I Explored the NETHER on ONE BLOCK Minecraft

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getting into The Nether has gotten pretty easy what the this is my friend wrecker app and it took him a little over one minute to build a working nether portal in Minecraft but on one block it took me 177 days over 4 000 blocks mined and a ton of close deaths to get myself this a simple nether portal that looks like poo but a fully decorated later in the video for now we can finally head into the Nether on one block I don't even know what to expect but we're gonna go anyways I barely have any armor or tools um okay looks like it's a normal nether I thought it would be a one block neither that would be so cool and I already have a horse in here bro oh go back return to the world all right he's a part of the nether now but we spawn inside a butt crack of the Nether um I don't see anything special finally making it into the nether is huge for us because that means we have an unlimited source of blocks for the past four episodes we've been living in the air and only surviving off of this one regenerating block but now we finally have an unlimited source of blocks which is Netherrack I probably won't ever just build with Netherrack but hey we got blocks what's down okay and there goes my pants I already lost my help and now now I'm naked with that being said this episode I really want to get myself some armor I want to fully explore the Nether and try to collect a bunch of new resources and materials I want to build a house in the nether build a custom nether portal room or Island collect some lava so we can make a stone generator and a bunch of little tasks to improve our one block world the first thing I want to do is explore the nether but um I might need some more armor oh I already have a helmet and some leggings all right I'll take it yeah let's Mount up some more gold and use this to craft a chess play and some boots there we go I guess we completed one of the objectives I still want a full set of iron armor though honestly I think that was one of our objectives for every single episode but uh let's explore the nether there's a bridge out here and try not to die let's build a little staircase and let's see what we can find oh I've got some quartz oars nothing new there's also gold ore and is that only one piece of Glowstone up there wow I'm so lucky ah here we go don't mind if I do oh there's also mushrooms I can start a new mushroom farm let's go okay my first ever cast I'm 100 accuracy just don't look at that thing up there I totally didn't miss an arrow earlier yeah I found the ghast here let's go oh I found a warped Force biome and one Crimson herb thingy this guy must feel left out might as well collect a bunch of this though I would never get over how ugly this sound is it just sounds like you're walking in wet shoes it's it's so gross wait what is that oh my God we just found an abandoned nether portal what's in the crack of this okay we got gold leggings it's on Flint a shovel and a fire charge oh I found a Bastion okay okay and the Crimson Forest I really don't know how to raid bastions guys I'm just gonna don't mind some black stone and try to avoid those guys because they do so much damage and I'm gonna raid their oh my God all right don't mind if I do I'm just gonna look inside your chest oh we found agent debris what's in this chest um oh my God that's a lot of agent debris oh a block of iron yo my iron armor dream might come true you can't touch me you can't touch me go away please if this chest has more ancient debris I'm gonna cry oh okay we found a Smith we found an armor trim oh my God I'm literally jumping and hopping in in in in my chair yo raiding bastions might be the best idea ever there's no way I get oh my God I'm actually rich I don't even need this gold nuggets I got blocks of gold did you guys just please be attracted to the gold while I just sneak past you guys I'm just gonna keep okay there's a guy there I'ma just keep digging until I find something and let's keep going down I don't see anything down there [Music] okay they are so fast I found a chest oh my god oh my god let's see what's in here oh my God another diamond pickaxe well that was insanely successful we got a bunch of stuff from that let's keep exploring let's try to find another Fortress I found another Bastion oh my God so I started looting the second Bastion and I got tons of valuable stuff I came close to dying plenty of times though oh my god oh my jeez you can't touch me loser loser pretty low on food and my whole inventory is full so let's head back to my one block world and we're finally oh my God okay I I need to build a platform here that was a close one but that was an insanely successful run we got a bunch of stuff I'm all out of food though and I only have three potatoes nice let's head over to my potato farm slap the button and oh yeah look at look at all them taters oh it's I still need to fix that and oh my God why did I get so many potatoes all we gotta do is just put it in here and it's done I totally didn't have to wait like 20 minutes not faked at all but now I can just come here throw away all of my armor and using the iron that I got raiding all of those bastions I can finally craft myself a full set of iron armor this is an