Galaxy S24 - First 25 Things To Do! (Tips & Tricks)

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this video is brought to you by span today we're looking at the first 25 things that you should do if you've just got your brand new Samsung Galaxy s24 now these tips and tricks are going to help you unlock this phone's full potential and get the most out of its features battery life as well as performance all right so first let's take a look at customizing the lock screen there's a few really cool things I want to show you so to do this we're going to jump into the settings app and then scroll to where we find the wallpaper and style menu and then we're going to tap on the lock screen here and in here we can customize the individual elements of your lock screen so for example if we tap on the clock we can change this to show your calendar uh or for example a digital clock I always like the look of an analog clock there's just something uh kind of old school about it and you can also change the size here by adjusting it on the four corners and beneath that we can also now add widgets right to the lock screen and widgets are great to get a information and a glance so for example I currently have a weather widget for the temperature as well as the percentage chance for rain I can add more one more let's say under battery I can add the battery status of not just my uh my s24 but also any connected devices I may have so for example my Galaxy watch here uh so really useful to get this right on the lock screen now my one piece of advice though when dealing with widgets on the lock screen is less is more and this is because while widgets are really useful they are constantly running in the background and thus do consume battery now we have many battery tips uh coming up in this video but the first really is to use widgets sparingly and only use uh widgets that you really get use out of so again for me it's the temperature and the percentage chance for rain and beneath that we can also adjust how your notifications are shown So currently uh it will show just the icon I think this gives a really clean look you can also have it show the full notifications or if you want a decluttered lock screen you can show none as well uh and then we can also add some contact information I've got my name uh and then lastly we have the option to change the toggles this will be shortcuts to various apps I've M set to my calculator and the camera as standard you will have a shortcut here for your torch but I've actually assigned this to the side button as you can see double clicking that will activate the torch for me and I'll show you how to set this up uh later as well so I've set mine to the calculator and once you're happy with your lock screen simply tap done on the top right and this will then be saved and then from the lock screen let's jump right into the home screen and the first thing we can do here is pinch out to see all of our current pages and if you want to add a new page simply click on the plus sign here uh then we can scroll back to our first page and then say we want to move an app over simply tap and then hold and then drag that app over to the right in this case moving into the next page and then to remove an application simply press and hold on that app and then tap on remove and now bear in mind uh this won't actually remove the application from your phone but rather just the shortcut on your home screen let's talk about widgets uh widgets like on the lock screen on the home screen are super useful so to add a new widget we're going to just pinch out here and then tap on widgets and let's say I want to add one here for my calendar uh there we go calendar and we're going to pick this medium siiz one here and then tap add and great here we have a widget right on the home screen uh and like before with an application you can then press and hold to drag it across different pages now what is really cool uh is to create a widget stack and creating a widget stack allows you to essentially have multiple widgets in one space it will take up much less space so let me show you how this is done so let's say on this new blank page we created I'm going to add a new widget so uh let's say reminders reminders is always a useful way to keep track of my to-do list so let's go ahead and add that and as you can see these two widgets my calendar and reminders are the same size so what I can now do is tap and hold on that reminders widget and then drag it over the calendar widget and as you can see we have now created a stack where I can cycle between these two widgets and to edit this we can tap and hold on the stack and then tap on edit stack and here we can add more widgets I believe you can have up to five and you can also turn on or off the auto rotate function which is going to show you whichever widget you use most at a given time so uh for example let's say in the morning I prefer to show my calendar and then in the evening I prefer to look at my reminders to kind of tick them off as I go it will then show you the uh reminder or rather the widget that you use most at that time of the day one of the questions I got on one of my previous s24 videos was how I save an app pair on the home screen as I think running multiple apps at once is one of the best things I love to do on Android and really miss doing on my iPhone you can see here I have an example of me running YouTube as well as a uh a a chrome window and there's a way to save an instance of two apps right on the lock screen on the home screen rer so let's go ahead and create a new pair uh to do this we're going to open up one app so let's say I have my voice memos app and then via the edge panel we're going to drag in a second app and if you don't know how to set up your Edge panel we'll look at that too uh but let's say I want to combine this with my calculator we're going to drag that in and then we go and either add that to the top half or the lower half of the screen let's add it to the top here actually would have made more sense to have it the other way around but this is just a demonstration uh and what we're going to do then is tap the three do menu in the middle and this will also allow