Güd Crate (& Loot Crate update) | Ashens

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hello ah the old mystery crates they have left something of a hole in our lives where we used to be able to open them up and complain about what was in them well you'll be pleased to hear there's an enterprising viewer has decided to take on the mantle of provider of boxes well at least once anyway so yes a member of the audience very kindly sent a nice big box of interesting items to my peer Box ages ago and then sent a smaller box of about the right size to review on the old sofa and I thought you know what these items are so nice I'm gonna bloody do it presenting to you goood crate look they even use some stencils and spray-paint to create nice images that's good innit so I will now reach in pull out each item one by one and we will talk about them and I looked in this a while ago and I've mostly forgotten what's in there so this is gonna be interesting I feel hang on there's involved getting the lid off this this right this is not as easy as I had suspected ah there we are deed leads cranky right oh it's just sitting right on top right on top I'd forgotten this there yes it's a hideous alien soft toy already we're on brand yeah so it's one of these is this from a film I don't think it is I think this is just like some sort of hideous monstrosity they've just knocked up in a dodgy factory cuz some of the stitching they're not looking too Goods a bit Frankenstein and let's get the full impression here of our new best friend Teddy the alien whoa I forgot we just take a light there there he is he's well isn't he yes he has no problems in his life yeah mmm I don't know what this is I don't know what it's for I don't know it's just why and what and when I do I have no words except ugh frankly the use of super realistic eyes really sets this off doesn't it this is what they should have used as the design of the alien movie Paul to ensure that nobody ever went to see it well there we are you sit down there mate and I'll get the next thing out which hopefully isn't another image like you it is the t-shirt I remember this so these things always come with a t-shirt then they so we've got one but oh no this isn't bloody you know the Avengers or something this a Gildan run ring-spun soft style 2x a little bit big firm a bit doesn't matter you can use it as a tent because it's Richard Madeley on the phone yay go go Richard Madeley Dean Dean Dean Dean Dean this takes like a number of years ago he's much older than that now at least seven minutes older ah there we are I can now wear that out and about and people will say look there's that idiot who wears the Richard Madeley t-shirt and you know what there'll be bloody right we don't know who Richard Madeley is lucky you actually most of the audience so imagine because you certainly wouldn't know about me not British he's basically a TV presenter might have been journalists in the past don't know used to famously present a program with his wife Judy Finnigan and that is all you need to know about Richard Madeley today but soon my twenty eight part series delving into his life will be up on this very YouTube channel no one right next up it's a Radio Times I never did check the dates let's have a look Radio Times from it was the London area this is the 18th or 24th of July 1987 so if you are unaware of Radio Times is literally a book of when programs are on television and it's so old it predates television hence why it's called Radio Times there is not one called TV times but I think that's like run by a totally different company and it's all very confusing it's Radio Times BBC in one way or another I don't know I don't know but I do know that I need to get this bloody bag open if I'm going to read the delights inside oh look at this you could join the Britannia music club and get a copy of so by Peter Gabriel Phantom of the Opera double album silicon steel by five star and the considerably older beetles sergeant pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band fair enough right what were the amazing things they are trying to sell us no really I couldn't honestly it's far too much oh darling you shouldn't have don't you just love telling little white lies I think that's trying to advertise diamonds yesterday's in the corner a diamond is forever John diamond is cheap lump of carbon that has been artificially inflated to be worth something and has a horrifying history of murder and well frankly horror around it so that's something to think of when you get one in the ring right next up on the street sergeant Papa Bear Hearn stakes out a real Miami villain now we're talking so and on the disc Miami PD so yeah Miami Vice was a thing that was a TV show about two cool cops look at them here being cool look he's pointing with both fingers that means he's super cool and there's old Don Johnson mm-hmm he's in many films these days in the year what do you turn up and recently knives out which is very very good if you haven't seen it go and see it so it's not infinite Maroney more so don't know how you will life upon the wicket of what's on the stage there's Glynn worship playing mr. Sowerberry and Oliver thanks for that dizzy to the scenery himself oh did he bring machine for it I don't know there's an astonishingly a funny thing happened to Amanda berry Michael and that's Donald Wolfe it apparently in yes somewhat dubious makeup shall we say that's really I mean Dodi does it look weird and awful but yeah there's also vest mustaches don't come out of your nostrils like that so the search and why Roy Hudd make everything better well Smee look at a million bloody things oh wow walking problem try the Elva range I miss what that is elven range what Legolas will give you a bloody lift up the step shops or something nearly said stairs cause my eyes were caught by a Stannah stairlift dad what do you want surgery without research yes that sounds great be a successful