Expired Listings and how to find them in the MLS and what sets you apart from the previous realtor.

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hey guys fashionably late um good group coming emily hello hi how are you guys emily just joined us um just joined the office and it's going to be plugging coaching and uh emily you want to kind of just introduce yourself tell us a little bit about you and your experiences what led you here um sure just don't mind the voice still getting over a cold hopefully cold but yeah just switched over from brookstone which is i still love that company but it's not for new agents i've been hearing rave reviews about this office from other agencies and everybody says you know if you want to be a new agent go there they have the best training the best group there so i said okay why not so being a newer agent just licensed in august so still getting my feet wet um i have a few clients got two listings and a few buyers that we're working on so we're we're moving along but just need that extra oomph awesome all right well if you're able to get that just by happenstance imagine what you can do when you actually plug in so right excited for you um yeah many uh well the diverse group here we have some people that have joined us in the past year right covid covid realtors as well as some people that have a little bit longer um so uh so welcome everyone it's good to see some faces haven't seen in a while um so last uh last session on monday we talked about um accountability and prospecting and making your contacts and one thing that i had heard from a few agents uh that was reinforced on monday's call was matt i feel like i'm working my sphere of influence i understand the importance of putting those people in a database um i understand that i want to put them on smart plans so i have various touches automated and i'm calling them right i feel like i'm calling them and calling them right and texting them but it's it's hard to i'm not meeting new people right now we can't do open houses and um there's a little bit challenges to going out and door knocking and you know pounding the pavement so i'm at a loss for generating new business right some people have been doing some facebook ads i know that they've been getting buyer leads off of those sometimes they're crappy to be honest sometimes they're very long term and that's okay you know people say well i that all that's great i understand but i need a paycheck right i need i need some business now and um what we challenged everyone to kind of do is to dabble a little bit into the expired listings pool now there are agents that make their whole business uh on expireds and for sale by owners prospecting they actually come in and they use a service like vulcan or red x or mojo and they dial expireds the day after they go expired right so imagine a person who had their property listed and unfortunately did not sell and it either was unconditionally withdrawn or expired and the next day they get inundated with phone calls from agents right um at some point those people even if they do really want to sell are probably going to say don't call me anymore right um has anyone experienced this has anyone been been on the receiving end of that kim phil yeah okay um i tried a few years ago i just put my house for sale by owner i've told a few people this story i've just put it for sale by owner and zillow because i kind of wanted to see um what would happen and it was interesting the agents that called and what they said and very few of them were agents if i really was in a position that i would have invited to my home and i don't say that because they they were new i say that because they didn't have their scripts they didn't know what they were saying and they weren't polished in their presentation of what they had to say to me but what i wanted everyone to do is challenge everyone to do is not just look at the expired that happened last week or last month or you know december 31st but to look at your neighborhood or your area where you do business want to do business if have some familiarity and you know go back go back three years look at all of the listings right through in real com just do a search look at all the listings that were expired or unconditionally withdrawn the past three years that were in your immediate vicinity right so i'm not talking about going through hundreds of listings i'm talking about a handful right and there's inevitably probably some now important thing is to look at the history of that property since because if there was an mls listing and that property expired or was withdrawn it very well could have been relisted perhaps with that agent maybe a different agent and sold and that expired would still show so you kind of have to look at the property history to see if they did re-list it and sold because you don't want to be wasting your time contacting them or reaching out to any of those but what we're trying to identify properties that you know had left the market unsold and um and and they lost their they lost their um their their i guess attractiveness to agents that are pounding these expireds um and looking for the ones that just expired and trying to get in the door and educate those people um about about what's going on right now right so i just kind of put down some notes that i want to kind of go through and we're just going to talk about some of that some of the scripts some of the resources for what to send these people what to say how to say it and it's just an open dialogue so just like any session guys i don't want it just to be sharon and i talking okay i'm good sounds good um i have a question sure um when looking at alternative sources for leads will you be getting into what are some of the things that we should look for in terms of either pay services or free services that we feel will be benefited um no not specifically in this phone call it's it's something i'm definitely willing to talk through um to be honest for most new agents my opinion is if you are working your sphere of influence you are working social media you are dabbling in things like this expireds and for sale by owners that you will not have to pay for any leads um there are a lot of things thrown at you as a new agent everybody promises this leads this conversion this return on investment and i can honestly tell you that i've pretty much tried them all ran a team uh we did over 30 million dollars in sales volume at one point we had seven people we paid a lot of money for online leads some of them panned out some of them didn't the ones that did pan out broke even or a little bit better then and i'll tell you what you don't want to spend any money or invest any money just to break even that's not that's not good business so um with that being said i'm happy to discuss those types of things if there's anything specific that you're looking at by all means bring it to me maybe we'll share it with the group i'd love to talk about it explain the ins and outs but just be very careful of anyone that promises you leads or opportunities or whatever because you ask 