us to quickly swap them around this uh seems to make more sense and what we can do then is tap on the little start icon and then we're going to do add app pair to the home screen and as you can see if we go home we're now going to have a new icon and this will be that app pair so anytime I tap that those two applications are going to open in the exact same format as we had them before now you probably remember at the start of the video I briefly showed you that I use my side button to activate the torch and let me now show you how to customize yours as it's a really a lot of uh additional functions that you can add with the side button and in my opinion make it much more useful so to do this we're going to jump into settings and then scroll to where we find Advanced features with this little uh yellow icon here and then here we can tap on the side button now first you want to enable a double press as this will give you an additional layer of functionality to the side button and I believe by default it will be set to quick launch the camera which is useful but you can also have it set to system functions or any app really and that is if you select the third option and then tap on the settings icon and here you can jump into pretty much any application like the calculator your calendar or the torch which is what I have set I find it super useful to have a hardware button uh say I'm just about to head out the door and I'm looking for something in my bag and it's dark super useful to have a physical switch uh to quickly activate the torch now you can also modify what a press and hold will do now uh by default this will be set to open up Bixby uh Bixby is great for certain things but for many things I find it not to be super effective uh so I prefer to have the plan old power menu making it easier uh to quickly turn off my phone restart it or use emergency calls should that ever be needed kind of on the subject of buttons let's take a look at customizing the system toggles that we have here in the top right of the display and this is a great way to quickly change core system functions from whatever app you're in whether it be the home screen or any other application that you are running um and there's a lot of functionality here but I think it's important to customize this to really get what you want out of it so to do this we're going to go into this little pencil icon here and this will allow us to modify uh the system toggles in two sections either the top row or the full menu so let's start off with the full menu here uh the top half is is going to show you what uh toggles or buttons rather you currently have in your system toggles menu and then beneath that we're going to have the ones that you can add so uh let's say I want to add Wi-Fi calling I can go ahead and tap that as you can see that will now be added and you can also uh drag and kind of move them around so I'm going to go and remove that by tapping the little minus icon you see it will then reappear here my suggestion here would be to arrange these in a way so that your most used uh buttons are going to be on the first page and along the top as these will be most visible so for example I like to have the torch again uh to change your phone silent mode and also Wireless Power share this is one that's not here by default but this lets you use your s24 to uh wirelessly charge other accessories like your Galaxy buds uh or even other things like your uh another phone for example really great and i' highly recommend you add that and again I have mine close to the top here for easy access and once we're done we're going to go ahead and tap done and then go and edit the top menu so this will give you the most accessible easy to access uh system toggles or buttons rather uh and I highly recommend for example having some connectivity ones like your Wi-Fi your mute toggle uh airplane mode really the most uh the ones you find yourself using most are the ones I suggest keeping here in the top row and then we're going to go ahead and press done once you're happy with that uh one additional setting in here that I recommend you check is your brightness control uh you're going to want to make sure that this was set to show always as this way I'll show you what this does when I scroll down to get the uh system toggles it will automatically give me or immediately give me rather the control for the brightness as opposed to having to First swipe down as was previously required to see see this menu one of the features I'm really glad Samsung brought from the Ultra Series to the regular s24 is onehanded mode and this is super useful even on a admittedly smaller phone like this I still find that when I'm running down a busy road I got my coffee in one hand my phone in the other trying to respond to a message it can still be difficult to reach that top right or top left corner of the display using one-handed mode is a much easier way to do so so first let me show you how to activate this feature uh for this we're going to go into settings and we're going to scroll back down to where we find Advanced features and here we will find one-handed mode right here and you're going to want to make sure that that toggle is turned on and then to activate one-handed mode you're going to do a simple gesture swipe down right along the bottom of your page here there we go and as you can see the screen pretty much shrinks by what looks like 50% or so making it much smaller and thus easier to access those top corners or even the other side uh of your screen say you're typing a message want to access the other end of that keyboard super useful uh I've mine set to the left here cuz I'm left-handed but if you want it to the right simply tap the arrow it will then move over to the right and then we can also adjust the height here via this bar up at the top so uh a great way again to access your phone from one hand really glad Samsung brought this also to the regular s24 and then to exit out of one-handed mode simply repeat the same gesture scroll down like that a little swipe down and then you're back to normal now in addition to these software tips that we look at today I do also have one essential Hardware tip and