Galaxy S24 Ultra - Change These Settings Immediately

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what's up YouTube Jeff back again today have a very exciting Samsung video for you guys and today we're going to be talking more s24 Ultra setup I know a lot of you guys are getting your phone today is Friday January 26th I'm recording it I made my first things to do video which is basically a collection of around 10 things that you should do right away when you get out of the box to improve your performance today we're going to dive into some really deep settings that Samsung has buried I'm going to show you how to get the most out of your phone some settings you really need to change to get the most out of the s24 ultra before we get started I do want to thank my son Jonathan always gives us some dinos and animals to hang out today we've got the uh Paras olist fossil and we also have this duck over here we always appreciate my three-year-old son for giving us something to hang out in the video also if you haven't ordered your s24 s24 plus s24 Ultra just yet you're watching these videos cuz you're excited and you want to order one um we're still doing our mystery box over on my website it's going to be open till January 31st you can order using our affiliate link and then submit the verification form you get a free case cleaning kit desktop phone stand we do this every year we basically use our affiliate revenue from people using the link to put the items in the boxes and pay for shipping you pay nothing all you have to do is use our link we send those out they start shipping February 5th so for those you who already ordered February 5th will start shipping we ship them in the order that people confirmed inside the form so if you wanted the first you'll start shipping on the 5ifth those of you who confirmed a little later they'll ship in the middle of February if you guys want to check it out the Link's in the description so let's go ahe and get started I have a nice Google keep document list here I always use that in my videos to keep track of what's going on and I got a lot of stuff here so let's get started first thing I want to talk about is changing your brightness on top and quick settings access so if you swipe down here and you go into your quick settings you'll notice that brightness appears right here and so you can actually change whether or not this brightness here appears always or only shows in the full expanded View and you can also change if you want adaptive color tone on so adaptive color tone adjust the colors in white balance based on ambient lighting conditions I don't really like this it's basically similar to Apple's true tone I'm not a big fan but what I do like to make sure I changed if you go into the little pencil at the top here and you go into brightness control you can choose show always or show when the quick panel is expanded now I like to have show always turned on I think it's the default on most of the US models but elsewhere in the world it may not be the default so you might want to check that to make sure you have that enabled there's also another really important thing inside here as well and that is the Quick Settings instant access so if you go into Quick Settings instant access now and let me move the key list there the popup window if you turn this on what'll allow you to do is you can swipe down from the top right corner it'll automatically take you into the full Quick Settings expanded view let me actually go home and show you this if you swipe down from here you see how it takes you into the full View and so if you swipe down once it shows you the notification Pane and the limited view so swiping down here will now give you your full notifications pain very useful they added this in oneui I think 6.0 so it's pretty recent that this came out it's definitely something that you want to do the next thing is to customize your quick toggles themselves so if we go back into the Quick Settings I'm actually just going to expand this here go into the uh pencil button again you have two options you can edit the top of your quick panel only and then here I kind of like to leave these intact you got Wi-Fi Bluetooth your ringer volume uh rotate auto rotate airplane mode flashlight I usually keep those the same but you can change them by dragging these up here but I really recommend changing the ones for the full view cuz I Chang the full view quite a lot and um if you look at this there's a lot of stuff down here that you might want to be at the top for instance some of the things that I find very useful are extra demm mode so this is one that I always drag over you can actually drop it wherever you want you can also rearrange them of course there's a lot of good stuff in here you've got NFC sound for notifications performance profile battery protection kids mode if you have kids uh Spin Air actions Wireless pohare is another one I use a lot for like charging my watch or even sharing with my Apple friends who don't have this feature oneand operation plus which is actually a good lock module that I've talked about in some other videos uh Edge touch and secure folder and Dolby Atmos which is another good sound setting which I'll talk about a little later in the video so once you have those chosen the ones you want just hit done it'll save them and of course now when you go into your quick settings it's going to give you the information that you need and give you the stuff that's most important to you up next let's talk about sorting your apps in alphabetical order so one thing that's really annoying to me on Samsung phones is when you get your phone initially your apps are not sorted in alphabetical order they're usually sorted by when you installed them you can fix this very simply by going into the app drawer right here go to the very top where you see the three dot menu and