Game Theory: Oops, Lethal Company Accidently Ended The World

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hello Internet welcome to Game Theory the show that's never afraid to go outside for scraps aore you know what I've been in a bit of a bubble recently with these being my final episodes I've been so focused on tying up lcen continuing franchises that I've grown up with over the years doing the episodes that I never had the chance to do that honestly I've been missing out on some of the newer games that have been coming out but today I'm going to change that simply because this game has been impossible to make this it has been all over the YouTube space it even managed to sell more copies than the latest Call of Duty I'm talking about everyone's favorite survival horror Co-op game of the moment lethal company the game itself is pretty straightforward you and up to three of your friends have been hired by a mysterious organization known simply as the company you travel around different moons with abandoned bases collecting scrap and when I say scrap I do mean literal junk broken engines street signs even teeth basically if you can find it on an episode of Hoarders the company wants their hands on it oh and did I mention that there's also hideous monsters trying to kill you the entire time no uh well neither did the company and so now you and your team have to risk your lives to reach the company quota fail to meet it over 3 days and suddenly you're released of your duties among a style if you do manage to tow the company line though and reach the quota you are handsomely rewarded with another 3 days of work and a new higher quota capitalism it's great currently there's no ending to this game the cycle just keeps repeating on and on until inevitably your team fails to gather enough scrap or you die trying and for most players that's where it ends they're just happy running around collecting scrap screaming and twerking as they do but the experience doesn't have to end there oh no my friends the company is hiding something from us you mean like the fact you're playing a game about landing on things that don't exist Tom we've been over this the moon exists okay that's what the company wants you to think forgive him he's out of line but he also does have himself a point not about the moon existing that's clearly stupid but the idea of a company conspiracy is see by finding hidden files scanning creatures in the game and using some good oldfashioned real world history we can actually start to piece together exactly what went down in the thistle nebula why everyone's missing why there are monsters patrolling these moons why is the company the one behind it all strap into your ships loyal theorists cuz we're going to salvage every scrap aore that lethal company has to offer now in order to figure out what's going on with the company we first need to figure out what's going on with the world or worlds that the company currently operates on I mean these places are completely desolate other than the monsters and yet here we are collecting scraps from human-based civilizations like cooking utensils or whoopy cushions and uh something tells me that these mutant spiders aren't really into fart pranks people clearly used to live here on these moons but then something happened something that managed to wipe out not just one planet's worth of people but dozens of planets worth of people when we're playing the game the terminal tells us that the year is 2532 so your initial thought might be that years into the future we killed the planet we colonized the moons only to die out as a species anyway and you know what you actually be kind of right about that the thing that's probably more surprising though is the timeline of that happening in your ship you can find a sticky note that gives you a secret code to punch into your computer terminal doing this gives you access to a former crew mate's personal logs a character known as sigard sigard gives us a lot of information about the operations of the company but the thing that caught my attention the most was the fact that they were made in 1968 a whole year before Neil Armstrong first stepp foot on the moon now that sounds pretty conspiratorial to me and it turns out that there are some space travel conspiracy theories that align perfectly with these dates there's one Theory out there that believes space travel was achieved during World War II by the Nazis who sent a bunch of their high-ranking officers to the Moon in order to avoid prosecution these officers then built a base on the dark side of the moon and continued their War efforts from AF far very far waiting for the proper time to strike back now obviously in real life this is ridiculous but in the world of the game this would actually tie into the idea of moon bases and the ability to Traverse the Galaxy before the 1960s there's even a poster in the game that seems to confirm this type of timeline inside your ship there's this poster right here that talks about preserving food this isn't just a fun poster made specifically for the game it is a real poster that was used during the 1940s which seems to imply that mankind has been operating in space since at least that era if not even earlier except obviously this poster is not German it's from Pennsylvania notice down here it says in cooperation with work progress administration this was a government program designed to employ people to work on public projects like construction of buildings and Roads and in the game clearly this has seemed to have moved forward into nasal likee projects as well which would seem to imply that the company wasn't always in the business of collecting scrap instead it seems to suggest that the company got its start helping the US government win the space race this then is starting to feel a lot less like the Nazi Moonbase conspiracy and more like the 1959 study known as project Horizon this study was done by the US Military and was essentially their attempt to colonize the moon in the name of good oldfashioned patriotism but obviously this was the military so of course a big part of the plan was to build build outposts and design weapons specifically for Moon and space-based combat one of those weapons was a modified Claymore or landmine and uh remind me again what's one of the hazards that we have to be aware of while we explore all these abandoned moon bases in the game oh yeah landmines it seems to me that in this universe project Horizon was a success or at least something like project Horizon it seems like the company has been there since the start you'll notice that all the landmines and turrets that you can find throughout the game are all suspiciously controlled by the terminal on board your company ship it's likely the reason we can connect to all this technology is because the company designed these systems to work together they created both the ship and the weapons that are on these moon bases so if you're a company that has a government contract to make some