Galaxy S24 - First 10 Things To Do! (Tips & Tricks)

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today I'm going to be showing you the first 10 things you should do if you've just got your brand new Samsung Galaxy s24 s24 Plus or s24 Ultra now these Simpson tricks are going to help you get the most out of this phone's features battery life as well as performance let's dive in all right so first I want to show you how to access one-handed mode on your s24 now this feature even on the smaller s24 is still a really useful thing to have I find if you're walking down a busy road with with a coffee in one hand and you're trying to respond to a message it can be hard to access the other end the keyboard uh or say to reach the top corner of your display so one-handed mode makes this much easier uh first you're going to want to make sure that this feature is activated so to do this uh we're going to go into settings and then we're going to scroll down to where we find Advanced features tap on that and then here you'll find one-handed mode and make sure that that feature is turned on now to activate one-handed mode you're going to do a slight swipe down along the bottom of the display so just like that and as you can see that's I'm going to shrink the display essentially by 50% bringing everything closer to to the bottom again making it much easier to reach those upper corners or the edge of the screen uh you can also move it to the left or right depending on uh whether you're left or right-handed I'm left-handed so I prefer it on the left side uh you can even move the window up or down if you choose to um not sure why you'd move it up but you can I rather have it further below to make it easier to access uh so again really useful feature uh and then to deactivate or to get out of one-handed mode simply repeat the same gesture a swipe going down along the display and it will then expand again to full size next I would say what am I all-time favorite features of Android and something I really miss on iPhone is having the ability to truly multitask running multiple apps at once on your phone really really great uh but there's also a way to actually save an instance of two apps right on your home screen you can see that with this icon here anytime I tap it a new YouTube window as well as a chrome window will open in this exact uh format every time I tap that icon so let me show you how to save an app pair to your home screen so what we're going to do is first open up one app so let's say uh the voice recorder app and then we're going to add in a new app via the edge panel so we're going to swipe to the right here and let's bring in uh let's say notes go ahead and press and drag that either to the top or bottom let's put it to the bottom here and as you can see we're now running to apps now to save an app pair to your home screen you're going to tap on these little three dot menu that you find in the middle and then we're going to click on this little start icon and then tap home screen and then we can also actually save it to the edge panel if we' like we'll look at the edge panel more in a sec uh but for now let's go ahead and tap on the home screen and then if we swipe down as you can see we now have a new icon here you can see I have a few and anytime I tap this we're going to open up these two apps exactly the way I left it you can also adjust this of course have one app be larger than the other or say change the orientation you can swap them around uh if you like as well but it will remember exactly how you've set it up so every time you tap that icon it's going to bring back that same instance of those two apps super useful all right now this next one is going to be a little bit controversial I know some people love the button layout here at the bottom with the back button and the home button personally though I love the navigation bar and that's what you see right here this to me is a much more seamless way of interacting with your phone it's just more natural to use the swipe gestures making it super easy you can also quickly swipe between apps just by swiping along the bottom here of the display as you can see uh super easy and I especially like that it doesn't take up any screen space like the buttons would so how do you change this well to change this uh what you're going to do is go into the settings app here uh and then we're going to go ahead and go into display which you will find right here and then tap on display and then scroll down to where we find navigation bar there we go and here we can go ahead and change between the button layout as well as the swipe gestures again I highly prefer the swipe gestures it's just so fluid and seamless and easy to use but if you prefer the buttons this is where you change it uh but I recommend the swipe gestures next I want to show you how to customize the side button as this button is actually quite a powerful tool and a great way uh to access certain system function so for example you can see I have mine set up to activate the torch I find this to be be super useful uh if say I'm looking for my keys in my bag or my shoes in a dark hall or something uh great to just physically double press this uh tactile button to activate the torch of course the uh control here on the lock screen does work but I find a physical button to be just that little bit more reliable uh and also more satisfying to use so I definitely recommend uh setting up the side button here to your uh preferred function so let's go ahead and do that so if we go into the settings app and then we'll search for side button there we go so that's in advanced features and here we can first of all you want to enable a double press and then you can choose what that will do now by default it's going to launch the camera app which is useful you also have it set up your wallet but if we tap the uh settings icon here we can actually set it to a specific app so for example uh any application really on your phone but also some functions like for example the translator uh Bixby or the torch which is what I have so that's what I have selected there uh we can also uh modify what a press and hold will do now by default this is going to bring up Bixby now Bixby is many things but useful is not one of them uh no that's a bit mean but I prefer to use the Google uh Google smart assistant on my phone as opposed to Bixby so personally I have this set up set up to the power menu I just find that more useful it's also a good way to more quickly be able to access a emergency call should that ever be needed uh of course your medical details as well so I prefer to set that to the power off menu and this is where you customize the side button and this brings us back to the edge panel so we saw me use this earlier in the video I find this a super useful feature I think really