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[Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] aka curly chris welcome back to your girls channel for another video ay yay i'm so happy to have you here with me in today's video we're going to be reviewing the coco black naturals curling custard once again on these curls because last time we reviewed them we absolutely love the definition that it gave our curls however there was some black flakes that we did get and the hold was pretty strong so we wanted to try to eliminate some of that hold as well so in today's video we're going to be putting a little bit of tweaks here and there to try to perfect this wash and go using this custard so before i'm going to get into those details if you are not already part of the curly chris fam how many for you to do one thing for you girl and now smash that button down below smash that button down below hey like you mean it enjoying the curly crisp fan because we are on the road to 60k okay so go ahead and join the family we would love to have you here now let's go ahead and get into this review and demo now last time i used this gel we loved it i loved it i was very much so shocked because y'all know i'll be doing wash and go's like that but this one really did take me by surprise ooh i could smell it already oh my gosh definitely a strong smell oh jesus the smell is like if you're not expecting it it will knock you out not out wow but it will like boom in your face um but it's not a bad smell or anything just pretty strong so what i'm going to be doing different with this review is i'm going to be adding a thick cream slash butter in the mix one that is not butter based but water-based in order to help alleviate the hopes of alleviating that crunch that we got and also hoping that it will help with the flakes that we got not really sure how the flakes and the butter will really help that but i'm just hoping that it won't flake as much and maybe i'll also try to use a little bit less product and maybe that will help so the butter slash cream i'm going to be implementing is the camille rose almond eye twisting butter this one is most definitely a cream as in this water base like it is very very thick very very moisturizing so i feel like this would be perfect to add right before we um apply that custard on top to give us like the to give us the moisture component of the wash and go hoping to alleviate that crunch you feel me hopefully you catch my drift okay now already in the shower i've applied my leave-in conditioner and that is the salon selectives yes yes the dollar tree leave-in conditioner one dollar okay the instant repair leaf and conditioner brazilian carrots and oil which smells so dark on good and i have to give a shout out to a family member who shipped me a box of six of these sis sent me six of these because i told y'all i couldn't find them no more she sent me six so shout out to you i love you guys like so i've already applied that in my hair and it's super juicy and just y'all look at the curls love it so next thing we're going to do is apply the almond dry butter and then i'm going to seal the moisture in with oil and i'm just going to be using regular dangler olive oil and then lastly we're going to be putting on the custard hopefully all this mixes well together because i have not tested it out i know i probably should have but i didn't um so let's just hope for the best and get it started but in all honesty y'all like i really did enjoy how like the results from this um wash and go aside from the flakes like if those flakes could just get go away i would really like this for a wash and go all right so then we're gonna go in with some of the butter okay so that's blending well and looking really good and feeling great so so far so safe okay okay now i'm going to just seal that in with a little bit of olive oil and i literally just have my wow this is huge from my kitchen just my huge thing of olive oil i'm gonna wipe it off after i'm finished y'all don't worry and then put a little bit of this on there to lock in the moisture from the leave-in and the cream perfect and now start the show and also i didn't give you guys a background in case you're new here on this gel so this is coco black from ghana um it's a ghanaian business and they sent me this gel uh once i had like dm them because i couldn't it was kind of complicated to place an order so i dm them um and they just sent to me for free and i decided to do a review on it and i really did like this gel a lot um and so did the fam aka my subscribers so when i have not had used it the last time we got a little bit of flakes um which is kind of sad but we still did love the gel i mean the custard because it was so good and it's from ghana so it's like really really unique so that's why i'm really trying to find a combo or just something that would not give us those flakes but we still get that definition that we got because definition was popping so now i'm just going to go ahead and just shingle but honestly nothing flakes so far y'all the whole like everything blended well together the definition of course is good i did not apply a whole lot of the gel this time um i was kind of careful with the amount that i applied so hopefully that counts for something in the results and hopefully we do not get a lot of flakes so that little section is done looking real good and as far as the transfer on this um when it's wet it does transfer a little bit of black but once it dries i didn't get any transfer aside from the flakes which were oddly black like the flavored black all right so i'm gonna go in and just get some definition with the brush y'all my curls feel so good with that leave-in i'm gonna go in with the twisting butter for moisture get that moisture up on in that girl oh my gosh i just dropped the whole container of oil on the ground oh my gosh the oil took a tumble oh my god the only reason why i'm laughing is because it was so like i saw it coming like as soon as i felt the slip out of my fingers i said it could go on the ground i couldn't even catch it i couldn't even i couldn't even grow my hands are so slippery so i've applied everything to this section looks bomb never gonna go in and shingle and also i'm honestly willing to sacrifice some of the definition i got last time for more moisture and less crunchiness by applying this um twisting butter like i would not be upset if my hair was not as defined as last time because ultimately i don't want hard hair i don't want something that's super crunchy i want something that has a nice balance so if that's what this gives me then i'm all for it once again with the butter so i'm gonna just go ahead and do the exact same steps on these last two sections and we're gonna see what this whole section is looking like and then i'm gonna check on my carpet [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we finished an entire section this is what it looks like it feels really really good actually the definition also looks like it's going to be more like a moisturized finish versus a fully defined crunchy finish which i actually am a big fan of so i'm going to finish dressing my head and we're going to come back and talk about the wet results all right fam so the whole head is finished and yellow oh i am tired it actually does take that long though so that's a good thing the curls look really really good especially on this side like come on definition moisture okay like i think the curls look really really good like the definition seems like