Trisha Paytas' poetry is unbelievably bad....

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right another episode of bad book club what are we getting our hands on today then no oh my god let's go wash my hands [Music] I'm beginning to think that I'm a bit of a masochist there's a special place in my heart for poetry that makes me feel physically ill given that today's book is a collection of poems written by a youtuber Trisha Paytas I found myself constantly making comparisons to Gabi Hanna's poetry book which I made a video about a couple of weeks ago at Ulta lessons as you can see here I'm not exactly treated it very well this one was clearly written for 13 year olds but has a dolt in the title this one however is much more of a book for adults people who reside in asylums my approach to this book however is gonna be slightly different from my approach to Gabi's the poems in this book is certainly more lazy than Tricia's but that lack of effort made them entertaining and generally more bearable analyzing a poem that read I just don't know you know bid me a new lease of life but there is just so much going on in here let me show you there is so much poetry in this danver the fun of the titles is also synonymous with the rest of the text it all just looks like one big splurge it's almost like you've snuck into Trish's house and found her dream journal and it really does say a lot about her personality it's fast okay there are many aspects to Trisha Paytas there are so many in fact that I can name three food social media and love well sex okay not really love there's a lot of sex in this book sometimes it feels like you can even smell it you know I haven't had haddock in a while but we are going to go over food and social media before we go on to the most steamy aspects of this book food the main poem about food is titled an ode to food or Beethoven quaking in his [ __ ] boots you know I love you baby I love you so much but if I have to choose I will choose food honest and straight to the point I can respect that she isn't consistent with the idea that she always chooses food over humans she seems to put them on the same level from what I can tell it satisfies my tongue and bellies up you satisfy with your tongue and bellies touch I'm sorry I'm gonna have to address the logistics of this so he's satisfying her with his tongue but their bellies are touchy what's he gonna do you've got to contort yourself like they say a like imma turn ya I call this one the belly brushing I love a poem when she references food is waking up waking up to eggs okay waking up to sex amazing the best morning sex actually involves both eggs and penetration not eggs being fertilized for the record here's and have one feast on me we feast on this food and I'm so happy you make me giggle you make me full we gain weight and that's okay because I'll feast with you forever to feel this happy ever day feel like she was close to having a good bit of poetry there then ever day you met me her be every day there are a lot of spelling errors in this book in the poem a trick she wrote to wastes minutes of one's life if vain don't care it really upsets me that vain doesn't care about me and for the record in the comments of her the Gabby Hannah video I noticed a lot of people point out her spelling errors no spelling errors weren't hers I'm afraid they were mine while I was typing the poem sucks I leave Gabby had her alone okay she did spell her [ __ ] poetry well again I'm struggling to find much in this poetry book that isn't about love I found a poem called nudes and she writes more nudes please this shall be my medicine yes medicine is a food of support penicillin yummy but most of the times food is just used as a metaphor for love for example in each bee she goes through some of her favorite restaurants steakhouse nights I love so much and sushi house your favorite I know Paige's eat sushi did you wrap a big tasty in rice or something the metaphors are incredibly loose she then writes it's warm and it's wet wet has its own lineup it needs its own line and it's just for you a warm and wet food doesn't really sound appeasing to me I wouldn't even describe soup as warm and wet she thinks she's being subtle essentially but the sexual undertones are incredibly explicit in these poems my favorite attempt at subtlety is in the poem guess what it is it's a poem which talks about how things taste and how indulgent they are she tries to make people think that she's talking about a nice meal when she's actually depicting herself deep throating a donkey [ __ ] club longing to an actual donkey by the way my favorite line of the poem is when she's describing how she feels after eating the food I'm a puddle baby what kind of meal makes you moist and if you do know please serve it up to be right this second right that's enough food for now social media so she seems to connect social media to mental health quite a lot in this poetry book and love of course it seems like she doesn't really understand that she's an individual person most of these poems always revolve around someone else being in the picture for example in ditched I'm sorry you saw me as I was mess who couldn't be saved I realize now that there's actually nothing to do about social media in that poem but just saw the word mess and the first thing that came to my mind was Trisha Paytas his channel would I take the poems about love and lust because which he's not talking about either of those things it's just a bit worrying for example and apologizing to myself you went down this path for fortune and fame you went down this path to run away from pain and then she goes on about how that path of social media has messed her up may as well make some money off it though laughs am i right there's even poems where she's second-guesses her career choices delete delete delete what are you Trisha a [ __ ] Cyberman please still care please still watch please don't listen that would be implying I was doing any of those things in the first place Trisha and again she uses social media as a way to talk about love like in the poem why I do what I do come get this poster you see online come get me for real you should address him without me I mean I'm I couldn't get a flight I mean okay I guess it finally shed some