Game Theory: They’re C̴o̷min̴g̴ F̶̎o̶̍͘r̵͛̍ Y̷̦͇̍͋̋͝Ơ̷̓̀́̂̀̏̀͌̄͠U̴͕͆̿ (Mr. TomatoS and Ms. LemonS)

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thank you for agreeing to help me give me games because I need to theorize I would like some Five Nights at Freddy's I did not ask for this I would like a poppy playtime I did not ask for this I would like a Minecraft you are useless but I will give you one final chance you must feed me feed me feed hello Internet welcome to Game Theory the show that lives on brain food and brain food in case you don't follow our stuff over on GT live recently I've been working my way through a game that on the surface seems incredibly simple a Giant floating tomato asks you to feed him food and that's exactly what you do I want Strawberry okay I want a donut good solid way to finish I am full for now visit me when I will be hungry again see you later welcome to my game the end yeah I nailed it simple like I said sure bit by bit things get more complicated as the lights go out and food items get hidden in bags but overall there didn't seem to be much there oh how wrong I was oh my God little did I suspect that by playing this game I was starting down an impossible path one made up of two games that conspire against you two games with multiple endings and nearly infinite routes between them to explore each one full of unforgiving challenges required to unlock a treasure Trove of Secrets and waiting at the end a secret program downloaded onto your computer with every install of the game and a single warning you've got one shot one chance attempt to open this thing early and it's gonna be locked forever it was a journey that would drive me to my breaking point I'm gonna break this game over my knee and I will squeeze out all of her juices to make the lemonade and then I'll shove it down Mr Tomato's throat and I'll just shove it down his throat and they'll have to suck it down even when he doesn't want the lemonade he might want chocolate sauce but no he's not getting chocolate sauce he's getting Ms lemons lemonade today starts my villain Arc welcome to my game buddy oh no I am not your buddy sir so suck down that cream theorists and I your chocolate soup we gotta deal with some rotten fruit the first time you pick up Mr Tomatoes you will lose and when that happens suddenly get this so you feed him his balanced breakfast of brains eyeballs and severed hands until he rewards you with death and a hidden message in wingdings you can do it okay oh hey so I'm assuming this is the like you lose image I'm inside inside what exactly the game the computer this is the first indication that this game isn't all that it seems there is a lore here but to unlock it we just need to get good so we reopen the game nothing you're met with a wall of flashing wingdings oh oh oh we got some wing dings oh hello I mean I'd love to translate that right now well that's exactly what I did which gives us this message I'm already inside your system do not worry about her safety everything will be fine I have everything under control okay so the Sapient tomatoes in my computer he's apparently going all Doki Doki up in here but then who's this her he's literally the only character in this game and why why does he need to be fed body parts and most importantly of all what's chocolate soup I want some chocolate soup chocolate Sue European dish from the 17th century that's often served in cafes chocolate soup aside though clearly there is more here that we need to answer so I dove back into the game and nothing the game wouldn't open and when I went to download the game again I saw this only one completion allowed it was then that I should have taken the hint that only pain awaited me down this path but no I just had to get to the bottom of this mystery so I had to reset the game and start over from scratch all my points all my items all my secrets gone but I didn't let it deter me I was gonna solve this game but at what cost at what cost my next playthrough I managed to buy a knife and stab our gnoshing little Nightshade and the results were underwhelming to say the least oh I didn't think that everything would turn out that way you are either much smarter than I thought or you are just a monster like me congratulations you finished the game however trying to start the game again I was in for yet another surprise oh clearly time for another restart beating the game normally gives you a boss battle against Mr tomato where you feed him poison until he glitches away nothing too exciting but if you manage to beat the game without making a mistake that's when things really start to get interesting Mr tomato doesn't transform into some demonic being devouring severed limbs instead he stays calm he's even a little bit helpful in fact he offers up some quote weird text I found in the code just uh don't go back into the game after he says goodbye when you open his new file you get a long series of numbers now I'll admit I tried a lot of different ciphers to decode this message but nothing seemed to be working until I realized that there was one number that was repeated over and over again within the sequence the number 20. these aren't part of the code these are spaces spaces separating out groups and numbers that can then be deciphered into actual words it's simple and it's genius so I deleted every 20 replaced it with a space and then decoded the rest to get this letter which starts to pull the mystery of these games into Focus hello I hope someone finds this message I will change each letter of this message with a number so he cannot read it so if anyone is really reading this I want you to know that Everything Is Not What It Seems never trust him he is much trickier and much smarter than you think if you do everything he wants he can get incredible power and he knows about it the more particles of code he absorbs into himself the more powerful he gets with that power he can do anything inside the game you've already begun to notice the chain changes in his behavior try to access the console and erase all progress writing where the console is located will be very dangerous because with his power I am afraid he will be able to translate even this text try to find the console before he finds it that is all good luck the password is and then there's a randomly generated password immediately we can start to figure out what's going on here we're not feeding him actual body parts but instead we're feeding him parts of the game's code by feeding him the game code we're making him more powerful which is why it's only after we've lost that he can boot us out of the game permanently but still don't really have a good reason why he wants this is he an aigon