Hangrees: Weird Poo Slime Toys | Ashens

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hello remember that recent Poundland special I did where we discovered that apparently what all kids toys are about these days are poo and poo related things well wait for it it's reaching a bit of a nadir welcome to the hangar ease I don't know what relevance the hangar is have doesn't that mean angry and hungry at the same time no idea but I tell you what they are they're toys that [ __ ] themselves yeah I've had these sick in the garage for ages frankly I was hoping to put it off a bit longer but I couldn't get together all the bits I needed for the next Raspberry Pi case video in time so I'm gonna fill the gap with a literal [ __ ] toy mmm what could possibly go right mutant turds this one you see rather than mutant turtles yep they're playing fast and loose with copyright to say the least poop slime and icy slime has been very popular with the children the toys recently so now they are combining the two for poop slime we do well there's a new password for your bank online banking right well it could have been to Kaka look look see it's like Chewbacca except he's got a no diarrhea or something brilliant parody that means it's a joke yeah I'm not sure legally that will protect you from blatantly doing things that look like other people's intellectual property but let's not get into that always a Harry Potter look there's a man Squarehead robe plops I'm supposed me like a roblox man I see well they're getting into all the kid stuff on me and that one I've got no idea it says turd Titans on his top is that supposed to be Beast Boy from Teen Titans could got and five nights of farts yep there's a five nights at Freddy's one because of course you need some sort of haunted animatronic to be [ __ ] his pants in front of you I've actually got that one as well so we'll look at that one second oh dear so yeah yeah let's not put it off let's just go in right there's some sort of food which is given at the shits by the looks of it who wrinkles who see what they've done there don't they put poo sort of was a freebie but what is the freebie they do get marks the expression on the Pringles man's face there that's amazing it is a small rock-hard plastic ball with the hangar EES embossed on it old I suppose that's to help things mix up that's always gonna be the mixer okay I'm down with it um well stir we have a plastic pot some glitter is this to add to the poo Gaza panty dude your turtles poo glitter I did wonder well you know they say eat glitter and shite all day and this is presumably the slime mix or something here is a mixing bowl stroke chemical toilet that's nice and yeah here is Michael and it's it's all the Ninja Turtles at once which era Ninja Turtle it is it's your favorite so I've decided mutant turds see even says on its head well here's all the other ones to collect I'll put that to one side and enjoy that later mm-hmm right instructions we shall be needing those instructions in English that's good let's have a quick look at the device itself yeah head opens up oh well there's a weird tongue in it quite enjoying that because its sheer gross Ness and there is the inside of its anus marvelous so presumably you put the slime in there and then you dole yeah we found the launching spot on God's got veiny sculpted bum brilliant that doesn't do anything all that does no yeah that opens the poo flap and guys why why are these things existing so this is like the small chemical toilet he's been left while the plumber sort out as real toilet or whatever I'm guessing you mix the [ __ ] mix I know I suppose you mix this lineup tonight and inductive yeah let's just find out shall we right illustrations are for reference only a good start very very practical concerts you have whatever mate so you junk food container each tent opens differently yep top comes off we know that before beginning cover the play area to prevent possible damage don't worry I've got a plate tear open the slime powder and slime texture packets and pour into the container with shaker ball sounds great tightly close the lid and while holding lid shuts shake to mix the pattern texture okay that makes perfect sense let's get on and do that here is the protective plate Billy the protective plate who knocks off the cameras white balance due to being far far too bright with all the night on it okay have we won yet so I'm going to empty in the contents of the packet oh god is gone everywhere already perfect absolutely wonderful hope you have breathed lots of hidden and they'll kill me in some way cause of death fake turd inhalation I always knew I'd go that way and right that's pretty much done is it can it be done now yes I decided they can let's mix in the wonderful wonderful glitter while we're at it I'm staying in the packet can't be bothered marvelous right what happens next then means to a diversity of all we need to give it a shake then fill the toilet up to the fill line with room temperature water mm-hmm before beginning make sure the legs oh God then pour it in okay standing position or the shakable should go in something as well good god right so a lot of shaking go on a whole lot of shaking going on you could say right so that's on there this is fun it there we are that has shaken let's have a quick look at the nutrition facts oh these appear to be quite straight up actually that's that's almost disappointing right that is that yep that's all mixed up in there marvellous let's get the water