I Played Poppy Playtime..

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today i'm playing a game called poppy's playtime oh god guys what do i do what just happened featuring cuddly things and creepy dolls what could possibly go wrong also my channel is very old which means i lose subs from close accounts every day do you know what you can help me counteract that hit the sub button right now and enjoy the video hello and welcome to poppy playtime not gonna lie to you on this one i am pretty terrified from what i've seen this is gonna be scary it's also 8 p.m at night which means it's dark and i don't like the dark so it's in chapters so we're gonna play chapter one a tight squeeze as an ex-employee of playtime carl you finally returned to the factory many years later everybody within has disappeared you walk down a dark alley and you see this smiling at you it's not gonna be a fun time let's just play oh why do i do this it's spoopy month and i've been sick for most of it so i've been able to play many spoops so hopefully all the spoops i would have experienced shocked into this game ever invented closer her name is poppy and she is the first truly intelligent doll in the world i don't like that a little girl can talk to her poppy gives her answers oh he's the first doll actually able to have a conversation with a child yes just watch oh no oh wait poppy's as lovable as a real girl and she talks like one too hi my name is poppy i love you you love me polish my shoes no do it yourself just like a real girl she always wants to look her back perfect thank you her hair is sturdy poppy says i need a wii can you help oh geez my mind is already messed up just like you no that's the time and if you've ever wanted to see how all of the nation's favorite this is crazy playtime go is now offering factory tours at just 2.99 hey that's cheap an entire hour put them hands high fives factory on earth what are you waiting for come visit the factory oh hold up oh hold up yeah yeah yeah yeah it's about to get weird poppy that's a poppy my brain is huge poppy playtime so maybe that character isn't poppy then i guess you're about to find out i'm a little bit i'm a little bit terrified everyone thinks the staff disappeared 10 years ago we're still here find the flower that was that was a cheap toy as well the toy was like six pounds six dollars so even cheaper than six pounds here we are welcome to play time what was it called play time hq okay we can sprint boogie bot can we just yo i'm here i'm here shuffling hold up that is not okay with me is that a crocodile actually oh what is that e to interact it's not doing anything oh hold up okay so there's like a code to get in here so we need a code that's good to know oh this is like where the tours take place oh hold up let's just put that in there i didn't read the words i'm too slow at reading hi my name is lee pierre hello head of innovation here at the playtime code toy hello if you're seeing this then you're trespassing yeah we played this little tape on loop whenever we close the factory for the day oh my bad so trespasser just to make you aware while we pride ourselves primarily on our high quality toys and excellent child care we also pride ourselves on our security for example this facility is full of hidden motion triggers great once set off we'll turn on the factory's emergency alarms and directly contact the authorities and that's one of the more tame why spoilers so you've got my warning it's not too late to turn around oh i'm turning around i just hope that you're certain whatever you're doing is worth it how did you know i was going to put the vhs tape in give me give me the tape back i want the tape back give me a back and why is your vhs tape green actually why am i here in the first place i don't really need to be here do i just want to find out all of the secrets eat so oh it's a train i thought it was someone breathing oh hold up wait this this this boogie bot's been slain or someone's been slain with the boogie bot i might as well make a profit can i open this no come on give me the cash oh is there a way to get up here have they all come to life is this like toy story but a little bit more crazy do i need to go up here or am i just kind of jump in the gun here parkour parkour parkour i don't think i can get up there let me try and turn the train off oh there's a security camera he was talking about hello should we do a little wave to the camera hello i'm i'm here i'm ready to party am i already stuck or can i jump over here oh your boy tress passes properly oh i mean hello there's more severely dead robots here i'm trying to look for a key a clue for the security desk can we turn this on that mouse is a little bit bugged right now grab a pencil to jot down my findings i don't know maybe it's to do with the floor there's reds blue yellow let's just do red blue yellow [Music] no it was uh was i wrong okay so it's a four combination blue red yellow is there any other colors here oh wait green pink yellow red maybe this is any other clues green pink yellow red i think there was a green yeah there's a pink as well green pink yellow red i am a genius are you joking i can't believe i just figured that out i feel so smart when i do things like that this is five nights at freddy's territory right here i know what i'm doing where's the guy on the phone huh