Final Loot Crate, Random Box & Amazing Mystery Box | Ashens

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well looks like we won't be doing these anymore boom and this my friends maybe the final boom for loot crate em so if you haven't heard the news loot crate have filed for bankruptcy in the country of America where they are and it looks like they are indeed on the way out they seem to a lot of money to a lot of people for business stuff and they've been like bought by a company who's got there like probably got their inventory for pennies on the dollar and that kind of stuff so it ain't looking too good this could be our last loot crate together friends so this could be the last unopened one in the world who knows who knows don't know if they're still supplying orders or not I've got no idea but I tell you what I have got an idea about this box is gonna be full of stuff and we're gonna go through it piece by piece and see what happens there I think we've given this enough reverence let's see what's in the box oh it's done up like the Ghostbusters ghost trap thing again look I think that's one we had before and inside is a Ghostbusters slimed figure it's an adult collectible not a toy don't give it to the kids loot crate exclusive blur blur blur blur blur and yep I have cut the bottom so it'll come open easily and Christ I to see this actually oh who doesn't have a nice okay strong starts what could be the final loot crate and oh and look at that it's slime it comes off you won as well so there we are those Venkman going oh no I'm gonna get slimed and Slimer here which is beautifully look at that the teeth and the face and they got that's really good it's really solid plastic as well I don't know if this is like an old one that brought backwards a new one or what because there has been a so say there has been a lot of repetition of items and I'm looking in the box there and yeah we'll go into that in a minute but yeah this is the scene obviously in ghostbusters where the ugly little spud as he was known before he was more personified as comes along asthma and goes through Venkman and he ends up slimed so this is like just the second as he is passed through and got him all ectoplasm and it comes with a rather nice here we go I've just seen it's when the next box is actually called I hadn't realized that's going to be interesting right that goes on like that and there we are you can have yourself a Venkman or you can have yourself a Venkman with a Slimer problem and I think in a very real sense all of us have Slimer problems on an existential level that's really good that isn't excellent little statue ten points as we begin that unfortunetely those points are going to go down fast cuz the next item is adult collectible not a toy jaws drain stopper I thought this was another toy thing I hadn't read the drain stopper part well there we are I'm cut oh I hope so I would cut the sellotape on that that's because I pulled it off right then remember that movie Jaws you're gonna need a larger boat brethren and all the other exciting quotes oh that's a thing is would that actually stop a drain and pressure on it from the water above around it yeah I suppose it would well there we are there's jaws and the exploding barrels they're gonna shoot to make it go bang bang boom well thanks for that I don't know who asked for a plain blue rubbery jaws stopper and but here it is here it is you can stick it stick it on your drain and hopefully no water will go through it yeah I mean if it was painted or something it might be quite interesting but I suppose does paint really take on this kind of stuff I don't know again I've got no idea if this is an old item or new one but it's bit [ __ ] frankly um you can go over there and be crap Venkman you stay there and be good now the next two things are definitely reruns has already gone both it is the League of regrettable superheroes loot crate edition so this is an interesting book going back through comic book history and seeing the crappiest of the heroes the origin of the new Dracula that's a design isn't it nightmare and sleepy they're my new favorites Lady Satan fan - oh god I've I've read a bit of Fanta that's from the dreaded Fletcher Hanks who was a complete maniac as a great book about him um - great books I said that collects his comics also have a little bit of info yeah this doll man he's very small good cousin stank that 80s action film doll man wasn't there which sounds exciting but was very dull doctor hormone what I will make your soldiers immune to death with hormones there this feels like somebody has a very loose grip of a scientific principle and then just ignored what they even knew anyway yeah here we are this is a cut-down version of a book you can buy in your book shops and Amazon stuff and he's a good book I would recommend actually and but yeah we've this is a cut-down lootcrate version and we've had it before mean it's nicely printed and it's nice hardback and all the colors are good on that but it's still a not the fill book and be yeah we've had it before until you else we've had before John Morris's follow-up book regrettable supervillains Wow that that's that's a thing isn't it you look at the seaweed Queen that classic everyone's favorite the horrible hand the dictator you will stupid offspring of a pig good god that's that's that's a serious monster looking thing there but don't worry mr. justice is gonna kick him up the bum and everything's gonna be okay and Bloor i am blue dictator of uranus take me to your ruler i have a piece of string and i