17 Tips and Tricks for the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra

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17 tips and tricks for your Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra timestamps are down in the description let's jump right into it tip number one is a series of tips to help you get the most out of the Wi-Fi performance on your s24 Ultra swipe down let's go into settings tap on connections go ahead and tap on Wi-Fi up here on the top right corner you want to tap on these three dots and you're going to select intelligent Wi-Fi all right now we're going to scroll all the way down here and on your s24 Ultra it's it's going to end at intelligent Wi-Fi go ahead and tap on this several times and then it's going to give you a toast notification letting you know that connectivity Labs have been enabled and in my device it just let me know that it's already enabled then you'll have this new Option here connectivity Labs once you're inside the connectivity lab section you're going to see a lot of statistics about your Wi-Fi usage the time the usage the band utilization all kinds of great information now while you're here our first tip is to go ahead and do a home Wi-Fi inspection so all you're going to do is follow along with these prompts first it's going to have you pick your home Wi-Fi network you're going to go ahead and hit next and then it's going to give you an initial analysis your home Wi-Fi network is well configured but if you don't get this message you can go ahead and tap next and then it's going to have you start this walkthr of your entire area of your home and it's going to give you the optimum position to place your wireless router back on the previous screen we also have the ability to disable or enable Wi-Fi 7 if you don't have Wi-Fi 7 gear in your home yet go ahead disable this to help conserve energy and it'll also help make your device more secure because Wi-Fi 7 is no longer enabled the next tip while we're here let's go into customize Wi-Fi list settings and then we're going to tap on show band information now this is really cool let's dip back into our settings real quick we're going to go back to our Wi-Fi network all right going to tap on this now it shows our connected band information this is really helpful for deciding on where you want to put your wireless router as well in addition to that home network analyzer it shows that I'm currently on 5 GHz if I get too much further away from my router that's going to switch down to 2.4 GHz now back at the connectivity lab screen let's go into Wi-Fi developer options and then we want to tap on nearby Wi-Fi information and now up here on the top you want to go ahead and tap on channel utilization and right here at the bottom it's going to suggest the best 2.4 GHz channels to assign and the best five Giger band channels to assign and what you want to do is hop into your wireless router most wireless router addresses are something similar to it's going to be something similar to that and once you're logged into your router you want to change your preferred channels to this channel list for 2.4 GHz and this channel list for 5 GHz usually you'll be able to pick your one Preferred channel so in my case it's Channel 1 for 2.4 and channel 36 for 5 GHz here's a beautiful thing about this tip not only does it improve the wireless performance of your s24 Ultra it also improves impres the wireless performance of all your devices in your home because basically you're using your s24 Ultra as a network probing tool and it's telling you here's the best channels to use you're going to get the most thorough put don't sleep on this tip for this next tip we have a lot of AI features built into our s24 Ultra let's go ahead and make sure they're all enabled go back into your settings scroll all the way down until you get to Advanced features up at the top we're going to have advanced intelligence this is going to give you a nice walkthrough and breakdown of all of the AI features that are built into your device go ahead and tap on phone and let's turn on live translation back on the advanced intelligence screen let's go ahead and tap on the Samsung keyboard tap on chat translation let's go ahead and turn that on go back style and grammar let's go ahead and turn that on there are no options to set for interpreter next to Samsung Notes go ahead and tap on that and turn not assist on now it's time for voice recorder we're going to go down here tap on summaries make sure this is turned on Samsung internet same thing again summarize let's turn it on Photo Editor let's turn generative edits on and if you wish to emit online Cloud processing for AI you could do it on device only by turning this toggle on for this next tip I highly recommend that everyone install Samsung goodlock it's available for free in the Samsung Galaxy store there are no ads and this is made by Samsung and it's designed to help enhance your Samsung Galaxy Device here's what good loock looks like when you have it all fired up now if you have any problems at all finding Samsung goodlock it may not be available by default in your region I'll go ahead and drop a video down in the description to let you know how you can get goodlock installed if you're having a hard time finding it once you have it installed and have it up and running it's going to look like this we have two tabs at the bottom makeup and life up these each contain a bunch of utility suites that you can download that are going to help you customize your Galaxy s24 Ultra in their respective areas pintastic gives you more function it for your s pin Wonderland allows you to create custom wallpapers and the list goes on and on let's go ahead and take a look at an example of what you can do with goodlock let's go ahead and open up navstar we're going to turn navstar on and then we're going to enable extra gesture settings go ahead and turn that on now we're going to go into our main settings down to display scroll all the way