oh when's he gonna ring me i don't have a tape what's this one say grab pack training let's put this in oh is this mine oh yeah give me this what is this the grab pack this is kind of cool i love these retro tvs as well tighten the straps i'm the yellow dummy emphasis on dummy hold both cannons pull trigger to fire pull again oh that's kind of cool it's like a hook shot that doesn't actually hook things never mind it hooks things look at it only fire at small objects and handles do not fire at co-worker straight in the effect oh also it's powerful huh wire is conductive used for rewiring okay so it's gonna be like electricity puzzles i guess thank you use your grab pack responsibly uh i'm not very good at being responsible so maybe actually no give me this can i have it what's the time play time every day so you're called playtime so oh my god this is great yes give me bin give me chair thank you for chair give me a tv give me the tv right now i can't take the tv i can't take any important items take the plug out computer give me the computer it's mine what about my right arm what can i do with my right arm i definitely shouldn't go in there i'm grabbing you come here are you coming with me what else would i need to grab everyone's gonna come in to work tomorrow and be like uh oh actually they might all be dead never mind no one's coming into work tomorrow oh wait the blue high five i am not in the zone today hold it you got a hold of respect for high five decent who's this this is huggy hello huggy i realize i just took about 10 minutes to do the intro uh the tutorial basically so um there's that huggy woggy let's learn about you shall we stop he'll squeeze you until you pop huggy that seems a little bit aggressive stay away from me please i really need to stop high-fiving things like that i shouldn't have done that definitely should have done that into the power room sort this out open the door well this is going well let's go get a snack instead you what do you mean i can't get a snack you joking i need a red hand but i'm not quite sure how to fire my red hand i don't have one yet oh there's a key yo what would i need a key for can i just unlock all these doors now absolutely not let me check i've actually got it i do so it's like a triangle shaped one with a key on the end what could that unlock oh it opens power it opens the power door it's a very shiny door i am currently staff don't fret high five sir so we have a generator which i'm perfectly well adapted to train for and operate that's okay oh hello remember do be kind to others show up on time do not hide behind doors to scare lathe don't stay past eight misuse company time tamper with machinery or enter innovation wing without authorization that's what i like to hear that's where i'm going so i guess we're going to learn how to do the electricity thing now right open sesame grab to divert power where do i want it to go though do we touch this that's kind of cool wasn't there another one around here we touched this as well linked up see told you electrician in the making i don't even need my second hand oh no uh huggy would you like me to take your place i do have one blue hand so i could be your huggy i'll just hold one of these in front of my face and it'll be fine huggy do you know where i can get my red hand from i would really appreciate the help oh wait i can use this blue door now maybe this is where huggy went let's hold it and what is through magical oh make a friend this seems this seems like nothing bad could happen hello oh there's a pink huggy too is that him oh why is that why is there such a dark alleyway here i don't think i'm ready to scream yet my voice is dying i don't like that puff of smoke doing that to me oh it's blue there's like blue i thought it was blood never mind it's just a carpet hello huggy hopefully you are behaving yourself why did you behead this dog what did this dog do to you huh this place is kind of terrifying look like there's a baby's head that's now over there the pee pee box is there i don't really want to know what's in that looks like there's an orange tape i haven't seen an orange tape anywhere must be up here i need to remember that i can run what's this why is there a green hand as well i have no idea what i just picked up it's some form of box i wish you could like click on it i don't know why i can't so we've got four different colors different hand prints but i don't have the red hand right now so i'm not quite sure what i can actually do and we need the orange tape still maybe i'll just go down here let's just do it let's see what happens handle with care okay so that literally just means that you can touch it it doesn't have to be the appropriate hand color right this is good good news i now have red one and i guess one more of these now i've got this green one give me a green yoink that's the red hand nice so i need to activate this conveyor belt that's what i need to do with a big crane hand as well just need one more of these uh little cube things and maybe a little vhs tape as well and we'll be good to go i can't sneakily grab it from here i need the crane ah there it is your link now can i go back up to the top we still don't have the vhs tape maybe that's something to do with the red hand i think we should be able to power this up now hey grab me that i need my free gift please i've always