Game Theory: Pokemon GO's TRAGIC END!

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  • MatPat, Ditto HAS been captured in game.

  • So when do the other games take place? Why are there different reigons? Is it the same kid in each reigon? Why are there the same Pokmeon in different reigons?
πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 29 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RandomRedditor44 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 23 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

So, after pokeballs in 1925, after Porygon was created, yet before Mewtwo and before fossil pokemons went instinct (meaning a whole lot of years before they should become fossilized)...

I know MatPat basically states that this theory doesn't have much ground, but this timeline doesn't seem to have a lot of brearhing room for actually happening..?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/blond-max πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 23 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

Dammit, he clearly hasn't played Sun and Moon yet, because his "rare candy" theory falls through when they are handed out by the cafe owners like (bare with the pun) candy.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mitch13815 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 23 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

An issue with talking about X/Y is the The Pokemon Multiverse because we don't know the difference between Red/blue - Black 2/White 2 are more then likely is one while the rest forward are in another universe possibly . Though that doesn't mean much but it is a variable that might have some sort of effect.

Another thing on the multiverse thing is that Pokemon Go might be its own universe, one where Team Valor, Instinct, and Mystic existed or did not start a war and Pokemon candy was never banned (is there proof on the candy being pokemon? Why do you get candy when you catch them?) and Professor willow stayed a professor.

We do know for a fact that pokemon has many dimensions and universes from the pokemon them-selves, Omega ruby and Alpha sapphire, and the show.

(Side note: what if Lt Surge is Team Instinct leader Spark)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FrozenGreed πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 23 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

Razz berries were rare in Unova. Their dialog in ORAS mention nothing of rarity.

Rare candies can be bought in the PokeAthelon, Battle Subway, and multiple other locations, along with given out like candy by the cafe owner in pokemon centers in Sun and Moon.

Assuming the Poke War started right at 1925 when pokeballs were made, that leaves less than 100 years for fossils to be made. And they take much longer than that.

Pokemon Safari Zone were nature preserves. Not to preserve early catching methods, but to preserve the nature. The pokemon. You're regulated on Pokeballs and steps to keep the poaching of those pokemon decreased.

And all of this is not even going in the whole Sans/Ness and Willow/Pryce theory. This is defintiely a step back from his last few videos. Very weak theory.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Lunicktmm πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 23 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

why does he say mystic and instic teamed up agaisnt valor? i missed why he thinks thats so

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MagnusRune πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 23 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

The main thing that bothers me is that his screencap say Porygon was cloned less than 10 years before Gen 1, so there is no way that Porygon could be cloned, and a war could happen and enough time could pass for this war to become relegated to the memories of a battle-hardened soldier in the main character's lifetime. Additionally, Pryce looks to be in his late 60s at least, while Willow looks to be in his late 30s, which doesn't line up with the timeline MatPat has suggested.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JaKuth99 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 23 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

If Willow does become prycen does that have anything to do with rage candy bars??

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Sir_danks_a-lot πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 23 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

