Game Theory: Don't Trust Your Friends (Roblox Rainbow Friends)

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Hello Internet! Welcome to Game Theory, the show  that builds its theories one ro-block at a time.   Man, this summer really is the season of indie  horror sequels. Security Breach is getting DLC,   Project Playtime just got a big new update, and  I'm pretty sure Garten of Banban 4 and 5 and 6   will probably drop any day now. Add in the demo  for the cooking companion spin-off, and honestly,   we've got ourselves an Infinity Gauntlet of indie  horror. I guess you could call it the identity   gauntlet. I honestly feel like I need to release  an entire apology video for that one joke. But   speaking of multi-colored gemstones there is one  other brightly colored sequel that just dropped:   Rainbow Friends, Chapter 2. In case you missed  our last year and rainbow friends let, me catch   you up. A school bus heading to an amusement park  called Oddworld gets sent down the wrong path,   causing the bus to crash and everyone inside to  wind up inside a mysterious facility. It seems to   be the remains of an old TV show Museum and play  Park dedicated to the Rainbow Fun Time Friends,   the cast of characters from an old animated  TV show. Thanks to some plaques and pictures   scattered throughout the building, we discovered  that the friends were created by a man called   Oswald D Davis and his partner Trenton, with  this facility specifically designed to bring   the Rainbow Friends to life. Because  this is an indie horror game though,   you can probably guess how well that went. In  1991, shortly after having their first guest,   the facility was shut down as evidenced by  long forgotten computer login screen sprinkled   throughout the game map. Leading us to the events  of Chapter 1, where we're trapped for five days   by someone who appears to be the Red Rainbow  Friend... though official merch only lists him   as just "The Scientist." If we managed to survive  for the five days, we're chased through the vents   and eventually escape from the facility. Chapter  2 then picks up immediately after that, leading   you to a fenced-off area and an old man trying to  break in. Probably should be using some wire snips   instead of scissors to cut through that fence, but  hey what do I know? Anyway, we eventually make our   way into Oddworld, the amusement park that we were  headed to at the start of chapter 1. And clearly,   Oddworld is also dedicated to the Rainbow Fun Time  Friends, with different parts of the park branded   around each of the different characters: Green's  Drop Ride, Purple's Maze Lair, Blue's Castle,   and Orange's Cavern Coaster. Thinking of  Orange... he's not here until the finale of the   chapter. 'Oh, he's adorable. He's my favorite.'  And while my bestest boy may indeed be missing,   Red seems to have brought with him some new  additions to the crew specifically Yellow and   Cyan to hunt us down in any and all ways they can.  Just like in chapter 1, we're tasked with running   around collecting items required for our escape,  only this time instead of being trapped here for   days, we're only having to survive for a couple  of hours. A few gas canisters and one giant cake   later, we escape the facility on the Park's roller  coaster. But, of course the end never truly means   the end, and the chapter closes with the promise  of more ahead. Now obviously, while the game has   us busy looking around for bags of sugar and light  bulbs, my eyes were peeled for the real important   thing to collect: the lore. Is there lore? Looking  for lore. Looking for love and looking for lore.   But this time it's not there. Or, at least it's  not all there. You see, the lore of Rainbow   Friends after chapter 2, is so much more than just  this one game and its small handful of primary   colored characters. To solve this one, we're  gonna have to span a literal Empire of popular   Roblox games connected by a shadowy organization  and overseen by a mysterious businessman Out For   Blood. And that my friends, is our journey for  today. But first we gotta answer the question   that everyone has when they first boot up chapter  2. Who the heck's the old guy. Even me during my   playthrough. I just couldn't shake the fact that  something was off about this guy. Let's hope this   works. I'm not gonna skip this. I'm not gonna  vote for skip. Poke. What the. Oh no. Oh no,   oh man. Oh, that was a severe head trauma right  there. Oh, he's definitely got a concussion.   Whoa, how did I get up here? Who even are you?  Do I care about you? No. Let's be honest with   ourselves, this guy is sus. We start the game  off and we find him breaking into a facility,   and then we go yeah that seems like a totally  trustworthy thing to do. From there we just   blindly do everything he asks. Not a great plan.  But what's even more suspicious about this guy is   that he simultaneously knows more about Oddworld  and less about it than he lets on. On one hand   he's trying to break in, which shows that he's  trying to do something here. Maybe sabotage Red   Guy. Or spy on the experiments that are going on.  