Prospecting Success Tip: How to Make More Contacts per Hour - Kevin Ward

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hi there is Kevin award with yes masters real estate success training helping you get more yeses and more successes in your business and in your life now one of the things that everybody knows about real estate is that if you want to make a lot of money ultimately this is a taught to people business it doesn't matter where your leads are coming from it doesn't matter how you're connecting with people or any of that whether you're doing internet lead generation Facebook marketing traditional print marketing Geographic farming or phone calling or door-knocking or networking it doesn't matter what approach it is ultimately when it gets right down to it you got to talk to people and the more people you talk to and the better you are at having good conversations with those people the more results you're gonna have and so one of the questions that I get quite often is how do I proceed to hours a day or three hours a day or four hours a day or six hours a day even and I'm not getting enough context how do I talk to more people in an hour so I want to go over with you and share with you day seven keys or seven just seven steps for how to be more efficient and more effective in your prospecting how to make more contacts per hour than you maybe making right now and I'll go ahead tell you right now that some of it is purely mental and others of it is purely mechanical so let's talk about what are the seven strategies seven ways that you can make more contacts our because ultimately with all things being equal if the more people you talk to the more business you're going to get so how do we get more efficient how do we talk to more people in a shorter amount of time so number one is if you want to talk to more people you need to think speed you need to think speed just you've got to approach what you're doing with a sense of urgency it's not like okay I got to get three hours of prospecting okay here we go pick up the phone duh-duh-duh dial in the numbers taking your time you can't do that between conversations when you're not talking to anybody think speed how's the fastest way I can get from one conversation to the next conversation I want to eliminate the gaps so if your prospect my phone what are some ways that you can eliminate the gap that you can get more conversations well one dial faster right if you want to get them get more numbers dial dial faster how do you how do you doll faster well one let your fingers do the walking faster to use an auto dialer which a lot of agents are using with great success because it literally dials two or three numbers at a time and whenever one aunt person answers the other one automatically disconnects and so what happens is you're able to get to the next person faster what what I used to do but long before they had dialers was I actually used two phones and had double headsets so I had two phones sitting on my desk and I had a headset that it was connected each one and while I would be I would dial this number and then while that's ring and I'm looking at the next number down and I would put an A on my little prospect sheet a that would be phone a while that one's ringing I'm Dahlan B and I would put B there and then as soon as somebody answered on a I would hang that one up or whichever way it went and then I would let this a ring I'm dialing this one did it as soon as this one starts dialing if nobody's answered here it's usually gonna be on about three or four rings click disconnect dial the next number of all this is ringing and you literally just go back and forth and the key was is I was thinking speed how do I get to the next person faster another way you can get to the next person faster if you want to just dial faster is use a landline an office phone with a good keypad instead of your cell phone your cell phone simply slower I mean that's just all there is to it it takes you longer to dial and you're having to hold it typically with two hands it's just going to take you longer to dial than you can if you're really fast with with a office line and especially if you're using a dollar is going to be the fastest way of all now the other thing is eliminate the gap between dials so in other words if you were handling I never would hang up the phone I would let it ring and then I would just push the disconnect button down whatever it's called the button on the phone that pushed it down instead of putting the handset on I would just push the button down and dollar next number if you had some phones you could literally just hit the a button and it would literally disconnect it and give you another dial tone and boom you're immediately dialing the next number and while that one's ringing I'm looking ahead after it's wrong at two or three times and nobody's answered I'm literally looking ahead at the next number so immediately I disconnect and burn I'm putting in the next number here's what you don't want to do don't take time between dials reading about the person you're about to call and this is especially true if you're calling for sale by owners and expires is that what a lot of ages want to do is they want to read all about it they want to do their research they want to know about this house before they make the phone call look it's way ineffective there all you need to know that when you start a conversation with an expired or what they for sale by owner is what you can figure out from the moment you dial the phone while it's ringing while it's going through you have plenty of time to look and see all the stuff that you need to see and then once they answer then you can as you have in the conversation with them you can be looking and seeing and asking them about any information that you need to get about the property about their motivation about how long spent on the market all of that kind of stuff is stopped your predictive analysis stop you're trying to read the crystal ball and figure out how this conversation is going to go by reading about this for sale by owner and you know I'm going to read all the way through this Purcell banter description at the bottom is going to say no agents please and I'm going to look oh no and you caused mine Frick you freaked yourself out because you went to you got down to that look all the none of that is going to help you know whether or not you can help these people until you actually talk to them so eliminate that gap