Game Theory: Minecraft's DARKEST Timeline! (Hermitcraft SMP)

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๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/AutoModerator ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 17 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

HermitCraft theory, letโ€™s GOOOOO!!!!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Garanseho ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 17 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Itโ€™s plagiarised. See this post for further clarification, sources, and a link to the original theory

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/MCjossic ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 17 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
step aside dream smp today we're taking a deep dive into the oldest minecraft smp on youtube hermitcraft why now well after about 10 years of epic adventures a big reveal is about to happen one that has its roots in the series origins from over a decade ago someone is currently in the villain's crosshairs and that person is me wait really yeah i am just as surprised and confused as you are [Music] hello internet welcome to game theory the show that as usual is joining the party ten years too late that's still fashionably late though right that still qualifies but hey here's the good news at least you can stop yourself from being late to watching our videos by tapping that red subscribe button i hear that if you spam the subscribe button fast enough it actually breaks apart and gets added into your inventory it's this new youtube feature for any videos that have minecraft in the tags go ahead try it see if it works no i guess it's still in beta so hermitcraft for those of you who don't know hermitcraft is a minecraft smp or survival multiplayer server filled with creators that call themselves fittingly enough the hermits and this thing isn't just any smp hermitcraft has actually been around for a long time starting all the way back in 2012 which makes it one of if not the longest running smp still on youtube don't quote me on that one and apologies to anyone if i missed you is minecrack still doing things anyway the difference between hermitcraft and something like the dream smp is that there really isn't a storyline here the server gets reset every one to two years and with that reset all the improvised stories and alliances get thanos snapped away and the story lines that do tend to occur aren't planned out or scripted they just kind of happen naturally for instance in season six there was a server-wide civil war but it wasn't because of some tyrannical dictator or some political coup instead it was because someone changed a sign to blame an innocent person for a prank the season after that was a massive turf war simply because someone changed a couple of grass blocks to mycelium real earth-shattering stuff you know and honestly that's one of the reasons i've never been able to do a theory on it because this whole thing was just casual fun without the need to script out elaborate interconnected lore nothing wrong with that you play a game for fun and you just make up improvised storylines good for you enter season 8. i don't know if it's the influence of the smash hit that is the dream smp or just the creative whims of the creators involved but season 8 has flipped the script complete with animated cutscenes and easter eggs everywhere suddenly story matters a lot and it all centers around one hermit in particular the server's admin is sumavoid in this one of the longest running smps isuma is one of the longest running hermits though his outfits have changed a lot over the years first appearing as doomguy but then shifting over to turtles bees and axolotls as those mobs were introduced to the game anyway esuma's season 8 starts pretty normally gathering resources getting a lay of the land developing a farm of upside down cows and chickens you know all the usual minecrafty things but everything changes in episode six or should i say asuma's video number 1006 which gotta say mad respect for that many videos kind of makes me wonder how many theories i've done at this point [Laughter] [Music] 795 across the channels man that is honestly i don't even have a joke about that that's just a reality check man that's a lot that's not even including the 900 gt live videos that exist whoo i need to get myself a hobby anyway at the start of this episode we get our first major cutscene the return of azuma's evil counterpart evil x i am back i have returned from my slumber the hermitcraft server can't keep me away now this alone is pretty darn interesting you see evil x has always had a goal of destroying the server by spawning dozens of henchmen to destroy everything and up until now evil x has been largely used to cause mischief that otherwise wouldn't fit into the style of a zuma's usual videos he's kind of like the minecraft equivalent of antisepticai or darkiplier and the last time we saw him video 800 he was just banned from the server except now he's back and not only is he back for this one installment but he is back in every episode of season eight and his objective this time around is actually very different from what he's used to he no longer wants to destroy instead we are not here to destroy anything at all i want to become the richest hermit the hermitcraft server has ever seen so his goal is capitalism why the sudden change why this big return and why would i care about any of this well all of those answers i believe actually goes way back to season one you see back in season one a character named pungence opened up a shop where he was selling golden items but not just any golden items these were the cursed golden items of the real-life greek mythological figure king midas for those of you who don't know since king midas doesn't really appear in the game hades so why would you know that part of greek mythology his story goes a little something like this king midas was this super wealthy guy who was obsessed with gold one day he does a favor for the god of wine dionysus who thanks him by granting midas one wish the king wishes that everything he touched turned to gold dionysus is like you sure bro and midas is like what could possibly go wrong the next day midas quickly learns what could possibly