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seven things that I wish I had understood I wish I had known as a new real estate agent [Music] hi there it's Kevin Ward the founder of guest masters Willis a success training helping you get more yeses and more successes in your business and in your life and today I'm making a video that I promised you on the things that I wish I had known as a new real estate agent things I didn't know that I have learned since then and so today I'm gonna share with you seven things that I wish I had understood I wish I had known as a new real estate agent and these are big things you like big things that would have made a big difference in my trajectory and in my career and in my success if I had known them sooner there's a lot of little things I wish I'd known like how to do a cma better and stuff like that but I'm talking about big-picture stuff that if I had realized this would have made the biggest impact in my business and in my life and also want to invite you today to join me at agent mastery live 2020 our new three-day training where literally what I'm gonna do is is spend three days training you on in detail on all of this the most important training that will make the biggest impact in your success which means I'm designing agent mastery life that if I was a brand new agent or if I was a seasoned agent that was not having all the success that I wanted that if I'm like what would make the biggest difference in my business these are the things that I wish I had known over twenty years of learning training thousands of real estate agents helping real estate agents make millions and millions and millions of dollars all over the country that's gonna be the best of it so agent mastery live.com get your ticket come join me I'm gonna give you today seven things that I wish I had known as the new real estate agent and that will give you three days of everything that would be the best of what I know today that if I had known then would have made the biggest difference for me and I believe will make the biggest difference for you so today the seven things that are the big things I wish I had known as a new real estate agent I don't think these are in a specific order but they may be so number one I wish I had known to focus on sellers I wish I'd known to focus on sellers now I'm gonna there's two parts to this one I did know mic broker told me and my trainer told me from the beginning that listings were the name of the game so I understood that buyers were the wrong place to focus so I was fortunate in that because way too many real estate agents get in a real estate and they're taught to go get buyers because it's easier that's the easiest place to start is it's easy to focus on getting buyers if they're easier to connect with there are less likely to reject you they were happier to waste your time and so way too many agents get in and they go they kind of automatically gravitate toward working with buyers you go open houses set for time all of which I did but I was told listings are the name of the game so at least I had that advantage but here's why I miss it and this is what I wish I had known I wish I had focused on getting sellers and winning sellers rather than just getting listings and the reason is because I was very I was relatively aggressive and going after expired sand for sale by owners I knew that to get listings go where the best opportunities already get them today so that's where they were the problem was I was focused on what I wanted which was a listing I wanted a listing in a sale man give it and so you would hear sellers say things and you've probably heard this too if you've been around a while and if you if you prospect it and you hear a seller so I know what you want you just want a listing you just want to stick myself stick a sign in my yard put me on the MLS and forget about me let all the other agency other do the real work let them bring the buyer and when they said that it always like no no no it's not what I'm and yet the reality was I was focused on getting the listing that was what I wanted and when I finally one day this after years of doing real estate and doing hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of set of transactions of listings and sales I realized I am I'm focused on getting what I want which is a listing and that's why I kept getting resistance and I was nice I was good I was friendly I was helpful and I still good get resistance and it dawned on me it was because subconsciously I was still going in there and my goal was what I wanted rather than what they wanted what they wanted was to move what I wanted was a listing well when you go into anywhere to get something from somebody you're automatically getting resistant and when I made that shift and I realized if I just go in there focus on what they want and and be the one to help them get that would be the best to help them get that result that they want if I focused on sellers winning the relationship and focusing on what they want rather than what I want not only was I gonna get the things that would give me leverage and consistent income and control of the market but I also was focused on what would eliminate resistance from them because I was focusing on what they wanted not what I wanted so if I could go all the way back and start over day number one I wish that somebody had told me focus on finding what sellers want and helping them get that becoming the best in the world at getting them the best result that would be the probably the biggest most critical impact difference maker for