GameGrumps: Best of Sonic Unleashed

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oh my god it's not a good least Sonic Unleashed the [ __ ] is that on the right side of the screen bear hug oh stop and then you can't be serious where's the hog he disappeared it's all I got leaves wait before we start I got a joke for you okay what's brown and rhymes with snoop who dr. Dre see I already knew that yeah you know well thanks for humoring me yeah of course okay well I was excited about this is a humorous show after all yes lovely reminded me this is Sonic Unleashed and the best part of it the weport Wow amazing all of you so my god that penis is headed straight for us this is Robotnik ship oh my god are you serious where does he get all this money I know that's a huge that's a massive ship that's a yeah it's a serious undertaking well he builds he oh my god I'm here and dying coz I can't breathe in space Wow I cannot believe the sonic franchise sometimes it's just so over the top in the best way possible these cool looking at me so cool his eyes are very reflective oh oh [ __ ] mind crystals I just thought of something oh no okay I will [ __ ] you with MySpace page you know oh it's becoming quad dick prepare for penile extraction I want me to turn into like a [ __ ] like a dr. Manhattan ass oh yeah creature he just floats around a motionlessly it is 1985 I am with my wife I am with Amy she is not happy with me done what exactly Wanek for werewolf sonic listen [ __ ] you still still not gonna address the fact that he's in space and he's a hedgehog it's definitely gonna be burning up on reentry a space hog whoa it like exploded I love space hog that's pretty cool imagery and his band that da-da-da-da-da watch this I select file i/o is this man Ryan for you looks like it wanna please Ryan sweet dude hello it's it's it's Chim Cheree I could eat this mmm some meat on those bones it's gonna be somewhere - [ __ ] it looking for holes oh there's one yeah yeah you're stacked don't eat me I taste bad you could tell cuz there's an onion on my butt oh you can fly anyway time to find tails so we're playing the superior Wii version I uh oh my god oh this is so ugly that's on the Wii it's great hey hey I'm gonna interrupt you running was awesome yeah yeah Oh God looks like a lot of the budget was spent on that opening stage one complete next time I gave no okay gotta play a little more I've like that one moon metal hmm do you have friends besides Brian who have kids no no yes okay yes cool yeah this was the first year where like a lot of like my high school friends are you done continued pleasure like every now and then that just checks in with you like hey how you feeling you you alright alright it really looks like oh well nevermind I put this yeah it's weird it's a perspective that comes more when your friends it's your friends doing like the dadang but it is weird how it's like every father will be like yes god I love my wife and my two beautiful children and everyday third one it just yeah just an incredible blessing well that's what it is like I just once I wish like I wish I could say happy Father's Day to someone and he would be like well you know wasn't really planning on having a little Johnny but I goofed inside of my girlfriends it happens [Laughter] make sure that's gonna happen next time that's what follows inside of you oh that's sweet goof-goof juice give juice when I conclude where do you want me to goof see did you feel the tremor good thing my house is okay guy looks like glass Joe at age six say did you feel the tremor good thing my toilets okay since the earthquake the whole town has turned upside down did you feel tremors good thing Kevin Bacon's okay do I know anything about you only that I've never seen you before I can't help you but I'll bet the priests can he knows everything he knows everything and everyone he's the greatest guy in the world he's conduit to God drink this kool-aid have you accepted Jesus Christ into your personal and Sonic's like the trailer they showed he though he's been preoccupied lately something's on his mind maybe you can help him out to come all this way may I direct you to oh that's right it's that way sure which way too busy for that yeah those riders on the edge of town there's 70 edges you cannot go deep inside but enjoy are we talking about the same thing sorry they switched the dialogue with your girlfriend you better not goof inside that's why I don't want you go deep inside I don't trust you goofy you look like a gopher sorry I didn't forget what B was wow this it burns him alive good I'm reading some some sonic X's Elda fanfic jam and a little little let's hear it buddy okay hold on this is from max acorn wrote Zelda and Sonics day out we are not making fun of this we are merely enjoying it because I am [ __ ] enjoyable I mean yeah you're right maybe she was attracted by his courageous spirit and this is like halfway in oh yeah yeah he skipped the foreplay yeah [ __ ] that a vast departure from the people she normally deals with the princess didn't mind they were a good match for each other although they were noisy at night because samus's room was right next to hers no we're just friends so friends can [ __ ] so I max a corn you are all right so what friends get [ __ ] who remember anything yet no well you'll remember that I don't know you Oh God [ __ ] dialogue is so bad the [ __ ] is that powering there's a windmill powering oh no oh no no what's going on Taco Bell go over there if you're gonna fart I farted woah so that's what happens when you hold it in and there's sperm mister I'll help behind sperm I would make the argument that during the apocalypse ice cream is more important than ever yeah Wow my wife left me my child was hit by a car even my dog ate some of my ice cream chocolate and everyone's Jed but I'll make you some ice cream yeah gotta make a living somehow so one Orange Julius please hurry it up because it's wide open from [ __ ] could stimulate my prostate oh say the world's worst Jamiroquai song [Music] it's bleeding constantly Oh God Oh do we start the episode this is in the episode okay alright alright we're here hello hello welcome welcome back to game grumps it looks like you're murdering like really intense versions of below instead we were too mature for this game please kill them running out of time don't not time depleted yeah I'm running out of time oh no oh I have to get rid of the god [ __ ] alright just die for Christmas sake oh boy and then swing the Rema there we go oh that kills them instantly great it's almost as if they wanted to create something we could teach you that Wow stick it stick it stick it in your butt cheeks welcome back to where hammer more beat him up whoa we only just met today yeah why don't you try grabbing it oh wait what what I guess you have to hold it got a climb holy [ __ ] [Laughter] oh no I love it that's a good mechanic [Laughter] [Laughter] dude I've like it's you're in that weird place between like laughing and crying [Laughter] y'all right back the sonic guys arms just no no physics it's it's so weird oh are you are you watching the stand I watching home playing this game right now it's super intense working do you want me to record it - oh yeah hold on just check it out let's just see show the audience what it takes to play Sonic Unleashed you ready for this guys you ready for this I have to show you exactly what combat looks like in the real world not in Sonic world but the real world you going okay go right Add I'm not even looking know how you play the game how you play it I only got hit once I think we got hit once