Game Theory: The Minecraft Sniffer Is More Important Than You Think...

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What is the sniffer? This fascinating creature  looks vastly different than   any other creature we've ever seen on this earth Once thought an extinct creature the sniffer's  eggs were excavated from a warm ocean ruin Allowing us to enjoy these  ancient creatures today. Wait,   did you say ancient? Oh buddy.  You know what that means Hello Internet, welcome to game theory the show That's always sniffing for clues and digging up   law and you guys have no idea how  happy I am to be doing this episode I've written a number of minecraft theories in my  time. But this one is my minecraft Ian white whale I was so excited when the trails and  tails update came out almost a year ago Finally an update that was going to focus on the   ancient law of Minecraft and what did  Mojang give us some lines on our armor? And pieces of broken pots. Yeah,  it wasn't the most exciting update It was certainly no warden that's for sure But we made the most of it and  we managed to use those broken   pots and armor trims to figure  out the ancient builders weren't One collective group but a number of tribes  each with their own specific resources However, there is one part of this update  that we've purposefully ignored one I'm sure the keen miners and crafters among  you have already noticed the winner of the mob vote of 2022 the sniffer Winner This is a mob that apparently went extinct But if you find an egg you can hatch it and from   that point on it will spend its time  walking around sniffing for special Seeds that it'll then dig up It's a pretty unique mechanic  plus the idea of finding an egg   rather than taming a wild mob  is a fun idea and in the past Whenever a new mob has been added we've made sure  to do a video covering it as soon as possible So why after almost a year is there  no video on this adorable thick boy? Well, because despite me trying  over and over and over again I couldn't figure out where it fits into the law  that we've been building for the past four years I knew it had to fit in somewhere because Mojang   were really keen on using one  specific word during its reveal This can hatch this ancient mob and  help it thrive. We also believe it   has ancient knowledge to show look at them They're practically mocking me  but no more because after almost   a year of driving myself insane much  like a snifflet hatching from an egg I finally cracked it. I figured out what the   ancient mysteries this dump  truck of a mob is hiding So grab your excavation brushes friends. It's time   to uncover the lost history  of the Minecraft sniffer Let's start with finding these dang things The only way to get your hands on a sniffer is to  find one of their eggs buried in suspicious sands specifically suspicious sand that you find  in warm ocean ruins these ruins belong to the Fisherman tribe of ancient builders  as shown by the angular pottery show   that you can also find in the  suspicious sand of these ruins We've discussed these guys many  times before on this channel They would go on to cause the sea levels  to rise eventually flooding their tribe   and leaving nothing behind but  ocean monuments and these small Ruins, but there are actually two  other sherds that you can find   from this tribe of fishermen  and one of them is especially Interesting for our purposes today.  It's called the snort sherd and on it We find a familiar creature  the sniffer this proves that   Mojang calling this thing an ancient mob was Absolutely on purpose because the  existence of this shirt tells us   that the sniffer was alive at the  same time as the ancient builder Fisherman tribe as they were the ones  who carved these images into the pots But of course this episode isn't  just about proving they coexisted.   We need to figure out why they coexisted sniffers Aren't exactly known for catching fish. So what  use would they have been to a tribe of fishermen? Well, it turns out there are a couple of reasons The first one is simple as I mentioned earlier The sniffers main mechanic is  to well sniff by sniffing they   find things buried in the ground  and they can dig them up kind of Like truffle pigs, but instead  of a tasty topping for your chips Sorry fries Sniffer instead digs up special seeds torch  flower seeds and pitcher plant seeds these flowers Honestly don't serve much purpose. They can be  used to make dyes and they make nice decoration But they aren't particularly useful,  especially given how hard they are to get However, there is one more use for the  torch flower specifically something that   would be useful for the fisherman  tribe by mixing torch flower into A suspicious stew recipe you create a stew that   gives you the night vision effect  night vision is especially useful If you're wanting to explore ocean  monuments and as the water levels   begin to rise for the warm ocean and  the neighboring cold ocean tribes this would become a must-have  ability that cold ocean tribe   a tribe of pirates would eventually be  sent out to find the ingredients for a Conduit an item that would also give the tribes  night vision as well as underwater breathing But in the meantime the suspicious stew would  take care of at least one of those issues What do we find on the sunken ships that belong to   that tribe of pirates? That's  right suspicious stew though That isn't the only thing we can  learn from these special plants I mean it'd be a bit weird for Mojang to introduce   two new plants and for only one  of them to be actually useful I felt kind of bad for the pitcher  plant. So in classic Minecraft fashion I kept digging and in doing so I struck  gold or diamonds or is it netherite? But just like the mobs in the game a  lot of the plants from the overworld   tend to