me and I believe it will be for you number two if I wish I had known the power of relationships and he goes back again to I think part of the training that I got that helped me it was good but it was it was focused strictly on getting business today was I was so busy trying to chase listings and get a listening you know listening that I didn't focus on building relationships and getting what I call repeat getting repeat and referral business and building what I call your personal circle and realizing they if you want to rent it win and real estate the long-term you get people to trust you and you build those relationships and create top-of-mind awareness and you ask them for business and expect them to give it to you and expect that they're gonna want to help you because they do and I didn't do that I was so busy chasing I just wanted to talk to people who wanted a list their house today today today today and I was taught to start over at zero everyday like start over like you had no business and if I had understood the value of relationships and understood principles of successful business and that is that there's no successful business that starts over at zero every day they start over they start every day looking at where's the where do we get the most leverage in building our business and growing it and it's from repeat and referral business that's what amazon knows that's what sam's club knows what's what costco knows that's what Apple knows they all know that you build relationships and you do things to get people to come back to you and refer people to you over and over and over again that's what Starbucks knows it's just so the big businesses understand card the auto manufacturers they all understand that the power of relationships a happy client and a repeat customer is magic I wish I had known to go right away and I would not have waited go right away to the people that you know and ask for business and expect them to be excited about helping you and they will be excited about helping you and I actually realized my first closing actually came from a personal circle referral it was like I never it didn't even register in my brain and that couple that they were my my parents friends referred to me that young couple became the number one source of relation of real estate transactions passive real estate transactions which means repeating referral business in my entire business and Wow I missed it I wish I'd understood the power of relationships the third thing I wish I'd understood was the importance of lead follow-up I wish I'd known the importance of lead follow-up and that was that your first conversation with somebody no matter how good you are your first conversation is very unlikely to result in an appointment most of the time you got to have multiple conversations with people and it was so I was so nervous I was so scared to talk to people and I was so scared of rejection that if I worked up the curve to prospect you one time man I was like that was good and I was good and they'll like me and they'll call me back and I was inconsistent to say the least I was really inconsistent when it came to lead follow-up I didn't have a good system and I was inconsistent I didn't have it my schedule every day at or if I did I didn't follow it every day and there's no telling how many deals that I missed because I was not consistent with lead follow-up and if you want to convert at maximum efficiency understand that 70% or more of you of your listings of your transactions are gonna come of your appointments will come after the first conversation so if you suck at lead follow-up you're gonna lose a lot of business and I did and I learned and today lead follow-up is one of the most important things I teach agents a foolproof system of you do this as in lead follow-up and you will never ever again miss an opportunity for failure to follow up with somebody at the right time or because you said they fell through the cracks and that happens countless times to real estate agents all over the country and it is so painful to realize after the fact that deal could have been yours so number three is the importance of lead follow-up [Music] [Applause] [Music] number four I wish I had understood the importance of self-image I am gonna tell you I have studied for 20 years the best I'm trying to understand what it takes to be successful in real estate not only as an agent but now his real estate coach and I look at people that come in and they crush it and people to come in and they struggle and some work hard hard hard and they still struggle some come in and they work not even that hard and they seem to succeed and I'm just like what is it that makes the best those that are successful tend to succeed and at some level your belief about yourself is indispensable and it wasn't I when I came in I was kind of I had a very low self-image I believed I was good but I also believed I was not I believed that was good but I always wondered I just didn't I didn't have that confidence and I wish I had known how important self-image was and that I would have sought out the help and done the work to increase to build my confidence to build my self-image and realize you want to win you got to get fearless and a lot of building self-image just to give you the short answer of how you build self-image this is the short answer is taking more action and taking and whenever you're afraid of something force yourself to do stuff that you're afraid of so that you get over the fear of doing it because the more the more times we push yourself out of your comfort zone the faster