where it says sort go ahead and tap on alphabetical order custom order is the default I have absolutely no W no reason of understanding why Samsung chooses custom order by default it seems like most people would want this in alphabetical order because then you know obviously if you're looking for a particular app like Facebook or eBay or goodlock then it's in alphabetical order and you can easily find out where it is in your list of course over time you might remember where it is but it's not really intuitive to have these ordered by when you installed them cuz that's not something you're going going to remember and it's definitely something I recommend changing the next thing let's dig into some display settings so there's a lot of display settings to look at talked about some of these in my last video but there's even more that you should consider thinking about when using your phone now obviously you're going to choose between light and dark mode when you set this up but you do want to decide are you going to use auto brightness or adaptive brightness or not and if you turn adaptive brightness off you actually have this ability to use extra brightness which increases the maximum brightness and this uses more battery now the interesting thing about this that you should know though is that if you have adaptive brightness on the Adaptive brightness can actually turn on the brightness a little bit higher in direct sunlight Outdoors than even if you turn this off and turn on extra brightness that is because of the extreme battery consumed by running extra brightness mode all the time motion smoothness you should choose if you want to use adaptive or standard of course adaptive is a huge Advantage because it makes everything smoother I highly recommend it eye Comfort Shield this one you can either turn on or you can turn this on kind of you know to fit your needs you you can see adaptive or custom you can also choose enhan C uh Comfort which gives you adjust color tones and contrast for a more comfortable viewing experience at night now I like to turn this on sometime in the evening but I don't use it all the time screen mode so you can choose Vivid or natural and there's actually a lot of debate with the s24 ultra Community people who are receiving their devices as to whether or not Samsung toned down the poppy colors that you usually see with Samsung displays and that means made Vivid mode a little more toned down I don't particularly have a problem with it doesn't bother me but certainly the anti-reflective cating on the s24 ultra does certainly have that kind of issue where it does make things a little less vibrant you can play with things in here kind of adjust it to your liking but I think if we want it more vibrant we're going to have to push for Samsung to push that out in a software update in the future so I'll have to see if they do font size of course you can change this to your liking and style I will show you guys in another video how to install a bunch of different custom fonts I usually turn my font size down one cuz I find that it's just about best for me but that's all about how you're viewing and your your vision and how things look to you screen resolution I always bump it up but of course fhd plus is the default if you want to get better battery life definitely leave that on camera cutout you do have the option to hide the camera cutout I actually made an entire video just about this last year cuz so many people asked about it it did very well uh if you choose to do that though you're going to get a black bar at the top it looks terrible and not something that I particularly like to do screen timeout I highly recommend leaving this on the default of 30 seconds or moving it back to 1 minute I leave it on 5 minutes cuz when I'm recording videos that is something that I need but obviously if you're using your phone you don't want it to go 5 minutes without shutting the screen off because it's going to lose a lot of battery if you're not paying attention uh Edge panels This is the little thing right here that pulls out your Edge panels on the side I like to enable those you can actually go in here as well and custom customize these you can get apps people smart select reminders clipboards people forget about these and that they're here they've been here for a long time since the original Edge devices that Samsung put out but they're definitely some of my favorites also within here as well you can choose to turn up your touch sensitivity if you're going to be using a screen protector definitely recommend that if you have a screen protector and accidental touch protection for when it's in your pocket most of these other ones are things that we'll either come back to later I'll talk about gestures and navigation in a bit or things that I don't think are really particularly big deal but these are a lot of really important display settings that you can choose and some suggestions based on what I do personally the next thing is gestures or buttons so actually jumping right back to that I should have stayed right in that particular settings menu so let's jump right back into it if we go right back into display you need to decide if you're going to use gestures or buttons for your navigation now if you choose the button navigation you're actually going to use the new Circle to search feature by holding down on the middle home button this one right here if you use the swipe gestures you're going to hold down on this little line which is the gesture hint I've heard the complaint from a lot of people that the circle to search is a little wonky with using the gestures I haven't found it to be that way it's been fine for me but uh obviously for sure you want to play with it and see which one works best for you now it's surprising to me but actually in Samsung's research they found that most people use the button nav