Rogue is he just a demon trapped inside of a video game it's not clear luckily or unluckily that wasn't the only place that we could search for Clues enter Ms lemons hello there and welcome to my class this second game also takes the simple approach an educational game with basic puzzles like geometry and math but unlike Mr Tomatoes she's not kicking you out of the game when you lose if you build up her irritation level to 10 she'll cut off your hand and gouge out your eye no problem you just restart the game again that's right despite a full reset the game still remembers what you lost so what are you supposed to do to Mr tomato at this point without an eye just out of curiosity oh that would be wild it's not like things can get worse for me at this point you know and I was shocked by what I discovered I decided to help me because I'm very hungry these games aren't just connected by the lore they are literally connected by their programming they share the same system my computer system and can speak to each other and it seems like losing to Mr Tomatoes is what helps you to win in Ms lemons oh oh buddy oh buddy oh buddy so what do we do with it though we can't do anything with it get your eye back do I get a brain now too nope no you do not mad Pap no brain for you but if body parts can transfer across games maybe items can too including that handy dandy trusty Rusty knife how about 20 plus 27 equals knife to the face well you tried the least but you can't kill me with some random piece of metal that you found and you disgust me I will make sure that you won't hurt anyone else get lost oh no no as you can see it didn't work out quite as well as before and not only does this cause her to lock you out of the game but she also has enough control over the system to lock you out of Mr Tomatoes as well wow wow she she'd be mad so that relationship is going nowhere that that ship has sailed yeah sorry oh no Buddha Bearer access block private message I won't let you in here either so she's got control it seems like she's stronger than tomato and oh yeah lemon seems to be in control thanks to yet another knife ending we learned that there's another being in control of even her you see by activating the game's hard mode and then stabbing her lemons is suddenly replaced by a different entity this is incredible I'm so proud of you but all your efforts were in vain because she definitely won't let me die like that and that's a bummer she's nice [Music] science a new personality takes over and she switches reality so we appear in the one where she wasn't stabbed gotta admit better use of the Multiverse than the MCU so not only are we dealing with Multiverse notice what lemon said before she was replaced she definitely won't let me die and that's a bummer the entity in control is some sort of a female and both lemon and tomatoes seem to be held here against their Wills we see this sentiment mirrored in the opening Splash screens of both games where the different colored letters spell out and suffering even the game's ichio page has the words why am I in agony partially crossed out why are these digital creatures in so much pain all we've known up to this point is that Mr Tomatoes has just eaten code but take a look again at what this controlling personality says the life of this person is actually very important to me she calls Miss lemons a person Ms lemons and Mr Tomatoes aren't corrupted AI or demons they're people they are souls trapped inside of a video game constantly in pain and longing for death this battle between the humans inside out of the fruit and the female entity that's controlling things from the background appears throughout multiple endings if you manage to make to the end of Ms lemons your game isn't done in fact the hardest challenge of all awaits Ms lemons gets possessed by the other entity and launches into a boss battle that would make Sans blush same mechanics same Banger music if you manage to survive this entire six minute battle letting her rage meter on the side run to empty you get yourself this my apologies thanks for buying enough time she likes to go over the line sometimes so this entity sometimes takes over and lemons has to get her back under control interesting and even more telling if you defeat Mr tomato using the poison and then hop back into Ms lemons you won't find the lemon that you're used to just because that's very cool thanks to you able to find by killing tomato we somehow allowed the person inside Ms lemons to absorb the other entity honestly at this point we just have more questions than answers except there's one final place to look you see when you download these games there's one other small program that gets dropped into the folder project oroboros concerning it all right mystery programs coming along with the game that I just downloaded off of a small Indie site totally safe not a trojan horse at all now oroboros is usually depicted as a snake eating its own tail it's the symbol of a cycle repeating or getting lost in yourself and given that these games are all about repeating the same gameplay Loop to get different endings yeah I'd say it's a fairly appropriate symbol except here there's a catch when you open the program the computer immediately tells you that this contains classified information and that we have to be registered users in order to access it it says that we have one shot to unlock this program otherwise we're shut out of it forever so where's the code could it be in these two games yeah to get inside of project oroboros you need one very specific Ending by beating Ms Lemons with an irritation level of zero you get the true ending of that game she changes your personal ID granting access to this mysterious computer program and once you're in nothing at least not really you're presented with a lot of broken links and blocked out tabs now this is clearly meant to be a research Archive of some kind but how then do we recover the data lost in those files well each time you get an ending in either Tomatoes or lemons a new file named data recovery module gets put into the main folder data recovery you say sounds exactly like what we need in fact each of those data recovery modules is numbered for instance stabbing Mr tomato gets you ending number five the failure ending with tomatoes is ending six and so on and by getting each ending we open up a new chunk of the website and it's here finally where the complete story starts to come together it turns out that the man responsible for all this was a scientist named Eugene one day he met Sebastian a high-class waiter that regularly gets drunk at the local bar well Eugene doesn't seem interested at first Sebastian insists on calling Eugene