Such bad timing with the release and Ditto just being released, does this mean we're continuing to move in the timeline and approaching the war?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DaniSenpai πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 23 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies
hello matpat I am available to analyze your balls if you wish whoa that's the tiniest balls I've ever seen hey man that you want me to check out your mom's butt over all your mom's butt is pretty decent fine matpat let's take a look at your ego shall we your ego is gigantic the largest I've ever seen I really got to take my Pokemon naming more seriously hello Internet welcome to game theory where I just be back from Japan and boy are my arms tired get it because I had to carry my luggage and it was all really heavy basically I was there for about two weeks working on a top-secret project that's gonna be on this channel for all you guys so I'm really excited to share that one with you that's coming up in December though so more on that later but while I was there I also made sure to work on one other thing my pokedex yup after months of lying dormant I fired up Pokemon go again remember the four weeks earlier this year with NAT was still a thing anyway between me wandering around Shibuya looking for region-specific far-fetched the announcement that gen 2 will be added to the game in December and the fact that two new Pokemon games literally just released I figured it was a great time to revisit the small little mobile app that caused the u.s. to walk an extra one hundred and forty four billion stats this summer and while the game continues to do good work around the world literally spawning Lapras and tsunami damage Japanese communities in order to jumpstart their economies today we're covering the lore of this game that's right I said the Lord because when you look at the evidence pokemon go whether intentionally or not they just hold the key to answering one of pokemons longest held mysteries one that has lingered in chat rooms reddit posts and many a YouTube Theory video since the very first game no Joe warm up those polka thumbs cuz today we're going back into the world of Pokemon go so obviously Pokemon go is a bit rudimentary you can't weaken Pokemon to catch them you can't battle to level up back there isn't even a complete batch of 150 Pokemon in the game but what if I told you that all of that is intentional that it's because go is the first game in the Pokemon timeline this is actually an idea that was first created by a Japanese Twitter user named at ink underscore virtue who as I started to dig a bit deeper puzzle pieces all started to fit together first although there may not be 150 available right now let's look at the Pokemon that you can in the game the ones that are alive and well and walking about the world around you you can see all the usual suspects your typical Rattata x' P cheese and so many so many damn meat iran's hovering around awkwardly in augmented reality land just waiting around for your capture bald they have pokemon like oh man it--and omastar Kabuto and Kabutops Pokemon that my generation won are all extinct only able to be added to your pokedex by reviving ancient fossils and yet in go they're just wandering around alive and well if we assume that go does possess a lore that ties in with a larger polka verse that would mean that go is set before gen 1 so that's pretty weird but it gets even better who isn't in the game from the original set of 151 Articuno Zapdos molt rez Mew and Mewtwo obviously but they're all legendary so no big surprises there that still leaves one curious gap in the Pokedex ditto because I looked into it and for all the recent rumors that he's region specific to Africa and all that it simply isn't true based on the evidence that I can tell all the images that have been posted online have been largely debunked as photoshopped so then that begs the question why out of all the Pokemon is ditto missing from the roster he's the only one the only one who's not a legendary well a popular theory circulating the internet a few years ago was that the Pokemon ditto was created in attempts to clone Mew don't think of it why did I never cover that one first you missed opportunities well since I've never fully covered it let me just run through some of the major evidence right now in a quick mini theory let's call it a theory light no no better diet theory supposed into a new way eight point eight pounds or four kilograms it's an odd coincidence right well odder still is that they're both genderless and the fact that they have the same ability learning transform naturally at level 0 people around that time also said that their coloring is similar but it's definitely not one of the stronger points to the theory what is a strong point of evidence know is that in Pokemon yellow there are two places where ditto can be caught the pokΓ©mon mansion and cerulean cave the first is the location where Mewtwo was cloned from you the second is where Mewtwo actually lives so obviously we see that ditto and Mewtwo share an unconnected something that takes on even greater meaning when noting that Mewtwo is always described as quote the only successful clone of MU ie that there were several other failed attempts could those failed attempts be Dido well honestly if I were to assess this theory yeah probably just think about their abilities ditto can copy any Pokemon and perform their moves Mew just so happens to have the DNA of all Pokemon within it and can learn any move but hey that's just a theory a diet theory thanks for listening to that brief summary of the evidence so now let's go back to the main theory about Pokemon go think that ditto isn't in the game points the idea that this is a game happening before the cloning experiment goes awry in fact Mewtwo being absent from the game supports it as well he's not in the game because he doesn't exist yet just like the OMA Knights and Kabuto not being extinct yet go takes