need to know how long it is yeah so again that is something else for a loot crate from years ago loot crate edition again so cut down well if you want your cut down loot crate library to expect in some way there you are I don't know why I'm saying is if you could still get it because yeah loot crate I think effectively a consumer point of view for the time being at least is gone I would not recommend putting in any orders or anything because um at the moment you don't know if they'll be filled or not hmm oh look it's the Tyrell corporation or Tyrell to the pronounce economies and whilst has seen it from Blade Runner they make synthetic humans like Rutger Hauer may he rest in peace yeah well that's something you whine on things it's quite a nice badge but again it's a repeat I already have one of those the pin is oh that's actually really nice one of the demon dog ghosty demon bastards from ghostbusters could be Sigourney Weaver could be Rick Moranis who knows really good Finn that I don't know if I don't recall ever seeing this one before so it's new to me at least I'll tell you what's new to me this Venkman and jaws the rather stuff I have had before can you shine any light on it with this when the mega crate hmm nemesis Luke straighten different superbook's already got one of these don't worry we sent you a fun surprise instead no no you didn't knew you sent me two of those Lutz our favorite hmm that means there's been done in patch or pin I like that ghost pac-man pin more than axe already got one of those but I do have some of those from a different manufacturer so who cares and yet terror dog him that was quite as well well what can we say folks this really does barring a small miracle of some kind look like the very end of lucrative Venkman may think that comes to the front you were a quality item let's at least look at something nice as we reflect back on our years of loot crate so why are they go under and well the mark of these things shrinks if you're getting a box of these every month you're paying the money and also getting just more and more stuff and there's only so much stuff people can deal with I mean the amount of people I give this stuff away to because I just can't have a house you know full of loot crate bits and bobs and that's one thing I wonder if there was too much diversification as well you look at their website they're still got like 17 active subscription boxes you can subscribe like 17 different think the amount of bloody licenses you'd have to have alone to make that kind of thing work and it cost a bloody fortune and then you've got you know all the separate oh man logistically a nightmare and then when the market for such things shrinks you've got so much stuff going on you can't keep up with it whereas maybe if we just had one or two core boxes it wouldn't have been so bad I don't know I'm spitballing here it's just a thought that I had in my brain but yeah what can we say except for now and probably forever goodbye to loot crate as we look at all these little bits of pop-culture ephemera which will now be lost like tears in rain it's time for the sponsored section Thank You hideous doll many thanks to audible for sponsoring this very video and as a result we shall be talking about audio books for you see I was very late to the audiobook party I basically didn't think about them until the Alan Partridge book came out several years ago you remember I Partridge we need to talk about Alan which one I'm sure you all know how in the Partridge Steve Coogan character that to put it mildly is a very precise scoring of a certain type of older British TV presenter yeah it's really funny stuff many TV shows blah blah blah and all that kind of stuff but it occurred to me that it would be great to have this book read by Alan Partridge by Steve Coogan and character and of course that is what the audiobook was so I went and got it and had seven hours of immense goddamn amusement I remember listening to it in the queue at the post office and having to turn it off because I couldn't stop myself from laughing and let me tell you friends a post office queue is no place to be laughing dear but yeah I sort of got into an after that and now I listened to many things when I am travelling for it is massively enjoyable there's not some signal to that called nomad which is also very good anyway audible yes audible is like a massive massive a depository Stroke shop of audiobooks and other similar stuff they seriously have a look at the catalogue the range of stuff they have is absolutely astonishing and you can go in see what you like the look off and buy it and then listen to it you know like you would a shop because that's kind of what it is now if you remember you get a free audiobook every month you get 30% of all regularly priced audiobooks and they have a gigantic selection of audiobooks seriously but also original shows comedy news they have loads of stuff there's apps for your phones you can access and listen to your stuff whenever there's chapter navigation speed control and something called whisper sync for voice I love that name whisper sync for voice sounds we're like a fragrance doesn't it whisper sync for men but basically it means you can pick up listening to something on a different device and you don't lose your place which is remarkably useful so you can get your first audio book for free plus two audible originals if you try it for 30 days at slash ashens or if you're in the USA you can text ashens to 500 500 seriously but I should point out that only works in the United States of