go wrong when he accidentally turns his food drinks and even his daughter to solid gold midas is sad dionysus is like you dumb gets midas to bathe in the river to reverse his wish and midas becomes really generous to the people of his kingdom it is a great little story about how greed can blind us and how having all the earthly riches we desire could actually be a curse also just a good story about thinking about your damn wishes before you make them anyway back in hermitcraft pungence is aware of the story but unaware that the gold items are apparently cursed ultimately a shadowy character with glowing eyes from h-e-double hockey sticks named jeff the minion takes the chance to fill pungence in saying that holding on to these items will cause pungence to become incredibly greedy he offers pungence a chance to save his soul by throwing the items into the same river that midas washed his hands in to remove the curse pungence ignores the warning immediately jacks up all the prices in a shop and well the story never really gets a conclusion nothing comes of it pungence goes on as normal and eventually leaves the server jeff the minion is never seen or heard from again for the hundreds and hundreds of hermitcraft episodes that come after until now you see now all of a sudden in season eight the mysterious jeff has begun to reappear out of nowhere and not in any sort of obvious way either notice this shady figure with glowing green eyes in the background of asuma's cut scene from episode 1019 or how about here in the hell's kitchen episode of 1021 a familiar face that has only ever belonged to one character on the server jeff the minion he just keeps lurking a mysterious figure in the periphery his return would actually explain why evil x has become obsessed with money evil x is infected by the midas curse and wherever that curse is jeff is along for the ride waiting waiting for what though like what is jeff the minion's plan in all this why is he connected to this supposed midas curse why is he back now after nearly a decade of stories in between well we learned from jeff way back in season one that he too was cursed by dionysus after losing a bet with him turning him from the all-powerful hellspawn that he was into a minion and that's kind of where jeff's story would end however by digging deeper we can deduce more in a video titled hermitcraft dream no more also known as hermitcraft carnival 2 pungence attacks jeff the minion using king midas's golden butter knife which allows jeff to suddenly regain all of his hellspawn powers before he eventually gets brought down by the hermits this though reveals to us an important point in true mythological fashion jeff needs items cursed by dionysus in order to restore his power that's why he tends to linger around whenever the curse of midas crops up it all seems to fit there's just one problem though that video dream no more isn't actually from hermitcraft it's actually fan made this would normally be where i have to throw the whole theory out and accept defeat because fan creations just aren't canon to the main series but this time there's a twist sure it wasn't canon when it was first created but thanks to season 8 of hermitcraft i think now it is i think retroactively it's been made canon look at this in hermitcraft carnival 3 the end of this fan series there's a big showdown against jeff dominion and in it isuma shoots an arrow into jeff's eye causing a red scar to form underneath now take a closer look at jeff hiding in the background of asuma's canon season 8 story notice anything familiar the scar is still there a scar that wasn't present in any of his original character models from the canonical entries in season 1. it only appeared as a result of that fan video in other words this detail allows us to confirm that carnival is in fact canon one more wrinkle though at the end of carnival 3 the hermits along with many other youtubers including me apparently defeat jeff so how then is jeff showing back up in hermitcraft season 8 and what's his connection to evil lex's turn to capitalism well the puka fan creator of the carnival series also has another animation this time focusing on evil x called evil's fault and we can once again show strong evidence that this too is canon as it's made by the same creator it recounts the story of carnival and jeff the minion is seen with the same scar but the big kicker is this line in the canonical season 8 episode 1010 where evil x says this jeff the minion oh i haven't seen that guy in some time given the fact that evil x has only ever met jeff the minion during the karn evil and evil's fault videos we can infer that puka's creations are in fact part of the approved season 8 story so what then happens in evil's fault that we have to pay attention to well it's revealed that the voice that's been guiding evilex's actions actually belongs to jeff the minion having a bad dream even if you wake up i'll still be here upon waking nightmares don't go away and wait he did considering the subtle clues that we're starting to see throughout season 8. notice in episode 1013 how evil x's eyes glow in the window those don't match evil x's eyes but they definitely look a whole lot like jeff's and what about over here when evil x is talking about using compassion and kindness he suddenly has an emotional shift and he starts talking about how to manipulate the hermits when that shift occurs his eyes start to glow similar to the way they glow when jeff the minion puts his voice in evil x's head at the start of evil's fault so we have ourselves an evil hell spawn that's literally possessing the mind of another villainous hermitcraft character in the form of evil x hold up why does this sound familiar oh my god he's pulling an afton right again it's another one of those i'm taking over his mind ah fine okay so jeff the minion is glitch trap and evil x is vani basically why would glitch i mean jeff the minion want to do this well for revenge at the end of carnival 3 jeff the minion is defeated by all the hermits working together so he of course wants revenge and he's using evil x to get it i control your every waking thought you will destroy the hermits including your precious however if you let evil x go in guns blazing like he usually does then he'd inevitably get himself banned again so jeff dominion