Game Grumps - Best of SUPER MARIO MAKER 2 Vol. 1

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oh no oh yes no oh yes not like this though we're gonna play Ross's stage 4 it has a point 4 8 clear ray yeah and it says hi Aaron on it look at his little avatar grab the spring what do you would say wait wait I could have done it wake up come back up oh wow oh here we go DJ salad po oh that's can you get another one that was easy first part child's play Ross that all you got for us Oh God stay yeah oh oh oh all right I guess it doesn't work yeah that's that's the problem do you think is that the problem that it doesn't work no you know what I've been crunching the numbers I think the big issue of this is that it sucks well there's your problem yeah okay okay everything's cool place it down place sounds cool yeah Queen I am / good point give me the give me the I think you better hit the checkpoint before you know what progress was made though got it okay uh it's definitely not working I think I gotta we might just ignore the spring yeah maybe not all right oh all right I needed this I needed the spring this rig with the spring shoot the thwomp backup yeah maybe yeah it does really yeah you're just gonna like do this pull this move you're the disaster desk you know I'm not saying you're a disaster I'm just saying this yeah it's the sound of a disaster and see what I mean like I hurt my lungs yeah and and my ears you just chuck it and then hang on that low block until he bounces away know that he won't bounce away yeah snap you go baby so freakin smart you so smart Daniel is so smart I'm looking through the window and I'm seeing Ross admire his handiwork he's got a big smile on his face or he does dippity flippers I thought I was safe he's smiling now do you like it a lot don't you oh this is bad I know it's bro Ross are these the moments that make it all worth it yep yeah oh go no yes no I said the babies buy em son a baby's butt and in Senate but put up the picture of me sunny baby spot thank you thank you Ben you're welcome very beautiful you know he's gonna put like a picture of a Babu [Laughter] difficulys e'er yeah no no no no that's good what that's good right you're doing great you do if you if you do one thing right now you're gonna figure it out oh that was the run that was the run if you didn't die there I was wrong yeah yeah you'll be safe on the edges yeah oh if you let the second to last one fall through then the little staple remover guys fall into the love and die ah and you can just jump back and forth between the edges and galaxy Brandon Hey look how smart I am I'm just trying not to die y'all can analyze when you're sitting there like chopping popcorn and stuff jumping and spin it all over the place I'm just saying it's great we did it the team as a team of friends right we we did it so I want to get rid get rid of the second to last one not the last one okay nope the second to last one yeah yes yeah [ __ ] up because he got rid of the last one that's what what are you talking about I did the right thing and you said it was wrong so that was that's not what we said that's exactly what you said you said the exact wrong thing I did no no no I stood a correct thing I stood on the last one to make it disappear no [ __ ] wait bass play it 100% back wait so I want to get rid of get rid of the second to last one not the last one okay no the second to last one yeah yes I I think Aaron might be right I was not clear yes yes whit yes he did say that but he said no when I was getting rid of the right one right the far right one yet no that's about four right one is the right one to get he went first but he said no when I was getting rid of them when I say we're like oh he's not right Aaron's not gonna let me say kill everyone Wow yeah but that doesn't feel good no it feels great to make it didn't feel good but so it's a 0.5 well it's it's not going to after this episode airs been edit out this episode put a baboon in front of ya give me a squirrel with big balls I don't know I think you're allowed to look at animals having sex on YouTube really okay yeah there's no bows that squirrel with large nuts you might censor out his nuts you know in fact just put up a picture of any other squirrel take some puts up the picture of the squirrel and edits out like the acorns yeah as well and not everything except big giant wing enough all right do you trust me is that the NIP of this is Gerard's stage has a lower clear rate than Ross's stage look at his little like sometimes you just gotta jump into that leap of faith you know he played me like a dang fiddle oh god here it comes [Music] it's a beautiful baby boy yeah Wow just slap it on the butt and hand it to the mom wow that was a real moment of discovery for us all right now it's time for Giggy Giggy I think you just have to throw it in there from the second yeah that makes a lot more sense don't it yeah don't talk to me okay sorry [Laughter] okay I suck on your toes can I sell your ass can I give you a good checkpoint your are anyways swamps I don't like that do you do the twisty jump oh god no [Music] [Applause] dill pickle all right here we go shut up no I'm not sit here idly by oh that's that's a confusing spike situation up at the top there oh man I don't know I'm not a deal with it yeah I didn't I didn't get a good bead on it okay got a good beat this morning you know to say he'd probably didn't and satin alone jerking it alone you miss your ex-girlfriend yeah yeah dude [ __ ] it Jo and it's like no one around and super quiet give me some DAP bro I did bad spank me here we just give it a second don't start right away yeah okay and my misfit boy who life all right take it just really think about it dark blast is my [Music] [Laughter] [Music] what the hell why didn't the jump all the way yeah just keep thinking it's my father moment no remember this is what you wanted you requested this okay let's just then you just make it thank God oh thank goodness gracious oh yes peace Mario you you have not like I only felt like my body like release Oh Oh God look at that clear a percentage