3 Things You DIDN'T Know About Your Galaxy S24 Ultra (One UI 6.1)

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hey everybody welcome back to the channel my name is Jimmy and today I'm going to share with you three things that you might not have known about your Galaxy s24 now this first one we're going to talk about charging speeds and the three icons that pop up indicating which speed you're charging at so first off you'll notice this will be a green ring with one lightning bolt now this is pretty much almost the slowest charging speed this is just regular fast charging again it's green with one lightning bolt you can see on the very top it just says fast charging you still have super fast charging and super fast charging 2.0 after this so if you notice a green ring with one lightning bolt then you're charging at fast charging now this one right here is kind of with a regular charging cable that is either plugged into a 25 W charging brick or even a 45 W charging brick now what this one is giving you is super fast fast charging you can see that it's kind of a turquoise color it's a mix between blue and green but it also gives you two lightning bolts now this one is super fast charging it's a little bit faster than regular fast charging but it's still not the fastest and then lastly will be super fast charging 2.0 with a 5 amp cable along with a 45 W power brick you can also use a 65w power brick and you don't have to worry about overcharging because all of the Gan Chargers 45 watt or 65 watt has built-in PD which means power delivery which means it knows exactly how much power is the maximum power that it's able to charge your device without overpowering or overcharging and this one is going to be that blue circle with two lightning bolts so if you see the blue circle with two lightning bolts you're going at super fast charging 2.0 which again is the fastest speed and again just to give you a little reminder if you see this one here it's going to be a turquoise color it's going to be with the two light lightning bolts that's still super fast charging and then the slowest is with a green circle with one lightning bolt now topic number two is talking about motion photo but before we go into that I got a question yesterday about how my view looks when I take a look inside of my albums I have the albums on the left hand side with all the photos and videos on the right hand side now if yours looks like this when you are taking a look underneath your albums Tab and you tap you know on albums if yours is looking like this with no albums on the left just swipe to the right and it's going to open this up so you can just simply you know go between anything and everything now let's take a look at motion photo there's two things in here that I want to show you now motion photo what it is is when you go inside of your camera and it's underneath photo it's not in portrait it's underneath photo and it's this icon right here when you turn on and it's illuminated for motion photo it actually records the 3 seconds leading up to the image being taken so you could actually see what is happening before you take the picture or maybe there is something that happened right before it that you kind of wish that you captured but you missed it by a second or you wanted to get the picture but also the video so I'm going to show you how you can do all this stuff here too so when you take a look at your motion photo you can actually see it sitting right here it kind of plays it as a small video when you hit on the edit icon then you'll have this image here this image is showing you the entire like basically key image or little video of everything that has happened so if there's something that happened like right around here that maybe you wanted one of these images instead then you can actually set this as the key image or you can you know again switch it to anywhere else in the video and then this is going to be the key image that shows inside of your gallery and if you were to share this image this is the key frame that will be sent if you were to hit on share and you send it as a text message or Instagram Twitter wherever it may go now the next thing I want to show you so that first one right here was if you go inside of the whole edit button and you can change the frame of the image now I'm going to show you how you can actually export this video or as a gift so if you take a motion photo it doesn't matter which one you do you know all of these are pretty fun on the top right hand side you don't have to go to edit just on the top right hand side of that motion photo go to export and you can actually export this as a video or gift and I do have to state that the video is much more smooth than trying to do a gift but let's say that we go inside of video so I just exported it as a video and if I were to go inside of the gallery move right on over this is the video and then if I was to you know take off the whole mute little icon you can actually hear what was happening in the video as well so now you have this little 3 second clip video that came from you just wanting to take a picture but also don't forget you can change where you want that picture to come from even if it happened just a second before by hitting edit and going right over here and then switching which key image you would like to use as the stock image for that entire motion photo and now lastly we're going to take a look at something that's a little nerdy but it's pretty fun to see exactly what's going on with your phone when it comes down to the amount of power it's putting out taking a look at your frames per second CPU GPU so if you took a look at your device care and you notice that there's an application that takes up a bunch of your battery you can actually see the specific reasons why maybe it's just pushing off a higher Graphics or GPU so all you have to do is just unlock your developer options so in order for you to get developer options if you don't know how to want un lock this you want to go inside of about phone and then once you go inside of about phone tap on software information this is where you'll find build number you just want to tap build number seven times and it'll say that developer mode has been unlocked and then from here you just