and I'm just whacking away well whacking away nothing to do there I did it oh I made it I said it at once but I'll say it again there's something magical about Sonic just I just love it oh [ __ ] Oh plot its tails tails no we're gonna pull on your tighter no tails a big ego boo-boo oh my god what are you five we're gonna kick you with a groin and bog you on the head about fast you know this wouldn't be interesting at all if it didn't have charming ass chimichanga in the background who the [ __ ] is that the play all the plants literally broken the tornado one I can't fit you [ __ ] idiot yeah I didn't see her plane right there so I didn't think about it it just goes like boom and he's like boom yeah ready to the windmill like wow they're going out on a beautiful and there were no residential that's it somehow the professor's research then jag man and if it does then his notes will probably give us a clue let's see here we are a mysterious hole and noise away from this doesn't he just kind of have that look on his face like I you could learn to love me as your dad if you just give me a shot yeah with the claw okay cool let's get our hair looks like nobody's here let's go back sonic well then why'd you [ __ ] make it yeah why'd you make the hunters home just nobody [ __ ] there who cares let's go to the holy tree holy tree this trees got a lot of holes in it no people though let's go to the shop that's where everyone is middle of the night and that is so in sight kind of lonely huh Sonic oh my god program a game in here people hey Sonic isn't that the whole tails was talking about not confirm or deny I don't wanna I want to get into that about tails isn't he like on a rage look there's the mysterious hole so I stuck this up my anus I can tell you about that good moon on Uranus and this is my great granddaughter she was inseminate [Music] my granddaughters wives brothers stomach that's how they do it yes not if my stick has anything to say about Oh Sonic fighting for equality everywhere yeah Here I am white devil there were just screams and runs away you're the Wonder core Sonic I thank you for coming to our rescue I am quick the village elder I am fell backwards it's cute I feel like I should tell you right off the bat that I am a potato we got this from a mood wheel you are both heroes for saving the village how can we you here for the world's fastest creature he does take his time yeah well he's being cautious could be where was I keeping this to be a glory hole [Music] restoring its power can restore the power of my sideways mouth middle Wow oh my god hey what is this a [ __ ] radio play hey I'm gonna bite your head off here oh yeah Oh is she into him at this point she's always into him oh yeah you're cute too she like cheats on sonic with him oh yeah is it but you're cute you want to hang out you wanna [ __ ] one smash one of those things where it's like weird gray area Alaska can now be selected thank God it's Alaska sounds nothing like another hole at Hawass whatever ha ha my friend yeah yeah go ahead make this joke my friend gave me a mixtape oh my and I had real big fish cherry poppin daddies and that Oscar boy say aren't you the seed we ate yesterday just everyone who's not no no that's not it let me think everyone is not generic and white is it Indian that's how people are to you Aaron what don't state the obvious business right there all the guy from short circuit but like trying to sound like an older man god she's just saying can I interest you in the Church of Scientology by the way have you seen my husband for him where could he be oh we're all working my husband is he with that's not Mary well well visitors tourists nerve and that doesn't happen very often what's up [ __ ] brains Aaron just had two enormous scoops of peanut butter I'm buddy ate raw I'm feeling feisty now I'll bet you are and we're playing the game that probably when it was about to ship the person who originally conceived of it played it and was like that is it done cool so three months of work left and yeah we can we can ship this ship yesterday Oh God okay doesn't matter I'm missing every every every ring situation I'm just missing yeah it's hard to steer well that's right I can drift it's hard oh it's hard to steer what do you think I said the hardest dear Bambi is the hardest Bridget are starts Friday wait an nc-17 yeah adult audiences only can be to their revenge you playing yes of course you do Aaron of course he [ __ ] oh yes [Music] go Mischa girl it's a stupid just immediately stops to like it's gonna finish breaking it's just like [ __ ] you doesn't have like a little thing where it's like slows down and Sonic's like no I'm gonna show this guy just ice get it like justice oh I got it I got it oh no no no oh sorry that was me thank goodness wow that was a mindfuck okay why am i playing Sonic I love it why am I playing Sonic again oh god I hope I hope you play this game to the end and then immediately finish the BlackBerry head well we could alternate between the two yes let's do that every other day oh it until it's just a blue blur sonic god damn we're Hawk long-arm having [ __ ] [ __ ] cleats you might as well like right at top speed might as well kill everything that's on the roof so you don't feel pressured to make the run we mode like and the nunchucks simultaneously I could shake your arms like happily like a newborn panda like looking for bamboo kill this thing I don't want a wiggle anymore oh my god don't want a wiggle no I don't want a wit my arms are tired and I completely get that I just it's like whenever enemies show up my arms like preemptively hurt yes you know it's like when you cease our food and then you're like your mouth starts yeah it's like that but with pain interesting and I just I just don't want to don't want it anymore I want it in my life you think there was somebody some kind of like personal trainer like therapist that was like you know what I think a good piece of therapy would be to scream Matt Ryan would you mind playing that again but jacking up the scream suit thank you my god it sounded like his [ __ ] family was killed in front of his eyes it's so [ __ ] funny man oh god this isn't janky at all no like if if sonic were a living creature I bet this is the moment where he'd be like why my games why always this I'm so popular and successful why me boy these enemies are just super memorable yeah and inspired and just like you know they make me want to like pick up a pencil and start drawing yeah it's just like wow how could they come up with such a creative design like something were the artists like he got a call from his wife and she's like I need you home right now it's like all right - something off it's a circle that's on it yeah okay cool and and the boss is like I love it when make it the only enemy in the game he gets home and she's like it was a spider yeah so I went on a diet right which I'm taking a slight break from cuz I'm travelling but so I was like oh I gotta cut caffeine for the diet but then I found out no cuz they make Casper this is the only music in the background just like as soon as wait man I think I think one came up wait I think I think one came up when you were destroying the wall like hold on I'll wait for it just in case it happens that way try yeah try breaking this wall but wait I sure hope there are no jazz bands waiting around here you sure hope for wrong things oh god I [ __ ] love it wait why didn't you flop around like a dog that's like on a floor that was recently waxed too much it's what the [ __ ] [ __ ] are you kidding me with this [ __ ] goddamn air man that got house and I [ __ ] you're I don't know why this floor is so slippery it's because I'm a wolf dude that's how all the floors are it's funny and so all the floors are when your wolf oh they're blowing you off because it fans your biggest fan wow that sentence was so [ __ ] real I mean yeah no you know I want to try it a fun little thing before we start this episode with you please do um so there's you know predictive texting on your phone uh-huh I want to do a predictive text with you okay all you have to do is write in a little thing like a little prompt and predictive text on your phone where it guesses what the next word is and you only select the middle one right the middle one is the most interesting one okay so so like for example I'll type and it's tailored to how you speak to me yes okay specifically you it'll be different if I text it to Susie or something interesting so if I'm if I'm saying I want nothing more than to then I'll predictive text okay I want nothing more than to say I don't have to be the only one who knows me too well I don't think I have to be the same person who is my friend but I'm sure it will and the other one is a great man Wow I would have never known that something was afoot that send that to you thank you water look at the [ __ ] moon it's just a texture that they wait explain it's a square image of the moon oh I couldn't see it at first yeah if you look closely everywhere you can see in the space is cut off a little bit on the side that's so funny oh come on guys oh my god he's gonna kill me oh [ __ ] how do I get help oh it's rings rings are held oh my god you did you just fit don't know how do I get health six it's like playing a Mario game what the [ __ ] do these mushrooms do well sometimes they well the I guess they always but why is a rad Fenix yeah what else cuz you put your hands together what the [ __ ] motion as soon as the burp take over alright Dan cheer me on this is the last moment ow I can't get up there to the camera keeps [ __ ] up why is the camera doing this why why is the camera doing this I don't know just okay it looks good whatever why is it doing this maybe it's intentionally being hard what why is it doing this this is so stupid okay there you go oh you need three what the [ __ ] is going on with the camera now I'm trying to [ __ ] - I put cocaine in your ass so you I would walk around Tokyo and it would just be people speaking Japanese then suddenly some guy would be like I have a pen and I just feel like it would like [ __ ] bridge gaps man it would create new friendships that's so great we both knew the same thing that's so great where they amused they're like an American no yeah dude it was everywhere - it would be on the train it would be in [ __ ] like Disneyland that'd be in line at Disneyland and they'd just be like you know just be a company of a language and understand and then suddenly like well you haven't been regular Sonic in forever I was just regular sonic in the last level not Bill's like twice in a row even no people are saying like oh you can plug in the GameCube controllers like no no no you don't understand that's not why I'm doing this weird [ __ ] I'm not doing I'm not trying to make it easier for myself right this is [ __ ] some good [ __ ] here enjoyable gameplay right now you [ __ ] Phoenix [ __ ] ya got over the neck you you [ __ ] yeah I wish there was a way that we could just get like like a link to all the people watching even though it's not live people can watch it at any time it just would be cool to see people watching us ever all of their faces every single one if only there were way to do that just to get everyone like almost in one room just to see all of them watching us at one time thing gonna be slightly intimidating in a live manner you mean like our live shows almost as if we were onstage performing for an audience of like roughly 2,000 or 3,000 people yeah we we do that all the time but like what if like a magic but could you do you think is it crazy right funny how friendships can be so influential right thank Oceano what a centipede to crawl out of his mouth just look like I don't mind that the ways yeah just things are all wrong [Music] what's wrong hands Jesus oh my god she like that was like somebody explained the hand face rolled Oh God deviled egg devil ray we were both way around how the [ __ ] did we both miss read that let me see it again egg devil ray it'll show up again look oh yeah I could see how I thought egg devil fry you that you said evil Devils today so you're clearly on Cody right yeah so true all right ah [ __ ] alright [ __ ] it up didn't we just see this before okay available for 59.99 is it even color cool I'm sonic milk me for all I'm worth [ __ ] cow Sega milk me the second continent I've got nipples o'clock I have a question for you Dan ask me the question would you still love me yes yeah I get I you found out I gave you a secret h JS every night there's no such thing as secret HS wait it wouldn't be a secret now what if I was so good at giving you a subtle hidden eighths J's ha ha that salsa like the worst way you could pop with this hand job just rolls off the tongue yeah but it's like so cumbersome very awkward no bumps so good at it that it yeah I just I make you jism your tummy tum I aim it up at your tongue you're disgusting me and that would be funny though if you were like a like a superhero that was so amazing you're so so amazing at like giving h JS that like it's J yeah yeah like dudes just think they're jacking off but it's actually you second give me an extremely fast finishing move it's super dude yeah we know like no I wouldn't actually what really yeah like game groups would be over yeah actually if you found out that if I know that you were molesting me in the night yes it would be over molestation it's just an HJ between friends two bros two bros non-consensual eh it's like well you know it's like you clearly like it cuz you'd smile mhm a girl named like you think it's a girl because you're dreaming and it's you're getting an HJ so what if I just had mmm a girl I love you a girl named you're just like and I was like whoa this is should I wake no I wouldn't be caught here right I've left the door open for everybody so if anybody ever wants to be like a [ __ ] destiny to the Destiny the Bell electric blue electric desta loo [ __ ] I wish falling off a cliff you could actually be like [ __ ] and just like tighten yourself and like go up an inch but then you continue to fall your death [Laughter] everybody gets one jumping out of buildings falling you could clearly tell he's never used to spark before audience if I ever go too far with making fun of Sonic you let me know all right don't let you now they do yeah I think like I think the day we started doing Sonic Unleashed I got an email that was from somebody that was like don't dot dot dot and that's it but I did of course he did did have you ever seen this gif of Hulk Hogan riding a motorcycle down the road well it dude Chuck's a dog in a river in the background [Laughter] alright Matt Ryan please put that in you're such a busy guy we haven't had any quality time together why would you affect me don't you [ __ ] me like you used to [ __ ] me I've never [ __ ] you before why don't you [ __ ] we've never [ __ ] a me I don't know what you're talking about I can Shadow the Hedgehog whoa dude these people are too young for you to be talking to hey hold it you guys look mighty suspicious me and my sister or the pretty committee to preserve peace and sham the pretty committee yeah oh my god I'm starting that group the pretty committee just as I suspected there