got a run fast but also look cool yes yes yes yes healing on here alright next time I hit you rod Joe it is that bastard go oh what the Frick I read it ah what the Frick then my family and my friends and they don't understand me you don't get it mom um well all right I'm calling Gerard really yeah do it yeah call Gerard shut off the Siri Siri stop being so weird oh so sassy call Gerard I better pick up Gerard your life is on the line you don't even know it mr. Khalil it's going pretty good brother we're doing game grams right now and we're doing your level look cool feel cool yeah how dare you what yeah all right first of all hi it's Dan no question how the hell I must has to make this damn jump with the with the bully so what you do is when you hug the left side of the wall on the way down and you're about to jump across to the bully hold Y&B when you jump on the bullying and I wanted you at your highest point on the right wall right when you hit the top of the right wall like barely even slide like at all and you basically jump to the left you'll hit the block and then immediately you'll start spotting on the left side of the wall and then once but like the minute you start touching the wall you jump right and you'll clear the entire gap you monster I guess we'll give it a shot thanks so much jarred we'll call you again in three minutes my name is vandal no it's not dad's name is ran yeah yes Erin checkpoint checkpoint are you [ __ ] serious yes yes Erin if you do this in like two seconds uh-huh I'm Totten huh okay it's okay don't get discouraged it's only time yeah you with the pre-emptive jumpies dduba dduba oh I'm so proud of you lick mine nad Gerar well this has a 38 clears great the first amazing level starring ROC James II Oh oh wow all right James James II Oh presents the bomb Baba that's not yep oh oh this is easier than the good oh god oh god oh god play cool like nope no no no I almost did it dang it it was given to me just don't like waiting for the bombs yeah there's so much god damned waiting they was too high any wish to hide and wait for your window my guided patient cuz he did surgery [ __ ] say that baby if he did I'm gonna call he told me in confidence he was like then don't tell Aaron but yeah I think he's it Oh have I always had you're gonna make me cry I gave the eff up you better believe it so we're gonna we're gonna play some popular courses or from around the world it's a table tennis and table tennis maker - all the way from Spain Oh Oh clever boy God where do people think of this stuff Oh ah okay I died Wow oh [ __ ] up [ __ ] it up there hi dick tall hi dick tall I took all the cats came in a circle around my head oh man oopsie toodles here we go that's very funny self-destruct activated oh it's getting more popular toys from I think we're good now as long as you don't blow it on this thing here yeah yeah I was going half what fresh hell awaits us go dude and great job thanks man that was goo representing America his dan salvato yeah with a clear rate of 27 not percent out of almost a million clears out of nine hundred thousand-plus tries with a clear rate of zero point zero zero present here is lethal injection oops oh my god dude really how many times I already want to quit okay Oh Oh feeling my dicks gonna fall off yeah I got a funny feeling - oh not oh [ __ ] man I swear if I ever meet this kid cats gonna die I'm gonna die that's a real threat yeah yeah yeah take that to the police yeah yeah well that is that is legal that in a court of law that is admissible evidence Roz is peering at us through the window as we play this and he just brought a cardboard cutout of him to watch over us so so he's also watching because we are about to play one of his levels he just created this level called you are a monster monster which is a sequel to his smash hit you are a monster right without a question marks like a like a Saw movie another yoshi hey it's my friend I don't understand listen dealers here oh man I'm Erin she's frickin Wiz freaking Wiz geez man am I supposed to kill that boy I don't know a tiny child if Bowser's offspring god this is not fun I saved them all right yeah all you gotta do is go fast yeah okay one two yeah okay well say what that one all you gotta do is go fast yeah so maybe with this one all I got to do is go crap Mamma Mia here we go again all right that's too easy this one is easier okay hop off the Yoshi badoo badoo dude dude that's not true you have to get hit by it for it to run on the treadmill you dope you don't hop off it I'm not the wrong one la just let me just let your dad this isn't how I wanted my day to go well done eat it eat no no all right you're right no no you're good yes eat my my be saved [Laughter] it's pretty good it's pretty good so I'm gonna I'm gonna let it go baby you know that's as close as we're getting for the next spray lava my wiener [Applause] you're stupid you dumb dinosaur turtle that one time you did it yes I remember why could I not oh yeah great job wait oh my god okay there's one yes and there is three all right now [Laughter] stop it stop stop stop stop yes yep oh oh please yes and I saved Yoshi Wow please please please I beg you leave me alone like a minute away from it yeah Frank just leave me alone just gonna stab one of my friends and that friend's name is Ross Oh gonna stab one of my friends I have a question yeah friends what if you just set off that shell without descending into the thing well it runs with you can you put the things you put the lettuce you got you gotta break [Applause] [Music] accent very delicious delicious that's hot no hay nose it was my thing okay so at this point some audio messed up just so you guys know so I'm taunting Ross Ross's over my shoulder right now and he's taunting and I'm like oh he said I couldn't stay up there but look at me now I'm so strong that's what I said to him and then now everyone's impressed that I just just cleared it and it's no big deal and they're all like whoa Aaron you're the best and I'm like I know and I'm like dang man well it really humbles me too this is what I'm also saying and then