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welcome to Kevin at 7:00 where we help you find your superpowers you can master getting this with that but you guys want to make today powerful you seize it today we're going to talk about how to break through with expired listings because if you're a real estate agent most of you they're watching me and join me with this on a daily basis our real estate agents I have I broke into real estate with expired listings that's how I made my break and when I first started out in him any money and I didn't have any savings any marketing budget so I had no choice but to go like I need to get business for free and so my trainer Dan Gault said will you call for sell my owners expires and when I first started for sell my owners my first listing was a for sale by owner my second listing was an expired listing and I really got into expired I did both a lot if you are actively prospecting expired list listings on a regular basis on a weekly daily basis would you would you say that's me just type in there that's me I'm curious if you guys are doing this or if you're not doing this I'm Rosanna I have a hard time following scripts yeah me too reason we have a hard time following scripts is because we don't know the scripts we don't know them well enough to do them you got to you gotta mess Gribbs must be mastered now let's talk about breaking in with breaking through with expired I am gonna tell you right now that the secret to breaking through it the expired is you gotta know how to approach them you got to know what to say you got to know how to say it so I'm gonna give you four principles today on winning with expired listings so if you're a real estate agent you wanna make more money I'm telling you right now expired listings and it is the fastest way to the cast when it comes to getting listings and control your business there is nothing on the planet that is better than that so scripts let's first talk about just the use of scripts and and and so forth if you're gonna talk to expired listings we don't have the book of yes yet the book of yes the scripts in here are the best that is my objective opinion and here's the reason to exhaust spent 20 years mastering conversations I've spent most of my life as an adult in the communication business as a speaker as a as a Christian as a preacher I was a preacher so I I spoke for a living every week and so I understood that words matter what you say and how you say it matters because you want to talk about something tough you know much people sit in a room every Sunday while you speak to them for thirty minutes or in Bible classes like Sunday school would be longer you're speaking to them for thirty minutes to an hour and you're teaching them stuff from a book that's thousands of years old that my friends is where you learned that communication matters and I really sucked at it I just like I've had a heart for people I cared about it I believe what in my message I believe what I was saying and but my communication skills sucked so you got a master that communication skill you got a master with scripts because you don't have long when I was when I would as a preacher when people come listen to me they pretty much didn't come except for like the kids who had drug problems they were drug to church by their family every week I had to drive that happen part of my life to people that would come to listen to me they already trusted me they already knew me they liked me they were there because they wanted to be there very different when you call an expired listening they're not in this conversation because they chose the conversation you chose the conversation and they're going like what I don't want to talk to you so in Hollywood and I learned this from my coach Bo Eason and I'm gonna actually be spending the next three days as soon as I'm doing my coaching calls today I'm heading out to Santa Barbara California where I'm gonna be spending three days with Bo Eason at his main event and he is a master speaker communicator former actor and him and his wife both were after an actress his wife starred in it was on Melrose Place he was a Broadway actor a retired football player retired NFL football player for the Houston Oilers in the 49ers and then he went turned actor and so this guy understands scripts and here's what they say in Hollywood you have to understand what they say in Hollywood is this correct is the enemy at a script is the enemy ah this is the enemy so what that means is this right here let's just see let's find the expired script the expired script is right and by the way when you get the book you also get a PDF download the script book which is buried down there of the scripts you have enough and you can print them out there on the whole page and so forth because this is a little bit hard to manage so the scripts actually expired script is on page 40 of the book of the S is the the script the expired script um guest and see that the YouTube camera the camera I've got a different camera running today and it's really weird on the light today sorry about that so this script is the enemy what what makes it the enemy night in Hollywood this discriminant in the script is the enemy does that mean they don't use scripts no they live and die by scripts but when you don't know how to deliver a script when you don't know how to perform it when you don't have the skill to make it sound and conversational and sound natural and sound real which is what acted the best actors in Hollywood are great at write they make they can take a scripts words from somebody else and they can become that part and make it totally conversationally totally natural so that you believe the part you believe the conversation you believe what they're saying so the the script here as long as it sounds like you are using a script it's the enemy as long as it sounds like you are using a scripted conversation that script is the enemy of your success and that is why most agents like a lot like Roseanne says I have a hard time following scripts yeah because it sounds this it's not natural it doesn't feel right