Galaxy S24 Ultimate Guide + Hidden Features and Top Tips!

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Welcome to My ultimate guide for the Samsung Galaxy s24 now this video is going to cover everything you need to know from customization to performance improvements AI features to battery health and battery life saving settings to hidden features as well as plenty of tips and tricks along the way now this is a longer video but trust me compared to how long we all use our phones each day it is actually quite short and this video is going to help you unlock the full potential of your Galaxy s24 Android 14 and 1ui 6.1 so without further Ado let's let's dive in all right so the first thing we're going to do is customize the lock screen to match your style so to do this let's go ahead and unlock the phone and then we're going to jump into the settings app and then scroll to where we find wallpaper and style and from here we're going to tap on the lock screen and this will give us the ability to dive in and really customize each element of the lock screen so first in the top left we can change the wallpaper now we'll go back to the wallpaper in a sec when we get to the AI portion of this video but for now let's take a look at the elements beneath it so first we can tap on the clock and we can have uh digital clock or a calendar or have an analog clock like I have you can also resize it by clicking and dragging on the corners and beneath that we have the option to actually add some widgets and this is really cool so as you can see I have two examples here I actually have two weather widgets so one will show me the current temperature and the other will show me the percentage chance for rain which currently uh is looking suspiciously low for here in London uh but you can also add more so for example you can have battery widgets not just for the battery status of your phone but also connected devices like say a Galaxy watch or your Galaxy buds so really useful as this essentially gives you information at a glance always right there on your lock screen now my only suggestion when it comes to widgets is to use them sparingly in other words less is more widgets are great to get information right at a glance but of course as a result they are constantly running in the background so my advice is stick to one or two like I have here just a couple of weather widgets and don't overdo it as you don't want to be draining your battery unnecessarily now beneath that we also have the option for how to display your not notifications we can tap into this and either have none showing on your lock screen or we can have full notification showing as well I like this more minimal look just showing the icons I think that looks very clean and then beneath that we also have the option to add any contact information I have my name for example and then here on the bottom we can actually change the two toggles on your lock screen now the first uh was typically will be set for your torch now I've actually assigned my torch to the side button which I'll show you how to do uh in just a sec but you can actually customize these so if we tap on either the left or right we can change it to a specific app or function for example Bixby or like I said the torch I have mine set to the calculator uh and then I have the camera here on the right and then once you're happy with your new lock screen go ahead and press done and that will then save and to test that we can go home lock the phone double tap and then as you can see we can preview the new lock screen now this is going to bring us over to the next portion and we're going to look at the always on display as this can be quite heavily customize as well so if we go into settings we can go back here uh and then we're going to scroll down to where we find lock screen and aod that's always on display go ahead and tap that and then here we have the option to either activate or deactivate the always on display as you can see mine is currently on but then if we tap into this menu we can actually customize this further so first we have the option to either show or hide the wallpaper and you have a little preview here so if I go and turn that off as you can see it's just going to show a black screen now this will save a little bit of battery and I think also uh makes the always on display a little bit more low key perhaps even less distracting so it's a good middle ground between having the full always on display with the wallpaper uh and versus having nothing on at all just showing the essentials like the time you also have the option to show or hide your music information I like to keep this on but the most crucial or I think most important setting in this menu is when to show your always on display as the name suggests it would always be on but that isn't always the case so if we tap into this here uh you can choose when to activate your o on display as you can see there's quite a few options to choose from and I recommend tapping Auto as the great thing about this is in normal instances you're always on display will be on as you can see however if your phone is say in your pocket like let me uh cover up the sensors here it's actually going to turn the alwayson display off as it detects that your phone is in your pocket and does not waste battery but then when it's say on a table or back on your desk it's going to turn on to still give you that functionality plus when it's in a really dark room I.E at night on your uh nightstand it will also turn off to not keep your phone uh lit while you're trying to sleep so I think Auto is a really good middle ground at the same time I think tap to show is also great or it'll be black unless you double tap the screen to activate and then of course there's always which will truly always keep your always on display on how many times have I said always so far let me know in the comments okay so now that we've customized the lock screen as well as the always on display let's take a look at the home screen first to uh customize the number of pages that you have you can press and hold anywhere on your home screen and this will give you a preview of all of your pages and then here on the right we can press the plus sign to add a new page uh one other thing I want to mention here is this little house icon that you see at the top here and this will allow you to assign whatever your homepage to be so for example here I've now set my secondary page as actually my main page however I prefer to have this on the first so whichever uh page has this little icon illuminated will be your home screen or really your first main screen uh when you unlock your phone now let's go ahead and tap in of course to arrange an app you can simply press and hold and then move it anywhere across the display also drag it to the right to move to the next