Game Theory: Mewtwo's Secret Human Clone! (Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee)

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What if Green is actually Sans?

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/irzathepegasus 📅︎︎ Jan 20 2019 🗫︎ replies

I'd watch a movie called "Mewthree"

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/Trickybuz93 📅︎︎ Jan 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

14:39 Find the lists

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/GGwith8Gs 📅︎︎ Jan 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

I thought it was gonna be like “after you’ve caught Mewtwo you become a clone but you don’t know it so the girl try to catch you because you are a pokemon” was a bit dissappointed

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/NillesMan 📅︎︎ Jan 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

Bendy is being threatend by?

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/ExplodingPurple 📅︎︎ Jan 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

MatPat, PLEASE fix the volume of your intro. It is so much louder than anything else...

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/livingcontradiction 📅︎︎ Jan 20 2019 🗫︎ replies

Hello. My name is Jason. I'm a newcomer of r/GameTheorists . In truth, I've followed u/MatPatGT on YouTube and Twitter since 4 years ago, when I was still in college after 6 years of my enrollment (I have graduated 1 year ago.) Let me just say I watch almost all of his Game and Film Theory videos, and I love this guy half to death! They may not all hold plausible, but his theories are most certainly believable, and I implore him for that.

That being said, I feel that this theory in particular has great potential to actually be held true. Considering this is a Pokémon theory, it's especially one in a series-set of theories that I take careful research on, the other set being that of Super Mario theories; let's just say the "Mario the Psychopath" theory has stirred a bit of controversy on my part, but is nonetheless a very interesting theory. As I've taken careful research on this Pokémon theory, I've come across information that may very well prove it to be true, and so I've decided to post this comment to express these findings to you. This is my first time commenting here, so hopefully in reading this you can see about your thoughts on my connections. I recommend you look into my citations (linked below this passage) to see whether my connections are correct.

As a sidenote, this is also my first attempt at reaching MatPat for specific theories I find implausible, like the Toadette trying to take Peach's FAKE excuse of a throne. In the case I'm not able to reach him, I would like for you to share this comment in this forum and also link this post to him if you have a Google+/Twitter account. I feel that the information I have for this theory may pose to him enough significance for him to look further into it, and as you continue reading this comment, you may very well know why.

I've watched the Pokémon anime in my childhood, so I may or may not make my connections precise; just know that my experience in watching the anime adaption have been somewhat memorable. I should say first that when I stumbled across this video, I legitimately thought, "It looks like Pokémon just won't leave you alone, huh Mat?" I mean, let's be honest, he has said long ago that his first "Pokémon Evolution" theory would be the very last theory specifically for Pokémon. But as it turns out, the series isn't exactly one to lose recognition, and we all know that very well. So when I looked into this video, I didn't think it would delve as deeply as it did, but it would seem to me that MatPat has almost figured it out once again! But, like the skeptic that I could often be, I did some research for myself. In the video, MatPat mentions key factors of the character Green - that she may have been brought up as a clone for a weapons project, and that you can actually find areas and situations in the games that outright confirm these factors. There was only one question about this that ran through my mind: just who is Green, and exactly what role is she playing (no pun intended) as of Pokémon: Let's Go! (2018)?

Well, wouldn't ya know, Green made her first debut in Pokémon FireRed and Pokémon LeafGreen (2004). She's one of the residents of Pallet Town, and by the time she was ready to move out, a Professor Oak suddenly stopped her, insisting that she needed to take a Pokémon with her for her protection. Guess who also lives in Pallet Town, was met by Professor Oak one day, and needed a Pokémon for protection? That's right, ladies and gentlemen, the very first playable character of the entire Pokémon series who is also said to have known Blue in his childhood; the world-renowned Pokémon master, Red from Pokémon Red (1996 in Japan)!

Surprised? You should be! Because if MatPat is correct about this theory, something utterly bizzare must've happened with Red, Blue, and Green to put them all into the same predicament at the same time! Think about it! Why do you think they literally have COLORS for their names?! Red, Blue, AND Green?!! No parent actually NAME their children that way (at least not unless it's someone like Beyoncé)! The only likelihood for these characters to have colors for names is if they were all marked for some sort of military project, one that involves cloning of both Pokémon...and humans! I believe that is the exact role that all three of these characters are supposed to play; they just haven't exactly figured it out yet....