and when you feel that way that feeling that emotion that discomfort comes across in your communication with this with the prospect and now you're like now I feel unnatural and I don't feel powerful I don't feel confident so guess what you don't come across as confident and so guess what they don't want to talk to you because the one thing that an expired listing spired to sell or a home owned or any seller once is somebody who knows what they're doing it is confident and when you come across this not confident and you're nervous and you don't believe in what you're saying they're going like you don't I don't feel I don't feel belief well you don't believe you why should I believe you right so expired listings you've got it if you don't come across as genuine authentic and passionate and real then you're not going to break through but if you come across you can come across passion real authentic and you say the wrong things you don't go anywhere because they're gonna shut you down because every expired listing ever expired seller get this every expired has their script to okay you yet you guys view in real estate agent you should be writing this down you should be memorializing this they will use their script on you and the one who's better with their script wins every time now their script is we decided to take your house off the market we've already got it covered we got an agent already we're not interviewing agents we don't you know they hang up on you that can be their script your scripts condition be to hang up on you right um there's their script give you where were you in my houses on the market their scripts was me like why didn't you bring a buyer discovers how long you've been selling real estate how many homes have you sold in the last month with your script can be all kinds of stuff but their script is designed to do what you down if you want to win one you got to say that you got it you got to say the right thing which is here the script to you got to be able to deliver it the confidence passion and power and how do you get good at it well how do you get good at anything how do how do actors get good with the script they practice and they rehearse that's all they do they have practice and rehearse it's the best act there's the best actors and actresses in the in the world are not Hollywood actors that hacked show up on TV shows and movies and all that kind of stuff because they can spend 20 minutes or two on one line and if they don't get the line perfect the director goes cut and I do it again do it this way do it this way and they coach them over and over in the line and they can try it over and over until they give everything right and so your movies can be a broken down in little scenes but you get stage actors you've been to a live Broadway play you've been to a live stage performance my friends that is skill because they got to be able to use a script for hour an hour and a half whatever it is and especially boece and who is my mentor Bo Eason had a play called the runt of the litter that he performed a Broadway performed it over 1500 performances across any trade also didn't they did a traveling tour thing with it he'll it was a one-man play he was on stage by himself for 90 minutes performing one script and that script had to be believable the whole thing right how did he do it practice rehearse every day all day that's all he did practice rehearse train and then he would go perform and he did that month after month after month look guys the conversation to get it inspired that Senator plan with you is not that hard the objections and all it is not that hard compared to what he did but it takes time and you how do you do it you got to commit to practice one to two hours every single day master the script now I'm gonna take a break here not not like a break but I got a bunch of questions being posted here on Facebook or a couple I found it's more important to know what info to ask from the script rather than strictly following it word-for-word okay you're probably right cars OLC scanner maybe maybe right they're asking of questions is the key but how you ask the questions matters and if used the wrong words to ask the questions what happens is we tend to ask questions with resistance triggers and we tend to ask naturally the wrong questions and I'm not gonna go into that I'm not gonna train you on that today that's what I do in training that's what I do in coaching and people that you work with me directly and I can master my mastery coaching program or you buy our online course FX extreme or you come to one of my training camps we training you on why what'd you say naturally is probably the wrong thing that's probably why you're not getting the results that you want because you can have a good heart and you can really care and if you don't say the right things they don't listen to you okay so practice training all of that matters total tonality matters ah let's see I mastered the script the struggle to get off the fence and struggle to make the initial contact that would be expired okay good I mastered the script I'm awesome with a script I just I'm a chicken to use it okay good for you yeah that's what do you do you take action ah the only way you're gonna conquer conquer fear because that's what stopping this person when I call expired their phone numbers don't work well God a lot of phone numbers don't work it's gonna be you know one or two out of ten that are gonna actually work and half of those are gonna answer maybe I should be mailing them stuff what do you think about that I think mailing stuff is okay but while you're mailing them and if you get somebody that's trained by me that goes and either get some on the phone or knocks on their door talks to them they're gonna get the listing before your mail even shows up now mailing is a great supplement because some people you're not gonna get at the door or on the phone so mailing helps as long as you're sending the right stuff that's a different conversation let's talk about though where the real money is and that isn't the ability to break through with expired so I want to give