It's unclear. Our old man also seems very familiar   with the fact that the Rainbow Friends are now  bloodthirsty monsters considering when he sees   Blue running around, he knows that it's suddenly  a sign of danger. Is that blue wdw die? Oh no,   coming here was a mistake. He also knows about the  lookie that's blocking our path and how it can be   lured away with cake. Or how you can escape from  being caught by yellow. All of that is some pretty   Insider knowledge. He's not just familiar with  these creatures, he's experienced with their inner   workings and mechanics. On the other hand though,  as soon as he senses danger he immediately regrets   his decision to break in. Oh no, coming here was  a mistake. We need to find a way out of here,   and fast. Literally the way we came. You were  literally snipping things into the fence. We   could probably get out of there. So he wanted  to do something in the park and knows that the   creatures are dangerous but wasn't aware that  they're currently active. Additionally, he   repeatedly lies to us as evidenced by him tasking  us to find light bulbs to call for help, only to   then be surprised that we were able to find an  SOS light hidden inside. Wait there was actually   an SOS light? I mean wow, you guys must be good  at finding things. So who is the old man? Well,   let's take a look at his design. A leather jacket.  Thick rimmed glasses. And a smirk. Which makes him   the perfect match for one of the two characters  that we learned about in chapter 1, Trenton,   co-founder of the Rainbow Friends. It seems like a  pretty open and shut case. Everything about these   two guys match. Except long time theorists will  realize that there's a slight hole with my plan.   In my previous Theory I said that Oswald turned  Trenton into Red, but in this game we see both   characters existing simultaneously. So what's  the deal with that? I was wrong. It's as easy   as that. Red isn't Trenton. See I can admit when  I'm wrong. It would seem that Trenton's back in   the Rainbow Friends Family for something, but  what? Well, we can actually get hints to that   from the first two chapters. First things first,  obviously Trenton is much older now than he is in   the picture from chapter 1. And that's because the  portrait is from when the company first started,   1972. You see before entering Oddworld at the  start of the chapter, you can actually go off   to the side of the fence in the lobby area and  activate a generator, here. The code for the   generator is one nine seven two. All it does is  activate this little conveyor belt with a cinder   block on it, but that right there is telling us  that the date matters. I would guess that it's   likely acting as the start to the Rainbow Funtime  Friends franchise. Why would I say that? Well as   we've seen with other indie horror franchises, the  70s tends to be a good starting date for failed   kid's franchises. And, they're not just making up  these dates out of thin air either. The 70s were a   huge time for the types of kids programming that  Rainbow Funtime Friends was probably like. This   was the era of Mr Rogers, The Electric Company,  The New Zoo Review. Sure they weren't animated,   but you had these big casts of characters with  life-sized puppets and designs that really didn't   mesh together all that well. Random animals and  monsters and dinosaurs all mixed together. It   was the early days for this sort of programming  and so whatever popped into your head was kind   of what worked, just like the assemblage of  characters that we get with Rainbow Friends:   yellow dino, green monster, blue person, orange  gator, and purple arm thingy. This timeline also   roughly coincides with a similar sort of kid's  show at the time, a British program by the name   Rainbow. Which also was popular all throughout  the 70s. ...look in the kitchen and hurry up,   I'm starving. Zippy, you always want people  to do things for you. I'm gonna zip you up. There's even an episode of Rainbow named Friends.  That said, this is more of an interesting   coincidence than anything. After watching a few  episodes of the show there doesn't seem to be all   that much connecting the two. I just thought  it was worth calling out. So if Trenton and   Oswald started the series in 1972, what happened?  Well throughout the chapter, there are hints to a   rivalry between the two of these characters. In a  control room near Orange's roller coaster, we can   see a white board with various messages smudged  out including: call animal control and change   garage code. Now the Animal Control line is likely  a reference to the moment that the characters   escaped. Throughout chapter 1 we saw that the  Rainbow Friends were, at least for a period   of time, forced to live in stables under the  facility, even having to be chained up in order   to be showered. They were treated like animals,  so calling Animal Control the day they escape and   happen to be hungry seems to make a lot of sense.  But what I'm more interested in is the blue text   that says change garage code. You'll notice that  right next to it is a blue stick figure wearing   a crown, an obvious reference to the character of  Blue, right? Well also notice there's a red stick   figure next to it that's been erased. It seems  like someone speaking in blue is looking to take   over. Take the crown for themselves, and quite  literally erase Red from existence. This power   struggle between the two is also reflected in the  calendar that you can find in the same room. Like   all the other calendars you find throughout the  map, this one has July 1st marked out for a field   trip, a reference to our school bus first arriving  at the facility. Based on the fact that July   1st on this calendar falls on a Friday, you can  actually pinpoint a few potential options for what   year the game is meant to be taken place: 1994,  2005, 2011, 2016, and 2022. My money is on that   2022 mark. June 30th 2022 is when Rainbow Friends  Chapter 1 first released, and with the next day.   