America oh I've got to mention while we're here actually how do you remember the film alien 3 of course you do well also there was that unused script from William Gibson which was kind of doing the round so to speak they've actually made an audio drama based on it on audible and it's a heck of a thing Michael Biehn and Lance Henriksen are it doing the voices and directed by Dirk Maggs you've probably not heard of Dirk Maggs but seriously he is like the man for directing audio drama in the United Kingdom yes really interesting today Gibson's screenplay is put out like that if you're into your movies and into your aliens and frankly who isn't that is a good shout also Jon Ronson's because of excellent investigative journalism stuff and they're really really good stuff actually it's some of my favorite bits on there so yeah get your first audiobook three plus two audible originals if you try it for 30 days as I said before it's slash ashens or if you are in the United States of the Americas you can text ashens to 500 500 that's the end of the sponsored bit on to the next box so here's a weird one boys mystery box may contain a mix of toys carrying stickers magnets etc I'm sure so this was 10 pounds as you can quite clearly see I bought this probably over a year ago now at a toy fair in Norwich and it was just like put together and being sold for 10 pounds and I bought it and then second a shelf of bloody forgot about it it's so I've slit up the entire bottom of the box and so I can lift it up and it's all gonna fall out and I'm genuinely excited to see what's in here it's gonna be a mix of toys keyring stickers magnets etc I hope right I'll be ready we steady it's may not actually work we've got the bottom of the box is weird Oh nope we're good hey there we are nothing left in it nope well that was less visually exciting than hopes anyway what have we got guys it looks like a load of promotional stuff has been left over from something actually and so bear in mind this I've got are these stickers from the bloody fat and four stick movie I saw that the cinema knowing is gonna be awful going in it's really not good guys I thought it's one of those things where people just like the best thing ever no it's it's really chronically poor and so you've got flaming man psychic lady invisible stretchy bloke and rock dude thanks better how they did the Fantastic Four properly is it now it's back with Marvel sure I'll say back with Marvel that doesn't really work like that with the movies does it anyway now it's with Marvel surely they'll reboot Fantastic Four they need like a big science guide and they now that say they've killed of Tony Stark so mmm could Reed Richards come in there the main thing is they're gonna want Doctor Doom because Doctor Doom has never been done properly in the cinema the best version was probably in that Roger Corman film could god there's a thought that was never released don't story for you here in the Roger Corman film there's a big like rubbery suit that's the dr. doom character wears as you would expect it actually came up in an auction for props like a year or two ago and I seriously considered buying it but by the time you'd worked out buyers fees and percentages on top it's been so expensive as ridiculous plus how how what would I use it for but I just have it like up in the office I don't know why I wanted it so badly I'd probably just really like dr. doom do I really like ant-man he's alright and man only in cinema asked was gone a bit now isn't it look there's a really bad pin badge of his face and a really big pin badge of him squatting for a poo thanks guys watch out because here they come Alvin and the Chipmunks the road chip and I'm not very impressed with his bloody box so far guys yeah there is Alvin looking at his map because he can't afford a GPS the chipmunk idiot what's this I don't know Samsung Galaxy we think this is like an advertising thing for sound second model adhesive phone stand obviously so you stick that on your phone and then you've got this weird bit of sort of advertising on it and then I see you bend it forward and oh look now my phone won't stand friends and then you can put it back at the end well as long as you've got quite a wide phone that would probably work I can't vertically as well yeah well better vertically actually head no oh well that was exciting and really nice pin of the Ares 3 mission from the Martian see the movie many years ago Martians very good fun and that's a really nice pin match I'm gonna keep that one that goes in the keep pile light up trick yo-yo from street vibe that goes on the other pile off you know Batman vs Superman I still feel bad years ago we took frenzy Batman vs Superman and without realizing that you'd never seen a superhero from like that was the first he saw I still feel bad about that so this is like a big slab of metal that locally bottles actually quite like this as a physical item if I could bogi glue and if I could chisel this off that'd be right it should just say Martha all over in hundreds of words yeah good god well let that's a thing isn't it I should point out we took the same friend see a civil war afterwards which he basically described as the same film but far better a pan every legend has a beginning this film found no audience if I remember I actually haven't seen himself well is this the same is not a toy what is the other stickers temporary tattoos I know the stickers are thing on there no I'm getting over temporary tattoo Vaughn no exert it would come with instructions wouldn't it I'm gonna have to open