and the bog and there's the fill line there it is right here's some room-temperature water I recovered from the tap earlier right we're up to that marvelous what can possibly go wrong oh this is gonna be right oh no no no it's alright we didn't spill any imagine the horror that would have been right there so we pull this in the now for love oh no no no nope we actually shake it in the character oh okay okay I shall not break the sacred rules of the hangar ease there you go leave the shaker ball in for obvious reasons ooh Ninja Turtle Matt Benwell Master Splinter this is what happens if you live in a sewer right let's top up clunk click every trip and we have to shake it for a minute tightly closes mouth and hold it shut and Shake for one minute oh my god right I'm gonna speed this footage up wasn't music over it [Music] and that is one minute of shaking and now my arm hurts right so we put down the toilets after shaking for a minute sit your character directly over the toilet facing forward for a perfect fit lift its left leg okay from my point of view this is the left leg well just as left leg in actuality isn't it not just from our point of view right let's put him on that so okay sit your character directly over the toilets facing forward right it doesn't really work expel the thing well let's just move the other leg to make your character poop slime lifts its right leg its butt will open and poop slime into the toilet of course it will are we ready everyone ready steady though there we are it didn't do much of a perfect fit to these things move up higher no they don't just kind of doesn't well well there we are really I mean I mean it's got that gross factor that kids find funny bear I mean come on guys we you nice to have something else in here a poop joke on its own is not much is it little bit of context set something up and knock it down wherever just there we are we've now got this mint soup because apparently that is what Ninja Turtles [ __ ] out allow the poop slime to sit in the toilet for 10 to 15 minutes tremendous I shall remember that for the rest of my life how absolutely wonderful well well that sits there let's have a look at the second one then lets us bring on five nights or do you know what I'm actually going to get it out of the packet first we gone done did a jump cuts five nights of farts look it's it's the evil bear character generic well really well at least none of the poo is poo colored in this lot is it this is going to be like robot who I don't know oh this is the texture thing it's a load of red play-doh oh god I've seen this one on Twitter I think somebody sent a picture to mr. biffo it basically is a massive rectal prolapse and shits out his own guts which is not a phrase I thought I'd be using with what are ostensibly children's toys well whatever so the food with this one is KITT splat crappy wafers in milk chocolate really and yeah there's the little bobble thing so well it's because we haven't learned our lesson let's go through all this again let me go over there live there forever right oh that's a very sticky right let's see if we can have more of a successful output this time yay yeah oh that was going everywhere and everything is ruined come on there we go oh dear well guys like a party at Bob Morton's house there we are random Rover Robocop reference for everybody and this Oh God I thought this is like played it was it's far too dry and awful yeah that's that's gonna be interesting um entirely sure how this is gonna be able to be sure the top doesn't stay on brilliant tip-top well nobody sure they're shaking this one's gonna do much actually because it's just gonna kinda yeah well I'll give it the minute worth of shaking I won't bother showing to it so I'm just gonna jump cut straight to it hooray well I've discovered something the top of it isn't supposed to come off as one piece very easily there's actually a lid on it to make it more toilet II that's why we couldn't sit him on it yes see it was ran the other way I thought it was just one solid piece that came straight off like that see yeah but no there is a hinge that was the giveaway I missed right let's make this thing physically occur in this universe because I don't know all we deserve is hate right that's it let's see that what's the point of shaking that for 30 seconds a minute even and you ended up with that rubbish okay Oh God I've just remembered you weren't supposed to shake it in there for a minute you don't supposed to say the quickest way to shake for a minute when it's in the thing I wasted a minute of my own time well since my time seemed to be mostly taken up with playing with quite literally shitty kids toys I'm not going to complain too much there we are the right jump cuts of the end of the shaking well that's well and truly shook and it's leaked a tiny bit of red bum juice which is an image that will stay with me right sit on the bog Oh see again it's not really Oh No yep that's it salt doesn't really enable them to mount the toilet even with the top on but there we are it's it that is a full rectal prolapse it's what was inside and should be inside he's now outside which is a polite way of saying here it has literally pooed out its own guts lovely what a way to go tremendous well that's five nights at freddy's well spent isn't it what did you do for five nights [ __ ] meself till me guts came out do you realise with you I've had better weeks well um I tell you what let's have a look at the lovely leaflets that tells you what