July 1st, being circled followed by the words  field trip feels like a reference that's both meta   and canon. Anyway, that tells us that it's been  over 30 years since the initial facility shut down   in 1991. But this calendar actually gives us a lot  more information. Notice that there are a couple   more dates highlighted: July 4th for fireworks,  which yeah that tracks, and July 6th for a light   show. These highlighted dates, I believe not  only confirmed that this calendar is up to date,   but also gives us an idea of what Red is aiming  for. Remember the first chapter took place over   the course of five nights. That means that our  escape happens the evening of July 5th. That's   why there are leftover fireworks for Red to use  to scare the old man during chapter 2's third   challenge. However clearly there is someone else  here who's trying to foil Red's plan because each   date is scratched off using blue, including  the light show that's happening on the 6th, a   date that has not happened yet. Technically that's  supposed to be happening tomorrow. And underneath   those dates is a note saying move to August for  investigation. Whoever's writing these messages   in blue is trying to stop or slow down Red's plan.  The power struggle was also being referenced in   Chapter 1 with this random line on a wall written  in red, "you only slowed me down." Since we only   have ourselves two named characters in this  game our list of suspects is fairly limited,   especially with Trenton obviously being the old  man. Unless they're introducing a new character   during the next chapter, process of elimination  kinda dictates that Oswald, the founder,   must be Red. The park is named after him. He's  the one in control. He's also the one who has   the proper garage code as we see from the opening  cutscene. It's also clear that Red and Trenton   have themselves a backstory considering Red has  the chance to kill off Trenton in Challenge 3 but   chooses not to, instead just using the fireworks  to scare him. That then means that Trenton,   our old man, must be the one in blue breaking into  the facility trying to strike back and ultimately   reclaim the crown for himself, erasing Red from  the picture for being too ambitious for pushing   too far. Here's what I think happened, the two  started the show together helping it to grow   in its early days, but then something started to  change. Red, Oswald, wanted to keep growing. Make   more characters. Make them more realistic. And  Blue, Trenton, disagreed. In Chapter 2's final   chase sequence, we run past robotic versions  of the characters all discarded... dismantled.   Old animatronic versions of Blue, Orange, Green  all thrown away. I suspect that this was because   they weren't good enough for Red. They weren't  realistic enough. He needed something living...   the actual Rainbow FunTime Friends which came out  around 1991. Along the way Trenton was disowned,   ousted from the company for being resistant to  this change. Fast forward to the game today in   2022 where I suspect that Red is now using the  lookies and tainting the local water supply with   them. The chapter's final sequence we run past  exactly that, a bunch of Rainbow Friend heads,   which we know are living creatures, floating past  in a pipe explicitly labeled water supply. Red is   up to something... trying to make everyone into  a Rainbow Friend. No longer slowed down by his   partner. But now that partner is back. Trenton  is here and trying to sabotage his old business   partner, make him stop the mad power trip that  he's been on. But it also doesn't necessarily   mean that Trenton's that good of a guy. You see  there's one thing that I can't quite shake in all   this... and that's the Easter egg that led me  to believe that Trenton was the villain in the   first place. See when you look through the glass  of the terrarium in chapter 1, Trenton's picture   changes from a cool guy in a leather jacket  to a man in a suit with glasses and a top hat   with a purple ribbon. Clearly Trenton is hiding  something, transforming into a villainous business   guy. But who, or what, is he? Well, I think this  conspiracy actually goes much further than just   Rainbow Friends. One thing that I didn't notice  last chapter was that the computer screen showing   Oswald's final login dates have a company name on  them, RBM... an obvious parody of IBM Computers,   right? Well yeah, but it's also so much more. Two  awesome Theorists on our Game Theory subreddit,   FantasticFile_3903 and Rockmage_1234. both pointed  out that RBM computers actually appear in another   Roblox game entitled, The Little Ones, produced  by none other than Charcle, one of the two devs   for Rainbow Friends. In fact, a cover image for  that game was just updated last month. What was   it updated to? Nothing. At least as far as I can  tell, it's the same picture that it's always been.   I suspect that it was just to draw attention back  to the game, especially when RBM is right there on   the monitors. So how is Little Ones connected to  the lore of Rainbow Friends? It's not, at least as   far as I can tell right now. It's a game where one  of your friends is kidnapped and you're forced to   escape a warehouse populated with dozens of little  small mutant versions of them. The 1972 generator   keypad that was used in Rainbow Friends has  the same keypad layout as those in Little Ones,   but I don't think that's too much to go off  of. I suspect that that's just reusing assets.   