FX (FSBO & Expired Listings) Extreme Training Camp for Realtors - Kevin Ward

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hi there it's kevin award with yes masters real estate success training and the creator of the FX extreme training camp and today is the day that you make the decision to take your skills as a real estate professional and master using those skills to help for sell by owners and expired listings to finally start getting the results that they want see here's what I believe what I believe about real estate agents and perso by owners and expires is that for sale by owners and expired really need you that it's not a matter of tricking them into listing with you and paying you a commission and really they could do it on their own and save themselves money or there's nothing different than you can do than the other agents the other agent just failed and you'll give it your shot now I believe that and I believe this for years that you can learn the skills the strategies and the systems that will allow you to work with for sale by owners and expireds in ways that you always get them the results that they want and typically we even with for solve owners you can help them net as much or more money in their pocket than if they could do doing it themselves in this video today I'm going to do a couple of things what I'm going to talk about I'm going to talk to you about the result by owner the FX which is for sale by owner expired extreme training camp but there's two main things I'm going to do in this thing one is I'm going to talk to you and I'm going to teach you today about the exact five steps to extreme success success in working with for sale by owners and expires and I'm going to actually go with that go with you through that process what are the exact five steps that you need to take with a for sale by owner and with an expired to help them get the result they want and you get paid and the second thing I'm going to do is at the end I'm going to also tell you about over five thousand dollars in extreme gifts and bonuses that I want to offer you today and so I want to tell you that incentivize you to watch this video one because you're gonna learn some great content you're going to learn some great information it's because I want you to stick around and find out about the five thousand dollars of gifts and bonuses that I'm going to give you when you take action today and if you decide to join me for the FX extreme training camp that's coming up here in the near future future so let's talk about the five steps to extreme for sale by owner and expired success they're really five things that you've got to do if you want to list a person so by owner or listen expired and help them get here's what they need you here's what you've got to do to help them get that they need you and then deliver them the results that they want because let's be real Frank here for sale by owners and expireds don't want an agent I guess hopefully you've kind of figured that out by now they don't want you but they need what you can help them deliver if you're skilled so what do you have to do to help bridge that gap connect the dots between what they what they do want which is they want to move they want their house to sell they want to get their property sold and here's what they want they want it to solve for the most amount of money in the best amount of time with the least amount of hassle I mean that is almost 99% of the time almost 100% of the time that is what sellers want from you how do you create that how do you create that connection with them and how do you get them to hire you well here's how you do it there's five steps that you got to take to get a for sale by owner and expire to list and so these guys in high volumes the number one step is you've got to learn how to you've got to connect with them you've got to somehow connect with a for sale by owner and expired now what's the challenge here well the challenge is they don't want to connect with you okay if they don't know you and most of the time they don't a for sale by owner is not using an agent for a reason now obviously you want to identify what is that reason is it because you're wanting to save the commission or and this is the this is the primary two reasons for sale by owners try it on their own number one is to save Commission and number two or and or number two is they've had a bad experience with a real estate agent and don't want to work with an agent and it's typically boils down to one of one of those two or both they one they want its money they want to save the Commission and two or they don't trust you they don't like agents they've had a bad experience and they feel like agents can't do I can do as good a job as agents so how do I connect with them through that that's the first step is you've got to learn to connect with them how do you connect with them well the strategies for connecting and to write this down because this is this is the way that you work with four cell banners expires is one is stop trying to convince them to hire you before you've connected with their interest with what they want see there when you first call a four cell buyer for sale by owner or expired if you're knock on the door your first conversation with them what do they think about you here's what they think they think you only care about getting the listing and getting a commission check that's what they think they think it's about you I all you guys are all the same I know what you want you just want to listing we're you know that's what they think you want that's what they think it's about your as long as you're trying to convince them that you're the best agent if you're trying to convince them to list with you you know if I could if I could if I bring you a buyer if I could show you how to get your property sold for top dollar would you list with me well all of that is telling them about what you want I'm going to come out and show you how good I am so that you can list with me so the first step is learning to connect with them and the way you connect with them is by speaking in terms of their interest what do they want they don't want to list their house they don't want to sign on the sing agreement they don't want to market their house all this thing will you know if I