been terrible at crane machines so please let me win this one did i win yes here it comes my brand new prize it's like the thanos gauntlet but better look at this yes i have two hands now pow pow can i grab with this one as well oh yes i can baby successfully heated let's see what is inside here oh this feels weird should i go in there though i don't feel like this is safe but i don't think the game is going to give me a choice really i didn't get to see the the orange vs that vhs tape at all oh fantastic news i'm stuck grab to complete the circuit ah okay so there's different corridors here that's one of the rods i need the main source of electricity up here that's the button oh that's another button wait hold on can i just do this it doesn't reach maybe if i do that and then that definitely didn't work hook this round and then slap hey the brains have begun to work again i feel like i'm on what's what's the ride at disney when you're in the dark like this big thunder no no big thunder mountain space some oh how am i forgotten oh great body parts hello little body parts uh there's a leg couple arms [Music] i feel like this ain't gonna make the correct toys not gonna have the desired effect i'll make a friend here i completely forgot we're going to make a friend today out of all these discombobulated parts fostering happiness that's so cute i like that nobody leaves without a toy i would love one what are we gonna what abomination are we gonna make huh we need to power this machine i think we need power literally just what i said is there any power back here maybe oh that might be down here actually it won't let me past oh there's a pink tape up there oh wait hold on my eyes are actually working today i'm a bit annoyed that i missed one of the tapes though pink player okay sweet let's grab this yoink and then put that in here let's see what they got to say for themselves i want to make a friend how do i do this enlighten me stella what made you want to work at the playtime co factory playing with toys when i was young was so magical i could go straight for my bedroom floor to anywhere in the world true good imagination great feeling and being able to work at a toy factory somewhere that can provide kids with that same experience why is it just a hand like this sometimes though i really really wish i could go we don't need hand cam for this i mean and it's weird because adults are just kids but older yes i think anyone ever really feels like that's so true your body just gets older and older and then you die that's also true human bodies just can't stay young forever there's things though like some trees that can stay alive even while being way older than a person i mean that's a bit different but all these people to ever live are still younger than those so i guess everyone is always young relative to something right sounds like something disney would say so we've definitely missed one of the tapes which is super annoying i'm so sorry but um looks like someone was very passionate about toys i was in natalie something like that i started with an n um and she [Music] was doing an interview to try and work here but now as we know all of the workers have literally disappeared right let's power this bad boy we know how to do this now he says as he misses it so we need to wrap this around is this like infinite it must be wrap this round here okay definitely not infinite this is this is unfortunate okay that's powering that but how do i get that over to there let's let go for a second so this is number two can i walk on oh wait a second i think that might be a red herring let's pull this across there we go and then then we can zap it and then we can just go no no bunching me back up please oh i've got to walk the stairs that's so annoying puzzle games not my forte all right let's power this then just go this way it's gonna be too short again isn't it no why can't i hit that wait i think i figured it out i just had to skip past it then i can light these up right this should work yes so basically what i did is i set it over there came round pulled it with my red hand and then walked around again we have power we can now make ourselves a friend i'm so excited we can just jump down here right oh oh okay yeah definitely don't do that again oh no definitely don't do that right power on power me on boy hello you're all you three are beautiful what kind of friend am i getting huh i want to see something good serve me up a good friend i don't have many oh i can choose what i want we're definitely going with a baby heads no doubt that's not a baby head give me the baby head come on are we just doing whatever comes out pretty much what we got dude i don't even know what these parts are okay we're making a rabbit maybe who knows let's see what comes out at the end we'll high five our new best friend oh something's happening what have we made oh they just got painted it's like one of them bee things it kind of looks really sad so sad with his mouth open let's see what section is next it's got the assembly right or his assembly right at the end disinfectant that's what's happening or injecting it with a child's soul are we saying bumble cat that's what we shall call you i'm gonna grab you at the end i think i need to put you in that little vacuum over there you know what it says do not enter no humans no cats come here hey