place at a time before Mew was attempted to be cloned hence the reason both Mewtwo and ditto are absent mind blown alright so the available roster of Pokemon seems to line up but that's not all the rudimentary gameplay also factors in quite nicely you hurl balls to catch Pokemon that you stumble across in the wild just happen to hope that your skill and tossing is enough to lock in that poliwag you've been eager for there's no battling to weaken up maybe you use a raspberry to help your odds but that's about it does that remind you of anything I don't know about you but to me I immediately think of the safari zones parks built as nature preserves protecting the earlier days of Pokemon catching where again trainers are restricted to just throwing balls and not actually engaging in battle they even have step limits could they be a potential call back to a simpler time when learning to be a trainer wasn't so formalized ie the period of Pokemon go and speaking of training all of this would also explain why you can't teach your Pokemon new moves GM's and HMS just aren't a thing they haven't been created yet the lack of formal trainers is also why the gym structure is so rudimentary and why there are no badges it's still a new concept in development but perhaps most interestingly of all is the leveling system in the game you don't battle to gain levels you do it by feeding your Pokemon candy shove enough bit-o-honey is down your score turtles gullet and you're gonna get a Wartortle come hell or high water sounds a lot like rare candy from the main games no we're giving your pokemon a candy causes them to level up but one thing we've never stopped to consider is the actual name of that item rare candy it's a very specific word choice what made them rare in the first place if it's such a useful thing for trainers why not mass-produce the stuff well thing about what the Candy's made out of other Pokemon it's a joke everyone's made when you transfer your 100th Rattata to create candy I mean let's face it that Rattata is going to the professor's meat grinder I mean the candies are species-specific and everything so what if what made them rare was a movement among the people of the Pokemon world protesting the inhumanity of this practice sure it was a fast way to gain levels but it was deemed too cruel and so Candy's started to disappear leading them to become it with me now rare that would also explain why rare candy isn't sold in stores in the main series games it always has to be found lying on the ground somewhere you know that someone would want to make a profit off of those things and some market somewhere would sell them but nope no store owner touches them meaning that there must be some sort of ban against selling these sorts of things that's why I don't think it's a more common explanation like overuse causing the supply to plummet even if they were overused they would still be sold in stores so anyway if Pokemon go were the origin story we see the beginnings of candy and then by the time the main series rolls around it's become outlawed and is thus rare and if you think me analyzing the declining supply of an in-game item is thinking too far into all this we'll think again we can actually see it happen with the other major item from Pokemon go raspberries so in Pokemon go once you cross level eight you get access to this special item in poker stops and they drop fairly regularly they're not rare by any means across gem three and Gen four they're still around but now fast-forward to generation five and six which are confirmed as the latest dates in the Pokemon timeline now all of a sudden the item descriptions talk about how rare these items are interesting though even the items in these games maintain a sense of lore and that lore points to Pokemon go being the predecessor to everything that we've played since but if the list of pokemon available evolutions and gameplay and decline of items isn't enough to convince the here's the kicker the first person that we meet in Pokemon go is Professor Willow our guide through all things Pokemon if this is indeed the first game in the series with serious ties to the main franchise then presumably we should see this guy again right well what if I told you that we do in pokemon gold silver and crystal he's none other than gym leader price now that may initially seem like a stretch but stay with me here first look at their posture and hair color both are holding their pokeballs in a very similar way and both have white hair but price is old and has gray hair I hear you saying and yeah you're right that's absolutely correct that could very well be the explanation but also someone with white hair who grows old would also keep his white hair into old age you can't just rule it out they also both have a fondness for an outer coat with a popped collar so the design shares similarities sure but obviously that's all circumstantial evidence we need something more solid well in HeartGold and SoulSilver when his last Pokemon is in critical condition price will say the following quote willow is my middle name willow is flexible and not easily broken I'm not giving up yet end quotes what a weird detail if you call him later in the game he also brings it up again in phone calls is it a coincidence that these two share not only a similar pose but also the same name and it's not just any name mind you it's a tree name which means a whole heck of a lot when you consider that to my knowledge anyone with a tree name in the Polka verse is or at least has been a professor it's kinda like the expectation that anyone named Jeeves is eventually gonna become a butler obviously the exception to this rule is ash but that's the anime and the anime has questionable canonicity and it's not like he grows older anyway who knows he might grow up to become a professor etc etc etc to me at least I like the story that this theory creates but at the beginning of the episode I mentioned that if this is indeed true then go might answer one of pokemons longest-held