99 of the top producing agents where they get their business they're typically not from those paid sources that's my spiel that makes sense so this is an opportunity to really work these free these are leads these are free why i say they're leads is um you know they're not coming they're not filling out a form or coming to you but these people what's the biggest difference between an expired listing and just someone that you would door knock if you're holding an open house does anyone want to just give me a i'm looking for something specific here what's the difference between they've already listed they've already listed okay yep phil what were you gonna say i was gonna say they've already raised their hand to say that yes i'm i'm definitely interested in selling phil's here heard me say this before they've raised their hand they've raised their hand right who wants to pick on the person in a big group to answer a question no they want to pick the person raising their hand that's already said yes i want to participate these folks for whatever reason right and it's your job to identify why they decided to sell they decided to list i should say they tried to try attempted to sell their home and they did not for some reason right we don't know why we can assume but we don't know why but and and the reality of why they didn't sell and what they think they why they think they didn't sell is probably two different things but the point is that these people have already gone through that commitment i wrote together here in my notes remember these people have tried to sell before they've prepared their house they left for showings they've had the disappointment of of no offers or perhaps they did get an offer perhaps they went as far as going under contract perhaps it failed inspection perhaps it went through the 11th hour and the financing fell through right so so these people have gone through this right so you have to deal with that ptsd a little bit but at the same time understand that unless something drastically happened they probably want to sell this house still they probably still have some sort of life goal that they want to accomplish so that's why i believe that you can have probably a better conversion of at least getting in the door with someone who's expired rather than just you know door-knocking a stranger that may or may not right they're all good they're all important to give you referrals to build your database you never know where opportunities are going to come across but these are the people that have already tried to sell and that's why i think that if this is a route that you choose to go is a free lead right it's a free lead that you can you can work makes sense yes okay so um i just kind of rehashed this at the beginning the call identifying properties on the mls that have expired or have been conditionally withdrawn in the past year does um i'm gonna just do this for a quick second because i i don't i don't know if everyone was on the call anyone anyone foresee them having an issue of trying to find this information or where to start with that let me ask you that i'm not going to waste time going over anything that might not be pertinent what trying to find like expired listings do you mean yeah exactly yeah yeah i i've been kind of struggling with that so okay i have feeling extremely difficult to i'm in agreement with helen yeah okay because you don't know how to or you can't sort through the ones or both both okay helen where do you live i live in dearborn heights okay is dearborn heights an area that you would feel most comfortable contacting someone who tried to sell and didn't because you know that area and you live locally um you know i would probably say like no by northfield only because i worked out here in this area a lot more and i did marketing for costco in that area so i'm more familiar with with that which is strange yeah okay so i'm just going to pick that as an area um just for for kind of quick tutorial sake and i'm just going to go to search residential i'm going to do detail residential detail right so same as if i was looking for properties that were on the market okay instead of selecting coming soon or active can everyone see real comp by the way yes yes okay good i'm going to um i'm for the status i'm going to look at expired and we'll look at unconditionally withdrawn now can anyone tell me the difference between conditionally withdrawn and unconditionally withdrawn uh conditionally withdrawn means they still have a contract with their um with the realtor and you cannot contact them exactly carson you're you're who knows the term who knows why that would be um but you only want to focus on expired and unconditionally withdrawn okay you could slice and dice this a variety of ways to narrow down your search but let's say i'm just going to find expireds and unconditionally withdrawns that were for sale okay and that were in the no by area you could do school district you could do you do anything that you would normally search for properties okay it's going to default to give you a 0-365 could start there this is how many days if you wanted to look at expireds that were three years out you might put a thousand right so so again you know just kind of start here so i'm just looking at properties that are expired or with unconditionally withdrawn in the past year that were for sale in novi scroll to the bottom i have 323 matches right so let's just click on results just to show you what what they what they look like now this is a combination of condos and single-family homes there's nothing wrong with that but again if you're being very specific you might want to narrow that down or perhaps you want to do an area that you're familiar with you could do it the map or you could do you know different different highlighted search or whatever but for instance let me just go this one this is 1155 south lake street this was uh expired listing it was on the market for 110 days to one bed one bath little condo right if i click on this this is mls number it shows me again that's been expired now this is the important thing to do again because this mls listing is living in the mls as an expired it doesn't mean that that property wasn't relisted this is how you find that out click this little this little clock i think it looks like an alarm clock you're gonna see the prop the history of that property okay this one as you can see in 2019 expired it was listed again in 2019 and then what's that different mls number yeah you'll know exactly different mls number and then it was relisted and then that was expired and conditionally withdrawn so that when that mls number was list was listed this was the expiration date of it in the mls listing it was actually withdrawn before that so i could say mr seller i know you you left the market in january unsold it's not until uh march that the listing actually expired in the system does that make sense the only thing that really need to focus on to make sure that you understand is that according to this it was not relisted or resold now could it have been sold off market you know