can show you how my marketing plan or they're going to ask about it little you know that they're going to ask what what do you need to market my home great question so which is more important to you how I market it or the fact that I get it so and get you top dollar getting it sold for top dollar is always the most important so what have I got to focus on I've got to focus on what they want and at the FX extreme training camp we're going to go deep into how do you connect with people who don't want the dog to you how do you break through that resistance and connect with them and we're going to talk for example let me just tell you a little bit in terms of connecting when you call up for sell banner and expire that first 30 seconds sometimes the first 10 seconds is absolutely critical how do you connect well one one of the things I'm going to teach you how to do is stop using what we call what I call resistance triggers there are seven things right now that you are saying that are stopping you from being able to get appointments and stopping you from being able to get listings and we're going to talk about what are the seven comp most common resistance triggers that real estate agents use when they're talk - for some owners and expireds that make them resist you and I'm going to help you eliminate all the stupid scripts that you've been using that's been stopping you from getting listings now and this is this is so amazing how powerful it is when you understand and as we go through it you're going to understand whoa I never thought about that before and it makes total sense when you understand what are the things that we say what are the words that we say that cause people to resist you and I'll show you for example if you want to get your tot your child your kid to go clean their room and they want to go clean it without resistance how do you do it there's literally a strategy of what you say and how you say it that causes a child to want to take a bath and get ready for bed to want to go clean their room or there's the strategy that most parents use that make the kids go out on why do I want to watch more TV I want to you know I'll do it tomorrow I don't want to and that make the kid resist the whole time and you can force your kid to go clean the room and they'll do it and they'll stuff some stuff under the bed and they'll begrudge it and all of that or you can learn how to connect with what they want and learn how to get the result without the resistance so the first thing to do is learn how to connect with a buyer connect with a for sale by owner or an expired and I teach you how to do that look here's what I here's what you can't use is BS there is so much BS in the real estate industry and you know that they think you're full of BS if they think you're just using I you know you all us say the same thing what is it what do they mean when they're saying that is they're saying I don't believe it it's BS so how do you connect with them well the first thing is you show them that you're on their side how do you do that by the way that what you say and how you say it how do you say it what do you say you speak in terms of their interest so you speak in terms of what they want where they're going next why are they going there what is the result they're looking for not what are you looking for in an agent I don't want an agent I want to move so learning to connect with them is about learning what not to say and learning what to say to help get them to say yes to you in fact if you've watched you very likely if you're watching this video you've also watched my three magic words video which is a one of the sequences it will teach you to master is how do you lead them through a series of a process in a conversation of asking the right kind of questions and it's literally a framework that you can learn to master so that it becomes almost second nature of how to do that in learning how to connect with people so they want to talk to you and here's what you'll hear when you've learned to master connecting with people here's what you'll hear you're like I don't even I've not talked to any other agents every other agent I've hung up on I don't even know why I'm talking to you and here I've set a point with you and I don't even know why I did it well they don't know but you know when you've got when you've developed the stright strategies and the right skills to learn how to connect with them now that's number one what's connecting going to do connecting is going to either get me a great lead or it's going to get me the appointment okay and either one is a victory I hope obviously the main goal is to get an appointment you're going to connect with it once you've connected with them you still haven't got the listing yet all you've gotten is you get they now know you and hopefully they're starting to like you but they don't trust you yet so what do you do next well the second step is once you've connected with them is now you have to position yourself as their agent you've got to position yourself as the solution to their problem so think about it this way when you connect here's how you connect you have a conversation with them you get the appointment have you ever said in a point with the subway owner and then when you try to call them back to confirm the appointment or to prequalify the appointment they would never answer and you they'd never return your phone call or you actually go on the appointment and they know showed you have you ever had that happen whether it's up for sale by owner or expired yet what if that has happened here's what that tells you you did not make a good enough connection to get to the next step now once you connect when you have a true connection now you're going to position yourself and what you want to do is do what what do I need to do to get there nuts and to feel like they know me that they like me and that they trust me now give you one of the most powerful positioning strategies right now is that you can do with anybody and that is when you get off the phone you set an appointment with our so by owner aren't expired one of the most powerful positioning strategies is sim doing a personal video and literally shooting a quick video there on your webcam and then immediately cinnamon emails greats talk to you today