was a temple of Gaia somewhere here in Shamar as well unfortunately I am as of yet unable to pinpoint its location that somebody flips up his high breath my location but surely some of the townspeople will be able to help in that regard and if I discover anything I'll let you know as well now make haste Sonic I was worried about she was Sonic so I came to help with a professor I want to do something to help in my gigantically disgusting hands maybe what about my monster feet you should get a tattoo oh you should get a tattoo that Lake is perfect for like weight fluctuation so like I'm trying to think of what a good example would be a penis yes so as you get as you get Joe gets [ __ ] dead yeah that'd be amazing if your only objective is not to break the pot why even like hit the speed things no whatever wasn't turning I was trying to turn and it was just going straight just believe me why would I run the headfirst into a [ __ ] pot I don't know I was about to ask you the same I'm not dummy okay I might be [ __ ] flippant and surly constantly but I'm not dumb [ __ ] stomach if you put a stethoscope up to it I what I can never remember the name of it what's the valley for dashing is the same isn't doing the [ __ ] like zip to the thing I didn't understand a word of that but judging by your frustration it's not your fault everything in this game is wiggle yeah it's just wiggle so I'm trying to look at look at this I'm just falling over why no it just goes super slow because I'm timed but will you fail from time yes I'd only have a minute I have to do this really and I have to do this to get on top of the goddammit it's [ __ ] stupid wasn't it a different button the dash versus to [ __ ] do the thingy [ __ ] no it's nearly nightfall here in Shamar I suspect the darkness reveal more clues but it'll be dark so you won't be able to see them do you think sonic shits if he does it happens very fast fast you really used yourself with that one huh [Music] y'alright iron are you gonna be able to recover from you yourself bringing up the question of whether sonic shits or not well he's like fly long figured out be miles from here I would not be okay with watching that why are you all proud of us was she an attractive what era do you are you okay wow you're the choke you are laughing really hard what what uh was she an attractive one oh that's too bad since then dad's been feeling awfully low he's at shallow waters shallow waters like code for depression unclear grandma's house Sonic is it will you be kind enough to go over and talk to him yeah sure yeah I'll run your [ __ ] errands for you you [ __ ] piece of garbage kinda shallow waters this guy's a loud little dramatic I think oh my god what are we having a four-year callback to sad Hoshi within the last two or three episodes you have definitely hit your limit on this game I think no man yeah oh great gonna have to drop a box or something [ __ ] [ __ ] you would do this would this is just like your sonic development third-string okay good you learn a different song for [ __ ] sake hey could you play um some Miles Davis sure oh god forget it how about some Zeppelin ladies up alright maybe I'll just throw some [ __ ] at people here [Music] really all right just go for it just kill him oh you got an item Thanks yeah huh okay it's just it's just nonsense is with this game so janky nonsense oh here we go go yeah get hopping in this club yeah turn it up turn it off can't get it up for that one right turn it up oh man just clear yeah you barely hear me music like crazy also we're trying show pipe down [Music] we're doing the show called game grumps my name is Aaron my name is Dan yeah oh my god [Laughter] glad trees dan oh my god I know oh my god I know you're gonna have to start over again ah yeah yeah it's pretty gross I I'm just gonna go to Shamar God everyone's face is awful in this game oh my god well you're done they just want me to go to had a bath yeah you're done I'm not done okay I got earrin to talk to not a tear in his pop you know the old man is on yes son all right he's taking a liking to me sure now he's in [ __ ] palm tree square this is such a weird wild goose chase to talk to people you just talk to this guy we're broken man we are this game has broken us what Dennis the Bettis took one episode to do Sonic at least has taken 37 or whatever this is hey can I tell you some really cool thing I told you via text but I'd like to share this with them with all the lovelies as you know our our star has been rising a little bit nope you know people gamegrumps and NSP are starting to become known on an international scale which is super exciting and I was in Little Tokyo the other day and I got recognized it was really exciting because I got recognized by a japanese couple clearly like like from japan just visiting here and they were very excited I was walking by and I heard the husband leaned over to his wife and say he said it in like hushed tones but like just loud enough that he wanted me to hear and turn around and talk to him he was like do you know who that is that's a Kenny G saxophone I can't believe that's real it was the [ __ ] best and I'm just walking I'm like immediately I start to laugh I'm like but I can't turn around because I don't want to like I don't want to I don't I don't want this guy to realize that I'm not Kenny G uh-huh so I just kept walking but if he had come up to me and said ask for a photo and an autograph I would've absolutely Oh 100% and and like written I was like playing thinking about like what I was gonna write I was like like keep blowing love always Kenny G oh so yeah like that was a key boom dude check it out check it out watch this it's like no barrel barrel barrel oh my god I think you have to throw it at him to extinguish him I know okay what I'm just saying excuse me all I'm saying is no barrel good lord man Ryan like what you know I love them whoa what's going on every time it always goes up way more [ __ ] up than to do them and it's like it's such a weird mixture because like on one hand guys please for the love of God but on the other hand I know that's only going to encourage them oh yeah go the opposite direction and I can't give them [ __ ] about it either because it's kind of like giving a hard time to your waiter who you know is taking your plate back into the kitchen with him like he's in control of your food so like the or the more sauce I give to Matt and Ryan the more [ __ ] up a monstrosity my face will be I think it's 42 nice yeah where's that line from the sonic DX I think it was with Eggman when when the robots come to life he just said we made him say something crazy and I can't remember what else I birthed you from my mind vagina I was in labor for months with pinky's dude I there a certain that I like things that I think back to just a random episode from like three years ago and I'll just start giggling alright this buki is ghost story the other day oh yeah did you yeah this is a really spooky I found it on a friend sent it to me but I guess it's an old post from 4chan this from a couple years ago so maybe some people are out there are familiar but whoever isn't I hope you find this as spooky scary as I do I'm gonna read this word for word okay man and girl go out to drive under moonlight they stopped at on at a side of road he turned to his girl and say baby I love you very much what is it honey our car is broken down I think the engine is broken oh no i'll walk and get some more fuel oh my god okay i'll stay here and look after our stereo there have been news report of steers being stolen i believe he meant to write stereos for