The BEST 5 Scripts Every Agent Needs in Today's Market | #TomFerryShow

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today we're gonna add five scripts they're gonna make you even more money for over 20 years I've dedicated my life to bringing you the very best selling marketing and business building strategies to keep your business thriving get ready to experience the success you've been searching for welcome to the Tom Perry show hey welcome to the tom ferry show today I want to talk to you about five scripts that can build some confidence and ultimately help you win more business you know many years ago I learned that sales is the ability to ask a series of questions that naturally and automatically lead you and the prospect to a mutually desired end result a yes or a No no maybes involved so again sales is the ability to ask a series of questions that naturally and automatically lead you and the prospect to a mutually desired end result a yes or a no so my question for you is do you have enough sales confidence enough sales scripts and dialogues so in the moment of truth you know what to say you've heard me say before that knowledge equals confidence and ignorance equals fear when I know what to say I'm more likely to take action more likely to ask for the order more likely to ask for the appointment more likely to go engage with the prospect but when I don't know what to say suddenly doing paperwork or going to the bathroom or finding something to eat is a far better use of my time knowledge equals confidence in ignorance equals fear today I want to give you five sales dialogues five scripts not in any order of importance and some of them go together and some of them don't but the point is to simply have them into your sales toolbox so the next time you're out with a prospect you know what to say and you get one step closer to that yes so let's take a look at five that you can add in right away number one is what's important to you in the agent you choose to represent you what's important to you in the agent you choose to represent you now I love that question because it's a value elicitation I'm trying to discover what are their values as it relates to choosing an agent to represent them in a purchase or in selling their home would it be great if you just ask the client hey how would you like me to sell and influence you you can't ask that but you can out look you've met lots of agents you've been online now that you know what's important to you in the agent you choose to represent you well gosh time we're looking for someone's gonna do a lot of marketing have lots of communication get us the highest possible net proceeds at the lowest possible cost and and the shortest amount of time if they tell me all that now I can custom make my presentation to feed in to their criteria giving them exactly what they want and ultimately when they yes so that's a very powerful question I hope you add it in looks like at number two if there was an advantage if there was an advantage in time money and marketing exposure would it be worth just 15 minutes of your time for us to get together and learn more about that if there was an advantage if there was an advantage in time money and marketing exposure or better yet any one of the criteria they shared above you can use that criteria and alter this if there was an advantage in time money marketing would it be worth just 15 minutes of your time for us to get together very very simple yet effective script that the vast majority of people just simply aren't thinking about I'm thinking about what's important to the client and if I can deliver that to you in 15 minutes would it be worth it now where does that work what if I've already found out that they're meeting with another agent and I say well if there was an advantage to get a second opinion that could cause you to save time make more money and get greater marketing exposure would it be worth 15 minutes of your time they're going to say yes they're gonna be open to that possibility so that's a very important script that should be in your sales toolbox look at number three you've heard me talk about this before if the homes not selling that it's not compelling to the buyers in today's market if the homes not selling it means it's not compelling to the buyers in today's market and if you remember that presentation I did on the tom ferry show we talked about you know you articulating in your marketplace what are the three to four types of properties that are compelling is it just price remember if you leave with just price you know that seller potentially is gonna be a little bit nervous right oh you just want to lower the price so I would say you know finish with price at the end or make that the bow that wraps them all together the properties that are compelling your opportunity properties zoned are too with a single old house on it that's an opportunity for a builder as an example it could be prime location near a school near the freeways whatever it may be near the subways prime location you know your market you know it makes a property compelling and then of course you can wrap price at the end so that's another great script you should be using all the time number four have you had any thoughts of selling and do you know anyone who's had any thoughts of selling this great script our wonderful client Tim Smith and now you know tens of thousands of clients all over the world they're using these questions as a simple way as you're out in your day-to-day activities in line at Starbucks go into the grocery store at the drycleaner meeting with a friend like talking to anybody always being listing focused by saying him just curious have you guys had any thoughts of selling have you guys had any thought if you guys had any thoughts of selling it because at any thoughts of selling it's such an easy no-brainer question than you shut up if you guys had any thoughts of selling well that's a yes if they give you a definitive no now we love our house we're totally great you and I both know like you you just ask the next question well do you know anybody who said any thoughts of selling well funny you asked my brother-in-law's been thinking about it or they just got pregnant or they just got divorced or something just happened so yeah there's that opportunity for Earl as well those two questions added into your sales toolbox we're gonna make you more confident and win you more business looks look at the last one number five in the moment of truth when we're talking pricing on a listing appointment most agents have one pricing strategy we believe that there's actually three and what we have to do is decide tonight which is the better option for you so mister missus alert number one we can price the property above the comps we refer to this as the trying to find the needle in the haystack you know pricing the property really aggressively above fair market value above the comps looking for that one buyer who may buy your home number two we price it right at fair market value which is what the vast majority of people do and then for my most savvy clients we actually create a bidding war by pricing it just below fair market value we then do a all of our marketing and unveil the property to as many agents and buyers as possible creating a bidding war opportunity for your home of those three pricing strategies which is better for you very very powerful now I know as we're going through this and this is a shorter tom fairy show what I'd love for you to do is a couple things number one if you're getting value from this have you subscribed to my channel if you're watching this on Tom Ferry yes I'm actually going asked me to go back to YouTube and subscribe to the channel I would certainly appreciate you doing that would you give me some comments on if you've used some of these scripts before I put it down in the comment section let me know you know is your sales confidence going up are you getting value from these conversations I hope you are that's why I'm doing it so I'd love for you to do that and then if it really makes sense to you share this with a friend share it with a few of your office mates you know there's nothing better I think back to him the early days of my selling career and myself and Rachael golly and my brother Matthew and all of us Richard Kendrick we all got together and we practiced and we role-played and we were constantly using these lines on each other even when we were single guys going out and having fun we would be selling each other all the time you want to know why does knowledge equals confidence and ignorance equals fear when you know what to say and you're comfortable doing over and over and over in the moment of truth what bow you're ready and that's what it's all about so I can't wait to read your comments thank you in advance or for subscribing to the channel and remember always your strategy matters and now more than ever your ability to sell and ask questions that's what rules Kate thanks so much for watching we have a number of events coming up we'd love to have you there visit tom fairy calm forward-slash events and reserve your spot today [Music]
Channel: Tom Ferry
Views: 324,401
Rating: 4.9355521 out of 5
Keywords: tom ferry, real estate, real estate coaching, real estate training, real estate school, real estate marketing, business, entrepreneur, real estate scripts, sales scripts, real estate business, sales training, real estate market, real estate video, video, real estate success, motivation, sales tips, sales strategies, how to, how to sell, the best, 5 scripts every, real estate agent, realtor, agent, today's market, tom ferry show, grant cardone, todd duncan, sales mastery
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 30sec (510 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2017
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