here's some information free you can do this immediately or you can do it after you've pre-qualified them and here's basically what the video does I want to be in business dress I want to be in a great environment with some good lighting and my camera and it's going to be basically hey Bob Kevin Ward here I just wanted to let you know how excited I am and how much I'm looking forward to meeting with you and your wife on Friday to talk about helping you make this move to San Diego I in this email is some information that I'd like for you to go through before our meeting and if you have any questions before me feel free to call me or reply to me on this email and I'll be happy to answer any questions and again I'm looking forward to meeting with you and your wife on Friday afternoon at 3:15 we'll see you then and that's the email that's the video and literally then you send a video what that does is when you're talking to them on the phone they have not seen your face they don't know you but there is something about the seeing somebody on video that you feel like you know them now you became a real person to them it's one of the beauties of what video what technology allows us to do today is now you're the one is who is a real person to them and all of a sudden it becomes harder for them to know show you and more likely for them to talk to you now again how you present yourself in the video matters you want to make sure you got great energy you're smiling it's so here's here's it here's something you don't want to do if you want to position yourself as their agent you don't look like this I'm I'm really in maybe so I'm really excited about meeting with you we're going to talk about helping you get your home listed and get your home sold and if you have any questions at all just I want you to feel free to call me and I'll be happy to help you now I just did a whole lot of things wrong right there I look worried your face is stress I'm not smiling I'm shaking my head no you're doing a lot of things that will kill you in terms of in terms of connecting and positioning so it's all about how you present yourself in connecting and then positioning is where you are inspiring them to trust you to believe that you're the best agent to get them the best result and so you not have to position yourself as their go-to agent now you got to be careful on this if you try to compete with other agents on their marketing plan you and I both know that the best agent is not necessarily the one that has the best marketing plan and when I say best marketing plan I'm talking about that has the 127 point marketing plan now I know I know some of you have heard this BS that you and I both know that marketing plans don't sell houses now well you know that right the marketing plan is not what gets a home sold okay but that's what sellers want so that's what we have to deliver them you're kidding me now this is one of the things that I'm excited that you're listening to this video watching this video because I want it I think the industry we need to reset our entire real estate industry when with and free it from that kind of BS that here's what you're doing when you're competing on marketing plan this is the worst way to position yourself as the go-to agent when you're competing on marketing plan you're doing two things one you're setting yourself up to become a commodity of who does the most stuff for the seller and number two you are just slicing away your profitability because most of the marketing stuff the more stuff you do the more time it's going to take and the more expense is going to have for you and you know it is not going to get you the result but you think because the sellers want it that's what you have to deliver okay can I teach you a ninja powerful truth about understanding for sale by owners and expires they don't give a crap I'm just hope don't be offended but this is true they don't give a crap about your marketing plan they have one thing they want that is a result and they don't care about the process that you're going to use to get them there all they want to know is can you get me the result I want and the only reason that they care about your marketing strategy the marketing plan is because they don't trust you is because they don't believe you is because they don't know how do I evaluate one agent compared to another now the other thing is is that if you're if you're believing that you've got to compete on marketing plan then what you're doing is you're trying to justify your value based on how much work you do on all your marketing stuff how much money you're spending no new new new new can I get can I teach you a way to put more money in your pocket and work less here it is you get paid for results period okay let me just give you if it is if it's okay I'm gonna give you a little ninja objection handler here where if a seller sometimes says well if you get you get a sold in less than two weeks or it's so fast or whatever or this happen after you've negotiated a sale and it's so really quick and it's sold for a great price they're going like well it was so easy you didn't have to do all that marketing or tell you about would you give us a break on the Commission because we really don't want to pay all that money cuz I mean look you had on the market for two days and it's already sold you didn't have to work that hard I appreciate you asking that mister mister seller however please understand I get paid for the result not for how much effort I spin now does that make sense well yeah I understand that so would it be helpful for you if we kind of mess some stuff up and made it a lot more stressful and a lot more hard and made me work more effort with you feel more Justin would that make you happy if we if we drug this out over another six months and went to all this pain and agony and you were stressed out and freaking out and we lost three deals would that make you feel like I was working harder and earning my keep and they're going no no no no okay good I'm so glad so look this is what you hired me to do right and because we did it quickly and easily that made it easier for you right aren't you excited about that so here's the deal I deliver results and then you just tell them I get paid for the results not for how much effort not how much