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and while all the amateurs complain you train and the result of that will change everything for you hi there is Kevin Ward the founder of yes masters real estate success training helping you get more yeses and more successes in your business and in your life and if you're a brand new agent this is really for a brand new agent and that is if I were starting over what would I do and how would I approach the very first 30 days now this is based on a very simple premise I want to get started fast I want to make a lot of money fast and I want to get my first deal overnight okay how would I do it if I want to get started fast and crush it fast so that I can reach high levels quickly how would I do it so on this video we're going to talk about your first 30 days now I'm also going to be doing another video on how to get your first deal fast as a real estate agent there will be a follow-up on this video that'll be coming out later and so you can be watching for that once it's done I'll actually post a link in it in the description of this video we'll post it below but it will be done later so in this video it's what would I do you train how do you approach your first 30 days in order to succeed fast as a brand new real estate agent so three keys that we're going to talk about and I want to break it down of how do you actually spend your day every single day for that first 30 days so first is if you want to succeed as real estate agent fast the very first thing you to do in your first 30 days when you start day 1 is you commit to be the best now this is not for most real estate agents so just so you know I don't train in a way that is a of interest to most real estate agents cuz I don't train amateurs I'm not interested in working with agents who are just interested in making a little bit of money doing a deal every now and then so I only trained agents that are committed to greatness that are committed to being the best in their market at what they do so I believe if you're gonna succeed you have to commit to be the best so why is is important well one because it puts you on a trajectory that's gonna be there but here's what happens the moment you commit to be the best in the market at what you do everything changes about you and when you change the way people react and respond to you change so people a lot of new agents ask this question well like how do I get credibility when I don't have a track record I don't have stats you know how do I get people to hire me because I'm brand new I don't know what I'm doing and how they're gonna hire me and here's how because you show up the way the best in the market show up even though you're new and you can do that and if you're not good yet you can get good quickly based on the other things I'm going to share with you in just a second but first is you have to commit to be the best because what happens is that is that quest to be the best that changes the way you approach your business on a daily basis you're gonna work harder you're gonna be more intense you're gonna be more passionate you're gonna have more conviction and when you have that and you talk to a prospect or you talk to a lead they're gonna hear you different because they can hear the intensity and the commitment and the passion in your voice they see it in your body language they see it in the way that you show up the way you perform your consistency your integrity everything changes when you do this you're like what if I'm not I'm not the best well you're on the quest to do it so think about being the Rookie of the Year okay and in sports you know they'll they'll have though give a Rookie of the Year award well is the rookie the best in the league is the rookie the best probably not but we recognize that because they're on that quest to be the best now what can a rookie bring that most veterans do not bring and here's what they bring they bring heart they bring hunger they bring Drive they dream they they want it so bad they show up with a hundred and twenty percent every day see the rookies that make it the rookies that win Rookie of the Year they play harder they got it they know they got a scrap and fight for everything they get and when you come into real estate if you're coming in going like yeah I'm cool I'm good I'm gonna crush this and you come in trying to look cool and you try and thinking it's gonna be handed to you on a silver platter because of something you got in your background or something like that I'm good luck with that but you're probably in for a rude awakening so I want you to think about Jerry Rice and here's why I think Jerry Rice is a great example when Jerry Rice who is the great wide receiver for the San Francisco 49ers to this day he's retired years and years ago to this day he has scored more touchdowns than any other player in NFL history and nobody else is even close to him probably will never come close to how good he was but when he got out of college and he went into the pros he was not that good he was not fast he was not highly recruited he played for a small college he just wasn't considered to be like one of those guys that had the potential to be the best right so what did he do he committed to be the very best and every day that's how he showed up and years later once he was already a pro you know a superstar once he was considered the best wide receiver ever he would still show up like a rookie every year in fact at rookie training camp when the rookies all showed up for the week before the regular training camp Jerry Rice was the only veteran that showed up and he showed up and trained with the rookies for that first week because he said I felt like I had to prove to myself that I belonged I had to earn my position again and he just had that work ethic to show up like a rookie with the commitment to scrap and fight for everything so here's what you can control you can't control the fact that you don't have stats that you don't have a track record do you've never done this before you can't control that but here's what you can control you can show up with a higher level of commitment than anybody else in your market you can do that right now today I'm more committed than anybody else you're gonna talk to mr. seller that passion has a lot of weight with that commitment to be the best comes the second thing that