actual dream come true finally after 183 days we have iron armor I can also use the iron to craft a few more buckets and all of this will just help me collect a bunch of lava buckets and we can use all of this to make a stone generator yup say goodbye to this poopy thing this is like episode one of a Skyblock like we don't need this poop stuff let's destroy this expand the platform so we have room to upgrade let's first start by building a little box right here and this will just contain all the lava and the I don't know why I said water so weird um even though that's a normal way to say it in in some place in the world you know what I'm talking about let's craft some rest Zone stuff okay let's get built in this thing having the stone generator is gonna be so helpful because it's gonna provide me unlimited blocks allowing me to expand this one block Island forever the very last thing I need to do is add the lava let's put a lava bucket on every single block cause I'm just rich like that let's go grab some more Bob all right wait what oh my God it's supposed to go up here I'm so dumb I was like did my world just glitch and the lava just disappeared there there and there okay and there we go wow oh it worked oh my God it's already working I ran out of a cobblestone so I had to use dire right it looks pretty ugly compared to the rest of my entire Island yeah so let's grab a bunch of materials and let's fix up the look of the stone generator to fit with the rest of the one Block Island [Music] I feel like this doesn't look that bad I got a nice little walkway up into the stone generator I added a nice little Gap right here where water will be the only problem I have is I'm scared this lava will burn all of this wood down and then like transfer over to my Island and then everything's just gonna be on fire oh it's on fire it's on fire what why is the lava going to this what could I just like cover up the lava just cover up all of my problems so I just can't see them you know so it won't affect me there we go all right it's been a few minutes and luckily no problems yet all right let's use some stone brick slabs that will look a lot better than this ugly Cobblestone and there we go that looks way better now it actually matches the rest of my Island I just need to get rid of this platform all that there's left to do is add some water right here on this very edge and now when I'm mining all the Cobblestone will just fly over towards me and I don't even have to move yeah so I spent the next 20 minutes just mining stone which is 16 seen stacks of cobblestones it's gonna make expanding my one block Island way easier my diamond pickaxe however is hurting he's literally crying for help don't worry baby I won't hurt you anymore I will no longer use your mining ability yeah I'm sorry pickaxe I want to read some new phases we're currently on phase eight which is the idle phase I think it's just a bunch of quartz I thought beaters would be friendly I didn't do anything to you yup entered my enter my barn I'm totally not gonna trap you losers losers uh sucks the suck doesn't it oh wait I think they're not mad at me anymore yo we're best buds now somehow but stay in here I'm gonna make you guys a giant Zoo one day what's in here a name tag and some honey bottles cool cool and I'm pretty sure we're getting super close to the end phase which means we get an end portal and we get to defeat the Ender Dragon oh I got a cat eating my fish wait you don't eat tropical fish oh my God I thought he was gonna jump off the edge I don't have any fish to tame you with oh wait I got some rock hot right here yeah drop some names in the comments guys all right let's continue mining oh okay we got slimes um that's actually not too bad please stay I need your balls uh pause I have a looting sword I do not um nice all these land boss could help me make some sticky pistons all right uh what how did you get over here just yeah right back and get back onto the ledge get get back on get back on the ground get back okay I need blocks I'll save you go back nice okay we saved him that was a close call I don't know why I did that I probably needed that Strider do I even have a Strider left bro I'm so stupid oh you got a skeleton horse we need some cool names for these cool mobs [Music] okay what is up with people sniffing me um do I need some deodorant or something do I smell that bad yeah you smell bad okay what the heck who even was that what a meanie wait is he dangerous oh no he's not okay we got a cool horse I don't remember what they're called a haunted horse you get over there [Music] wow I got some nice bees and a stinky chest let's see what's in it um there's bamboo new I swear I have bamboo already wait wait wait I just realized you can use kelp turn into dried kelp to turn into smelter thingies you guys know what I meant but you think Kel would be a great source of fuel since I am running low on coal so let's actually use this Farm let's break this collect oh my god did it all fall off the edge what that was so unlucky um at least I saved a few and let's replant it right here okay but I think that's enough mining for now we need to move on to more important things like fixing up this it's it's really bad it like I know I'm a bad Builder but I do build a ton of giant projects and