hassle that we have to go through does that make sense and that guys that's their is that's the reality is if you understand that you get paid for results you're going to save yourself a lot of heartache of having to spend money and give it away so number one is you've got to connect number two you got to position yourself as the go-to agent how do you differentiate yourself from other agents in fact at the FX extreme training camp some of the things that we'll do is I will teach you some strategies in fact I'm going to give you four unstoppable strategies that will differentiate you from your competition now when you're dealing with force all by owners and expireds one of the toughest things about dealing with this type of seller is that you're typically competing with other agents so it makes it infinitely harder because they're comparing your stuff with their stuff so what I'm going to teach you is I'll teach you for absolutely ninja strategies that will separate you from other agents with that you have an out spindle the other agents and it's so awesome I'll also another thing that you're going to learn at the FX extreme training camp is how to how to offer for and I teach you four different no BS guaranteed sales strategies where you can offer them a guaranteed sell and I teach you four different ways that you can do that that's legal it's ethical and it's not fluff hypee gimmicky crap okay and it's absolutely powerful at positioning yourself in fact I'm going to teach you a couple of strategies that will help you get an appointment with expired so that even don't even want to talk to you now let me give you one other one one of the things that I will teach at the FX extreme training camp is how do you set a qualified legitimate listing appointment with a per so by owner on the first contact and I I'm going to show you a step by step strategy how literally the first time you talk to them I mean literally the first day on their mark they're on the market when they have every intention of selling it themselves that you can get a bona fide legitimate listing appointment with them that day here's the beauty of that guy's is and I've done this for years when I when I really started hammering force all by owners here's what I discovered I was getting appointments of getting listings before your postcard your first postcard even showed up and I'm going to teach you you'll learn exactly how to beat the agent who goes with the mail campaign by skill and by a strategy that gets you in front of them and even if for so by owner chose not to list with you out front just the way of connecting because you're going to be at a higher level of connection and positioning with them because you've actually been with them is was going to set you way ahead of when that's sending stuff in the mail now I'm not opposed to standing something the mail and will teach you some marketing materials and give you some templates and stuff that are off the charts powerful some ninja stuff like that one of my favorites is a is a an article that you you will write it it's your article and basically it's a co-written thing but I give you the the licensing rights to it and it's called the dirty little secret agents don't want you to know and it is so powerful at working with expires and force all banners in fact it will also help you work with any seller keeping from getting overpriced listings and protecting you from that agent remember the other agent that goes out there and tells them what they want to hear and takes it overpriced and you find out because you told them the truth you didn't get the listing how would you like for that to never happen again and so I actually teach you a specific strategy and a process of how do you position yourself as the agent they can trust and that will help literally position other agents who try to overprice the listing to tell them what they want to hear that literally will put them in the doghouse and so they're going like even as that agent starts talking about overpricing it they're going to like nuyk nuyk nuyk nuyk now they're not doing it consciously but they're going to subconsciously and it's amazing how that will work now the next step is you position yourself so they know you they like you and they trust you and then when you show up at the listing presentation the next thing that you've got to learn that you've got to do is be able to inspire the higher is how do I inspire them to hire me on the spot so again the process that in fact you're going to learn a listing presentation that will literally get the signature the first time you're at their house now I'm going to go back again to positioning with for sale by owners one of the great things if you'll learn how to what to say and how to say it you can literally get it for sale by owner to set an appointment with you and you don't have to do this preview appointment stuff now I'm not again I'm not opposed to preview appointments where you go preview a house for a for sale by owner as long as you don't get in if you don't get in there on false pretences then the false pretense is I may have a buyer for your house when you don't and let's be honest hopefully you probably don't have a buyer for that house and I'm not saying hopefully I'm just saying that's not the way you get for so banners to list with you in fact that actually keeps a purse all by owner from listing with you so let me give you it can I give you another little bonus training on what doesn't work with four so banners if I bring you a buyer what you pay me or I may have a buyer for your house let me come out and see it and see if it fits for one of my buyers because that's whatever so by owner ask right let's say do you have a buyer for me well I might let me come out and look at it I don't know until they come out and look at it now what are they thinking when you say that they're they aha I don't need to list with an agent because if an agent has a buyer they'll come see me now reality check that's not how for sale by owners get that's not how agents with buyers go look for houses right it doesn't work that way for so minor things hey if you have a buyer as an agent you're going to come to me well the reality is agents have did have good qualified buyers don't go to force all by owners that's not where