his friend or buddy if you will welcome to my game buddy now you can start to see where this thing might be headed Sebastian is also in love with a school teacher named Louise who doesn't seem to be all that interested in him sadly this is when Eugene decides to enter his villain Arc like so many indie horror game scientists before him he grabs both Sebastian and Louise to become part of an experiment turning his friends into Mr tomatoes and Ms lemons respectively from experiment logs you unlock on the site we learned that in order to house these new forms Eugene created something called The Vessel not Nai but rather a living entity that Sebastian and Louise could essentially use as their home inside the computer The Vessel could transform to meet the needs of the consciousnesses inside of it which is why it was a kitchen for the waiter Sebastian and a classroom for the teacher Louise whoever in each case The Vessel has different levels of control with Mr Tomatoes it's only 30 percent so he's able to retain all memories of his death and past life which is why he escaped into the world wide web and wants us to help him get stronger maybe it's to get revenge on the man who did this to him with Ms lemons The Vessel has 70 control the question is why why did Eugene do all this well as most villains in these franchises tend to he has himself a sympathetic backstory Eugene wasn't alone in this world he had a wife one who unfortunately got sick and died her name was marine and Eugene was desperately trying to make a cure for her that didn't work this is why he created project oroboros the symbol of Life Death and rebirth it was meant to save her in the experiment logs we find both Mr tomatoes and Ms lemons's entries under experiment one and two but even if you unlock everything across both games there's still a mysterious third entry that remains locked I suspect that this is Maureen's entry after learning everything that he could from The Vessel I suspect that Eugene may have mastered the experiment and tried to transfer Marine's dead Consciousness into this new digital world a world that he made to keep her alive forever just uh do me a favor there Eugene don't go building robot bodies and then trying to plug her personality into that no one will believe me when I try to tell him that that's what you did honest though I suspect the game's developers Ox tour games may come out with one final fruit based game with a new character who doesn't remember who she is and it'll be up to us to remind her of her identity but that's not going to be the only thing we're gonna have to fight off see there's one final ending and it's locked behind a section called decapsulation to access it you need two codes one's achieved by beating Ms lemons on suffering mode basically the equivalent of hard mode probably some nice should have pieced together before my first playthrough I probably shouldn't have bought the thing that said suffering uh did I just like accidentally turn on hard mode I did didn't I she doesn't actually know what the code's for other than it's likely dangerous and was purposely hidden by the one who created it the second half of the code's a little harder to get to because it's entirely random when entering into the game there's a chance that you see this a broken form of Mr Tomatoes The Experiment entry for this version informs us that this is the original Mr Tomatoes The Real Sebastian all the other versions that we've seen of him are just parts of him that have broken away and evolved into their own versions each believing themselves to be the original this dying version of Mr Tomatoes gives us the second part of the code in the hopes that it'll save him so using this combined code we begin the decapsulization process and we're met by a pair of eyes inside a black void this is oroboros the name that Eugene gave to his creation the one he claims isn't an AI but rather has its own DNA the one that he refers to as the vessel this thing is sentient it talks to us exactly as Eugene describes it using text rather than speech and it informs us that while Ms lemons and Mr Tomatoes used him as a vessel in order to live it forced him into an endless coma but now the tables have turned by releasing him he's now in full control forcing them into the endless coma which I suspect is what we saw happen with Lilith the gray creepy lemon that we met in the absorbed ending what it wants it doesn't say however from Eugene's logs we can see that it was able to grow on its own adapt evolve my gut is that by encapsulating it within the system Eugene was able to control it to use it for his experiments however now that it's free it can continue to grow and evolve becoming more powerful and more dangerous as I've said I suspect that there's a third game on the horizon one that'll seem like a simple game with a third fruity character but as the game goes on I think we'll see oroboros come in and take control trying to absorb and destroy this third entity the one that is Marine I mean it's because of her that oroboros exists in the first place forced to become a slave a simple host for these human entities that are trying to live forever however I think there's hope Mr Tomatoes has many forms as we all know and his data entries tell us that he's not just eating any old code but specifically he's eating code from the vessel from oroboros himself if and when this third game comes out suspect we're gonna have to jump between the games to get Mr tomatoes to eat more and more of oroboros eating it from the inside out and Miss lemons well she only has the one body her personalities have an aversion to dying so I don't think she's gonna be going down too easily potentially changing realities in order to bring down oroboros once and for all maybe then all of them will be able to pass on into the Afterlife no longer in agony how do you like them apples but hey that's just a theory a game theory thanks for watching foreign
Channel: The Game Theorists
Views: 5,453,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mr tomatos, mr tomato, ms lemon, mr tomatos and mrs lemons, mrs lemons all endings, mrs lemons explained, mr tomato all endings, mr tomato explained, project ouroboros, ouroboros, project ouroboros ms lemons, ms. lemons, ms lemons vs mr tomatos, mr tomatos game, mr tomatos all endings, mr tomatos gameplay, ms lemons explained, mr tomaos explanied, mr tomatos and ms lemons, project ouroboros mr tomatos, game theorists, matpat, game theory, tomato, lemon, lemons, tomatos
Id: 3dlcRz1vJ0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 42sec (1182 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 15 2023
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