you've got to do in your first 30 days and that is this and these are things are never talked about in training number one is trained well that's real good trained as if your life depended on it I'm gonna do it again here trained there we go trained as if you or life depended on it now I'll make a promise to you and that is if you train the way I'm about to share with you you will you're gonna you're gonna blow everybody else out of the water and the reason is because most people won't do what I'm about to train you to do what I'm about to share with you in the next few minutes will absolutely change the game for you change the trajectory of your entire career because nobody else in your market nobody else in your office no other new agents no other rookies none of them are gonna do this and that is I want you to train the way a professional athlete would train for the Olympics and I want you to do it for those the first 30 days that's it first 30 days so here's what you do you're gonna spend five hours a day training your first 30 days you're gonna spend five hours a day training and you're gonna spend five hours a day playing this just preparing for the game this is playing the game of real estate so you're gonna be on the job you're not gonna spend that you're gonna actually be in the game right away you get your license you're with the office if you've got your license you're ready to go then you're gonna spend half of your half of your day preparing half your day training and half of your doing playing half of your day playing the game of real estate so here's how you do it first hour in the morning you know I'm gonna here's how I would look at it I would do a 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. would be my schedule now if you want to go 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. that's cool if you've got you know kids or school you know children's school whatever you got to work around this you figure it out but here's that way I would approach it 12 hours a day is how I would scheduled my day and for the first 30 days I'm committing that I'm gonna be in the games 12 hours a day that it gives you time for breaks it gives you time for lunch and all of that and but from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. I am gonna be committed to becoming the best in my market at what I do as a brand new agent this is gonna accelerate you like nobody's business here's how you're gonna spend your day the first hour of the day the first hour of the day you are gonna do nothing but work on your scripts which means you were gonna chant your scripts and you're a role play you get a role play offer it a role play role play partner in your office you can do it on our yes masters real estate success community Facebook group and your coaching get roleplay partners okay can be your family member spouse whatever but get one hour a day you're gonna spend probably and there's been half that time actually role-playing it and then after you do that first hour of the day then for the next four hours you're gonna do two things you're gonna prospect and you're gonna do lead follow-up that's how you're gonna spend the rest of your morning all right so from 7:00 to 8:00 a.m. I'm doing scripts I'm practicing I'm preparing your mastering it's like what am I gonna do them I'm gonna talk to today I'll talk about that in the next video of how to get listings how to get deals fast as a real estate agent but starting out when whether you're prospecting people that you know your personal circle or expires or for sabe owners or whatever you're prospecting I'm gonna spend the first hour of the day warming up practicing the scripts getting it in my head getting in my heart getting it ready to go and then I must spend four hours talking to people prospecting it's where the that's where the money is you want to make money fast and real estate you have the more people you talk to the more business you're gonna get you talk to people you ask for business so you warm up you train on the scripts and then boom I'm in the game prospecting spend four hours a day prospecting and doing lead follow-up so that if I'm if I'm generating a lot of leads by the end of that first couple of weeks I may be spending three hours in lead in prospecting and then an hour and leave follow-up if I don't have enough leads to follow up on that I'm gonna spend that rest of that time prospecting all right so I'm gonna prospecting lean follow-up four hours a day and then when I'm done with that so that's gonna be from 8 to noon right 7 to 8 I'm doing scripts 8 to noon I'm prospecting and then I'm doing lead follow-up at noon I can take a break I can go little have some lunch or whatever it's gonna come down this other hour which I'll get to later and then after I get back from lunch I'm gonna spend two more hours doing one thing working on scripts working on the conversations that are gonna make you money prospecting scripts lead follow up scripts pre-qualifying scripts for your talking to sellers before a listing presentation the listing presentation script all the objection handlers you spent two hours a day in the afternoon doing nothing but practicing those scripts chanting I'm reading them out loud as fast as you can just getting through there and then role-playing or practicing with somebody or whatever but three out two hours a day in the afternoon I'm gonna do more work on scripts now I'm this gonna be hard right you're gonna like you look three hours a day I mean how much does the average agent spend practicing scripts somewhere between zero and five minutes a month and I'm not kidding you want to be great you want to be successful you commit to be the best and then you do what the best do and that is you train like amateurs don't train pros train amateurs complain all right so do that and then after I'm done with that I'm gonna spend two hours developing and implementing systems and strategies on my systems and my strategies for running my business okay creating a lead follow-up system creating your personal circle system I creating your listing and presentation your pre listing process your transaction process you're gonna have to be learning a lot of stuff and doing that I in a description of the link below you can get access to my agent power launch online course which will help you with all of this it gives you not only