FUSION - Nice and clean text reveal using Expression! How to animate a mask without using keyframe.

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hi guys my name is cesar farias and in this video i will show you how to create a nice and clean test animation using a mask and expression so let's go to fusion and start the first that we need is add a background note then change the color to white and add a test node now i will connect my test node to the background in the test node i will type motion change the color to black and make some adjustments okay now have you created the bar then i will use it to animate have you add a background node and add a rectangle mask let's fix the size i will connect my bar on the merge node and now we have the bulb ready i will move the composition to create more space and duplicate the node test and connect into the composition for this node i will press f2 and change the name to text2 and type fusion on the inspector now that we have two test nodes we need a mask so i will add a rectangle and i will adjust the position and how you connect the mask to the test nodes now if i move the rectangle you can see the mask working but i want a different behavior to mask so on task 2 i will click in settings and select apply mask inverted now when i move the mask we can see the effect working i want my mask to follow my bar so i don't need to add any keyframes to the mask i will select the mask on the inspector with the right click i will select modify with offset position now on the modifiers tab i will use position and offset to make my mask follow the bar how you create a simple expression for the position right click and select expression the let out values now how you connect the mask position with the bar position so the expression will be rectangle 1 dot center now if i move my bar the mask is following but the position is not right no problem let's return to the mask and use the offset position to fix this perfect now my setup is ready i have two test nodes a bar and a mask so if i move the bar the mask is following so let's animate the bar i will go to frame 15 and i will create a keyframe for the height now i move to frame 0 and reduce the bar and now i have my bar animated i will click on spline and make the animation is move adjusting the curves now let's move to frame 18 and create a keyframe by clicking on center move to framing 13 and move the bar to the right so the first animation is done the mask is working now let's fix the curve i will press f4 to maximize the window and let's see okay much better now when the bar returns i want to change the first test using the same node so let's animate the bar again let's fix the curve to make the animation better now when the bar returns to the first position i will change the word motion to design while the word motion is hiding by the mask i will click on test 1 and i will create a keyframe for the test and move just one keyframe to frame 31. and i will change it to design when the bar returns the mask will reveal the word design so using this setup i can change how many words i need just using these two notes so now let's make the last bar animation i will move to framing 57 create a keyframe move to frame 70 and move the bar to the right because it's the last part i want to hide the word fusion in this case the word fusion is showing because the mask is working and inverted for this node so while the word fusion is hidden by the mask in the expector i will click on shading and i will create a keyframe for the opacity i will move just one frame and turn down the opacity now if i play the animation i have nothing to show i just need to fix the grooves that i forgot so let's do it now okay the animation is ready i just need to fix some keyframes that are too fast so i will open keyframes press f4 and move the last keyframe to make the animation a little bit longer okay now the time is good i just need to animate the bar to met with the beginning here is the last position so i will go to frame 82 create a keyframe for height jump to frame 95 and turn height to 0 and i will make the curves move and now the animation is done if i want to make this animation transparent choose with the video all i need to do is disconnect the background so let's move to the add tab and add some video in the background i will just change the color to white to make it easier to read so now we have a very nice animation super clean using a mask and expression another option is to use the same setup to explore another kind of animation so i will replace the word fusion with motion and make our test nodes the same okay so now we just have the word motion in the first test node have you click on shading in the expector and change the appearance to outline let's play alright looks good and i can improve the animation so when the mask return i can change the appearance from outline to some color i will click on test 1 go to shading and create a keyframe on appearance and color i will move just one frame to frame 39 and change the appearance to solid and the color to blue now we have this nice test effect so that's it i hope you like this video if you like please subscribe and see you in the next video bye
Channel: Cezar Farias
Views: 30,099
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Id: ZMyrsVny_vc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 48sec (588 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 11 2022
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