mysteries and that my friends is the origin of the great Pokemon war ever since generation 1 the Internet has speculated about a mysterious Pokemon war alluded to by lieutenant surge during your gym battle with him I propose to you that this war is one caused by disagreements between team mystic team valor and instinct about the proper role and use of Pokemon get this we know that the board has to take place in lieutenant surges lifetime so it's within 40 years of generation 1 this guy is no easy living for 3,000 years or anything that also means it has to come after the creation of the first pokeballs as according to the game's lore modern pokeballs were first developed back in 1925 by Professor Westwood and what do we have in Pokemon go well for all the rudimentary game mechanics we do have one modern idea and that is balls modern balls and yet by the start of generation 1 team mystic valour and instinct are no more no one even mentions them also we see and go that willow is in his late twenties early thirties ish which would place him around prices age by the time the events of silver and gold would roll around price even mentions having to go through hardships in his life in anime that's losing his piloswine but in the games he's older than Serge meeting he must have gone through the same war that Serge did but most of all look at the pokemon created prior to the start of generation 1 first porygon and then Mewtwo it's actually confirmed by the official Bulba PD at Oregon came first and then years later Mewtwo showed up both our artificial pokemon created via programming in poor Egan's case or cloning in mutants decisions that I guarantee are gonna be pretty controversial to people artificially creating life nah that's gonna make some people very very upset and in Pokemon go we have a porygon but not a ditto or a Mewtwo meeting that this slots right in that sweet spot from the timeline where one exists and the other one doesn't thus I propose that Pokemon go not only connects to the main franchise games but tells the story of the start of lieutenant surges mysterious Pokemon war one fought between valor mystic and instinct over the creation and use of man-made pokemon a war that was either prompted by the creation of Mewtwo or ended by the creation of Mewtwo in the end mystic and instinct to team up to win against valor hence having a society dominated by professor studying Pokemon in the wild and battling being relegated to formal competitions regulated by the Pokemon League by the time Gen 1 around is it a stretch am i overthinking a really simple mobile app that was created by people who didn't fully understand the mechanics of the game yeah probably but personally I like this one a lot because it fits together a lot of pieces for a mystery I think the creators of the Polka verse forgot a long time ago but hey that's just a theory a game theory thanks for watching and thus we bring in the age of a new war a war in the comments debating the validity of this theory I look forward to seeing who the winner is so now that you know the hidden lore within Pokemon go I have one more question what are you gonna do while playing Pokemon go let's face it the game doesn't have the most compelling of soundtracks well how about listening to an audio book instead perhaps the Pokemon Go gamer tips guide now available on yeah that's right audible has Pokemon go related books already that is called being relevant so now while you're standing in the middle of targets parking lot at 3 a.m. blindly wandering in circles hoping for a Dragon Knight to spawn you could be rocking out to the ultimate history of gaming from pong to Pokemon while you're burning through the last of your free pokeballs and security is asking you to leave the premises tell him you're catching them all all the audio books original audio shows news and comedy and audibles unmatched library of contents that is and when it keeps bugging you to leave tell them to back off since you're exercising your rights as a private US citizen facts that you'll have learned from listening to rogue justice the making of the security state another of audibles great titles and after Pokemon go blindly sends you tumbling off a cliff in pursuit of that rogue pincer you can see if you were included in this latest report about the craziest Pokemon go injuries also available for you to listen to right here on and then you'll be able to sleep tight in your hospital bed as that ghastly hovers ominously over your feet knowing that those medical bills won't be so bad because you signed up for a free trial of audible which is 30 days absolutely free just make sure that you're putting that money you saved towards that cast on your leg little Jimmy just use the code slash Matt path slash t-80 to become the pokemon trainer you always dreamed you could be or just click the link in the description and as one final note in case you were wondering the results of the super amazing and card tournaments for fern aft the overall number one favorite animatronic of all time is the duo combination of foxy and mangle with an overwhelming majority twice that of the next most popular animatronic baby behind those guys was golden freddy and then spring-trap and rounding out the rear is chica just like the fan fictions would have demanded it anyway that's it for today next week something not animal related not animatronic related just something different alright see you then
Channel: The Game Theorists
Views: 8,603,519
Rating: 4.8523483 out of 5
Keywords: pokemon go, pokemon, mystic, valor, pokemongo, pokemon mystic, Pokemon valor, pokemon instinct, Pokemon red, Pokemon blue, pokemon theory, pokemon red and blue, pokemon sun and moon, pokemon sunmoon, mobile game, psychology, game theory, matpat, game theorists, pokemon game theory, pokemon timeline, pokemon sun, pokemon moon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 34sec (994 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 22 2016
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