Game Theory: Minecraft's FALSE Hero! (Minecraft Legends)

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Oct 09 2022 🗫︎ replies
stand aside dream if you thought clay dropping the mask was the biggest thing happening in Minecraft news this week think again because today we've got an expose on Steve yeah that Steve turns out Steve's the latest in a long line of Heartless oppressors conquering lands sucking out their resources and then leaving them to die how do we know this well have you heard about the newest game Minecraft Legends the whole thing is pure propaganda whole bunch of Lies so let me ask again who's really going mask off now homojang foreign hello Internet welcome to Game Theory the show where we're still trying to bribe Mojang into telling us what's Canon and if people are asking you know is that fact is that did that really happen you know we're not saying that that's exactly what happened but uh maybe it did do you think it did What's it gonna take Mojang how many emeralds we talking about here because whatever it is I will make it happen you see friends today we're diving into the newest addition to the world of Mining and crafting the yet to be released spin-off title Minecraft Legends an action strategy game that based on the first few trailers seems to be bursting at the seams with say it with me now lore I mean just look at this thing you can see enemy mobs like zombies skeletons villagers and are those baby creepers down there all of them uniting together to follow a mythical hero leading the charge against an invading force of piglens and uh looking at some of those pig people it looks like they've been hitting the gym recently what is going on with this game but whatever it is it seems important you know those mysterious broken Nether Portals that you find out in the Overworld World half-filled frames of obsidians surrounded by magma Netherrack and gold engulfed in flame Minecraft proper never truly answers why they're there or how they get there but it seems like the new game is gonna answer all of that within the first 40 seconds of the announced trailer we see Nether Portals bursting up out of the ground piglet armies charging through them ready for battle and again look at it Netherrack with gold detailing they are the same thing it's likely these Nether Portals got dismantled by the United over World Army who broke him up in an effort to prevent more piglet forces from charging on through so right off the bat this new game seems to be positioned as a critical linchpin for fleshing out the lore of Minecraft if new mobs and backstory are one of the things that they're putting into the trailer alone can you imagine what must be hiding in the game proper I could spend hours pouring over this thing frame by frame to find all its little secrets except there's one team a tiny little problem with that the devs are refusing to tell us whether the game's Canon or not quote from them the events you'll take part in are neither fact nor fiction they're simply part of a tale that's been passed down from villager to villager which is exactly the sort of stuff that we see in the opening seconds of the trailer a villager holding a book and US zooming through the pages into the world of the story because let's face it nothing helps the clarity of Storytelling in video games like when a series introduces books of questionable canonicity anyway the way I see it it's free real estate and with Minecraft live coming up next week I figured now would be the perfect time to look into this game to start theorizing about its canonicity and how its story may be able to fit into the wider Minecraft narrative because let me tell you friendos I don't buy it I smell something fishy here oh sure this Legend being passed down amongst the villagers The Narrative the game seems to be selling us on is all about a hero who unites the Overworld to save us from Pig themed Invaders but I don't think it's true or at least I don't think it's entirely true I suspect that what we're seeing here is actually a warning a warning from a a dying Dimension and it all boils down to one word greed in one of the early trailers for Minecraft Legends called fiery foes we're told some of the motivations the piglens have for invading the one I like most tells of a peaceful land that did not know cruelty [Music] until it was attacked by Invaders spreading the scourge of greed greed the piglens are attacking because they're greedy I mean I guess I can see that if you throw out gold when encountering a piglet mob they'll forget they were attacking you would run straight for it so clearly they are motivated by at least some level of greed but something just seems off about this explanation I mean gold is actually pretty plentiful in the nether literally all over the place sure the Overworld has gold too but it's much more sparse than in the nether it would make much more sense if the piglens were interested in diamonds or iron resources that you can't naturally find down in the nether but nope they don't really seem to care about those sure you can find diamond and diamond armor down in the Bastion remnants but always feel more like things that they've collected with no real understanding of their use or value considering that they choose to wear gold armor and use gold weapons instead of opting for the much stronger diamond based items so the idea that greed was the thing that led the piglands to the Overworld just doesn't make a lot of sense given what we know about their society so if it's not that then what could possibly be the reason for their Invasion well this isn't the first time that we've seen interdimensional Invasion within the Minecraft Universe maybe looking at that other instance we can get a better idea of what's Happening Here in Legends so come with me as we explore Minecraft's Dungeon Crawler the very creatively titled Minecraft dungeons the main plot of Minecraft dungeons focuses around the orb of dominance Ascension object that's able to manipulate anyone around