be related to real-world plants like roses Sunflowers tulips you get the idea So I took a look at what the real-world Counterparts are for the torch  flower and the pitcher plant the   pitcher plant is easy enough because  it's just a plant that exists though There are many varieties torch flowers on the  other hand don't exist at least not by that name They resemble the Nephothia genus commonly known   as the red hot poker or torch plant. I  mean, come on. It's not rocket science I think we can pretty much call that one confirmed Both plants are native to the tropical and  southern parts of the African continent   with torch plants mostly being in  the mountainous south and varieties Of pitcher plants being found in both Madagascar   and the Seychelles and this actually  lines up with what we see in Minecraft There's one more warm ocean pottery shirt that we   are yet to talk about and  this one is called shelter It depicts an acacia tree a type of tree that  grows in the savannah biomes of the overworld But they also grow in tropical regions like  Africa meaning that before they eventually Flooded the fisherman tribe lived in a savannah  style bio near an ocean to allow for fishing but also tropical enough in climate to allow the   torch flower pitcher plants and acacia  trees to grow and opening the door to the African inspirations also revealed  another important detail about these   plants while they may not actually  give you night vision in real life in Indigenous cultures they were used as medicine The pitcher plant was used to help with things  like constipation urinary tract infections even diabetes while the torch flower has been used   to treat malaria hepatitis B eczema female  infertility and a bunch more these types of Medicinal plants were used  specifically by traditional   healers known as in younger  and people would travel four Miles just for a chance to  receive medical care from them,   which means the warm ocean tribe  wasn't just a tribe of fishermen They were also a tribe of in younger and so   would use the sniffer to find the  seeds for these medicinal plants They then use them as a source of  night vision in their suspicious   stews for their explorers or to  heal any ancient build that needed Help with their recent zombie bites. This is why   the sniffers are depicted on their  pottery shirts much like fishing They were a cornerstone of their society  and that's why all these years later We can find their eggs buried in the  ruins of the cities. They used to help However, while this is where the sniffers ended up It isn't actually where they started and  if you think these guys are big now, well Buddy, do I have a surprise for you? If you go underground in the overworld you have a   chance of finding generated  structures known as fossils They've been in the game since version 1.10 Which was released all the way back  in 2016 and yet we've never been able   to figure out what kind of creatures they relate To the game files label these fossils as either  fossil skull number 1 to 4 or fossil spine Also number 1 to 4 these fossils  are skeletons of dead creatures   from a long forgotten time an  ancient time if you will and at This point you can probably see where I'm going  with this by using spine 4 and skull 3 together It looks like the skeleton of a massive sniffer  with big nostrils and a large barrel body now I know what you're thinking.  The sniffer is pretty big,   but it's not that big. Whatever.  These skeletons are they were Massive beasts larger than the biggest  mob in the game the ender dragon. However,   I do have an explanation for this domestication and natural selection Domestication is the process of  taming an animal to keep as a pet   or to use for work tasks like farming dogs were Domesticated from a species of wolf known as  the gray wolf from around a hundred and thirty Thousand years ago with time the wolves became  more obedient more docile and yes smaller This is because the smaller the creature easier   it is to control and the less likely it  is to overpower you and so humans would Specifically breed the smaller ones  in order to pass down that trait This is likely what happened to  the sniffer smaller ones were   tamed and chosen to breed because let's be honest It's gonna be pretty hard to keep  control of a beast whose body alone   is five meters tall for reference That's the total height of a giraffe you make one   of these things angry and it's  gonna stomp you out of existence Now natural selection and  domestication takes a long   time to get the size difference between the  sniffer fossil and the sniffer we have today It would have taken thousands upon  thousands of years and that's something   we haven't actually talked about  when covering the ancient builders Normally for the sake of keeping these Minecraft   theories clear and concise. We tend to  put all the events in quick succession We go from the ancient builders going back  in time to saving the world to dooming   the world to dying out all within 25 minutes But what we've never talked about is how  long each of those eras took for this example The fisherman tribe created a  bunch of greenhouse gases that   caused the water levels to rise  and eventually they all drowned It sounds like it happened very quickly But giant monuments aren't suddenly  submerged overnight from 1880 to 2022   sea levels have only risen 8 to 9 inches or about 20 to 23 centimeters in a hundred and forty years  the water hasn't risen enough to drown a city However, given enough time it very well could   current predictions are that in the next 2,000  years sea levels are likely to rise between 2 To 3 meters or 6 and a half to  10 feet if temperatures go up   by the expected 1.5 degrees Celsius or 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit that is definitely going  