you grow the more you realize your comfort zone or your fears your fears are really not real they're just a false expectation appearing real f.e.a.r fear false expectations appearing real and as you do that your action conquers the fear and your self-image your self-confidence will grow and you are way better than you think you are right now I'm telling you you're watching this video you're better than you think you are and you can be better than you think you can be if you're willing to just get out there and take the action because everybody else is afraid to the fifth thing that I wish I had known in real estate was I wish I had known to think beyond survival I wish I'd known to think beyond just paying the bills just getting enough money to not be digging deeper into credit-card debt I wish I had fought bigger and I didn't know I didn't I was I was raised in a scare in a world where we had a scarcity mindset where money making a lot of money was wrong we're having a lot of money we're having a lot of abundance it was just something we didn't experience we didn't do that it was just like just might just have enough to get by and that was basically how we were taught how I was taught that was how I thought just as long as I get enough to get by I'm good and so what would happen was is I set just I set goals that were too small my goals were to just have enough business to make the money I needed and I figured out this is how much I need to pay bills take care of me and have a little extra if I had been trained if I had been exposed to bigger thinking sooner I would have set higher goals I would have I could I could have pushed myself so much harder I could have done so much more but I would I would go and then I would get just enough to get comfortable and then complacency would take over I was comfortable and I'm telling you complacency is deadly to your future into your dreams comfort is it your comfort zone is a killer because you get when you get comfortable you stop and then when you get when you stop then you're gonna get uncomfortable again and you're always at a cycle of just getting comfortable and then stopping and going down and if you want to succeed as a real estate agent anything you got it you got to think big you've got to play big and you got to push yourself to just get way ahead of the game I mean I'm looking for when it's me against complacency I'm looking for a blowout if I get a few points ahead I'm not stopping I wanted to crush the competition and the biggest competition is yourself just crush that competition okay I got enough money now and we tend to just settle back and take it easy to think bigger to think beyond survival and I wish I had just thought epic and I'm telling you if you want to succeed you got to think bigger dream bigger get bigger goal set goals that they're so big and they're so exciting they stretch you every single day and they seem I think you should set dreams that are impossible that something Ted Turner and I'm not a fan of Ted Turner the founder of Turner Broadcasting Network I think he's a founder of CNN and whatever else but he said something that I really really it's really powerful he said one thing his father taught him was to set goals so big they could not be accomplished in your lifetime I wish I hadn't had that kind of thinking to think beyond survival to think how building something so big I could not accomplish it in my lifetime that is powerful so I wish I had known that number six the sixth thing that I wish that I had known as a real estate agent and this one's very this was not real estate but I wish had known this I wished I had known how easy it is to use work as an escape from my problems in my personal life I wish I'd known how easy it is to use selling real estate as an escape from my personal life my marriage was not good it was dysfunctional we had problems and it was easier to work more hours in real estate than go home and deal with it and it destroyed my marriage and it my ego was stroked at work it wasn't stroked at home and at work I was in control at home I wasn't in control at work people made me feel good and they made me feel successful at home I didn't get that affirmation and so instead of going home and dealing with that and fixing it I avoided it and it led to a lot of damage in my life and destroyed my family and I allowed real estate to be an escape and I'm gonna tell you if you're a real estate agent you in especially if you're watching this you've been a real sin agent for a while you know what I'm talking about in that real estate you set your own skin jool and you can work any hours you want and I could always use that his excuse said I needed to get this done I needed this gun and I had there was always plenty to do if I finally wanted to stay away from home I could always find a reason to be at the office or a reason to be out on appointment or leave follow-up or learning something or go into some social real estate social function and all that and if if you want to win in your life you got to take care of your of your life you want to win in real estate you better be taking care of all the different areas of your life because if you winning in one area of your life and another area of your life gets destroyed that area will destroy everything else and by that what I mean is if you're succeeding and killing it in real estate you're doing awesome and your marriage falls apart my friend your real estate business is going down it is impossible for one area of your life to remain unaffected by a catastrophe in another area of your life whether