da da da same thing when you're knocking doors the less if you want to make more contacts per hour walk faster it reduced the amount of time that you're standing at the door so here's those here is the rule for door knocking 15 seconds at a door with no answer so here's what you do you walk up to the door I will walk up to the door I knock 1,001 1,002 1,003 went out in seconds 10 seconds back up boom boom boom that's 11 seconds 12 seconds 13 seconds 14 seconds boom I'm gone you never stand at a door more than 15 seconds if you've got what I what I trained agents a great thing if you're going to leave behind stuff leave it if you've got nothing else when I would knock expired force all boundaries I would just put a little note on it expired on the back of my business card it would say if you're still interested in selling please call me right away Kevin it had my business card so it's got my cell phone number on it and I would just leave it on their door 15 seconds and boom you're off to the next door and walk fast it's healthy it's good for you if you're if you're a guy or girl wear comfortable shoes for walking and there's great shoes on the market that you can get like for guys I've always recommended for years Cole Hons because Cole Hons actually have a Nike sole they're very comfortable if you have ankle or feet or knee problems or whatever use compression socks which make your feet have more energy especially if you're knocking three or four hours a day all of that that keeps your energy level and keeps you feeling great because if your feet hurt let's face it if your feet hurt you're miserable you're not going to be as powerful as as if not keep yourself moving in between conversations think speed now once you get somebody on the phone or you get somebody at the door you're no longer thinking speed what you're thinking now is I want you to think quality I want you to think about the quality of your conversation with them it's not about how many contacts you can get per hour you don't get paid for contacts per hour right so once you get somebody on the phone it's about effectiveness and when I'm talking to them on the phone I'm not I'm looking for how can i connect with this person how can I have the best conversation with them and what I'm looking for is I have a goal in mind always think quality and your goal is if they're ready I want to blame it if they're not ready right now but there's a future opportunity I want a lead and if there's no there have no plans to do anything in the next month or so I want a connection which means I want to get their contact information on exchange information with them so that I can build a relationship and stay in touch and that's what you want to have happen so in every conversation whether you're on the phone you're at the door your line instead line in line at Starbucks wherever you are think quality of the conversation when I leave that conversation do I have something that it did I give something of value into I have something of value moving forward and the most important thing is I want to either an appointment a lead or I want their contact information which means I made a connection so that I can add them to my personal circle and either way if you have the right systems in place a great lead follow-up system and a great personal circle system in place even if you don't get an appointment you still got a great opportunity to build a relationship and get business from them in the future think quality not quantity when you're actually in the conversation now here's the third thing about having enough about making more contacts per hour and that is before you start you need to make sure that you've got enough prospects to keep you busy and here's what I mean by that if your goal is I'm going to prospect three hours a day how many phone numbers do I need to have before I start because the worst thing that can happen is if you're you're committed I'm going to prospect three hours a day but I've only got 50 numbers and only seven of those answer you're going to be through all 50 if you're being halfway efficient in less than an hour and then you're like oh my goodness I don't have enough numbers and then you're going to spend prospecting time doing administrative work finding phone numbers finding who you're going to call is is administrative work if it's finding phone numbers for expireds or for sale by owners or probates or distressed sellers or just random calling or random door knocking if you're going to knock doors in a neighborhood and there's only 20 doors in that neighborhood where you're going to go next because it's not going to take you three hours so make sure before you start that you've got enough of the raw resources of contactslaw and that is doors to knock or numbers to dial so I'm looking for enough doors or dials that I can keep busy for the amount of time that I've scheduled the prospect before you start because prospecting is an income-producing activity it's a money-making activity it is that generating business and when you are looking for phone numbers or looking where you're going to go next and looking on your GPS or look in turn AB system we're looking at a map that is not income producing that is administrative work so you want to make more contacts per hour be prepared when you start number four is stay stay on your scripts when you're having a conversation with somebody the scripts if you got good scripts like if you're using my scripts the book of yes is that they lead they help you ask the right questions you get the right information to lead the converse to the desired of the best outcome that's what you want the conversation to do I want to connect with people I want to establish rapport with people but most importantly is I want to find out how can I help these people either now or in the future and however whichever need they have when you understand you've mastered scripts that conversation will get you where you're going what happens is is when you get into small talk now that they start asking you questions you they take control of the conversation and you just start having a conversation with them and before you know it you're sitting in their kitchen table having coffee and they're not planning to move till they die and I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that but what I'm saying is if you want to have more successes if you want to make more money and have more business you need more contacts not less contacts and