Game Theory: The Dark Lore of Brawl Stars (ft KairosTime)

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hello class i'm matt pat your professor for brawlstars theory 101 and welcome to sorry i'm late i don't appreciate tarting wait you're cairo's time host of brawl theory an all-around expert on this franchise uh shouldn't you be the one teaching this class no believe me i'd like to see how you handle it don't worry i won't interrupt unless you get something wrong or if i get bored sure no pressure hello internet welcome to game theory the show where brawl nerds like myself dive into the lore of i'm sorry matpat i'm pretty sure you just stole my line let's be honest you stole it first that uh that is actually true if it wasn't clear we are here today to talk about the lore of brawl stars but before i dive in i gotta tell you about the new holiday theory where merch last year's holiday season wasn't what a lot of us hoped for heck the last couple years haven't exactly been a whole lot of fun either but as we head into the holidays in the new year it's time to look into the future so with that in mind we've designed our new merch with a futuristic space theme like our slick and simple eclipse t-shirt and joggers super comfy while still being super stylish whether you're going out chilling around the house or looking to blend in with the chessboard need a bit more color in your life well we've got game and film theory beanies with rubber embossed logos and knitted graphics plus we've got matching asymmetrical hoodies the design of which was actually influenced by loyal theorist sarah she drew these as fan art and left them on our subreddit i loved the design so much that we reached out to her purchased the designs and made them into actual clothing you spoke up we listened and now i have myself one of my favorite hoodies to wear in and out of the house if hoodies aren't your thing well we've got two amazing new jackets because you all know me if i'm presented with a good jacket i'm like yes all the jackets this time we've got ourselves the outrunner souvenir jacket and space racer quilted jacket both are nice and warm and poofy and snuggly and they both have heavy duty rib knit cuffs collars and waistbands to guarantee that they're gonna last for a while if you got enough clothes attention gamers you need to protect your consoles while you're out and about so why not use our new alien tech switch case it's a super durable case made from vegan leather with an interior that's specifically designed to protect your joy-con analog sticks we all know how bad those things can get plus you get two bonus multi-game cases that is free merch inside of your merch maybe you love all our theories and merch but can't decide which is your favorite boom our four channel gift box is perfect it's got a notebook pen coaster socks and spinner keychain all sporting the 4 channel logos so you never have to pick your favorite again lastly for all those long holiday nights that you spend cuddled up on the couch you can enjoy your beverage of choice in our caffeine chemistry enamelware mug while wrapping up in our super soft snuggly theories blanket there is a lot to choose from in this merch drop but i gotta tell you i adore each and every one of them i might have said yes to one too many things this time but it doesn't matter has anyone who's ever bought our theory where can tell you our merch is in a different league of quality we only use the highest quality materials and build these things from the ground up because we value you and think that when you buy something it should actually feel like it's worth it something that you're proud of and not just some logo that's screen printed onto a shirt this slate of items is quite honestly the best yet as we continue to learn and find the best people to help build us the best things possible and best of all we've already ordered it it is waiting to be shipped out to you as soon as you place your order so you don't have to worry about massive delays on it getting to you in time for the holidays so whether you're buying it for yourself or fancy getting a gift for some other loyal theorist head on down to the description below and snag yourself some awesome theory ware so it can be with you in time for the holidays and with that shameless plug out of the way it's time to talk about brawl stars brawl stars is a twin stick hero shooter that's geared towards mobile gamers yeah you heard that one right not normally the place that you'd expect to find some interesting lore unless of course you're talking about the weird ad campaigns so imagine my surprise when i met kairos at a gaming event he introduced me to a world full of secret lore filled web pages live stream radio broadcasts with hidden morse code and creepy over-the-top investor videos [Music] here's a pro tip anytime someone tries this hard to convince you that everything's normal you can be sure that things are anything but needless to say he caught my attention real quick just kind of wish that i had gotten to it sooner so that i could have been one of the youtubers to get a secret star park package in the mail filled with clues and hints about the game's lore that's right ladies and gentlemen this isn't just limited to the game this is a fully blown arg involving members of the player community you know who did get one of those star park fan packages you don't have to rub it in honestly