it up and find out or we will never know come on come on open up this 4-year old turd and yeah yeah yeah oh they are stickers yeah they're really crap stickers actually look pan which was theatrically panned by the critics I'm sorry everybody oh you ever did that oh no now we're talking woof not I've knocked the camera my excitement magnetic back one of these really old ones from Poland games a poor lamb and Gallagher no I don't know she said it hello open open your spine well hope the packaging wasn't worth anything actually what other ones run around in this draft snakes and ladders chess solitaire Ludo iron backgammon why not back again back in the game I always enjoy I've only ever played at my friend Raymond and I always forget how to play immediately after we've played it's really odd so oh yes look at this tiny little instructions on single sheet of bog roll oh they're little magnetic bits and the dice which will just lose everywhere Tom and this is such a staple of the 80s and 90s this kind of fold-out board game absolutely marvelous I mean these days probably just have a more effective version on your iPad or something but hey its physical and we like it that's going in the keep pile and finally oh this is gonna be air it's an ice cube trays now I worked it out when it said watch first before use and not dishwasher safe not for microwave use but I always freeze water in my microwave great Superman logo from the Man of Steel or the miserable man of bollocks which in that film kind of was Joe when kevin costner died late that was fun wasn't it good god right well actually i mean if you want Superman logo ice cubes you could do a lot worse I'm not sure what you would but there we are well that was certainly not worth 10 quid of anyone's money was it was mostly just promotional - then found out from somewhere crikey oh well next box beam it down Scott man yes it is the amazing mystery box there big old box of stuff which is usually slightly older merchandise that they just basically say a massive box of it for a relatively low sum of money which is nice isn't it and this is apparently I am told by the people entirely Star Trek stuff inside so that's interesting I don't know which of this many many Star Trek franchise as it covers let's open it up I'm glad you find out already I've seen what I think is a soft toy Captain Kirk and I'm very excited by it I've also seen something I've actually got from of these before but a mod right it is indeed plush Kirk first a sunny rough feel to it actually well Kirk was a bit rough around the edges well I'm presuming this is K I could be Scotty actually couldn't yellow yellow with the things around that's definitely Kirk isn't it yeah and look how smug he looks a little half his mouth has been envious stitch so that's the thing well that's original series well if you do need a cuddly Kirk and let's face it who doesn't need a cuddly Kirk in their life you've got this mighty thing to hug and love and issue you orders while you control the USS Enterprise right next thing is something I have seen before governments at leas perform on these didn't I it is a set of chippies and all the little Star Trek men and ladies includes all 12 characters by a special edition gold Spock and Kirk which look rubbish because the characters aren't gold go on I'll open it up you're just not sealed so it's nice and easy there we are look all your favorites I'm just going to go like this we've been through this before so I want to hang around it that's always nice secon in there and that man I remember making mistake in the video and saying that was yeoman Janice Rand because I saw the face and hair that let's do yeoman Janice Rand in it no look no uniform medical you see it's nurse Christine Chappell isn't it I was a fool to myself also amazingly Scotty here is being picked up with a facial recognition in the camera none of the others are just him isn't that weird oh he looks so miserable right that's nice little set of things we've seen that before though next up Star Trek in your pocket oh god this is a really super loud from I understand right always the one I had of these before is it mister I can't remember anyway that may not have been in the video let's press buttons and see what noise is going of the United Starship Enterprise good for you I'm pleased to meet you can I have some sugar please what's the next one - the what - OH - to beam up Scott if they said to the beam up Scotty I thought but they've got a vehicle called the beam up when did that happen yeah okay that's a little bit unclear but fair enough next up fascinating Bazin a ting is of course mr. Spock's favorite pastime it's where he makes Basile nuts no fascinating from mold mr. Spock there go on yeah that's a good one hey but are they all DeForest Kelley lip tremendous oh that's the most important one I feel like to have this on hand at all times while recording just in case I need to say something's dead - a man called Jim the show that changed the way we look to science fiction for error is now available in your pocket well six sands from it oh it's got the secret phrase fog era which I've known that can answer it right so on these things it's usually done by pushing two buttons together let's give it a shot no you have four attempts if we haven't come up with it by the fourth attempt we will give up [Music] thank you for being so glib and slightly weirdly sexist sounding Captain Kirk what a man you were well again that's these are all from the original series so far it's interesting what if all the items are here is