just looking at this makes me want to throw up so we're gonna completely transform it and build a custom nether portal Island first I need to smelt a ton of cobblestone and instead of wasting my coal let's actually just use some lava buckets because now I have an unlimited source of this and for our dirt situation let's come over here steal some of this and let's also steal all of this here we go and while we wait for all this to smelt let's do some things around the island let's grab some wheat and let's actually breed my animals because I really need some leather to make an enchantment table one day you guys are useless but I'll feed you guys as well um I can't breed you with anyone you could breed with a torch I guess enjoy and you chickens I guess I don't need to breed you guys cause I'm so lucky I'm gonna get four chickens oh I got two that's not bad yo chill I'm gonna kill you oh my God and they're oh okay since when do foxes attack chickens that how does that make sense come back to your home and make more babies also check out my Farms how's this doing oh my God got a lot of bamboo and sugar cane all we need is some leather to make books let's check on our melons um I don't know why they aren't working I'm guessing they can't grow onto wood what if we put a dirt block right here let's also check on our Cactus um oh I don't have a hopper okay I haven't collected anything some cocoa beans that I haven't harvested I seriously do some more work around the island and see you later loser harvest the kelp oh and it flies everywhere off of the island that is perfect nice amazing design okay they do a lot of damage oh my God I would have died I literally would have died to hit me straight from straight from straight oh my God I just dodged that bullet all right and oh it seems like our stone is done now we can start building the custom Island for the nether portal I guess I don't really need this Farm area anymore um holy cow this turtle is living life on the edge but yeah let's destroy this and I'm about to do something extremely risky are you guys ready this might not be a good idea okay we didn't die I was scared of dying for fall damage the reason why I did this is because I need a block all the way down here so I can work on the bottom tip of the island if you know what I mean I don't know why I did all that when I literally have a water bucket in my hand but you know what it makes life fun oh I just got a notification of my watch saying I have a high heart rate I wonder why okay this is the tip of the bottom of the island I just wasted a piece of dirt but it's basically gonna go up from here so like it's gonna start I'm forming a larger and larger tip that's what she said just like this I'm Gonna Keep expanding it So eventually this will turn into an island and I want it to look perfect on every single side because I'm gonna build a circular pathway around this custom Island I'm about to run out of dirt though I'm gonna use all of my dirt on this stupid little island okay I am left with 20 pieces probably a little less because I need to make this look a little more natural because if it if I don't I'm gonna be so upset with myself yep there goes all my dirt I got two pieces left okay oh this side's not even done you know what let's just uh there we go that's all my dirt I have no more dirt left on this entire one block world I spent it all on this stupid island oh man this isn't good and the craziest part is I don't even have a grass block I turn all of that dirt into grass we might just be stuck with a island of dirt okay so now I want to build a ring around this island and so we can just like walk around it but we'll have one bridge to connect it at the very front kind of like this I think that looks pretty good I just need to fill in the path and make it thicker so I can actually walk on it let's build a little bridge that connects this to the island so let's do that bam bam beautiful let's grab my fastest pickaxe efficiency three and Destroy This nether portal so we can give it a new permanent home bam yeah now Imagine This Island fully decorated with like a giant dead tree or like a mushroom or something and I kind of want the tree to be like ingrown with this nether portal so it's kind of like a part of it and it kind of just sticks out a bit you know so I think the best way to do it is like to cover a bit of the portal like this it looks like it's being swallowed in let's have a few of the branches kind of come out and stick like this and let's build some this way and this way and if you keep doing this it should look okay um honestly I kind of like that it's just like messy and messy let's now build a little trunk at the bottom so it just looks normal oh yeah this part's a little thick I might need to thin it down a bit just like that let's add a piece of wood here and I think that looks a lot better now we just need to strip the tree of all of his clothes like this oh I'm so weird the shape of it looks pretty good now but to make it look even better let's come over here and grab some fences let's also grab some lanterns I only have one nice bam and now let's place all these fences around the tree to just make it look a little better it's also add some hanging lanterns from the tree one back here and one behind the nether