it's going to be popping and hopefully moisturize results so i'm gonna go ahead and let this dry i may even get underneath my hooded dryer i don't know i'm gonna decide what i'm gonna do and i'm gonna tell y'all once it's done but i'm gonna go ahead and let this dry and i'm gonna come back once it's finished drying and let's hope for the best y'all because this so here's what the back looks like but the curls do look really really nice y'all i ain't gonna tell you no tail like the definition looks really really good along the entire strand especially the ends the front of my hair is most definitely still acting up like it always does okay except for what that equals to that eco sleigh got it together but that's this is where we at right now so i'm gonna go ahead and let this dry and i'm gonna come back once it's dry and we're gonna talk a little bit more so the hair is finally dry and it's honestly about two days later um about the first day later my hair was dry but i was like i just want to make sure that the roots are dry and everything so we are completely dry now and y'all y'all i think i have figured it out when i tell y'all my hair is not crunchy at all my hair feels so like soft to touch it does have like a little bit of a hold feeling but it's no type of crunch and you guys know when i did the when i used this gel the first time my hair was actually like hard as a brick like y'all my hair was the same exact feeling as like a wall it was super super hard and just like clumped together and like i said the definition was really good but the amount of hold and crunch my hair had i was not feeling at all so go back and watch that video so you can like see what i'm talking about if you have not if you have not already seen it this is it y'all i'm telling you like i can't believe i didn't figure this out and what i really know helped the most is implementing that moisturizing cream before i applied that gel so i gave my hair moisture and then i sealed that moisture in and then i applied the custard on top of that and like the definition still looks good it feels good like my hair feels amazing it still has a hole like you guys can just see how oh wait that puts on all of my hands and also my background is under construction so ignore that but let me take this jewelry off all right so i'm putting a little bit of oil in my hand so i'm touching my hair now but guys look at the definition like up in in here like this definition though looks so good look at that looks so bomb and feels really really good and whenever i um manipulate my hair i also don't have any flakes like the flakes have also disappeared which is crazy because i'm like did the cream and oil help that as well like how like the flakes are gone there's no absolutely no flakes in my hair whatsoever right now and you guys know from the last video around this point in the video i the shirt was covered in black flakes like i have flakes everywhere right and there's absolutely no flakes either now whenever i scratch my scalp for a little while i do get um some black stuff like underneath my nails um but that's just because the product is on my scalp but y'all so now we're gonna go ahead and stretch my hair i added this just to make it a little bit cuter while i was wearing it flat but um okay so now we can get into this is what it really looks like right here and then this side in the front of my hair ah it's just so rebellious like the front of my hair does not look as good as the rest y'all know how i feel about that so now i'm trying to figure out which method am i going to use to stretch it i can't use the blow dryer or i can band it i don't really want to ban this since i've already had this style for two days i just want to get the results right now so it seems like i'm going to go in with my blow dryer and just stretch it at the roots so i'm going to put it on a warm setting and on high um speed and let's go ahead and stretch just from stretching y'all can see clearly the big difference right like come on y'all see you're stretching and then i'm gonna go in and pick as well and once you stretch your um curls you'll be able to pick more because whenever you have curls like this you can't pick like you want to be picking like such not at the root um because it's not stretched out yet so once you stretch that hair on outside or bro you're going to be able to pick and everything so i'm going to do this side and very fam fam do we see the results y'all this looks really really really good the definition the volume that i got the length one thing i'm starting to notice wash and goes is that i'm able to get more length immediately versus my twist out which i really do like however i know like i like to use heat in order to get this length so i'm not a big person i'm putting heat on my hair especially direct heat like what i just now did but i know it doesn't like damage it how often i do it or i'm pretty sure you know like it wouldn't really damage your hair to stretch your hair whatever but i really do love how voluminous my hair can get and how big i can get it like with just minimal effort like i'm looking at myself in the mirror and i absolutely love how my hair looks and this custard that i use honestly i feel like really did a great job with the way i layered all the products on like i would most now almost definitely going to be using this more often because i the reason why i was really hesitant at first we're using it was because of the crunch that i got even though my curls really did look good after i stretched that one as well but now my curls are much more moisturized and it's a wash and go so i don't have to worry about having that crunchy heart feeling that i absolutely hate and i'm pretty sure a lot of you guys hate that feeling as well so this would be great to implement so you can get a better result a more soft result with your wash and go and still not have the sacrifice that definition so we all need that um one thing i also do want to notice is that i actually do have some black flakes on my shirt it's not as many as i had last time but i do still have the black flakes so i did want to make note of that with you guys i didn't want you guys to get the wrong impression of this um and assume that i didn't have any flakes because i do have some but it's not as many as last time so this overall y'all is a winner like i freaking love everything about it i feel like the definition is popping everything i already talked about like i'm really happy that i gave us another shot with this lineup of products so let me know in the comments down below what you guys think about this entire video and a little technique that i implemented so thank you guys so much for tuning in to your girls vid i appreciate you i love you as always and i'm gonna see you guys in my next video [Music] peace [Music] you
Channel: CurlieCrys
Views: 22,240
Rating: 4.954845 out of 5
Keywords: coco black naturals curling custard, coco black curling custard, coco black natural hair products, coco black, coco black ghana, curling custard natural hair, curling custard, custand on thick natural hair, custard for natural hair, best wash and go natural hair, wash and go, wash n go, natural hair wash and go, coco black natural hair custard, coco black naturals curling custard jar, curling custard for natural hair, type 4 wash and go, type 4
Id: -oxwwW8ScyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 36sec (1116 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2021
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