not by an agent knocked on the door someone bought it someone leased it that wasn't listed sure but from what i can tell on here this is this is one to go after okay now let me find um let me find a different one just to kind of okay so this one's on the boost this is novi this one i'm going to click this okay expired as well expired with phil super fisky just back in august i'd go after that one austin street little one no these are all legit expireds that's the biggest challenge with some of these guys is like um is finding one that that that actually expired okay perfect example see this one it's on 10 mile in novi it says expired um i'm going to click on this little thing what do i what do i see here i see that it was listed and then it was expired that it was listed again in 2018 various changes expired then justin ford came along justin ford's an agent who prospects expireds he saw that this house was listed and came off the market he pro he relisted it just two months later it went pending after five days and closed december 18th so what did this you know this is a perfect example this guy enlisted at a price that was you know i mean he sold he he sold listed at the same price it was just previously listed at let's look what that one was this is what the previous listing looked at looked like this is what his looks like boom who wants to buy that house you know this is this is what you do guys and you got multiple offers and sold it for fourteen thousand dollars above list price that's an example of how it's working expired's making it how did you know you had multiple well he listed at 259. oh you're just assuming because it went to 273. okay unless they just got some crazy person i just want to make sure like hey how'd you know that that was multiple i didn't see that yeah maybe maybe in the comments it listed highest in boston yep so okay so my point in in showing you this is that this one is not one that you'd work because obviously you looked at the history and you saw that it was and it did sell so this would not be on the list of ones that i would work because that new owner probably has no interest in selling it's a great thing sorry i have so my problem was could you give this assignment on monday and i found out right okay i was just gonna say show them the marketing the what the marketing oh yeah yeah yeah exactly exactly and i'm going to get to that yeah so yeah sharon just kind of point out a few things that we'll talk about i'm sorry doug i cut you off what was that again no it's okay i was just gonna say my problem was uh so i found one and i printed it off i don't know it's like 30 page cma type deal for them really nice but i can't seem to catch them at home i've gone over you know twice already so i'm going to go again tonight i think different times trying to figure out when i can catch them but uh that's the the bigger oh i understand okay so so there um so i just kind of went through the first couple steps there are um a lot of agents that just call right they just they just dial right and you can do this through red x um a subscription service that we have um emily you're you had said yesterday when we spoke that you've used red x did you ever use red x call expireds or were you just doing circle prospecting what were you utilizing it for um red x i did for fsbo and expireds awesome how did you find the data to be i know sometimes it's hit or miss um i found it to be okay a lot of people obviously get more no's and yeses doing it but um with brookstone we get to play with our commission so i always play with it for my fizbos and my expires and such because a lot of them want to list themselves so with my script and i have a fsbo backup plan for them that i if i couldn't reach them on the phone you know you do the two calls voicemail and then i also email them over my entire plan so they can see it without having to talk and then i got a lot of people calling me after they read my plan to assist them got it that's what seemed to help a lot okay so there's obviously multiple touches that you can attempt to um to give one the thing that i had recommended on monday is to pick pick a home or pick an expired in the area that you live and and this is twofold one you feel very confident comfortable that you know the area you know that house and number two you can easily stop by on your way home or way to work and drop something off right i don't want you necessarily picking an expired in romeo if you live in livonia right if you're gonna think about dropping by because very well likely they might not be home like doug said you're trying to catch them somewhere so you know if you're if you're dialing them calling them by all means you can call anyone anywhere if you want to just do kind of a face-to-face touch you know pic pick something in your area or your neighborhood um as we just saw there's 354 just in novi i'm sure if you scrubbed all of those there at least half of that and that's just one city so um you know sometimes when you're going through here it's very obvious why it didn't sell sometimes you're like well gosh if they just would improve marketing or do this or do that it would uh it would have potentially sold so i included a few links here um because as you guys know i'm all about scripts uh i enjoy them i think that they're helpful because i typically don't know what to say and i don't like reinventing the wheel so i um have included a couple links to um to some people that have put together some scripts but i'm going to play this one it's only a minute and a half um can everyone hear this can you hear that no no not yet all right well i don't know if i'm going to be able to play this you can see kevin ward's face yes yep okay i'm sorry well you're going to have to do that afterwards because i don't know why that doesn't work and i'm not going to mess with it too long this is kevin ward kevin ward's uh with yes masters very big in the real estate uh scripting world for any of you guys who are foddy fans foddy for read our own uh agent um in the office kevin uh he's he's he's on he's on personal name basis with kevin ward he's been coaching with him for a long time and he really swears by him if you think foddy uh is a agent that you'd like to emulate this guy wasn't even born in this country and now he's a top producing agent in our office it probably has something to do with knowing his scripts this is a great script it's just questions it's just things to practice and a lot of these same questions and same statements are in some other things that i'm going to attach but there's a couple of live calls as well which are kind of cool because these agents have recorded themselves live interacting with the customers that they're calling and overcoming objections which i love okay so when i said there's questions i included a link to this this is a mike ferry script mike ferry owns a coaching company his son tom ferry owns a coaching company as well i pick and choose from both if anybody's gone to any glover stuff glover really he was a big fan of mike ferry so a lot of his stuff is kind of similar um