hello you ain't going nowhere come here you look it's in our inventory so cute nobody leaves without a toy and that includes me look at it scanning i wonder what happened why why would it need to be rejected um you know what stairway yeah i don't i don't think you should have that on the sign oh oh god high five high five i know you want a high five you want a high five you wanna oh jeez where'd i go i know i have two arms now but i don't want to hug please oh god let me out let me i'm stuck i'm sorry i'm actually stuck i'm actually stuck i'm actually stuck guys guys what do i do how do i do to you oh my god i got up i'm going up let's go upstairs oh they thought about that let me out or maybe up here let's go out here let's go oh it's dark it's really dark holy i didn't even get to open the other door oh what just happened that's not english get up what i've been eaten by a hug monster that was terrifying the teeth on that thing i'm just going to leave throughout okay never mind i'm going i can't go through anything look at it it's got two mouths it's literally got two mouths let's go i'm out two mouths nobody needs two mouths oh it's right there that's why no this way this way this way don't what'd it say don't i'm not looking backwards no it says no i tried to jump it i tried to finesse it i'm an idiot i don't even know what it says i don't even want to look that way oh my god stop is a stop stop no who's been writing these messages this is vandalism i've gone the wrong way haven't i yep yep yep yep yep oh my god which way which way no oh what i'm dead i'm dead don't slap him slap him up look go go go go go go we don't need any malfunctioning doors right now it's telling me to go backwards i'm so hungry you are not hungry go eat a sandwich grab it grab it do what you need to do oh we found it we found the poppy hey that was that was terrifying it's bleeding it's actually bleeding which means it was alive that's quite the drop though i don't think you're gonna survive that oh my god that was so terrifying i could literally hear it all around in my headphones oh man that was something else and i got eaten by the punk as well i'm glad it happened once like i said it lured me in with all of the the puzzle solving and stuff and then it hit me with it hit me with huggy who isn't the best hugger you shouldn't really hug with your mouth full of pointed teeth times two oh wait a second i wish i got that orange tape that's really annoyed me that i didn't get it i might go back in and watch it this is great this is normal it's not gonna be normal is it at all final log in relation experiment one the hands changed the prototype coordination and cooperation is evidently within his skill set as well as the skill set of all other experiments always an experiment though still missing today's events are no doubt in relation to him his absence was a flaw in the scientific process should have under no circumstances been left unaccounted for that's why i'm making this log so that the same mistake won't be made twice any future experiments will need to be contained and disposed of in a secure location experiment on toys i'm not worried about myself i can hear it in the background i'll be back we must forge onwards in the name of science no but those who are beneath us understand it or not oh oh i got shivers because i remember that sound just before i got eaten by teeth but here is the poppy we didn't get to read a lot of the words but i think they had this general kind of vibe go back run no stop run danger turn round and an old wooden door all these toys oh it's my toy i'm so sorry that i didn't get to make full use of you let's go oh that is not what i was expecting this granny's house it's always like an old relative who gives you a a haunted toy or something you steal all your lamps all your lamps are mine now yeah classic little music box i like i don't like it actually thought these were carrots but they're poppies follow the music box yeah creepy child's room okay take that off the list can i take your pillows i can take your pillows your pillows are now mine okay random door little rocking horse can we go through random door we definitely can't i'm just gonna slap anything that i can secret bookshelf right i know i've seen these before secret bookshelf okay maybe not that would have been cool though if i predicted that no instead we've got the red light of death i like i don't like that either hello yo what the oh it's poppy hello poppy are you infused with the soul of a dead relative it's kind of mesmerizing actually i like the color i like what you've done with the place are we letting you out is is that a thing dude i actually really like the look of everything here we just hit a play right that's it no isaac no no you can't it was just getting really weird so i thought at the beginning the huggy was poppy lit who did i know that there were two creepy characters of course there were and that's it that's our first little tour of playtime productions did you enjoy yourself
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 4,472,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dan tdm, gaming, video games, funny
Id: fF_CmF1se2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 40sec (1660 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 31 2021
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