page or drag it again to the right uh to create a new page that is relatively simple go ahead and bring this back here uh and then to remove an application press and hold and this will then give you the option to remove now this won't delete the application this will just remove it from the home screen so to give you an example here let's remove voice recording uh but let's say I want to bring it back to the home screen I'm going to Simply swipe up to my app app switcher here and then let's find the uh voice memos there it is press and hold on to that and then select add to home screen and as you can see that will now be added we go and drag that back and there we go now let me show you how to add widgets as widgets are also like on the loog screen on the home screen a really great way to get information at a glance so here I have a nice handy overview of my calendar so I can see the dates for an upcoming day of the week without having to go into my calendar as well as upcoming events uh so to add a new uh widget we can simply pinch outwards to then bring up that same menu or press and hold anywhere on the home screen and then we can tap on widgets and this will give us a broad range of widgets to choose from so you can see I have all kinds of different apps uh for example I like reminders let me scroll down here and find that I think that's a really useful way to uh track my tasks throughout the day and to add a new widget simply tap on it tap add and that will then add it right to the uh home screen and of course as before we can also rearrange this which is great and then click and drag it or rather tap and drag it uh to move it across a page or to a new page now I also want to show you Stacks as this is a really convenient way to combine multiple widgets into one so here I have a calender widget and then also my reminders widget uh but let's say I want to put them on one page and in one slot what I can do is take this reminders widget drag it over to the right place it on top of the calendar widget and as you can see it's just created a stack and this will allow me to swipe to to the right or left to cycle between them I can then also press and hold and tap edit stack and this will allow me to add more widgets I can have I believe up to five and also turn on or off auto rotate now this is going to switch and cycle between which widget it shows first depending on your usage habits and the time of day moving swiftly along I want to show you a really neat way to preview app notifications right within the home screen now first to activate this feature we're going to jump into the settings menu and then scroll to where we find home screen and then in here you're going to want to make sure that app icon badges is activated now what this is going to allow you to do is press and hold on any app within your home screen let's say Instagram and not only is it going to show you those extra features for shortcuts uh it's also going to show you any notifications you may have within an app they'll be previewed here right along this list and this is a very useful way uh to see app specific notifications and you can tap onto a notification to then quickly jump into it so really great way uh to manage your notifications right on the home screen on the subject of notifications uh this is also a really really really great battery tip and that is to limit what amount or how many notifications you want coming into your phone so first let me show you how to do this if we go back into settings on the main page we tap on notifications and then click on app notifications and in here you can cycle between all of your applications and simply activate or deactivate which applications you want to allow or disallow notifications to come in from now this is good not only for your battery but also good for your mental health as if your phone is going off all day it means you're going to be disrupted throughout the day and me personally I only want my phone to go off if it is something important not some game that is giving me some reminder or say shopping app no I want it just to be a message or a notification from a finance app or specific messaging app social media uh but other notifications I don't need them to be uh disturbing me throughout the day so this also means that your phone is going to go off less your speaker your vibration motor uh your display are all going to activate less and over time this really adds up to saving a substantial amount of battery if you can can get your daily notifications down from say 100 to 50 or from 60 to 30 trust me this really adds up and makes a big difference in your battery life and like I said there are mental health gains here too so my advice is to scroll through your list of all your applications and turn off which apps you don't want to be bothering you throughout the day so notifications is a great way to save uh battery life but now let's take a look at battery health as of course the better your battery health the better your battery life now no matter how you use your phone your battery health will degrade over time but what we can do is Implement various features and charging habits to make sure your battery health degrades as slowly as possible in other words to last as long as possible so first let's take a look at battery protection and to do this we're going to jump into the settings app scroll all the way down to where we find device care tap on that and then we're going to tap on the battery and in here we have an option called battery protection and you're going to want to make sure that this is turned on now if we tap in the uh tap on the menu we do have the option to choose a few different levels of battery protection and I'm just going to briefly explain these bottom two here uh first we have maximum now maximum is going to actually limit how much your battery can charge it's going to limit at up to 80% now this as a result will uh decrease wear on your battery over time which is good for your battery health in the long run however for me personally sacrificing that top 20% of my battery life just isn't worth it so I only recommend this if you're a true di hard when it comes to battery health saving I suggest instead to use the Adaptive feature and this kind of gives you the best of both not affecting the usability so it will still give you 100% of your battery capacity however what it does is it sort of tracks your charging habits and will charge your battery at a slower Pace first charging to 80% and then waiting with the remaining 20% to when you typically unplug your phone let's say you plug it in late at night and then plug it unplug it early in the morning when you wake up this is of course many hours uh and this will give your phone a chance to more gradually charge thus produce less heat and thus limit the wear on the battery