it's your finances your health your emotions your personal family relationships whatever it is if you don't take care of all of that and you think just making more money real estate is gonna be the solution my friend you got another thing coming I wish I had known that burying myself in real estate was not gonna solve my life's problems and I wish I'd known to take care of that protect your family protect your relationships and you got problems in other areas your life you got to deal with them okay you got to take care of that because it will affect your whole life and it affected not only my per piece of mind and my just my own personal life it also came back and dramatically affected my real estate business because I was so busy taking care of a divorce and that's not fun and it was just it was devastating to my whole family and my my children and everything everybody loses so you want to win in one area your life you get a win and all you got to take care of all the other areas and that's that's hard but we tend to escape and other things that we're having the most fun doing and for me I was having the most fun selling real estate and for you it may be just the opposite but you got to take care of it right so I wish I'd known that and number seven the seventh thing that I wish I had known as a new real estate agent is I wish I had understood going pro I wish I'd understood how to play at the highest level I when I started real estate was back in the day I was a big Michael Jordan fan he was the greatest of all time I love basketball and so they would always watch him and I would that motivated me but I understood how good he was what I didn't understood was the work and the work ethic and the training and the mindset of him that he had and other greats had that made them that good that it wasn't just raw talent that it was the way they trained that they were the they were the ultimate and pros and so I trained today I talked about work with pros only and that is if you want to succeed in real say you got to treat real estate the same way that a professional athlete treats their sport and there is a difference between going pro and B in full time I was full time I was full time but I wasn't providing train like a professional athlete would train I didn't train like the best in the world trained if I had it to do over again I would have gone pro immediately and when I look back on what are some of the things that I wish I'd known I wish I'd done I wish I got a coach sooner I wish I'd trained harder like professional athletes train every day I would roleplay a little bit every day but I was I'd train I was had to role played two or three hours a day oh and I wish I'd prat I wish I'd mastered my listing presentation and perfected it years before I did I was I was full time but I still trained like an amateur and I would take days off and I would I would just I would get complacent and if I didn't feel like it I wouldn't do it I would do that different today I would have pushed myself harder of a trained harder I would've played a bigger game and I'm telling you if you want to succeed in real estate I think there's no you just have to play big you really do your because there's too many things that can happen they can knock you down and if you know if you don't have a big goal it's gonna be hard to get back up so I wish that I'd done all of that and if you want to succeed in real estate at the highest level up your game go pro make the commitment to go pro go commit commit to training commit to coaching commit to all of that and then go make it happen in fact if you want to up your game right now I recommend you come train with me go to agent mastery dot agent mastery live.com which is our next event agent mastery live to come spend three days with me training to become the best of the world at what you do and my commitment is in that three days you're gonna learn the most critical things that I have learned in over 20 years of real estate plus what's happening right now today in today's market to accelerate your business and elevate your success it's it's it is the right choice it's worth it to invest in yourselves just like a pro does invest in yourself and your success and the payback will be awesome I hope this video has been helpful for you I hope this has helped you as an agent wherever you are with your new or not if you have something that you're like I wish I had known this please post it down in the comments below I'd like to see your feedback I know you've got a there's a lot of things that that you may have experienced that I didn't experience and so I would like to hear from you and that any questions you've got if you liked the video give it a thumbs up subscribe to the channel and I look forward to talking to you soon [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Kevin Ward | YesMasters - Real Estate Agent Coaching and Success Training
Views: 98,644
Rating: 4.9610877 out of 5
Keywords: Kevin Ward, yesmasters.com, real estate agent training, coaching, real estate scripts, prospecting, real estate mentor, real estate leads, lead generation, real estate presentations, objection handling, overcoming objections, how to get listings, youtube real estate, real estate marketing plan, real estate agent career, make money in real estate, things I wish I knew as a real estate agent, what to know about real estate, real estate investing
Id: zTorZvhBXCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 36sec (1356 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 09 2020
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