go back to screens and this is where you're now left with developer options and don't forget anytime you don't want it you can just turn this thing off but the easy way to actually find what we're talking about today is you can scroll all the way down or you can just keep on scrolling until you see this little green area now just scroll up slightly and this is where you're going to see the options for games and right here you can see GPU watch now for this one when you turn this one on they make it actually very easy for it to you know work for you right away it's basically just widgets on your screen that is seethrough but you're able to get all the details about your phone with frames per second the load which is basically CPU GPU and even some information about the driver and uh the resolution and such you can actually also go inside of here and you can make it smaller if you want to so this is actually live right now this is showing me my frames per second right around you know 40 and 50 it doesn't need to be at 120 right now cuz we're not doing any scrolling when you do do some scrolling you'll notice that it goes up all the way so this is just dealing with the size of it so I have all three of them set up for medium and really that's kind of all you need to know about these you don't really have to change any of them unless if you want them to be smaller uh and then this is where if there is a couple things that you really don't care about you can actually take off a couple of these so maybe you only want to see the resolution you can have that if you want but pretty much this is what it looks like and if you ever want to make any changes when you swipe down you have this little icon right here or this little notification spot that from here you can actually unlock the widgets and now that they are unlocked you can move them around and if you want to put them in different orders you can put them in different orders if you want to but we're going to leave them the way that it is uh so like I said you want to probably just leave this one as locked so this way you don't accidentally move it just like I did especially if you are playing Gam games and this is also where you can turn it off so if you don't want it anymore you can hit turn off now the game that I want to use as example is going to be Pokémon go because there's actually a simple setting inside of Pokémon go that changes all of this stuff just so you can kind of see how it interacts with games so right now I'm pretty much averaging you know 26 about 30 31 frames per second even if I was to you know rotate this around move it around it's going to be right around 30 so it's a way that for the way that this game is set up it doesn't take too much of your graphics and CPU especially for graphics you can see it's right around 8% that and it doesn't matter if I was to go off and try to catch a Pokemon as well too everything's going to be right around you know 6% 8% now if I was to make a change with this one it's pretty fun to watch so again we're at 30 frames per second you know F between 5 and 8% for GPU now this is where if you notice that this game is taking more of your battery life maybe it's because you have that that native Refresh on so now you can see we're switching all the way up to 120 frames per second rather than that 31 and you can see that we're not at 8% anymore for GPU and our CPU went up just a little bit as well but not too much but now the graphics of this one went from 8% all the way up to 30% so now this is where you can kind of see especially with this game how much of difference would would make if you were to change some of a little bit of the settings of the game itself so if there's other games that you play and there's a simple little solution of changing the the refresh rate or how the game looks some of the graphics and such then you might want to do that cuz right now we're at 120 frames per second GPU so the graphics is working a little bit harder than it was from before and again if we were to move right inside of the settings of this one remember 120 and 16 if we go inside of advanced features and we turn off that that native refresh rate so now we're actually bringing it right back down and here you can see that this is where we can save a little bit of battery life by playing the same game as other people that's why it's kind of like a nerdy fun thing to do is to turn this on and so you're not going to see some huge differences with YouTube or Instagram or whatever um also if you play with some AR camera stuff you'll notice some some big dips and changes with it as well too it's pretty fun to see but at this point all you'd have to do is if you don't want this on anymore you can just go through and you can turn it off now if at any point in time you want it to go right back on you just go right inside your settings go back to developer options scroll down to where you almost see that little like green area that little green button and then you just swipe up just a little bit more and this is where you have your games and here you can see it's turned off through the settings because I was able to turn it off through my notifications panel so those were three things that you might not have known about your Galaxy s24 hopefully you found some interest or hopefully it helped you a little bit or just learn something new and if so hit that like button also don't forget to subscribe subscribe on the very bottom left hand side and if you like this video the more than likely you'll also like this video and I'll see you guys [Music] later oh
Channel: Jimmy is Promo
Views: 42,823
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jimmy Promo, How-to, Samsung, new features, features, Samsung S24, samsung galaxy s24, samsung s24 ultra, Galaxy S24 Review, Galaxy S24, Galaxy S24 Ultra, galaxy s24 ultra review, galaxy s24 review, Galaxy S24 Tips and Tricks, Galaxy S24 How To, One UI 6.1, samsung one ui 6.1 features, samsung one ui 6.1 update, one ui 6.0 vs 6.1, galaxy S24 New Features, Galaxy S24 secret features, Galaxy S24 hidden features, Samsung Gallery, Samsung Developer Options, Samsung Motion Photo
Id: Tejg8q-9bJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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