extending or rather preserving its battery health I want to briefly talk about charging as charging also has a significant impact in how long or not long your battery health lasts so the best way to preserve your battery health when it comes to charging is to use two things first is a lower watt or slower charger and the second is to use a wire charger as opposed to using wireless charging now here's why first of all uh wireless charging produces significantly more heat than a wired connection and a higher watt charger while it will charge your phone more quickly also produces more heat and heat is one of the worst things for batteries and is something that is difficult to control but when it comes to charging you actually can have quite a lot of impact on this again by using a wire charging as opposed to wireless and by using a lower watt or slower charger as these produce way less heat and thus will limit the wear on your battery over time preserving battery health ultimately meaning your phone will last longer now this is not to say that you should never fast charge Le you'd never use wireless charging after all these are great features on the s24 however my suggestion is when you charge your phone overnight for example when you're not in a rush use a wired connection and a slower charger as you don't need that fast charging ability and this will limit the wear on your battery of course during the day or say you're traveling and you need a quick top up don't hesitate about quickly fast charging or using a wireless charger every once in a while this is more about the majority of the time I recommend using that wired connection and a lower watch charger to preserve your battery health have you ever tried to connect your phone to a Bluetooth device or uh send something between phones and had difficulty finding which device is even your phone well an easy way to fix that is to set a name or rather change the name of your phone so let's go ahead and do this if we go into the settings app here we're going to scroll all the way down to where we find about this phone and then we can actually tap edit and this will allow us to change the name of our phone making it much more easy to identify in a long list of phones just name it for example here Dion's s24 I'll immediately know which phone is mine not only great for security safety or data protection but also just handy and save you time I've been testing the s24 alongside the s24 ultra and one of my favorite features on the s24 ultra is the onehanded mode however this year this was also brought to the s24 and this is a super useful feature uh this phone may be a little bit smaller and it definitely is but still there are moments where you're holding it in one hand it's just a little bit hard to reach that top right or top left corner and one-handed mode here makes that a lot more convenient so let me show you how to activate this we're going to jump into settings and then scroll to where we find advanced settings we're right there with that yellow icon and then here if we scroll down we have the option for one-handed mode we're going to make sure that that is activated now let me show you how to trigger this function what you're going to do is take your finger and swipe down from the bottom of the display and as you can see your whole display kind of shrinks down I would say by around 40% or so maybe even a little bit more and this makes it much more manageable to reach those Far Corners if say you're walking down a busy road your phone in one hand a cup of hot coffee in another and you're trying to respond to that message makes it much easier to do with one hand with one-handed mode now you can also choose whether you want the screen to be on the left or right side by simply tapping this little arrow here I'm left-handed so I have it on the right you can also drag it up here with this bar not sure why you would do that I think makes more sense to have it in the bottom corner um but again this makes it much easier to reach the top corners or those upper edges of the display and then to exit the one-handed mode simply repeat the same gesture a small swipe down here along the bottom let's try that again one more time ah third times the charm there we go one of the things one-handed mode is great for is to access those top corners of the display namely the system toggles menu this is a super useful way to access a lot of your system functions and change settings right on the Fly however this can be customized quite far and I highly recommend you do so as there's a lot of functionality here but you want to make sure you're getting the most out of it and importantly the features that you actually want so to edit this we're going to swipe down from the top right and then swipe down once again to reveal this menu which will give us this little pencil here tap into that and this will then enable us uh the ability to set and adjust the system toggle so there's two sections we can either do just the top row or the full menu let's start off with the full menu go ahead and tap on edit and this is going to be divided into two sections so up here are the uh buttons or the actions rather that you currently have set and then here beneath that are all the buttons that you can choose from now I think there's many here that are really really great uh I think one of the ones that I definitely recommend adding if you don't already have it is Wireless Power share this will allow you to wirelessly charge another phone or your Galaxy buds with your uh s24 I think that's such a cool feature uh something to show off to uh to your iPhone friends uh great feature to have and then to again have that menu in the quick start or in the toggles making it much easier to activate simply tap it from here and that will then be added to your available buttons now from here we can also press and hold to move it around drag it to the first page if we like um my my suggestion is to keep the most used toggles on the first page as this will be most easy to access let's say there's something here that you don't need uh for example Wi-Fi calling press the little minus button and it will then be removed and then be added back to the list of available buttons and then once you're happy we'll go ahead and press done and then here we can also adjust the top row basically the same thing here keep your most used functions here as this will be most accessible and if you are left-handed keep the top ones on the left if you're right-handed keep them on the right again just making it the easiest way possible or the quickest way possible rather uh to activate them and then press done once you are happy now one other setting in here that I recommend you make sure is always on and that is the brightness control making sure that your brightness control is set to show always