whether you're face to face or over the phone it's all about asking questions right i used to think of working expireds as telling trying to jam down their throat what it is that i can do to them the reality is you have no idea why the home didn't sell or why they think it didn't sell or what they're looking for or or why but these are some really great questions um and again when you watch these videos they'll kind of walk through you know the live version of how to you have these interact but some of these questions are great someone want to read the first one here number one sure when do you plan on interviewing the right agent for the job of selling your home so that's that's simply you know because a lot of times people tell me i don't know what to say you know i get someone on the phone or i get someone in person i don't know what to say right carson you and i have um role played these scenarios right yep yeah what's that what's your opening line um uh without getting too far how would you start a call ring ring i'm a seller i i say hey this is carson i'm a local realtor it's calling a uh sorry i changed it up a little bit typically i say hey this is carson i'm a local realtor i was giving you a call about 123 main street i see it came off the market i was calling to see do you still want to get it sold uh yeah i mean i don't i don't know it was a pretty traumatic experience we listed it and um i don't know do you have a buyer it was a pretty traumatic experience you know i work with a lot of buyers but uh i haven't seen your home yet they're not looking to buy a site unseen but let me ask you this when did you plan on interviewing agents again for the job of actually going to get sold uh we were thinking about maybe in the spring but like i said i don't know it was just it it was a it was a big pain in the ass and it didn't end up end greatly yeah so it was a big pain in the ass what ended up stopping it from selling it it sounds like you had a wild experience with it yeah i mean my agent just didn't do a lot you know i felt like i felt like after it went on the market and he put a sign on the ground you know i just stopped hearing from him i mean there were some showings but i never really got great feedback and um you know we never got any offers yeah so so no no offers no feedback did your agent even tell you why he think it didn't sell all he was trying to do is tell us to lower the price oh so he was just saying lower the price ouch yeah how'd you happen to pick that agent uh the his wife works with my wife all right you know i i didn't really realize after the fact he only sells a couple houses a year okay so he doesn't even do that much business in the area where were you guys looking to move if you did sell the home well we were going to stay there yeah okay just stay in the area were you uh upsizing downsizing yeah we were gonna try to get a bigger house okay get a bigger house yeah it's exciting how soon did you want to do that well we wanted to last year oh wow last year so yeah it's our are already running late on time you know what would you expect from the next agent you choose to know they could actually get the job done well i think that i want to understand you know what we need to do to sell the house to get top dollar rather than just lowering the price because we're willing to do it we just never got that interaction from our agent you know right so you're looking for someone who's going to to have good communication and have an actual plan to get it done is that right yeah and again at the marketing i think that there was real lacking the last time i didn't see it on social media he didn't use a professional photographer right so so no so see it sounds like he didn't do do much of anything have you already chosen the next agent you're going to work with no no we haven't even talked about it no not yet well are you familiar with the techniques that i used to get home sold in today's market i have no idea no no you're kidding well you know what will be the best time to show you i got some time today at three or is tomorrow at four better hey okay so i'm gonna stop everyone give it up for carson thank you this is what this is what knowing your scripts carson just basically followed this and he had never even seen this before right uh and and that's that's the type of thing when people say i hate scripts all they are doing is keeping you on track to make sure that you are you have that like that other round in the chamber um to fire back at someone he kept the dialogue going he was asking open-ended questions he was getting commitment he was great always acknowledged what what that what i was saying to him and confirmed it right and it makes it even sound more ridiculous when i hear it right him say it like yeah my agent didn't you're right he didn't do a damn thing right yeah that's that's what that's you know i can't emphasize enough guys that's what just knowing these scripts and practicing them okay so good job carson thank you and that's what it's all about guys this isn't about calling them or seeing them in person and saying um this is what i'm going to do find out what what are their intentions do they still want to sell why do they think it didn't sell right all of these different things and there's numerous ways right if i would have said yep we're going to hire the same agent carson would have gone down a different path if i would have said no i'm going to stay put he would have gone down a different path if i said i'm going to sell by owner it would have gone down a different path yeah but the important absolutely and actually at the beginning of the script um i did go down a different path so the next number question number two on the script is um asking where they would go and if if i hear the person's really frustrated i i don't even bother asking that as the second question i i just go well you know what what happened with the home what stopped it from selling yeah and um yeah i try i try and sound you know as frustrated as i can it's kind of hard right now because i uh my mouth is still recovering from the the surgery i had on it but uh you know if you can really get in your voice like oh you know what happened what what stopped it from selling you know they you know that it kind of opens them up to uh complain to you and people like complaining and when they're complaining they're talking to you it's it's mirroring and matching uh you're absolutely right and um you know if they're going to you know not everyone but they're going to probably tell you what it is that you need to tell them to get you in the door if they say well you know i and i kind of did that right i feel like he just put a sign in the yard and i didn't get any feedback you know carson in his mind is preparing his listing presentation here's what i'm going to do i'm going to pre-market it i'm going to after the sign goes in the round i know you don't think anything's going on but let me tell you what's going on when when we have a showing this is my process for getting feedback this is what i do when the agent doesn't fill out the