Google+ Response to MatPat

Pokemon Lets Go Eevee/Pikachu! - VS Mewtwo, Green, Blue and Red

Bulbapedia Information on Red, Blue, and Green

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/HotDiamond_2018 📅︎︎ Jan 20 2019 🗫︎ replies

Anyone else a bit disappointed with this theory? It just feels.... wrong, and kind of pointless. I mean, I don’t think anyone was questioning who Green was. Why does she throw balls at you? Because she’s a weird character, not the first time we’ve seen one of those in Pokémon. Why does she want Mewtwo? Uhhh, maybe cause he’s the most powerful Pokémon in existence?

Maybe the dumpster fire that was his SpongeBob theory is just making this one feel worse, but it’s still pretty bad.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/mars23658 📅︎︎ Jan 20 2019 🗫︎ replies

Honestly one of the best theories I've seen in a long time. And the fact that the video seemed not stretched at all was a huge plus. Well done theorists!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jan 20 2019 🗫︎ replies
You ever notice how Pokemon always say their own names, yet Whenever you encounter Mewtwo in the games, it always says Mew instead of Mewtwo. It happens in 'Red and Blue', It happens in the Gen 3 remakes fire-red and leaf-green and it even happens in Pokemon X&Y. I think we all know the answer Mewtwo is a clone of the original Pokemon Mew and Pokemon always say their name, with Mewtwo just being the nickname the scientists gave it. But still it's a very cool Example of attention to detail that said, it is pretty darn Disrespectful to keep calling it Mewtwo to its face like imagine if you had a human child named- I don't know Amber, and then you cloned her and then you started calling the clone, Amber two - that would be... preeetty messed up, right? "They call me, Amber two, but I'm still really Amber." [Trumpet noise plays] Matpat Stares at the screen... dissapointed- [Facepalms] [Game theory intro] Hello Internet, Welcome to Game Theory. Where we're just like Nintendo, constantly looking to make money off of old franchises I mean their first major Pokemon announcement of 2019 came out on January 1st And it was... A new Pokemon movie in the form of an old Pokemon movie 20 years, after its initial release 'Mewtwo strikes back' has now been transformed into- 'Mewtwo strikes back evolution' A CGI reboot with a name that's only slightly better than- 'Mewtwo strikes back: Revengeance' 'And Mewtwo strikes back: Mew three' A I'll be wagging my finger at Nintendo for the shameless Retread if it wasn't for the fact that they had also just released Let's go Pikachu and let's go Eevee, two games that straight-up remake the campaign from the originals. Easy cash grabs abound but of course I had to play them It is my job after all. It's a tough job, but someone's got to do it So, of course while playing through them, I was on the lookout for what new additions to the series they decided to slip in, with this revisit to where it all began. Lesser emphasis on combat... Check, no random battles, great. Girl who repeatedly pelts your face with pokeballs "uhhhhh, whaaaaat?" You see, in these new games after you visit the cerulean cave and capture Mewtwo you encounter a trainer by the name of Green, her introduction to the player is Well, Definitely not typical the encounter starts with her throwing a pokeball at the player She quickly tries to play this off like an accident by saying "Oh, whoops, you're not a Pokemon." And "It's dark in here." Fair enough, I too, sometimes get startled and throw my balls at people in self-defense but then she becomes angry when she learns that you've already captured Mewtwo. She battles you, then after you win she throws another Pokeball at you ...And another, and another, aaand another. Five times, she tries to capture you in a Pokeball *sound effect of getting hit* All this while making the odds suggestion of: "why don't you become one of my Pokemon together, with Mewtwo, think about it, okay?" Listen, the first time you smack me with a Pokeball might just be an accident, By the time this girl gets to her fifth Pokeball thrown at me, I'm gonna start wondering if there might be some things Slightly... off about her. It's the sort of weird moment that tells me that there's something else going on here. So who is this girl? Who is Green and what is their connection with Mewtwo? Well, it's my belief as well as the belief of online theorist RikiGrunt on reddit that Green is a clone, a girl who was raised in a test-tube by scientists all as a part of the Mewtwo project. Now, that might seem like a lot to assume from just a few lines of dialogue and a little bit of weird behaviour But the evidence is definitely out there The birth of Mewtwo was a ten-minute origin story that served as a prequel to the events of Pokemon's first major motion picture-'Mewtwo strikes back'. And it was created to be part of the movie's U.S. theatrical debut. Now, if you originally saw that movie in theaters and don't remember anything happening before the movie about a Mewtwo origin Well, you're not wrong The whole thing was cut prior to release and the only pre-show that happened before the movie was the short-'Pikachu's Vacation'. Then, when the movie came out on home video. A heavily cut-down version that reduced its runtime from 10 minutes to 2 minutes Made it into the final edit. It wasn't until 2001 that the full 10 minute prequel finally got a release without any cuts, the fittingly