still I've been using gestures on my Android phone my Samsung phones forever since they started because I review phones and of course I always want to try out the new stuff but most people use this and that's why it's still the default but you should still try gestures see if they work for you see if you like them next thing on the list is swipe for split screen or pop-up view so if we go back to the main settings there's a lot of these settings that are actually going to be inside Advanced features so if we go to Advanced features you'll see down here we have the ability to choose the gestures that allow us to get into split screen or popup view there's a couple of them that we're going to look at the first one is multi window so both of these are things I recommend you turn on I use the swipe for pop-up view of more than the split screen but if you use split screen multitasking you can also swipe up for split screen multitasking the way the pop-up view works is you just swipe from the top corner you do have to be a little careful with the settings page but you swipe from the top corner like that and it automatically puts it in a pop-up window just like I have my Google keep notes um the one for split screen basically allows you to change the split screen view you swipe up with two fingers from the bottom in portrait or the side of the screen in landscape and swipe again to switch apps so this is a very useful gesture if you use split screen multitasking a lot and with Samsung phones it's really big benefit because they are really really good and multitasking something that Apple doesn't do at all and other Android manufacturers kind of neglect so it's definitely something to turn on inside the advanced settings next is swipe down for notifications so jumping out of these settings for a second if you long press on the home screen here you can go into the home screen settings and then when you go into the home screen settings there's an option that says swipe down for notification panel this is something you definitely want to have turned on it's on on the US unlock model by default but other app other ones it might not be if you swipe down for notification panel on then you can swipe down anywhere on the home screen to bring down your notifications if you don't you've got to reach all the way to the top which is obviously very annoying for a very tall large phone like the Galaxy s24 Ultra another thing that I like to make sure it's turned off for me personally is add new apps to the home screen because then every time you download a new app from the Play Store what's going to happen is you're going to have that app icon added right here somewhere on the home screen we don't want that because it clutters up the home screen and Android one of the big advantages is you have your app drawer to organize everything really nicely that's my personal opinion of course again try it see if it works for you at the end of the day that's what's important all right so next after swipe down for notifications we want to make sure we turn on notification categories so notification categories was buried by Samsung in the notification settings so if we swipe down we go into settings you'll see down here let me slow back I just scrolled by it notifications at the top and when you go to Notifications you'll see advanced settings so when you go to advanced settings if you scroll down to the bottom it says manage notification categories for each app and this is something that they previously had turned on that allows you to see the individual app details for app categories within each of the applications now this is important because if you want to enable individual app sounds make basically every time you get a notification from Instagram you get a different sound than you do from Facebook or messages or Twitter then you need to enable this and what it allows you to do is when you scroll down to the apps inside the individual apps let's go to something like beeper I will then be able to go where it says notifications and then down here I can see notification categories then I can change each of these individual notification categories like priority notifications I can change my sound for that notification from this men menu I actually have a full tutorial on how to do this so if you want to check it out I'll drop the link to that one below but definitely make sure you go into the notifications menu the advanced settings and turn on the notification categories so you can also not only change the sound but manage those notification categories individually all right so up next on the Galaxy s24 Ultra we have these AI settings which is actually one of the things that Samsung emphasized the most in their original presentation about the Galaxy s24 and the s24 ultra so if you go into the settings menu here in the main settings and you scroll down once again to Advanced features you'll see advanced intelligence which is now at the very top of the advanced features menu so it's very much front and center Samsung wants you to look at this you've got a lot of different features that you can choose from for the Galaxy AI features so you've got the phone you can get realtime translation you can go in here and turn this on or off Samsung keyboard you can change the tone of your writing get spelling suggestions turn that on or off interpreter live translation of spoken conversations inv voiced or text input Samsung Notes you can automatically format summarize correct translate and generate uh generate covers for your notes voice recorder transform recordings into text transcripts summaries so you can review and translate Samsung internet gets simple summaries of web pages text along with full translations and photo editor reimagine images by moving removing or resizing or filling your images so if you go into any one of these like the photo editor you