they go to look they go to the MLS then they go to find out properties that are listed with real estate agents right so this idea of yeah I'm going to come out and I may have a buyer for your house let me come out and look at it and see if it'll work for my buyer the problem with it one is print because it's probably BS but to your training the for sale by owner to not list with you to not hire you I mean now why would they hire you you know about their house right you already know about it and so if you have a buyer you've already told them you're bringing them so why in the world would they ever think about listing with you and now you got to do the other BS which is bait and switch now going to try to convince them to list with me so again and I'm just giving you this actually a little bit of one of this the techniques that five I'll teach you five things that stop you from getting listings and that's one of them is we're using BS and we actually are training them to knotless with us and then interesting so position don't position yourself to not get the listing by pretending like you have buyers and you'll bring them okay if they say do you have any you have a buyer from out so you know that's a great question I am NOT calling today I have a work well I've got a lot of buyers but I'm not calling today because I have a specific buyer for your home and then you just go into the next line and the script okay so you let them know upfront I'm not BS and you're not pretending to have a buyer because that's BS they don't want and look they don't want your BS and they know it's BS when you show up and now you try to turn it into a listing appointment so don't ever do that I'm going it what here's let me just tell you this if you want to become a master of working with for sale by owners and expireds and delivering the result they want you can learn to do it with no BS period we've had enough BS in our industry it's time to get rid of it I mean and don't you feel better when you can choose straight with them and deliver the value absolutely so you get there and it learn to inspire the higher how do you inspire the higher by demonstrating to them that you can do liver the result that they want and the moment that they believe that you can help them get the result they want which is get the most money in their pocket and the best amount of time with the least amount of hassle they'll list with you and you can literally go in and get a listing signed on the first appointment with force all by owners and expired simply by learning the connect learning to position yourself as the solution to their problem and then when you get there learning what to say and how to say it to lead them to a decision and leading them to a decision to believe it look here's here's who I look at it I want it to be easy I mean when you go to a listing appointment do you want getting the signature to be hard you got to just beat them up and I beat them up and I didn't quit I didn't get that I closed on them 17 times which I look you're awesome I'm so glad you closed and I'm 17 times and you've got the listing but I would really just rather have to just ask them one time so do you have any other questions or are you ready to get started are you ready to put me to work no we're ready okay perfect and have you initial and sign right here and we'll go through all the paperwork get everything ready to rock and roll easy look if you want to become a master that's why I call it extreme it's extreme because it you make the tough stuff effortless that's extreme making the toughs you see the extreme sports where these guys are up there they're climbing on rocks and they're hanging on it the craziest thing is the way they make it look effortless quite because of skill so inspire the higher that's the next thing you got to do so then that when you do that the fourth thing that you got to do it once you get them to hire you is now you've got to do what they hired you to do which is deliver results now what stops us when you take a listing what stops you from delivering results what stops you from getting it sold well probably the most common thing is is our price is too high we go over price it so one of the things you've got if you want to deliver results never take an overpriced listing ever and I'm going to teach you one of the most powerful ways to position yourself as a go-to agent is you said when you say you know they say well how can you can you guarantee me you can get the result you know I want to come out and share with you exact what I'm going to do to help you make this move happen what can you guarantee that absolutely oh how are you going to guarantee it when we get together I'll explain that because when I sell every listing I take how do you do that because you never take an overpriced listing and you never work with unmotivated sellers so you find out are they motivated or not because you look if they're not motivated truly not motivated they're not going to price it right they're going to be over demanding and you're not going to get it so and you're not going to get paid you lose they lose and you don't enjoy yourself near as much when you take an overpriced listing and they don't like you and they're never going to use you again I mean some of you are sitting here going like whoa I've never thought of that before think about this think about what if you do it right and learning how to be strong enough with skills strategies and systems to be strong enough that every listing I take I get it sold now when I discovered that it was it was an agent in Houston that I met at a seminar and I was talking to her about her business and she said yeah I didn't do as many deals as I wanted to last year I only sold 22 listings really well it's not I mean it's not bad and I said so how many listings you take she said twenty-two twenty twenty-two you sold twenty-two you see I was always taught to calculate so you sell about 60 70 80 percent of your listings and that was what I was programmed and I hear this ladies use I just don't take any overpriced listing and here's the beauty every single person that I talked to that's a seller is I can simply say I you know they said well you all guys all say the same thing well I appreciate that however you would you like to work with an