down until you get to navigation bar Tap on more options and you'll see now we have an added option to swipe up from the bottom like in Legacy ui6 or retain the new oneui 6.1 gestures so now we can switch back to oneui 6 gestures let me show you what that's like here's our recent apps like what we're used to seeing on the Galaxy s23 here's our home and this one takes us back there's a lot of functionality built into the Samsung goodlock modules you definitely want to get that downloaded and installed with this next tip don't sleep on Samsung modes and routines hop back into settings modes and routines let's go ahead and set set up a new useful routine so you get an idea of what this is all about so you're going to go ahead and hit the plus sign real quick and what this presents to us is an if condition followed by then so what this is all about is basically simple programming what it's saying is if this event happens so it could be if a time a day happens if your battery percentage gets to a certain level if you leave your home Wi-Fi network you need one of those type of situations then you're going to have your phone do something that's what routines is all about let's go ahead and set up a sample routine right now we're going to go ahead and tap on if and what we're going to say is we're going to go all the way down here and we're going to pick app opened so we're going to go ahead and pick from a list of apps and I'm going to go ahead and pick maps and what I'm looking to do is preserve our location so what I'm doing is selecting Maps I'm hitting done and then we're presented with the then condition what I'm going to say here is then I want to go down here a little bit and what I'm looking for is location and I want to tap on this and we're going to go ahead and leave this on setting we're going to click done or tap done I should say and then when the routine ends set action we can take a look at it and it's going to return the status of location to what it was prior to the event so if I have my location turned off and I open up maps it's going to turn the location on and then when I'm done with maps it's going to turn location back off and what's cool is once you're done with setting up this routine is we can go here and we can add additional conditions like another app open like let's say you want location to be on when you have your bank app open and Maps open you can go ahead and add another application so this allows you to fine-tune what's going to be on and off on your device for a particular situation for this next tip let's go ahead and improve our display settings back into settings go down to display scroll down a little bit and the Default Resolution when you get your s24 Ultra is going to be full HD Plus go ahead and up that to Quad HD Plus to get that 14 40p resolution while we're in the display settings let's go ahead and take a look at another tip real quick camera cutout so what this allows us to do is hide the camera cutout for select applications let's go ahead and test this out with YouTube real quick so we'll tap on YouTube and we're going to hit hide camera cutout all right we've got YouTube open and as you can see here the camera cutout is Now hidden but of course we end up with a little bit of a black bar in exchange for it for this next tip let's go ahead and take a look at a couple tips to help you get the most out of your s pin on the s24 ultra back into settings Advanced features then you want to tap on s pin scroll down just a little bit tap on more s pin settings this first option here keep s pin connected so there's a lot of people that have complained in the past especially with the s23 ultra about the s pin air actions not working and that's because the s pin keeps getting disconnected we can go ahead and turn this toggle on and that's going to force that connection to stay alive between your Spin and your s24 Ultra while you're here go ahead and turn this toggle on as well warn if SP pin is left behind this has happened to me before in a grocery store a lady actually pointed down to me and said sir you dropped something out of your phone and lo and behold it was my s pin so if you turn this option on you're going to get an alert when you get out of range head back and find your spin turn both those options on this next tip solves a problem that really drives me nuts as a content creator let's open up our camera application let's go into settings scroll down until you see camera assistant scroll down towards the bottom camera timeout the default is 2 minutes I personally like to up this to 10 minutes and what this is all about is when you have your camera open and it's sitting here ready to take a picture by default if you don't do anything if you don't interact with your camera meaning let's say you're setting up your s24 Ultra on a tripod you're trying to get some product photography and getting things in Focus well if you don't touch your camera within a 2-minute period it turns off you lose all your settings that you've been working on you're right back to square 1 but by upping that time out you can now have up to 10 minutes before your camera will turn off for this next tip let's take a look at one of the new AI features on the s24 ultra let's go ahead and grab an image out of our Gallery I'm going to grab this one right here let's go ahead and tap on the pin icon on the bottom this is our edit icon once you've done that you're going to be presented with a screen that looks like this anytime on your s24 Ultra you see an icon like this this is your AI icon let's go ahead and tap on that all right and this has given us the option to go ahead and grab an object or Circle an object to go ahead and remove it so I'm really not liking that shed that's sitting there in the background let's tap and hold that all right now you have a couple options here here's the revert back and this one's going to remove the object let's go ahead and do that we'll go ahead and hit generate this does take a little bit to