automated showing you know this is important to you so i'm going to provide it to you right the clients are going to probably give you an idea of what they need from you right yes yeah it does make a lot of sense and uh one really good tip i got from foddy which um i i did something similar with my last seller before he gave me this tip but he he told me something to uh to make it even better so i i call the seller every week and you know let them know you know what we did that week to sell the home like did we do circle dialing did we you know call the agents in the office and every week he gets an update uh usually a couple updates uh throughout the week but foddy he he has this um actual marketing plan which i just copied um and uh anyway um a good thing you can do is just kind of you know give them a copy of the marketing plan and you'll let them know hey you know this week went through you know items uh you know one through four and then next week you know we did uh items four through five on the marketing plan and you know maybe give them a little detail on that so you know they can they're reminded that the things you're telling them that you're doing you know you're following through with the commitments you made on day one yeah yeah and there's there's a whole um element in command that was built out uh for checklists that uh when you list a property or when you go through a buyer you know that when you do those things you check them off you can actually have auto alerts sent to your clients letting them know that you've completed tasks right so there is that there is that behind the scenes this is what i'm doing um so guys this is this link to this is included in here as well as um the red x scripts so red x uh again the subscriber that we have um for fsbos and whatnot they've got 10 golden expired scripts from some of the best um agents and trainers in the country including glover uh mike ferry uh barino um a whole bunch of people here so ricky cruz so put put some time into listening to these guys these this all this stuff is out there there's no secrets in this business in terms of what to say or how to say it the only thing that will set you apart or differentiate is the the fluidness and the you know mastering these by just by practicing so it's all here okay matt you have those links in the documents is that where right here intro to prospecting expireds it's going to be in um the share drive um right after this call okay um what i had kind of talked about on monday wasn't really phone prospecting but by all means you can do that and you can provide something in in in person or in writing right and i had said um i suggested providing a cover letter introducing you to them letting them know for the reason for your inquiry um now the idea of putting together an expired listing letter may sound overwhelming to you guys i just googled expired listing letter and look in the images here how many came up guys so these things are you don't reinvent the wheel make it your own right don't copy it verbatim but they're all here right they're all here for you uh to the to the extent that you you know want this is hey what does this say do you know what sixty percent of the homes that under market end up as expired unfortunately stats like this only started to tell you you're in the majority they didn't tell you how to jump in the minority perhaps i can blah blah blah i don't know um i am going to put in here mine so i um had this little this was from metro group but dear homeowner things don't go as planned in the sale of the house it could be easy for a seller to give up on the excitement to move that you once had you may even be sitting reading this linking that it's the best to throw in the towel and give up in the dream of selling or to wait for an extended period of time when the market is better or to question whether or not to even work with a real estate agent right so i'm identifying objections right here up front sitting still waiting fizbo many obvious and many not so obvious reasons a home doesn't sell some obvious include price too high marketing photos and videography too many home improvements needed and some not so obvious a non-cohesive relationship with you and your agent your agent not prospecting properly very common no open houses held in need of interior design and staging over the next few pages i'll show you some examples blah blah blah this was actually case studies of some listings that we had done this it was previously listed we did this and then we sold it we even included some photos of before and the photos after right like this professional photography original realtor professional original right so someone's looking here saying oh my gosh that's way better pictures that's the same house yes it is this is what we did differently that's just one aspect okay guys and we i continued with a few case studies now you don't have to have these case studies right don't get me wrong you can very easily pull pictures that shows non-professional and professional hell you can even take what i just showed you from justin ford's and use an example i don't really care the exam you're not telling anything about the property or representing that you sold it you're just saying here's the difference what do you notice and that's only one aspect of it right professional photography but we do know the marketing is most important to bring buyers in um because our first showings online but again this is in there for you okay um what uh i don't know why this was up there oh this was expired um the next thing that i wanted to make sure that we um that you you mentioned uh especially if you're going back a few years is to educate the client on what was going on during the time that they were listed versus what's different now right okay i did a little class not in class but just mike west some other people were on there where you're finding market stats right you can go on to showing time and look at marking sets let's say from june of 2017 you can show them in june 2017 when you went on the market last it was x amount of days in the market x amount of homes on the market you know that kind of thing today versus today this is why it's different right this is how you know interest rates compare this is how inventory compares how days of market compares right so if anyone wants to know what's the difference well i might not be able to get you more today for your home than you could then but i might be able to get you what you wanted then we couldn't does that make sense guys well educating not just what's going on but what was going on then when they previously tried to sell why are things different you've got to pique their interest enough to say hey i'm going to invite you in my house i'm going to invite you in the door tell me what's going on right now and all you're trying to do is start building that rapport and establish yourself as a professional um document your communication with them you can put put them create an opportunity put them in command and keep notes right maybe even do a spreadsheet if you're analytical type person