good idea keep the doors locked no matter what I love you sweaty again I think he meant sweetie but ya spelled it with an A so the guy left to get full for the car after two hours the girls say where is my baby he was supposed to be back by now then the girl hear a scratching sound and voice say let me in oh the girl doesn't do it and then after a while she goes to sleep the next morning she wakes up and finds her boyfriend still not there she gets out dude these are so funny oh it's my favorite thing that I wanted a toy of Wow look at that concept art it seems like they put more effort a Satana minutes yeah maybe maybe seconds even yeah Wow looks like it was doodled on a cocktail napkin look it goes like that and then it goes like that done we're done we're go home everybody I watched a little bit of The Wiggles yeah would you think uh pretty good right you'd watch it if you didn't have kids the UM they were singing London Bridge is falling down and and III granted I've been applying these lyrics to a lot of songs and different types of music but like my dick hello it's always my go-to but wouldn't somebody else does it yeah it's special yeah why I do it all the time because I still think it's funny oh god this is this is so nerve-racking yeah [ __ ] waggle my waggle god oh god oh Lord thank God you landed on this low down low down 40 that move is a killer literally this is not fair okay please be careful I won game you're so janky I love you why don't you ever use your where wallop I do all the time Dan you just don't even know you don't even see it you never pay attention to what's going on with my life you never look at me during I'm always using the where wallop you're just never looking at my direction I wish you'd look at me like you used to oh my god you'd look at these buns and go mmm I'd like to put my wiener between those but why do you never look at me like you used to with the wii punchout oh god it was that it was that a gag in that playthrough no I'm just trying to think of something that was like two years old no I had a day off the other day and so I'm made a list of every unfinished big game grumps playthrough I could think of what you silly goose oh dude but I also made the list of one-offs like of games that I used to play when I was younger one was Willow for the NES oh we should totally use oh I love that music like dan didn't and dan tan tan tan tan tan tan in it I never played it okay [Laughter] Arvin you're my best friend you're my very best friend I mean you're my best friend please don't ever die that was ridiculous I appreciate it you might have to slide down oh boy I don't know jump-jump-jump No are you [ __ ] kidding me Wow [ __ ] oh man can you jump from there I don't know I [ __ ] welcome to the best playthrough of any game ever created it's called Sonic Unleashed a great game fantastic game one of the best it was founded in 1976 by a man named Carl Sagan yes Carl Sagan one of the greatest thinkers of our time greatest thinkers of our time as I like to say no one likes to say what was I talking about Sonic oh Jesus how are you feeling Oh take your hands off my [ __ ] Amy you can't help it close to die I won't I won't risk it I won't risk it I won't risk it okay I won't risk I won't risk it with some brisket oh here comes here comes here comes you're doing good you're doing good no teeth no teeth Wow hey welcome to game girl hey how's it going we're playing Sonic Sonic in the Sun yeah we didn't we didn't expect to play Sonic Unleashed today it wasn't on our schedule but hey you know what Zelda's adventure is such a [ __ ] unplayable garbage fire that we had to stop for the night and get three extra episodes done and so we're just gonna do some extra Sonic Unleashed oh yeah keep this party roll Oh jungle joy right this is exactly what I needed oh you need the beach level dude yeah I need I need nice colors and happy time what's nice cuz you just get to watch I get to deal with the frustrating news yeah that's where physics work sonic physics uh-huh well you leveled up I guess that's a thing in this game that's never sure has that ever I don't know okay I don't remember if you like the Rings have never exploded out from you either this game has just been a blue blur yeah you know what my favorite thing that you dude in me yeah is is your referent you did it today you'll reference something from a gamegrumps episode that I said that I have no [ __ ] clue I'm just like I said that like what yeah the thing that you're like oh yeah maybe someone I can't remember what it's from I just have a very distinct memory of you going it's so funny I just can't remember what's wrong maybe it maybe someone at home will know I don't know either believe in your version of it's making me laugh we've been doing it all day it's pretty wonderful hey hello hey oh hey ba ba ba let's do it let's go feeling it take it slow and slow Aaron I'm proud of you thanks man happy birthday and next time I'm getting crumbs I mean at some point somebody's gonna watch this video on your birthday that's that's like a broken clock is Right 2 times a day yeah it is and on those 2 times a day I look like a genius I don't know a Ben come on what you just put in your mouth you think I would [ __ ] you you think I would [ __ ] you in here come on man of a [ __ ] lie I didn't even bring that out I wouldn't [ __ ] you in here aside it definitely won't [ __ ] you alright wow it impresses me every time except it doesn't mm-hmm I don't know about this one man it's really [ __ ] stupid what are you leaving yeah I won't forget you either thing I won't forget you either most forgettable side character hey not even kiss get back here I just remembered I don't like you oops forgot I could do that you just eat them sorry werewolves so I got some reflective eyeballs oh yeah that makes one of us I can see you're changing in the window check it out titties stop pointing at me wow that's rude your laser fingers hurt me again use the Disney point really yeah yeah you're gonna have to pull out all your sonic knowledge cuz I mean now shit's getting real trip bonus jib book trip bonus collective I mean that's it right like there's no yeah there's no going to other countries we're gonna block low man we've made it it for the goal yeah alright well there's gonna be a boss after this stage I just got today who's gonna be I wonder if it'll be Eggman no Saul Eggman demo may be Metal Sonic oh maybe middle Amy oh my god in the middle I would [ __ ] die holy sonic team are you listening there better be metal Amy in the next adventure oh god is it a boss Ron its Larry [ __ ] face forgot about Larry [ __ ] face she was Larry Larry Larry so scared always [ __ ] my face that's his jam dude yeah he's always doing me into it as promised we are not going to complete this playthrough without one more diving into the the very unclean pool that is Sonic fan fiction and we were running chlorine in that pool wood yeah yeah this is a powerful algae oh it's good green all over yeah so since this playthrough is sort of like was become defined by the fan fictions figured it was important to get one last one in there before we finish it up and oh sure let's do it peach licked her lips with a seductive look on her face a sonic takes peach and bend her over all fours position spreading her legs wide as he start to rip off the bodysuit expose holy crap what that where's the foreplay dude also I didn't know peach is wearing a body suit I guess that makes no sonic tilted the part of her thong to the side exposing her vagina just jumping right in aren't you so sonic inserts his shaft inside her and