we're just at this point we're just saying you are at the same time which is hilarious I wish you could hear it but it's all messed up so you should have been there you could you could have been there but we there's something wrong with the mic anyway and then it's literally nothing out there were just like whoa it's like yeah and then and then Ross Ross goes goddamn it and then I say no good damn it and anyway that's the end and we need to get you a controller for this one well you can stand there and I'll stand here all right oh it's on the count of three okay I'm normal now so on the count of three so well actually maybe go so one two three go we're gonna run and we're gonna jump and I'm gonna hit that on switch and you're gonna land on the blue platform that appears seems easy okay are you ready yeah all right three two one all right let's go back here we go yeah three two one go awesome okay once you hit that switch run immediately over to the red okay okay that's very good you did a great job yeah here we go sorry second revolution [ __ ] I was thinking about other [ __ ] here we go that's what you have to do you have to spin jump how do I spin jump the right trigger alright so go for it [Music] yeah but you have to get a running start oh that's really challenging oh my god no oh really okay go for it go for it okay right yeah you want to and then you gotta jump dude you gotta be then I got a jump you gotta be effing with my sister that's ridiculous that's what Diaz you okay okay okay yep one two three go I got overexcited that wasn't even a joke my bad it was real bad okay here we go one two three boom [Music] thanks man every time you try to like think one way it makes you do the wrong yeah all right here we go 1 2 3 go 1 2 3 go yes oh yes yes Oh heaven-sent oh all right you got buns I swamp it demolition mm-hmm okay quick demolitions are our specialty injury death is a minor inconvenience nice oh it bounced on those that makes all the difference that makes all the difference difference that makes all the difference [Laughter] every day literally my life is crying in my car my life is drinking up in chemica do c'mere mom I've gotta take a call in my car [Laughter] Christ you're beating in my car Christ you're crazy yeah not crash there because let me tell you something crying jerking off and driving a vehicle difficult yeah I love it though I mean it's the ultimate thrill we're gonna navigate the meat dungeon uh-huh much like many times in our lives this is the Arby's level oh this is very on brand did you like it oh god that's a good clear rate 31,000 have tried 177 has succeeded well I'm gonna be one of those of course you are of course you are no I am here we go oh I gotta make sure I land on that bottom one ooh the bottom one you're gonna lend on it Oh Teddy I was on the last break when Jim take military quinn today what the hell Chrissa crammed I think I was okay donut Jesus Oh what that really really come on maybe you can get in there what maybe you can hop off into the shale so much for that before you and I it's hard to time man I'm sure it is well ya know I don't know if I have enough air just leap and throw it well I don't think I have enough air I mean what do you have to lose man my life for the 80th time you psyched me out you yelled at me it made me think of my parents just lost her marbles for a second you didn't do the thing there's not enough space if I threw it it would bounce off how could you possibly know that with him because I just saw the trajectory what the hell what happened there why can't you just do it one time for daddy okay I'll do it for daddy thank you okay yes yes that's right son Oh checkmark okay does he know this is tough okay boy if there was no checkmark and point here yeah I would you'd be mad I would throw the controller yeah at the screen and we would have to get a new screen wowie okay don't just come just come you're fine God Jesus Christ ah it's like I'm yelling at a weiner staring down the barrel of it I'm just [Laughter] I'm going over here it's the same [ __ ] no it's not it's not the same [ __ ] look I did it jump jump I get to be a no job you fool you got hurt you fool [ __ ] man this is unbelievably brutal very good very good Huck it means I'll join the x-rays Ernie could be playing it but yeah we kind of wish we were at this [Music] [Music] epic gamer moment number 17 starting now a long proud history there's nothing quite like an epic camera moment in the morning don't talk to me until I've had my epic gamer moment alright here we go oh yes wait what I was holding down no it's gonna be snug all I had to do is reassemble yeah Oh Nuggets alright up the purple goo grabbed by the gooster hit with the goo blade up here grab the goo throw the goo up here hit the thing dewpoint bleep weak and then oh and then hmm but how doe but how dododo dad this is good this is no I was so good I had so much time Wabble Stiltskin he like comes out of nowhere I think now you have named me I beseech you to reconsider naming me now I must do so Aaron tried that level from the last episode about 20 more times off-camera and finally said it dunkaroos man and now we're doing a different level that's what happened I mean Ben you must have the audio footage can you put it in thanks dunkaroos man sorry to make you go looking for that Bend it was my pleasure dan the it's just something about these episodes man they're so frantic and relentless and stupid it really that's just game grumps TV I know but Mario maker is something special
Channel: LesmoBestOfs
Views: 154,341
Rating: 4.9387755 out of 5
Keywords: mario maker 2, super mario maker 2, ross, jirard, completionist, spring companion, troll, arin, danny, rage, complete, comedy, funny, best of, best moments, laughter moments, compilation, let's play, level editor, hardest levels, tennis, arbys, egoraptor, game grumps, ben, edits, squirrel, pillar men, jojo
Id: ysBMXbpurs8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 53sec (2273 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 17 2019
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