like me and you like documenting on this day and time i left them a note on this day and time i tried to call no answer in this day and time i stopped by you know this isn't necessarily going to be a wham bam thank you man that you're going to get someone to say yup very this moment i want to list with you it may take some coercing they may have to think about it right so just be prepared to know that you're in it but again this is a hand raiser these are people that have previously decided to sell you're going to more likely be able to convert them to a signed listing agreement quicker than just some random person off the street perhaps that make sense questions comments feedback challenges limiting beliefs share anything with me yeah so i have a good um suggestion like with the spreadsheet um you know just you know track it in a command or you know whichever crm you use you'll uh track how many you know attempted contacts you make with the person how many letters you send how many actual contacts you make and uh you know take take notes on that and like you know schedule regular follow-up with them because you know some people you know they'll go cold on you for a few weeks and they'll you know that then you'll be able to get in touch with them again you know sometimes they'll be nice the first time then they'll be rude the second time then they'll be nice again the the third time so um you know just keep tracking and just keep following through um uh regardless yeah you're absolutely right carson keep in mind guys if anyone gives you an attitude or is mean or is rude they're not mad at you it has nothing to do with you it has all to do with lumping you into probably the same you know um the same group of of agents that didn't sell perhaps you know because the mark the agent that they listed with they're gonna put you in group you and say you're all the same or maybe they're gonna say where were you with the buyer when my house was listed right carson had a great little pivot on that right um carson you and i have talked about the difference between a proactive and a react i see i'm even rusty carson there's two types of agents right active and passive active and passive what what's it what sounds like you had a passive agent really yeah yeah we had a passive agent he um he didn't do anything he uh just uh put a sign in the yard and a lock box and it took like two weeks to even get the sign here so i don't think uh anyone even knew it was for sale at first you classify yourself as what type of agent and what does that mean an active agent yeah that means i'm going to actively go out there and i'm going to do activities that we can predict the outcome of i'm going to actively be looking for buyers then i've got a huge checklist of things so i always have in front of me of what it means to be an active agent so first thing we're going to do is we're going to get your home on the mls which is something every agent is going to do then once it's on there it's going to syndicate to over 500 different real estate websites we're going to get the science i'll get the lock box we're going to coordinate and market an open house for the first weekend that it's on the market and then we're really going to get into the active activities we're going to call around the neighborhood looking for potential buyers and sellers and now this kind of confuses people for why we'd be looking for more sellers in your neighborhood but do you understand why that would help you no no so let me explain so the more homes we have for sale in your neighborhood or in your area is more signs with our name and phone number which means more buyers calling us and they call on one home they're probably going to look at a couple so we show them your neighbor's home and then we show them your home uh next thing we do is we uh door knock around the neighborhood doing the same thing you promote your home on social media and uh this next one is uh one of my favorites it's something called reverse prospecting have you ever heard that term before no my my agent never said anything about that yeah so what reverse prospecting is is when agents are looking for homes for their buyers in the mls they they go through and they do save searches and uh what we can do is we can look through all the agents who have saved searches or recently searched for homes uh similar to yours in your area and what we do is we go out there we call them we say hey we just listed a home it's in um north uh downtown northville three bedrooms uh two bathrooms uh 450 000. uh i saw your you had a buyer looking for something like that are you still working with them great well i'd love for you to bring them by and uh come take a look at the home and let us know what it would take to uh work out a deal on it awesome yep and then i keep going down the list it's uh i think i don't have them numbered but i think it's uh like 12 or 15 different items awesome awesome so does anybody have any questions thank you thank you carson for engaging with me a little bit you guys know i love my my my my sales banter does anyone have any and it's okay this is a safe space does anybody have any hesitations or uh you know limiting beliefs or a little you know double on the shoulder saying why this would be a challenge for you or why you couldn't do this or or how it would be too hard and it's okay if just i want people to be honest um i have some feedback um and a question um i it's going to be challenging in the beginning just to get on the phone and then the more comfortable as you said that the more we practice and the more comfortable we get i think the assertiveness will just naturally well i i would assume with practice that the assertiveness will naturally kick in when we have um clients that kind of want to rebut or object um so i don't think that this is is difficult i think it's easy in the action it's just getting over the the stuff in in your head that's all um question is when in and this is for carson so in the mls when we're reverse prospecting um what does that search look like or is there a tutorial from real comp that we can look at to do that type of a search uh just under the the reverse prospect is actually quite easy um whenever you when you have an active listing in the mls as the listing agent you just a couple clicks and it shows you all of the agents that have buyers that have saved search that your pr your your home fits the criteria it's it's really that it's really that simple now that doesn't mean that you know you have to then prospect them and reach out to them but uh just the just bringing that to a seller's attention right it sounds proactive right um and again remind you have to remind yourself that it doesn't mean that this last agent wasn't doing this but the chances are they probably didn't talk about it they didn't get any credit for it right so whenever i am in a situation where i have a listing and it's stale or we're not getting any offers the inevitable question you dread is what are you doing to sell my home so what i've found is that by staying ahead of that communicating with my seller