agent that gets every single listing sold for top dollar yes that's what I do every listing I'm not looking to list your home I'm looking to help you make this move happen and when you are able to position yourself because you know what to do and how to do it and you know how to communicate with them and again one of the things you'll learn at the FX extreme training camp is in a process in the listing presentation of not how you tell them the right price but how do you educate them and lead them to a decision to list it at the right price and handle all the objections and all that or even better is eliminate the objection to trying to over price it and why them over pricing it is always a bad move for them now again this is one of the things if you don't understand this yet you learn this at the training camp is that when you take a listing overpriced and say well I'm gonna listen up they wouldn't they wouldn't believe me so I'm gonna take it over price then I'll you know work with them and they'll they'll figure it out once we don't get it sold for three months are you kidding me can I tell you the problem with that the problem with that is that it hurts them and it will literally cause them to get their home sold for less and if you don't understand that that will it will go deep into all of this at the training camp is that when you take an overpriced listing not only does it hurt you and it hurts your credibility but it also hurts them and if you understand this it's way easier to position yourself with the with somebody with a seller when you can speak with total integrity that you know you always represent their best interests and you're not willing to do something that's not in their best interest and you have the skill to help educate them and lead them to make a good decision on pricing not a bad decision and when you do that then you can deliver the results that's what you get paid for and here's the most beautiful part of it when you deliver the results the next thing that can happen that really helps you will help you become a dominant force with for sale by owners expire so remember we're talking about raking in tons of money becoming the expert in this industry of working with for sale by owners and experts and your market how do you become the expert of working with for sale by owners that is because you know how to connect you not a position you know how to inspire them to hire you because if you don't get that you can be a great agent and you got a great heart and you can always tell them the truth but if you can't inspire them to trust you enough to hire you you lose right hey you got a great heart you care about people but you didn't have the skills and the strategies to get them to hire you loss and then if you don't deliver the results you got nothing but an overpriced listing right and look having an expired listing is that sucks thank you you want to make sure every time you take a listing that they get a result they want and you get paid and then Step five which is where look I'm going to tell you even the best listing agents on the planet ninety percent of the best listings agents on the planet stop at number four here's the power of and especially with result by owners and expires and that is learn how to you leverage your success how do you leverage your success well look if you send right now if you send to an expired listing your marketing strategy your marketing plan they look at and they go like it looks like everybody else's marketing plan but what if you send them a to a webpage just a link they click on it and go to a webpage and it says what others expired listings have experience with with Kevin with you and they click on and there's a story after story after story and there videos of you're satisfied happy for sub and expires that you have now listed and sold their property and they're saying on the camera they're talking they're going like when Kevin first called us we hung up on him the first time we call this and then he we just we didn't know we were so fed up with agents because we'd had our house on the market for over six months we'd had tried two different agents in the past and never could get the results and we've pretty well just given up on agents we'd actually decided to do ourselves and Kevin was was friendly he was polite and we finally gave him a shot he came in here and he told us and one of those we loved is he always told us the truth and when we listed with him he got our property sold in less than two weeks and it was awesome and if you are ever needing a great agent they can get you a great result Kevin is your guy and that's a video and when you get a video testimonial from an expired listing from a that you've helped successfully sell their home or a previous for sale by owner when you send that to an expired and they watch it they don't believe you but they believe that guy now they don't know who that person is they don't know who she is who he is those other sellers they've never met them but this is the power of third-party testimonial so what I'm teaching you right now in leveraging your success this is so powerful in fact I believe this is the single most powerful marketing strategy for working with for sale by owners and expired so like I told you at the beginning I'm actually hopefully delivering you some valuable content here I'm not this is not just a sales pitch I hope I'm teaching you something here that if you want to get really great with four sold by owners expires if you've ever listed a for sale by owner or an expired and successfully sold it even if it was a year ago go back to them call them and say hey I'm you know there's a lot of expired listings out there and that I want to be able to help them and I believe if I had your story of success that it would help them trust me more would you be willing to do that for me and the answer will most of the time be yes and that's better if you do it immediately well you know what the property is being sold or when when you get the success when they're the happiest and it's fresh but even after the fact if you went back to the three expire and three four sub honors you so last year and you went back to them and you got video testimonials or written testimonials okay a video testimonial was way better one because they