Game Theory: The Tortured Ghosts of Minecraft (Minecraft Allay)

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iron glass redstone [Music] perfect the theorist mobile is finally back to its former glory and all i need is some insurance and we're good to go um car insurance wait what i i said car insurance not phone aha but the alley has just given you exactly what you needed tom where yeah are you okay never better full damage is pretty generous in this game but why why were you in a sh never mind that now listen your la gave you a cell phone so that you could get an insurance quote with geico our sponsor for today's episode oh that makes sense they've been saving people money for over 85 years in fact if you wanted to bundle it with some home insurance for that is that your home look admittedly i'm not the internet's greatest builder okay anyway by bundling the two policies together you can potentially save hundreds of dollars while feeling protected on all the important things in your life plus geico has been saving people money for 85 years which you know it's a really long time maybe you could fit that into a theory about those ancient builders you keep going on about yeah yeah very funny but you know it's just nice that i can put my mind at ease knowing that i'm fully protected [Applause] yeah i'm not sure geico's deals can protect you from that wait what do you mean oh that's gonna hurt in the morning hello internet welcome to game theory the show that gives you more videos when you give it more subscribe buttons recently we did a theory all about some new inclusions to minecraft during the wild update specifically we dug down into the deep dark to uncover the origins of the warden how the warden actually has the spirits of five children stuffed inside it and the underground ancient cities are actually old forgotten pizzerias sorry sorry that was a that was a theory from the comments we actually talked about how the warden was summoned by the ancient builders to defeat the wither but once it did it went on to take over eventually causing the ancient builders to have to flee to the end here's a um here's a dramatic recreation of how it happened thank you titan has freed us oh i wouldn't say free more like under new management but there was so much more to this wild update than just the warden that i didn't get the chance to talk about we have the mangrove biomes that are full of intricate tree formations we have frogs that eat slime and magma to produce light definitely a theory for another day but the biggest part was the long-awaited introduction of the 2021 mob vote winner the lay this mysterious looking creature has one main function to support the player in gathering resources you give it an item and it'll pick up more of that same item from the surrounding area no wonder this thing beat out the glare and the copper golem i mean a creature that tells you it's dark uh i can't see and i'm being attacked by skeletons something tells me it might be a little dark in here the alley meanwhile this thing is perfect for adventurers for music lovers and for gathering the most difficult resource in all of minecraft the lore that's right this thing is deep fried in the stuff simultaneously confirming theories we've had in the past about other mobs while also opening brand new doors for us to explore about the world and true to form it's dark it is disturbing and it'll confirm for you that bit by bit it's this channel's mission to expose this bright and friendly building game for the disturbing twisted dystopia that it's always been i mean i'm not the one who's putting sound effects like this into the game i'm just the one who's there telling you what it all means so let me be your personal allay today give me a few minutes of your time and i'll bring back more lore than you could shake a stone pickaxe at this my friends is the tortured history of the allay let's start things off with a hot take the alley look a lot like the vex yup i know this is the searing insight that you come to this channel looking for in all seriousness though this is obviously something that people have been calling out since the allay's announcement but i do think it's worth starting there to see whether the connection is more than just skin deep or i suppose soul deep remember the vex aren't made of skin according to the mob bestiary quote we do not know what a vex's body is made from since it has not yet been possible to obtain a specimen but it is quite possible that it is not flesh as we know it we actually did a trio of theories back in 2020 that discussed the lore surrounding the illagers and in part three we took a closer look at the vex specifically thanks to their lack of flesh their ability to phase through walls and the fact that they glow in the dark we concluded that they aren't undead mobs like zombies or skeletons but rather creatures made of souls and that is souls plural if you listen closely to their audio you can hear multiple voices present so how does this compare to what we know about the lay well for starters listen to one of the new sounds added to the game called olay chortles for those of you who don't know to chortle means to laugh in a noisy or gleeful way but even if you ignore the definition you can totally hear it right the laughter of the lay sounds very similar to one of the many voices heard within the shrieks of the vex listen again and compare the two and that's not all the alley sharing the vex's ability to glow in dark environments which again