dubbed 'Uncut story of Mewtwo's origin'. So that merits the question. What was too hot for Pokemon to handle? What was so controversial and traumatizing that it got cut not just once but *twice* in movie releases? Oh, it's no big deal who's just the story of the death of a little clone girl Here's the story as told by that animated short film. Mr Fuji the guy who hangs out at the Pokemon house in Lavender Town and is best known for giving out Poke-flutes to trainers and Needin get some Snorlax is out of their way was part of a cloning project to resurrect the pokémon, Mew. However, Mr Fuji's motives for joining the project were a bit more Personal than he'd let on, as he wanted to use the same cloning technology being used to resurrect mew, to also Resurrect his own deceased daughter, Amber. "I must see my little girl smile again, please Let my theories be true." Mr. Fuji here Sounds a lot like me every time I release a theory. Well, except for the whole dead daughter thing Now, obviously in the short, the Mew clone is named Mewtwo, but it's not the only clone we see, Charmander two- Squirtle two - and Bulbasaur two - are also there. Rounding out that roster of terrible twos though is Amber two - Who, in case you haven't noticed the pattern by now is the clone of Mr. Fuji's daughter, Amber Amber two - is somehow able to communicate telepathically with Mew and all the other Pokemon clones. All five live in an unconscious state Trapped inside their own minds as they're waiting to be fully born. But because Amber two has the memories of the original Amber, She's able to share her memories of the outside world with Mewtwo and the other Pokemon clones, teaching them about life in the outside world "I call this my remember place, this is where I used to live." Mewtwo-"What is that?" Amber-"That's the Sun, it makes the whole world bright and it keeps us warm all day." For Pokemon that have never gotten to know life outside of a cloning tank, Amber's memories are the only taste they ever get of the real world It's actually a really touching story, until of course they decide to crush your childhood by teaching a theater full of kids about their own mortality. You see- Charmander two- Squirtle two - n' Bulbasaur two - don't survive the cloning incubation process and ultimately Fade out of existence which, let's just be honest with ourselves, is children's movie shorthand for "Those dead Test-tube clones goin' be flushed down the toilet," but if that weren't bad enough the movie then does the unthinkable, Amber two - fades as well. Amber two: "Thank you for caring about me," "And don't cry Mewtwo you're alive and life is wonderful." [Amber two's voice echoes] [Toilet flushes] Which just leaves Mewtwo alone and in the darkness, the only survivor Sad and angry at the loss of his only four friends. Mewtwo- "Please Amber. Come back." "Don't go...Please." Watching this short story. It's really hard to think of Mewtwo as the villain ever again So why bring the story up and sadistically torture viewers with what might have been the most heart-wrenching story in all of Pokemon canon? Well, I believe that Amber two from the movie is Green in these new games. Mr Fuji's daughter who was raised during the Mewtwo project, but unlike Amber two in the movie, Green, actually survived In the original Pokemon games, the pokémon mansion on Cinnabar Island is the first place that the player learns about the existence of Mewtwo through A series of journal entries. In the updated Pokemon. Let's go Pikachu and Eevee, though You'll find more than just journal entries hidden there, deep in the basement. There's a large tank It's empty, according to the game text, quote: "It's a large container made of thick glass, It looks as if something has been beating on it over and over from the inside". And if that hint was too subtle for what's going on here, if you have Mewtwo as your companion when you're visiting the tank you'll get this unique text: "Mewtwo is Staring ahead at the large machine". If Mew's with you, it's a similar story: "Mew, is staring quietly At the large machine." given that this is clearly the tank where Mew was cloned and where Mewtwo was born It would make sense that both of them would have a personal connection to this particular location But here's the mind blow, just past Mewtwo's cloning tank You'll find four smaller cloning tanks Which precisely matches the number of additional clones that we saw in that Mewtwo origin short a tank for Mewtwo, plus four more tanks for Charmander, Squirtle and Bulbasaur and the and human girl- Amber, and remember these cloning tanks weren't a part of the original game The developers went out of their way to add these very specific details back in And while the Green encounter in cerulean cave is certainly memorable It isn't the only time that she's mentioned if you go back and rebattle gym leader Blaine on Cinnabar Island He'll have dialogue that specifically mentions her: "huh? Well done returning here to my gym, by the way I've been hearing an interesting rumor floating around recently. You wouldn't happen to know a young lady named Green Would you huff? Well, it's not as though I really know the whole story anyway." And that's it. That's all he has to say It's one of those weird half clues that Storytellers give you midway through the story to tell you that something fishy is going on, that Blaine has some sort of connection to this Mysterious girl but without them wanting to spell it out