not just in the listing appointment but also after we go live what i'm doing to sell your home these are all the things that i'm doing and if and i'll quite say if they're frustrated say is there anything that you you don't think that i'm doing is there anything else right and the answer is no but you're able to overcome that by saying this is everything that i'm doing right now but at that point it seems like by being ahead of that type of an issue and then having that open honest dialogue you're also preparing the space to bring up the okay let's adjust the price absolutely yep exactly you're absolutely right it's a lot easier discussion when you kind of come in and you say i'm doing all these things they're at a loss for words and then you say the only other thing is to adjust the price but what i want you guys to focus on in this regard and what you do is is to get yourself in the door and just say these buzzwords for uh a seller's ears to perk up just to maybe they're hearing something different from what their previous agent did now maybe their previous agent did all of this stuff again but they didn't talk about it they didn't have communication they weren't getting credit for it right most of the time people uh you know list with a new agent they perhaps will give that new agent a new price right it's always frustrating to see well i i harped on them for a price reduction and then they dropped me and then they got another agent then they lowered the price and he sold it it's like well you didn't do your good your job of justifying a price adjustment then they thought they were going to get something better by working with a different agent even if the price was the issue the whole time right so you just have to kind of come to that based on your analysis of what happened and what the agent says and you know don't be afraid of and don't be afraid of of looking at it expired by an agent from a big agent all right i mean i'll i'll happily go on it expired if if an agent before me listed it um and and didn't sell it that doesn't that doesn't um intimidate me whatsoever anyone else have any questions comments no okay so who thinks that they want to explore this as a part of their lead generation okay all right cool is there anything that sharon or i or the market center can do to help that let you know after i do a few let me know doug i would rather instead you said if let me know i'd rather you commit to and tell me if you did or not this no i'm not no i'm going to okay i've already printed off some papers it's just a matter of i'm trying to do what you suggested as far as visiting the home yep yeah so you've printed off some and you plan on dropping off some you've identified those those ones that you you that you wanted to go visit yeah so right now i just did the one and now that i'm seeing that they're not home i'm going to try and do some more but my problem was or my it's not necessarily a problem but um i know like how much paper should i really be printing off for them to to do that right because yeah you know i don't want to be printing off thousands of sheets of paper and just throwing them away well uh how about this if you're if you're if you're thinking about doing this on multiple properties there's nothing wrong with putting putting that letter together right as a generic noting yeah noting some things right making it customized to them but not necessarily attaching a full cma mailing that handwritten mail right and that's what i was planning on doing now so now that you show me that letter so i'm going to enhance it you know as as we go through but now there's some agents that do this as postcards right they send postcards expireds it's a generic postcard and they send hundreds of them out there's nothing wrong with that either but that's not a personalized approach in my opinion right i think the most personalized is actually a letter with a little bit of a cma or something more and actually dropped off at their door with your business card i mean that that to me is pretty wow this person actually stopped by my house kind of thing but again we're in a different world right now it's it's it's it's a little bit different fatten says do the owners have to be home or can you leave it of course you can do whatever makes you most comfortable i would always like the opportunity to to to talk to somebody right i don't expect them to let me in that moment but oh you know almost like oh i'm sorry i didn't know i was going to catch you i was just leaving this to you i wanted to make sure it got here the post office is all backed up i wanted to make sure you got here i just you know i'm a real estate agent you step back i'm a real estate agent uh i'm just you know part of my business plan is to help x amount of buyers and sellers in 2021. um you live right around the corner from me i didn't even know this house was for sale last year i saw that you left the market unsold i just wanted to introduce myself if you were considering uh interviewing agents to attempt to sell it again um and see if you can strike up a court if they just grab it from you and they're short with you great no no problem right you follow up with them again sometime or you get their phone number or whatever the case may be um maybe you don't and you just drop it off in person either in their mailbox or in between i always love leaving somebody between the glass and the door people can't miss that right have you picked up expireds sorry expired listing with an agent in the office that was listed with an agent yes i have exp i have i have sold properties that were previously listed by an agent in this office yep um and you know um we'll joke about it a little bit or they'll give you oh yeah you got the price reduction i was you know okay that wasn't all they said negative about you but yes um it happens it happens anyone else anything else so what does oh okay two questions uh helen go ahead well my question was um who who do you like work with in the office when it comes to listing a property i have a gentleman that's gonna list his property in april he's in royal oak he's in the middle of like construction trying to bring it up to par you know with his like local area uh so what's my question is like what's the process like i want to follow up with him i don't necessarily know what to say like i'm well i'm gonna obviously ask like is he upsizing downsizing like what area does you want to live in and stuff like that but what is the process of listing a house like do we have like an in-house like photography like someone that handles like you know just like the marketing aspect because it's obviously different than working with a buyer so that was my question like do we have anyone in the office we have preferred vendors um and i actually asked jessica to better format a list for you guys uh of of all of our preferred vendors there's a lot of them not anybody you're obligated to use no not anybody specifically like in-house um yeah but it is it is your job and it is your job to follow like the the checklist um it's in yeah in the shared drive there's we have