're a dice they're nice here yes that's the problem with clearing it but I'm glad you cleared sacrificial it's okay I mean I have to 6 that battle yes do we want to build that up again yes so hard but this oh you try to 6 or right you're right you're right he's coming again come up no more sixes two fives six and four I kind of don't want to put the lives that's right no but lets you know that I agree agree come on - fours - farts - boys - guys I cannot believe it there's a tiny put survived here what like on the guy sure it makes no sense to put it here because I lose all four correct five here fine go right here and get everybody Oh interesting sure why not boom everybody gets a despot okay yeah that's good because it doesn't know it doesn't leave you with one dollar so character yes I'll have some stuff all right if this is the master shadows the game is potentially over it is not at um there's no one's yeah we took a hit man all right here we go here we go okay okay two ones there's a one sure to ones just to some protection you don't want to put two of them I'm just doing that for protection I don't know that that's our best use of none of these are good they're all really that might be our best use now right I'm saying like yeah but what are we gonna do about this are you gonna sacrifice the dice I am yep okay see the only one I agree thank you yeah that's my special power okay is that if you didn't have another one sure right now yeah you get him Luke Luke yours isn't me right hey dude it's once per turn it's that's a once per game kind of an powers like well here's a dice permantly for the rest of the game you know I'm saying it's once returned its creative all right I'll do this just to be there and then whatever this is it doesn't matter it's going here I am using my special power and I'm resetting this to zero why use that die for the rest of you we're just gonna have him do that first I might have to yeah that's how coops work sometimes alright this time they scared me so say with dark shadow party she thought it was a mr. shadow me I did the master shadowy with that's not okay say - it's tough I almost I really because we could lose two we return depending mean we may be to the five because of my power I is a four but I could get rid of one of these there's a one yeah you could do this you could just try to fill it I think well with my power I think doing that to get rid of a thing is silly because I can just put a dye there and be done it doesn't just care of a thing though it gets gets a green it gets three of us was only two dice but it gets two dice out into the game that might be worth it at this point like you have a decent chance of putting four there maybe five I think you're crazy okay I have said my piece now I'm just giving input yeah you know what to do it yeah I doing a fire and now you want to try to roll one more time one more gives us it to kill you can kill like that one of these or the one right here sure roll again because if she rolls at four or five or six that kills something there's a fantastic put it here yeah okay two on the bats I'm sorry bats no that's what the card we go Sandoval does not fire that but we lose one there okay okay so now we have to kill some of those or put dice no I'm sorry oh yeah wait this is bad yeah alright just get a 1 or a 3 or a 1 and a 3 Wow bunch of fours why not yeah oh is it of course oh yeah oh yeah yeah you know what let's do that I mean it's only a third of the way there right but it's those dice will be yeah back and play okay and then the back on the card back in the card fine Lincoln but whatever three is what we need or a 1 and a 3 would be fantastic avatar 5 and a 4 that's not that one in a 3-way you can kill this with a floor okay one two three what are three about the final reporting it was not a one or three I cannot help but know can you do with that okay that's bad though it's gonna get lost all three of them will get taken I feel like you can handle specialized techs yeah yeah sure crank it that's gonna have to well there's the game right now do you what is it it's a master spinning Oh games over really yeah because we take four hits here yeah even if you'd killed that it would still love it oh yeah I felt like risking it because a wonder if three you could have killed it right all right I know what we were trying to do and yes it didn't roll up oh well that's an object you made late to not place three fours it took it took rerolls away from him but you okay yeah it's true well we got but we also needed stones I mean yeah we're still a little bit away he's there for me and it was getting tight right yeah cuz do you have Dave keep doing that these were both getting I would have done that if I had to yeah what do you think it took me a little to get into this but then when I got into it just wrapping it has that what was like why and what but other than that no but once I got it more like okay I see it it's really fun it's fast yeah and you know it's just you've got a special power you can use it once but yeah it's very basic stuck with the numbers and you make them work and it's simple to the point and this guy coming up more more often as you get through this day it is crazy actually sort of see I didn't think of that right away but like as this deck gets thinner eventually the deck is just the master so to tell you but hopefully get crazy make it well so they suggest for your very first game events that you play side a and then you use these and that you only do five stones but I said come on it says though if you played cooperative games before then do six downs so that's what we did but yeah I might have played differently maybe right if there was one stone left to win we might have just said let's just all hammer the ones if we can do it yeah yeah that does seem like the easier way to get to someplace although you need what one two three four five six seven you need nine one one well these all came out these were still in deck this is why they were all coming out they did not come out early in the game you need nine ones but you get dice back as opposed to one two three four five six what's dumb I was convinced to go ahead yes actually this gets this does not get progressively harder this gets perfected progressively harder this is always really hard yeah so it does feel like this is I thought it was gonna be yeah at first I thought well this is easy well it also has the most variety there's a lot of dice to commit to yeah what's your die I think you're right it's if you've got you get him back yeah it's just funny cuz I was I was committed to I was I was just just gonna kill these right now I don't know that I would have been able to do it but they had that six right you wanna do if I'd done a bunch more sixes on that we could have survived you know all you had row wasn't one or three to kill one I know I know like Rory is bad right still isn't three bad no I'm seeing one or three wood right only kills one of these yeah let's see was in the deck so so we had so we still had one more three but it was there well we don't know where it was because I would have reshuffle but yes if the three had come up then all the choosing ones would have fired and that would've been betting but but we had what was nice was we had the big numbers early yeah which meant that we had the ones later in the game and maybe were wrong maybe which we were worried about specializing I had