you four principles of breaking through with expires today the four keys to breaking through with expires number one number one they need me that's the number one thing you have to have a belief that those expires need you if you don't believe they need you and you think I need them because I need a listing then you're approaching the business wrong you're making it about you rather than about them so they need you they don't want you know this is the hard part the hard part is they need you they don't want you okay I'm getting I'll just let you guys know I'm gonna I'm getting braces they're gonna be the Invisalign which is cool because technology lets me not have wires my mouth but I'm not excited about wearing Invisalign braces I'm just not it's like gonna be a pain in the neck right I didn't go to the dentist because I wanted braces I went to the dentist because I wanted to my teeth to be straighter so I have it for your smile that's why I went that's why I'm gonna be wearing braces for seventeen months I think I'm just thinking about it it's like I don't want to do that and I'm gonna have to I mean because people complain talk about how that Brett had is and anyway I don't want to do it but I need to do it because I want a better smile so because I want a better smile I'm willing to go through the inconvenience the pain the hassle and the expense of wearing braces expired listings they don't want an agent but they do want to move they want to sell their house so they don't want you but they need you kind of like me and dr. Kim my dentist I don't want dr. Kim but I need dr. Kim because I can't fix it myself and the previous if with an expired listing the previous that they use messed up they failed now number one they need you they may not want you so I got to realize I got a breakthrough what they want to help them get what they need when I know that then I understand okay I can handle the resistance cuz on the back end of that once I break through the resistance once my script overcomes their script once my conversation and my commitment to helping them and my competence to be able to help them break through that on the back end number one I help them so I get I make money I get fulfilled and I add value to them and they're happy and they love me for life so that's on the back end you got to focus on the back end while you're on the front end afraid to make that phone call you pick up the phone call because there's somebody out there that needs you and if you're a pro if you're a pro agent when I say Pro I mean you train like a professional not like a damaged and you're committed to being great at it and if you're like this is all new to me then that's why I have a living is because I take agents who want to master and become pros at what they do and I train them and that's what I'm here for is to the reason I do this for free is so that you'll pay me because I can help you make a lot of money so you come join my coaching mastery coaching 30s masters comm forward slash coaching check it out there's different coaching levels but mastery is the entry that's where you start you can also start the challenge but we don't have another challenge starting till August so mastery is the place to start I'll train you and help you break through so that when they need you you know how to not deliver on that number to make it about them not about you hey Charles beam or to cancel the appointments this week congratulations I thought I did everything right expires can take the life out of you I thought I did that sounds like you to cancel oh you had to point what's cancelled on you this week okay good but not good but that happens but you've got to two appointments so yeah that's a great step for get this guy's wait wait wait wait wait they don't want you they aren't gonna cancel sometimes okay because they don't want you but they need you you have to realize they you don't think so don't let it take the life out of you bro okay it's got to just make you more determinant so you look at it go like I had two appointments cancel this week is that okay is that gonna help your success I can allow you to help them no then I got to look at it and go like okay I got to get better they canceled on me I gotta get better every time have a coaching member cancelled add to coaching members to cancellations last month to coaching members quit my coaching last month does that take the life out of me it hurts man I love my people I love my yes masters I love them I love them I love them I'd give my life for these guys as what hurts so when they quit take a life out of me what hurts but I look at and go okay it's feedback got to get better I got to get better and said what can I do for this agent that's quitting my coaching and I know when agents quit the reason they quit not because they don't like me anymore because they're not making money because if they were making a lot of money they would at they would they would continue in coaching because they would want to make more but they don't can't like coaching's and expense and they're like I can't pay the bills so what do they cut out they cut out what they consider to be optional which is coaching which is not but that's how that's how amateurs treat it so don't let it take the life out of you because they need you number one number two make it about them not about you make it about them not about you when they cancel one to cancel it's not about me okay why did they cancel it and make it about them what did they need that they didn't feel from me what happened okay maybe you were good on the phone but you didn't convince them enough to want to meet with you and so they like will get him off the phone with setting the appointment and then will cancel because they can cancel my text or you know they can cancel the you know kind of indirect way so they it's it's easier how do you keep them from cancelling you get better you learn how to prequalify them in a way of pre-frame them of why the appointment is gonna be for their benefit but you have to make it about them not about you now let me give you an example about how you make