would imply that it too is some sort of a spirit but the biggest connection of all might just be the names vex is a word that means to anger or worry well the word allay means to relieve or alleviate clearly two opposite sides of the spectrum kind of like an angel and devil on minecraft steve's shoulders one hoping to bring him relief the other worry all of this tells us that these two are similar in many ways they're both clearly spirits but it doesn't quite tell us whether they're actually connected to each other are the laying good versions of the vex are they all just random spirits or is there something else going on here well again let's go back to those vex shrieks in our previous videos i talked extensively about how the evokers seem to be experimenting using life and death there was a lot of evidence pointing to that but the fact that they dropped totems of undying literal tools for resurrecting the dead is a pretty major clue pointing in that direction and in that theory i guess that the vex was just another example of them using souls to create some new horrifying monster to do their bidding now back at the time of the theory we didn't know exactly where those souls were coming from but now the answer is clear the alley are the ones being experimented on they're being joined together and corrupted in order to create the vex let's look for a minute at their spawn conditions the lay are only able to be found in pillager outposts in cages or in the woodland mansions locked up in jail cells i mean that's a weirdly specific place to find anything let alone some weird flying spirit creature and you want to guess how many olay can be found in each cage or cell one to three the same amount of voices that we can hear inside of the vex audio files the evokers are literally gathering these spirit creatures up and then putting them into groups ready for the experimentation but is that all there is i mean don't get me wrong it's cool that we've been able to use sounds and spawning mechanics to prove this connection beyond just they look the same but is the la nothing more than a backstory for the vex just doesn't seem right the lay these flying spirit creatures must exist for their own purposes beyond just the character everyone was already connecting them to what are they specifically where do they come from and perhaps the biggest question of all why do they help us i couldn't leave this many unanswered questions i needed to look beyond the surface level stuff i needed to dig deeper [Applause] nope what i mean is that we needed to go deeper into the history of the alley a history that actually goes back beyond the 2021 mob vote i'm talking about the 2020 nether update it turns out the lay was originally designed to be part of that update it wasn't even gonna be put up to a vote like it was just gonna be there now if you're like me when i first heard that i wasn't all that surprised that it got removed i mean where does an angelic creature like the la fit into an update from minecraft's version of h-e-double hockey sticks just feels a little counter-intuitive you know but then i looked at the original designs and things started to make a lot more sense rather than being angelic creatures that looked like the facts the alley started as small little cues that left trails of blue flame behind them given that blue fire was a big part of the nether update things started to fit together much better plus at this point in development they weren't called the lay but rather wisps in folklore wisps or more formally willowed wisps are depicted as ghostly lights or flames so again it would make sense for this to be part of the nether update now we don't exactly know why they were pulled from the game could have been as simple as they couldn't get the mechanics to work but i have a feeling it might have to do with the lore implications wisp mythology varies a lot from regent region but a recurring theme that i found in my research is that they're said to be the spirits of the dead now at first that seems like it's an absolute slam dunk for the nether i mean it is kind of the underworld after all however we also know that souls have a different form and purpose in the nether soul sand and soul soil both of them play an important role for the nether ecosystem without the souls of the dead being absorbed by the land there would be no way for life in the nether to exist the way that it currently does so if you added a soul-based mob to the nether you'd have to explain why some souls become soul sand while others get to have a second life as a wisp basically it screws things up or at the very least over complicates things but if you suddenly put these things out in the over world you don't have that problem there's no naturally occurring soul sand and so far there's no explanation for what happens to the dead inside of this universe thus the allay can suddenly enter the game okay so the lay are the spirits of the dead but then who died well take a very close look at the lay and tell me if you see something familiar and this time i'm not talking about the fact that they look like the vex look at its head notice those subtle shading details it has what appears to be a hairline see those differently colored pixels at the top flat across the front little arc around the sides of the head to reflect where ears would be in fact the pattern is very reminiscent of another character that we know all too well steve just look at the two of them side by side it's an exact match now i'm not