can turn this on or off it'll tell you what it does uh and then you can go back to more intelligence features and kind of choose them you you know the ones that you want the ones you don't want I personally think it's a good idea to try all of them I turn all of these on I think the voice recorder one may be one of the most useful ones for me because you can basically take notes by voice it'll transcribe that to text make a nice list for you and format it so you can review it later it's very useful for me for making things you know notes and lists for my YouTube videos that I want to make later on um the other thing that's really important to know about the advanced intelligent features in addition to all these great options that you have to utilize is that if you scroll down to the Bott bottom process data only on device this will allow it so that it only processes the data using the processor on your phone meaning it's not going to send any data to the cloud now if you do this some of the features will be turned off and so you won't have all of the options that we just talked about to work with um but you will have added privacy so you kind of have to decide uh is this something that you want is it something that you want to use um and if it is then do you want to process it only on device and actually have slower results and also maybe have more limited results now the other thing that you can use the Galaxy AI for is if you long press on the home screen go to wallpaper in style and go to change wallpaper scroll down to creative you can go to generative wallpapers this will generate wallpapers for you you can choose a category choose something you change these words and it will generate the wallpaper for you now I tried this in some of my earlier videos and showed it off but one thing I don't like about it is that Samsung adds this little symbol as a watermark for generative AI wallpaper doesn't look particularly great um this wallpaper I got was from one for wall the wallpaper pack that I use I much prefer getting my wallpapers from there or from other artist packs but generative wallpapers is a cool idea and it's something you can definitely play with and it is part of the AI features on your phone the next setting is battery and device care so if we head back to the settings and scroll down we will find battery and inside battery there's quite a number of options that you should think about one of those options is when when it comes to background usage limits it says put unused apps to sleep now this can be good to save you battery but if you want to get real-time notifications from your social media like Twitter Instagram Etc you may want to turn this off because it will in fact sometimes put those apps to sleep on accident and then you won't get uh those particular notifications now you can also go here and add those apps to never Auto sleeping I turn it off entirely just because it doesn't really seem to change my battery life too much but it's really up to you it is something that's good to know about you also have the ability if you scroll down to do battery protection you can change the charging behavior for your battery and this will basically allow you to do adaptive or maximum to chop your battery from charging at a certain percentage to extend the overall life of your battery if we go back in here you'll see here under charging settings we've got show charging information fast charging fast wireless charging all of those should be on by default so you don't really need to change those battery information you can go in here and get information about your battery see if it's got the maximum capacity if it doesn't you should obviously return it so you you want to make sure you have that wireless Power share of course you can use that when you need to turn it on uh as you as needed basically and then inside here the battery settings itself you'll notice that here at the top we no longer have a three dot menu anymore basically if you want to get details you tap on this and then the battery activity expands to basically show you your details for your app use usage at the bottom um the rest of this is pretty much pretty similar to what you've seen before in terms of the battery settings but you do want to make sure that in terms of power saving as well that you set up the options that work best for you so when you turn on power saving it'll do things like turn off always on display you can also limit your apps in home screen and turn off 5G that might not be good of course if you're out and about and you need 5G but it is something to consider so the battery menu has actually been somewhat simplified from what it was before um and that is something to keep in mind now there's also the performance profiles and you'll probably notice that inside here they've actually removed the performance profile so the performance profile has been moved to another setting inside of the settings menu and I'll actually show you where it is performance profile is now inside the device care they split out device care from battery and so you have to access these two menus separately I know a lot of people have asking about the performance profile you can change this from standard to light for most of your usage it's not going to make a difference but will increase your battery life it's not going to hurt performance and just going to give you better battery life so that's something I definitely like to do so just keep in mind that the battery and device care menus are now separate device car is down here you can only access the storage the memory um and performance profile and stuff like that from there now another thing that's great inside device care is auto optimization this will allow you to have your phone Auto restart when needed you can restart on a schedule at like 3:00 a.m. on a Friday when you're not using your phone