Doorknocking Expireds: What to Leave If No One Is Home - Kevin Ward

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hi there it's Kevin Ward the founder of yes masters real estate success training and the author of the number one best-selling book the book of yes the ultimate real estate agent conversation guide and today I want to talk to you about when your door-knocking expired listings and they're not home and I get this question asked a lot why do I leave at the door what I leave for them if nobody's home do I leave my expired packet what do I leave and hopefully you have an expired packet which means you have something that if your door-knocking expires you can deliver to them and give to them that's going to have something powerful and unique about your value proposition of why would I want to hire you right but what do you do when they're not at home do you leave the packet or do you not and my what I always did what i always recommend it is and coach ages today to do is don't leave your packet and the reason you don't you don't want to leave your packet is number one there's a very high probability they will never see it because if the next agent that comes along sees it sitting there on the door or on the front porch they're probably very likely going to take it so now you just gave all your strategies to another real estate agent probably not the best thing to do but the other thing is is even if they do see it it's probably not the only thing they're getting and it is impressive that you actually came to their house and put something on their door that gets their attention that is their that is powerful that is important but what is the best thing to leave so I'm going to share with you in this video what is the best thing to leave that is most likely going to get them to call you back we can see here is the reality if they're at home when you knock on their door and they answer and you talk to them your goal is to get an appointment here's some great information but I don't really want to give them the information I want to leave with an appointment with an actual listing appointment that's the goal if they're not home though you can't get an appointment right it's not possible so what do I want to have happen I want them now to call me so that they're there the goal is to get an appointment if they're not there the goal is to get them to call me and that is a much harder thing to do it's easier to get an appointment when you're talking to a face-to-face than it is to get them to even call you back when you're they're not even home that's the harder challenge so how do you do it what actually gets the phone to ring well there's two different approaches that you can kind of take and I base it on this question and that is what do they want what is it that the sellers really want and I'm going to tell you first what I'm pretty sure they don't want here's what they don't want they don't want you sorry to tell you that but I'm pretty sure that they're not looking for you that they're not they don't want an agent you see what they want really more than anything else is what they want is they want to be sold they want to move that's what they want there's there's really if you think about it and I know this kind of hurts our feelings a little bit but there's never been a seller in the history of the world I don't think that wanted an agent you see what they want is they want to move they want to get the property sold they don't want an agent because there's nothing exciting about having an agent what's exciting is moving that's what they want so if we're focused on what we want which is I want them to want me that's a much harder proposition than it is if I focus on what they want and that is I want to know if they still want to move if they still want to sell so here's the different approaches because two things you can do one is you can leave them a packet of information if you leave them a packet of information at their door to try to get them to call you if you leave something there or if you mail it's the same thing if you're mailing stuff it's got to be so impressive it's got to be so powerful that it makes them go wow all the agents that are mailing me stuff or knocking or calling or whatever I want you I of all the other agents you're my favorite you're the one I want and and I'm telling you that is a high high bar to set for yourself now I'm not opposed to it I'm just saying it's harder to get them to want you than it is to find out if they want to move or not what if I just get if I just ask the question do they want to move or not so here I'm trying to impress them to want me the simpler approaches I'm going to get this with the packet I have to get them to want me in order to call me what if I could just get them to call me if they just want to move I don't care if they want me or not I just want to know do you want to move or not so here is the strategy that I have used for years that have trained for yours and that with all my experience and observation of all the different approaches that I've tried used and seen used this is the best one by far and it is very simply a business card that's it you leave your business card but what you put on the back of your business card is what's really really important so one of the things I recommend is first you have your business card and that you're going to leave it with a handwritten message on the back of your business card now what if you have stuff on both sides your business card doesn't work or if you have one those slick business cards that doesn't you can't write stuff on the back doesn't work I always had a business card that I could ride on the back because it was just useful when I met somebody at an open house or I met somebody anywhere and I wanted to give a note or if they didn't have a business card and I wanted to write their information down I could do it on the back of a business card and for this strategy having a business card you can run on the back of is so powerful so here it is I wanted to share with you here is what I recommend that you write on the back of business card to leave and it is the best strategy on the planet for getting them to call you when you leave it at their door here it is just take over turn on flip over your book business card and you just write sorry I miss you which says I was here I actually came to your house sorry I missed you if you still want to sell please call me ASAP and you sign it Kevin your name sorry I missed you if you still want to sell please call me ASAP now what does that communicate to them communicates to them that if they want to sell I may have something for them now they don't know what I have for them but this is not about me see sorry I missed you it's about you if you still want to sell please call me ASAP it doesn't say hey look how good I am I'm the best and they're going like yeah right whatever everybody's saying to the best what is you all the stuff that they think about you it becomes irrelevant because they're going like hmm what could this agent have for me if I call them now they're honestly their biggest hope is probably that you have a buyer for them okay doesn't matter what matters is do you want to move or not and who's going to call you from this thing the person that still wants to move and if they still want to sell whenever somebody says please call me ASAP you're communicating urgency and you're communicating if you still want to sell you need to talk to me not if if you want me you need to talk to me it's if you want to sell talk to me so I'm focusing on what they want and say if you still want what I can help you with then call me that right there straightforward simple and I would literally take before I would go door knocking and I would just have a stack of business cards and I would write the exact the same message you just write that on 20 different business cards and go out and every time you knock on somebody's door if they're not there that was what got left now I tried to always put it somewhere where that I felt like the home owner would find it that another agent if they were coming up door knocking would not so if I could slide it inside their door through their door or somewhere where another agent wouldn't see it I even tried if they had a garage in a the direct entry garage I knew a lot of people don't walk when they get home they don't go in their front door they go open the garage door go in close it and leave and so I tried different stuff like sticking one in the garage door seams so that when they open the garage door the card would fall out and they would see it they would pick it up I don't know if that works or not I never knew for sure whether they found it at the door or found it in the garage door but I was always looking for ways that if I could get this message in their hand I knew if they still wanted to sell it was the best chance that they were going to call me and that's what you want because now once you get the conversation going once they call you now you have them if you're prepared and so the next step obviously is you got to prepare be prepared that when they call you you know what to say and how to say it to actually get them to be willing to set up an appointment to meet with you that's the skill part but this is the strategy this gets you started getting your phone ringing getting that happening and then you can use your expired script once you get the conversation going that's simply all you're doing oh great yo I just I noticed your house had been on the market because you don't have to remember which house it was you just asked him oh well I was actually out knocking a bunch of door talking to a lot of people today knocking a bunch of doors I'm not can you refresh my memory of which house yours is what's your address they don't say great say no problem the reason I do is out and knocked on your door was simply because I noticed your house has been on the market I'm sure you're aware now that the MLS is showing your home is off the market and then you simply have the conversation it is the most powerful way out there to help get the phone to ring to get them to call you back which gives you the chance to get them to say yes to you if this video has been helpful for you give it a thumbs up share it like it comment on it if you have any questions if you try to strategy or use a strategy it works I'd love to see your comments love to see what you're using and what you're doing that's working to get yes
Channel: Kevin Ward | YesMasters - Real Estate Agent Coaching and Success Training
Views: 31,453
Rating: 4.9646797 out of 5
Keywords: Kevin Ward,, real estate agent training, real estate coaching, real estate scripts, real estate prospecting, real estate seminars, real estate mentor, real estate leads, lead generation, real estate presentations, objection handling, overcoming objections, how to get listings, youtube real estate, real estate marketing plan, the inner game, stop the bs, dinwitwin, real estate agent career, make money in real estate, doorknocking, expired, listings, expireds
Id: mB7oep37Buc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 16 2017
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