you should probably be glad you didn't get a package because otherwise you'd have to experience the nightmares that i've been living through every single day [Music] oh i know the feeling i know the feeling [Music] anyway brawl stars is a game that doesn't present a whole lot of its lore in-game at first it seemed like this was just a game about cute little fighters duking it out to be the first team to collect 10 gems or guard a safe from waves of robots with no reason as to why or so we thought then came a reddit post by a user named gamba who pointed out that there was something fishy going on with the game's maps a lot of the fixtures were things that you'd typically find in a theme park for example the mortise mortuary map has these rope barriers that keep people in theme park lines there are also trash cans that would look more at home in a disneyland than in mortuary so i hear you saying the brawlers are all fighting each other in a theme park that's it that's the big lore reveal if only it were that simple friends you see someone was watching and listening gombo would receive a mysterious package in the mail later that year containing a laptop and a note saying you're on to something there was also a link to a website why this mysterious informant decided the best way to send a url was by hand delivering an ancient laptop to their door rather than i don't know using an internet messaging service is perhaps the biggest mystery of all and gambo wasn't the only one on september 5th a bunch of community members revealed that they too had received physical packages full of items from this mysterious star part i'm sorry but you've got to at least talk about what happened the day before that where star park literally threatened community members trying to get them to stop digging into this mystery ray even got a cease and desist order on the air i was getting to that you see there are blinking lights within certain brawlstars maps like tara's bazaar and the city level when studied closely they spell out a message in morse code wkbrl the name of the youtube channel and livestream that kairos just mentioned the live streams start off as a source of cryptic information about future brawl stars updates nothing too exciting until one day everything changed the broadcast was hijacked hello hi hey i don't have much time i snuck in here and i was able to dig in through the basement door i gotta talk to you right now about what's really going on in this world but the biggest reveal was yet to come two days later interrupting the middle of an otherwise normal live stream we get a video that looks like an old vhs tape created at a time when star park was looking for investors now this video is brilliant it is a sight to behold like even if you're not interested in this game or it's lore at all this six minute video is just an incredible feat of production with massive dance numbers huge anime sequences even rides oh yeah and there's also the scariest animatronic bear that you'll ever see dear fnaf movie hire whoever made this video and through it all buried inside these six minutes of insanity is more lore than you can shake an oversized pointer at the video starts off innocently enough with a japanese host inviting people to learn about an exciting new business venture nominated that's an oddly specific denial that you bring up there look i'm just saying that as weird as happiest place on earth might be as a tagline it would be weirder if disneyland advertised itself by telling you absolutely no violence happening inside this theme park anyway it appears that at the time this video was recorded the park was still under construction many of the rides are still in prototype and planning phases but sprinkled throughout our references to characters and moments from the actual game like here we have a young boy with a green hoodie that looks similar to the brawler leon and the girl next to him with a teddy bear is just like the one that another brawler nita uses during her super did you know that those two were actually confirmed siblings yes yes i did there's even some recognizable firearms in the form of the bull gun [Music] in this one video we not only get the theme park that fits the theory but we also get an explanation for the various in-game characters how are some brawlstars characters walking talking robots well they're clearly just more advanced versions of the mechanical bartenders [Music] why are some brawlers like crow bipedal animals well we clearly see animatronic animal heads as a real part of this park more real than anything you can imagine which by the way also has schematics posted to the website we even see what appears to be the origin for several fixtures within the brawlstars universe like in this shot which shows what looks to be the giant boss robot from the game so theory confirmed right well yes but also no towards the end everything seems to break down and we hear what's clearly a backwards message which when reversed says this in the future the children control the glowing rectangle glowing rectangles what could that be referring to it's this matpat glowing rectangles this is how we control them yes kind of a rhetorical question but i appreciate the enthusiasm obviously this message is referring to us controlling the brawlers with our phones children of the future with glowing rectangles so those brawlers that seem all too eager to shoot each other