writer write little columns in magazines to sell things now I get it man these are adverts for old people on me glide upstairs in the standard state lifts walking problem surgery without research free sample stocking another matching free stocking made-to-measure corset that yeah well there's Burt Reynolds has made everything better right Oh God feather gold low fat blend of butter and vegetable oil so doesn't that's existed for a number of years so let's just see what is on let's pick a random two actually a weekend there'd be better wouldn't it I've gone past it sorry I didn't know this existed when in spain by derek utley a unique combination of guidebook and language course essential luggage for both tourists and business traveler Manuel from Fawlty Towers helps you start speaking simple Spanish we're not gonna comment on that right there's a Monday previously yeah this will do get back to this so what was on BBC one on Sunday the 19th of July 1987 Hemingway second of four programs and the life and works of Ernest Hemingway that's that sounds tremendous if someone with cancer would you help this is Kathleen Gillard she has canceled now you know her did you say canceled rather than cancer I don't think there's a disease called cancel but just in case there is you don't want that either please make your contributions to major HCl garnet CBE room RT 7 cancer relief that's odd isn't it so if you make your charity donations directly to major HCL garnet Wow I mean I mean usually they'd have sort of something openers about sending it to Justin but I don't know I'm confused by this let me maneuver this light round I'm gonna fix this for next time that's annoying me and we shall see what else was on so in Hemingway's and it's all bread by Carla Lane Oh bread this was a sitcom about an annoying family being very annoying and they all put their money in like a porcelain chicken you see it kinda sounds like I made that up but that is actually true Oh God when in Spain is a TV series okay I hadn't heard of that before and now we've just found instantly twice in this bloody book second of five programs with Andrew Sachs and his guy from Barcelona Manuel yes a dodgy sort of comedy stereotype telling you about going round Spain and why the devil not Jeff Bridges and Hollywood cowboy was the movie on BBC two oh babe recede policy is not to broadcast programs which it believes to be unsuitable for children before 9.0 p.m. I've never seen and how will written like that before user then you'd have two zeros or no zeros after that time parents can be expected to share responsibility for what children are allowed to see some programmes after 9 p.m. may be appropriate for an adult audience only to be fair I think parents will sort of expected to share responsibility for their children at all times really that's kind of how that works but available on album cassette and CD Aled yes young hallowed Jones he was a kid who sang he did a bit better now I'll be honest with you on the snowman and became a singing sensation in this country for all of 12 minutes and then he grew up and now he presents radio programmes to believe give him right that's that blimey we could go through every program in alphabetical order but I would die of old age and I don't want that to happen just yet so in god these are amazing bloody dinosaurs attack one of the most fondly remembered of the old collectible bubblegum card things Mars Attacks was sort of in this series that so to speak but dinosaurs attack is absolutely insane as this set of really gory and bizarre sequences of some sort of time machine opens a portal and like dinosaurs come through and kill everything and there's this massive satanic heads dinosaur at the end is absolutely astonishing I mean look at the card art they're all the cover art even there from tops dinosaurs attack I differ do hog my blood is oil man this is still got the bubble gum in it that's not really gonna go let's not be good help us we're trapped in the basement here running low monsters burrow out of the ground every night to eat us we Wow don't dead open inside this stuff's not good it smells of the rotting bubblegum really the truth about Plesiosaurus pleasee asaurus yes i know that it there we are you can have a Plesiosaurus sticker it's just bitten that's right half lovely monster in the museum i do not respect the history of my own species well so we got stuck there note which is quite a big card don't those attack synopsis Prometheus explodes a Space Station it has gone boom the past comes alive as an early one number four look where the dinosaurs have ever stepped out of their hidey hole of space that's quite nice the back of it is presented as a newspaper article and he's the guy strapped to the basement gonna be honest folks it ain't going too well for him and it looks like he's managed to carve a bit of the dancers flesh off but I don't think any of the others are gonna survive it's real [ __ ] shames that mum's holding a baby crikey right we're gonna go through all these quickly because they're gonna be absolutely magnificent in many ways Italy under siege what's happening in there yep there the Tower of Pisa is now leaning a little bit too far and this woman is right freaked out by it has given me a headache that was Italian no-one we've got the all the nice covered get heart overdone so marketing into the globe bleeding profusely blue water savage death so it kind of looks like the Sharks about to go for the guy and then the massive dinosaur things going over that's not a dinosaur guys it's really odd how they have things like this so yeah truth about brontosaurus and then most the domes are just so crazy things it's managed to squash a person under each foot is killing one with its tail and is biting somebody else as well that is a vicious bugger nuptial nightmare well they got married and then both simultaneously gored by Triceratops absolutely fantastic but they didn't have a