space weapons how do you make money well by inciting and fueling a space war in one of the data logs sigard says quote I miss dad I hope he isn't staying on Titan people are saying it's not going to look the same in 2 years just told us they are about to go to war and everyone is waiting for it every time we go to sell the company building is shaking like there's a loud furnace inside war is a brewing in this galaxy and everyone seems to know that it's coming and while it's not clear what the noise inside the company walls is exactly the fact the noise has kicked in at the same time sigard starts talking about a coming War gives me reason to believe that the company has ramped up production of all its weapons and just like project Horizon recognized the need for newer more space efficient weapons the company also seems to have developed a new type of weapon to use in this upcoming War most common type of Base that you explore throughout the game is called a factory in the game files and this makes a lot of sense remember these are the bases that are controlled by company technology so it's likely that these were the factories being used to create the weapons that we've been talking about but outside of just the minds of the turrets there's another kind of horror that's waiting for us inside of these factories the monsters that are actively trying to chase us down and kill us some of them are descendants of creatures from our own world like the snare flea and the Spore lizard which are part of the same class as centipedes and alligators respectively but then there are others that are less naturally occurring The Nutcracker or the jester for example these are man-made objects that have been repurposed and brought to life to become deadly weapons that might seem like a stretch or at least it does until you take a look at the in-game beastiary reading through the in-game beasti are you find entries like this one for the coil head quote they've been known to combust into flames when being dissected or even deactivated and they carry dangerously high levels of radioactive particles due to this and other reasons it has been highly speculated that they were created as biological weapons of war this was how the company was going to prove its worth during the arms race ological weapons creatures that would kill anything they found and cause Untold Devastation for years to come thanks to their radioactive makeup and it's these weapons I suspect that ravaged Titan and likely all the other moons that we visit as well sigard was right these places would look different in a couple of years rather than thriving colonies were instead met with desolate wastelands abandoned factories the only signs of civilization we find is scrap that we're collecting items belonging to the moon's former inhabitants now left to waste in the aftermath of a war a war that the company itself profited from but if this was so profitable for the company why then are we now just reduced to a bunch of scrap collectors well because like every other evil Corporation in these sorts of games eventually they took things too far and lost control in one of the earliest of sigur's logs we hear mention of a golden planet that was supposedly destroyed by a passing meteor this sounds like it could be another conspiracy theory and sigaret and his team certainly think that there's nothing to it but surprisingly the idea of a golden Planet it is totally plausible in reality introducing 16 Psych a minor planet that orbits between Jupiter and Mars as part of the greater asteroid belt due to how reflective it is scientists have hypothesized the surface might be covered in large amounts of metal things like iron nickel and yes even gold the approximate value of all that precious metal is estimated to be worth 10 quadrillion dollar 48,000 Elon musks worth of metal on this thing in fact due to psyche being noticeably more metallic than most other asteroids some scientists have hypothesized that it may actually be the metal core of a once larger planet-like object one that was destroyed when it was get this hit by a meteor in the logs we hear that cigarett eventually learns that the golden planet was real the only difference though is that it wasn't a meteor that destroyed it it was something much bigger and much worse one day while sigar and his team are selling scrap to the company he fires up the walkie-talkie and starts hearing strange sounds from behind the wall of the building the sound of Screams but among the blood curdling screams card's able to make out a voice that tells him the golden Planet wasn't hit by a meteor instead it was swallowed up by something called The Beast that whoever was sending this message was inside the Beast currently being digested by it this planet eating monster is locked away Behind the Walls of the company and now the company is doing everything in its power to keep it satiated when you return scrap the game plays one of a few short voice lines from the company usually these things are just vague company platitudes we value your commitment you are true professionals but there's actually a small chance around 3% for a secret rare voice line to play and these are a lot more ominous we need you we need you the scraps we deliver to get these voice lines are the things that keep the beast at Bay it's a planet eater after all so we're just feeding it anything and everything that we can find and uh you know what fetches the highest price a bar of gold perfect for the monster that has itself an appetite for planets made of the exact same stuff sigur in his logs also starts to connect the dots quote What If there really is a big monster in the company building like the voice told me on the walkie-talkie they trapped it and we feed it to keep it tame but what does all this have to do with the company taking War profiteering too far aren't they the ones trying to help in this situation well remember earlier I said that one of the company's biggest sources of money was making weapons and over time weapons only become more and more advanced it's kind of the inevitable law of warfare in our world we went from muskets to rifles to bombs to missiles and eventually we reached weapons like nukes are so dangerous because of their indiscriminate and massive amounts of Destruction everything and anyone that's caught in the blast is lead to waste and so what happened after America set off a couple nuclear bombs during World War II they went in and they tried to fix some of the damage that they caused since then treaties have been signed about using these weapons of mass destruction because they're so dangerous to everyone and anyone involved and that is what I believe is happening here in Lethal company as the company continued to make bigger and even more complex Weaponry like the coil heads eventually this would evolve into an even more powerful weapon one that would devour anything and anyone in its path in one of sigur's logs he mentions trying to use his flashlight to look into the