in disputes over gems it turns out aren't doing it on their own accord which also explains some other hidden messages that happen when you play the video backwards in the original video we close out on a bunch of dancers as we hear the songs [Music] but backwards suddenly this outro becomes the first thing we hear and um the message changes a little bit listen for yourself [Music] or what about this clip okay did you catch that not the spoken dialogue but the woman's erratic blinking she's blinking in morse code and it spells out danger it spells danger d a n g e r thank you kairos and now it's probably time to explain how the wkbrl stream fits into all this earlier this year the wkbrl channel rebranded as wkbrl the voice that hears you well not so much rebranded as taken over the current theory is that the wkbrl network used to be run by a renegade organization trying to fight back against star park but when star park found it they co-opted it to play a day-long loop that seemed to be taking employees of star park through a 24-hour cycle forcing them to constantly repeat the same day starting with a morning workout by a fake kairos named kairos tim welcome everyone this is cairo so we're gonna work out hey that's that's you he sounds nothing like me and he's clearly a fake kairos but this theme of keeping dissenters quiet continues my channel is one of the main outlets for brawl theories and i'm actually trying to spread the truth about what's going on so how do they fight back they try to discredit me with a fake kairos literally a deep fake hello fellow brawlers and welcome to kairos tim with me kairos follow me i'm the real kairos not fake kairos then how do i know that you're you you don't except that you actually do because i can touch my face wait what you're you're supposed to be able to touch your face i'm just a cutout i i can't oh oh phew that was close anyway their broadcasts have a constant theme of brainwashing almost like star park employees are being forced to listen to this every day to ensure that they obey their programming this is your smile reminder smile smile smile and fake kairos is constantly mentioning that you don't have to worry about being turned into a brawler kind of makes me think that they're turning people into brawlers so we have people being kept here against their will as well as themes of brainwashing and being kept under the control of others all to turn humans into fighting warriors exactly and we also get constant hints that the people being brainwashed in star park are actually asleep if you're experiencing awakenings don't just don't you may not know nope it's [Music] and this confirms my theory that all brawlers are forced to do battle all day every day in a simulated dream world hold up you don't seriously think that they went with the it was a dream the whole time shtick do you if that were true why would they need an elaborate real park why would they build animatronics and giant mechs there's no need for all of that if this is just a dream or happening inside the mindscape no i would argue that it's more like everyone's caught in a trance-like state kind of like the matrix you know their conscious mind is asleep being distracted with these daily activities that we hear on the radio well their bodies are being controlled by us that's why the radio simultaneously tells the listeners to wake up and also go back to sleep if you are awake you should go to sleep go to sleep it's placating the minds of these people so they don't realize what's really happening to their bodies listen to the way that these videos describe awakenings do you find yourself questioning your station in life having flashes of another plane of existence experiencing occasional bouts of sudden realness if you're suffering from these things or more you may be experiencing a rare but serious condition called awakenings it doesn't sound like a person waking up from a long nap sounds more like a person who's coming out of a trance and realizing that their mind has been trapped inside of a body that's being puppeteered by another person but that doesn't explain how everyone's able to endlessly respawn if you get shot in real life you're not getting up to fight another day and you aren't going to be able to participate in hundreds or thousands of battles whereas if it were in a dream than you actually could but then why the need for a physical park and why would people in the investor video be walking around with their eyes closed well what if we're both right maybe there are layers to the simulation okay this part of the investor video always struck me as kind of odd the presenter taps the model of the park with his pointer and you see a jumbo version of it appear behind him it's almost like he's pointing at the model that he himself is in kyros you genius i could kiss you please don't that clip shows that there's a physical connection between the model world and the physical one we also have many voice clips referring to simulated realities simulation theory you know about it of course you do but what if it's true what a favorite thing is a lie everything illusion and i am inside a simulation what if these simulated realities are the dreams they have but they actually exist in physical form in these models like a voodoo doll in reverse where the doll is a real person and the body is actually an empty vessel being controlled by somebody else think about