that is to protect your Galaxy s24 and this is where span comes in now I've been using span products for years I think they offer good value as well as quality and this is why I recommend them for this occasion they've sent out this special box so let's open it up and see what we get inside and inside we have the 01 cases for the s24 along with some unique items like this Rubik's Cube here uh never seen one like this before but these items are meant to encourage you to relax and zone out with 01 as opposed to being glue to your screen all day I'm sure we all use our phones too much uh I'm really kind of liking this fidget spinner already uh who needs a phone am I right anyway uh back to the cases I really enjoy using the 01 line not just because it shows a detailed schematic of your phone for a unique design but also because this case now comes with the on tap metal ring inside which adds maxfe functionality to your Galaxy phone speaking of cases that have mag safe functionality this is the slim armor magfit metal slate which adds slim protection and I really like this distinctive design as well as the uh grip that this case adds and of course the build buil-in kickstand for both portrait as well as landscape mode viewing then to protect the display of your s24 be sure to add the glass trr efit 9h hardeners tempered glass screen protector and I especially like that it comes with this super handy installation frame for a stress-free application your Galaxy watch 2 can benefit from span protection with the liquid air case which adds full coverage for shock protection to keep your watch looking new to protect your Galaxy devices with span be sure to head to the links in the description okay so one of the best parts of the s24 is the admittedly great display I think this is truly a best-in-class display and for the price it's hard to beat I don't think any other phone really beats it uh excellent display here from Samsung but we can make it even better by optimizing it with certain settings so uh to do this we're going to jump first into the settings menu and then we're going to scroll to where we find display and here first we can change the display uh appearance we can go between light and dark mode now I think both modes have their place for example during the day I like to use light mode uh but at night there is something to be said for dark mode as it's just not as bright so it's less straining on the eyes if you're using your phone uh late at night in bed and because it uses a lot of pixels that are off or black uh it will actually conserve just a little bit of power too so my suggestion is to actually use both light and dark mode and you can do this by tapping on dark mode settings and then we're going to set it to a custom schedule so I have mine set to a custom time schedule where from 10: p.m. till 6:00 a.m. my phone will automatically be in dark mode and during the day it will automatically be in light mode this works in the background you can even have it set uh according to the position the Sun but I like it to have like it to run on a specific time schedule and then beneath that we also have the option to adjust the frame rate of the display so if we tap into motion smoothness we can either have this set to Adaptive which is going to uh vary the refresh rate from 1 to 120 Herz or we can lock it to 60 HZ now there used to be an argument made for 60 HZ as it used to be the more power efficient way however now that the displays refresh rate on the s24 is variable again between 1 to and 12 HZ depending on what you are doing uh the adap adaptive refresh rate is actually just about the same in terms of power consumption but gives you a much smoother and better experience so make sure that your refresh rate is set to Adaptive to get that smooth 120 HZ when you are swiping through things you're playing a game watching videos but then when you're reading a static page of text it will switch to the lower refresh rate to conserve power here we also have eye Comfort shield now I'm going to turn this on to show you what this does and as you can see it kind of adds an orange-ish Hue to the display and essentially what this does is it's going to limit the amount of blue light that's going to be coming from display now for some people blue light can interfere with your Sleep Quality it can even cause headaches so turning this on is going to limit that from happening and it's generally something I like to have on the only instance where I don't recommend you use this is when you're editing photos or say videos as of course this does slightly alter the color output and therefore color accuracy of your display so in those instances turn it off but otherwise it's nice to have on and then if we scroll down here we have the navigation bar now this one is a little bit controversial I know some people love the classic Android button layout which you can see here with the back button and then the home button personally though I love the gestures I find it to be much more natural way to use your phone quickly swipe to go home press and hold to open your recent applications you can also swipe along the button here to switch between apps I find it super useful and again more intuitive it takes up no screen space so you can use really all of your screen uh but if you do prefer the button layout you can change that here but again my suggestion would be to go with the swipe gestures now I want to go back to the edge panel as the edge panel is a super handy way to access applications or open a new application from anywhere within your phone that is always accessible by this very subtle little bar that you'll find on the edge of the screen but like much on this phone it can be heavily customized to really get the most out of it so let's take a look here uh to do this we're going to go into settings tap on display once again and then we're going to scroll to where we find Edge panel and first you're going to want to make sure that this is on and then we can tap into it to customiz this further so first you can choose between a different type of panel there's a bunch of presets to choose from uh the contacts one might be useful personally I like to have