Tanner cake saurian secrets the dinosaur I hassling you besides why is going on in this one myself and I have been working feverishly to reverse the cataclysmic time tilt and said the downsells back to their own era finally after 40 sleepless hours I slumped over my desk and had a curious dream whoa and the dinosaur saurian creature came to him in his sleep just trying to pick his pocket so I can get the Polo as he's gotten there I think but there we are right next up the Java jeez Nick Soviets versus Dimetrodon translated edition no at the same picture as last time the cool yeah this is yes oh they're really messing up the Dimetrodon there with their various tanks helicopters and weird flying things it's still making a bit of a mess of Red Square DC Holocaust oh my goodness yep songs been picked up some of these Secret Service agents have their head sliced off by a wing and the one in the front is quite obviously being eaten this isn't going well is it this really isn't my god it's dr. Lucy and Sanchez we'll get onto that heartland horror mm-hmm that's not going well for him as it I mean it's eating his horse which is bad they're stealing cows and it's just with its tail has just smashed through him as if he wasn't there he'll love you always that's the noise I suspect is making the ultimate sacrifice oh yes on the scientists has to like jump on the evil dinosaur king cause these are so great the extradition on the back is just an actor with some weird makeup on oh god I love these and there's a Plesiosaurus again you please your soros ripped out of time so at the end if I recall yeah the managed to Helen completes the reverse the sequence oppresses the red trigger button yep and the time slip whatever is reversed and all over the world the prehistoric invaders are ripped out of time but so suddenly insanity they are literally torn to shreds my god yep as you can see it so pulled their flesh off first and then this can certainly that ruined the day for them and that works you just turn it backwards and they will flow back through time for reasons so this is slightly afterwards okay and finally another blue packet what's in here chums I'll bet it's some cards time the scanner disaster sinister events bedevil scientists standard situation ankylosaurus what is this one doing oh it's only killing one person there but it has completely gored them so that's marvelous rebuilding our world 54 what's left of it after the shadows of the dinosaurs of mess people up this woman is chili madness in the streets the blind man's not too worried you think it would be a matter the things making quite a lot of noise and there's some consternation going on please from shooting it hasn't gone that well it's crushed a small car oh that's it that's the yeah like the dinosaur Satan however supreme evil my enemy the enemy of every human who ever lived it's a ghastly sight monstrous beyond belief I feel thy blood begin to boil I feel the pain as my skin blisters and smokes this is the life force that watches over the dinosaurs this is what the saurian called the supreme monstrosity I mean it's not gonna win any beauty competition as well might place third it's not that bad really there's the constant dripping of the green goo from the mouth which is the problem that obviously leads into our friend here yeah being burnt horribly alive by hand that's actually much bigger than it is in that one so maybe they don't follow directly on we can shouts this man and you know why because they can't hold them back and finally time scanner disaster oh yeah they're looking into the past and the hi he's look at them and go right you have now opened a portal through which we will be shoving all our evil dinos because why wouldn't they what a fantastic self.cards are they ever owned a original to dance or a tax one in the past if I have I've completely forgotten about it I might have done a video and forgotten about it it's possible right what's up next a big jelly fruit flavor gummy these are from pound land a vertical and well that that's that's what it says on the tin let's open it up from mega candy company they make mega candies let's take something small and make it good if it's gummy it's not really a jelly baby is it because they're not gummy as such other that's quite small the amount of box there was hmm we noticed this and that are dismayed right flavor what got it oh no it's touched the evil saurian monstrosity at the back allowed children it's like the kool-aid man is the God is the kool-aid man weird it's always like getting children to drink his own blood or something I never understood that right let's give it a nibble okay I bet more doesn't chew that I'm most literal sense no flavor is quite good that's one of the nicest of these gummy things I've come across on the sofa good work whoever made this make a candy company oh yes Rose confectionery limited over here there's the real people and now he's dead and that's the important thing right and we now have oh my giggly goodness mask for the ZX Spectrum this is the very first game there were three for the spectrum based on Mass this is the first one and as you cannot tell from the screenshots on the back here this was clearly written as a totally different game and they just slapped marks graphics 11 facts it really does not have anything to do with the cartoon at all the second one has a lot to do the cartoon and the third is fairly integrated as well second one's more of a sort of side-scrolling vehicle based game third one is a platformer game will you plays Matt Trakker be a mask if you know where a tease toy line very interesting stuff basically you have vehicles all look 80s and cool but they turn into like attack vehicles and the drivers put on these masks with special powers like the special power of that one is I can't remember the special power of that one is it can flash really bright lights in people's eyes but surely wouldn't work with bugs everyone