portal like that and I want to add one more thing to this nether portal let's um kind of running out of space here maybe let's come up here break this and expand the tree just a tad just like right here a little bit more and add some fences to make it look a little bigger bam and using this little trunk or Branch I can bring it down like this instead of placing a lap right here let's place down a stair and let's surround it with some trap doors so it looks like a little uh swing so if you ever have the balls you can just come over here and swing over the void that is the tree that looks pretty amazing to be honest and now on this side I want to build like a mushroom or something just to add some color and it just gives off that haunted Vibe luckily since we went to the nether earlier we did grab some mushrooms so let's find some dirt I think I used all of my dirt but they grow another rack oh there we go let's grab some bone meal and let's wait why can't I place it what hello huh I don't get it does it need to be dark okay I don't understand does it work in the nether um nice well it's night time now so that means there's no light can I just place it here oh my God it literally needs to be in complete darkness bruh so I built a giant box just so I can grow some mushrooms inside of it oh I didn't make the ceiling high enough could I drop it down on one floor please bro maybe it won't grow another rock maybe it will grow on dirt oh there goes my piece of dirt give me yes is it here bam yes it's perfect now I need to collect the block version of this because I can't just mine it would just turn into nothing what if I can Shear it I might be very smooth yep it doesn't work what a surprise oh my God sucks loser loser loser loser loser yeah let's be smart and cover the floor of slabs since I need the actual blocks of the mushrooms I need the silk touch enchantment which means I need to harvest my farm and breed my cows a ton more so I did that for the next hour until I had enough cows to make enough leather to build a full enchantment table hopefully all of these cows will get me enough leather it sounds like the craziest Mosh Pit in there oh my God why the hopping around unfortunately though I don't have a looting sword on me I do however have a fire aspect sword let's use all of her iron to craft a Anvil and let's repair this thing bam honestly that probably wasn't worth it at all now I can kill these cows and get oh my God I didn't think all of them I get some cooked steak I need your leather it's for a good cause we need world your sacrifice oh I feel so bad and after all that I only got 31 leather that definitely won't be enough to make it level 30 enchantment table let's grab all of my sugar cane bop bop bop let's turn it into some paper and craft up some books 31 which will make me oh 10 bookshelves that is way more than I thought okay we we're pretty close we just need an enchantment table let's put it right here well not there okay I don't want to break that now right here I'll build a fancy enchantment table room later but let's see what it is it's at 21 which isn't that bad is it possible to get so touched on the first try please yeah no I ain't that lucky all right let's enchant this pickaxe with a low enchantment thingy so I can replace these the enchantment stuff and let's try again oh my God I got so touched the second the second try now we can finally mind the mushrooms let's go all that just for mushrooms oh my God okay oh my god that actually scared the ball sack out of me all right we got one whole mushroom mined out and let's get a few more just in case all right now that we finally have the mushroom blocks that we need we can build the mushroom Tower thingy tree thingy thingy thingy thingy my brain just lagged it's basically just me a giant version of the normal mushrooms so I'm just gonna make it like blocky a little bit um let's build the stem I don't really have a lot of mushroom stems because it's hard to get but let's just bring it up here like that um let's make it a little curvy let's bring it up a little more oh I ruined it no can I mine it and then replace it oh nice okay oh man let me thin it up a bit okay that's all ruined now I gotta replace all this there we go no last one this is more rare than diamond blocks all right that should be good and now we just cover up the rest with a giant mushroom tip something I am unfamiliar of oh oh what are you thinking of I'm saying I don't eat mushrooms what you'll get your mind out of the gutter guys what the heck oh I'm just gaslighting all my viewers this is funny let's continue building this thing let's take a look at oh that looks really good um you could probably tell that I literally just copied this design off of the internet because I I was too brain dead to think of something on my own but I still think I made it look pretty good now the only thing I need to do is add a little bit of touch up so I need to turn this on to Grass somehow that'll probably not be in this episode I'll build a staircase some fences some leaves and yeah I think adding all of that to the custom Island will really complete it and give it like the rundown Vibe of the Nether Portal foreign I have these torch lamp things I want to add some hanging ones on the mushroom as well but it's gonna be a