the same thought you did which was I don't want to lose multiple guys but maybe were wrong maybe taking that chance maybe putting two threes and fours there even if you lose three because of it the funny thing is you just resume should have resented this one actually this one was here it was bad I know I know yeah but that one net that that didn't trigger and it how many green cards were in the deck right I mean obviously the master of shadows as bad words 102 oh there's tomorrow who have been terrible because I thought we'd had a lot of the green come up but we did not so these are both awful for us yeah that one was perpetually awful for us right it's a weird balance instead of moving that die over maybe I should have left that as to one's right and is this dying untouchable in this position yes okay which is good if that were way right you could never do it right very horrible there's a lot more subtlety to this than you actually think you really do need to think yeah what you could do to mitigate the type of this type of disaster right this is definitely an awful situation and I would have had to definitely kill at least more than one for sure right to be able to do it yeah or dedicate some dice you know and that's just it if you put dice there that's that helps you to not have to kill something right no I know that why is it not there only once - right you know which is that is the tough part I think Deborah says they're harder to get they aren't really any harder it seems like it's seriously exactly it seems like either one that you need is always the hard one to roll so but I love I love this kind of game I actually think it's the matically pretty well done - like there's some cool thinking going on here and I like our special powers the healer one is rough though yeah - have to lose a die it didn't actually come back to haunt you because that we were done but it's funny though it's too bad you it's once per round you could do that so you could keep doing that yeah you have to mean it makes sense though right and you're not gonna use it too late anyway because it takes a while for damage to build up right so losing a die latest later in the game yeah that makes sense but now you have to forfeit there are these are the ones that you start with there are six other powers in the game comes with ten thief if you've completed a task or subtext you can take back up - to your own dice and use them again and we roll them the Avenger these are all once per turn if you defeat an enemy you can move all the dice used to defeat it then to one or more territories okay so you can distribute them to other places that might be a way to not try to kill with the six but you try to build up dice on something once per turn you can free one die of another player from the vortex of oblivion just one but you can do that once per turn once per turn you can turn one of your bonus dice to any number so if you have a bonus die you can just make it whatever you want mmm summon our Plains frost runner you can move anyone die from the ice cave to the territory where you are placing one of your other dice so that's kind of cool right you can put two fours here and move it to over a four or whatever and the sorcerer once per turn after rolling and before placing you can place one of your die on the vortex oblivion and turn one of your other rolled dice to any number basically once per turn you can freeze up a die to not be used and turn the other dead of something else which could be the last two dice and maybe you turn the other one to a six and put on the resurrection and get them all back wonder if this hurt us though although we never it wasn't like we didn't really nice here's the deal it has to be some buttons one yeah this is harder to get back than your own color die right and if you have to flip these over oh yeah well say because there's only six spaces or you're only filling four spaces the chances that those are going to be one from each of us I think is slimmer than there being yeah okay so the desert in this there in the box but you put these little chain tokens out so you put it you put them on these spaces and when you make a row you take that chain you move it to the other side alright and every time you move a chain you clear those dice and you take us down okay so and you are I think allowed to do two chains at once Wow so you can make so if there's a one here and one here one here and you place one here which completes those two I think you can move them both and take two stones but to only a2w right remember everything that goes here yeah goes away this sort of works that same way when you know maybe this is the one you can do more than one up maybe you can only do one of these a time I don't remember but these you just fill up with any numbers you want doesn't matter they are except that no number can be adjacent to itself before can't be next to a four etcetera but if you have 12 these do it as you complete it yeah but you can have three fours in there if you want right right and then when you decide to fire it you collect everything that you've completed rows or columns why so this is obviously take the damage back this is moving damage back to this is too great ice get assigned to you - these are these depending on the colors right that's defeat an enemy and that's take I think a die back from this is sort of interesting so the way this works is you can start either direction this has to be a five this has to be a six but then these can be finder sixes when the two ends meet at whatever point they meet at where's that little stick that we had right here thank you and everyone put you meet and whatever point you meet at boom okay so this is where they meet then you need a three and that guy goes to the Oblivion ah as well and then more texts before Jacob Lee and then that's done but you get a dim but it's always one two three four five so it's always seven days to make it eight technically right seven plus one amazed and then yes that's just those subtasks just work on their own gosh that one looks hard to my gosh really is crazy yeah what's the difference between like yellow that's a good question wait so the way this works is it's not as simple as you thought we have one of those barriers so there's more barriers in the box bleeding boats that they be ordered when you place 343 to release down dice go back in this goes away it's there and then we replace the venue yeah that's Wow okay yeah this side B's hard these sides are all supposed to be harder right I think that's great are you a nature can I decide here I believe you can do it everyone I wasn't sure you know if it had to be always love writing on what what you're actually trying to do right yeah that's me well they've thanks for teaching us you're welcome Lincoln and thank you for watching gay night have you subscribed to gain night or perhaps like us if not consider it and if you do subscribe click that little notification Val to get notifications all right thanks [Music]
Channel: BoardGameGeek
Views: 38,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GeekUsername:heccubus, session, board game, how to play, show me how to play, How to play Roll for Adventure, Show me how to play Roll 4 Adventure, KOSMOS
Id: ucCvsVNub74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 53sec (4133 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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