basically means that with even a single swipe uh from the top right corner of the display you'll be able to adjust the brightness without having to First swipe a second time like you did previously all right so you might remember at the start of the video when we talked about uh customizing the lock screen I said that I use the uh side button to actually activate the torch let me go ahead and show you how this is done and how this can be customized so to do this we're going to jump back into settings and then scroll down to where we find Advanced features and in here we can tap on side button and in here we can go ahead and also activate or deactivate a double press I recommend you do this as this adds another layer of customization to this button and then we can choose which action we want to assign to a double press so I I believe the standard feature uh is to un or is to uh open the camera app however you can also customize this further by tapping the little uh settings icon and here you can have it launch an app so this can be any app but also some system functions like for example the torch which I think is the most useful use uh for this side button I love using the torch if I'm looking in my bag for my keys or I'm just just rushed home and I need to find something a cable or something uh having the torch on hand with a physical switch is just so nice to have so I definitely recommend setting this to the torch uh and then secondly we can also assign a press and hold now as standard this will be used for Bixby I prefer to use Google Assistant I think it's a lot smarter than Bix I think most would agree uh and then instead I use this a PR hold for the power off menu to quickly be able to restart uh to turn off my phone or to make an emergency call should that ever be needed there's a lot to really love about Samsung phones and particularly the s24 however one of the things I like less is that so many apps have different versions of the same thing so for example there's three different browsers pre-installed uh there's different maps apps different Play Stores sometimes it can be a little bit confusing especially if you are someone who's coming from iPhone there is a level of Simplicity there so what happens on most Android phones including on the s24 you have to assign what your default apps are for specific functions for example your default Brer browser your default Maps app and this is something I highly recommend you do to make sure you stick to what apps you personally prefer so to do this to change your default settings or default apps we're going to jump into settings and then we are going to scroll to where we find applications there it is applications and then tap on choose default apps and this will give us the ability to choose the default browser the default home app your SMS app uh and also your digital assistant app change it from Big speed to Google I highly recommend you do this trust me you won't regret it uh and this will allow you to change all these default apps when you're opening a link or press and holding a button to activate a a smart assistant you know that the right assistant will be triggered and that the right app will be used and this brings us to the AI portion of this video now the s24 comes with a myriad of really awesome AI features uh and in this video I want to show you my favorites as these really help you get more out of this phone and to start off let's take a look at AI wallpapers so to quickly access this menu we're going to pinch on the on the home screen here you can also access this menu by pressing holding on the home screen and then we're going to tap on wallpaper and style here we can tap on change wallpapers and this will of course give you a myriad of wallpapers to choose from a lot of these standard wallpapers which are great don't get me wrong but what is even cooler is if we scroll down to where we find creative we can actually tap on generative and this is going to allow you to create a fully cust custom wallpaper right from scratch up here I've got a few examples of previous wallpapers that I made and let's go ahead and make a new one together so let's say imaginary uh and then we can change the keywords to prompt this AI to create that specific wallpaper so let's say a surreal uh let's go with boat and uh instead of flowers why don't we do uh let's see here I think silk sounds great and then we can change the color scheme let's do cream and orange and then we're going to tap generate just have to wait a couple seconds and then it's going to create a wallpaper from scratch using AI with those prompts and as you can see it will also give you multiple options to choose from so this one here I think looks actually pretty cool uh if you like it go ahead and press set and that will allow you to then change your wallpaper I think this is a great way to uh add a unique look to your phone again no one's going to have the same wallpaper uh and I kind of find it fun to just explore in this setting and see what it comes up with some of them are really great some of them less so uh but I think sometimes you get something really creative I think that's awesome about this feature so this is how you generate AI wallpapers right on your s24 another area where AI has been integrated in the s24 is in notes and in notes I find it to be super useful uh so here I've got a segment from a recent video of mine in which I review uh the 15-inch MacBook Air as you can see this is just a plain block of text but we can make AI or use AI rather to make this a much more uh visually pleasing and more digestible uh experience so what you can do is we can go ahead and tap on the text here and then tap this little three star uh menu now this is Samsung's AI button or their intelligence button go ahead and tap that and this will then give us a range of options we go and press okay here it will give us the option to Auto format summarize correct spelling as well as translate and I want to briefly show you the auto format and Su summarized functions as these are the ones I use most so Auto format is going to not just take it's going to take this plain block of text and make it more readable by adding and generating headers and bullets so go ahead and tap that here and show you what this looks like so give it a a couple seconds usually goes very quickly and as you can see it's taken that paragraph and broken it down into a you get a complete title my thoughts on the 15in air I think that's quite accurate so far and then also subheading so it's taken the text and interpreted what kind of subject I speak about in that paragraph so you got the design the portability as well as the durability and then the color and it's correctly identified these and then broken it down into bullets now here you have the option to uh copy this text or you can also replace