Galaxy S24 Plus Battery Tips and Tricks!

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hope you're doing good Michael back with another video back here as I said I was going to be yesterday today with my Samsung Galaxy s24 plus battery tips and tricks the current case of the day is this rinky Frost matte if you call it that matte clear back fusion case links will be in the description for you guys I've been enjoying this case able to show this Thanos purple off again but without further Ado let's get into the video now keep in mind when we talk about these battery tips and tricks you don't have to take advantage of every single one of them a lot of these will be extreme tips and tricks so my advice of course is if you're not of course going to use all of them try to find a good balance between some of the features some of the advice some of the tips some of the tricks for your phone that way you can still find a good balance between battery life and performance so what is the first thing we're going to talk about but before we do if you guys haven't already make sure you guys the like button subscribe to the channel hit the notification Bell it's all free that way you notice my videos so you and I can B actually see what's cracking now let's get into wallpapers and this is going to apply for both the lock screen wallpaper as well as the home screen wallpaper now if you want to take advantage of battery life for sure for sure use an old LED or just straight out blacked out wallpaper for your home screen as well as as for your always on display and for your lock screen the reason why you'll do that is because the pixels are turned off with these devices they use old LED panels so that means the LEDs will not be lit thus no drainage from the display that will significantly improve your battery life another tweak you can do is with your lock screen do not use a live wallpaper that destroys the battery much more more than using a static wallpaper so those are a few key things right there already that you can take advantage of and the other thing you can take advantage of is not using always on display in order to achieve that you go to settings com in here to your settings and upon my phone not freaking out on me we scroll here until you see lock screen and aod what you want to do is turn off always on display if you turn that off you won't have to worry about drainage because the screen will be off and it will be up to you to actually trigger the display to turn back on this is a huge benefit to battery life a lot of people don't realize that but you can save yourself upwards of 10 to 15% just by turning this off completely maybe even 20% not using it always on display great for quick added glance moments to see if you have notifications see if you missed any phone calls or messages a great aesthetic to the device but it also drains battery so so keep that in mind which are always on display and of course if you want to come in here to your wallpaper section and change these wallpapers to pitch black you will be good to go from a wallpapers perspective the next thing we're going to talk about is connections and what you're going to want to do is come in here to connections and within connections you're going to want to turn off Wi-Fi calling and if you're not on Wi-Fi you're going to want to turn Wi-Fi off the reason why you want to turn Wi-Fi off is because it is a entially a form of a frequency in the background that's searching for a Wi-Fi signal to connect to by having that turned off you won't have to worry about that signal being pushed or constantly searched for now you can get a little creative and only have this turned on based off location based off previous Wi-Fi connections and you can do that by means of routines or maybe even your modes so you can get granular from that perspective maybe If This Then That app if that's still functional today in 20 24 you can make it take advantage of those certain types of apps or features within Samsung's settings itself to automatically turn this back on based off of a time or location but if you ain't worried about that just turn it off and turn it on when you need to you'll save battery life Wi-Fi calling is the same thing plus Wi-Fi calling to me isn't as good as just a straight up phone call off the cellular connectivity so you also save yourself a headache by turning WiFi calling off the next one is Bluetooth turn Bluetooth off Bluetooth is a radio frequency in the background and again that's searching for things so unless and you're connected to a Bluetooth device I would turn this off now NFC and contactless payments is not a problem and Ultra wideband I don't necessarily see that as a problem when it comes to battery life so those are up to you if you want to also turn those on and off if you even use them so I would keep that in mind as well and if we want to go into more connection settings this is one that people often forget about nearby device scanning turn this off or you pick one of the two between this and Bluetooth see regardless of Bluetooth being on or off this is still on in the background but if you turn this off and keep Bluetooth on then you kind of have a good balance there but if you don't want either one of them on and you you want like to manually trigger your searches for other devices and other Bluetooth connections just turn both Bluetooth and nearby device scanning off you will save battery life tremendously with this these two changes because I don't really see people talk about this your notification control come in here to app notifications and turn off apps you don't use like for me I don't use Android auto I don't even know why I have that on if you turn these turn these apps off the ones that you don't need in the background then that's less notifications pinging your device less vibrations less alert sounds less activity background activity then you will save battery life this way as well because you don't have a lot of apps pinging your phone it's plain and simple you'd be surprised that the amount of notifications that can drain 2 or 3% by having 20 notifications in your notification panel you can save yourself those incremental percentages of battery life over the course of time by just simply turning off certain app notifications another big big change to battery life is within your display settings so if you come in a display first thing I'm going to do is tell you to trigger dark mode because on Samsung devices again with that