starts to thrust himself in motion pumping his shaft inside her well yeah what else would he be doing Sonic even drilled himself inside peach going deep inside the princess having her screaming and chanting her name wait she was chanting hurry Bambi's beat beat no I think she said having her screaming and chanting home you know what I actually have long wanted to sleep with a girl and scream out my own name oh yes to see I'm coming Oh Sonic give it to me don't stop now peach moaned ah you got a nice ass peach I forgot to tell you that critic all right you know what so we got the idea we got the idea so hey you've got a great ass so they finish good sonic reached his hand down to Rosalina's zipper of her bike suit that he zip it down unzipping Rosalie his suit exposing her cleavage wearing a blue lace bra Rosalina notice it and smile lovingly at Sonic she begun reached down his crotch caress it gently feeling his chef hardened up to its full size please don't add sound to this area so much worse sonic go easy with me this is my first time Rosalina requested a sure thing you want me to get on top Sonic inquired no no I want to be on top if you don't mind not at all your request has been accepted I remember I once said that to a girl the hottest thing that ever happened to me Yorick your request has been accepted once it is inside completely Rosalina soon begin to move her body Oh Sonic it feels good Rosalina moaned you like it Sonic acquired thank you yes please continue do whatever you want with me if you insist ninja Brian right I mean it really feels like if you insist Sonic resume fondle and groping oh right right right it's it's like what the [ __ ] what am I supposed to do nice and slow nice and slow this is Sonic I gotta go faster of the game okay so I think this is the part now yeah my god I did it oh I get past this Toby I have to do is hold up please be careful I'm trying Oh No just-just-just it's okay go slow no no no welcome - oh god no please don't start it like that oh yeah welcome to being co-opted and you st. boom boom boom light like that boom boom boom now let me hear Steinway oh well oh boy only thirty more rings to go that's easy I got like ten here fling yeah baby [ __ ] yeah look at this look at this Wow the slowing down really worked yeah hey man sometimes it's Sonic you gotta take it slow sometimes you got it go slow yeah I gotta go slow man gotta go slow okay okay you got another time bonus damn it okay you're fine everything's fine slim hips like a tommy gun oh I can never drift out that can never drift it out you know yeah it's just like drifted out drifted Adam I was on it I felt through the ground oh okay sweet this is great yeah just you have no rings so be careful dude all right like that was kind of [ __ ] right it's okay so get a minute still get a minute just stay right on the pink [Music] the Wemo we had facecam you also at home would see us wiggling it and we'll never do it god dammit dude I was right there [ __ ] sucks alright next time here we go I'm just not good enough this games great focused yeah focused like a locust except for that faceplant right at the beginning in the middle yeah I'm not now I'm like what the [ __ ] I didn't even know what was happening geez I just spawned and I was already holding the controller going if you die like right near a respawn point it's really not that crippling do the hickey on your neck do I have a hickey on my yeah you looks like you got a hickey bro you got a big red mark on the side of your neck oh it's probably cuz I was scratching it Oh probably all my Ebola can't just say yeah I got a hickey yeah you actually have to say I have a crippling infectious disease whoa oh that's that's silly that makes me giggle no it's fine it's fine good fine this is this is the first Sonic game where I'm not gonna have a breakdown no I mean this is the last episode not cat no it doesn't okay a breakdown is when I throw the controller and yeah and and pace around the room that that have I a little that happened two episodes ago did it yeah no I guess I blackout this is gonna be this is ever gonna be the Sonic playthrough where I don't black out with rage oh it happened last time I guess I black you know when there's like a person in your life and it's like everybody likes them but like you saw like the bad side of them oh sure and then you're like oh boy yeah and and and then you like see you talk to the friend once and it's like yeah like the talk about that person and you just kind of like by default or like ya know they're cool yeah and and they're like oh man I don't know if they're cool and you're like relieve me to thank god oh my god when did that happen with you [ __ ] therapy yes oh my god oh wow now I'm not crazy yeah exactly exactly that's exactly what it is Sekai everyone thinks they're cool and I'm like I had that one situation I'm like I don't think they're cool and nobody believes me but you see it - yeah it's like that but with this game man you must have been in that position a lot that came from a very real place oh excuse me oh gosh [ __ ] this is making me have to poop no what the hell it's okay it's okay what the [ __ ] was that 25 seconds left 25 cycle like you saw that yeah yeah I see it oh god you can do this I'm so trying I'm so trying we're back and it's happening is it happening it's happening there's a lot of faith in me I do deserve it actually do have a lot of faith by this point oh he hits me he had he has some [ __ ] like orb or something yes he did what am I supposed to do then do not know I'm gonna fall to my death if I don't hit him uh can you not go up that thing I have to though don't I like maybe if you like go near it it'll activate him and he'll blow his wad like this dude this sucks that she old man he waited Wow I could have done it the first time but he needs the second time are you [ __ ] kidding me right now oh that's a dick enemy god damn it dude this [ __ ] game is great it's awesome really giving me lots of joy and things to talk about with my kids when I get old they're gonna be like I'll be like here my kids God it's been a while since we played a Pokemon game forgot about that hmm she was you weren't feeling Sun and Moon were you not really yeah I don't think the audience was right there yeah hey dad have you been like on this whole time I mean we have the choice we kind of feels like it a little bit okay we'll just put all this in then I mean well I guess it's up to me we're not really that [ __ ] different when we're on the show and when we're not on the show well typically if I'm just doing it we're just like on your phone and I'm like just silently over here yeah yeah weeping and masturbate yeah I'm so bad I got it yeah I was pressing the wrong button I'm a [ __ ] idiot yeah you have 40 more seconds than you did before [Laughter] sonic be here alright sorry to hear [Laughter] it's like TV static Wow [ __ ] you [ __ ] you you [ __ ] radical radical rex [ __ ] oh thank goodness gracious you got one moon metal sure oh my god did proud of you Erin okay so the blue bar is is whether or not I can be resurrected if it's like full oh god yeah you remember this I actually missed that jazz song yeah everybody does every time I fall asleep I'm like I wish I could hear that jazz music right now I do I hear it at night I'm like I'm like Alexa turn on the jazz music from Sonic Unleashed and it's like she's thank God Alexa turn it to ten perfect come here come here you [ __ ] bees the bees are [ __ ] nightmare the bees are a nightmare they just they just they go around I'll sting II I don't even think they sting me did they just think me