process let's just give it a little bit to wrap up and there we go it did a nice job of removing that shed look at that did a fantastic job we'll go ahead and hit done and we can go ahead and save as a copy and it's it's going to let you know that a watermark is going to be visible on it and it's going to give us an option to save it and here's our finished photo with our added water mark for this next tip let's go ahead and learn how to remove water marks added by AI hilarious all right let's go back into our picture here let's go ahead and hit the edit icon you see here we have the little Watermark icon let's go ahead and hit that AI button again all right same thing again go ahead and tap on that boom we're going to go ahead and remove it go ahead and hit generate give it just a moment and boom there you go and as you saw when I did that selection you don't even have to be perfect about it so a quick way to remove those AI watermarks for this next tip let's boost the brightness when we're playing videos back into settings let's go into advanced features again scroll down a little bit and then we have video brightness now what this lets us do is pick between normal and bright for these selected applications so if you go ahead and enable bright like I have right now you can toggle it on for these applications so when I I watch YouTube and HBO Max my s24 ultra is a little bit brighter than the default brightness for the rest of the phone for this next tip the s24 ultra has amazing battery life but we can make it even a little bit better back into settings let's scroll down until we get to device care scroll down just a little bit you're going to see performance profile you have two options standard and light light mode favors preserving battery life and keeping your s24 Ultra Cool while the standard profile gives you maximum on performance do keep in mind that these performance profiles do not matter when you're gaming when you're gaming via the game launcher you are always in the maximum performance profile this stuff doesn't matter at all for this next tip let's get the most out of the audio on your s24 Ultra back into settings scroll down just a little bit till you get to sounds and vibration scroll down just a little bit until you get to sound quality and effects once you're here you want to make sure Dolby Atmos is turned on as well as Dolby Atmos for gaming you can also pick between between a few different Dolby atos profiles to get the most out of your audio and this is also where you're going to find your equalizer settings this next tip is an old one but a good one pretty much in every tips and tricks video back into your settings scroll all the way down until you get to about phone and then you want to scroll down a little bit until you get to software information then you're going to want to tap on build number eight times all right what it's going to do is prompt you for your pin and then once you enter that it's going to enable developer options back to our settings and now underneath about phone we have developer options go ahead and tap on that now you want to scroll all the way down until you see these three animation settings go ahead and tap on each one of these and drop your animation scale from 1X to 05x what that's going to do when you update all three of these to 05x is it's going to speed up the perceived animations on your Galaxy s24 Ultra making all of these a lot faster so here's a regular 1X Let Me Go a and speed them all up to 0.5x now here they are at 0. 5x little bit faster you know this is just an old Android tip this isn't just for Samsung Galaxy devices this is for all Android phones a quick way to speed up the animations on your device for this next tip if you ever need to send in your s24 Ultra for repair let's put it in maintenance mode back into settings let's scroll all the way down until we get to uh where is it device care scroll down a little bit and then we have maintenance mode so what this is going to do is allow technicians access to pre-installed apps only and it's going to hide all of your personal data and when they ship the phone back to you all you have to do is unlock it and go back here and turn off maintenance boat then you're all set for this next tip let's enable flash notifications back into your settings let's scroll all the way down until we get to accessibility and then you want to go into advanced settings and once here it's going to give you the option to turn on camera flash notifications as well as screen flash notifications let's go ahead and do that real quick let's go ahead and see a preview of what it looks like it's a little intense but it may be helpful for you in certain situations for this next tip did you know you can adjust the brightness of your flashlight level swipe down twice to get to your quick toggles here's flashlight go ahead and press and hold on the word flashlight this is going to pop up and allow us to adjust our flashlight brightness and the last tip and trick for today's video but a lot more coming up for the s24 ultra is let's configure our side button back into settings let's scroll down until we get to Advanced features go into that tap on side button and then what we have is the option to quick launch the camera or we can open up an app I have the flashlight real quick so if I double tap this real quick let me show you flashlight on flashlight off you can default it to the camera if you like and we can also pick between the power off menu and wake Bigby naturally I go with the power off menu all right if you have any questions or comments about today's video please drop it in the comments section below I really do appreciate your time and as always thanks for watching
Views: 177,024
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Technology, Tech News, Tech, Samsung, s24u tips, s24 ultra tips, s24 ultra tips & tricks
Id: H93pl8i-pJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2024
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