OLED display using dark mode it pitches black your settings it pitches black their apps it pitches black a lot of different other apps triggered apps including YouTube YouTube is triggered with a black background that you can use that will also save you battery life from that perspective so turning dark mode on will save you a tremendous amount of battery life for sure I would also say turn on adaptive brightness because this will affect how bright your display needs to be not how bright you want it to be if you turn this on it will adjust the brightness uh the brightness according to your ambient light that way you will save display life that way as well turn your motion smoothness down from adaptive to standard if you don't care about 120 HZ B popping it down back to 60 you'll save tremendous battery life that way that's also a big big part of battery life you probably save yourself another 10 to 15% bumping it down to 60 HZ just think about that two big changes to always on display and your motion brightness or your motion smoothness changing those turning them off or down to 60 HZ will save yourself almost 30% of battery life just that fast I highly highly suggest you do so and with the s24 plus and the s24 ultra for that matter we have Quad HD displays well again if you're completely fine with full HD Plus and you don't notice the slight bump and sharpness with qu HD bumping down to full HD plus you will save yourself even more battery life because it's not trying to push that much more pixels it's not as defined so full HD Plus you'll get away with just fine so again saving yourself upwards of 30 to 40% with a full HD Plus 60% or 60 HZ refresh rate and no always on display those three big key changes will save yourself so much better life it's not even funny not to mention the fact that you'll be saving those little incremental percentages in the background with those other tweaks to your connection settings what what a great idea to do here with your Samsung Galaxy s24 Device specifically here with the plus model the other thing I can also suggest is your screen timeout so once I find it here screen timeout I have my set at five but if you set Yours closer to like I think 15 seconds is a little too fast of course you know you put it down and pick it back up it already went back off so I would even say somewhere between 30 seconds and a minute you'll save yourself battery life because your screen won't simply be on that long and then you can also turn this off keep screen on while viewing because regardless if you're looking at something it will still trigger your countdown on your timeout and then if it fades on you just tap the screen to restart it and then let it naturally go off without having to trigger your front-facing camera to know when you're looking at the device great great great feature here to a turn off un Less in amount of time your screen is on I think these are very good key features to save battery life and the next thing is within accessibility so if we go into accessibility once you find accessibility you'd be surprised at how this will also save battery life accessibility and visual enhancements if you come into visual enhancements you will find reduce animations this is key all right another key feature by reducing animations it's less power being pushed to animate things so those animations have calmed down thus less power being drawn from the battery another another great feature to save battery life on your Galaxy s24 plus and of course we got to get into battery the battery settings itself so upon entering here once we find a battery let's see where is it at battery upon reaching battery we click on battery power saving now if you're a person who likes using power saving all day long then of course you're going to extend your battery that much more so these are the things that you are in control of and power saving is on now if you want to leave this on by turning off all on display go ahead and do that if you want to limit your CPU speed because you don't need that much CPU power for your daily usage you can keep that on you can also decrease your brightness by 10% and that 10% say scale slightly lessens how bright it is so it slightly dims it you may not notice it when it's a little brighter of course but you'll notice it in more darker settings and you can even limit apps and home screen that is definitely an extreme form of power saving but I can definitely say that your these other options are crucial in saving battery life and so you can use power saving as a way to also save yourself a a a great deal of battery and thus improving your overall battery health and your daily battery functionality with those power saving features features you can also come in here to background app limits right and save stuff by allowing the phone to put apps to sleep or even deep sleep right I have 25 in deep sleep right now those apps are not doing anything in the background th saving me more battery life you can also of course change it to never Auto sleep you can choose specific apps for that if you wanted to this is another great way to save yourself battery life by liting background usage and then battery protection now this is where again you can be balanced you can go extreme maximum your battery will stop charging at 80% so that's the 80% rule with maximum battery protection adaptive just affects how fast it will charge your phone when will it take advantage of fast charging and that's depending on basically your sleep wakeup cycle and then basic will basically charge your device back from 95% to 100 100% without allowing it to really drop all the way back down and continue to recharge it so it's a trickle charge effect with basic any of these will work for sure and I suggest using one of these but if you're really into trying to save as much battery life as possible adaptive or maximum will do the do the thing for you will do the trick for you okay so that is battery protection and also another thing you can do is if we go into is it in here your charging settings if you care about your battery health like even way more so even way more so then turn off certain fast charging capabilities such as fast charging or fast wireless charging those will also help you save your or preserve your battery health over the long period of time and I think using a combination of that with your battery protection settings will do a great deal of saving you a ton of battery life performance profile and once you come