it with your current text or the way I prefer to do it is to add it to your existing text don't get me wrong these AI features are really cool but they aren't perfect so I like to have the original just in case to refer back to but then keep the AI version on the site again to allow you to retext more quickly speaking of which an even better way to do so is to instead summarize the text so if we go ahead and go back to the same menu and then we're going to tap on summarize now it's going to take this let's say seven sentences and summarize it down into just three bullets again making it much more easy and quick to read and I think think it does a reasonable job at identifying what text in this paragraph is important for example the numbers based comments as well as the conclusions that I draw uh it has correctly identified and saved so if you are reading through a longer bit of text uh and want to quickly summarize it I think Ai and notes is a great way to do so as someone who runs their own business I have a lot of meetings and as a result I really like to use a voice recorder to record certain meetings and quickly be able to refer back to them later or if say you're a student uh in a lecture hall you want to listen back to a specific seminar or say a boardroom meeting uh this is a great way to be able to go back and make sure you don't forget anything now ai is also been integrated into the uh voice recorder app to make it even better so first let's say here I have a example conversation that I did with my wife speaking about which headphones to buy by the way I did not title this uh voice memo either this was automatically titled using the AI and what we can do is then tap on that voice recording and then tap on transcribe and it's then automatically we can also have different languages currently doesn't support all to many uh basically just the main languages I'll put up a list on screen of Which languages are supported more are being added of course English is supported go ahead and tap on transcribe and it's then going to transcribe in other words put the audio recording into text to make it easier to find specific words uh or subjects within that and as you can see we're just going to give this a couple seconds here to transcribe and then we'll be right back all right so we're back so first of all uh this is a 2minute and 50c voice recording and I would say this took around 20 seconds or so to transcribe now what is really cool is two things first we get a transcription of the entire voice recording we can scroll through it but notice how it actually identify different speakers within this conversation I mentioned earlier this is a conversation between me and my wife as you can see it has successfully identified speaker one speaker 2 back to speaker one and then back to speaker 2 now this is really really great uh as this makes it much easier to see who said what and how much each person contributed uh and again this allows you to search for specific keywords so this here is a convers ation about which headphones to buy uh if I want to go back to the section about sound quality I can simply tap on that and it will then highlight that section now one thing I do want to say is like the previous AI features this is not perfect I have found certain occasions where it will almost always correctly identify the number of speakers in a room for example 1 2 3 even four however sometimes it does it does sometimes mix up speakers where you'll have speaker one say something but in reality that was said by Speaker two so do take it with a grain of salt another example is names it isn't perfect with names here Diane that is not my name my name is Dion and it hasn't correctly found that there but overall I think this goes a really long way and I think the biggest feature here really is having the ability to transcribe so take that take that recording from audio to text to then quickly look up specific portions of that as well and also here on the right we do also have the option to get a summary of the conversation that was had and not only does it create a much shorter more readable List It Again adds those bullets it adds those headers making it much easier to refer back to later so again a great example of AI integrated in the voice recorder app and this brings us to photos now photos has also added a bunch of AI features and there's two key ones here that I want to show you and the first is called generative fill so let's say here as an example I have a selfie but you can see it's not really angled straight so what if I want to straighten that image out normally speaking I'd have to zoom in quite far in order to do so however with the new AI features built into the photos app you don't have to do so it will actually generate parts of the background of the image so to activate this or to trigger this function rather we're going to tap on the little pencil icon here and then what we can do is tap on the AI button here again that intelligence button that we've seen throughout the operating system and this will then allow us to reorient the photo so let's say like this as you can see that is now much more properly aligned but there are these Corners which of course haven't been captured in the photo but it's then going to autofill them if I tap on generates this will only take a few seconds and it's going to fill those blank spaces with completely generated content really cool and let's take a look and see what the results will be and there we go so as you can see all Corners are now filled we can go and switch back to the original that's the original and that's the after basically before and after and I think this is actually a pretty good example where on the top left and the bottom right corner it's done a very convincing job I think my sleeve the uh the building in the background there looks good however the uh top right and the bottom bottom left corner less great I think this white part here I don't know something didn't really go right there um it is a hit and miss and I think it does vary from photo to photo depending on how well it will perform but as you can see some areas it performs really well and others less so but still this is a really cool feature to see I think nothing like this was seen before at least not to this extent uh so it's really great to see this here on the s24 and if you're happy with that we can go ahead and press done and that will now be saved now that was cool but we can take it even further by modifying objects within a photo so right here in this example let's modify one of these cable cards we're going to go back to the same pencil menu tap on the three star intelligence button and then we'll select an object within the photo so let's say we take this uh cable cart that's a little bit further in the distance and I'm simply going to outline