the scripts but it'll then help you develop the set up the systems and the strategies you need to do that so two hours a day I'm gonna be working on watching training videos learning how do I set up the systems the transaction checklist and all that kind of stuff so that I can make my business work because you're gonna be generating leads getting appointments and then going out and getting listings right then one hour a day is going to be spent doing I'm gonna call this doing office stuff now what is office stuff well it's going to the MLS it's going to the Board of Realtors to go do whatever you got to do it's dealing with stuff with your office it may be dealing with some administrative stuff okay that is eight hours a day you gotta what if I get an appointment that's why you're working from 7:00 to 7:00 is now that leaves you two hours a day that you're gonna do for actual appointments whether it's going out and showing a showing a buyer and helping them buy a house or going on a listing presentation whatever it is this one hour here is designed for preparation I'm telling you it's going to be packed and there's gonna be days you're gonna work more than twelve hours all right but every business owner I have ever seen every entrepreneur that it was successful when they start their company they ain't working eight hours a day my friend if you're thinking eight-hour job mentality work and get a paycheck you're in the wrong business the beauty of real estate is it gives you the opportunity to own your own business and to determine your own income but you can't play the way a minimum wage person plays you can't play with the job mentality right so what this does is this puts you on a fast track to building a foundation that will make you unstoppable so what most agents don't do is most agents aren't willing to do this the preparation time they'll go to classes the something that somebody says you need to go these classes and these trainings and some of them are mandatory you got to go to them but so much of them only give you little parts little segments of what they need to be doing what I'm talking about is putting your business together and the most important thing about putting your business together is learning how to communicate with people that are interested in selling a house buying a house in a way that inspires them to say yes to you and right here you're gonna spend more time in a month for more time in 30 days learning how to talk to people and learning what to say and lead people to decisions then most agents will spend in their first year and many agents more than they'll spend in their entire career before they get out of real estate so that's your first 30 days in terms of commit and then train as if your life and your career depended on it because it does now if you're just interested in the deal every once in a while and just you know surviving you don't have to do this but if you want to be the best and if you want to some really succeed in real estate this is the step and then the third step is in your first 30 days is believe that you can do this believe that you can be a massive success fast as a real estate agent I've got coaching members that in the first year making two hundred three hundred thousand dollars a year in their very first year in real estate they don't think like average agents think they train like average agents don't train and they believe at a level that most agents don't believe it you go like well how do I get confidence how do I have this belief that I can do it and here's how when you commit to be the best and then you train like this that belief is just gonna just gonna come into your life now I want to prepare you that it's gonna be hard I want to prepare you there's gonna be resistance the people in your office your broker is not gonna understand it your managers not gonna understand that other agents aren't gonna understand it they were going like you don't need to do that or you got to go to this class you got to go do this thing and you're going to go to stuff that's gonna take you out of the process of training like a professional athlete trains to be the best at what they do if you'll commit to process commit to training commit to be the best commit to the training and just then the belief is gonna come you're probably gonna do some extra reading and reading some really great books like Napoleon Hills Think and Grow Rich is probably the first and cornerstone book that I recommend everybody reads just to get your mind set start thinking about success think about it get that belief and it calms because you're putting in the work to get you to that point now a couple of things if you like this video make sure you give it a thumbs up if you have comments questions post them down below share this video with other agents subscribe to the channel if you haven't done so yet and then also be watching for the next video that I'm going to publish that will come along with this and that is how to get started and succeed fast as a brand new real estate agent and how to get your first deal at like that fast but it starts with this as the foundation if you want to get your first deal fast I'm gonna give you specific tactics and strategies to do that in the next video but if you don't know willing to do this it's gonna be slow it's gonna be harder it's gonna be much less likely you're gonna do it so if you'll make the commitment to put this together in your first 30 days BAM it's gonna put you on a trajectory that nobody else can touch and while all the amateurs complain you train and the result of that will change everything for you [Music] you
Channel: Kevin Ward | YesMasters - Real Estate Agent Coaching and Success Training
Views: 518,368
Rating: 4.9430513 out of 5
Keywords: Kevin Ward,, real estate agent training, hero, coaching, real estate scripts, prospecting, real estate mentor, real estate leads, lead generation, real estate presentations, objection handling, overcoming objections, how to get listings, youtube real estate, real estate marketing plan, stop the bs, dinwitwin, real estate agent career, make money in real estate, New Real Estate Agent Training, New Agent
Id: tE5FGuhltBU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 45sec (1065 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 05 2018
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