underrated as well here on Samsung 1ui so let me show you how to set this up and then customize this so uh to do this we're going to go into settings and then we're going to tap on display and in here we will scroll to where we find Edge panel so first you're going to make sure that it is activated but then if we tap into it we can actually customize this really quite far so first we can choose what we want to be inside the panel so you can have any apps you can have people this is great as well if you want to quickly reach a contact uh even certain widgets like your weather uh music playback personally though I prefer to have app primarily because it's just a super way to bring up a new application if I'm already in an app so for example I'm in settings right now simply bring over the edge panel and I can drag in another app like you saw me do earlier or quickly switch between apps as well so super useful to have um now we can also customize the panel specifically so if we go into the handle here we can choose the position so either on the left or right side now I'm left-handed so I'll swipe with my thumb so I prefer to be on the left if you're right-handed which you probably are uh you'd want it to be on the right side now you can also reposition the Ed panel in terms of the heights now my suggestion here is to have it raised a little bit from where your thumb would normally rest because swiping to the left here is also a great way to go back and you don't want to accidentally trigger The Edge panel so as you can see I have mine set up to be a little bit higher than that as to not accidentally activate uh The Edge panel and only have it show when I want it to and you can of course customize it even further you can change the color uh transparency even the size of it uh so you can really customize this to your heart's content I keep most of these settings the same uh one thing I I do change though is these specific apps that I have shown in there so if I tap on apps here I can tap on edit and then we can also drag and move or remove apps if we like so we can add a couple more would then become a little wider I prefer a more narrow look on my Edge panel so there we go it won't take up uh as much screen space so as you can see I keep it relatively slim and have my most use apps uh available at all times and then at the top here uh these will change dynamically depending on which apps you use to always have your recent stored at the top now I want to pay some attention to the battery as I get a lot of questions about how to extend your battery life um battery health now I want to take a look at battery health specifically as there's a really good battery protection uh setting that Samsung has that you should I think activate on your phone uh as again the better your battery health the longer you preserve that the better your battery life so it's really worth doing uh so to do this we're going to go into settings and then we are going to scroll all the way down to where we find device care there it is and then we're going to tap on the battery and in here we have the option to turn on battery protection so first you're going to want to make sure that that is turned on but then if we tap into battery protection we'll have different layers of protection now let me briefly explain what these bottom to do as these are the most important um so first is maximum and this is for the true battery health preserving die hards out there what this will essentially do is it's going to limit your battery capacity to 80% so it let your phone charge all the way up to 80% but not the remaining 20% and what this is going to do is limit wear on your battery Over time however you will sacrifice 20% of your battery and for me personally that's not worth it so therefore I prefer to use the Adaptive function and it's sort of the middle ground between having no protection uh and having that maximum protection and what this is going to do is still give you access to your full battery capacity so you're not sacrificing anything there what it will do is it will sort of stagger your charging so it's going to monitor and learn from your charging habits so let's say I plug my phone in at 11 p.m. at night and then unplug it at 7:00 a.m. in the morning what it's going to do is at 11:00 p.m. it's first going to charge up to 80 % but then wait with the remaining 20% till closer when I wake up and unplug my phone this more staggered uh charging is going to limited lessen the charge speed produce less heat and therefore produce less wear on the battery heat is probably the biggest Factor uh when it comes to your battery and we'll talk about that a little bit more next uh when I talk about charging but when it comes to the battery protection setting make sure you have this on and my suggestion is to use the Adaptive function as it really gives you the best of both so this setting is one great way to uh limit the wear on your battery and help preserve battery health but another great way to do this is well by deciding how you charge your phone as different charge habits will have different impact on your battery so for example uh wirelessly charging will produce significantly more heat than a wired connection therefore wireless charging will cause more wear on your battery over time and the same thing can be said for fast charging so if you have a faster or higher watt charger it will charge your phone faster which again has its advantages but when it comes to battery health will cause more wear on the battery so if you're looking to preser reserve your battery health my suggestion is to use a wired connection with a slower or lower wat charger for example a 5 watt or a 10 watt charger as opposed to a faster 20 25 40 50 WT charger uh overnight now of course it doesn't mean you should never wirelessly charge or never fast charge as I do think these features have their place and there certainly are moments where uh these do come in handy so my suggestion is at night which is when you charge your phone most often use that wi connection with a lower watch charger as you don't need it to charge very fast but then during the day if you do need a quick top up uh don't hesitate about briefly charging it won't immediately destroy your battery either but as long as majority of the time you're using that wir connection with a lower W charger it will go a long way to preserving your battery health now I want to show you a couple of AI features that I think are most useful on the s24 line and the first is called AI Circle to search now first you want to make sure that this feature is activated so to check this we're going to jump into the settings app here uh and then scroll down to where we find display and then tap on on navigation bar there it is and then we're going to make sure that Circle to search is