it here with my finger you don't have to be very specific with it at all as you can see it does a very good job at Auto selecting then we can go ahead and press and hold on that and this will then give us the option to enlarge or to literally move specific parts of the image kind of cool kind of creepy at the same time uh and we can also straight up remove an object so let's say I want to remove this second Cable Car tap on the erase button let's go ahead and generate and see the results and there we go I think this is a really good example of just what this AI is capable of uh as you can see it looks almost perfect I think it's done a great job not just at removing the cable cart also at keeping the sky consistent like the patterns of the clouds are relatively consistent and it's also somehow identified to keep the wire cuz I've actually selected that as part of my selection but it's decided to keep the cable and just remove the car itself so as you can see really cool way to modify your photos I think this does have many implications for the future of Photography you know what is AI edited what is not should this be Watermark should this be identified um nonetheless the future is here and it is Unstoppable uh and this technology has come very far in a very short time and this here I think is a great example of that so those are some of my favorite AI features on the s24 now there are more in fact I do have a full dedicated video coming up looking specifically at all the AI features of this phone so be sure to subscribe to not miss that uh but at this point I want to take a step back and look at the display more specifically how to optimize the display and really get the most out of it so to do this let's jump into the settings app here and then scroll to where we find display and the first option we have here is to select the appearance we can either switch between light or dark mode I think dark mode definitely has its place particularly at night it is also a little bit more power efficient however during the day I do prefer to use light mode so the answer here really is to use both and you can do this by tapping on dark mode settings and this will allow you to set a schedule for when your phone Cycles between light and dark mode for example I like to have mine set to a specific time schedule where between 10 p.m. and 6: a.m. it will automatically be in dark mode let's say when I'm using my phone while I'm supposed to be sleeping uh but then during the day it will always be in light mode and this is how I recommend you set up your phone too now if we go ahead and go back uh we also have here the ability to turn turn on or off auto brightness as here with this adaptive brightness toggle now normally speaking I definitely suggest you turn this on currently I have mine off because I'm filming and I want the brightness to be consistent uh but in general this is a great way to not only save battery but also ensure that your display automatically gets bright enough if say you're out in the sun but also then nice and dim if say you are using it late in the evening beneath that we also have an option called motion smoothness and this essentially lets you adjust the refresh rate of your display you can either either have it set to Adaptive which will go between 1 HZ and 120 HZ or standard which is 60 HZ at a fixed refresh rate now previously there used to be an argument to be to be made for the standard mode which is 60 HZ as it is more power efficient compared to 120 HZ however since the 120 HZ refresh rate on the s24 is adaptive meaning it will cycle between 1 and 120 HZ depending on what you are doing um it is actually really power efficient so I see no reason to switch to standard and in most cases in fact I think all cases uh I would suggest you keep it to Adaptive as this will give you that super smooth refresh rate when you are scrolling through your app switching between apps or gaming but then when you are looking at a static image of text for example it will lower the refresh rate to be more power efficient so definitely make sure that this here is set to Adaptive moving right along we have eye Comfort Shield I'm going to go and turn this on to show you what this does and as you can see uh it kind of adds a warm tone to the display almost an orangish Hue and what this really does is it limits the amount of blue light that is is emitted from the display now if you don't know blue light can interfere with your sleep and for some people it can even cause headaches so if you limit the amount of blue light uh this can definitely minimize those kind of things from occurring so this is something I generally speaking definitely suggest you keep on I think it has minimal impact on the viewing experience uh and can really help again limiting that blue light exposure the only instance where I don't recommend you do this uh is if say you're editing photos or videos as of course this does slightly alter the uh the color output of your display and thus won making it a little bit less ACC accurate and of course when you are editing photos or videos you want it to be as true to life as possible in which case I suggest you turn this off but otherwise this is a great feature to turn on this next feature is really subjective depending on your style and preference uh but if we tap in screen mode you can actually change between two color profiles either Vivid or natural and as you can see if I cycle between them uh Vivid will have slightly more vibrant more Punchy colors where natural is a little bit more flat and well more true to life and what you prefer really comes down to your personal style and preference um personally I prefer my colors to be on the more neutral side as again it is more true to life which is great especially when you're editing photos uh but if you're consuming content watching videos or movies uh there is something to be said for that Vivid profile just adding that extra pop of color uh to your device and this is where you can change that depending on your preference and here we can also change the font size and style now I'm going to focus Less on the style and more here on the size as this I think is a great way to be able to see more content on screen at a time as of course smaller the font the more words you have per line which means less scrolling if you're reading articles or long emails or even typing out long messages um at the same time though if you have glasses like I do uh you may want to also turn this up in case you need a stronger prescription uh to make sure you can read the text on your display personally though I uh my prescription seems to be fine for now so I like to have mine be a little bit smaller just to get that little bit more uh text on screen which I think on the regular s24 while it has a great size display it's of course not