the apps and we can actually tap edit to customize this further so we can go ahead and drag in a new app let's say I want Amazon in there tap that you can even change the width to add even more uh I like to have it a little bit Slimmer a little bit more minimalistic uh by the way these top three are going to be your most frequently most recent used applications so these will uh change as you go and then bottom on the bottom half here you can uh pin specific apps that you always want to be there now you can also customize the panel itself so if we go back tap on the handle we can adjust first the position that's with these two little arrows you can adjust it to be higher or lower now my suggestion is to position it just above the midpoint of your display uh as I like to swipe to the left to scroll back and I don't want to accidentally trigger The Edge panel so if I have it just above that I won't accidentally open it but still Within Reach to easily access and of course I have mine positioned on the left as I'm left-handed you can change the position to the right if you are right-handed you can then also change the color you can change the opacity uh I like mine in white I want it to be a little bit low key I know it's there I don't need it to uh disrupt my content but having it there always is just super convenient to access and pull up applications no matter where you are in your phone one of the biggest battery saving tips we're going to look at today uh is saving battery with notifications now the number of notifications you have coming into your phone has a huge impact not just on your battery uh but also on your mental health so let me show you how to uh narrow this down so first we're going to go into the settings app here uh and then we're going to scroll to where we find notifications and then tap on app notifications and in here you'll find a list of all of your applications and you can turn on or off notifications that you don't need so my advice is to turn off any application uh that doesn't need to disrupt you in the moment so for example shopping applications uh certain games utility apps right these things they can send me notifications but I don't want it to be on my lock screen uh buzzing my phone and sort of taking me out of whatever I'm doing at a given moment so I only allow things like certain messaging apps finance apps or maybe a Maps application if I'm uh you know on my way to somewhere but otherwise turning them off is really really great if you can decrease the number of notifications you have coming into your phone from say 100 to 50 per day or even 60 to 30 per day it's going to have a significant impact on your battery as every time a notification comes in your screen will turn on your vibration motor will activate and your speaker will probably be used uh to play a sound and that takes up a lot of battery if you add it up plus again all those disruptions throughout the day it's not great for your uh for your mental health either so limiting notification great for battery and great for your mental health and this is where you do that let's talk about battery health after all the better the battery health the better your battery life for longer and one of the great ways to extend your battery health is with a feature called battery protection and to activate this we're going to go into settings scroll all the way down to where we find device care and then tap on the battery icon and here turn on battery protection and once this this on we can tap into it and here there's a few layers of battery protection that you can choose from now maximum is really for for the uh true DieHard battery health Savers out there uh and what this is essentially going to do is limit your battery uh capacity up to 80% so you won't be able to use the top 20% and this is going to go a long way to preserving or extending rather your battery health now for me personally um this is not worth it I do want to have full access to my battery I don't want to be limited uh by losing 20% so instead I choose to use adaptive and this kind of gives you the best of both it will still give you some battery protection uh but you will still get access to the full battery capacity and what this essentially does is it's going to adapt how it charges your phone based on your charge habits so let's say you plug in your phone at night at 10: p.m. it's then first going to charge up to 80% and then closer to when you typically uh wake up and unplug your phone at say 7 a.m. only then is it going to charge the remaining 20% and essentially staggering the charge is going to produce less heat and thus limit the wear on your battery over the long run so this is really I think the Sweet Spot between having no protection and then losing losing some battery capacity is the Adaptive mode here and this is what I recommend you select two another great way to preserve your battery health is to choose how you charge your phone more specifically uh what kind of chargers you use so for example uh a lower watt or slower charger say a 10 watt charger for example is going to be significantly better for your battery health than a fast charger like a 25 watt or even a 50 W charger and that is because a slower lower wat charger is going to produce significantly less heat and heat is one of the biggest factors or one of the biggest contributors rather to degrading battery health so a lower watch charger is better and to take it one step further I recommend using a wired connection as opposed to wiress charging and again that's for the exact same reason wireless charging produces a lot more heat as opposed to a wired connection so especially overnight when you don't need to charge fast I would say use a lower watch charger with a wired connection and then during the day if you do ever need a quick top up don't don't worry about never using a fast charger it's just about the majority of the time again when you're using your or when you're charging your phone every every night best to make the habit of using a lower watch charger with a wired connection and this will go a long way to preserving your battery health awesome so now let's take a look at optimizing improving the sound