turned on now from here we can basically highlight and search for anything that we have on our display so for example here I have a picture of this candle happens to be this candle right here and what I can go ahead and do is press and hold on the navigation bar and as you can see we'll get this new overlay uh on the display and we can just circle any object on the screen to instantly look that up and as you can see we'll then find purchase links as well as more photos of that specific item that you found in a photo so for example uh let's say you're watching a video about a product on YouTube and you want to know oh what product is that Circle toine it even uh for clothing items or ingredients on a cooking video anything like that or a plant say you're outside you find a new kind of plant or a bird or anything uh it's a really great way to Circle literally anything on your phone it's not specific to photos so for example here in the lock screen or on the home screen rather I can even Circle an app to find out more about that app or what that may be so really there's no limits to this and I actually found it to work uh to work quite well so this this is a handy Tool uh built in to your s24 now I want to show you some AI photo editing features as there some really powerful features on the s24 and these can work really well uh in certain occasions so let me give you an example here so here I've got a photo of these cable cards what I can do is tap on this little pencil icon uh and then we can tap on this intelligence button now you'll see this button throughout the operating system also in apps like your notes voice memos uh and this will indicate the Samsung AI feature so once we've tapped that we can go ahead and select an object within the photo so let's say I'm going to select this cable cart you can see I did a very rough outline but it actually does a very good job at identifying specifically what that uh where that cable cart starts and ends I think it does a very good job and then what I can do is press and hold and this will allow me to then resize this object I can then move the object or even remove it entirely so if I press the erase button here and then tap generate and then just wait a few seconds as you can see like magic the cable cart has been erased uh one of the things I really like is this is a very good example I will say sometimes it doesn't work very well but this here is a good example example and you can see that the sky looks very seamless it doesn't look like anything is missing there uh and plus it actually remembered to or specifically chose to keep the cable you can see that was actually part of the selection but I think it realized that there shouldn't be a gap in that cable there so it's actually continued that through resulting in I think a really good U example here now again this is not perfect there will be times where it doesn't work very well and since these are AI features every attempt will be a little bit different so if it doesn't work one time trying it again sometimes can work very well but for certain object removal or size say you got people in the background of your picture uh this works really quite well have you ever tried to pair your phone with another device or to find your phone in a list of Bluetooth devices or anything like that uh and it's just labeled s24 or labeled some very generic name making it hard to know which phone is yours well a great way to solve this uh is to change the name of your phone so to do this we can tap into settings and then we're going to go on the main screen of the settings page here scroll down to where we find about this phone and then we can tap on edit and this will allow us to change the name of the phone so you can see I've set mine to Dion's s24 and if I'm trying to pair to this or anything like that it will show up as Dion's s24 it will make sure that you're not pairing to a wrong to a to an incorrect phone and easily be able to locate your phone in a group of other similarly named phones now this next feature is really useful and something I recommend you do the moment you get your new phone uh whether you've just bought it from Samsung or especially if you've bought it used or if ever say your phone is not really functioning the way it should and that is to run a full device checkup I really like that Samsung I've included this here uh as via their members app which is an application that will come pre-installed on your phone it will look like this uh you can actually run a very thorough device checkup uh right from your phone so once you're in the app we'll tap on support and then we can tap on phone Diagnostics and as you can see it's going to then very thoroughly run through every Hardware uh component of your phone this will involve uh it will take a little bit of time i' say around 10 minutes or so will involve you to give some input as well so for example it'll play a sound from the ears speaker you then have to confirm that you've heard that or the vibration motor or the torch all these things and as you can see it's going to give a very thorough check of your phone including things like your battery status which I think is quite crucial so this way if your phone again is not really acting right you can run this checkup to know if something is in fact broken or not and whether it would need to be sent in for repairs and especially if you're buying a phone used you can run this through and make sure you're buying a good product and then if there are any issues you can negotiate a discount or walk away and that's it those are the first 10 things that you should do if you've just got your s20 4 if you want to see more tips and tricks like this be sure to check out my very full ultimate Galaxy s24 guide video that is a longer video but I highly recommend you watch it as it's really going to cover everything you need to know about this fantastic phone thank you so much for watching guys if you enjoyed this video be sure to leave a like And subscribe for more content like this and I'll see you in the next video take care
Channel: Tech Book By Dion
Views: 22,724
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: galaxy s24, samsung s24, galaxy s24 ultra, galaxy s24 plus, galaxy s24 first things to do, samsung s24 first things to do, galaxy s24 tips and tricks, samsung s24 tips and tricks, galaxy s24 ultra tips and tricks, galaxy s24 ultra first things to do, galaxy s24 settings, galaxy s24 setup, samsung s24 ultra, galaxy s24 hidden features, samsung s24 hidden features, galaxy s24 guide, galaxy s24 battery, galaxy s24 top 10, s24 tips and tricks, galaxy s24 settings to change, s24
Id: ejA6iK_OAN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 49sec (949 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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