as big as the ultra uh so this allows you to get some of the benefits of a larger display which is to see more content at once at a given time and beneath that we have the screen timeout setting and this basically determines how long after not using your phone do you want your phone to automatically lock now from a battery as well as a security perspective the shorter the better I think 15 seconds is slightly Overkill I think one minute is actually The Sweet Spot this means that if I leave my phone here unattended on the desk uh for 1 minute it will automatically lock and thus of course also protect my data and also preserve battery as my screen won't be running when it doesn't need to now again because I'm filming I will have it set to a little bit higher but for most I think one minute here is that sweet spot where it doesn't turn off automatically too quickly but it will still preserve your battery and again protect your data if your phone is unattended and this brings us to one of my favorite features of the s24 and that is The Edge panel and that is this menu right here which allows you at just at a pinch to bring up a new app either in split screen mode so let's say I've got my uh Settings app here open I can take a chrome window and drag that over to the top enter enter split view super super easily like so um another great feature about this though is that this can be heavily heavily customized so first what you want to do is make sure Edge panels is activated by making sure this is on and then what we can do is tap into it to customize the panel now as you can see if we tap on panels here we have a lot of options or presets to choose from so I have mine set to a list of apps you can also set it to contacts uh even locations or specific widgets I think apps here is great and you can actually customize this and choose which apps are in the panel as well so if I go ahead and tap onto panels and then apps and then edit I can go ahead and drag in or remove any apps that I want so the these are here are the ones that are in my panel let's say I want to add Drive simply drag that in and there we go I've have now added drive you can have multiple layers I go and remove that I like it to be a little bit more slim but this allows you to quickly access apps from within any other application again super great very useful also to switch between apps uh definitely a feature I highly recommend now another thing I do recommend you adjust here is the actual handle itself so first you can change the position uh so you can go and drag that up or down down now because I'm left-handed I use my phone in my left hand uh and of course you also want to swipe to the right here to go back a page so my suggestion is to position the handle a little bit above that where you're not accidentally triggering the handle when you want to instead swipe back so I my set just above that so I need to reach a little bit higher uh to access the handle can also change the color you can change the opacity uh you can really customize this to your heart's content one of the great things about Android um I think the biggest thing here though is to change the position so the height or even the size if you're right-handed I was just changing it over to the right to more easily access this menu and this next one is one that I feel very strongly about and that is the navigation bar uh I know some people love to have the standard buttons here at the bottom I know this is like traditional Android me personally though I far prefer to have these swipe gestures as it gives you more screen real estate I find the swipe gestures just to be more intuitive uh and more natural to me so I recommend switching this to swipe gestures but I know there will be some that love the buttons and this is where you can choose that navigation bar type uh within the settings menu great so now that we've optimized the display I want to show you a few crucial settings uh in the optimize sound and vibration section so if we go ahead and scroll down in settings and tap on sounds and vibration we can go ahead and scroll down to where we find system vibration and then beneath that is vibration intensity so we go and tap that what I really like about this feature uh is it enables you to change the vibration intensity depending on what is coming in so for example if my phone goes off for something important like a call like a notification I want that vibration to be more intense Mak it more easy to feel say when my phone is in my pocket um I generally always have my phone on silence and rely on these on these vibrations but then if say it is a system notification or it's perhaps media related like a game or something I don't want the vibration to be as prominent this way I can distinguish between the two types of notifications depending on how the vibration is felt in my pocket over time you can kind of learn to identify this I think that's really useful uh so that way when you feel your phone going off you will know immediately just from the vibration whether whether it's a call or notification or something important or something that you can ignore uh and perhaps look at later and if we go back uh we have sound quality and effects and this will allow us to enable Dolby Atmos now not all media will be Dolby Atmos supported however a lot of content these days is whether you're streaming from Spotify Apple music or even some content on YouTube I believe is now Dolby at most supported and this will give you a broader range of frequencies and better listening experience so whenever it is available I do recommend you turn this on and it will then enable you to use this function Additionally you can also set an EQ so if say you have uh your music and you prefer to have a little bit more base you can actually fully customize the EQ uh and you can also adjust the high end you can adjust the low end to bring in or remove a little bit of base or you can have it set to certain presets as well depending on the music you listen to or you say your listening style so this is a way to add a systemwide equalizer right within the settings app up next I want to show you how to run a device checkup and some really elaborate Diagnostics right on your s24 this is especially great if say you find your phone uh acting a little bit strange or some features aren't working the way it should or if you're actually buying one used to make sure that the phone is fully functional uh before you exchange now to do this we're going to open up a pre-installed app called the members app so within the uh settings menu here or within the app door we can go ahead and search type in members this will come pre-installed on your phone go ahead and open that app now you may need to log into your uh Samsung account the first time you open this then we're going to tap on support and