else is wearing one of these I don't know that one's called torch is called ultra flash remember that's torch and fires a bit of flame at the front that is Piper can't remember the name of that one that is the big bad guys mask and it shoots out like acidic venom stuff and that one made Holograms and that one shot loads of knives was called stiletto I really can remember that mustard that's gonna bug me for the rest of my life until I finished this video and I go and look it up so this game it's not awful only thing it's probably the weakest of the mask games and as I said not really very masculine I'm probably doing a video on these at one stage where I go through all three of them and talk about them after I've finished looking at some more of the toys so that's something to look forward to in the future I'll bring that out again then next up oh my god I don't remember this being in it it's one bat commander the wombats will do as I say so this is a knockoff transformer obviously of the mighty Optimus Prime this looks kind of amazing actually oh no I foolishly have not done anything good with the bloody cenote bang on it's getting the old penknife axe and do a bit of a slashing and yeah that's not actually cutting it that's extremely weird there we are it was cutting into the cardboard for some reason like a knifing maniac oh it was combat commander not one back command I'm not so interested now from Kuby and barrel plastic model series probably straight after tower Barrow actually oh it does transforms look interesting this is probably based on a real transformer from some stage but I'm not aware of it it's one a bit past my time oh man that's really nice I do have a masterpiece Optimus Prime in the office that's a lie it's a knockoff masterpiece Optimus Prime because the real ones are too expensive but as easel they're very nice thing so the plastics a little bit cheap and it's a little bit loose feeling that gotta say though has the sort of figure all that and that bends around or transforming purposes later yeah that is feeling very good actually it's got that kind of slightly cheap fielder mist solid and it's a really nice looking thing I tell you what for a display a piece or something that's not bad at all is it now we've got to transform it I will jump cut to when that is complete [Music] yeah not as impressive as the robot part partially because the holes on the top and partially because they saw bits at the end they don't seem to quite integrate into it when the feet are but overall pretty good also very clever transformation sequence whereby it replaces the sort of flat front of the truck whereas the Optimus Prime body part was more tapered that's clever that is really good I look forward to putting that on a shelf and looking at it with my eyes also that actually has a space for the gun in it their bonus point for that now let's tip top thank very much marvelous very happy oh look what is it now it's a pin badge because they always come with a pin badge and this one is Godzilla Godzilla but not God zukie he's an irritant um yeah that's gross pay actually I shall put that on my bag where I have my badges on the strap because that's a place where I put them and yeah nicely done nicely enameled nicely produced I'll be pleased if I got that nobuta crate but this has been far far nicer so that's quite important and finally what do we have here but a gameit's game yeah if we use with the game aids LCD game system I don't quite know where he got this from but good work this is game 8 card see one double O 9 tornado look at the incredibly badly reproduced graphics that really blurry marvelous oh I'm getting got it from France Lasorda later anthro Vaughn man the something of Earth has entered your hands what's the fate the fate of the earth is in your hands there we are gonna take a walnut or command was commanding with tornado a bird of combat [Music] arm it's hyper sophisticated weaponry food every four sanely because you do the one you're gonna do that something to your enemies bloody look look it's ashume up that's all that matters oh my goodness oh it's got instructions in there or we won't be some proper translation joy look at this and see many of these seemingly unused game a card in the game it was a gameboy knockoff and obviously incredibly popular which is why we've all got seven to this day 1990 bit core no Corp record their nests when they do we have this good in German we got it in French we did not have it in English that is a shame well unfortunately I do not just have a Tsar is another I'm in the box oh that's good innit I said that was the last one it totally isn't um yeah I don't not sort of have a game make just a hand to play things on wait I told a comedy lie right put that in no dear this will work and the game ate self does bear no that's that's that's not good okay this could take a few weeks strap yourselves in kids helps me put it in the right way up because I've just realized you put it in with the things that way around that's why the game boy had a notch right you may remember this from my review of it oh yes you can't see it you can't see the screen because it's so incredibly hang on there we are the ring lights will save the day tornado that would that do it press Start I would bloody love to a rest start oh yeah I can't see at the hell's going on I'm looking through the viewfinder I can't read what this says but there's a picture of an aircraft this is the funkiest music that ever funked here we go I think I'm shooting things I genuinely can't see as soon as anything moves on the screen it just turns into a blurry mess much of that did happen to game anyway but Wow well now I have another game eight game to add to my collection it's this one basically weren't paying attention what lovely sound effects this doesn't have crikey well I'll play that later and then if you see me in the street stop me and ask how it was and I'll have forgotten right