Unfortunately, the only connection between the two  seems to be through this RBM computer company. But   while connections to Rainbow Friends aren't  immediately obvious, there are connections to   another game that's worth calling out. It's the  massive Roblox hit, Spider. In this game, one   friend is bit by a spider and transforms into a  horrific creature trying to capture all the other   friends. This game was made by Rainbow Friends's  other Dev, Roy Stanford. But again, the reason   it's interesting is that there are pictures of the  spider hidden inside The Little Ones. There's also   a series of labeled VHS tapes, one clearly marked  as "Spider." Why does all that matter for Rainbow   Friends? Well because of this. Spider has one pass  available for purchase, a pass that increases the   odds that you can become the spider in the main  gameplay. And whose face is that there, front and   center on that spider pass? A businessman with  glasses, a top hat, and a purple ribbon. It is   the exact face that's hiding inside of Trenton's  portrait in Rainbow Friends. Could this all just   be a series of Easter egg connections from two  devs referencing their past games? Absolutely,   it could. But those have already happened in other  places from Rainbow Friends. In chapter 1's lobby,   you can actually go out and around this building  right here, and you can see references to both of   these games, Little Ones and Spider. That right  there, that is an Easter egg. But to suddenly   see these explicit references and connections in  the gameplay itself, that now feels to me like   something a little bit more. Like maybe Trenton  isn't all he appears to be. That maybe he is a   spider in disguise, or some nefarious businessman  running all of these experimental procedures,   bringing terror and dread to all these different  companies. Not exactly sure yet. Don't really   have a solid answer. The tapes and lost ones are  labeled as 2019, so it's possible that the lore   of these three games are linked together. Trenton  transforming people into monsters be they spiders,   tiny mutants, or large pillowy mascots through  spider bites, mutation, or just tainting the   water supply. Speaking of, at the end of the  chapter, did you notice that Trenton doesn't   come with you? Despite his insistence that you  all have to leave when the Rainbow Friends appear,   he stays behind. His work there isn't done yet.  And I don't suspect that he wants us to escape.   There are multiple exit points as you safely go  around the roller coaster, but Trenton doesn't   tell you to get off at any of those. He explicitly  tells us to stay on and go through the maintenance   exit. Something tells me that the elevator to the  surface at the end of chapter 2 isn't leading to   where we expect. We're not done yet. And in  a game full of rainbow colored friends, the   only true friend that we have... is ourself. But  Hey... you don't need to be a crazy billionaire   trying to turn everyone into mutant monsters to  be smart with your money. You can actually do   that pretty easily yourself with today's sponsor  SoFi. SoFi is a legitimate bank with FDIC backing,   securing your money with an all-in-one finance  app that helps you to bank, borrow, and invest   your cash so you know that you're handling it  the right way. And in this economy where the   price of everything from games, to food, to the  equipment that you need to transform yourself   and your colleagues into brightly colored blob  monsters just keeps getting higher, SoFi is there   to help you stay smart about every last cent. So  I'm probably skipping out on Oddworld, Steph and   I do appreciate a good theme park. And now that  Ollie's getting a bit older and can ride more of   the attractions, I want to take him on a tour of  the biggest and best ones across America. But if   you've ever gone to one of these places recently.  you know that they are costly, to the extreme. And   I'm not just talking about the price of admission  either. 10 dollar churros, 45 dollar t-shirts,   ticket prices that fluctuate based on how busy  the parks expected to be this day. Come on,   guys. These places have basically figured out ways  to squeeze every last dollar out of your wallet,   which means that you have to figure out ways to  squeeze every last dollar out of your earnings.   Thankfully. SoFi makes that easy. With SoFi, you  can actually earn up to 4.3 apy on your savings.   That is 11 times the national savings rate  average, meaning that any money you have in a   SoFi savings account is earning more in just five  weeks than it would in an entire year at another   big bank. SoFi checkings and savings also has no  account fees, helps you get your money quicker by   getting you paid up to two days early, and will  even let you cash in on up to 250 dollars when   you sign up for direct deposit. That right there  is gonna make that Theme Park tour a lot easier   to afford. Who knows, you might even be able to  splurge on a cotton candy. And the best part of   it all is that SoFi and I are teaming up to give  away ten thousand dollars and all you need to do   to enter for that chance of 10 grand is sign up  for a SoFi checkings and savings account right now   using the link down in the description. Or, just  by scanning the QR code that you see on screen.   Please make sure that you're either using the link  in the description or that QR code, because those   are the only ways to enter our specific giveaway.  Thanks again to SoFi for helping to sponsor   today's episode. And as always, remember, it's all  just a theory, a Game Theory. Thanks for watching.
Channel: The Game Theorists
Views: 2,358,755
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rainbow friends, roblox, roblox rainbow friends, rainbow friends 2, roblox rainbow friends 2, roblox games, rainbow friends lore, rainbow friends theory, rainbow friends 2 ending, rainbow friends 2 explained, rainbow friends roblox, rainbow friends chapter 2, blue rainbow friends, red rainbow friends, rainbow friends explained, rainbow friends ending, game theorists, matpat, game theory, matpat roblox, matpat rainbow friends, blue, red, yellow, cyan
Id: 4gWI0wkTpmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 29sec (1109 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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