it about them let me give you two questions so if you could get your property sold and get into your new home in the next 30 days is that something that you would still be excited about now who is that question about if if you could get your home sold and get to San Diego or wherever you're going in the next 30 days is that something that you would be excited about is there anything in that question about me answer nothing if you could get your home sold that's what they want and get to your new place that's what they want in the next 30 days they're probably sick and tired of it taking six months to not do anything is that something you would be excited about not I would be excited about is this something that I it's if you could do it would you like it I know here's a question about me if I could show you how I could get your home sold in the next 30 days would you list with me now that is a script okay if I could show you so number one it's about me if I could show you how I could get your home sold in the next 30 days would you list your home with me now in that one question remember what questions are important right but if you ask the wrong question you're gonna get lots of resistance because in that question not only was it all about me not about you but it was also full of resistance triggers I'm just gonna tease you on this and then I'm gonna tell you that if you want to master this stuff that's why people that's why agents pay me a lot of money to train with me so that they can add six figures to their income every year and some of them add multiple six figures to their income every year so resistance trigger if I could show you show you as a resistance trigger ever since you were four years old when you were four years old in somebody your little your big brother your big sister your mom your daycares their dates now you're a preschool teacher somebody said here let me just show you and you go like no you're not I can do it myself you're not gonna show me ever since we were four years old we hate to be shown so if you say when the moment you say if I could show you or let me show you I'm gonna show you immediately subconsciously every ounce of their every fiber of their being goes like no stay away leave me alone I don't need to be shown never ever ever ever say show you it is a time when you're trying to lead somebody to a decision it is an absolutely terrible resistance trigger if I could show you how I could get your home sold you're making it about you okay and then the last one is would you list your home with me now I'm gonna tell you the truth right here my friends nobody wants to list their home there's never been a seller ever been born that wanted to list their house they want to move that's all they don't want to list they don't want an agent they don't want sellers they don't want strangers buyers walking through their house they want to move they want to get the house sold and they want to move but they don't like the process so when you say would you list with me they're going like oh that's pain it is a resistance trigger huge anytime you say list with me or list your house it is a resistance triggered they don't like it okay so when a dentist if a dentist has got good good skills that dentist doesn't say sir you excited about putting braces in your mouth no I don't want braces what do I want I want a pretty smile so what is it doc a dentist say he says are you ready to start working on that beautiful smile hmm he's now speaking in terms of what I want not in terms of what I don't want I don't want braces I do want a pretty smile I don't want a list I do want to be in a new house okay huge difference to them listing represents pain remember if it's an expired listing my friend they just spent six months with a listing with their last agent how'd that worked for them didn't work did it and and now you're saying hey you know it's that that thing that you just had for the last six months with that agent that that listing thing that that beautiful listing thing where you you've had you know all this hassle had to keep your house clean and had strangers walk into your house for six months you want to do that again and they're going like hell no get out get off my porch right you gotta understand my friend when you make it about you and what you want you're done right here is money ladies gentlemen if you have not been in my coaching it you this is money right now you can make this transition and that's why the book of yes we'll give you scripts that have the right conversations rather than all the resistance triggers that are in so many scripts and when people read my scripts they don't know and an amateur reads and they look at me like they sound very much like every other script well kinda except for the differences hmm wait wait wait wait stay with me now they sound pretty much like other scripts except for the differences you know if you look at their if you look at there's a car that if you look at it it really looks a whole lot like a Bentley but differences between that car and a Bentley that makes that car a $40,000 car and the Bentley a two hundred and forty thousand dollar car it's the difference is my friend and to the amateur to the untrained eye they can't see the differences so they go like it's all the same what's the difference and the difference is a ten thousand dollar commission check and rejection that's the difference rejection goes here ten thousand dollar paycheck goes here what's the difference the little things make the difference it's checked in the South Bay there are five times as many expiring cancel listings today as there are on an average day in the first quarter of 2018 okay just in my market and our market is still super hot I mean like crazy low inventory it's hard for anything to expire and they still do still expire so candle huh so number to make it about them not about you number three be angry with them they haven't they have a right to be upset you guys understand an expired listing is a right to be upset because somebody six months ago or four months ago or three months ago is promising them