final item and stuck to the side of the crate it is electronic LCD game dinosaurs it's gonna be much worse than the game that game isn't it multi levels of play realistic sound effects yeah I'll bet five button operation various advanced features really bad knock off godzilla who looks like a mountain of poo being attacked by pterodactyls fantastic and on the back the same right i put batteries in it I must admit haven't turned it on to don't actually know if it works but OH instruction manual even more exciting the device itself looks a little bit like a game child of some type doesn't it bonus points for that right go on general fees there are five levels of play level one there is no fuel refill and no pitches well no straight out lucky on play football driver only needs to beware of the opponent cards and avoid the crash I'm reading the Formula one instructions this is a different case that's be this this includes a the dinosaur attack isn't listed well let's just play it into me this is the first time I've seen just a left and right and nothing else that's intraday usually put a joint pad on to make a little more Gameboy but the overall design is clearly ripped off from the boy of the game right dinosaur battle here we possibly might go maneuver it round against you can see it there we are that's a thing isn't it can you see that is it it's all in focus ah that's the way to do it right okay on no turn off we can't fire to start right no yes [Music] such sweet music but don't Oh thought oh you are Godzilla viewing pellets but select pterodactyls let's call the mockers even though they're not Wow well it's like space invaders for people who like to hurt them so fantastic that makes some noises Annette bloody hell that's quite an astonishing little thing that I'm gonna put that with my collection of things that look a bit like a game boys which is basically a collection of game trials and something called something with a name very similar to dinosaur battle dinosaur attack or something I have but it's not quite that game so that is good crate sent in by a lovely viewer it's nice to get nice things and this was a box full of genuinely interesting items yay if you liked it so in the comment and maybe we can convince him to waste more of his hard-earned money sending me things so this has got me thinking what is the actual old-school loo crane like these days well I actually had one delivered the other day let's very quickly go through it and boom so I've cut the seal but have yet to look in the very very plain loot crate and so this I received a day for yesterday and yeah it just comes in like a black shoe box now nowhere customized boxer answers something on the inside there is not it is properly a kind of shoe box and that's see a lot right there t-shirts good start what is it was that wishful thinking no no it wasn't oh look at that so this year Masters of the Universe blimey that's battle cats battle Harless thing wings of the sorcerer a CEO at Castle Grace Kelly sort of thing you're on twin swords and don't know Eternia or something about quite like there's a t-shirt design okay that's solid that's a good good start box may be boring but that wasn't next up there is Power Rangers mega Dino Zord fit oh yeah I put the knife away perhaps I can open it with this spoon what could as well that's that's a first right that's quite nice as well I mean it's sort of that super deformed look I have no particular interest in Power Rangers myself but oh it's not it is a statue it does not do the Moving's okay probably Voltron why did Voltron come first of Voltron come after add another story of Voltron yeah yeah that's nice enough if you want a little the chibi Power Ranger maegor's Dino Megazord that is a thing hmm okay yeah this is all positive so far nice to do it Rosen say nice to do it catch up and you know what they seem to have gone up but I'm gonna say no because there's nothing else particularly in the box we've no I've just emptied it basically Navi LM there we are that you can look at that QR code and I'll show you a website something there is a poster of oh it's blue the Jurassic world dinosaur what is this loot crate exclusive Jurassic world it's there's the dinosaur pink grey always fearful if I can add those well at least it's a nice picture I suppose a sheer our loot pin that's quite interesting gotta say nice design as well yeah yeah solid solid and finally blimey some Star Trek coasters Wow they look exactly the same they're all the main bit the disc the saucer I believe they call it of the USS Enterprise NC c-17 oh and then they are literally just some cardboard and not very thick cardboard of that those are terrible embarrassingly bad so really for your Luke right now you get essentially proper itemize three of them you little statue which is nice a decent pin well that's very small and your t-shirt and that is your lot so yeah there's not much to them anymore is there that is something of a shame well it's nice to dip in and see you they're doing every so often I tell you what you are seeing a lot of their exclusive items appearing in Poundland at the moment so they've definitely sold off some old stock well there we go if you would like your own gewd crate tuft it's I think that's the takeaway from this only I may have them and unless the guy does it just makes no one gives somebody else I mean it's possibility subscribe for more [Music] [Music] you
Channel: ashens
Views: 352,417
Rating: 4.9059577 out of 5
Keywords: Gud crate, mystery box, subscription box, subscription boxes, loot crate unboxing, loot crate, ashens loot crate, loot crate review, Dinosaurs attack, unboxing, ashens, review, funny, giant jelly baby, optimus prime, radio times, dinosaur game, lcd game, gamate, typhoon
Id: K3zJ8joXkHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 39sec (2019 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 06 2020
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