little different let's just make a few of these lanterns one two three four we're broke again we got one iron and get left using these I'm just gonna hang them off of the mushroom to just give it a little different of a Vibe just like that there we go a custom nether portal island is complete and it's gonna be a nice centerpiece for the entire one block Island but the next thing I want to do is actually inside the Nether and that is I want to build a base inside the nether I can build like a little chest room a crafting table room basically a safe house for the nether the bad part is my nether portal is kind of in a bad spot I I can't really build anything here I actually am going to build the base in this open spot in the nether but there's gonna be a little twist against this wall I'm probably gonna just add a big like circular window this right here and the base will be inside the mountain so let's start carving out a little area for it let's start designing this thing um I'm gonna make a little border with some stone brick that just outlined the half circle that I built so let's bring it all the way up like this bam bam and let's build it across like this and I'm hoping the stone brick will just give it like a reinforced look for the nether let's fill in the ceiling oh I messed that up there we go all right now let's remove this and fill it in with some Spruce Wood like this and we'll just make the inside feel more homey than the nether because the nether's scary let's start replacing all this nether rock with some Spruce Wood [Music] thank you [Music] this guy just came in for a quick drive-by shooting yo back up back up back up that was messed up holy [Music] and there we go we got the whole thing interior Dundee but I decided to add like a little contrasting wall which is a oak wall and Oak ceiling and then this would be spruced I don't know how it looks it looks okay not my favorite thing but hey it's better than the nether this is poopy this already feels homey these guys need to leave though you guys are stinky you guys are stinking out my new home guys I'm in the sun oh my God yeah you better run to your dad all right I also got myself some crafting tables I'll place that um over here oh I didn't mean to attack you oh I'm sorry I'm sorry son I'm glad you don't even witness this but uh yo let's continue mining this out and adding some chests he's back oh he wants revenge I'm sorry I'm on the 360 no scope you all right let's fill this in and let's add some chests right here oh I'm out of chest it's okay let's take this out and let's move it to here well bam and bam oh bam got a nice little chest room I got some furnaces let's slap them down over here and a few torches there we go we got a little home there's not much um it's because I don't really own much on one block but it's supposed to act as a safe house from the Nether and you guys might be saying oh how is it a safe house if you could just walk right in well shut up I'm Gonna Fill it in with some glass I don't know why I gave you guys that voice but that's that's zero guys's voice now hello guys my name is Kermit the Frog oh I'm so weird let's go back home and get some glass I feel like I don't have a lot of sand um okay I have 20 pieces and a stack and 63. let's smelt up some more and I don't have lava buckets okay [Music] all right let's start filling all of this up with some glass to finally make it secure foreign oh my God just wasted two pieces of glass oh what if I needed those two pieces oh never mind I'm good I'm good all right we are protected from the elements of the nether now I just don't know how to get in or out um ah just kidding I thought of that too I'm just a walking genius so if I'm mine this way through the nether I'm eventually gonna hit my nether portal I hope yeah we got it oh my God this is perfect too let's just fancy it up a bit by changing the floors and the walls like this and now I have a private entrance and Tunnel right into my secret base give me a second let me run down here right into my secret base in the nether where I am secure and safe from all these ugly mobs you can't touch me boy what's up all right but let's head back into the Overworld and I think we had a pretty successful episode we didn't manage to get to the new phase of the one block but we did however complete a lot of cool things like build a custom nether portal Island that looks amazing built a stone generator that will get me unlimited blocks and travel to Nether and build a secure nether base that's all for this video and see
Channel: aCookieGod
Views: 1,680,870
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: acookiegod, a cookie god, a cookie god minecraft, cookie minecraft, minecraft cookie, minecraft cookie god, cookie god, acookiegod series, acookiegod hardcore, minecraft hardcore, hardcore minecraft, minecraft, extracookie, minecraft one block, one block, one block in minecraft hardcore, minecraft one block skyblock, one block series, acookiegod one block, minecraft one block bts, i survived the nether on one block minecraft, i transformed the nether portal on one block
Id: twZYpyWS0Fw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 47sec (1607 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2023
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