I couldn't tell if they stand me staying me what's the past tense of sting stung they staying me rub some Stang on it yeah yeah yeah I'm a strong boy strong man with my strong arms and I've got strong friends and my friends support me because the strong and I'm strong as a result of them supporting me who's the ultimate bad guy in this game it's really not Nick dude okay you don't remember the cutscenes with them yeah I do I I guess I just checked out I meant of all like these like blue monster creatures oh I don't know the cap Robotnik its Robotnik's evil manifested heard something idle it's everywhere it's all the shits he took over the years they finally read he's like whoa all the shit's I've taken did you Larry in you Charlie they're like yes we're all back and we all loved you what a weird [ __ ] idea you can't so much about you and you left us for dead you flushed us right down the toilet whoa what I thought you were just pieces of [ __ ] exactly don't you think that would have made us feel bad man you put a lot of thought it would be a good opportunity to link let it out yeah you want to talk penis about Muse I don't know jack penis about music that's what I said is that a fake name on your shitty fake ID hi jack being a side penis jack penis I'm definitely 21 I'm 30 right I'm 21 years old there's my fake ID so I can get some booze and then they're like why would you say that you come up in a trench coat Jack penis private dick hey welcome back no it's uh it's game grumps I'm Dan this is Erin wait what what you're right no I'm saying my confused myself Wow cuz I usually forget your own neck say like this is Dan and I'm Anne that's what I usually say and then you'd you said I'm Dan I stole your my thunder I just wait how am I supposed to do whatever [ __ ] it don't risk my life just for some [ __ ] just for some [ __ ] in my mouth [ __ ] my mouth what if okay Dan alright so much I don't like where this is a serious question what if you found out that I really liked people [ __ ] in my mouth and I was like really sexually into it what would you do nothing really would you I mean like would you would you be like curious and you'd be like I kind of want to ask him about that or would you just kind of like leave it alone or would you like disown me as a friend or like would you think differently of me would you think less of me no it just I'd be like my friend is a kotappa prophetess so a prophetess yes that's one who eats feces and fecal matter Dan I'm the one posing this question to you as a joke oh sorry and you're immaterial and you're the one who actually knows no I I i logistics I would never like well which which kaprosuchus are you are you a semi kaprosuchus or a mega car prophetess those are in tears I'd feel I'd I'd be fine with it yeah yeah you're not hurting anybody and I mean what if I was and then killing people what if I was like spiking people's drinks with laxatives and then like secretly like they're like oh and then I put like saran cling wrap and then it catches their poop I think I think they know it doesn't I just take it and I slurp it up and leave some fava beans excused as that plant is I'm not entirely sure it's gonna work yeah yeah [ __ ] do it get up god dammit you swing around the front there you go but I stood up before Oh weird but now I guess not this is awkward okay should I you take a leap of faith no no you don't want to tell I'm supposed to go supposed to come back out and then go up there Oh what the what ah damn it [ __ ] like come on man I I don't understand what's happening right now oh if only you could see like what I was doing I was just holding the button goddamnit it's it's like it's not just because the game is ridiculous it's because it looks like I'm a [ __ ] [ __ ] because it's like what did you do and it's like I didn't do anything you don't look like an [ __ ] all I did was sit here and hold the [ __ ] B button and then she'd [ __ ] went all crazy kind of like an ask good lord that's why it's frustrating otherwise I'd just be like that was weird I can step outside myself for a second and look at what just happened on the screen and be like god what a [ __ ] do business get up on a platform and [ __ ] but it's fun I don't know man this games [ __ ] wack as [ __ ] Wow our nineties of you [ __ ] gosh [ __ ] I'm out of lives there's the controller throw that we all we all we all want it in our hearts this game [ __ ] sucks why do I have an attack that makes me lunge like a mile ahead of me what I'm trying to be careful about not jumping there's [ __ ] there's [ __ ] crevasses everywhere in this goddamn game every level has [ __ ] platforms you can fall off of it the drop of a hat and meanwhile when you're [ __ ] at werehog mode if you just tap a direction twice it catapults you in that direction and you can't stop unless you go like five [ __ ] feet and and otherwise holding it and trying to get somewhere and then you you just wiggle them you accidentally [ __ ] scratch your nose or something it attacks and it one is you like a like a goddamn [ __ ] yard of in front of you stupid it is amazing to watch you get pissed off at stuff like this because there's so many points where I'm like cool he's out of gas and thank you something else that annoys you and it sparks a new raging fire and moreover [ __ ] name it's pretty great jellyfish bastard why is he over there why wasn't he in the center I don't know was he all the way over I can the depth perception to so to me it looked like he was right there well exactly well you would assume that and that the shadow was in a different spot I'd say that that was the thing about like 3d games like well you know we can't because it's a 2d image of a 3d space so how do you it's the shadow mmm the Hedgehog that's [Laughter] that's one of my favorite things like one of my favorite memes it's it's the it's the little thing that's in the way of the box so it's cutting off of half of the Sonic the Hedgehog title and it says at the top when you when your male child is about to run into a hedge and just says son the hedge so stupid okay yeah I know I know Dan I'm living it every [ __ ] day of my life play this [ __ ] game it's giving me [ __ ] something come on [Applause] I think yeah my better or worse I don't know I think you're actually like cut some time off try go that am i I don't do I go are you hacking this like don't know try bashing through that thing oh you're right you're right oh boy Aaron it's so like flustered think like logically is the end there's the end what that can't be yeah there's got to be like a boss and between like no you [ __ ] hack this level dude I don't know what the 50 rings no probably not yeah [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [ __ ] attack them for [ __ ] sake dude a voice but like I know my gosh huh I didn't realize his wings go like oh man you can really feel that earth shake while you're floating in the air whoa oh the final piece of the earth is coming back to this makes no [ __ ] sense though they know anything about the rocha limit oh man I don't [ __ ] idiots oh good call back I'm not with the cucumbers [ __ ] weirdo why don't you just [ __ ] them if you love them so much that's a great idea I've been doing it for years I just felt a disturbance in the force Tales is dead how do you feel it you're floating in the air oh [ __ ] am i going I don't know we are here we are gonna finish [ __ ] sonic on ways to - here we go because we finished games around here at game grumps except when we don't that's her new that's our new slogan oh here comes the laser blast I don't know what's gonna happen but holy [ __ ] yeah it looks plastique god oh no it's all junks of my cousin's over all right cool oh but it's got a little blast radius oh dude those just stay there oh no it'll go come on shoot me I can't believe I had to ask if icicles would stay there in the middle of a lava pit but you know what would you really put it past the snow that's the kind of game this is yeah I think the Furies of winter of shaking those those remotes yeah yeah well I wish I had some buttons to press instead I got you the Wiggles [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah well phase three oh boy oh boy it's good it's good it's good it's good look at all the animation [ __ ] boy this is intense potato punishment sonic unleashed boy it's intense period do this Mac use Mac do the Oh are you upset now piece of [ __ ] punch dr. Robotnik yeah oh my god what was that the job thing oh okay so good like right at the same time he released like a children's album yeah smash cuts of like third Rock from the Sun I'm taking a bath I'm taking a bath got a scrub baby it's your ears shut up [ __ ] [Laughter] gotta save my friend that I care very much about yeah well you you have to miss your friend into that thing don't you Oh dudes aren't they two sides of the same oh my god you're following the plot more than I am I'm doing my best I just realized too much this game sucks ah I'm changing back into fanfiction fodder the most attractive blue hedgehog yeah I'd love to eat yeah that's my big guy oh damn my friends call me Johnny big guy oh he's so cool yeah the fact that he was an annoying prick through the whole game that there's you know there's gonna be a [ __ ] like the ending is gonna be like now let's go get ice cream God man they spent so much time and money on this scene in the beginning scene look at this what oh my god what's up you know what this reminds me of have you ever read amulet why does he have legs if he's flying that's an amazing question shits oh dear oh dear oh [ __ ] oh it's a nap oh my god come on yeah well you just this is like McGregor very timely yeah piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] shitty soda good piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] Isana goods you want some Star Trek battle music oh sure knows the guy okay are we done is this over thanks man Oh give me a sweet hug Oh water was loves oh for a chip out of mrs. heck requires love and marriage should you be doing something oh no goes together like a horse and carriage now Sonic Roger that buddy and he just starts master best oh shut up you self-indulgence oh I don't have to hit B well you might have to do something special for this look at my big goofy face not my third arm our home we gained its true power Oh like window shades coming down oh my god we're insane that's not like an idea for a final boss it's not like Super Saiyan wait they had oh it three cool boss designs and somehow managed to make each encounter super lame what are you talking about this is epic Danny I'm sorry how the [ __ ] am I supposed to avoid that get the whole screen I think you're just supposed to keep collecting rings oh boy can't see them it's dangerous how the convoy like what am I supposed to do go in the center of the screen where there's like a tiny little hole that's probably what I have to do that's probably exactly another mystery solved there's something cool about the name Sega you know that you know where to short for know take a guess Sega na mcc's sono second a Sega Godzilla no good TELRIC service games oh yeah there's an arcade company got him good [ __ ] job thanks fish here we go man finally we're back to where we were before yeah good eyebrows lips though you are unbelievable you can't see anything of course target oh yes woo baby not it time through the meatball sister to poke out this [ __ ] I I can't - hi I've 0 lies left Oh No maybe it isn't about just development my second yeah it's about my location [ __ ] target yes holy crap look out for those meatballs that I was singing about earlier I'm David pumpkins that is one of my favorite SNL bits spooky scary yeah yeah my god is he not even gonna get the chance to do his [ __ ] I really hope so yeah yeah [ __ ] I [ __ ] you you [ __ ] prick you [ __ ] eyeball looking by the [ __ ] green ass [ __ ] eyeballs blinking and [ __ ] I don't care about your Inspector Gadget PSA oh thank god only 12 more iterations to go it'll be me I'm cool edge over let's get the hell out of here before this place collapses it's the end for slaughter yes splat mark at least he died on in the arms of a friend Wow in program them to not be a dick am [Music] he just laughed at him yeah you will die of thirst long before you catch me at ad powering drool my boyfriend the only miracle here is that I haven't [ __ ] when the darkness comes every 12 hours and then it returns after another 12 hours in an endless cycle they call it Days around for centuries [Music] hey not like me dead as [ __ ] so dead ship dead friend chip that was his name yeah choice chip no it was like throw galore some chip chip true you remembered chip do you want some ghost ice cream oh good boyfriend what was I did I ever really was that established Oh boys remember memory deleted get away stop following me I'm a buzzy [ __ ] is now cut so whatta you too oh man I love it Mike Hayes yeah you know it you always get that cue going she's Christ and Nathalie ransom Helen Lawson I did I did used to think that's how you said Natalie that way it's spelled exactly it's Natalie are now temple error its temp laughs that's [ __ ] vowel is [ __ ] dude yeah Ben hunt where does your brother Mike hahaha okay I don't get it Mike and Michael drink water laugh at a man's name even though that's really do what is that where does that name come from drink water yeah there's been um there's a quarterback for the Vikings is Bridgewater yeah it must be thirsty on a gut bub what we're back to the part we just saw before the game ended it's like they went through the whole [ __ ] thing you got to put the fingers in your ears oh yeah oh my god they're showing every cutscene yeah what they want you to know that they made them dude no it's good it's good once this seems to be a little many credits going for those resolved all the tiny oh really I don't get anything after the credits I just get you just gotta [ __ ] no experience yeah but usually they have like a little picture at the end with all the cast and they're like hey it's like food and you guys its dick in his hand no this is the beginning again All Right see you later babies we did it adios we love ya appreciate you you [ __ ] you girls thanks for watching us all this way I bet you're all [ __ ] happy it's over it's our way I sure [ __ ] am now on to the next sonic thing bye bye you know what I'm gonna get the milk out of my tit as it passed that's a hard pass [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you [Music]
Channel: AppleSauce 3.0
Views: 273,135
Rating: 4.9104743 out of 5
Keywords: Applesauce, 2.0, assassin, toad, blademcleven, mcleven, apple, sauce2, Asauce, gamegrumps, gaming, best, moments, compilations, of, videogames, sonic, lets, play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game, grumps, funny, sonic the hedgehog, werehog, sonic unleashed, sonic unleashed lets play, sonic unleashed gameplay, sonic gameplay, sonic lets play, sonic game grumps, wii, sega, applesauce 2.0, comp, vs, videos, best moments
Id: Co8hhKsk0b0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 12sec (6552 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2019
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