one for buyers we have one for sellers there's a few more elements of it so we're happy to talk you through because okay cool reading it and actually executing on it there's two different things phil found this out real right phil last week he's like all right i know i got to get the lock box i got to do this how do i actually program it right so there's things that will come up that you know the actual execution of it that's why we're here but um yeah that's something that i'd be happy to talk about are you in launch did you go through launch you know i yes i i started attending launch last week this i missed just because i was working with um scott leroy my docusign wasn't connecting to command and it took a minute to figure out why but now i'm ready and going i went to pete's forum like in person i feel like in person was a lot better just because you're there you're connecting i feel like i'm retaining more um and then it's official i'm i'm working with with a client now and i got her um connected with brent so now it's it's the pr it's like it's kind of like what you said just trust faith in the pro i think i'm more like i need to know everything before i do it but you're right as soon as you start doing it it's like everything starts to click you're like wait a minute this is the next step this is this and then everyone in the office is really helpful and nice so i'm just like you said just trust the process and just just do it we're not dumb we just we just got to believe it ourselves i think the hardest part is just like believing it's going to happen you know so yeah excited looking good good job um i use stylish detroit that's my kind of preferred go-to photographer john um well don uh had put someone on down here i know his i know and i know they do good work because i've seen john's listings i'm a big proponent of professional photography i used ap photography okay doug used ap they do a good job and phenomenal job compared to what the point really looks like a couple couple uh just a couple questions hope uh does data show delivering our client letters more effective than mailing a personalized client letter um if there is i i don't know i'm sure there's some real estate people out there that could tell me um listen when you begin your real estate career you have money you have money you have time not money right and and typically as you build your business up you start getting money but you run out of time and at that point you can start leveraging things and being selective of your your your resources you can hire you can outsource right but as a newer agent right when you don't have a lot of money you want to look at all the things that you can do that are going to be free or next to free and that that means you know writing out notes writing out letters right driving them to you know dropping them off in person you have the time to be able to do that so i would recommend utilizing that and trying that it's always better to face to face rather than just a blank um you know faceless nameless communication in my opinion now does it make sense to send a thousand out you know in person no it doesn't it doesn't make sense but john did drop a point here do not put anything in someone's mailbox unless it was stamped and delivered there okay so ups people are post office people only people are supposed to put stuff in mailbox so if you do a a packet or a letter or something like that front door doorknob you know that kind of thing right if they haven't no soliciting maybe acknowledge that but um um yeah don't i don't get you in trouble with the post office here thank you yeah you're welcome okay guys anything else all these resources we just talked about the links i clicked on everything are going to be in a document that i'm going to put and i'll send the link out to in um on the facebook group is everyone here in the facebook group yes okay yes if if do me a favor if you guys are in a mastermind or a role play or a small group i know a lot of you gotten together ask the other people in that group are you on the facebook page are you a member of the coaching advantage facebook page the reason i ask is because we have just found that it's really easy to communicate with the group there right so if you're if you're one of those people that's like ah just not on facebook much you can adjust the notifications so you get a little ping if there's a new post in that group that way if you don't check facebook very often it'll still ping you just on that group right for a notification setting so i would recommend maybe doing that because we know that there's a we have over 100 agents in this group it's a really easy way for us to communicate with you guys on a quick real-time basis and it allows all of you guys to see that and just respond and ask questions and such so we really want to just really use that to its highest ability going forward in 2021 of course the office is still text and emails and stuff so it is a lot but for coaching world we're going to focus a lot on the facebook group okay today is my first day um so is that something that would be in my packet or uh yes email package yep did you um i have a couple new agents that were just added yesterday that i have to um that i have to follow up with you may i hope i'll touch base with you after this okay to make sure because you obviously got the link for this so it's probably the same information in that coaching onboarding yeah i got it late so my apologies for that no no worries no worries thanks for joining us okay guys and again this session was recorded just like all of our sessions so give it a few days but it will be uploaded to the coaching facebook your facebook youtube channel um and always always always always if you guys have any anything that you want to learn prospecting topics right helen you know maybe the actual list process you know helen just gonna maybe you know nuts to bolts like butts what is it soup to nuts soup to nut i think it's souped and nuts i don't know where that came from anyways we want to provide value in these training sessions that is pertinent to you guys in your business so again there's none of the other stuff if there's not lead generation so don't be muddled up by all the noise remember remember if you don't have clients to talk to it doesn't matter how much you know on the other side so um if you have anybody has any questions please reach out um i'm going to be in the office more now that my kids are back to school knock on wood um and um yeah if you can join us in person masks here we'd love to see you if not we're going to continue doing zoom as well so uh you don't have any reason to not be a part of these things thanks guys have a great weekend
Channel: KW Advantage Coaches
Views: 1,395
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: KW Advantage, Expired Listings, What to do with Expired listings, MLS, How to find Expired Listings in MLS
Id: gMc_33Mx_Ec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 55sec (3595 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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