beneath that we can go ahead and run Diagnostics here and I have the option to run all as you can see I've actually started already tap into that and this will give you an overview of all the different Diagnostics that this is going to run you can see this is super elaborate all the way from the torch to the battery health battery status that one's particularly important uh also to your speakers to your camera um this process takes a good 5 to 10 minutes so make sure that you really block this out in your calendar uh before you go ahead and do this and it will prompt you to be involved as well it will prompt you to for example listen to your earpiece speaker to make sure you actually hear it and and then confirm that by tapping it um but this will test all the main components of your phone to make sure your device is running as it should and of course if it is not to then bring it in repair uh or if say you are buying a phone to either negotiate the price or to uh to not buy it and this brings me to some crucial security settings for the s24 so the first thing we're going to do is turn on app protection now one of the great things about the s24 is that you can download apps from pretty much anywhere not just the play store Samsung store uh but also from anywhere online however because you have all that Freedom it is important to make sure that you don't download anything int unintentionally that may include malware or anything that you don't want installed on your phone so what we can go ahead and do is tap on the settings menu here scroll down to where we find device care and then if I go ahead and tap on app protection we go and tap that it will allow us to scan the phone now this is a feature that by default is actually off so I definitely recommend you turn this on as this will periodically scan your phone or you can do a manual scan by tapping it here to make sure you have nothing on your phone that shouldn't be there there in terms of malware or even viruses and it will then be identified and then you can remove it from there to make sure your phone is protected so regardless of what you do I suggest you turn this feature on just for that extra piece of Mind next let's take a look at the lock screen there's a few really important security settings as well so in the settings menu here we're going to scroll down to where we find lock screen and then here we'll tap on lock screen type and here we'll have to type in my pin real quick and here we can choose what type of Biometrics you want to use either Face Unlock or fingerprints now the ultrasonic underscreening print sensor of the s24 is very reliable very fast and I would say overall truly excellent so this is how I recommend most unlock their phone it may be interesting to also try the face unlock but this is nothing like compared to say the uh face ID that you'll find on the iPhone which actually uses a 3D scan of your face this is much more limited in its functionality and thus also its safety as it's much easier to trick and I find it to be not as accurate in general so I don't recommend using face unlock on the s24 and instead stick to using the fingerprints this is a far superior way to protect your data and also to quickly access and unlock your phone and if we go back we can go ahead and tap on secure lock settings and once again type in your pin and here we have an interesting setting that I recommend most people turn on but you do want to think carefully before you do so as it is quite an important one it does change a lot and that is the autof factory reset now what this means is if your password is incorrectly entered 20 times in a row it is going to factory reset the phone and also lock it to make sure your data is safe as if say you're your phone is ever lost or stolen the first thing that person is probably going to try to do is to brute force their way into your phone by guessing your password this means that even if your phone is lost and no longer safe you can trust that your data will be as in the event that your password is incorrectly entered enough times it will factory reset and erase the data now this is really great from a safety or data Safety and Security perspective however if you are someone who is prone uh to forgetting their pin or say has friends that may want to incorrectly type your password enough time s um only activate this if you do have an active backup of your phone otherwise I would think very carefully about activating this but in most cases I think here the additional security and also peace of mind that this brings if your phone is ever lost uh this is definitely worth turning on so that's where you find this setting as well autofact reset and speaking of security uh and more privacy uh one notification setting that I also want to show you uh is if we scroll back into the main page of settings here tap on notifications and then we can go ahead and tap on lock screen lock screen notifications we have the option to either show or hide content now let me briefly explain what this means uh let's say you get a message if we do hide content it's going to show on your uh lock screen that you have a message but if you tap on show content it will actually show the content of that message now personally I think so long as my phone is locked I don't need the content of that message to show therefore I type in or that therefore I select hide content and only show it when my phone is unlocked and this is something that I recommend you do too as basically means your notifications won't be ready by those who don't have access uh to your phone and that's it congratulations for making it to the end of this video you are now officially a Samsung Galaxy s24 Pro I hope you've learned something new from this video and if you did be sure to leave a like and also subscribe to my channel for more videos like this I'm going to go ahead and grab some tea and honey uh this is a very long video but let me know if you have any questions at all guys thank you so much for watching and for supporting my channel and I'll see you in the next video take care
Channel: Tech Book By Dion
Views: 22,490
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: galaxy s24, samsung galaxy s24, galaxy s24 plus, galaxy s24 ultra, galaxy s24 guide, samsung s24, galaxy s24 how to, galaxy s24 first things to do, galaxy s24 tips and tricks, galaxy s24 ultra tips and tricks, samsung s24 first things to do, samsung s24 tips and tricks, galaxy s24 settings to change, galaxy s24 features, galaxy s24 battery, galaxy s24 price, galaxy s24 hidden features, galaxy s24 tips, galaxy s24 ultra tips, galaxy s24 setup, samsung s24 setup, s24, samsung
Id: 8UU7ZwAR5B4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 23sec (2663 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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