needed to manipulate evil x into taking a different approach a subtle approach that wouldn't arouse suspicion capitalism and that's not all by making evil x obsessed with collecting diamonds and running a market empire it allows jeff in the form of evil x to control the flow of items the hermits will only be able to get what evil x allows them to get and if evil x has all the diamonds they're not going to be able to defend themselves when jeff the minion finally reveals himself it also allows jeff to form alliances with certain hermits notably the hermits that weren't part of the original assault against him in carnivals one and two these hermits wells knight igevan and vintage beef have all been influenced by evil x throughout season 8 making them susceptible to his demands this in turn means that jeff is assembling an army to defend him when the time is right or is potentially prepping bodies to swap into once evil x has served his purpose and that purpose is mind control remember jeff the minion has that red scar under his eye because of a zuma evil x's good version the last time jeff rose to power it was stolen away by three main characters generic b the puka and izuma generic b left the server after season one the puka has never been an official hermit so zuma is the only one left for jeff to target and we've seen a couple times this season that evil x has been able to use their shared connection to mind control him don't even think about it the striders are doing just fine yes yes they are um yes yes relax all is good my foolish axolotl my guess is that jeff is just biting his time looking for the golden item that he needs to rise to power once again all to get his revenge against the hermit who dared to defy him last time and what's jeff going to do once he's regained those powers obviously he's going to try to destroy the hermitcraft server but according to the lore of carnival 3 he also has other plans escape as in leave the confines of the game hold on he really is pulling an afton here he's looking to leave the confines of the game possess a human body okay yeah sure fire off the afton alarm i always go by his compat with his comeback according to the various sources of jeff the minion lore when he originally lost his physical form jeff apparently experimented with traveling to different worlds although he didn't find a way to escape the confines of the game he did find someone of influence that would be of great use to him should he ever regain his powers wanna guess who it is that jeff wants to take control over he says that someone with massive influence mr beast maybe markiplier tommy in it well ladies and gentlemen it turns out that the person jeff is really after is me in the description for the carnival 3 video is a link to a google spreadsheet that tells us everyone that was involved in defeating jeff for the final battle it's mainly just a list of names and links to their youtube channels but some of them have little notes next to them and if you find my name you'll see this quote while jeff was incorporeal he experimented with escaping his prison by traveling to different worlds he didn't find an escape but he did find one that interested him for future plans wow i uh i don't know what to say to that i'm honored that you want to possess my body i guess you know what consider this your open invite jeff the minion i'm ready for you seriously my brain is all yours please steal my body you've got a really long to do list so either you're going to do it for me and i get to save on a lot of headaches or i just have the best excuse to miss a bunch of deadlines sorry guys my body became possessed by a cuboidal hell spawn how's your weekend but hey even if jeff doesn't come to possess me i'm sure i'll be able to keep myself entertained while i tackle that boring to-do list thanks to today's sponsor for those of you who don't already know audible is the leading provider in spoken word entertainment so if building massive monuments in minecraft is starting to get a little bit stale why not listen to the miner's redstone on audible which will give you all sorts of ideas on how to spice up your projects with some cool redstone-powered contraptions and if you're not into the tech side of the game don't worry there's also a massive selection of story-driven minecraft audiobooks for you to enjoy while you design your latest creation i personally really liked the island which was voiced by jack black a crossover of minecraft and jack black is not something that i ever thought i needed in my life but it's definitely something that i enjoyed i'm currently listening my way through all those minecraft audio novels because you know half the fun of playing video games in 2021 is listening to their audiobook spin-offs that might be filled with secret hidden lore and the best part you can listen to all of it for free with audible's 30-day trial just visit matpat m-a-t-p-a-t or you can text matpat m-a-t-p-a-t to 500-500 and if minecraft isn't really your thing don't worry about it audible has thousands of audiobooks and podcasts about pretty much any subject like how to start and grow your business not quite an evil empire but hey gotta start somewhere come to think of it evil x probably would benefit from getting in on that action audible even has tons of audiobooks on positive thinking would probably have helped him with the whole jeff trying to control his mind thing so if you don't want jeff's ever-present voice inside your head i suggest you sign up and grab yourself some great audio experiences to keep your mind and ears distracted and entertained that's matpat or text matpat m-a-t-p-a-t to 500-500 and as always remember it's all just a theory a game theory thanks for watching
Channel: The Game Theorists
Views: 1,864,326
Rating: 4.9253759 out of 5
Keywords: hermitcraft, hermitcraft smp, hermit craft, hermit craft smp, minecraft, minecraft smp, hermitcraft minecraft, minecraft hermitcraft, hermitcraft matpat, matpat hermitcraft, hermitcraft explained, explained, dream smp, smp, arg, minecraft arg, hermitcraft arg, game theory, game theorists, matpat, game theory smp, game theory minecraft, hermitcraft season 8, hermitcraft 8, minecraft lore
Id: qU1Yv58EXcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 17 2021
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