obviously and then that'll keep it fresh and make sure it's working appropriately and that's something that I like to do is turn that option on and it is now in the separated device care setting at the bottom up next is screenshot screen recording save location so if we go back into settings and head into advanced features you'll notice that down here you have the screen recs and screen recording menu there's a lot of things you can do from here like set up if you want to delete after sharing a screenshot hide status and nav bars save original screenshots and choose the format you save in jpeg or PNG but you can also choose where your screenshots or screen recordings are saved now this is particularly useful if you take a lot of screenshots which I do for tutorials many of you may not do that but if you take a lot of screenshots it's going to clutter up your gallery and you may not want those there so what you can do is go to save screenshots in you can choose a particular folder and then that can be where you save the screenshots so if I wanted to create a screenshots folder somewhere separate from my digital camera folder which is what's going to show in your gallery I could do that and then I could go ahead and have my screenshots all saved there you could also just add a new folder you could call this folder screenshot or screens and then that could be the folder where your screenshots are saved and that'll not clut up your full Gallery so that's kind of a really nice thing something I definitely like to turn on just makes my life easier makes it easier to view my photo photos and things like that now also inside of the Sid key settings if we go back into advanced settings you'll notice that there's Sid key settings in advanced settings and the side button right here allows you to change what happens when you press or double press or press and hold the side key so for the double press I usually leave the default which is quick launch the camera because very often I want to get into the camera and take a quick photo or video but for press and hold Bixby is the default and I really like the power off menu so when you press and hold your power button now you get the power off menu with restart emergency call and all that stuff instead of waking up Bixby which is something you definitely don't want to do most people don't want to do that there's also a nice option inside good lock and registar where you can map this to a whole bunch of other cool things and um I'll show that of course later on you can also choose to instead of double press for camera you can double press for the apps choose any app you want it'll open that app now I like camera but if you have another app in mind certainly do that the next thing is a security feature which is find my mobile so if you go into the main settings and you go to the top you'll see here you've got a whole bunch of information in your account the easiest way to find this one CU it's kind of buried just go into find my and you'll find the find my mobile settings which are under location you see under offline finding here so if you tap that in offline finding you want to make sure this is turned on allow the phone to be found under find my mobile now it'll send the last location if you turn this on this will send the last location to another one of your Galaxy devices now you do need to have your Samsung account signed in and other Galaxy devices connected in order for this to work out otherwise it's not going to work properly um this will allow you to use the application to find your lost devices and if you have other smart things devices connected to it like smart tags and things like that those can all be integrated so definitely want to make sure you're signed into your Samsung account that you set up find my mobile and it sends the last location of your device just so that you can get that in case you lose your phone obviously very expensive phone don't want to have to worry about that the next thing are the camera settings so if you go into your camera and uh go up to the settings here there's a lot of cool things in here you can do first of all I like to turn on you go to intelligent optimization I like to turn this down a little bit to medium so it does a little less optimization and uh also will then improve the capture time swipe shutter button to take burst shot you can turn on waterm marks if you go to Advanced picture options you can turn on high efficiency pictures if you want to turn things you know safe some space and you can also change the format from jpeg raw and jpeg or raw if you want to have Raw photos taken as well now down here you also some video options and advanced video options which you can turn on turn on the different formats turn on HDR+ 10 videos and high bit rate video if you want down here you can turn on tracking autofocus which I like to use when I record and the grid lines location tags if you want but you have to be a little careful with that shooting methods you've got voice commands floating shutter button show Palm and then down here we've got advanced settings for camera assistant so this is actually an app that was originally baked into goodlock but is now part of the regular camera menu if we go to camera assistant you can choose which Zoom shortcuts are shown choose Auto HDR picture softening Auto lens switching which is on by default I always turn that off so it doesn't switch to one of the wide- angle lenses or something like that Distortion correction high resolution you can turn on adaptive pixel or upscale digital Zoom I like the Adaptive pixel setting prioritize Focus over speed I usually leave this off because of course I would like to basically have a nice balance of the two if you turn this on then it will prioritize Focus over speed not necessarily recommended though if you have young kids you want to shoot photos of