and vibration settings on your s24 so here we're going to jump into settings and then find the sound and vibration menu tap on that and then we're going to scroll to the vibration intensity option and what is cool here is you can actually change the intensity of the vibration depending on what's coming into your phone now I like to have my phone on silent always pretty much uh so all my notifications uh will come in through vibrations and over time you can adjust it so that uh you kind of can feel almost what comes into your phone or the nature of the notification before even having to pull out your phone and check it so for example if I get a call or a notification like a message or something it's going to be on full uh intensity where if it's a system notification or something to do with my media uh it's going to be much lower and over time you can actually sort of adjust and you'll be able to recognize the based on the intensity of the vibration what is coming into your phone so super handy way uh to sort of roughly get an idea of what's come in before you even have to take out your phone and check so my suggestion keep the important things at maximum intensity so you don't miss them and other things keep them lower uh so you know they're not as important and if we go back uh we can also change some sound options here and that is if we go into sound quality you're going to want to turn on Dolby Atmos now Dolby Atmos essentially uh gives you access to a broader range of frequencies and better sound quality now not all media that you listen to will have Dolby appos enabled but a lot of streaming Services uh online as well as music streaming services will have this and without enabling this option you won't get that better sound quality so definitely make sure that you turn this on now another thing uh that you can do is set an EQ that will be applied systemwide so let's say uh you listen to a specific type of music you can actually adjust that here you can even create a custom EQ if you want the base a little bit High uh base a little bit higher or say the highs to be a bit sharper or lower or the mids if you listen to podcast for example uh you can adjust that here and set that systemwide that will then apply to all the media coming through your phone okay so we've looked at a lot of settings and features and ways to sort of optimize your phone now I want to go over a few of the AI specific features for the s24 there's a lot here to uncover and I think some of these are really useful and I just want to demonstrate them and show you how to access them and be able to start using them dayto day so first is AI wallpaper so to access this we're going to pinch out on the home screen and then tap on wallpaper and style then tap on change wallpapers and if we scroll down we have the creative section and we're going to tap on on generative and this will allow us to create a wallpaper entirely with AI so will be completely unique based on the prompts you give it and here are a few examples of previous wallpapers uh let's go ahead and create a new one now so if I tap on imaginary I can go ahead and create or rather fill the gaps here in this problem so a surreal lamp let's change it to uh let's say a bicycle uh a flower sure and we can change the color scheme to uh let's say green and teal and we go ahead and click generate this should only take a couple of seconds here and isn't going to create create a wallpaper based on those prompts in fact it actually gives you a few options and as you can see we can scroll through them and see if there's one that we like and if there is we can go ahead and tap set really unique way to set up your phone uh it's fun to kind of play around I think it's quite cool I think most examples are actually really quite good and it's a way to have a unique wallpaper that no one else has next I want to show you Circle to search and this is a really useful feature but before I can show you you're going to want to make sure that this is activated so to do this we're going to go into settings and then scroll to and then tap on display go into navigation bar and then we're going to tap and make sure that Circle to search is activated now with this feature I can essentially identify any object on screen so in my gallery here I have a candle and what I can do is press and hold on the navigation bar you'll see this new overlay appears on screen and I can Circle any object within my screen and it's instantly going to identify it uh show me the product even show me a purchase link to purchase this product really useful I find this to be really accurate as well so you can imagine for example if say there is an item in a video or an ingredient in a supermarket or anything like that simply identify it uh or like this candle for example and you'll instantly get more information about the product and I find it to work really well and again this works anywhere within your screen even on my home screen I can go ahead and press it Circle an application and will give me more info about that app Samsung have also added AI to the notes app so if we tap on this note here you can see I have a paragraph of text this is from a video of mine I can go ahead and tap on that and then tap on this little three start menu this is Samsung's intelligence button and this will give us a range of options including summarize so we can go ahead and then summarize the text into three bullet points making it super easy to quickly get the main points you can see it's chosen uh the numbers driven points as well as conclusions that I draw in particular here about the color we can go ahead and copy those bullet points and also replace it with the current text or add it to the current text uh and then what we can also do is we go back to the same menu we can also tap on auto format now this is really cool is it's going to allow us to make this plain block of text much more presentable and easy to read where as you can see it has literally created a title created bullet points and also subheadings for each bullet point and again I think it does a surprisingly good job here now also you have the option to replace it with your existing text or add it to your