for you But what could the connection be? Well, earlier, Blaine says this: "You're the one who retrieved the key to this gym from the pokémon mansion. Did you see anything... Interesting? while you were in there? That place still holds the remnants of my old Friend's research." When he refers to the remnants of research He's of course talking about the cloning tanks and journal entries, as for his old friend. Well, that would be Mr Fuji, this connection is made clear not in Let's go Pikachu and Eevee but rather in Fire-Red and Leaf-Green The famed checkered description for the cinnabar gym photo explicitly says quote "It's a photo of Blaine and Mr. Fuji, they're standing shoulder to shoulder with big grins." This matches up with what we know from the anime, remember in the Mewtwo origin story Its Mr. Fuji who's the lead researcher trying to bring back his deceased daughter. Amber So if Green is indeed this universes version of Amber two, Mr Fuji's clone child with a connection to Mewtwo It would make sense for Blaine, as a friend of Fuji's to have a vague understanding of who, or more accurately, what- Green actually is Green, has three distinctive features that are explained by her being genetically and psychically linked to Mewtwo. First, there's the fact that she knows where Mewtwo is let alone that she even knows he exists in the first place Remember, Mewtwo is a secret project. A Pokemon mega weapon to everyone else in the world including your rival They only know vague rumors saying things like "there's talk going around about some crazy strong looking Pokemon being spotted" If Green Became friends with Mewtwo through her telepathic communication when they were both gestating clones- just like we saw Amber two do, that would explain why she's so Enthusiastic about wanting to catch Mewtwo, why she wants to be reunited with her friend. It's also why she's so upset when she finds out that the player beat her to the punch secondly, there's the fact that she has both of the mega stones for Mewtwo you which makes zero sense for just a random trainer to possess. As a Pokemon who was lab created items related to Mewtwo would also have to be Artificially created, Green then would have had to have obtained them from someone connected to the Mewtwo Project and wouldn't you know it, but in the Pokemon Adventures manga, Blaine not only knows Fuji but worked on the Mewtwo project, going so far as in the X&Y arc of that series possess and use Mewtwo's mega stones. That in and of itself isn't conclusive of anything, the Pokemon Adventures manga follows, its own Canon However, It does have a reputation for being more Faithful to the spirit of the original games than the anime, according to the original creator of Pokemon Satoshi Tajiri, quote: "This is the comic that most resembles the world I was trying to convey." And so if Blaine Canonically has had the mega stones in the past and in this universe actively knows about Green, then we have ourselves a little line of possession for those very specific and very rare items and lastly we come full circle to the odd behavior that started this whole Theory in the first place, the fact that she wants to catch you the player and tries throwing pokeballs at you repeatedly It seems like eccentric behavior for your typical human But remember what happened with Amber two in the movies If Amber And Mewtwo did indeed have a psychic link during the cloning process That would mean that Green's first real friend would have been a Pokemon, a Pokemon that she might have even had full-on conversations with, which, for an impressionable young girl with a troubled past Might blur the line between human and Pokemon to the point where she actually thinks that she can capture a trainer if she uses enough Pokeballs, Mewtwo even struggles with the same question in the anime origin story where Amber two, seems not to care about the distinction between human and Pokemon, Mewtwo: "Pokemon, Person, what are those? Which one am I?" Amber two: "Maybe it makes a difference to you if you're a Pokemon or a person, but not to me." [Giggles] Hmmm, I Don't know about you but to me That sounds an awful lot like the laugh of a girl who might grow up one day to throw Pokeballs at people trying to catch them all, as for solid conclusive proof, Well...You might just have to wait until 'Mewtwo strikes back: Evolution' to come out this summer I wouldn't be surprised to see them mixing some of this lore into that one. But hey, that's just a theory A...[Audio cuts out] *Automated/Robotic voice* Greetings theorists, The Gates beckon you, Are you prepared.... ... to meet HIM? Three symbols you must find, 7+7+7 you must eliminate. And the path to RA shall open. Journey now to the He awaits [Glitch noises]
Channel: The Game Theorists
Views: 4,498,905
Rating: 4.8856192 out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, mewtwo strikes back, trainer green, nintendo, pokemon lets go, pokemon let's go, mewtwo, the origin of mewtwo, mew two strikes back evolution, let's go pikachu, let's go eevee, detective pikachu, nintendo switch, detective pikachu trailer, clones, pokemon amber, pokemon movie, pokemon let's go pikachu, pokemon go, detective pikachu game, pokemon sun and moon, pokemon moves, pokemon theme, pikachu, eevee, the science, game theorists, game theory, game theory pokemon, arg
Id: rsApCFiokS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 19 2019
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