into device care cuz that's where you going to find this at device care you can always hit that fix button and as you see one app with high memory usage so that's YouTube let me go ahead and fix that real quick this is a great way to also help your battery life out and your overall device Care by just you know calming things down um no I'm not f a deep sleep why is that memory issue with YouTube I'm going skip that for now however battery profile come in here change this to light prioritize battery life and cooling efficiency when it comes to your processing speed light put it on light mode you'll save battery life as you guys see saw again sorry about that that was random light prioritizes battery life so switch to light if you want to continue to save battery life I think these are really really good features and of of course Auto restart is back specifically in Auto optimization now we have Auto restart and we have a restart on schedule keeping your battery fresh by customary restarts will also save yourself battery health over the course of your usage with your device great settings here and I'm so glad to see Samsung brought the scheduling back even though I'm not using it right now now I was using it back in the past and that's because I liked it a lot so Auto restart also good the last thing I can show you guys is within Advanced features and gestures and big speed for the most part but gestures for sure turn a lot of these off if you're not using these turn these off you don't need them you don't need them on you don't need them on matter of fact I don't need mute with gestures because I don't ever use that I use Palm swp to capture for sure but these gestures are basically sensors in the background are waiting to be used so kind of like standby seeping on a battery turn a lot of these off you don't need them if you don't need them if you don't use them turn them off I may even turn off double tap to turn off screen because I typically don't use that one either as much as I like it but see how easy it is to just toggle it off and then you have nothing to worry about so by turning off these features these gestures you also save yourself incremental battery life in the background and if I swipe back becoming a Bixby if you want you can turn Bixby off so for me you can turn Bixby The Voice Wake Up of Bigby see she's trying to respond now but you can come in here you can turn this off and then she is not saying anything anymore or not responding see like boom you can do that you can do uh use while lock I can turn that off Bixby feedback is now off you can do all this type of stuff off offline processing doesn't even matter cuz I basically turned her off and see personalized big spe I guess I can leave that on if I had to but you can leave the Bixby program all together and you won't have to worry about Bixby anymore I think for me it's it's not a bad idea if I want to because I as much as I had faith in Bixby Bixby I just don't use on here anymore so I don't even technically need Bixby to be used on my device anymore so for me I make that personal decision as to whether or not I'm going leave cuz I can't make up my mind on camera but by leaving Bixby Bixby is no longer functioning on your device and what you can do is as a result of that come in here and as you see my press and hold is now no longer on Bixby but on power off menu so that's also some tweaks you can do for your phone while you're actually in the middle of saving battery life is by doing those things visual call effects while you're on the call I believe you can actually turn this off or not really have it on to say B life while on a phone call but these are the top battery features battery settings tweaks tips and tricks on your device that you can take advantage of in order to save battery life and my very last tip is to not use so many widgets cuz widgets actually sleep a little bit more battery life than people think in the background because they're interactive and they live widget like in the case of my battery app or the refresh my my clock app or the refreshing of the weather Google's a stagnant app so stagnant widget so maybe not as much there but this refreshes the Google news this refreshes down here I have a podcast I have battery that refreshes based off battery life right I have my Apple music widget over here so there are widgets that Al that you know that seep battery life and widgets in general seep a little bit more battery life than just an app icon so so limit your usage of widgets and turn this page off how do you do that pinch in swipe over toggle that off you will save battery life upwards so much you be surprised at how long how much longer your phone will last just by tweaking those settings right there and I'm glad I separated this video out for you guys from my ultimate tips and tricks for the Galaxy s24 plus because as you guys see this is another 20ish minute video and I definitely wanted to prioritize an exclusive Vis the battery information to its own so that way you can study these tips and tricks these hints so that way you can get the most out of your Galaxy s24 plus s24 s24 Ultra Samsung device in general most of these settings are applicable to most Samsung devices including the tablets so take advantage of these in the best way you can but again as always if you guys haven't already make sure you guys the like button subscribe to the channel notification Bell so all free that way you noce my videos you and I can sit back see what's C and let me know down in the comment section below what are your favorite battery features or what are some things you do to save battery life on your device I'd like to know down in the comment section below Jo Mel signing out until the next video wait [Music] for
Channel: Micah Woods
Views: 2,882
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Micah Woods, Samsung galaxy s24 plus, Samsung s24 plus, s24 plus, galaxy s24 plus, Galaxy s24 plus features, galaxy s24 plus new features, galaxy s24 plus tips and tricks, galaxy s24 plus battery, galaxy s24 plus battery test, Samsung s24 plus battery, Samsung s24 plus battery test, Samsung galaxy s24 plus battery test, galaxy s24 plus tips, Samsung s24 plus tips, galaxy s24 plus battery life, galaxy s24 plus battery tips, galaxy s24 plus battery tips and tricks
Id: LofmUIMa1RI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 20sec (1220 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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