existing text my suggestion is to add it rather than replace it I always like to have the original too but to make this much more easy to read and again easy to share with someone uh I think this is a really handy feature that is built right into your notes app another good example of AI on the s24 is within the voice recorder app so what you can do is tap on a any recording and here normally you would have a transcribe button now I've already transcribed this recording it takes just a couple of minutes and as you can see it will give a full text breakdown turning that audio file into a text file that you can then read after not only that it will also break down who says what and identify the number of speakers within a recording so here I've got a conversation between me and my wife you can see you can see exactly who contributed what uh throughout this recording super useful imagine if you're taking meeting notes in a boardroom or in a lecture or something like that really great to go back to the system is not perfect though as you can see with names it's not great certain words it does mess up but it still gives you a general idea and again you can also tap on summary and it will sort of summarize the entire conversation uh a great way to quickly get meeting notes AI can also be used for photo editing so for example here I have a selfie we can tap on the pencil icon and tap again here on that three star menu and what we can do is rotate that photo to make it more aligned and it's going to use generative fill to fill these empty Corners where there is no photo taken but it's actually going to create content there to fill it so let's take a look at the result and there we go so as you can see it's now filled the image uh we can compare it to the original there's the original and I'm now much better aligned in the second photo uh and you can see that it's essentially created content in all four corners it's done a decent job with these two uh these two corners here are a little bit left especially that top left one a top right one there but you can literally do it again and it will give you a different result as again it's typ it's differently generated each time you do it um generally I find this to to work reasonably well I think especially for an instance like this it is really uh quite handy to have and then even cooler than that we can also remove and move or change the size of specific objects within a photo so here I have a picture of two cable cards I'll tap in the same menu here and let me go ahead and select the second one here it's I'm going to uh identify that cable card here and what I can do is press and hold and then resize it so I can literally make it larger I can also move it say I want to move it to a different line or I can remove it entirely we'll tap on the erase icon then tap generate and let's take a look at the results and there we go like it was never there this here is an excellent example of the remove feature here using AI you can see it almost looks like it was never there I like how it intelligently also kept the line as a as that was also selected as part of the cable car but I think it's recognize that this line should still continue nonetheless uh so done a great job here I can see this feature being useful uh not just for creativity but also say if you have a crowd of people or a person in the background of your photo that you want to remove uh or say a subject like a trash can or something uh this is a very easy way to select it and then remove it right from your phone now I want to show you how to run a very thorough device checkup right on your phone this is great if say your phone is ever not really functioning the way it should or if say you've just bought a new phone or rather bought one used you can run a full device Diagnostics and checkup to make sure everything is running the way it should so to do this we're going to scroll into your uh appd drawer here and then search for the members app so this will be an application that is pre-installed on your device first time you open it uh you'll probably have to log in and then once we go ahead and launch the app we'll tap on support and then we're going to tap on phone Diagnostics and here we can go ahead and test all the parameters of your phone so it goes very it goes very in depth you can see it tests all 24 main sections of your phone or parts of your phone rather all the way from the torch to the speakers to the accelerometer even your battery status um and this will take around 10 minutes to do and it does involve you know you have to kind of be part of it where for example it's going to play a noise through the earser it's going to ask you to hear that noise and then confirm that you've heard heard the noise to confirm everything is functioning so it takes a little while but I think it's definitely worth doing every once in a while or rather especially if your phone is ever acting a little bit strange or something isn't working the way it should or again like I said if you're buying a phone used you want to make sure that it's fully functional and running this in-depth Diagnostics right on your device is an excellent way to know that you're buying a good phone and that's it I hope you learned something in this video if you did then be sure to leave a like And subscribe to see more content like this in the future thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in the next video take care are
Channel: Dion Schuddeboom
Views: 42,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: galaxy s24, galaxy s24 ultra, galaxy s24 plus, galaxy s24 tips and tricks, galaxy s24 ultra tips and tricks, galaxy s24 first things to do, galaxy s24 ultra first things to do, samsung s24, samsung s24 tips and tricks, galaxy s24 settings, galaxy s24 setup, s24, samsung s24 ultra, galaxy s24 hidden features, samsung s24 hidden features, galaxy s24 guide, galaxy s24 battery, galaxy s24 top 10, s24 tips and tricks, galaxy s24 settings to change, galaxy s24 top settings, galaxy
Id: zEssDrjKZuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 30sec (1770 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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