company building behind the counter where he drops off his scrap and he says quote my flashlight didn't even go back there the beam just went dark sounds an awful lot like a black hole one that's been created as the next stage of biological Weaponry think about it if someone had the power to create and control their own kind of black hole they'd be unstoppable the problem was they clearly did lose control instead of just laying waste to anyone that stood in their way it devoured an entire planet including the innocent residents that remain conscious inside of this monster to this very day knowing that they had just made a massive whoopsie the company swooped in and tried to fix the mistake contain in the monster within one of their old complexes and constantly feeding it food to keep it satiated so it wouldn't cause any more unnecessary destruction maybe this is why they're just called the company and only use text to speech voices they're specifically trying to seem generic unidentifiable so that people won't suspect that they were the ones that caused the disaster all those years ago it's also probably why they only send you to planets that they know are desolate I'm sure there are other more resourceful abundant locations out there in the universe but that would draw too much attention to what they're actually doing they need to keep this entire operation Under Wraps which leads us to today and the ever increasing quotas that we have to reach in order to keep things under control in the words of sigur's crewmate Desmond quote it's all a guys we're supposed to think that it's all a transaction but our real job is keeping an incredible Terror fed how long until its fullness ends and its hunger is insatiable I actually think that there's an answer to that question remember those secret lines I mentioned earlier well there's one that sends us a very specific warning this wall cannot contain the Beast right now it is contained inside these walls as we're feeding it but as Desmond said the Beast is never truly full the more it eats the more its hunger grows as we play throughout the game with each passing 3-day cycle the amount of scrap that we need to bring it only increases but there's only so much scrap out there in the universe and with the beast's appetite only growing stronger with time eventually there won't be enough scrap coming in to keep him full there is no winning in Lethal company there's only delaying the inevitable but here's the thing while the game's been taken over the Internet it's still only an early access that means that there's more story on the way and likely an actual ending right now you could just Loop over and over until you can't make the quota but players have managed to find something that I think ties into where the game's actually going if you manage to parkour your way underneath the company building you can actually find a drill on a track pointed straight at the company building wall it's currently missing two pieces of scrap known as apparatus devices that are used to power the factories on the distant moons it's speculation but I think when the full game releases this is going to come into play maybe we're following in the path of sigard believing that there are people that need saving Behind These Walls and so we end the game by powering the drill and Boston through only to reveal the Beast who then goes on to destroy everything basically the devs got us in a perfect Catch 22 either we stop playing the game and stop feeding the Beast causing it to break out of the company building or we keep playing we find the apparatus and eventually free the Beast using the drill from the company building ourselves either way we are dooming the thistle nebula there are no good endings in Lethal company and that my friends is the lore of this game an alternate universe where war profiteering in space leads to the inevitable death of humanity no matter what you do it is a Bleak ending but you do have to admit the name of the game it is very accurate a business that Dooms the entirety of the Galaxy truly the definition of a lethal company but hey if you're tired of collecting useless scrap for a below average paycheck then you want to take a look at what today's sponsor Sofi has to offer they want to give you guys the chance to win $10,000 way more than anything the company would ever offer you plus there's zero chance of accidental or even purposeful death if you don't already know Sofi is the ultimate finance app that allows you to Bank borrow and invest all in one place which as you guys know has come in handy for me multiple times in the past right now I'm in the process of planning a road trip across Europe you know enjoy a bit of my new found Freedom once I step away from the channels and all that but it turns out all those flights rental cars hotels they're not cheap but Sofi makes it super easy to keep track of what I'm spending and what I'm saving and it's not just about keeping track either Sofi offers a huge 4.6% apy with direct deposit which for reference is 10 times what most traditional banks are going to be offering you and way more than the garbage offers that Jeb gives you this means that you're making massive interest by doing nothing at all in just 5 weeks with direct deposit you'll have earned more interest than you'd make in a year with a Traditional Bank Plus if you're new to Sofi they'll even help you Kickstart your savings by giving you up to $300 when you sign up for a direct deposit so you don't even have to have any savings when you start which seems better than signing your life away to basically becoming a galactic garbage man but just to be safe you'll probably also want to try to get your hands on that $10,000 that Sofi are given away as a part of this deal all you have to do is use the Link in the description or scan the QR code that's on screen right now and sign up for a Sofi checking and savings account you can use that money for whatever you like paying for college a house or just making your dream project a reality so long as it doesn't involve any bioweapons so remember link is in the description or scan the QR code on screen for your chance to win thanks again to Sofi for sponsoring this episode and as always my friends remember it's all just a theory a game theory thanks for watching sh
Channel: The Game Theorists
Views: 2,770,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lethal company, lethal, company, lethal company gameplay, lethal company funny moments, lethal company ending, lethal company memes, funny lethal company moments, lethal company lore, lethal company lore explained, lethal company monsters, lethal company all monsters, lethal company mods, mutiplayer games, co op games, lethal company game, lethal company explained, game theory, game theorists, matpat, gt, matpat lethal company
Id: zc5CoRZkM6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 30sec (990 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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