it in an earlier part of the clip we see the presenter lean over a glass case and say hello children what if he's talking to real people whose consciousnesses are stuck inside the models so you're telling me that the brawls are happening in a model park and not the real one precisely but why do that and that still doesn't answer the actual physical park question well consider this like you pointed out they seem to need human minds to power the brawlers but where do you get them you divide the body and brain in two on one side you have the real people in the real park that are kept in this trance-like state you hypnotize them with the wkbrl stream so that they go through the daily motions they eat exercise sleep etc that keeps their body happy which leaves the rest of the brain the higher processing power to get funneled into those models thereby creating or running the brawlstars matches again it's just like the matrix except with 100 less religious imagery that does actually solve why they would need a real theme park and how the characters actually get respawned over and over but honestly it leaves me kind of disappointed if all this is just a set of toys battling i feel like it kind of cheapens the whole mind control thing we all used to make our toys fight as kids and nothing bad came from it why would they actually need real people well that actually brings me back to one of your theories that all of this is just star park preparing for world domination yeah one of my early theories was actually that all matches in brawl stars were battle simulations trying to train up a.i what if it's not training up ai but people here's another pop culture reference for you ender's game have you read it i actually i'm about to spoil it for you anyway so it doesn't matter basically it's about children playing through simulations to learn how to command star fleets in order to destroy an alien threat but it turns out what they think is just an exam was actually them commanding real ships with real people in a war zone i'm proposing a similar idea by having real people's consciousnesses trapped inside of the characters they're learning tactics survival skills and combat look at leon and nita for example two children that are going through the mindless daily wkbrl activities at the park all while their conscious minds are connected to leona nida to train them into super soldiers their bodies are staying in peak health thanks to wkbrl pushing them through tough daily workouts their diets are controlled and their minds are constantly running training simulations star park can activate this real-life army of super soldiers to take over the world at any time they want and we've been training them the entire time so when do we get a new update we don't know somebody actually shut down the wkbr live stream just a bit ago and we still have no idea why who knows maybe this video will get their attention we'll know if we're close if you start getting deep fakes core packages in the mail just stay safe out there star park is ruthless and welcome to the theory family wait shouldn't i be saying that to you well one thing we probably should say is but hey that's just theory you just had to say it didn't you it started as a joke but it's kind of my thing now trust me i get it and thanks again to kairos for being willing to listen to me stumble my way through something that he knows way more about there is so much more that would have been fun to talk about here but then the video would have gotten really unfocused and bloated so if you liked what i discussed here today i highly recommend that you go over to kairos's channel and take a look at his brawl theory series where he breaks all of this down bit by bit piece by piece to lay out the entire lore of this thing and again it is still ongoing we can have an update any day now or heck you can just join the quest pick up the game take a look let me know what you find kairos any last words before we wrap things up yes there is actually i am the real kairos and kairos tim is a fake and my hair is way more luscious than his ah it's true and nobody can deny that your dulcet tones and great audio quality are in fact the real deal it's even more obvious when you're using today's sponsor raycon wireless earbuds oh yeah i am nailing those seamless transitions today seriously raycon's new everyday earbuds are phenomenal for just half the price of the premium brands you're getting just as premium of an audio experience with recon you're not throwing your money away on some hyped up and therefore marked up brand raycon is ensuring that you're getting the best audio 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as everyone says and as always remember friends that's just a theory a game theory no interruptions this time thanks for watching
Channel: The Game Theorists
Views: 5,623,273
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brawl Stars, mobile game, mobile games, brawl stars ad, mobile game ads, brawl stars lore, brawl theory, Brawl Stars explained, weird mobile games, best mobile games, funny mobile games, game theory, game theorists, matpat, game theory mobile games, Game Theory brawl stars, KairosTime, KairosTime Gaming, Kairos Time, Starr Park
Id: Wei9a4S63Bg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 18sec (1278 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 14 2021
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