the same thing you're promising them which is I'm gonna sell your house and they lied they didn't sell it okay so what do you got to do I get it don't defend the other agent and there's another agent your office if it was some whatever don't defend it they have a right to be mad they have a right to be pissed off and the more pissed off they are the better but you got to get you got to go like ah you know what I can I can imagine how frustrating that is and look I know and I know this is not the conversation you were excited about having the neighborhood look if you could get your home sold in the next 30 days and get to your new house is that something you still want to do I'm just I'm gonna be as irritated frustrated and angry as they are but you if you go soft and you try to go the other direction and console' them and I'm sorry I know I'm so sorry to bother you today and I know it's I know I'm so sorry please don't be mad at me because I'm just trying to help then they're just gonna get more mad you got to understand where they're coming from and get on their side they need somebody who's on their side and goes like you know what happened to you in the last six months that was messed up that is not so here's the difference between them and me I sell every single listening I take I don't that never happens on my watch so this is principle number four principle number four expired listings never let it happen to you I'm gonna say it again never let it happen to you you should never let Anna let that you never have a expired listen you sell every single listing you take and if you don't know how to do that that's why you're failing and if you don't know how to sell every single listing that you're taking that's why you should figure out what some way however whatever it takes to work with me you want to find a mentor a coach a trainer who can teach you and will teach you and tell you you sell every single listing you can take I will promise you I can teach you that you can do it I have dozens of coaching members that sell that take a lot of listings and sell all of them I've got a friend and I saw this I see this modeled by the best in the world but there's a very very few they give you one example this is not a coaching member - a personal friend that has been in real estate for dozens of years is a true master and his name is Greg Hague hey a lot of you know who Greg hey idiot Greg Hague is you've seen him a few and he's been a friend of mine he's stood on my on my stages there are very very few human beings I have ever let speak on one of my stages in fact he is one of two real estate agents that has ever spoke on my stage that is not one of my own coaching members so I'm talking to him yesterday on the phone and just to give you an idea that this guy he says he also does has done some training and coaching he's he's created a new program called buyer hunt you should check out buyer hunt com it's gonna be a game-changer my friends it will crush Zillow I know that's a big statement but this is absolutely amazing but listen to this this is fruit on the tree this year year to date they have sold every single listing they have taken him and his team he's got a team they've sold every single listen they've taken now we're not talking about a guy who does two deals a month we're talking about a guy who has who this month 28 closings 20 closings over half a million dollars in commissions this month every month millions of dollars a year he makes millions of dollars every year with his team last year 2017 sold hundreds of homes hundreds of homes sold hundreds of listings and sold every single listing they took every single one in Scottsdale and Paradise Valley Arizona that's the Phoenix market guys the average days in the market in Scottsdale and Paradise Valley is over a hundred and forty days is the average days on the market I'm in a market where the average days and the markets like 40 and he's their words 100 and they sold every single listing they take you can be that agent now what is the difference whenever you're able to say with integrity and look something in the eye and they're going what are you gonna do different than the last agent well one I'm gonna sell your house for top dollar because that's what I do I sell every single this thing I take nobody fails on my watch because I know how to deliver you the best result and that is what I will do and I can guarantee it why because for the last year I sold every single listing I took now if you haven't done that you gotta start you gonna start right now selling every single listing you take so don't be that agent don't let it happen to you that you get an expired listing if you can't sell it don't take it and it's not that hard to sell it you just need to be trained if I can help let me know go to guess masters comp / / coaching I've got an event coming up I'll be telling you about next week anything I can do to help I'm here afraid you have questions you got comments post them on the YouTube video here on Facebook thanks for being with me today guys I know we've gone a long time but I hope it was an official if it was let me see some thumbs up you guys are awesome go out there find some expired listings some sellers that are motivated but frustrated and help them they need you and you can do for them everything that they need so go out there play to win and always expect yes [Music]
Channel: Kevin Ward | YesMasters - Real Estate Agent Coaching and Success Training
Views: 8,789
Rating: 4.9595962 out of 5
Keywords: Kevin Ward,, real estate agent training, hero, coaching, real estate scripts, prospecting, real estate mentor, real estate leads, lead generation, real estate presentations, objection handling, overcoming objections, how to get listings, youtube real estate, real estate marketing plan, stop the bs, dinwitwin, real estate agent career, make money in real estate, FSBO, For Sale By Owner, Expired Listings
Id: t9OhCd7HEoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 34sec (1774 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2019
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