to put some of our cities underwater But an ocean monument is 28 meters  tall for those to be underwater It would mean temperatures rising  by about 5 degrees Celsius or   9 degrees Fahrenheit. And  even then it would still take 10,000 years based on most predictions  and that would be the perfect amount of   time for the ancient builders  to breed the sniffers to be Smaller and more manageable like  we see today. There's just one   teeny tiny flaw in this otherwise perfect solution You can't find these particular fossils in the   warm ocean biomes. You find  them in the deserts so far Everything has been connecting  them to the warm ocean tribe So why would their giant skeletons  be found in a different biome? Well as it usually does it comes back  to the troublemakers of the ancient   builder world the desert tribe  the scientists who dared to push The boundaries of the world they lived  in warm oceans are typically found next   to deserts due to them sharing  the same climate making these Tribes neighbors likely sharing  resources and technology which   would come in handy when the desert tribe began experimenting with potions that could  help them breathe underwater the desert   tribe were also the ones who eventually  crossed over into the nether trying to Find a solution for the rising  oceans that their neighbors had   caused and this is where I believe  the final piece of the sniffer puzzle Falls into place take a look  at the sniffer again notice   its colors animals typically  adapt to their environment And one way this happens is by changing the color   of their skin or fur to better  blend in with their surroundings This again happens through natural selection the   animals that blend in are  much more likely to survive Allowing them to mate and  pass on those colorful genes But the sniffer's colors don't blend in with   any overworld biome the red and  teal stick out like a sore thumb Against the various greens blues and yellows,   but you know what they do blend  in with the colors of the nether Specifically the red netherrack and teal warped   nileum of the warped forest biome and  this is where I believe the sniffer Originally came from nileum is  the nether's version of mycelium   and mycelium is a mass of branched  wires that connect fungi together So nileum is a fungus or at  least part of one which would   explain why the sniffer's back is  a different color from its body We see this kind of thing happen with animals like   sloths whose fur changes color  due to the algae growing in it Which just so happens to work as the perfect? Camouflage the sniffer evolved its red  fur to blend in with the netherrack of   the nether and then while living  in the warped forests the warped Nileum fungus spread and attached itself  to the sniffer's fur helping it blend   in even more the nether might  also explain the whole six legs Thing most overworld passive mobs  are based on real-world animals,   but there are no mammals with six legs It's just not how they're built. However mobs  in the never like to break this rule of realism We've got walking pigs giant ghosts and passive  mobs like the strider and just look at them They are far from normal a creature with  six legs would feel right at home here But the final nail in the sniffer's giant   coffin comes back to the fossils. They  don't just generate in the overworld They also generate in the  nether's soul sand valleys These fossils are specifically of different  parts of the body rather than spines and skulls We have rib cages of varying sizes  which could relate back to our giant   sniffer after all animals of the same species Often come in a variety of sizes, but there  is one fossil that is different fossil To is labeled as a horizontal sternum The sternum is a t-shaped flat bone that in  mammals sits at the front of the rib cage And it is the missing piece of our puzzle   when you place this sternum into the  spine for that we found in the overworld The spine and rib cage of  the sniffer it fits perfectly These are the bones of the same creature meaning  the sniffer had to at some point be in the nether So if the nether is their rightful home  based on their color physiology and fossils Why aren't there any seeds for them to dig up? The sniffer's only function is to dig  for torch flower and pitcher plant seeds But if you take a sniffer back to the  nether, they won't dig up anything Even if you place down more grass  blocks these seeds don't exist here   or maybe it's that they don't exist here anymore In another theory we proved that the  nether was not always the fiery landscape It is now the existence of  the basalt deltas showed us   that there was once an ice age  as you need ice and soul soil For basalt to be created. This means  water had to exist in the nether So more traditional plants like torch flowers and  pitcher plants could definitely have grown here We've also spoken about the  biodiversity in the nether   and how in the past there used to be  many more species of flora and fauna Like torch flowers and pitcher plants, but both  the ice age and the biodiversity came to an end Thanks to the piglins heating up the atmosphere by   industrializing creating weapons  and armor to conquer more worlds So we have evidence that these giant  sniffers existed in the soul sand valleys And so it would make sense that at  one point in time these seeds and   flowers used to exist in this part of the nether But when the valleys dried up there were no more   seeds for the sniffers to eat causing  them to starve and die out with their fossils being all that remained the ones that  did survive would need to find a new biome a Biome with plant life that  they might be able to live   off the forests of the nether due to their red fur They would blend in really  well with the crimson forest However, the crimson