suggesting that the lay are the manifestations of the player character every time you die instead i'm saying that the lay are my favorite explanation for everything that we see in this game the spirits of those who came before us say it with me now looks like the vex isn't the only thing with a lot of spirits trapped inside that are screaming to get out anyway i'm not saying this ancient race all looked like steve but what i am saying is that mojang gave the la some of steve's key features as a visual shorthand for letting us know that these creatures are connected to us as the player in some way might sound like i'm reaching here but hear me out when you free the la from their prisons they'll act like most passive mobs they'll just fly away without so much as a thank you now mobs like wolves and cats will become friendly towards the player if you feed them enough but the alley actually worked differently instead of feeding them the alley only asked for one small thing an item any item quote we gave the lay and the player a magical connection formed when you give the lay an item that's actually a quote from nir ularov vachnin a vanilla gameplay designer at mojang this isn't taming like the wolves and the cats this is a special bond between the player and the alley in fact they actually have a different set of sounds for when they don't have an item labeled yearn a yearn is an intense feeling of longing and desire the alley need these items for some reason they crave them well what if they're the spirits of the ancient builders desperate to finish what they started to finish their monuments their cities but they can't do it by themselves anymore and when you do give them an item things change it suddenly pays attention to you it helps you it befriends you because it suddenly realizes who you are a descendant the new generation of builder that wants to continue exploring and creating furthering their legacy and to do that you're going to need items collected something that the la can help with i mean why you'd want to erect a giant recreation of my head into the side of a mountain is something that they don't quite understand and frankly neither do i but hey it's the spirit of creativity that they once had alive inside of you and so they're more than happy to help out the fact that the la can interact with the minecraft world at all should be a major hint as to their origins they're able to pick up items they give them to the player and they can drop them at the closest note block the only other mob that we know that can interact with the world is the enderman a mob that can also pick up blocks another mob that once you know we also theorized are ancient builders only these guys are still alive they evolved over centuries of being trapped in the end even the alley's fondness for music makes sense it dances when it's in range of a jukebox with a record playing which may seem cute but think back to the disc that we talked about in our last theory disc number five that disc contains 23 seconds of music randomly inserted into the middle part of a music disc that was owned by the ancient builders down in their ancient cities hearing music makes the lay wanna dance reminding them of the good old days when they were happy and alive dancing and listening to the music inside of a world that they themselves built a fun little easter egg for casual fans but a bittersweet moment for anyone who knows the truth about this game's story so dance on little guy dance on and remember those long lost days and for you i ask you to remember that it's all just a theory a game theory thanks for watching and thanks again to geico for sponsoring today's episode they may not have themselves an adorable little spirit as a mascot but they do have themselves an adorable little gecko so pretty close and just like the la brings you whatever materials you need for your next crafting project geico brings you whatever insurance you need for your next adulting project take me for instance i recently had to say goodbye to my first ever car eminem a 14 year old mercury milan with worn out locks apparently i missed the memo that real youtubers are supposed to drive around lambos or teslas anyway it was really sad for two reasons first because i just loved the car i moved to california in their car we had memories it was special but two and probably the bigger reason it meant the hassle of taking away that insurance and getting new insurance for the new car but with geico getting a quote and adding a brand new policy with the mobile app was fast and easy in fact by bundling it with my existing policy for our primary family vehicle a phrase that i never thought i'd have to utter i have become such a dad i was able to save money on both so if you're looking to see what geico can do for you head on down to the description and click the link to see how much money you could be saving right now
Channel: The Game Theorists
Views: 3,650,602
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft update, minecraft 1.19, minecraft 1.19 update, minecraft allay, minecraft vex, vex, allay mob, minecraft disc, disc 5, minecraft disc 5, discs minecraft, disc 5 minecraft, allay minecraft, allay update, wither, minecraft wither, minecraft history, minecraft lore, minecraft theory, allay explained, game theory, game theorists, matpat, game theory minecraft, minecraft lost history, matpat minecraft
Id: lCwKdYbPvho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 16 2022
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