them video recording in photo mode audio monitoring and depth of field correction and dim screen while recording which I like this a lot as a Creator so there's a lot of advanced camera options inside camera assistant that you can turn on now and this menu is now directly inside of the camera itself so you definitely want to check all those make sure they're set up uh for you to use them in the best possible way for you and also remember over here where you have your different camera modes you can add things to this and drag and drop to move modes so you can choose which modes you want to have there and you can save those so that they're all kind of along here so if you like single take you can move that down here so now it's actually inside of your camera settings as you scroll through so very nice camera settings Cung as usual gives us tons of options to modify things to our liking next is modes and routine so if we go back into the main settings menu we go to the top here modes and routines is basically something that will allow you to turn this on and get the best experience in particular situations like sleeping the movie theater driving the gym relaxing and work so you can go here and turn and edit this on basically it's it's kind of a long process I'll probably make a future video on this what will happen is you'll set it to turn on a specific place or time period and then you'll turn on things that you want like automatically mute my phone turn it on V vibrate reduce the brightness turn on airplane mode turn location on or turn location off you'll be able to do all those things and you can do it for each of these individual Profiles In addition to setting up a specific mode for your device where you have you know a specific situation that's not listed here and you want your phone to change a bunch of settings automatically when you're in a specific time or place you can easily do that you also have routines which I will definitely make some more advanced videos on where you can trigger a certain setting change based on a certain event so if one thing happens then something else will occur and you can make very complicated chains of these um by editing or adding a new routine choose what's going to trigger it and then add in there what it's going to do I will have a advanced video on this coming very soon in the channel if you guys want to check it out and you're new to Samsung the last thing is spin settings so spin big part of your Samsung phone still if you got an Ultra phone and uh if you have a Samsung Ultra you can go ahead and here into your Samsung menu and then you can easily choose kind of what's added to your Air Command just by going right into the plus sign you guys notice I have a different Air Command than the stock one I'll show you how to get that in a second as well when you go in here you can choose which individual icons will turn on here and which individual icons will appear in your spin menu I like to use the Microsoft math equation solver which I made another video on in my spin specific tips and tricks I'll drop that below choose the apps that you want to appear and then you can also go to the top corner here go down to the advanced features inside of the settings menu and go to s pin and make sure you have Air Commands set up with the things that you want standard compact shortcuts show Air Command icon Open Air Command with the pin button that means if you turn this on then if you click the button it's going to open up the air command so I don't know why it didn't work there there we go now it's working maybe you should have to do it once to get it to work anyway once you do that you can change a couple other things when the s pin is removed you can choose to open Air Command create note or do nothing I like to turn this on Open Air Command screen off memo on or off go to more s pin settings you can do spin unlock so you can unlock the phone with the SP pin you can also choose from that same settings menu let me go back inside there allow multiple s pins keep s pin connected warn if s pins left behind definitely want this one sounds and vibrations choose if they're on or off now if you want to get a custom s pin cursor like I have here or a custom air command menu like I have here you can download the goodlock module pantastic which is made by Samsung and pentastic allows you to choose different Air Command layouts you can choose different pointers for your Air Command or for your Spen different sounds which you can choose a custom sound if you upload it yourself and can choose to turn on double tap shortcut which will basically allow you to click the button double tap and it'll open a specific action or app so for instance when I go back to my home screen if I press this then double tap it automatically opens up my Instagram which I use the spin a lot for cropping Instagram photos and sharing them using smart select anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this video these are my list of settings to change immediately on your Galaxy s24 Ultra a deep dive into a lot of stuff that people may not know if you haven't used a Samsung phone again if you're still thinking about ordering one you want to get a mystery box order with my link submit the verification form by January 31st the link will be in the pin comment description appreciate you guys watching this one I'll see you in the next one thanks a lot
Channel: Jeff Springer
Views: 110,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: s24 ultra, galaxy s24 ultra, galaxy s24, galaxy s24 change these settings, s24 ultra change these settings, s24 ultra tips and tricks, galaxy s24 ultra change these settings, samsung, samsung s24 ultra
Id: y7sBYK23Fas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 9sec (1809 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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