other ones you can get in this range of ultimate horror and then we'll leave it a few minutes and come back and see how the poo slime has accumulated that's full of phrases I never thought I'd say today right what we got no jobs a Minecraft run of course there is the hangry slime making parodies their parodies honest guys we're definitely not cashing in on your stuff honest five nights of farts we have seen with a kiss splat and cargo craft hey there's there's like a version of Steve or something with reeks peanut butter plops and pees we build pijo Harry plopper isn't that so named that Homer gives his pet pig in the Simpsons Movie don't know are we the squirt zit original so let's have a look at the [ __ ] we've got rectal rectal prolapse color again the same for Minecraft Harry Potter is some sort of M and I suppose we're full of golden snitches I've got no idea there's a bronze chrome 5 not so fast one work that one out booger King that's that's a different orifice guys from wwp look it's generic wrestler who proves that blue stuff with red things in man you need to see a doctor quick Kaka crunch crap Oh toys me captain or something can I make that out with the Rope lops which is kind of a brown with a green hint lovely KFC Kentucky Fried mermaids that's going for a different joke with old Chukotka who makes something looks like that llama poo from the panel on video farts nights really just a-going and jumper producing astonishingly orange something unicorn dogs oh great and there's mutant turds of course with its yeah disturbingly green so oh god this o is a series total now they're all series one okay okay we could have had buzz to tear Oh yesyes like from Toy Story but there's got to in name with some sweet farts Keller of [ __ ] sort of luminous orange lovely DJ fart mellow I don't know what's that supposed to be from actually with pure with Holy's milk right there's something slightly Parikh a load there but a little bit too red it's not me whirring the incredible dump taking blue shits which is a a plot point from the boys comic there's a thing I don't know if it's carried over the TV series or not because I'd seen that yet taco smell her incredible dubbed you see what they've done there is spider-man or splatter man oh well this is the extra rare red chrome variant of course it is but I mean they're open please you know like blind bags you can see what's in the box and we understand that pee those poops and spider-man apparently shits angel delight so we're there we are that's Canon now direitos from turd tights and you as a beast boy thing okay the bright-red jell-o from despicable pee and look one big eye and two small eyes in the desperate attempt to get around copyright green boom cannibals cockadoodledoo p-- from walking Dukey walking dead thing that kids really internet just generic zombie for them I suppose spider-man again and finally toilet story that's my favorite of the puns double poop diarrhea and purple purse opposed to be like the the clown a color or little monster things well great well I'm gonna give it another five minutes for these poos to settle and then we shall nurse it see what it's see what is Oh God well friends the excretion as set what a day it's been so the final indignity and just to top off and all the turtle glitter has gone to the bottom as well it should cheat I was expecting some kind of done mold to mold these into shaped turds like things like on the bit of promotional material there but it's not to be it is just some goo there's some stuff Oh God is really slimy and awful well lovely this is more like something that's have a snot or some sort of gross out thing about there's no no that I'm saying toys that [ __ ] themselves on to gross out but yeah great lovely that's on my hands now and the red one yay it looks like some sort of strawberry dessert almost certainly isn't those this is a very different texture well probably because of all the red play-doh II stuff in it there's an image for you another image Oh God I've dropped a little bauble out of it that will give everywhere there we are have a load of slimy poo on your tongue well what a thing that is yeah it's clearly going for the gross-out factor as opposed to the childish haha poo sort of thing it feels like it's aimed at a slightly older audience but it's still yeah just deeply unpleasant they're trying to cash in I think perhaps more on the slime craze than anything else with a side salad of poo Oh Deary me well I mean whether or not this is appropriate for young children who is up to you obviously it does say naught to three sad onions on the back of it and eight plus on the front so yeah I mean an 8 year old is really gonna be that into this don't know know this it's a weird thing isn't it so what I don't want to expend any more in mental energy thinking about it I just want to throw all this in being and then just forget it ever happened how nice that will be [Music] you [Music] [Music] you
Channel: ashens
Views: 337,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the hangrees, slime making, gross slime, 5 nights, the hangrees slime, the hangrees fnaf, the hangrees toy, the hangrees slime making parodies, the hangrees review, poop slime videos, tmnt, teenage mutant ninja turtles, Five nights at freddies, ashens, review, funny, funny slime
Id: 5JqUGH0_Lf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 50sec (1250 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 20 2019
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