you could get the same connection with that person in five minutes as you could in 50 minutes you don't need to go in their house sit down and have dinner now again if you want to do that make its social not business and don't confuse the two because we're talking about how to get more yeses and more successes in your business so that you can have more yeses in your life right so you want to make sure you stay on the script if you're if you're making three contacts an hour because you're talking to people for 15 minutes each you're you're not on the script and you're not doing you're not generating business through all that through really efficiently and effectively through that time now here's the next thing to get more contacts per hour is you want to have a very simple note-taking system a note-taking system how do I keep notes on my conversations and so one of the things that I developed is what I would do when I would start talking to somebody if I had a lead or somebody there's a potential lead I would immediately start using my seller sheet which is my pre-qualifying script but it was also where I took the information about the seller and I would immediately start taking notes on it and I created a very simple note-taking system so that I could always look back when I went there my lead folder or wherever I could always tell when was the last time I talked to him what was the nature of the conversation who did I actually talk to if there was more than one person on the you know on the tax record or on the MLS I knew who had talked to when I talked to them how many times I'd talk to them and what the nature the conversation was and you want to develop a very simple kind of a shorthand note taking system so that you're actually taking the notes while you are on the phone in the conversation so that when you get off the phone in the conversation you're not spending five minutes writing down what you said because when that happens now you're you're spending time doing that instead of talking to the next person remember you want to thank speed in between the conversations so you want to be taking those notes in a very short and efficient way during the phone call so that when you get off that phone call you're immediately able on to the next conversation on the net on to the next contact hope that makes sense because that is extremely powerful number six now these last two are probably the most important and probably the hardest number one is if you want to make more contacts per hour focus on one thing when you're prospecting and what is that that you should be focusing on yeah that's right you should be focused on prospecting that's it it eliminate all distractions you want doors closed you want if you don't if you're in a cubicle or in a space where you don't have absolute privacy put up a sign don't talk to me I'm prospecting I'm making money leave me alone it doesn't matter what you put up there you just want to make it clear to people I am not to be distracted shut you're my less offset your email off turn off your phones put it on your cell phone put it on deep do not disturb close your email browser anything your facebook notifications any push notification or any alerts that are going to buzz or beep or vibrate while you're prospecting is a distraction you're if you've got a you know a on your office line in the little red lights if you still have a red light that has the little beeper the little red light whenever there's a message put tape over it shut it off if if you are if you've your own office phone and people sometimes call in to it put it on D&D Do Not Disturb so that you stay and focus on making your calls I'm here too you're doing this for one reason to generate business to make money don't let anything distract you for that two hours or three hours or four hours or however much time you have set a set aside for it get get down to business and stay focused stay in tents stay on target and don't let anything else stop you at number seven the most important reason that people that agents don't make more contacts per hour and I'm going to tell you the truth here it's going to be painful but it's going to be real the number one thing number it's number seven on the list but it's the number one most important thing is if you want to make more contacts per hour you have got to kick fear in the butt you've got to get beyond your fear immediately do not let it stop you because when you stop it's when you let fear stop you none of this is going to happen and most of the reasons that I see agents not making more contacts per hour is that most of the most of the delays most of the things that slow them down are in reality creative avoidance techniques they're creatively avoiding talking to people and it's because you're procrastinating because you're uncomfortable you're afraid you're afraid of rejection you're afraid of failure you're afraid of somebody being rude to you whatever it is that will kill your business it kills your momentum it kills your drive it kills your confidence and it kills your bank account don't let it happen when the the hardest thing about prospecting is not prospecting it's picking up the phone it's getting out the door it's starting it's getting going and fear is that thing that more than anything else stops agents from taking action get started thanks speed when it if you're prospecting from 8:30 to 11:30 at 8:29 I want to be dialing the first number why because I want to get started fast I want to be the first one out of the blocks I want to be on track on target intense and creating momentum and creating success every single day not only so you can get more yeses but so that when the end of the day comes you can say yes to your life
Channel: Kevin Ward | YesMasters - Real Estate Agent Coaching and Success Training
Views: 105,900
Rating: 4.8422208 out of 5
Keywords: Kevin Ward,, real estate agent training, real estate coaching, real estate scripts, real estate prospecting, real estate seminars, real estate mentor, real estate leads, lead generation, real estate presentations, objection handling, overcoming objections, how to get listings, youtube real estate, real estate marketing plan, the inner game, stop the bs, dinwitwin, real estate agent career, make money in real estate, prospecting
Id: e34FV7bGK88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 34sec (1054 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2015
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