nobody can think it's not true and two because then when you get on a video testimonial you also have a written testimonial because you just transcribe it you've got the actual testimonial and writing in my video but if they would if they if and you set an appointment or you talk to a for solve and they go like you look we don't we don't like agents they're all the same that it great well I tell you what I'm going to shoot you some information it'll just give you some great tips so maybe help you in terms of getting your property sold for top dollar and a little bit of information a little bit about what I've done and so forth so you just send them this email it's got a link to it and it goes and instead of you talking about you it's other people talking about you not just anybody but it's three force all by owners who said you know when we first met Kevin he came out and one of things we appreciate it right away was Kevin always told us the truth he didn't pretend like you had a buyer he didn't do any of that crap and then when we listened with him he actually got our property sold for more than we expected was able to net us a great price in our pocket even after we had to pay him his commission he we still got what we needed to make this move happen and so if you ever thinking about it you know I know you thought it up but I know you may be worried about the Commission but look Kevin will deliver great results until it's great value and so forth now how do you do that here's what I'm going to teach at the FX extreme training camp I'm going to literally teach you the step by step process what to say and how to say it how do you not only how do you convince a client to do a video testimonial for you because you know how hard that can be because they're so nervous with videos so I'm going to actually and this isn't I'd have never seen any other in the real estate industry have never seen this taught I will actually teach you what to say and how to do a great video testimonial teach you a couple of different approaches that you can either do it when you're with them or when you're not with them that will help them do great video testimonials that are authentic and real and that are so powerful that it when you develop that and over time you're going to have a city you're gonna have one first and you're going to have three and then all of a sudden you're going to have seventeen of these video testimonials and learning how to put those in the right way to get them in front of other expired listings and one for assault by owners those specific speaking directly to someone's situation is off the charts powerful so learn how to leverage your success when you've successfully sold an expired or for sale by owner learn how to leverage that to get more listings now there's another strategy that I'll teach you at the training camp on how do you get that seller to give you more to give you more referrals which is awesome where you're again leveraging your success so I hope that's helpful for you has this is the stuff we're going to go in deep dive in at the FX extreme training camp there's so many things we're going to teach I'm going to teach you influencer triggers we're gonna go deep dive in the skills of communication strategy so when we talk about communication strategies I'm talking about things like influencer skills of how do you get people to say yes to you we'll talk about a tonality body language we'll talk about it use down swings how to use tie downs how to use mirroring and matching pacing and leading people a lot of the NLP techniques and here's let me tell you this here's one of the things about NLP techniques when you do it a lot of the training that I've seen done on NLP and NLP is just a tool of communication and there's a lot of other different influence strategies that are not NLP but when NLP is done if it's done poorly it looks mechanical and when it looks mechanical it's actually worse than not using it at all I mean you when you do a embedded command poorly it actually can create more resistance than not doing it at all okay it's kind of like in in athletics if you try to do a move that you're not good enough to do and you don't have the skill to do it you can actually hurt yourself actually you know it's kind of like in basketball I play basketball all my life and so like they used to tell you know dribbling behind your back well if you don't know how to dribble behind your back with skill you lose the ball if you do it with skillfully and you know how to do it not mechanically but do it absolutely with skill into perfection it gives you it helps you position yourself and get past the defense so you can make us make a goal so learning how to do it with skill is so important and what I've seen is so many that not much of the NLP training is done by trainers who either have never sold a house and certainly if they've sold the house they've not taught to thousands and thousands and thousands of for sale by owners and expired like I have and so I'm able to teach you something that I've mastered by personal experience because I've talked to all these for sale by owners buyers I've taken the nose I've taken the the crap I've made all the mistakes I've used all the resistance triggers and I just studied it and studied it and finally have learned to master how do you lower resistance and get people to say yes you how do you connect how do you position how do you inspire them to hire you make sure you can deliver the results and then learn to leverage the success
Channel: Kevin Ward | YesMasters - Real Estate Agent Coaching and Success Training
Views: 100,671
Rating: 4.8269229 out of 5
Keywords: Kevin Ward, yesmasters.com, vortex, real estate agent training, real estate coaching, real estate scripts, real estate prospecting, real estate seminars, real estate mentor, real estate leads, lead generation, real estate presentations, objection handling, overcoming objections, how to get listings, youtube real estate, real estate marketing plan, the inner game, stop the bs, dinwitwin, real estate agent career, FSBO, expired listings, training
Id: h1AS9REDg7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 42sec (2322 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 01 2014
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