it at the end of the main story the orb of dominance is revealed to be the heart of Ender a creature of immense power that looks like he crossed an Enderman with a spider of course we defeat it and send it back to its own Dimension but that's not where the story ends in the games DLC echoing void the player is tasked with collecting six Eyes of Ender so that they can travel to the end to finish off the heart of Ender for good to do this the player has to fight against ender scent these lanky Hammer armed incredibly powerful versions of Enderman but um why have we never seen these things before are they just a construct for the game a mob to fill out the roster of a new title or is there an actual lore reason they're here and not in Minecraft proper well as I kept playing I started to see that this was only the beginning as we're all very familiar with by now the end in vanilla Minecraft is a fairly desolate Wasteland you've got abandoned cities a very limited number of mobs and a singular type of plant the chorus fruit but over in the Minecraft dungeons echoing void DLC and actually looks very different you'll find that there are a number of species and subspecies that we've never encountered before in the regular game in addition to the giant Ender sense that I just mentioned there are also three types of enderlings watchlings lastlings and snarelings the end also appears to have plant life beyond just chorus fruits with plenty of grass and trees lining the pathways through the game this is a huge change from the barren yellow Wasteland that we're familiar with in vanilla but why what could this possibly mean is this just because a different developer worked on the game or because they were looking for an easy way to expand the franchise no and we know this for a fact due to one creature the Ender mites you see the loss of animal and plant life that happens between Minecraft dungeons and Main game Minecraft is known as biodiversity loss something has caused the dimension to undergo a massive decrease in the number and variety of Flora and Fauna living there now in the real world biodiversity loss is generally a marker that the ecosystem is dying due to factors like global warming natural disasters or the two that I think that apply to the end invasive species and over exploitation of resources let me give you an example of how these sorts of dominoes fall back in 1926 the last of Yellowstone National Parks wolf packs were killed off by employees all as a part of an effort to reduce danger to humans that might be camping there good job humans way to punish animals for the problems that we ourselves create however the this set off a chain reaction of unintended consequences by removing an apex predator from the ecosystem suddenly the elk population exploded inside the park and they began to over graze this then damaged the population of trees which in turn lowered the number of birds that the area could support it also made it so beavers were unable to properly build their dams which caused higher levels of soil erosion along the Riverbanks the erosion and overgrazing impacted the plant life near the river that shaded the water which combined with the lack of beaver dams raised the water temperature beyond what the local fish could tolerate the ecosystem was in a death spin the only thing to stop the downward spiral was a reintroduction of wolves back into the ecosystem and this is what I suspect happened between Minecraft dungeons and Minecraft you see if you've been watching our Minecraft theories for a while you'll know that there's evidence to suggest an invasive species did indeed show up in the end us humans whatever you call the ancestors of Steve I call them the ancient Builders as we've talked about in past theories it's likely that the ancient Builder along the run from some threat like say the warden or wither built an emergency portal to the end and then wound up getting stuck there they were whether intentionally or not an invasive species to this new land and since they had no way home they had to start using local resources to survive as we see in dungeons it's likely that when they first traveled to the end it was a thriving natural ecosystem they began to build cities using the local resources purple wood and purple blocks there are also a number of new glowing blocks throughout Minecraft dungeons and cities and given that most of the fauna that we see here is bioluminescent it's likely that those were the plants used in creating those lanterns all of this usage by the invasive species overtaxed the available resources which in turn left the end to start its slow painful death spiral it also didn't help that the builders hunted down the race of Ender dragons to near Extinction in order to make their elytra again this is something that I went much more in depth into in a past Theory so if you're a bit confused or you want more detail or you're just like hey prove it matpat that video is available for you right there anyway just like the wolf packs in Yellowstone when you eliminate an 8 apex predator from an ecosystem there's gonna be some unforeseen consequences some dominoes that tip over that you didn't see coming and here it's the endermites is he in the Minecraft dungeons echoing void DLC Ender mites are everywhere they are literally crawling around the dimension but in vanilla Minecraft yeah not so much they only have a five percent chance of spawning when you throw an ender pearl so what happened here well I suspect that by killing the ender dragon the ancient Builders killed off the mites only real predator in the dimension and even worse they probably gave them a massive Feast hundreds of dead Ender Dragon carcasses that are all ready to be munched on allowing the Ender mites to reproduce and multiply at a rapid rate and when the Ender Dragon carcasses were all gone while mites are known to also eat plants thereby leading the remaining fauna to be devoured by the bugs but once that was gone there was just nothing left but a wasteland