forest is  home to hoglins and piglins both   hostile mobs with the latter being  specifically known for hunting Now, of course, these are giant sniffers so you might think that piglins  and hoglins aren't gonna be much   of a threat but Neanderthals used to hunt  massive creatures like woolly mammoths and They would often target the much  smaller offspring as they would be   much easier to hunt or kill and that could lead to Extinction which is why they ended  up inhabiting the warped forest The warped forest is home to the striders a  passive mob that was no threat to the snifflets Plus mobs like the hoglin  are afraid of warped fungus   running away when within seven blocks of the stuff It was the perfect place to hide and over time the  warped Nilean began to grow on their backs further Blending them into the forest, but as  we know their journey isn't over yet Eventually the desert tribe entered the nether Discovering the magical properties that the mobs   of this world could provide  them things like blaze rods Magma balls and gas tears and so they wanted   to see what the sniffer was  capable of despite its size The sniffer was a docile creature. And so they  were able to lure it back to the overworld They began selectively breeding  them to make them more manageable But during that time they noticed  the sniffers were clearly looking   for something and when they wandered  a little further two patches of grass They dug up seeds that no one had  seen before grass was a rare sight   in the desert and the sniffers can't dig up sand Blocks, however, there was plenty of grass in  the neighboring Savannah like warm ocean biome So the desert tribe gave the  sniffers to their neighbors   the fishermen to allow the sniffers to  find more seeds and maybe find a use For them they live close to  the water and have the right   conditions for these plants to grow  and when they did the fishermen began To experiment with them learning of their  medicinal and night vision properties Allowing them to create stews that would aid them   in their efforts to see deep into  the water as they fish or create Medicines to heal their wounds the tribe   became more than just fishermen.  They were now a tribe of healers Sadly though These advances didn't stop the rising  tides and while the fishermen and   healers would eventually turn into the  drowned that we know today with their Knowledge of the plants healing properties lost   to time the sniffers weren't so lucky.  They didn't transform into something else They just drowned leaving just a few eggs buried  in the sand for us to find many years later So if you do find a sniffer be  kind to it because now, you know All the pain and suffering  its ancestors went through   just so you could have a nice-looking house plant And with that I'm gonna call this white whale Officially conquered but hey  instead of spending a bunch of   time looking for sniffer eggs or buried treasure You could be using today's sponsor SoFi  to get your hands on some actual treasure They're offering one of you  lucky theorists a chance to win $10,000 that's way more valuable than anything the   sniffer could dig up for those  of you haven't heard of SoFi It's the all-in-one finance app that helps  you bank borrow and invest all in a single app We've actually been sponsored  by SoFi a number of times and   now everyone in the office has become a big fan Especially because of the versatility  it provides our head of digital strategy Josiah recently bought a house and as  I'm sure you know houses aren't cheap But SoFi made it super easy for him to keep track  of his savings and now that he has the house He can add that to his SoFi account to keep track  of its value over time our HR manager Rachel She appreciated SoFi's ability to  add all of her accounts into one   app even the accounts that work  with SoFi and that way she could Actually start to budget properly. Apparently she  really enjoys spending money on food clothes axes Yeah, you really don't want to  get into trouble with HR here But it's not just money that  you can keep track of either   our social media manager Kai told  me that her favorite feature was the Credit score monitoring that you get for  free not just because it's a useful tool But because she can earn reward points every time   her credit score goes up by five or more  points as a company of competitive gamers Is it really any surprise that this works for us? So don't be like the ancient builders  and hide all your treasures underground Click the link in the description or scan the QR  code on screen to start saving with SoFi today Plus if you use my link and sign up for SoFi's  financial insight or credit score monitoring You have a chance to win the  $10,000 that SoFi and I are   going to be giving away meaning  you have a massive sniffer egg Sorry, I mean nest egg to help  achieve whatever your ambitions may be so remember to use my link in the  description or scan the QR code on   screen for your chance to win and start saving and Also, remember that's just a theory  a game theory. Thanks for watching
Channel: The Game Theorists
Views: 1,458,348
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft sniffer, minecraft sniffer egg, minecraft lore, minecraft update, minecraft steve, minecraft lore explained, minecraft theory, minecraft mob vote, minecraft sniffer mob, mincecraft mobs, minecraft sniffer mob vote, minecraft rigged mob vote, minecraft sniffer farm, minecraft sniffer eggs, minecraft sniffer theory, mine craft, mine craft update, minecraft nether, nether, game theorists, matpat, game theory, gt, matpat game theory, game theory minecraft
Id: P2Ht0RtQ928
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 39sec (1119 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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