light on why she does what she does I mean if I'm not getting dick at the end of every video then what's the point right love definitely not sex please don't demonetized me YouTube I was thinking I should probably come up with a different word for it in this video my first fort was something like the hoo-ha the treasure offers a pretty nice alternative in this but a pump and dump but at least he seems like he cared pump and dump has anyone ever cared about a pump and dump you a flat tire of something most of these poems are really long okay there are some that are really lazy at the same time they usually found in the poems titled my texts to you the second one it's my favorite you said hmm can you just say hi hmm please for just a little bit hmm can we just talk hmm I thought I was seeing you today I need you the most little smiley faces there I wonder if she chose to leave out the messages from her partner or if he just didn't send any at all imagine someone actually ghosting Trisha Paytas what the hell you know what you're missing out on here come on man it's almost as if she's clinically insane now we're getting to the more gruesome parts of this verse some of these things I never thought I'd said my life let alone my channel anything for entertainment right right he's Punk'd me with his drugs that only he holds inside his body and I want to stay high body drugs lovely I was wondering to myself there what drug would I be and it's actually quite obvious if you think about it nitrous oxide make you feel a bit dizzy I only last 30 seconds and you can leave me in the street when you're done I'm also around this big wheel as their amaura to drugs than food in this book I loved drugs I craved them now I only crave him he's the sugary cereal I so strongly desired no Trisha you didn't you didn't do sugary cereal that's a class sorry Trisha how are you still alive I've come to my conclusion though that I don't think Trisha really likes being pumped and dumped in the poem conversations for example I'm satisfied with talking this is all I need conversations penetrating me harder than anything I've ever felt ah yeah sexy sexy small talk how are you oh and if she does like the hoo-ha and she most certainly doesn't like men there's a part of the poem he called which was just love is he a monster or was he just born with a penis those two things are synonymous some of us are even monsters who have penises which I want stirrers would be made to be first it's hard to read a poetry book that talks about these themes for over 18 year olds what it feels like it was written by someone who's 12 for example in one week of heaven I go to bed happy happy in my heart happy in my underwear look at my panties they've got a nice little smile on them it's just so gross happy in my underwear now because we're getting towards the end of the video I want to be able to show you one of the more risque poems so Susan if you happen to be watching this video thank you so much for the watch time but also it's off my favorite risque poem is titled daddy of course it's titled daddy he's just a little segment a daddy is doing amazing daily [ __ ] yes don't think that gives you a good idea of this poetry but the last poem in this book gives you the reason why Trisha even wrote it in the first place it's a poem titled romantic comedy it's probably my favorite of the work because it made me realize that this book really means something to Trisha that makes one of us the reason she wrote it is basically because she misses her ex fascinating reasoning so this whole book is essentially Trisha trying to remind her ex-boyfriend about how good things have been in some vague attempt to make him come back I don't know if he will come back I imagine he feels like he's just escaped Alcatraz so let me just read you out the segments of this poem never give up on me ex-boyfriend there's no layers to these poems it is very obvious you're my one and only friend you're my lover and best friend I hope you get the message these poems in this book will send I'ma be real with you Trisha ain't nobody making it to the end of this book to see this message except for me I've read the whole thing send help please so because you've managed to get to the end of this video a little treat I love how bad Tricia is at rhyming in the very first poem a shattered heart she writes why can't guys follow through why can't guys let me through those two words are the same sure you don't have to spell them differently now I personally believe that all poems should rhyme but that's just subjective but if you are going to attempt to rhyme at least do it well when Tricia does attempt to rhyme it's sometimes with the same word although there she did try to spell it differently didn't really work and then sometimes when she does get it right and uses different words she just sort of stops rhyming and then in other cases she uses words that don't rhyme but look like they should so I've produced a little beat okay it sounds a little bit royalty-free but allow me I've written down a few of her poems for the lyrics I have her to change a few pronunciations of the words to make them actually rhyme but let's see what Trish's poetry would sound like in a song [Music] do you know what you do the eggs in there please stay and we can make it right please stay I will make it right Brahman is hard yeah you know it's right the waves are crashing from a back-end feeling is love [Music] gonna be on Spotify unfortunately because none of you really want that shall I go watch this video if you haven't seen it already and yeah that's about it [Music] bye
Channel: James Marriott
Views: 1,624,684
Rating: 4.9730935 out of 5
Keywords: trisha paytas, gabbie hanna, james marriott, poetry review, the gabbie show, adultolescence review, gabbie hanna poetry, trisha paytas gabbie hanna, trisha paytas tiktok, gabbie hanna trisha paytas, james, marriott, review, bad book club, entertainment, comedy, reaction, trisha paytas genius, reacting to trisha paytas poetry, trisha paytas poetry review, trisha paytas book, no one likes trisha paytas, 101 poems about my ex boyfriend, trisha paytas poetry book review, trisha, paytas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 25 2020
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