an envelope Star Trek stamp sheet seriously what sort of stems from like commemorative stamps from what country here we are let's chose nothing else no no there isn't they are unpunched stamps or a non punch they're clearly punched em unused stamps from st. Vincent and the Grenadines I should point that's like a country not actually like a band because st. Vincent and the Grenadines really sounds like something to be taking the main stage at Glastonbury so you've got oh yeah they're all sticking on the back as well you can lick them and it tastes like boiled slugs so you've got Spock doing his hand thing you've got Spock and Kirk in Gangster mode you've got Kirk up against a crap looking computer Kirk with some tribbles or spooky stuff going on there her has got a knives out literally what's going on wasn't that Spock's dad I can't even remember now or just other Vulcans I think I should look another one a place Cantor well after the series and Khan Noonien Singh soon since he can Noonien Soong I turned back I remember his last name there was I was dr. Soong was he the one who made that I've confused myself now I'm going to stop commemorating 30 of Star Trek and pop that away when I'm ready 30 years of Star Trek oh my god so this is from 1995 wow that's actually hmm if you collect Star Trek stuff that is quite interesting oh ho oh oh and other noises Star Trek graphic novel collection nice and perhaps too early voyagers part 1 of the weird-looking Kirk oh wait no if this is early voyages is that Pike is that - who was Captain before Kirk in it's because he wasn't like in the pile episode and they made it Canon vol 9 Star Trek early voyages part 1 vol 9 is this from apart yes it's from Eagle moss it's a part work so you would get like em you know free binder with part tow kind of stuff where every month you collect a different one so this is a year vol 9 Star Trek new voyages part 1 before james t kirk and the five year mission the enterprise had a different captain with different adventures Christopher Pike has fewer appearances on screen and his time as Captain remains mainly unexplored by the Star Trek shows and films early voyages is here to change that follow Pike in his crew members including familiar faces like the young Spock number one and boy's eyes of boy steal Only Fools and Horses that'd be brilliant oh man Mahalo readin prep the shell star counting impressed with him John Chavis embark on a series of adventures of there absolutely marvelous well that's the art like inside presuming like that oh now I've got to spend for the rest of my life opening it up but I want to see damn it I must inform the nation right that's a photo oh yeah quite a retro styling stuff going on there read that that's quite interesting I hope it doesn't end on a cliffhanger though because it's part one no and finally I think it's finally yes I'm correct there is a jigsaw I hate Ching sauce so I probably won't be doing it but I like the box colleague on bird-of-prey Barilla house oh it's like a Haynes matter it's gonna say it's been done to look like a Haynes manual thing there's actually licensed my [ __ ] Haynes look at that owner Klingon Empire Klingon Cardassian alliance operator Imperial fleet and Defence Force Billy that that's their entire Imperial fleet Defence Force gonna be honest they have some major budget cuts is Devon replaced entirely with a Klingon called Billy speed one point Nate nine point eight max observed no so that is the image on there I suppose the old classic bird of prey is a very good design actually one of my favorites from Star Trek I would have said you can also get USS Enterprise International Space Station that's actually real and the Apollo lunar rover that's odd some more Star Trek and then two real things from demand DVD decoder UK interesting no I know it's Hanes have been over the years farming out to the old logo and license Springer it's not aware of a new source interesting well there we are friends that is the end of the Star Trek box if you should want one go seek out the amazing mystery box so oh that was that was a slightly bitter sweet video as we say goodbye to the crate oh loot we've had some laughs we've had some tears we've had some [ __ ] inflatable [ __ ] crowns and overall hmm it's been a lot of stuff I've been able to make a lot of videos out of so I will always remember them very homely cuz I've always enjoyed doing them it's like a premade video almost here's a box of stuff you didn't let go through it oh that's interesting oh yeah I'm sure a subscription boxers will continue obviously the whole sectors gonna disappear but lootcrate themselves do seem to be disappearing into the ether maybe they will come back in some way they will by some people by the name and stop producing something different I have no idea at this stage and neither frankly does anybody else I would have thought well goodbye friends goodbye [Music]
Channel: ashens
Views: 467,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: loot crate, mystery box, subscription box, loot crate unboxing, lootcrate unboxing, amazing mystery box, amazing mystery box unboxing, the amazing mystery box, the amazing mystery box unboxing, ashens loot crate, subscription boxes, loot crate bankrupt, loot crate bankruptcy, final loot crate, ashens, review, funny, Ghostbusters, Jaws, Drain stopper, Star Trek, Star trek in my pocket
Id: b2RkUCLxRz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 53sec (1793 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 20 2019
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