the Ender might slowly began to die out just like everything else in the dimension the only ones that were able to survive were those trapped in ender pearls like the ancient insects that researchers are able to find trapped inside of Amber here in the real world the Pearl is thrown and shattered in the game setting free the ancient bug kept preserved inside which brings me back to the thing that started the whole theory in the first place the piglens in Minecraft Legends because while Mojang is claiming that greed is the reason for their Invasion knowing what we know now about the end we can start to piece together a different picture sure greed might be the impetus for this Invasion but not piglet greed in the trailer we see piglens charging through the portal except they aren't all piglens that we recognize one of them is a massive very intimidating looking pigland that seems to be what happens if you give a piglet brute some steroids this shows us that just like what happened with the end the piglens and the nether also used to have itself a greater variety of subspecies it also appears like the piglens may have been able to bring through a greater variety of hog-like mobs to assist them which would explain the hogland Stables that can be found in some Bastion remnants but by the time we reach regular Minecraft pigland Society has been reduced to a crumbling ruin they're a species that Hoards the last REM remnants of their most precious resource this isn't about Greed for gold it's about resource guarding a behavior that's able to be seen in dogs when they're insecure over losing access to something that they deem important this resource and security showcased by the piglands and the obvious drop in biodiversity that we see throughout the ecosystem points more towards the same issues that the end faced in dungeons resource depletion and ecosystem death the piglands may look like they're on the attack throughout these Minecraft Legends trailers but in reality they're the ones on the ropes and the reason for that the ancient Builders I suspect that they were the aggressors here invading the nether taking what was down there and the only recourse that the piglets had was to go to the Overworld to fight back or go extinct so if this is potentially true then why doesn't the game just come right out and say it well like the famous saying goes history is written by The Victors I suspect the Minecraft Legends might be written that way as well we've just talked about the fact that the nether appears to also be facing biodiversity loss fewer pigland and hogland subspecies another ecosystem that feels like a it's being picked clean it's the exact same thing that faced the end throughout dungeons it was caused by ancient Builders coming in and over farming resources so is it that much of a stretch to believe that the same thing is happening right now in the Nether and immediately you can start to connect the pattern here the ancient Builders arrive in a new dimension they start farming its natural resources they do irreparable harm to the ecosystem and then the ecosystem tries to fight back first we saw it with the heart of Ender in Dungeons and now we're seeing it with the piglet invasion in Legends so far there hasn't been any indication that Legends will have us fighting in the nether but I suspect that at some point down the line in the DLC or something will not only push the piglet Army back but will chase them all the way to their homes in the Nether and then finish the war off down there in turn we'll leave their bastions and ruins the crumbling remains of a once Great Society laid waste by the armies of the Overworld and if that's the case if we are indeed the reason that the world was decimated of course we're not going to pass on the true reason to the villagers the ancient Builders would brand themselves as the heroes of this war The Underdogs the ones that had to unite the over World in order to fight the inhumane Invaders from below the surface and the villagers safe in their healthy Overworld with its abundant resources wouldn't be any wiser they'd just be blissfully ignorant of the truth believing whatever they were told about the true reason these Invaders were coming it was greed sure the pig-faced creatures wanted our gold and yeah it might have been greed but it wasn't the piglands who were greedy so is Minecraft Legends Canon yes and no the legend is Canon I have no doubt this story persists among the Villager communities but the story itself of an invading pig army now it's fiction or at best it's a half-truth it hides the reality that resource hungry overworlds came saw and conquered with zero regard for the species that lived there who would have ever suspected that this game all about building would have its roots tied to so much destruction but hey that's just a theory a game theory thanks for watching hey if you're interested in some more Minecraft lore check out the two videos that we've got on screen right now so you could disagree with me just so heavily over there to the left are my thoughts on the origins of netherright and the great piglet War meanwhile the video on the right is going to start the lore series off proven to you that Enderman are actually a long-lost race of ancient Builders take your pick and as always I will see you next week
Channel: The Game Theorists
Views: 3,876,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft legends, minecraft update, minecraft legends trailer, minecraft legends gameplay, minecraft update 1.19, minecraft lore, minecraft history, minecraft legends lore, minecraft iceberg, minecraft lore 2022, minecraft creeper, minecraft piglin, minecraft mob, minecraft mobs, minecraft piglins, piglins, minecraft wither, wither, nether, minecraft nether, game theory, game theorists, matpat, game theory minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft animation
Id: cQ736TemkNA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 09 2022
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